What breed of cat is not allergic to? What cats are not allergic to. What Causes Cat Allergies?

In recent years, hypoallergenic cat breeds are in demand more than ever. There are plenty of allergens on city streets, at home, and even in food. Therefore, many try to choose a pet so that it does not cause allergies, especially if there are children in the family.

In recent years, hypoallergenic cat breeds are in demand more than ever.

The problem of allergy to cat hair is very relevant for people: 15% of the world's population is affected to one degree or another. The reason is the Fel D1 protein, which is formed in the cat's body. It is believed that cats produce it less than cats, and therefore are less allergenic. Even more “safe” are kittens and very young individuals. Also, animals with light or white hair are considered harmless for allergy sufferers.

Whether the gender of the animal and the color of its coat affects hypoallergenicity has not yet been definitely established, therefore it is very dangerous to be guided only by these criteria when choosing a pet: it may well be that the pretty one will be the strongest allergen.

However, even intolerance to the insidious Fel D1 protein for allergy sufferers is far from always a verdict. If you look at the statistics, then 30% of allergy sufferers still have pets. This is because cats are so charming that it is impossible not to love them, even despite the possible inconvenience. In addition, there are hypoallergenic animals that do not pose a danger to even the most sensitive immune system.

Hypoallergenic cats also produce the allergen protein Fel D1, but in smaller amounts than normal cats. However, the amount varies greatly depending on the breed. Nevertheless, even those 60% of people who previously did not dare to acquire a pet will be able to choose a pet from them.

Many people try to choose a pet so that it does not cause allergies, especially if there are children in the family.

Little wool - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm

Cats, almost completely devoid of hair, for many inhabitants - too extravagant choice. In addition, in the middle lane they will obviously have a hard time in the icy winter season. But this problem can be completely solved with the help of special clothes, and unusualness is easily forgotten as soon as you get to know these elegant animals better. Moreover, for allergy sufferers, such breeds are the most suitable option and almost the only one.

Sphynx are considered to be the most hypoallergenic cats. They were just created specifically for people suffering from allergies. Firstly, they do not have wool, which means that it will not fly around the house, get into the respiratory tract, causing an allergic rhinitis, cough and other symptoms well-known to allergy sufferers. Secondly, cats are easy to care for: bathing once a week will protect against skin secretions, which can also be strong irritants.

  • peterbald;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • canadian sphynx.

Cats are smart, calm and very intelligent. Peterbalds adore communication with the owner, they will gladly let themselves be stroked and “sing” in gratitude. They are clean, undemanding in care. If you arrange a “bath day” for a cat once a week, then very soon it will be possible to forget about allergies.

In 1987, an unusual kitten was discovered in Rostov-on-Don: he was practically bald. Over time, a new breed appeared, called the Don Sphynx. By the way, he is one of the progenitors of another breed - the Peterbald.

Don Sphynx practically do not cause allergies. But the best among non-allergenic cats are Canadian Sphynxes. Felinologists have been struggling with the riddle of the "Canadians" for more than one year. But it is not possible to understand how this breed differs from other hairless cat breeds, why it does not cause allergies at all. Perhaps because the breed of the Canadian Sphynx is the most ancient among the hairless. However, this does not matter, because the fact remains: even the most sensitive allergies easily get along with hypoallergenic cats.

Cats, almost completely devoid of hair, for many inhabitants - too extravagant choice

Animals for allergy sufferers (video)

Gallery: hypoallergenic cat breeds (25 photos)

Best Hypoallergenic Shorthair Cats

For those who are hesitant to get hairless hypoallergenic cats, there are many other good breeds:

  • cornish rex;
  • devon rex;
  • faces;
  • javanese;
  • oriental cat;
  • Balinese cat.

The Balinese cat was bred in America and named after the Balinese dancers. Fans of these animals notice their clear similarities: gracefulness and smoothness of movements. "Balinese" are very affectionate. They inherited this quality from their ancestors, Siamese cats. Their coat has a slightly different color and is quite long. At the same time, Balinese cats are practically non-allergenic.

Oriental cats originated in Thailand, but American breeders have made every effort to make the breed recognized and loved all over the world. This variety does not cause allergies, but sincere love and adoration - with ease. Their character is simply golden: smart, quick-witted and very accommodating.

Javanese, as you might guess from the name, comes from the island of Java. This long-eared miracle has a short, but very beautiful coat. And the Fel D1 allergen is released in extremely small portions, so cats are also practically non-allergenic.

