What methods will help to know the exact day of ovulation? Calculate ovulation for conception

Ovulation is called certain days when the female body is most predisposed to fertilization. That is why it is very important for everyone who dreams of a long-awaited pregnancy to know all the features of this natural process, as well as to be able to calculate the day of ovulation.

Ovulation and conception calendar online

Calculating ovulation online is one of the fastest, most accurate and effective ways to determine fertile (favorable for conception) days on your own. For this, a conception calculator is used, which calculates and displays the days of fertility in a period of four months.

To conduct an online calculation of ovulation, you must enter the following data:

  • First day menstrual bleeding of the cycle you are interested in (if you are interested in the days of ovulation in this and the next three months, then you must enter the first day of the last menstruation; if you want to know on which days of the previous cycles you ovulated, you must enter the first day of the menstruation of the corresponding cycle);
  • The average duration of menstruation;
  • The duration of the regular cycle. If the cycle irregular, you must first analyze the duration of the cycle for the last 6 months, and determine the minimum and maximum number of cycle days. We put a tick "irregular cycle", in the left window we enter the minimum number of days of the cycle, in the right window that appears - the maximum;
  • The duration of the corpus luteum phase, which is usually determined by the laboratory method by the level of the hormone progesterone, averages 12-16 days (the program defaults to 14 days).

After that, you just need to click the "Calculate" button, after which the program will issue an accurate calendar, which will indicate the days of the expected ovulation (with a percentage probability), as well as the days of safe and conditionally safe sex. Ovulation online with the help of such a calculator is calculated with a fairly high accuracy.

How does ovulation occur?

Normally, the female menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next menstruation, lasts from 28 to 35 days.

On average, favorable days for conception (also called fertile) fall in the middle of the cycle, and include 1-2 days before ovulation, the ovulation period itself and 1 day after ovulation. The average duration of the state of fertility is 7 days.

That is, the fertile period begins at the moment of a jump in LH levels. If during this time the sperm does not fertilize the egg, it simply dies, and the new one matures only in the next cycle.

Corpus luteum phase (luteal phase)

After the end of ovulation (follicular phase), the maturation period begins corpus luteum - luteal phase, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of the hormone LH and an increase in the production of progesterone. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of hormones necessary to maintain the normal course of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum dies off, the level of progesterone decreases, which provokes the onset of menstruation.

The normal duration of the luteal phase ranges from 12-16 days.. The insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase (duration of 10 days or less) or its duration of more than 16 days indicates hormonal disorders, the consequence of which may be miscarriage of the fetus in the early stages.

Recall that the phase of the corpus luteum begins the day after the end of ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation. That is, to calculate the duration of the corpus luteum phase, you need to know the duration of your menstrual cycle, the middle part of which falls on ovulation, and the days following it fall on the luteal phase.

In a healthy woman, ovulation occurs every month (and sometimes twice), but there are two or three months a year when the egg does not mature - such cycles are commonly called anovulatory, and they are also considered a variant of the norm.

Read more about the process of ovulation

Having determined favorable days for conception, it will be quite simple to calculate the optimal number of sexual intercourses during this period, and the chances of becoming pregnant will increase significantly. It should be noted that the ovulation schedule will also be useful for those who want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, because it is often used as a method of contraception.

How to calculate the ovulation calendar?

Physiological signs of ovulation

Gynecologists say that every woman can notice the signs of ovulation and calculate conception - for this you just need to carefully monitor your body.

  • Discharge Features. Vaginal discharge is a constant occurrence in every woman, but in different phases of the menstrual cycle they have a different character. So, before ovulation, they become transparent and liquid, or viscous, and the consistency resembles the protein of a chicken egg. In addition, during this period, some women observe brownish or bloody discharge (the so-called daub). If ovulation has not occurred, the discharge is sticky, creamy, or absent at all.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen. The release of the egg may be accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​the ovary in which the dominant follicle matured. They can last from a few minutes to several days, and resemble "sipping" the abdomen before menstruation.
  • Swelling and pain in the mammary glands. Under the influence of hormones, in many women, before the release of the egg, the breasts can become sensitive or hurt.
  • Increased libido. Scientists have proven that it is on the eve of ovulation that women experience the greatest sexual desire - this is due to the natural instinct of reproduction (in this way the body tries to increase the chances of pregnancy).
  • General changes in well-being. Such signs are individual for each woman - it can be an exacerbation of taste and smell sensations, an increase in efficiency, or, conversely, irritability and increased emotionality.

calendar method

First of all, it should be noted that each woman has an individual conception calendar, which can be calculated based on the characteristics of the body.

