Ear drops for ear congestion after a cold. Ear blocked. Causes of ear congestion. What to do with ear congestion

Almost everyone has experienced ear congestion at least once in their life. This trouble, as a rule, is accompanied by noise in the ear, deafness, heaviness in the head, a strong sound of one's voice. Sometimes it may seem that water has flowed into the ear.

What drugs are used

Ear drops for ear congestion, apply:

  • if the ears are blocked with accumulations of sulfur, then they use drops in the ears of a softening action;
  • at acute otitis media, in addition to drops that help remove earwax, drops are used in the ear with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • if the ears are blocked due to the growth of colonies of the fungus, special antifungal drops are used (only an otolaryngologist can prescribe the drug and only after the results of the analysis for the type of fungus;
  • with symptoms of aerootitis.

Today there are many various drugs to eliminate the feeling of congestion in the ears. So, what to drip into the ear if it is blocked?

It must be said that earwax contains about 20-50% fat. And the surfactants contained in the preparation "A-Cerumen" perfectly dissolve it by crushing it into small droplets, which can be easily washed off with an ordinary aqueous solution.

When and what to drip

What caused congestion Name of the drug How to apply
Sulfur plug Hydrogen peroxide It is necessary to instill three times a day, 3 drops in each ear canal (if both ears are blocked), preheating the peroxide to 37 degrees. Treatment should last 2-3 days.
"A-Cerumen" Use once in the morning and before bed. Half of the plastic bottle should be poured into the blocked ear canal. In this case, the head should be positioned right ear up. This position must be maintained for one minute. Then tilt your head with your stuffed ear down to facilitate the release of wax. It takes about 3-4 days to heal.
"Remo Wax" In one ear, you need to pour 20 drops of the drug and close it with a cotton swab for about half an hour. After removing the swab, it is recommended to lightly rinse it with water at room temperature.
Otitis externa Boric alcohol Before using this remedy, it is necessary to make a small swab from a piece of sterile gauze. It should be poured 3-5 drops of boric alcohol and placed in the ear canal. The tampon should be there for 3-4 hours. Every day you will need to repeat this manipulation 2-3 times. It is permissible to be treated in this way for no longer than 5 days in order to avoid the development of side effects.
"Candibiotic" For the treatment of congestion with otitis externa and otitis media, it is necessary to drip 4-5 drops of the drug into each ear canal 3 or 4 times a day. It will take about 7-10 days for treatment. The condition improves significantly after 4-5 days.
Otitis media "Otinum" It is necessary to drip into each ear 3-4 drops of this drug from 2 to 4 times a day. Treatment will last approximately 5-7 days.
"Otipax" According to the instructions, it is supposed to inject this drug 3-4 drops into the blocked ear 2-3 times every day. The treatment period is 10 days.
"Otofa" Apply with congestion due to acute and chronic otitis. Before use, the drops must be heated. To do this, it is enough to hold the bottle in your hands for 5 minutes. You need to drip it at least 3 times a day - 3 drops (for children) or 5 drops (for adults) per clear ear. You can use this drug for no more than 3 days in a row.

Let's summarize

The elimination of such an unpleasant symptom as ear congestion must be carried out exclusively together with the complex. medical measures, which should get rid of the disease that provoked this symptom. We should not forget that sometimes congestion, pain and tinnitus indicate the occurrence of a pathology that is unsafe for health, requiring the intervention of an experienced specialist. Therefore, when laying ears, first of all it is necessary to as soon as possible contact an otolaryngologist, and not “prescribe” drops in your ears with congestion.

Colds and flu are often accompanied by stuffy ears. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you first need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

Why lays ears with a cold

Natural hearing aid a person consists of external, middle and inner ear, and the middle is separated from the outer by the tympanic membrane. The Eustachian tube is a channel connecting the pharynx and the middle ear, due to which the pressure in the middle ear is equalized.

It is almost impossible not to catch a cold in the conditions of the Russian winter, so a runny nose is common nuisance any inhabitant of our country in the cold season. In such situations, the Eustachian tube swells and narrows, due to which the middle ear pressure “gets stuck” at the same level and ceases to adjust to the external air pressure. The result is a feeling of fullness in the ears.

How to cure stuffy ears with a runny nose

There are several ways to treat stuffy ears with a cold:

Ear drops;


Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose;

Exercises to normalize pressure in the middle ear.

From ear drops Albucid, Otium, Sofradex or Risorcin solution can help in the treatment of stuffy ears. All of them have an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane and kill pathogenic microbes.

It should not be forgotten that ear congestion is only a syndrome, and priority should be given to treating the disease itself - the flu or the common cold.