Cats of the Lykoi breed also rarely cause allergies. But only subtle aesthetes and real originals can understand their charm, and then, perhaps, not immediately.

The Lykoi breed was not specially bred: it turned out by chance as a “by-product” when a new variety of the Sphinx was bred. The cat's demonic appearance, round yellow eyes, piercing gaze and smoky fur evoke memories of werewolves from scary legends. However, someone in the face of such a "cat-wolf" will gain a faithful and non-allergenic four-legged friend.

Devon Rex invariably receive only admiring reviews of the owners. And no wonder, because these hypoallergenic cats are very smart and quick-witted enough that they easily learn commands. Devon Rex are kind, sweet and charming, there is not much wool from them. And the less wool, the less allergen protein in the apartment.

Among shorthair cats, the Cornish Rex is considered the most hypoallergenic. These Cornish natives boast a superb, slightly frizzy coat and low levels of Fel D1 protein. And if you occasionally bathe an animal, then it will be even less!

Of course, not all cats like water procedures, so this can be a problem. But their character more than compensates. Cornish Rexes differ in character both from English people and from their fellow British cats. Stiffness is alien to them: Cornish love to play at any age.

Hypoallergenic animals (video)

Hypoallergenic longhair cats

Among the breeds of hypoallergenic cats, either sphinxes or shorthairs predominate. The maximum that experts advise is semi-long-haired Balinese. Therefore, according to many allergy sufferers, a fluffy cat can only be found in dreams. And they are completely wrong, because they forget about the beautiful breed, moreover, well-known to everyone.

Of course, we are talking about Siberian cats. This breed is considered traditionally Russian, although it is extremely difficult to trace the exact origin, because nature itself was the “breeder”. According to one of the hypotheses, on the one hand, their ancestors were animals that were brought with them to Siberia by settlers from the European part of the country, and on the other, wild forest cats. Until now, domestic cats often bring offspring from wild cats that fully comply with the established standard, which means that kittens are real Siberians.

And the Siberian cat is as mysterious as the Russian soul. Why do these cats with long hair and thick undercoat produce so little Fel D1? This is as difficult to explain as the leadership of the Canadian Sphynx among hairless cats. Nevertheless, the hypoallergenicity of Siberians is already an irrefutable fact.

Siberian cats are popular not only in their homeland, but also abroad. On one of the foreign resources for cat lovers, Siberians were called ideal pets. It's hard to disagree with this. How could it be otherwise if these cats are not cold, not nervous, non-aggressive, not at all noisy, calm and affectionate, fluffy and beautiful, and even with hypoallergenic wool!

Of course, the breed also has its drawbacks. For example, some members of this breed are quite independent. They can purr on the lap of their owners only if they themselves want to, do not like and do not tolerate being squeezed like teddy bears.

In fairness, it should be said that Siberians cannot compete with sphinxes in terms of hypoallergenicity. But if the disease does not cause much trouble, then it is quite possible to get yourself a Siberian cat. Moreover, according to statistics, about 75% of people who are allergic to cat fur calmly withstand the neighborhood of a Siberian.

Attention, only TODAY!

The desire to have a pet at home, especially a cat, is often uncontrollable. People who suffer from allergies, or are prone to it, are ready to mindlessly get a cat they like. By purchasing an animal, allergy sufferers provoke the development of an exacerbated form of an allergic reaction, contribute to its development. In addition, it occurs, the health of the cat owner is deteriorating. The reason is the wrong approach to choosing a pet.

Cat allergens are epidermal allergenic microscopic substances that adhere to the coat and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Cat allergens include:

  • microparticles of saliva;
  • dead skin cells;
  • secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • pet feces;
  • cat urine;
  • seminal fluid.

It is generally accepted that allergy sufferers have a reaction to animal hair. Wool hair itself does not cause allergic manifestations, but a sensitive person reacts to the smallest particles of allergens found on the pet's fur or skin.

When a cat is often outdoors, an allergic reaction to microelements can be more pronounced, since in addition to its own allergens, it can bring more powerful provocateurs of allergic reactions to the coat: dust, fluff, pollen, mold.

An allergic reaction when communicating with a cat manifests itself in different ways: sometimes you can immediately notice redness and feel asthmatic attacks immediately after a short contact with a cat. It happens that the reaction manifests itself after several hours and even days, which makes it difficult to determine the causative agent of the reaction.

