To reduce the growth of hair on the legs. Store-bought cosmetic preparations for hair growth. Turmeric gruel

Hair growth is natural process, characteristic of everyone healthy body, but sometimes you want it to be much slower. Most often, thoughts about stopping body hair growth occur in women who experience certain problems with hormonal background, resulting in an accelerated appearance hairline. What to do in this case and how to deal with the presented problem with folk remedies is described below.

What is the cause of increased body hair growth?

There are many factors that influence the uncontrolled growth of body hair. They are associated with violations thyroid gland, and it could also turn out to be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases associated with the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • any of the trimesters of pregnancy.

All of the indicated reasons are associated with an increase in the synthesis of androgen in the body, which is a male sex hormone, and its excessive production is called hyperandrogenism.

It should be noted that male-type sex hormones really play important role in the life of every woman. They are indispensable precursors female estrogens. This is due to the fact that it is together with androgens that the production of female sex hormones occurs.

In this regard, it is unacceptable to thoughtlessly influence the production of androgens. Most often, within the framework of an unstarted state of hyperandrogenism, specialists prescribe contraceptives hormonal type, which do not contain hormones similar in their characteristics to men. One of these most common means - Diane-35 - it is unacceptable to use it without prior consultation with a specialist.

Cosmetic methods

In order to make body hair growth less intense, resort to:

  • Sugaring, or depilation with sugar, which you can do yourself at home. The technique is effective, but not suitable for everyone due to the components that are active in an allergic way.
  • Wax, which comes in 3 types: hot, warm and cold. Most often, women against vegetation on the body use the second variety. It guarantees an excellent result and, in comparison with other methods, is the least painful.
  • Electric depilator - the method is characterized by soreness. In addition, some hairs begin to grow in, but the effect of the presented procedure lasts 1 month and the cover becomes much thinner.
  • Bleaching is one of the techniques that experts recommend when there is very little hair. 5-10% hydrogen peroxide should be used, in which the cotton wool is moistened. This composition wipe the problem areas twice a day. Hair literally in a week becomes thinner and not so noticeable on the body.

A special cream helps a lot against excess hair. This depilatory composition is used by many female representatives in order to reduce the number of hairs without pain. The application is that you need a uniform thin layer apply the product on the skin, wait no more than 15 minutes and remove the cream with hairs with a spatula from the kit.

Other, less effective and not so gentle methods are used against hair growth: removing them with a thread, iodine and ammonia are also used (they are applied to the body, as a result of which the rate of hair growth slows down).

Folk remedies

Nut shell

Significant assistance in the process of combating excess hair and stopping their growth will help such a simple remedy as walnuts or pine nuts. One of the most popular recipes is the following: crushed shells are poured with alcohol and infused for 5-7 days. After that, problem areas on the body are lubricated three times a day. The presented algorithm should be continued until the excess amount of hair disappears.


In order to cope with body hair, you can apply and. To do this, you will need to purchase a tincture of this plant in a pharmacy and lubricate with it only those parts of the epidermis where hair grows intensively.

With this tool, it is recommended to be especially careful, because dope is very poisonous. It should be used very carefully, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and inside the body. Keep the tincture out of the reach of animals and children.


The last of the remedies is nettle, for the use of which its juice or a decoction of seeds is recommended to be rubbed into the epidermis where increased hair growth is observed. But in order for the technique to prove its effectiveness, it will take more than 3-4 weeks.

The vast majority of women struggle with excess hair. To deal with this problem, use various methods, before using any of which it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. In this case, the expected effect will be guaranteed, as well as the absence of harm to health.


How slow down hair growth on legs so as not to engage in exhausting procedures for their removal. If a we are talking about razors, this is a simple procedure, but it further enhances hair growth. If about depilation, then, for example, waxing is painful and unpleasant.

Hair on the legs is a problem that worries many women. Short skirts, shorts or even breeches reveal everything problem areas legs. To get rid of the vegetation on the legs, women use different ways.

The most common and radical solution to the problem is shaving the legs. But the effect lasts only a couple of days, and if the hair on your legs grows quickly, then the next day you can see breaking hairs.