With a regular cycle, if menstruation goes literally "by the clock", the question of how to calculate ovulation usually does not pose a big problem, because this will require the simplest calculations. For example, if a woman's cycle lasts 28 days, you can simply divide this figure by two: 28/2 \u003d 14. That is, in this case, days starting from the 12th will be considered fertile.

However, this method cannot be called extremely accurate. Very often, for a number of reasons, the menstrual cycle can be shortened or lengthened, respectively, the timing of the release of the egg also shifts, and when it is completely ineffective. That is, it is best not to rely on your own calculations, but to use a more convenient online ovulation calculator or measure basal temperature.

Basal temperature

Measurement of basal body temperature (BT) is one of the most effective methods and is best suited for women with irregular cycles. To understand how to calculate the day of ovulation in this way, you should know some features of the female body.

During the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature changes several times - this happens under the influence of hormones. At the beginning of the cycle, it is quite low, and during ovulation it rises significantly, reaches 37-37.3 C, and stays at this level until the next menstruation. True, in order to accurately determine the days of conception, it is very important to follow a number of rules:

  • You need to measure the temperature in the morning at the same time, after a full night's sleep (at least 6 hours), without getting out of bed.
  • Use the same thermometer, preferably mercury.
  • The thermometer is inserted into the anus, vagina or placed under the tongue, after which you need to lie down quietly for 5 minutes.
  • To get accurate results, BBT should be measured for at least two cycles, recording the results.

It should be noted that in this way you can calculate ovulation online. There are special resources and programs on the Web that automatically calculate fertile days (a woman only needs to enter BBT indicators there daily).

Read more about measuring basal temperature in the section.

Ovulation test

Ovulation tests are special strips that resemble those that allow you to determine pregnancy. True, the marker in this case is the hormone LH, and not hCG. Measurements are carried out in a similar way (immersion of the strips in the urine), and should begin 2-3 days before the expected ovulation.

The instructions for the test indicate which day of the cycle is best to start measuring, depending on the length of the cycle, but with irregular periods, it is almost impossible to determine this time.

Read about instrumental and instrumental methods for determining ovulation

Laboratory methods

One way to create an ovulation calendar, calculate fertile days and get pregnant quickly is to get tested for the main female hormones. These include:

  • FSH - surrenders on the 3rd-5th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • LG - for 3-8 or 21-23 days;
  • Prolactin - for 3-5 or 19-21 days;
  • Estradiol - on days 4-7 and 6-10;
  • Progesterone - 6-8th day.

The concentration of these hormones varies depending on the phase of the cycle, therefore, according to the results of the tests, it is possible to determine the day for conception with great accuracy.

If you ask specialists how to determine ovulation most effectively as in any cycle, the answer will be unequivocal - control of follicle growth using ultrasound.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out several ultrasound procedures: the first - on the 7-8th day, the second - on the 10-12th, the third - at the request of the woman or the doctor's recommendation. A sign of ovulation is usually the size of the dominant follicle, which is 18-21 mm. In addition, you can later check whether the follicle has ruptured - if a corpus luteum has formed in its place, it means that ovulation was normal.

Beginning of a period (or through a slash or a dot)
End of period (or through a slash or dot)
Marked weekends of the week
Take into account the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of days

Calculation of working days and holidays

The calculator is quite simple, but nevertheless, in my opinion, it is very convenient for calculating the number of working days between arbitrary dates.

The calculator uses data on the transfer of working days and holidays, which are contained in the annual resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Of course, there are many such calculators and we are not original in this, but there are a few highlights that I think you will like, and can be used to create other calculators.

The first highlight: We can not take into account the holidays that are contained in the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, but take into account only weekends (for Russia, Saturday and Sunday)

The second highlight: For those countries that have other days of the week as days off (for example, in Israel, the days off are Friday and Saturday), you can specify which days of the week will be days off. This is convenient not only for other countries, but also for local use, when it is known that we work in shifts, every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday.

The third highlight: We can use a completely arbitrary system of days off, set in a certain form (there is no display of this function on the site, although the functionality is working) and for everyone, it will not be difficult to build a production calendar for Belarus, Kazakhstan or Serbia.