Allergy to animal hair can manifest itself as follows:

  • in the form of conjunctivitis (swelling, itching in the eyes, burning of the membranes of the eyes, lacrimation);
  • in the form of angioedema (lips, face, eyelids);
  • difficulty breathing (signs of asthmatic disease), dry cough;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • in the form of a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Having appeared in a person once, an allergic reaction occurs again upon contact with a cat. There are cases when, on the contrary, an allergy occurs upon contact with an animal, and then, after a long period of time without contact with a cat, it does not reappear.

This may be due to the development of immunity to cat allergens in the human body. An allergic person reacts to two provocateur substances, so people who are allergic to dogs usually do not react to felines.

Hypoallergenic cats: are there any?

In nature, there are no cat breeds that do not cause allergies. The skin of any pet secretes a secret, regardless of whether the animal has hair, or whether this cat is naturally hairless (Canadian Sphynx, Ukrainian Levkoy, Don Sphynx, Bambino, Cohona).

Saliva, protein microelements are secreted from everyone. Cats are clean animals, so when they lick themselves, they leave saliva on their skin or fur, which can cause allergies.

Evaporating from the surface of wool (or skin), saliva particles spread in the air and provoke an allergic reaction. Such particles can be everywhere: in the place where the pet sleeps, where it rubs against the corner, on the owner's legs, on cat toys, near the tray.

There is a version that scientists have bred a cat that does not cause allergies (a pet for allergy sufferers). But so far there are no confirmed results of laboratory studies of such cats. For the sake of enrichment, unscrupulous breeders distribute false advertising that attracts allergy sufferers who are passionate about getting a pet.

Important! There are no hypoallergenic mustachioed friends. There are cats that do not cause allergies, subject to certain preventive measures.

Pet breeds that contain the least amount of microparticles in saliva that provoke a reaction in humans are the most suitable for sensitive people. It is believed that these are cats that do not cause allergies in humans.

Moreover, the amount and length of the animal's hair does not affect its ability to cause an allergic reaction. The erroneous opinion that bald cats are cat breeds that are not allergic. It is this statement that causes sensitive people to acquire such an animal and then face difficulties.

Cat breeds suitable for allergy sufferers

Before deciding on hypoallergenic cat breeds suitable for people with allergies, there are a few things to consider that will help reduce the risk of a reaction:

  • it is recommended to have a female animal, as the cat releases more substances dangerous for allergy sufferers. If, nevertheless, a cat, then it is better to castrate it;
  • it is preferable to choose a kitten with white hair. Light-coloured, non-allergic cats are much more common than dark-haired ones.

The skin secretion and microparticles of saliva that cause the reaction are least pronounced in cats of the following breeds:

When buying a pet from a breeder, you should agree on the possible return of a kitten, otherwise, if an allergy appears, you will have to look for new owners for the pet.


Representatives of a breed of cats that do not cause allergies. Such pets are considered the least provocateurs of an allergic reaction, despite the thick, beautiful long hair. This is due to the amount of allergen in the saliva of the animal.

In most cases, the substance FEL D-1 (protein protein), which is found in the saliva of a cat, is the cause of allergies in humans. The allergen, spreading through the wool, has an even lower concentration, so its vapors in the air are practically absent.

Devon Rex

The short, wavy coat of the Devon Rex exudes a secret that protects it and makes it silky. These are cats that do not cause allergies, they often live with people who are prone to such reactions. Devon Rex are not recommended for frequent bathing, but large ears require regular brushing.


Short haired cat with fluffy tail. The breed is derived from the Siamese. The amount of protein in saliva is negligible, so breeders classify this breed as hypoallergenic. Unlike the Siamese breed, the Balinese is less aggressive, but freedom-loving and prefers solitude. Such cats without allergies are ideal for a family with children.

Javanese or Javanese

Animals of this breed have a coat of short or medium length and a fluffy tail. The coat is devoid of undercoat, has a smooth texture. The breed is a derivative of the Oriental variety. Kittens, and sometimes adults of this breed, have long hair. If you are looking for which cats are not allergic, then this option is definitely worth considering.


The Sphynx breed belongs to the category of bald (hairless) cats. Representatives of this cat breed, which does not cause allergies in humans, belong to the category of hypoallergenic pets (Canadian Sphynx, St. Petersburg Sphynx, Don Sphynx).