What will slow down the growth of hair on the legs and arms

Leg depilation cream can slightly slow down the growth of hair on the arms and legs. But it doesn't help everyone. because of individual features body, hair growth may not slow down, and there may be an allergy to cosmetics. These are selected strictly for a certain type of skin. They differ in efficiency, so it's better not to buy the cheapest.

Hair-pulling epilators are relatively effective at removing leg hair. But their use should take place according to all the rules in order to reduce the traumatic effect on the skin. This device is strictly individual, along with a toothbrush. Using someone else's device can cause infection.

The cost of such a device can scare off lovers of saving. Giving advice on this is hard, because in fact, you can waste money if your skin is too sensitive. Best for face and body.

Folk remedies to slow down the growth of hair on the legs

Of the folk remedies that can slow down the growth of hair on the legs, you can use the following:

Intimate depilation
  • grape juice, preferably white;
  • hyacinth root juice;
  • unripe nuts. But you need to be careful with them, since the juice of nuts can permanently stain the skin;
  • after shaving or epilation, wipe the skin with lemon slices.

For hair removal long time many procedures have been invented. Laser and photo hair removal will save you from this problem for a long time. The main disadvantage of these procedures is high price. But perhaps this will be the way out of your situation.

The abundance of body hair can be caused by heredity. If your parents have this problem, then most likely it will manifest itself in you. Genetics is a stubborn thing, nothing can be done about it. Will have to use standard methods hair removal.

Problems with increased growth hair loss can be dealt with by a doctor. Often due to hormonal disruptions women begin to grow black, thick male hair. Consultation with a doctor is necessary to determine the diagnosis and prescribe drugs.

Smooth skin without extra hairs for most girls is an integral indicator of grooming and a guarantee of a pleasant feeling of self-confidence. And although the procedure for removing unnecessary "vegetation" is familiar, like brushing your teeth, you want to resort to it as little as possible. Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity, driven by a natural and logical desire, is trying to find effective ways to slow down the growth of hair on the body.

How quickly hair grows back is determined by four factors:

  • Individual characteristics of the organism. The rate of hair growth depends on natural data, as well as their thickness, color and stiffness.
  • hair removal method. The method that a girl chooses to get rid of excess "vegetation" directly determines how long the effect of smoothness will last.
  • Technology compliance. Observance of the subtleties of one or another method of hair removal depends not only on how thick, hard and dark the newly appeared ones will be, but also on the rate of regrowth.
  • Usage special means after hair removal. Special compositions that weaken the structure of the hair and / or follicle not only delay the next epilation or depilation procedure, but also make the process of repeated removal more comfortable and, in the case of epilation, less painful.

Knowing these points allows you to conclude what to do special measures necessary both at the stage of hair removal and after the procedure.

What can be done at the stage of hair removal

You can influence natural indicators using special means, which will be discussed below, but by and large they are genetically incorporated. Sometimes increased "hairiness" is a consequence hormonal disorders In this case, you should consult a doctor. But the method and technology of removal are factors that are much easier to influence.

Choice of method

With depilation, when the hair is removed along with the follicle (sugar paste, wax, epilator), the result is longer than with epilation (machine, creams and gels), when the bulb remains intact and intact. The table below will tell you how long the effect lasts after one or another method of getting rid of excess "vegetation".

Table: duration of effect after different hair removal methods

Most effective method prolong the effect of smooth skin - remove hairs along with the follicle. Numerous reviews report that a course of laser or photoepilation allows you to save the result for several years.

Video: hair removal methods

Compliance with technology

An incorrectly performed epilation or depilation procedure is fraught with a short result, as well as the problem of ingrown hairs and the fact that the newly growing “stubble” becomes more and more rigid and dark. How to avoid these troubles? Recommendations in the table below.