A nice side effect of this calculator is also the calculation of the number of days between two dates. Moreover, she calculates the difference in the same way as it is done in the accounting department and the personnel department. That is, if a person works from July 1 to July 8, then it turns out 8 days. Since the last day is considered a working day.

Unlike mathematical and astronomical calculators, where with the same data, 7 days are obtained. This error in one day appears due to the fact that in personnel decisions the last day is always a working day and must be taken into account, and in exact and abstract calculators it is considered that July 8 comes at midnight (0:0:0) and the difference between midnight July 1 and midnight July 8 (or 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 milliseconds, 999999 microseconds, etc. July 7) will be exactly 7 days.

The basic principle that the bot adheres to is the frequency of weekends during the week. If this is observed, the calculator will give you the result you expected.

It is unfortunate that the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation still do not introduce a QR code, where all holidays for the current code would be indicated for machine processing. This would simplify the work of a certain circle of people.

Holidays and transfers on the territory of the Russian Federation are taken into account from 2010 to 2019 inclusive.

For users who need to calculate the first working date after a vacation or business trip or other period of time, pay attention to this calculator. Date of return to work from vacation, decree online


For Jabber clients

slave_d date.start; end.date;week

a week - gives complete information on how to calculate working days and hours. The week consists of seven characters 0 or 1, where each character has its own role. 0 - the person works, 1 - the person does not work (day off). If the week is empty, then the code 0000011 is used - that is, Saturday and Sunday are days off.

I would like to note that this is a calendar week and this indicator shows how you rest during the week. The numbering of the week starts from zero and this day is Monday, then comes Tuesday -1, Wednesday -2, etc.

the date of the beginning - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the beginning of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

end date - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the end of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

ATTENTION! The date can also be entered with a dot or a slash. Through a dot it is more convenient to enter on cellular and tablets, and through a slash it is more convenient on a computer on the keyboard on the right (numerical panel)

Examples of using

rab_d 1/1/2014;31/12/2014

in response we will receive

Number of days between two specified dates 365

Number of working days 247

Number of weekends and holidays 118

rab_d 2/7/2010;25/10/2013

In response we get

Number of days between two specified dates 1212

Number of working days 827

Number of days off and holidays 385

rab_d 20/1/2010;10/2/2014;0101001

In response we get

Number of days between two given dates 1483

Number of working days 797

Number of days off and holidays 686

The previous example, just ignore public holidays. As a use case, shift duty, security, etc.

Ovulation is a process characterized by the readiness of the egg to conceive. The significance of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that only at this time a woman is able to become pregnant. Therefore, determining the timing of ovulation is of great importance. Let's look at what this process is, when it occurs and how to calculate the time favorable for pregnancy.

What day after menstruation does ovulation occur?

So, in order to achieve the desired pregnancy, you need to know on what day ovulation occurs. According to representatives of official medicine, the maturation of the egg occurs approximately in the middle of the regular menstrual cycle. However, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the organism in each case, it is possible to shift this process in time. According to experts, with a cycle of 29 days, the release of the egg occurs on the 14-15th day, but it can also happen 2-3 earlier or later. Therefore, doctors recommend extending this period from 13 to 17 days.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the cycle itself. If it is short - 21-24 days, then it should be assumed that ovulation will occur earlier, approximately 10-12 days after the start of menstruation. With a long cycle - 32-35 days, the cell will mature 11-13 days after the onset of menstruation. At the same time, you should know that under certain circumstances (taking medications, SARS, an intense day and night rhythm of life), ovulation can occur even during menstruation. Therefore, the only reliable way to determine the time for conception is ultrasound.

How many days does ovulation last

The process of ovulation occurs under the influence of changes in the amount of sex hormones in a woman's body. Its result is the release of the egg. The whole process, according to experts, takes from 16 to 32 hours. The ovum retains its ability for possible fertilization for a short time, about a day. However, doctors believe that under certain favorable conditions, this process can last 48 hours. Medicine knows cases when the egg retained its functions that ensure fertilization for three days.

How to calculate the calendar days for conceiving a child

How to calculate the day of ovulation to get pregnant? The most accessible and simple way is the calendar method. However, it requires patience and organization, because it will take at least 6 months to track the menstrual cycle. As a result, the correct determination of the moment of egg release depends on the accuracy of the calculations. To do this, it is necessary to mark the days of the onset of menstruation and their duration.