The complete absence of hair in these animals allows for more thorough care: frequent washing and brushing minimizes the accumulation of protein on the skin, which provides an anti-allergic effect. The Sphynx is one of the oldest cat breeds on Earth.

Oriental Shorthair

It can be classified into long-haired and short-haired representatives. These are cats without allergies of the oriental breed. The coat of these representatives does not have an undercoat, huge, in comparison with the size of the head, the ears need regular cleaning. It is noticed that orientals are cats that do not cause allergies in humans.

Cornish Rex

Slender graceful representatives of this breed have curly hair. A fairly young breed bred by breeders. It quickly gained popularity among breeders, and the concentration of aggressive components for an allergic person is minimal. Cats without allergies are often pets for asthmatics without causing a reaction in humans.

Russian blue

If you are thinking about what kind of cat you can get with allergies, then this is one of the most suitable options. The Russian Blue is considered a hypoallergenic breed due to the low content of protein in saliva and skin secretion - an allergy provocateur in humans.

It was bred by breeders. An animal from a black color received a silver (blue) coat. The smooth coat has a slightly pronounced shedding, which contributes to less spread of the allergen in the environment. That is why it is believed that these cats are allergy-free for humans.

Thus, there are breeds that a sensitive person can get along with without consequences, but one should remember about preventive measures, caring for the animal and its place of residence.

Having decided on the choice of breed and deciding for yourself which cats do not cause allergies in people, it is best to “test” the pet by making regular contact with the animal for several days. Since the reaction does not always appear immediately, you should carefully monitor your health during the days allotted for temporary communication. Adult animals are more likely to cause allergies than kittens, so communication with an adult representative of the breed will not be superfluous.

You can visit an exhibition of pets of the selected breed: if there is no reaction, there is a chance that there is no allergy to one pet. It will not be superfluous to hand over. Conducting research will allow you to find out which cats you are not allergic to.

If a feline representative has already appeared in the house, then the following rules should be followed:

With constant care for the animal and the observance of simple rules, there is a high probability that the pet will not cause problems to the sensitive owner. Sometimes an allergy caused by the presence of a cat at home can appear suddenly. This may be due to a weakened immune system, the occurrence of a third-party disease in the host, or for other reasons. Therefore, you should find out in advance which cats are not allergic. It is better to have just such a pet in your home.

Important! In the event of a sudden onset of reactions in an allergic person in the presence of a cat at home, the animal should be immediately placed in overexposure.

In this case, it is necessary to pass tests for the allergen, as well as pass certain tests and conduct an appropriate examination to identify the cause of the allergic reaction. It may well be possible that the pet has nothing to do with it. But when choosing a new resident, it is still worth deciding which breeds of cats do not cause allergies. In this case, you will be able to purchase the most suitable option.

Useful video: what breed to choose

Despite the fact that there are a lot of cats that do not cause allergies, one should be guided by the characteristics of the breeds. Description and brief description of the types of cats:

In addition, each cat has its own character. There are those who need affection and tactile contact with a person (Devon Rex, sphinxes), and there are those who require solitude and independence (Siamese, Balinese).

  1. When deciding to get a pet, it is important to take into account not only information about which cats do not cause allergies, but your own desire to care for a mustachioed friend, the ability to keep the house clean.
  2. It is recommended to choose a breed that belongs to the category of hypoallergenic (those animals in which the concentration of release of aggressive substances into the air is the lowest).

There have been cases when allergy sufferers got a cat at their own risk, and the host's immune system adapted to the beloved animal, while other representatives of this breed of cats caused an undesirable reaction in the allergic person. Therefore, responsibly approach the choice and determine which cats do not cause allergies in you.

Which cat hair does not cause disease

The article details which breeds of cats are not allergic and why. The fur of any cat does not cause an allergic reaction in humans. The main indicator of an animal's allergy is the level of secreted substances - disease provocateurs (protein substances or other microparticles), which are mostly contained in the salivary secretion, less often in the pet's skin secretion, in its dandruff.

In addition, do not forget about the fate of a kitten who will get used to an allergy sufferer and will have to change housing and owners. In addition to your health, it is important to remember that "we are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, before bringing a kitten into your home, determine which cats you are not allergic to wool.

