Why is earwax needed and should it be removed? Ear wax good or bad

There are several lines of defense of the human body against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. The first is called non-specific (non-selective) and aims to create a mechanical barrier to prevent the possibility of infection. Such a barrier is the skin, mucous membranes and the secrets they produce.

Ear wax also constitutes the body's first line of defense, since its sticky consistency allows it to trap and remove pathogenic microflora and dirt that have entered the outer ear.

What is earwax?


It is not difficult to understand where the sulfur in the ears comes from. Its basis is a special secret produced by sulfuric (ceruminous) glands. They are located under the skin of the membranous-cartilaginous section of the external auditory canal and are modified sweat glands.

The total number of sulfur glands in a person in one ear is about 2000. They produce about 20 mg of a yellow-brown sulfuric substance with bactericidal properties per month. Mixing with sebum and dead cells of the epithelium of the ear canal, it forms earwax.

Its output to the outside is normally carried out in a physiological way, during the movement of the maxillofacial joint during chewing or talking.

Composition and functions of earwax

Sulfur matter has a rather complex composition. It includes many important substances for the body, which determine its main functions:

  • proteins, some of which are immunoglobulins (their presence determines the protective function of sulfur);
  • fat-like components that give the substance a sticky consistency (lanosterol, cholesterol);
  • free fatty acids;
  • mineral salts.

The predominance of certain substances and the absence of others determines the dry or wetter consistency of sulfur.

Earwax plays an important role in the body, helping to keep the ears healthy and maintain the quality of hearing. Its main functions are:

  1. Cleansing. Sulfur prevents clogging of the ear canal, accumulating impurities, areas of obsolete epithelium, and bringing them out.
  2. Lubricating. The substance moisturizes the skin of the external auditory canal, protecting it from drying out and damage.
  3. Protective. A sticky and oily consistency is needed to trap pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, preventing them from penetrating into the internal structures of the ear and to the brain. Sulfur is also a reliable protection against water ingress.

hypersecretion and hyposecretion

Violations of the ceruminous glands can lead to too active or, conversely, insufficient production of sulfuric matter. It depends on the following reasons:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • congenital and acquired structural disorders of the outer and middle ear;
  • lifestyle features;
  • quantity and quality of food;
  • the amount of liquid consumed.


The amount of sulfur produced can increase and lead to the accumulation of its excess in the ear canal and the formation of plugs. Especially often this happens during the stimulation of the sulfur glands with cotton swabs when cleaning the ears.

Various devices inserted into the ear canals (headphones, ear plugs, hearing aids) make it difficult to evacuate the accumulated sulfur, which also leads to its accumulation and gradual compaction.

The danger of hypersecretion also exists in a number of pathological processes and conditions:

  • chronic dermatitis of infectious or allergic etiology;
  • atherosclerosis (damage to the arteries as a result of a violation of lipid and protein metabolism in the walls of blood vessels);
  • stressful situations (during which the work of the sweat, and hence the sulfur glands, is activated).

Residents of areas where strong winds blow are more likely to suffer from hypersecretion of the ear glands. Dust particles entering the ear canal irritate the glands, stimulating the production of sulfuric matter. Mixing with it, the dust makes the sulfur thicker, which also provokes the formation of traffic jams.

Sulfur plug in the ear

The main symptoms of ear plug formation are:

  • feeling of pressure on the eardrum;
  • noise in ears;
  • congestion in the ear and partial deafness;
  • itching and pain in the ear canal.


Insufficient secretion of sulfuric matter adversely affects the health of the auditory canals. The reasons that the sulfur glands do not work are in most cases physiological, but they can also be pathological. The latter include the following factors:

  1. Atrophic changes in the sebaceous and ceruminous glands. In old age, they lead to a sharp decrease in their secretion.
  2. Otosclerosis. It is characterized by a loss of elasticity of the soft tissues of the ear and leads to a decrease in the volume of oscillatory movements and a persistent decrease in the quality of hearing, headache and ear pain, and dizziness.
  3. Smoking. Toxic substances in tobacco smoke damage the receptors and glands of the hearing organ, leading to their hypofunction.
  4. Inflammatory processes and neoplasms of the external auditory canal. This is a fairly common cause of insufficiency of the sulfur glands.
  5. Dehydration of the body. Low fluid intake leads to dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, and hence to insufficiency of the external secretion glands.