Vasoconstrictive nose drops - for example, Sanorin or Galazolin - also help get rid of stuffy ears. However, it must be remembered that such drugs quickly dry out the nasal mucosa, so they should not be abused. Doctors usually recommend using similar drugs no more than seven days.

Good healing effect with stuffy ears usually give alcohol compresses. Making them is easy: water is mixed with alcohol in equal parts, folded gauze is dipped into this liquid and applied to the ear so that it does not penetrate into the auricle. The therapeutic effect of such a simple procedure will be further enhanced by prolonged application of a compress. For example, you can cover the gauze with polyethylene and leave it all night, bandaging the ear.

What other diseases can lay the ears

Since a runny nose and a cold are far from the only possible reason ear congestion, it is recommended at the first sensation of laying to consult an otolaryngologist. The fact is that similar symptom it is also characteristic of inflammation of the middle or inner ear, deviated septum, and in case of ingress of water or foreign object into the auditory canal.

Any medications for ear congestion may contain potent substances, so it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before using them.

Such diseases and malfunctions of the auditory organ require qualified medical assistance in most cases. Timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent possible loss hearing, which is usually treated with great difficulty. It can be impossible to return the former acuity of hearing after such complications.

Plugged up ears with a cold

The common cold is a disease that entails a number of unpleasant manifestations on the part of the human body: perspiration and sore throat, nasal congestion, hyperthermia. Patients often complain that their ears are stuffed up with a cold. Since from time to time colds overcome even the most hardened, then everyone should know how to be treated if they block their ears with a runny nose, and what to do if, as a result of a cold, their ears are laid away from the village, where you can get qualified medical care.

Why does it stuff your ears when you have a cold?

The nose, throat and ears are single system, therefore, a violation in one of the organs provokes pathological changes in a different. So if the sinuses are clogged with mucus, then this entails a violation of the air flow in the Eustachian tube located in the ear. The feeling that, during a cold, stuffed up the ears, indicates that it has begun inflammatory process that captured the middle ear. Subsequently, quite noticeable pains, hearing loss, crackling in the ears and purulent discharge from the ear canal.

Stuffed ears with a cold - treatment

Ear congestion with a cold is a reason to seek advice from an otolaryngologist, because often otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) becomes a prerequisite for the development of hearing loss. Along with anti-cold and antibacterial drugs doctor prescribes:

  • ear drops (Anauran, Otipax, Otium, Sofradex, etc.);
  • ointments (Oxycort, Hydrocortisone)
  • based solutions sea ​​salt for washing the sinuses (for example, Rivanol);
  • phytocandles for ears (Reamed, Tentorium, etc.);
  • therapeutic compresses on the parotid area.

In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated.

Ear treatment for colds folk remedies

If the inflammatory process began far from the city, for example, in camping trip, and also as an ambulance for stuffy ears, you can use the methods of traditional medicine:

  1. Make a turunda from cotton wool, soak it in water-alcohol solution and place in the ear canal. From above, the ear should be covered with a warm scarf.
  2. Use natural antibiotics- onion juice or garlic clove.
  3. Bake a small onion in the oven, cut off a piece and put it in your ear.
  4. Propolis infused with vodka perfectly replaces pharmaceutical drops.
  5. An effective remedy is an infusion of bay leaves, which is instilled into the ears.
  6. Place swabs into ear canals water infusion chamomile, eucalyptus or calendula.

It is important to remember that all of the folk remedies can be used only if there is no purulent discharge from the ears.

Stuffed up ears after a cold

Sometimes it happens that a person has been treated for a cold, but the feeling of congestion in the ears does not go away. This is a sign that the disease is not fully cured. IN this case you can use the following methods:

If the discomfort persists, then you can not avoid a visit to the doctor. It is likely that a sulfur plug has formed in the ear. The otolaryngologist will very quickly wash the cork out of the ear, and the feeling of congestion will disappear.

But to warm the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore ear, poking around in ear canal, dripping boric or medical alcohol is by no means impossible! Wrong treatment can lead to serious complications, up to partial or complete deafness.

Why is the ear blocked during a cold and how to deal with it?

Many are familiar with the situation: the ear is stuffed up during a cold and at the same time there are very unpleasant sensations. When it gets cold or cold outside, many people start to get sick. Colds occur in such situations most often. As a rule, many people do not pay enough attention to treatment and do not observe during illness bed rest. They explain this only by the fact that they have absolutely no time to get sick.

In most cases, during a cold, symptoms such as coughing, a runny nose, redness and sore throat are observed, in some situations even stuffiness in the ear or both ears appears. If the ear is stuffed up with a cold, then this, of course, causes discomfort. In addition to the fact that you practically do not hear anything with a sore ear, it also “shoots” from time to time, and this is accompanied by quite severe pain.