In contact with

How to get a cat or dog if you have allergies

It is believed that allergies to cats and dogs are associated with wool, but this is not the case. Allergens that cause all the unpleasant symptoms are contained in the animal's saliva, urine and skin particles. Therefore, simply having a cat without hair will not help if you have allergies. There are breeds that cause less reaction, but this is not directly related to wool.

An animal allergy and a wool allergy are two different things. The reaction in animals is associated with a specific protein that is found in the secretions and skin of the animal. And the allergy to wool will be the same when meeting with a camel, a cat and a natural sweater.

Practice shows that an allergic person can live in the same apartment with a dog or cat, if the allergy is not very radical. Some people find it helpful to clean the house frequently. The logic is this: the fewer allergens in the apartment, the less the reaction to them.

Maria Korenkova

I have had allergies since childhood, and yet I have been living with my cat for 12 years. Regular house cleaning helps. The algorithm is as follows: we take off the clothes, stuff them into the washing machine. Next, we spray the air from the spray gun with water so that all the dust settles, we wipe the dust from all possible and impossible surfaces. Then we vacuum and put on new clothes. It's all.

Cats that don't cause allergies in humans are a myth. In one way or another, they all affect the allergy sufferer. However, there are ways to reduce this reaction so that a person can live with a cat or dog in the same house.

Animals that are not allergic

Allergy to animals is not related to their coat and its length - allergens are found in urine and dander. There is no cat breed that does not cause allergies in humans, and there is no dog breed that does not cause allergies in humans. However, there are breeds that cause less reaction. With due diligence, it will be easier for an allergic person with these breeds.

Cat breeds that do not cause allergies

What hypoallergenic cats have in common is that they need to be bathed and brushed frequently. For an allergic person, this is only for the best, because the allergens will simply be washed down the sink.

    Sphynxes are hairless cats. This breed needs to be washed quite often and the ears should be cleaned especially carefully.

    Devon and Cornish Rex are curly-coated cats. They also need to be washed quite often, and they shed less than other breeds.

    Balinese, Javanese and Oriental cats - a cat without undercoat

    The Siberian cat is the thickest of the hypoallergenic cats. Her saliva contains the least allergens, and it also needs to be combed out often.

Cats that do not cause allergies or cause them to a lesser extent usually do not have an undercoat or produce less of the allergen. It has nothing to do with hair length. Which cats cause allergies and which don't often depends on the case. It happens that different cats of the same breed, the reaction of an allergic person will also be different.

Dog breeds that do not cause allergies

Allergy to dogs is also related to the allergen and its amount that the dog scatters around the house. Therefore, it is better for an allergy sufferer to choose a breed that leaves less hair, does not constantly drool and is small in stature. Less dog means less allergen.

    The Bichon Frize is a small dog and sheds little.

    Almost all terriers are small in size. they have a hard coat that falls out less. After trimming, terriers practically do not leave hair on furniture.

    Miniature Spitz and the most suitable if you want a fluffy dog.

    Chinese crested - practically does not shed, besides, it must be constantly washed, which will further reduce the number of allergens

    The Poodle is a dog with no undercoat and sheds little.

Dog breeds that have little or no allergies don't have thick undercoats and don't drool all over the house. Therefore, allergy sufferers should not start shepherds and bulldogs. Which dogs do not cause allergies in humans, and which ones will have a strong reaction, also depends on the case. There is no such thing that the reaction to all representatives of the same breed will be the same.

How to get a cat or dog if you are allergic

    Read which cats and dogs are not allergic to. Explore dog forums with live stories, not breeder websites.

    Do more house cleaning. Be sure to wash the floors and wipe the furniture.

    Wash your pet to reduce the amount of allergens on it. The ears also need to be cleaned, because the mucous secretions also contain an allergen.

    Comb your pet's hair if it is long. This task is best left to someone without allergies.

    Clean the litter box regularly. The cat goes there often, so the allergen accumulates in the tray.

    Remove dust collectors from the house: curtains can be replaced with blinds, and carpet with laminate.

    Install automatic air cleaners in your home. They will take away the discarded hairs and particles of the animal's skin from it.

    Do not let a cat or dog into the bed, do not allow sleeping on clothes. Animals should not touch what you touch with open skin.

    Wash your hands and face after interacting with animals.

    Spay or neuter your pet. This is good for his health and he will produce fewer allergens.

Cats that do not cause allergies

Breeds with or without short hair that need frequent bathing and combing: Cornish and Devon Rex, Sphynx. As well as the Siberian cat, which has the least allergens.