Table: how to remove hair so that the result lasts longer

  • Change the machine more often: the blade must be sharp;
  • before the procedure, treat the skin with a scrub;
  • use special foams and shaving gels: they weaken the structure of the hairs;
  • move the razor only in the direction of hair growth.
Depilation with a cream (gel, lotion)
  • Carefully select the product (for example, stronger formulations are required for coarse hair);
  • before the procedure, steam the skin in a bath or shower, treat the “hairy” areas with a scrub;
  • scrupulously follow the instructions for the drug.
Hair removal with an epilator
  • Use a quality device;
  • before the session hot shower or bath, scrub;
  • movement of the epilator - according to hair growth.
  • Before the procedure, take a hot shower or bath, work out the skin with a scrub;
  • it is best to contact a professional;
  • when exercising at home, use high-quality sugar paste (the degree of rigidity of the composition is determined by the characteristics of the hairs, the temperature in the room, the treated area);
  • Apply paste against hair growth, remove - in the direction of growth.
  • Before the session, relax in a hot shower or bath, scrub the skin;
  • if possible, contact a beautician;
  • when implementing at home, purchase high-quality wax;
  • remove the composition against hair growth.
Laser hair removalContact a professional beautician good advice, which operates on modern, high-quality equipment.

Video: how to shave your legs correctly

What means to use after removal

Having done everything possible to slow down hair growth at the stage of their removal, you can take care of skin care after the procedure. The use of special tools will help prolong achieved result. The compositions can be purchased at the store or made independently.

Regardless of which hair growth retardant is used, in order to achieve the desired effect and not harm the health of the skin, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Consider contraindications. Means that slow down hair growth are intended for external use, most often their only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Therefore, before using any product, an allergy test is needed. A small amount of Apply funds on the wrist or elbow bend for 7-10 minutes. If after a day adverse reactions(redness, itching, peeling, etc.) will not appear, you can use the product. You should not, without prior consultation with your doctor, resort to the use of funds for dermatological pathologies, open injuries skin, prone to allergic reactions.
  • Follow instructions. Treat the skin with the product as directed, adhere to the recommendations on the duration and frequency of use of the product.
  • Watch for skin reaction. If during the application of the composition the condition of the epidermis worsens, you should look for another way to slow down hair growth.

Purchased Products

Modern girls in conditions a wide range cosmetic products and lack of a large number In their free time, they often prefer to buy a hair growth retardant in a store.

Mechanism of action

These drugs, called inhibitors, work by acting active ingredients, which weaken the structure of hairs and / or follicles. These ingredients can be:

  • salicylic acid;
  • formic alcohol;
  • plant extracts (papaya, hyacinth, lemon, green walnut);
  • organic acids, etc.

Purchased products, as a rule, also contain substances that have a soothing effect on the skin: extracts of calendula, aloe, chamomile, etc.

Subtleties of choice

Buying a remedy to slow down hair growth is not difficult, but how not to make a mistake with the choice? When buying a drug, you should consider several points:

  1. hair removal method. Not all products suitable for skin care after epilation are suitable for slowing down the growth of “vegetation” after depilation: if the follicle is preserved, it is more difficult to act on the growing hair, stronger compounds are needed.
  2. Individual characteristics. Means that slow down the growth of light, thin hairs may not be suitable for owners of dark, hard "vegetation". In addition, the skin may react differently to a particular product.
  3. Processed area. For the face, as well as for the sensitive, delicate skin of the bikini area, more delicate products are required than for the legs and hands.
  4. The composition of the tool. The drug should contain substances that weaken the hair structure and have a calming effect on the skin.
  5. Financial opportunities. average cost funds - from 100 to 1500 rubles.

Owners of hard and thick hairs, as well as those who prefer to use a razor, it is better to give preference to stronger, more expensive compositions. After each epilation, as well as with the use of most depilatory creams, the hairs grow back thinner, lighter and weaker, so it becomes easier to find a remedy to slow their growth.