Causes of color and consistency changes

Change in the color of earwax during illness

Normally, earwax is a brown, viscous substance. Depending on the state of organs and systems, the color and density of sulfur matter may change, which is the first sign of an onset of the disease:

  1. Dark color sulfur is a symptom of a hereditary pathology in which there is a violation of the tissues of the blood vessels. It's called Rendu-Osler-Weber Syndrome. Another common symptom of this pathology is nosebleeds.
  2. Yellowish or green sulfur indicates a purulent process in one of the ear structures. The following symptoms accompany the pathology: acute pain in the ear, fever, intoxication, lymphadenitis. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor identifies the nature of the pathogenic microflora.
  3. Black sulfur (or sulfur that has a red tint) indicates that there are blood clots in the sulfuric substance. This may indicate an injury to the eardrum or a tumor process in the auditory canal. Such sulfur is a symptom of a fungal infection (otomycosis).
  4. Grey colour indicates the presence of a large amount of dust in the sulfur matter.
  5. Whitesulfur- a symptom of hypovitaminosis and a lack of certain trace elements. The most likely in this case is a deficiency of copper or iron.
  6. Dry sulfur is a symptom of dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  7. Liquid, fluid sulfur appears with perforation of the eardrum or inflammation in the ear.

Plug Removal

Normally, artificial removal of ear secretion is not required. Waste sulfur is independently evacuated from their ear during chewing movements. But when obstacles appear that prevent its removal (dense consistency or hypersecretion of sulfuric matter, anomalies of the auditory canals), it accumulates, resulting in the formation of traffic jams.

Washing out the cork with a jet of water

It is impossible to get rid of them on your own, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist's office. There are several methods for removing wax plugs from the ears:

  • washing out with a jet of water that has a pulsed character (an electronic irrigator is used);
  • dry removal method using a special probe;
  • ear drops that help dissolve the cork and remove it painlessly (three percent hydrogen peroxide, A-Cerumen).

Prevention of the formation of sulfur plugs

It is important to keep your ears healthy. A few preventive measures will help keep it for years to come. They are:

  1. Do not allow water to enter the ears.
  2. Do not use cotton swabs to remove wax from the inside of the ear canal.
  3. Timely carry out the prevention and treatment of infectious ENT diseases, protect the ears from colds and inflammation.
  4. Keep an eye on a small child so that, while playing, he does not introduce a foreign object into the ear canal and does not damage the skin and fragile eardrum.
  5. Use special gauze turundas or swabs to clean the outer ear.
  6. Once a year, visit an otolaryngologist for preventive examinations.

The process of formation of sulfur in the external auditory canal is provided by nature itself to preserve the health of the ears and good hearing quality. This is not dirt, but a protective lubricant designed to clean, disinfect and moisturize external structures that communicate with the external environment. And the formation of traffic jams can be easily avoided if you follow simple recommendations.

Wax in the ears can lead to the formation of dense plugs, which, in turn, leads to hearing loss. This disease occurs in approximately 4% of the population.

Where does earwax come from?

The human ear consists of 2 sections: membranous-cartilaginous and bone. The thin isthmus of the auditory canal separates these parts of the ear. The skin of the ear contains sweat, sebaceous and sulfur glands. Earwax is a light brown liquid, black is less common. Sulfur glands are found only in the skin of the outer part of the auditory canal.

The secret produced by the sulfur glands has a complex composition. It includes proteins, fats, epithelial cells, immunoglobulins, amino acids and other organic substances. The chemical composition of ear wax in women differs from the composition of this substance in men. The composition of the ear secretion is also affected by the nationality of a person, for example, in representatives of the Asian race, sulfur is drier and contains more proteins.

Earwax is necessary to protect the skin of the inner parts of the ear. The lipids contained in it prevent the skin from getting wet when water enters the ear. The acid reaction of the ear secretion prevents the development of bacterial and fungal infections. In a healthy person, earwax is removed spontaneously when the jaw joint moves. In some cases, this does not happen, and sulfur accumulates in the ear. This can create a hard plug. If a person does not have ear wax at all, it means that the ear glands have ceased to function. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Dark wax in the ears can be produced for many reasons, for example, when dust and dirt get into the ear. Blood coming from the ear can give black color to the ear secret, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

A large amount of sulfur can form with improper care of the ears. Naturally, the ears need to be washed, but excess here only hurts. Sulfur is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal, so you should not clean your ears daily. Moreover, cotton swabs should not be used for this: they irritate the sulfur glands, increasing the secretion production. In addition, the Q-tip can push the wax into the inner part of the ear canal, which will lead to the formation of a dense plug. Excessive production of sulfur contributes to inflammatory diseases of the ears, dermatitis and eczema.

Another reason for the blockage of the auditory canal is its anatomical features that impede the release of sulfur. The use of hearing aids, headphones, and working in dusty environments also increase the risk. The secret of the sulfur glands can fill the message of the auditory canal, which will lead to hearing loss. This can happen after visiting the bath or bath. Water entering the ear contributes to an increase in sulfur in volume. At the same time, a person feels stuffy ear, noise, autophony.