Dogs that do not cause allergies

Dwarf breeds and dogs that shed little. Forget big dogs with thick undercoats and brachycephals.

We reveal the secret: if you suffer from allergies, look not for a hypoallergenic cat breed, but for a specific animal with which you can coexist painlessly in one closed space.

Truth and lie

Hypoallergenic breeds of cats, of course, exist, but there are not very many of them.. Therefore, the unauthorized expansion of this list, allowed by unscrupulous breeders, is a greed based on the ignorance of buyers.

It is extremely strange, for example, to hear from breeders that Siberian and cats (with their increased “shaggyness” and thick undercoat) rarely cause allergies.

Important! When choosing a pet (not a breed!), be aware that it may be safe for one allergy sufferer, but extremely dangerous for another.

Since adverse symptoms may not appear at the moment of communication with the animal, but much later (after hours or days) - do not limit yourself to a minute acquaintance.

Ask the breeder for saliva or kitten fur to take to the clinic. After testing your blood and these biomaterials, they will give a qualified conclusion on compatibility.

Cause of Allergy

This is not wool at all, as is commonly thought, but different types of Fel D1 protein present in all physiological secretions of the caudate, including saliva, sweat, urine, sebum, seminal and vaginal fluids.

The allergen settles everywhere and soars in the air, which an allergic person has to breathe, reacting to a dangerous protein with painful attacks. It is logical that hypoallergenic cats should produce Fel D1 in minimal doses that cannot significantly harm humans.

By the way, for children prone to allergies, it is better to take Rex, Sphynx, or Abyssinian cats who, along with microallergenicity, also have a stable psyche. They will not hurt the child's skin, which will save him from a possible allergy attack.

Important Details

When looking for a low-allergenic mustache, pay attention to three key parameters:

  • Color.
  • Wool.
  • Fertility.

It is still not entirely clear how pigmentation affects protein production, but felinologists have noticed that felines with light and white fur are less likely to provoke allergic manifestations than black, brown and dark blue.

A loving pet becomes an increased source of Fel D1, so castration/neutering is inevitable. If you are unable to encroach on the reproductive organs of an animal, opt for a cat: females require a partner several times a year, and cats are constantly ready for fertilization.

So, the most safe cat for an allergic person can be considered a castrated animal without fur or with smooth white / light hair, devoid of undercoat.

Suitable company

For an allergic person, these are cats with a thin adjacent coat, including Burmese, Abyssinian and Siamese. There are several more proven breeds recommended for especially sensitive people.

canadian sphynx

This, of course, is unrivaled: the microdose of Fel D1 secreted allows these hairless mutants to be the best allies of an allergic person, ahead of close relatives - the Don Sphynx, Peterbald, semi-official Bambino and Ukrainian Levkoy.

Although all of the listed breeds are also great for people prone to allergies.

Devon Rex

A relatively young breed, registered in the 70s of the last century, appeared in our country much later.

Huge ears, a penetrating look and a body slightly covered with curly hair - this is a real Devon. By purchasing a pet, you get three in one: a cat, a dog and a monkey. The Devon Rex is able to fetch objects like a dog, climb the highest furniture like a monkey, and understand you like a true feline.

Balinese cat

Released in the USA. Incredibly elegant and attractive: bright blue eyes are shaded by light fur of the body and dark points on the ears, paws and tail.

Long silky coat, without undercoat, gradually lengthens in the direction from head to tail. The low allergenicity of the breed is supported by its increased friendliness. These creatures cannot stand being alone and are very loyal to their master.

Cornish Rex

An excellent choice for allergy sufferers: cats of this breed will not mark corners and sit on the dining table. The soft coat is devoid of guard hairs, and the curls of the undercoat look like astrakhan fur.

The breed demonstrates an even disposition, but, giving its love and affection, requires increased attention from the owner. Cornish Rex are easy to keep and get sick a little, but they are characterized by violent sexuality.

This native of the UK is part of the Siamese-Oriental breed group. The cat is endowed with a long, slender, elongated body, strong muscles, but refined bones. The wedge-shaped head is equipped with disproportionately large ears, silky coat (without undercoat) fits snugly to the body.

Orientals are attached to the owner and love to be with him, no matter what he does. They are sociable, playful and can carry the ball like dogs.

Reduce the effects of allergens

If the family is large, agree on which of the household members will take care of the pet so that the allergic person himself has less contact with cat secretions.