Table: overview of popular drugs

MeansActive ingredientsPeculiaritiesApproximate cost in rubles (at the beginning of 2018)
Skin Doctors Hair Growth Inhibitor Spray
  • Salicylic acid;
  • extracts of St. John's wort and walnut;
  • arnica.
  • Available in the form of a spray;
  • has a quality composition;
  • deserved positive reviews.
  • Extracts of walnut, lemon;
  • extracts green tea, aloe;
  • urea.
  • Included in the line of products for professional use;
  • soothes and moisturizes the skin;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • used every day for a month after epilation.
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • plant extracts;
  • collagen.
  • The spray bottle makes it easy to apply the product;
  • protects sensitive skin from external influences.
  • Allantoin;
  • Myrika is waxy;
  • eucalyptus;
  • arnica.
  • Provides a cooling effect;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation and rashes.
  • Papain;
  • arnica.
  • Effectively relieves irritation after epilation;
  • prevents the appearance of ingrown hairs.
Eveline Q10+RThe composition does not contain components that slow down hair growth, contains mineral oil.
  • Well softens and restores the skin;
  • judging by the reviews, hair growth does not slow down.
  • Cotton and aloe extracts;
  • fruit acids;
  • lemon oil.
  • Available in the form of a spray, which is easy to apply and quickly absorbed;
  • has softening the skin properties;
  • hard to find for sale.
  • Clover and walnut extracts;
  • aloe;
  • chamomile.
  • Easy to apply;
  • Provides gentle care to irritated skin.

Home Lineups

You can make home remedies that slow down hair growth. An important advantage of such products is the natural composition.

What to do

For the manufacture of home remedies that adversely affect the structure of the hair, the following are most often used:

  • lemon juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • green Walnut;
  • turmeric;
  • essential oils, etc.

Criterias of choice

picking up home remedy It is important to consider several factors:

  • Individual characteristics. If the hair is too dark and coarse, grows back very quickly, home-made preparations may not work. With excessive dryness and sensitive skin alcohol-containing compounds should be abandoned, which will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Required Ingredients. Lemon juice is much easier to get hold of than green walnuts.
  • Availability of free time. Some products need to be used only 1 time, others 3 times, and some until the next hair removal procedure.

Table: home remedies that slow down hair growth

MeansCookingApplication features
Lemon juiceSqueeze juice from half a lemon.Wipe the skin 1-2 times a day.
Grape juiceCut a large white grape in half.
Tincture of shells and partitions of green walnut
  1. Fold the shell and partitions into a dark glass container.
  2. Pour in enough alcohol so that it completely hides the raw material.
  3. Insist 2 weeks in a cool dark place.
  • Before use, dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of 4 to 1.5.
  • Lubricate the skin with the product after hair removal, then use for another 2 days, applying the product once a day.
Oil composition
  1. Pour 5 tablespoons of apricot oil into a dark glass bottle.
  2. Mix in essential oils of lavender, mint (5 drops each) and tea tree(20 drops).
Apply the product immediately after getting rid of hair, then use every other day.
Turmeric PastePour enough water into the seasoning to make a paste-like mass.Apply the composition in a thick layer, cover with plastic wrap, rinse off after 15–20 minutes.
papain lotion
  1. Mix 1 g of papain into 50 ml of lavender flower water.
  2. To thicken the mass, add a pinch of guar gum.
  3. Stir in 5 drops of turmeric oil.
Apply after epilation or depilation, then apply for another 3 days, treating the areas cleared of hairs twice a day.
Alcohol solution on iodine and castor oil
  1. Combine 35 ml of medical alcohol with 5 ml ammonia.
  2. Mix in 1.5 ml of iodine and 5 ml castor oil.
Wipe the skin 1-2 times a day.
Mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxideCombine peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions, add a tablespoon of liquid soap.After hair removal, apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Turmeric and green walnut can stain the skin, so it is recommended to alternate their use with lemon juice, which, on the contrary, provides a brightening effect.

I use tea tree and lavender essential oils to speed up hair growth (on my head), I know that peppermint oil can be used for the same purpose. The substances contained in these products activate blood microcirculation, strengthening the follicles. Therefore, the application essential oils to slow down hair growth, in my opinion, it is highly doubtful. The same goes for castor oil, as it has long been known to make hair darker and stronger. AT school years used hydrogen peroxide to lighten the hair on the legs and in the bikini area, it helped, they also became softer, but as for slowing down their growth, this effect was not observed. I think lemon juice also has only a brightening effect.