Why can ears be blocked during a cold?

In order to understand the reasons why, after a cold or directly during an illness, it lays the ears, you need to know at least superficially the human anatomy and the structure of the ears, throat and nose.

The tympanic cavity, which is located in the human ear, is very closely connected with the holes located in its nasopharynx. Due to this structure, a small part of the air that a person inhales when swallowing or chewing food enters directly into tympanic cavity ear.

If a person is completely healthy, then there is a certain pressure in it. If there are some reasons that prevent the air from fully passing, then in this case the pressure decreases and, accordingly, after that the ear is blocked.

If, during the occurrence of such a problem, an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is also observed, then the mucous membrane swells several times stronger. This is reflected both in the ears themselves and at work. auditory tube person. Air cannot enter the tympanic cavity, and because of this, the ears are blocked.

It is worth noting that if the patient cannot fully breathe through the nose, then at this time in the nasopharynx and in the middle ear there is a phenomenon such as back pressure, which becomes main reason ear congestion. If this is the case, then you need to start immediately treating the nasopharynx, which will help restore not only the ability to fully breathe through the nose, but will also stimulate the elimination of ear congestion. As soon as you start breathing through your nose, after a few days, and sometimes hours, the problem will pass with ears.

The actions of the patient with ear congestion

What should be done in that situation, if, nevertheless, the ear is blocked? In order to remove the plug in this organ, you can use some homemade recipes and methods. For example, you can drop into sore ear a small amount of aqueous solution. It must be warm, in some cases a small amount of soda can be poured into such a solution.

In most cases, either a pipette or a small disposable syringe is used to instill the medicine into the ear. It is interesting that water must be poured in very sharply, but at the same time, make sure that there is no severe discomfort and pain. This method is not only quite affordable at home, but also shows very good results. In just a few such procedures, you can regain your hearing, and the sounds will be even clearer than before the disease.

If the cause of congestion in the auditory organ is chronic form runny nose or, for example, sinusitis, then first of all you need to use enough salty water in order to thoroughly rinse the nasal passages. In this case, even if the ear hurts, no solution or mixture should be instilled into it. The same goes for boric acid, which very often treats ears from the most various diseases and problems.

In order to pass congestion in the ear, you can do special movements lower jaw, which must be performed strictly in a circle.

Of course, such movements must be done very carefully and carefully so that there is no dislocation. During this type of gymnastics, very often the patient can hear that an incomprehensible crack and even a slight gurgling occurs in the ear. This indicates that the fluid that has entered the tympanic cavity is returning back to the nose. Fluid enters the ears only due to the fact that the pressure in the nasal passages increases and lifts it up.

Some people may use an incredibly simple, but very effective method, which also helps in most cases. They just hold their breath. In addition, you can close your nose with your fingers while drinking a small amount of water.

If such manipulations did not bring the desired result, then you can soak a cotton swab in a saline or even alcohol solution and put it in the ear canal. Next, wrap your head with a woolen scarf or a warm towel. But this method is not suitable for everyone. If there is very serious illness ears or a strong inflammatory process, then from similar treatment should be discarded, as complications are possible.

Diseases that provoke stuffy ears

Ear congestion can be caused by more than just a cold. In some cases, the cause is the development of other diseases.

These include:

  • a cold;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

The inflammatory process begins to develop in connection with the common cold. In such situations, the treatment is to use heat. A sore ear needs to be well warmed up. For this, alcohol compresses are often used.

Congestion of the auditory organ can be the first signal that a person develops otitis media - a serious inflammatory process that affects the middle ear. If the cause of congestion is otitis media, then in no case should you warm up your ears even in the simplest ways.

May rupture when exposed to heat purulent formation in the organ, and this will cause complete or partial hearing loss. Of course, such a consequence is not the most dangerous. There are cases when pus even got inside the human brain and led to death.

Congestion can also occur if you have not cured rhinitis. It has already been said above that the ears, nose and throat of a person are interconnected. Therefore, if you have not completely cured rhinitis, then a large amount of mucus may accumulate in the nasal passages, which will cause discomfort and make you feel like your ears are blocked. Checking whether this is the cause is quite simple: you need to firmly pinch your nose with two fingers and exhale strongly. If during such a procedure gurgling and crackling in the ears occur, then a certain amount of mucus has entered the tympanic cavity.

If a person has inflammation of the facial nerve, then all the signs of a cold and stuffy ears will be present. In this case, the problem will be noted only in the auditory organ, from which the inflammation of the nerve occurs. A symptom of this problem is enough strong pain directly in the ear, as well as in the temples, cheeks or even in the chin.