Animal hygiene

It consists of several activities:

  • Bathe your cat about once a week with shampoos that reduce exposure to the allergen.
  • Wipe hairless cats with special napkins.
  • Short- and long-haired specimens must be combed every day. After brushing, pick up individual hairs with a damp hand.
  • Avoid dust collectors (woolen/plush rugs and houses) where allergens are concentrated.
  • Buy good quality litter for the tray, remember to clean it daily.

Pet health

Hypoallergenic cats easily become hyperallergenic if their health is not monitored. A sick animal spreads around itself a huge number of allergens carried by:

  • dandruff;
  • tears;
  • discharge from the nose (with a runny nose);
  • urine (with incontinence);
  • vomit;
  • liquid stool.

Personal hygiene

If you are prone to allergies, do not allow the tailed one to sleep on your bed, rest on your clothes and enter your closet / wardrobe. And further:

  • give preference to cotton or synthetic fabrics (wool accumulates allergens);
  • keep underwear and bedding in tightly sealed plastic bags;
  • stroked the cat - wash your face and hands with soap;
  • after petting the animal, do not touch your face (especially the mouth and eyes);
  • ventilate your home and do wet cleaning more often.

If possible, purchase modern air purifiers for your apartment.

Fraud for profit

Until now, there are many authors on the World Wide Web who claim that they have found an absolutely non-allergenic cat breed Allerca GD. Meanwhile, Allerka, which does not have a standard, is not registered anywhere and by anyone, and is also not recognized by any serious felinological organization.

Allerka is another scam by the American company Lifestyle Pets, whose first scam was the cat Ashera. Breeder Simon Brody positioned his product as a super hypoallergenic cat. In 2008, the deception was revealed: genetic tests proved that the vaunted Ashera is in fact the well-known Savannah, which does not have any hypoallergenic properties.

A year before the Ashera "joke" was exposed, Lifestyle Pets launched a new project called Allerca GD. Since 2007, the company has been repeatedly brought to court, as Allerca kittens purchased for fabulous money ($ 7,000) provoked allergic attacks on a par with other breeds.

Last thing. Even people with sensitive immune systems can live near cats. Based on knowledge about hypoallergenic breeds, you should look for a kitten among them, with whom you can safely share your square meters for the next 15-20 years.

If you or your family suffer from allergies to pets, but dream of having a cat, then the choice should fall on hypoallergenic animals.

There is no breed that does not produce the allergen completely. Such cats produce significantly less allergens than ordinary pets. The opinion that it is wool that causes allergies is a delusion. The irritant is a protein found in the animal's saliva.

Scientists have found that males produce more irritants than females. Also, the difference in the allergen produced is seen in light and dark animals, with the former being more suitable for allergy sufferers.

The following are cat breeds that do not cause allergies:
one. . Often you can find another name - Siamese long-haired. This is one of the few breeds that produces significantly less irritating protein and is great for people who suffer from allergies.
2. . This breed is very demanding on cleanliness, so it needs special care.

3. . Owners of wool of medium length without undercoat, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of allergy sufferers.

Hypoallergenic animals. Beast Monday.

four. . This breed has a short coat. The paw pads and auricles of these cats need regular cleaning.
5. . These cats are more demanding to care for. They need frequent bathing to clear accumulated oil from their skin.
6. Sphinx breed. These cats are often considered hypoallergenic due to their lack of hair. But this does not make it easier to care for animals of this breed. They need constant bathing and thorough ear cleaning.
7. . She, like the Bali, has a coat of medium length. But due to the low content of the allergenic enzyme in saliva, it is classified as a safe cat.
Before finally adopting a new pet, you should spend some time with him, take him home and check for an allergic reaction.

Research scientists have shown that with frequent washing and regular cleaning of such cats, an allergic reaction is minimized. Therefore, even if you are allergic, it is quite possible to choose the pet of your dreams.

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Theoritization of copywriters is not bad, but what is in practice:
On items 4-6, there is a strong allergy. A couple of zirteks, ventolin and a maximum last for an hour, even with non-close communication with the animal.
Siberians are very different - you can live with him for 15 years, but at the same time, allergies will periodically manifest themselves. With long departures and the cessation of communication, the resumption is fraught up to asthma.
Of all the current experiments, surprisingly, Maine Coons, and cats, turned out to be the best. There is no allergic reaction at all, but again, it all depends on the specific instance, you need to try.

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