Video: how to remove hair with turmeric

Is it worth resorting to "heavy artillery"

Looking for effective methods prolonging the effect of a "clean" body, you can stumble upon radical ways involving the use of strong alkaline compounds. It is recommended to use a solution with an acidity level of 13pH in order to forget about the hair removal procedure forever after six months:

  1. Dissolve a third teaspoon of soda in 300 ml of water.
  2. After epilation, pour the product over the skin.
  3. Use for another 2 days 1-2 times a day.

However, even with all precautions, the risk of burns is very high, therefore, when deciding to resort to this method, it is worthwhile to be aware of the full degree of responsibility for your own health.

Many girls face the problem accelerated growth leg hair. It doesn’t matter if epilation or depilation was carried out, hemp still breaks out. Exist salon techniques, such as laser removal or photoepilation, which can permanently save beautiful ladies from unwanted vegetation. However, hair growth can be slowed down folk methods which are successfully used in Europe, America and the Middle East countries. Let's consider them in order.

How to slow down the growth of hair on the legs folk remedies


Grind 30 gr. fresh nettle leaves in a convenient way, then add 15 gr. plant seeds. Pour the mixture into 80 ml. corn oil and place in a dark cabinet for 4 days. After the time has elapsed, wipe your feet immediately after hair removal.

Brew 40 gr. mint 180 ml. boiling water, insist 3 hours. Add 12 drops of rosemary essential oil, 7 drops of ginseng essential oil, and 7 drops of geranium essential oil. Cover the skin with the composition after depilation. Pour the composition into a dark container to be able to use the mixture during the holidays. In this case, wipe your feet three times a day.

Grind 1 bunch of green grapes in a convenient way. Each time rub the composition into the skin after depilation or epilation. Within a month, hair growth will slow down by 2-3 days. If possible, apply the product several times daily.

Wash 2 potatoes, do not remove the skin. Grate on a fine grater, add 25 gr. oat bran and mix well. Scrub your feet for 10 minutes 3 times a day. A lasting effect is achieved after 2 weeks of regular use.


Grind 2 lemons with zest in a blender, add 10 ml to the mixture. olive oil. Apply the composition to the legs after hair removal, wrap with cling film and wait 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2 times in 5 days for a month. Then take a break of 1 week and repeat the course.

Take 12 pcs. unripe nuts, pass them through a meat grinder or chop in another convenient way. Fill the gruel with 160 ml. boiling water, wait half an hour. Rub the mixture into the skin thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes, remove warm water. The technique is suitable for slowing down the growth of hair on the legs during the beach season. Walnut stains the skin heavily, so be careful. In the event of such an outcome, immediately wipe your feet with lemon juice.

Brew 60 gr. dry turmeric hot water and insist 15 minutes. Follow the hair removal procedure, then immediately apply the mixture to the skin, rubbing in thoroughly. Wrap your legs in cling film, wait 10 minutes. Remove the composition and apply the cream after depilation.

Cottage cheese
Take 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, add 60 gr. rice flour and 50 ml. lemon juice. Mix the mixture with 50 ml. yogurt, then treat the skin of the legs well. Wait 15 minutes and wash off cool water.

Massage your feet before removing hair coffee grounds medium grind. Do epilation or depilation and repeat the procedure. Perform simple actions several times a week for 2 months.

Hydrogen peroxide

Purchase a 3% peroxide solution, the concentration should in no case be higher than indicated. Apply a little on a cotton pad or cosmetic swab, wipe the skin well. Wait 10 minutes and rinse your feet with cool water. If peroxide is not available, chlorhexidine can be used. The principle of action of the drugs is the same, do not increase the exposure time.

Cane sugar
Grind 1 grapefruit with zest in a blender or meat grinder. Add to it 80 gr. brown sugar and 60 gr. cognac. Rub the composition into the skin for 5-10 minutes, then wrap yourself in cling film and leave for another quarter of an hour.

Mix 25 ml. castor oil, 50 ml. vodka, 20 ml. ammonia. Pour the composition into a dark glass container, add 3 drops of iodine and shake well. Infuse the lotion for about a day, then apply after each hair removal procedure. If possible, rub the mixture 2-3 times daily.