In most cases, a small rash can be found behind the ear, and the face may begin to go numb on the side where the inflammatory process is observed. Treatment with heat, compresses and even drops will not bring any result, and you will only waste precious time. If inflamed facial nerve, then you need to treat it with the help of injections and special physical education. In this case, the treatment is quite long and can take up to six months.

Congestion in the auditory organ may occur due to the fact that you used certain medications to treat a cold, which caused this side effect.

As soon as you notice that you have problems with your ears (unpleasant or even pain, congestion, unusual sounds), you should immediately consult a specialist. He will help determine the cause of the discomfort and prescribe the correct treatment.

In no case do not self-medicate, because it is very important to determine the cause of congestion. At wrong choice treatment can cause quite serious complications and health problems, up to hearing loss or even death.

Ear congestion without pain - how to treat. Causes of ear congestion without pain

Almost everyone has experienced this unpleasant sensation, but it is far from always possible to understand the nature of ear congestion. The symptom is expressed in the muffling of surrounding sounds, a change in the sound of one's own voice, a feeling of heaviness in the head. Ear congestion without pain, as a rule, occurs with pathological processes in the auditory canal or passage connecting the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx. If hearing loss does not go away for a long time or an unpleasant symptom often recurs, this is a good reason to see a doctor.

Why lays ears without pain

Usually, painless congestion ear occurs in hypertensive patients, in women during pregnancy or in people suffering from osteochondrosis cervical. The symptom, in addition, can manifest itself with prolonged exposure to high altitude(after the aircraft) or as a result of diving to depth. Congestion without pain is often manifested in children with measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria. The reasons that provoked this symptom may be different. The most common ones are described below.

Stuffed ear and noisy

Ringing in the ear and congestion is called Meniere's syndrome, so far it has not been fully understood. The symptom usually accompanies any pathological processes occurring in the body. These include: allergies, disorders hormonal balance, low or high arterial pressure, hormonal surges with menopause, dystonia, poisoning. How this syndrome develops is unknown, but it is believed that it is stimulated by a change in metabolism in the tissue of the inner ear.

The data of the conducted studies prove that 50% of people who have ringing and noise in their ears have certain disorders in the mobility and functionality of the maxillotemporal joint. An osteopath treats such cases. In the presence of congestion without pain with characteristic tinnitus, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will diagnose and be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

The ear does not hear, but does not hurt

A decrease in hearing function in a person can occur abruptly or come on gradually. Moreover, in the second case, a person, as a rule, long time does not realize that he began to hear worse. Causes of hearing loss without pain can vary, depending on the patient's age and other factors. Often a person begins to deaf in the presence of a mechanical obstruction (wax plug) in the ear or diseases of the ear canals. Other factors that lead to ear congestion without pain are:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • age-related restructuring of the body;
  • excessive intake medicines;
  • the presence of fluid in the ear canal or cerumen;
  • harmful professional conditions(constant humming noise, working with chemicals);
  • atherosclerosis.


If the loss of balance is accompanied by ear congestion, it can be caused by various infectious diseases or traumatic brain injury. In addition, otitis media sometimes becomes the cause of such symptoms - it has a general negative effect on the body, including loss of balance. Periodic plugging of the ears is also possible due to impaired work vestibular apparatus. Jumps in blood pressure can provoke this phenomenon, then additional symptoms will serve:

  • flies before the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • tinnitus.

Headache and stuffy ears

These symptoms, when present at the same time, are indicative of hypertension ( high blood pressure). Her additional features may become nausea, weakness, feeling that presses on the temples. If you have ear congestion without the pain of a migraine, try to get some sleep or at least take a break from work. With a strong pressure surge, you need to take a pill, and if it is ineffective, call an ambulance.

It's like water in my ears

The sensation of water in the ear is extremely unpleasant, and the discomfort can last up to 2 weeks. Despite the absence of pain, a person should consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate complex treatment. Typically, this includes rinsing the ears to remove wax buildup and using drops. If the cause of congestion is still water that got into the ear, try to remove it as follows: wipe the ear with a towel, inhale the air and, closing the nose with your fingers, hold your breath. Exhale without opening your mouth and without opening your nose - air with water will come out through your ears.

How to treat ear congestion

It is not always possible to cure ears on your own, moreover, it is fraught with dangerous complications. If you experience ear congestion, you should consult a doctor. He will find out the cause of the symptom and, based on the results of the examination, will select therapeutic complex. So, with otitis media, you may be prescribed drops for the ears and taking medicines. When the eardrum ruptures, the specialist prescribes antibiotics and painkillers. The following are methods for treating ear congestion without pain.