This calculation method is based on the fact that ovulation occurs 14 days before the end of the cycle. By marking the days of the arrival of menstruation for 5-6 months, using the usual calculations, it will be possible to determine the estimated period for the release of the egg. To do this, count 14 days in each of the longest and shortest cycles and get a favorable interval for conception. As an example, we bring to your attention the following application of the calendar method.


  • 1 month 26 days
  • 2 months 28 days
  • 3 months 26 days
  • 4 months 29 days
  • 5 months 27 days
  • 6 month 30 days.
  • 30-14=16 - the release of the egg in the longest cycle occurred on the 16th day.
  • 26-14=12 - in the shortest at 12.

In this regard, the onset of ovulation is possible in the period from 12 to 16 days of the cycle. However, it is worth noting that experts note only 30% reliability of this method. For this reason, it is not recommended to use the calendar method for protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

According to experts, a number of factors influence the body's readiness for conception, including hormonal changes, infectious diseases, stress, travel, etc. For this reason, it is not always possible to calculate the exact day of ovulation. Therefore, women have a number of questions regarding other ways to determine the favorable period for conception. Among them, the most popular are:

How to determine the day of ovulation most accurately

To obtain more accurate data on the onset of ovulation, experts suggest using the method of measuring basal temperature. Its advantage is that it can also be used with an irregular cycle. It will require a conventional mercury thermometer. With it, a woman needs every morning, without getting out of bed, to measure the temperature in the anus, and then record the data, making a kind of schedule.

Temperature indicators, according to experts, are influenced by the predominance of one of the types of hormones. The first phase is characterized by the dominant role of estrogen, the second - by progesterone. This will also change the temperature. The first phase of the cycle is characterized by indicators ranging from 36.5 to 37 °C. When the phase changes and the egg is released, the indicator changes dramatically and rises to 37.5 ° C. According to doctors, this day should be considered the period of ovulation.

How to make a calculation with an irregular cycle

The life of modern women is full of stress. Therefore, only 30% of women can boast of regular periods, while the remaining 70% show regular failures. There are many drug methods to restore the normal cycle frequency. And if you can’t get rid of this feature, then how to calculate the period of ovulation? Modern medicine offers several methods, including:

  • ultrasound. This method of determining the onset of ovulation is the most accurate. With its help, the doctor with 100% probability determines the moment of release of the egg. Apply this method in the absence of pregnancy for more than three years and to control the artificial stimulation of ovulation.
  • Application of special tests. This method helps to determine the presence of hormones that are characteristic of ovulation. Due to the ease of use, it can be used independently at home. To obtain reliable data, wetting the test strip is recommended in the morning urine. The use of this method is recommended for regular menstrual cycles 17 days before the start of the next period. Note that the use of tests is considered one of the most costly methods.

With an irregular cycle, your own feelings will help determine the onset of ovulation. Many women suffering from menstrual syndrome feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen during the release of the egg. In addition, the chest can also hurt at this time. However, in addition to these signs, there are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of most women of childbearing age:

  • An increase in the production of cervical mucus, which serves as a kind of indicator of ovulation. After the cessation of bloody discharge after menstruation, mucus is practically not secreted, while when the release of the egg approaches, the mucus becomes more abundant.
  • The presence of a small amount of red discharge. The appearance of blood is associated with rupture of the follicle.
  • Increasing sexual desire. It is believed that during the period of ovulation, women experience a strong sexual desire. According to experts, nature itself encourages women to conceive an embryo, increasing sexual appetite during the release of the egg, as if gently hinting at the readiness of the body for pregnancy.

How many days before and after ovulation can you get pregnant

According to doctors, it is impossible to get pregnant both before and after ovulation. However, some couples manage to conceive a baby while having sex 3-4, and sometimes 5 days before the release of the egg. This is explained by the special vitality of spermatozoa, which, once inside the body of a woman, can retain their ability to fertilize for 3-5 days. Therefore, 5 days before the release of the egg are considered the most dangerous or favorable (it all depends on the situation) for conception.

It is not recommended to engage in unprotected sex at this time in the absence of a desire to become a mother. However, if pregnancy is planned, then sex before ovulation is advised to those couples who want a girl. It is believed that a female child is obtained by the fusion of an egg and inactive sperm. To conceive a boy, you need "fresh", nimble "tadpoles". You can't get pregnant after ovulation. However, if the process of egg release itself lasts up to 2 days, then the probability of conception on the second day is very high.