  1. If you still use a razor, replace it with effective counterparts. Instead of depilation, epilate with wax strips or wax in pure form. Also, a procedure called "Shugaring", which is carried out with the help of sugar paste, has proven itself well. You can buy an electric epilator, it is no less effective. All of these methods get rid of unwanted vegetation for a period of 2 to 5 weeks. In addition, new hairs grow less often, and their structure becomes thinner and lighter.
  2. Before the procedure, massage your feet with a regular pumice stone. It will weaken the follicles, as a result of which, over time, the hairs will begin to fall out. Apply shower gel, shaving cream, or shampoo to your skin to avoid irritation. After that, epilate or depilate in a convenient way.
  3. Use a depilatory cream. At this method few supporters, because the composition has a sharp bad smell. However, it dissolves hairs and splits upper edge bulbs, which allows you to keep the effect of smooth legs longer for 3 days. Cosmetic product designed for all skin types. Very often, the composition includes aloe vera, olive oil and liquid protein, which have emollient properties.

It is not necessary to visit the salon and do photoepilation, you can prolong the effect with the help of folk remedies. Use lemon, mint, nettle, cottage cheese, or turmeric. Do not refuse also alcohol lotion, hydrogen peroxide, potatoes and walnuts. All of the above methods are extremely effective, it is permissible to complex application. Try to epilate with wax or sugar paste. Over time, you will perform the procedure faster than the machine.

Video: mask to slow down hair growth after depilation and shaving

Struggle for smooth skin without hair goes for many centuries. The modern beauty industry offers many options for hair removal and depilation. But shaving is still the fastest and accessible way remove excess hair. How to slow down hair growth, reduce their thickness after shaving? To do this, there are many folk and professional means.

Why does hair grow fast?

During shaving, only the visible part of the hair is removed, and the follicles remain - the hairs grow back quickly.

Often the cause of excessive and intensive growth of body hair is hormonal problems, especially if hair appears on the face. In this case, it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist, he will determine true reason fast hair growth.

There are two most common diseases in which you have to shave more often - hirsutism and hypertrichosis.

With hirsutism in female body a lot of dark, hard and long hair, hair growth occurs male type. Hair begins to grow on the chin, upper chest, back and abdomen. But if there is coarse hair only on the arms, legs, lower back and abdomen, this is a normal phenomenon, often inherited.

Hirsutism is not just a cosmetic problem, very often such hair growth is a sign of serious problems with health.

With hypertrichosis, hair grows in the usual places, but in very large quantities.

How to remove leg hair

How to shave?

Failure to follow the rules of the procedure may lead to active growth body hair.

What you need to do to slow down hair growth:

  • make a peeling - you need to remove dead cells immediately before shaving, so it will be easier to remove excess vegetation;
  • use additional cosmetics- creams, gels, lotions help to better remove hairs, protect and moisturize the skin;
  • shaving is not equally effective in all areas - for the bikini area it is better to choose sugaring or waxing;
  • the direction matters - if you shave the hair against their growth, then prickly, thick bristles will quickly appear on the body;
  • you need to steam the skin in moderation - no more than a quarter of an hour.

After the end of the procedure, be sure to use home or professional tool to slow down hair growth. Folk remedies have fewer contraindications, less likely to cause allergic reactions do not contain harmful ingredients.

How to shave your legs with a razor

Pharmacy preparations

Cheap drugs from a pharmacy can help in the fight against the rapid growth of unwanted hair.

  • Potassium permanganate

The product is only suitable for shaved legs, as it stains the skin in a yellow-brown color.

It is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution.

  1. Heat up 500 ml of pure water.
  2. Stirring constantly, add potassium permanganate in small portions.
  3. Potassium permanganate should be added until the grains no longer dissolve.

In the resulting solution, moisten pieces of thin natural fabric, wrap your legs, hold for half an hour. Enough to use after every shave. The same tool helps to effectively fight acne.