Ear drops

Often the doctor recommends peroxide, boric alcohol or Otipax for ear congestion. In addition to them, "A-Cerumen", "Garazon", "Otinum" and other drops help to cope with the symptom. The drug is selected based on the cause that served to develop congestion without pain. Ear drops may be prescribed if the symptom is caused by:

  • accumulated big amount sulfur;
  • otitis;
  • the growth of the fungus;
  • aerootitis.


It is possible to get rid of ear congestion by therapeutic massage. This method is applicable to eliminate the post-cold symptom. In addition, eardrum massage is used to treat ear congestion. To do this, cover the ear with the palm of your hand and make circular movements in one direction, then the other. This method is effective in the presence of water in the ear canals (or the feeling that something is squelching inside).

Features of ear treatment at home

The best option is to contact experienced specialist. This is especially true for people who often suffer from ear problems. However, if your body temperature remains normal, the condition does not cause concern, you can try to eliminate the symptom yourself. It is worthwhile to carry out all the manipulations with extreme caution, so if you are not sure of your abilities, it is better to consult with Laura. How to treat the ear at home?

With a cold

Often stuffs up the ears with a cold. This is a consequence of blowing out. dangers this symptom does not carry, and you can easily deal with it yourself. If your ears are stuffed up, cover your nose with your fingers and start exhaling big portion air until you feel a light pop. Immediately after this, swallow several times. The ear can be delayed immediately or after 5-10 minutes. You can also try blowing up a balloon through a cocktail straw to relieve congestion.

With a cold

If ear congestion occurs against the background of a runny nose, the symptom should be removed by washing the sinuses. To do this, prepare saline solution(1 tsp per glass warm water). Using a small pear, carefully pour a little liquid into each nostril in turn and immediately blow it out. After the procedure, you can use any vasoconstrictor drops for the nose.

Video: is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear

Gives a person a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Pathology is not independent disease, and in most cases, in the absence of proper treatment, contributes to the formation of more serious problems. The mentioned sensation is a symptom of one of the diseases or conditions of the body, but, like other pathologies, requires treatment. Ear drops for ear congestion are the most effective remedy.

Factors causing ear congestion

An infectious and inflammatory process in the respiratory system of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature is a common cause of ear congestion. The development of inflammation in the nose, throat or paranasal sinuses leads to the appearance of edema of the nasopharyngeal mouth of the auditory tube. As a result, the balance between pressure in the tympanic cavity and environment, there is a disorder of the drainage function eustachian tube.

Pathogens with secreted nasal mucus enter the auditory tube and tympanic cavity, an inflammatory process develops - and. Due to inflammation, the mucous membrane of the middle ear and tympanic membrane swells, the performance of sound-conducting mechanisms is disrupted. The consequence of this is a feeling of congestion in the characteristic organ and a decrease in auditory perception.

A common cause of pathologies of the Eustachian tube and development is hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils and adenoiditis. Factors that provoke swelling of the mouth of the Eustachian tube in adults are,. A violation of blood flow in the ear can cause congestion in the organ of hearing.

There are several diseases that contribute to the appearance of the pathology in question:

  • any origin;
  • tubootitis;
  • , including its chronic form;
  • catarrhal otitis of the middle ear;

Many of the above diseases occur as complications with acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, sinusitis, and violation of the rules of oral hygiene.

In addition to ear pathologies, congestion of a characteristic organ is formed when a liquid or a foreign body enters the ear, the presence, and the intake of certain medications.

Treatment of diseases of the hearing organs with drops

In the process of diagnosis, the attending specialist first of all determines the location of the lesion. Then he finds out the cause of the development of the disease. The information obtained allows us to assign the competent and most effective treatment ear pathologies.

If the cause of ear congestion was the accumulation of ear secretions, then drops are used to soften the sulfur in the cavity of the organ of hearing. This medicine contains surfactants. They are surfactants capable of reducing the density of sulfur plug. Then it is dissolved, as a result of which the cavity of the ear canal is released.

At acute course otitis, in addition to removing sulfur drops, you should use drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. You need to use them with extreme caution, as many of the tools in this category are quite powerful. Therefore, the treatment of otitis should proceed under the supervision of a treating specialist.

Tubootitis therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ear drops. In a relationship infectious form diseases use antibacterial agents in the form of drops local action. For the treatment of allergic tubootitis, patients are prescribed antihistamine. To reduce swelling of the mucosa, you need to use.

If the congestion of the ear canal has arisen, best solution This problem will be nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect.

The pressure in the ears, which usually occurs during air travel, is relieved with the help of vasoconstrictors.