In addition, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly increased if ovulation is late. Depending on the characteristics of the lifestyle, professional activity, sexual activity, a shift in the release of the egg for 3-4 days in any direction can occur. With early ovulation, a woman who tunes in to the middle of the cycle will not be able to get pregnant, as she will miss the time, but with late ovulation, the probability of conception increases significantly.

How many days does menstruation start

Menstruation in the normal development of the process, in the absence of pregnancy, occurs 12-14 days after ovulation. However, sometimes there is a delay, which can last from two months to six months. During this period, it may even feel sick, which suggests pregnancy. However, if the test fixes a negative result, then this condition indicates the presence of the disease. With a delay in menstruation and the absence of pregnancy, women of childbearing age should consult a gynecologist to determine the causes of the failure.

Ovulation Day Calculation at Home: Online Calculator

How to calculate the day of ovulation at home? Our calculator will help determine the exact date of the release of the egg. To do this, you must enter in a specially designed window the day of the beginning of menstruation and their end. In addition, the duration of bleeding should be indicated. To obtain reliable data, it is recommended to use women's calendar entries for the last 5-6 months.

To perform certain tasks in Excel, you need to determine how many days have passed between certain dates. Fortunately, the program has tools that can solve this issue. Let's find out how you can calculate the date difference in Excel.

Before you start working with dates, you need to format the cells for this format. In most cases, when you enter a character set that looks like a date, the cell will reformat itself. But it is still better to do it manually to insure yourself against surprises.

Now all the data that will be contained in the selected cells will be recognized by the program as a date.

Method 1: simple calculation

The easiest way to calculate the difference of days between dates is with a simple formula.

Method 2: RAZDAT function

You can also use a special function to calculate the difference in dates RAZDAT. The problem is that it is not in the list of the Function Wizard, so you have to enter the formula manually. Its syntax looks like this:

RAZDAT(start_date, end_date, unit)

"Unit"- this is the format in which the result will be displayed in the selected cell. The symbol used in this parameter determines the units in which the total will be returned:

  • "y" - full years;
  • "m" - complete months;
  • "d" - days;
  • "YM" - difference in months;
  • "MD" - the difference in days (months and years are not taken into account);
  • "YD" - the difference in days (years are not taken into account).

You also need to note that, unlike the simple formula method described above, when using this function, the start date must be in the first place, and the end date should be in the second. Otherwise, the calculations will be incorrect.

Method 3: calculating the number of working days

Excel also has the ability to calculate the working days between two dates, that is, excluding weekends and holidays. For this, the function is used CHISTRABNI. Unlike the previous statement, it is listed in the Function Wizard. The syntax for this function is:

NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])

In this function, the main arguments are the same as those of the operator RAZDAT- start and end date. In addition, there is an optional argument "Holidays".

It should be replaced by the dates of public holidays, if any, for the period covered. The function calculates all days of the specified range, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and also those days that are added by the user to the argument "Holidays".

After the above manipulations, the number of working days for the specified period will be displayed in the pre-selected cell.

As you can see, the Excel program provides its users with a fairly convenient tool for calculating the number of days between two dates. At the same time, if you just need to calculate the difference in days, then the best option would be to use a simple subtraction formula, rather than using the function RAZDAT. But if you need, for example, to calculate the number of working days, then the function will come to the rescue NETWORKDAYS. That is, as always, the user should decide on the execution tool after he has set a specific task.

The birth of a baby is a great happiness for those who are waiting for it. Which days are favorable for conception for some women is an urgent question, while others are interested in how to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Simple, time-tested methods for determining the period for conception will help in both the first and second cases.

Probability of getting pregnant

Fertilization of the egg occurs if there was unprotected intercourse, and ovulation occurred in the current month. When planning a pregnancy, a woman should initially visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no health problems. Before taking, you need to calculate your cycle and remember the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. A 28-day cycle is considered ideal. High probability of pregnancy is especially high on day 14.

What days of the cycle can you get pregnant

Contrary to methods of protection and condoms, any days of the cycle for conception are favorable. The fertile period begins five days before ovulation - the maturation of the egg. This means that hormonal changes have begun in the cervical mucus. It creates favorable conditions for sperm, and the expansion of the uterine pharynx facilitates the penetration of the sperm into the egg.