  • Peroxide

It has long been used to remove, bleach hair. To slow down growth, you need to prepare the following remedy:

  • hydrogen peroxide (6%) - 100 ml;
  • liquid soap - 100 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol - 10 drops.

Use the mixture once a week, keep a quarter of an hour.

Life hacks: pharmaceutical products for beauty for 100 rubles [Studs | Women's magazine]


Based on alcohol, you can prepare several effective means, which will not only slow down hair growth, but also make the hairs thinner and lighter.

  1. Mix 35 ml of medical alcohol with ammonia.
  2. Add 5 ml castor oil.
  3. Stir, pour half a teaspoon of iodine.

Wipe the skin several times a day after shaving.

  • nut lotion

Fill a glass container by a third with partitions, pour alcohol to the top. Close the container well, put it in a darkened room for 2 weeks.

Strain, use every time after shaving.

The most unusual intimate advice! How can a girl get rid of body hair?


  • Datura

Mix 100 g of grass and 500 ml of water, boil the mixture. Strain the cooled broth, put in the refrigerator. Use every time before and after shaving.

  • Hyacinth

Squeeze from the roots of this plant not only stops hair growth, but also completely removes them over time.

Grate the roots of the flower, squeeze the gruel through gauze. The remedy should be used twice a day.

What can you find in the kitchen?

In the kitchen of even a not very good housewife, you can find improvised products for preparing homemade cosmetic products.

  • Lemon

Lemon juice perfectly brightens hair, prevents their rapid growth. To do this, it is enough to wipe the places with removed hairs with a slice of lemon several times a day. This method is very popular with French women.

You can make another lemon remedy. Mix 50 g of sugar and the juice of half a lemon, heat. Apply to the skin, hold for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

  • white grapes

Fresh Juice white grapes slows down hair growth for a long time. You should wipe the skin with juice after shaving. If time permits, you can apply a mask of grape pulp.

Fresh helps a lot potato juice. It must be applied to the skin every other day.

Remove leg hair in 10 minutes with coffee and soda

facial hair

The skin on the face is especially delicate. Care for her after hair removal should be extremely careful.

  • Turmeric Cream

Mix 30 g of turmeric with water until a thick slurry is obtained, to achieve the complete disappearance of lumps. Add 2 drops of mint oil.

Apply the cream to the skin immediately after removing excess hairs, cover with polyethylene film for 30 minutes. Mint will cool the skin, turmeric will prevent fast growth hair. The procedure must be carried out every 7 days. Soon the hair follicle will weaken, the hair will grow weak and thin. This method is also suitable for the armpit area.

  • nettle oil

Mix 30 g of nettle seeds and 500 ml of linseed or olive oil. Infuse for a week in a darkened room.

Oil should be used immediately after shaving. Repeat the procedure once a day before going to bed.

  • Essential oils

These products have proven their effectiveness in solving many cosmetic problems. They are also effective in slowing down hair growth.

  • base oil (50 ml) - almond, jojoba, grape seed;
  • essential oils (2-3 drops) - mint and tea tree oil.

Wipe the skin with the mixture every other day.

Elena Malysheva - No mustache and beard! How can a woman get rid of excess hair?

professional tools

A cream that slows down hair growth is called an inhibitor. The funds include chemical substances that destroy hair follicles. In combination even with regular shaving they give nice results remove unwanted hairs quickly and effectively.

The inhibitor cream must be applied regularly until noticeable hairs appear.

In addition to aggressive substances, good cream should be included natural ingredients- walnut, soy milk. An indicator of the effectiveness of the cream is the sensation of tingling, tickling on the skin.

High-quality inhibitors can stop hair growth for 10 days. At first, the skin may be slightly flaky.

Using the cream is quite simple - you need to apply the product immediately after shaving, repeat the procedure twice a day. The cream should be applied with massage movements, lightly rubbing into the skin. In the future, it will be enough to use the cream every other day.

Any means to slow hair growth must be applied to intact skin, no blemishes or scratches.

Shaving is a quick, proven, but very short-term way to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on the body. Frequent shaving is tiring, each time the hairs become darker and thicker. Some products can stop hair growth after shaving. But it is better to resort to more modern ways hair removal.

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