Ear congestion of a fungal nature is eliminated with antifungal drops. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after an examination for the type of fungus and setting accurate diagnosis. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, as this can lead to the development of irreversible defects in the inner ear.

Varieties of drops that eliminate congestion

Each pathology of the hearing organs has its own signs. Ear congestion is accompanied by various symptoms:

  • the occurrence of acute pain syndrome in otitis media;
  • and partial are characteristic of sulfuric plugs;
  • tinnitus is a consequence of a disease of a bacterial nature.

There are many effective drugs able to eliminate all negative symptoms. But before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor.

With congestion of a characteristic organ and the absence of pain, vasoconstrictor drops are used. These include "Galazolin" - pharmaceutical drug local use, possessing vasoconstrictor action. The medicine is used for rhinitis and ear congestion caused by a cold. And also locally applied "Vibrocil". The drug is effective for otitis media, acute, chronic, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis.

If congestion in the organ of hearing is accompanied painful sensations, then the ear drops used must include an anesthetic component. It should be noted "Ototone". The drug relieves and eliminates inflammatory processes.

Ear drops "Otipaks" act gently, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pathological processes and pain syndrome. Since the drug is one of the safe drugs, it is suitable for treatment infants less than a year old.

With noise in the ear and congestion, antibacterial agents such as Otofa, Albucid, Otinum will help to cope. There are practically no contraindications to the use of these drugs. But they can call allergic reaction to the components of antibiotics, so you should consult your doctor before use.

A drugPhotoPrice
From 24 rub.
From 289 rub.
From 254 rubles.
From 204 rub.
From 226 rubles.

For achievement maximum effect from the drug you need to use ear drops, following some rules:

  1. Before dripping the medication into the ear, it must be warmed in the hands to body temperature. Cold drops cause considerable discomfort to the patient, and too warm drops can cause.
  2. Before you should lie on your side with the treated ear up. In the absence of the ability to accept lying position and tilt your head.
  3. To straighten the ear canal, you should pull the auricle up and back. Only after these manipulations, administer the drug.
  4. After instilling drops into the ears, you need to insert cotton wool soaked in oil or petroleum jelly into the ear canal. It will prevent the medication from leaking out of the ear cavity, and the oil will not allow the cotton wool to absorb the drug.
  5. The drug is administered only along the posterior surface of the ear canal. Otherwise, an "air lock" may form.
  6. If the patient uses, then before the procedure, he must remove the device. The device is put back on only after the medication has been removed from the ear canal.
  7. When it is contraindicated to use drops containing alcohol. These medicines cause discomfort, cause irritation, which leads to intense pain.
  8. In the absence of positive dynamics after a few days, you should contact an otolaryngologist to adjust the treatment regimen.

Preventive actions

The best prevention of ear congestion is hygiene and strengthening protective functions organism. The less frequently it is exposed viral infection, topics less likely development of ear disorders. Active activity, hardening, balanced diet and taking a vitamin will help to avoid the development colds during the cold period.

It is not recommended to ignore the congestion of the hearing organs, as it can lead to the development serious complications including hearing loss, otitis. To avoid similar situation timely treatment of colds will allow.


elimination negative symptom- stuffy ears should be carried out exclusively in conjunction with a set of therapeutic measures that can get rid of the diseases that provoked the appearance of the pathology in question. The presence of pain and tinnitus signals the development of a serious anomaly. To eliminate it, the help of an otolaryngologist is required. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore these symptoms, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. medical assistance rather than self-medicate.

Video: Drops in the ears

The feeling of congestion in the ears most often appears due to the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal. In addition, there are other more serious reasons, on which hearing is reduced and there is a feeling of congestion. To deal with this problem, you can use ear drops.

Sudden hearing loss may be caused by different reasons. In addition to diseases, a feeling of congestion occurs after swimming, walking in the cold season without a hat. The most common causes of temporary deafness are diseases such as:

  • otitis;
  • colds;
  • aerootitis;
  • otomycosis;
  • inflammatory processes after traumatic brain injury.

Often such sensations appear after blowing your nose. Temporary deafness appears, the ear begins to hurt. The cause may also be the ingress of a foreign object into the ear, the accumulation of water or the formation a large number sulfur. When stuffy ears appear unpleasant symptoms in the form of tinnitus, headache, strong sound of one's own voice, heaviness in the head.

Treatment must be comprehensive using therapeutic measures. However, in some cases, stuffy ears can be the cause dangerous pathology. In this case, you will need medical intervention. If unusual symptoms appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for advice. increased attention should be given after a sore throat, sinusitis, to avoid complications. During the period of the disease, swelling of the ear mucosa occurs, and at the same time the lumen narrows. Such feelings can for a long time not pass, resulting in pain.