Chances of getting pregnant during your period

What days can you get pregnant? All days. For example, with a hormonal failure or prolonged nervous tension, the egg matures until the middle of the menstrual cycle or does not mature at all. So if you are interested in what is the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation, then it is very high, especially in recent days. Abundant bleeding in the first menstrual days creates an unfavorable atmosphere for spermatozoa, but with a long protracted menstruation, the risk of conceiving a baby increases.

Chances of getting pregnant after period

Most girls believe that it is impossible to get pregnant after menstruation. Two days after the regulation are characterized by a low chance of pregnancy. However, it is worth considering that it is not zero. What is the chance of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation? In theory, the female body works by the clock, but in practice there is no way to accurately calculate how many days after menstruation you can get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant a few days before menstruation

When menstruation comes, this does not mean that a woman cannot become pregnant. Women with a stable menstrual cycle are as likely to become a mother as those with irregular cycles. The chances of conceiving a child are different on certain days of the cycle. The best time to get pregnant is a week before your period . The days of the cycle can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. With follicular, the maturation of the follicle begins.
  2. Ovulatory accompanies the release of the egg.
  3. During the luteal phase, a change in the hormonal background for conception occurs.
  4. End: desquamation - the egg is released with the endometrium.

Calculate ovulation calculate

Gynecologists call a good time for getting pregnant ovulation - the procession of an egg into the fallopian tube as a result of a rupture of a mature follicle. Some women can even feel it. You can feel that you have ovulated by signs:

  • the breast is enlarged;
  • sensations of sipping, heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • basal temperature rises;
  • increased desire to have sex;
  • the amount of clear discharge increases.

At this moment, the body itself tells the woman what her main purpose is. How to correctly determine ovulation for conception if you do not have the above symptoms? For this purpose, online calculators are suitable, where you need to enter the start date of the last menstruation and the duration of the entire cycle. You can calculate the days using a regular calendar: ovulation cannot occur earlier than 14 days before menstruation, but it all depends on the length of the cycle.

Safe days from pregnancy

There is a myth that there are safe days after menstruation on which you will not be able to get pregnant. But with unprotected intercourse, there is always a chance of fertilization of the egg. So what day after menstruation can you get pregnant? Gynecologists say that in any: without contraception, you will not be 100% protected from the likelihood of a child. The chance of conception is lowest two days before and after bleeding. Find out ways, if it is undesirable.

Dangerous days for pregnancy

Pregnancy is always possible when a woman is healthy and disposed to childbearing. There are dangerous days that those who have not yet thought about procreation are afraid of. You can determine the chances of getting pregnant using an online menstruation counter or by yourself. Calculating which days are favorable for conception is simple: you need to take your menstrual calendar for the last six months and calculate the average cycle (from the first days of the regulation to the next):

  • 28 days - ovulation occurs on the 14th day.
  • 33 days, a good moment falls on the 17th day.

ovulation chart

The table of ovulation days implies the entry of basal temperature data. It's an easy way to know when your body is changing and calculate the days to conceive. . Ovulation occurs in the second phase of the cycle and is characterized by an increase in basal body temperature. The measurement procedure is carried out in the morning, using a conventional thermometer, which is inserted into the vagina immediately after waking up. The ovulation schedule includes two phases of the cycle:

  • vertical line - basal temperature value from 35.7 to 37.2;
  • horizontal line - days of the menstrual cycle (normal range from 28 to 32).

When is the best time to get pregnant

If you can’t conceive a child, then you should increase the chances and calculate which days are best to get pregnant. First you need to visit a gynecologist, drink vitamins, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, give up bad habits. Fixing BBT during the cycle will help plan the best days for pregnancy. Its decrease or increase will tell you about the days that will contribute to conception (the day of egg maturation, ovulation).

When planning pregnancy, a woman may need to take complexes of biologically active substances that normalize and support reproductive function. For example, the biologically active food supplement TIME-FACTOR®, which contains vitamins C and E, folic acid, rutin, minerals (iron, magnesium and zinc), indole-3-carbinol, glutamic acid, aucubin, gingerols, as well as standardized herbal extracts of angelica root, ginger root and sacred vitex fruit. The complex of biologically active substances that make up the dietary supplement TIME-FACTOR® contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the maintenance of hormonal balance.

Video: what is the day of ovulation

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