Choice of drug

To eliminate congestion in the ear, it is advisable to select multifunctional products. These drugs have an effect on the body complex impact. It is best to choose drops that have the following properties:

  • immunomodulating;
  • antiviral;
  • painkillers.

All these drugs are able to relieve pain, soften the accumulated sulfur in the ears, and eliminate the inflammatory process in the ears. Drops are instilled into the external auditory canal, if there are certain indications.

With otitis media and other inflammatory processes require anti-inflammatory drugs. Antihistamines are also sometimes used. At acute form diseases and painkillers are needed.

Vasodilator drops help with aerootitis. Many people have this disease due to pressure drop. For example, when landing a plane, after diving, while skiing or snowboarding. During the movement of a high-speed elevator, it also lays ears.

Antifungal drops help with reproduction in the auditory lumen of active fungi. However, only a specialist can prescribe such drops, since self-medication in this case is dangerous to health.

If there is noise in the ear and congestion without pain
, then there is a sulfur plug in the ear canal. To do this, use means with a softening property. After instillation, they soften the sulfur and all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Very often, ear candles are used for congestion. They consist of a special fabric coated on the outside with wax. The candle is twisted in a spiral. It is used to remove sulfuric secretions in the area of ​​the external auditory canal.

Ear drops

There are many troubleshooting tools that may not be suitable for everyone. Some of them are contraindicated for children. For example, the popular boric alcohol has not been used to treat children for a long time. It causes pain, so it is better to drip other means. Very often with a cold lays his ears, what to do in this case? Consider the most affordable and effective means for instillation:

Nasal drops

Have a positive effect vasoconstrictors. In the early days of a runny nose, they perfectly help relieve swelling, which causes discomfort. These drugs include Vibrocil", "Naphthyzin", "Sanorin".

Congestion in the treatment of colds

Sometimes after the use of various drugs in the treatment of inflammatory processes, hearing problems also occur. This happens for several reasons:

  • the hearing aid is blocked by a portion of the drug;
  • swollen ear secret;
  • an allergic reaction to a drug.

The patient digs in his nose or ears and immediately feels that congestion has appeared. What to do to get rid of discomfort? You can resort to the following actions:

  • it is necessary to lie down and take a horizontal position;
  • pressing the palm to the blocked ear, jump in place;
  • twist a cotton swab and insert it into the ear hole to absorb the remnants of the medicine.

If all these measures do not bring a positive result, it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Please note that, according to doctors, accumulation of wax in the ear canal is not a violation of the rules of hygiene. This is most often associated with a disease or frequent cleaning of the ear canal.

15301 02/13/2019 7 min.

Most often, a feeling of stuffy ear and a decrease in auditory perception is caused by cerumen plug. This is the most common cause of discomfort. But besides her, there are other reasons that are not so obvious, but also quite real: otitis media, fungus, pressure drops, runny nose, etc. To eliminate congestion, you can use special ear drops that soften the plug, relieve swelling, inflammation, and other beneficial effects.

In the article, we will find out which drops in the ears are used for ear congestion. We will find out which means help better than others and see if the use of vasoconstrictor drops is effective in this case.


Let's find out what signs ear congestion has.

Hearing loss is the most main feature of this ailment. If both ears are stuffed up at once, then the person will generally feel like in a "tank", having lost his usual connection with the world. Sometimes such sensations can be very frightening, especially if congestion happened for the first time.

You will find a list of drops in the ears for otitis media.

Appears in my head light noise, similar to rustling. The sounds uttered by a person are not heard by him, but simply echo in his head with a distant ringing.


What can cause such an unusual and unpleasant condition.

  • - fungal disease, can also cause a feeling of congestion if the infection has entered the ear canal.
  • Excess sulfur is the main reason. If a sulfur plug has formed, then sometimes it can be so hard that even washing cannot cope. It is in this case that drops will come in handy to soften sulfur. Read how to remove chamois plugs in your ears.
  • Water caught during bathing/showering.
  • stuck in ear canal foreign body. This reason is usually characteristic of children, who, during the game, can put small details in their ears.
  • Inflammatory processes in otitis media, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, TBI are also a possible cause of ear congestion. If congestion is caused by inflammatory processes, otitis media, then self-treatment excluded completely. Only medical supervision, examination and well-prescribed treatment will help to cope with the infection, relieve swelling. And after the elimination of these symptoms, as a rule, congestion also disappears.
  • Complications after rhinitis. Enough common cause, especially in children.
  • Respiratory diseases in an acute form, which arose due to pathogenic bacteria.
  • Some internal pathological processes that slowly but steadily lead to the development of hearing loss. In this case, the drops are powerless to help, more radical treatment is required.
  • The so-called aerootitis, which occurs due to pressure drops. This can happen when, for example, an airplane is landing, while diving, when moving in a high-speed elevator, while snowboarding, skiing, carousel, etc.

  • Long-term use of certain medications, including otitis media, can also cause ear congestion.

A list of antibiotics for otitis in adults is presented.

What drops are suitable

In case of congestion due to the accumulation of sulfur, it is recommended to use products with a softening effect.

Choice of drug


The product contains an active potent substance- rifamycin, thanks to which the drug copes even with advanced cases diseases.

Otofa has pink color, due to which it colors eardrum and nearby fabrics in the same color. If the product drops on clothes or linen, the stain will also remain. Be careful. But, apart from this insignificant minus, the drug is able to really effective impact. It can be used even with a perforated eardrum.

These drops will help with pain in the ear, even if the developed otitis media has already caused suppuration. Contains the strongest antibacterial components who will render due positive effect at any stage of the disease. Children under five years of age and pregnant women should not use it. You will find instructions for use for Otofa ear drops.


The drug contains several active components, due to the complex effect of which it is able to have a pronounced positive effect. It is also used to eliminate pain symptoms and to fight viruses and fungi.

And the antibiotic present in the composition makes possible use Candibiotics and how antibacterial agent. Useful if otitis has caused any infectious disease.

Instructions for using Candibiotic ear drops can be found.


This drug has a complex effect on "ear" problems:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antihistamine;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Garazon copes with the inflammatory process quickly and reliably, but he is not able to remove the sulfur plug.

The effect of treatment with the drug will be if congestion is accompanied by infectious inflammation.

Vasoconstrictor drops

We are accustomed to using vasoconstrictor drops only for a cold. However, they can also be successfully used in the treatment of ear congestion. Their beneficial effect due to the fact that vasoconstrictor drops eliminate swelling in the nasal cavity, due to which the swelling of the Eustachian tube, which is responsible for discomfort during congestion, also decreases.

However, the effect of these drugs is temporary: after five days, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs must be stopped, as addiction sets in, and the desired effect no longer occurs, or it is less pronounced.

The most widely used and effective vasoconstrictor drops today are:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Tizin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Sanorin and others.

The best means

Which of the drugs will best cope with the elimination of sulfur plugs.


This is a tool of an uncharacteristic viscous consistency used for external processing of the auditory canal. The tool effectively softens sulfur, even old, which helps to bring it out.


They soften and sulfur plugs. Otinum has a combined effect:

  • antimicrobial;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

You can not use it for women "in position", and children under one year old can only be under the supervision of a doctor.

To deal with ear plugs, it is enough to instill four drops four times a day.

These drops are widely used for otitis media.

Remo Wax

A special liquid that effectively softens the ear secret.


It is forbidden to use them if the child is not yet 12 years old. Normax is able to eliminate both congestion and inflammation in the ear canals.

These active antibiotic drops eliminate bacteria from auditory canals and help with congestion. And positive result in this case, you can feel the very next day after the first instillation. Dosage of the drug: two drops two to four times a day.

Powerful drops, very effective and, at the same time, inexpensive.

How to apply

If the ear is blocked, finding suitable drops is, of course, half the battle. But they still need to be properly instilled so that all treatment does not go down the drain. This stage is no less important than buying the most effective and safe drug.

Most often, the drops are equipped with a special rubber pipette. And if not, use a regular pipette for easy dosing. If you instill drops in the ear of a child, sterilization of the pipette is required so as not to bring the infection into the ear canal.

In order for the drug to act more effectively and quickly, and not to cause discomfort during the procedure, warm the bottle with drops in your hands.

Tilt your head in the direction opposite to that where the sore ear is, and pull its earlobe to the side. This is done to ensure that the medication is delivered exactly as intended.

One-time usual dose- two to five drops. After instillation, you should lie down for several minutes in the same position so that the drug does not leak out. Then you need to plug your ear cotton swab for a while, and the procedure is completed.

Drops are not instilled directly into the ear of infants: the delicate skin of a child may not be able to withstand such a massive and concentrated attack of drugs. In this case, the selected drug is dripped onto a cotton turunda, which is then inserted into the baby's ear. Thus, the impact will be softer.


This video will talk about problems with stuffy ears.

We considered the issue of choosing ear drops for ear congestion. The final appointment, of course, must be made by a doctor. Qualified specialist will tell you, congestion and other inflammations of this organ, which medications are not desirable, and will make an individual course of treatment. And thanks to our advice, it will be easier for you to navigate in the sea of ​​all kinds of medicines used in this case.

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