If a plug forms near the eardrum, it begins to put pressure on it, which causes headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Finding a plug in the ears is quite simple: the doctor looks through the auditory canal using a special device. In the absence of blockage, the eardrum is clearly visible.

Sulfur Plug Removal

You can remove the cork in different ways. The most commonly used ear wash. The procedure is quite simple, so a doctor of any specialization can perform it. Washing is carried out using a Janet syringe. It is filled with warm water and directed to the upper wall of the outer ear canal. Sulfur masses are brought out together with water. The jet should not be too powerful, otherwise the eardrum may be damaged.

To remove a dense sulfuric plug, up to 3 washes have to be carried out. If the cork still remains in place, the doctor prescribes special drops to soften it. After regular use of drops, washing the ear gives a positive result. When using drops, a temporary hearing impairment is noted, as the sulfur plug increases in size. After the release of sulfuric masses, the doctor re-examines the patient's ear canal.

Dry technique is used when washing is contraindicated. The sulfur plug in this case is removed with a special hook. This procedure can only be performed by an otolaryngologist. To remove sulfur in the ears of a child, a medical method is often used, for example, A-Cerumen drops. They need to be instilled into the ear 2 times a day, 1 ml. After applying the drops, you need to lie on your side, with the affected ear up. After a few minutes, the wax will dissolve and flow out of the ear. After that, the ear is washed with boiled water or saline.

A good prevention of the occurrence of sulfur plugs is proper cleaning of the ears.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ears. If cleaning of the external part of the auditory canal is still required, the wand is not deeply inserted into it and slowly rotated. You can’t move it forward - you can’t go back, otherwise the sulfur will fall on the eardrum. The auricles can be cleaned every day, but it is better to rinse the ear canal once a week. Sulfur contains cholesterol, its percentage depends on the amount of this substance in the human blood. Patients with high cholesterol need to follow a special diet and take appropriate medications.

If you use headphones or hearing aids, often spend time in rooms with high humidity or dusty places, periodically apply ear drops. For prevention, they are instilled into the ears 2 times a week. Treat diseases such as inflammation of the middle ear, dermatitis and eczema in a timely manner.

Sulfur is a substance produced by special glands located in the middle ear. It consists of various elements, the most important of which is a liquid secret. It coats the surface of the inner ear, protecting, cleansing and moisturizing it.

Any abnormalities associated with insufficient or excessive secretion, as well as with a change in color, can be signals of the development of diseases or disorders. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Reasons for the accumulation of sulfur

You can often hear that ear wax is dirt that needs to be cleaned. This statement is erroneous. Of course, hygiene is a prerequisite for health. But as far as wax in the ears is concerned, here excessive zeal will not bring the right effect.

Sulfur removal occurs independently. It's all about the structure of the ear and the movement of the bones of the lower jaw, which promote the separation of the secret to the entrance to the auditory canal. In this case, ear hygiene is reduced to washing it with soapy water.

Ear sticks can be harmful. Due to the fact that they penetrate deep, thereby pushing the sulfur deeper. Ear sticks, if careless, can damage the eardrums. You need to be especially careful when cleaning the ears of a child so as not to damage the poorly developed hearing aid and bones.

Causes of poor sulfur separation

Sometimes it also happens that sulfur does not accumulate at the auditory canal for a long time. This is not a good sign. The reason for this may be:

  • frequent wearing of headphones;
  • use of a hearing aid;
  • use of earplugs.

Such a careless attitude can cause such sensations as:

  • feeling of congestion;
  • temporary or partial deafness.

Special tools and drops can cope with these problems. In cases where the disease appeared as a result of age-related changes, the doctor can choose the necessary remedy for correction.

If there is a lot of sulfur ...

Sometimes it happens that sulfur is released in large volumes, causing concern. When a lot of sulfur is formed in the ears, it can say:

  1. About exacerbation of dermatitis.
  2. About high blood cholesterol.
  3. About the frequent presence of foreign objects in the ear.
  4. About frequent stay in places with high pollution and dustiness.
  5. About stressful situations when all the glands begin to work actively.

Signs of a cork

If it happened that a sulfur plug formed in the ear, it is better to refuse independent actions, trusting the specialists. The main features of cork are:

  • poor hearing;
  • itching, pain and discomfort in the ear;
  • feeling of fullness in the ear.

Softening cork at home

In such a situation, it is immediately necessary to clean the auditory canal from the cork by washing, and before that it is necessary to soften the sulfuric plug.

For this:

  1. In a sitting position, tilt your head and drip a few drops of peroxide or petroleum jelly into your ear.
  2. After a few minutes, you need to tilt your head again so that the liquid can flow out. In particularly difficult situations, the procedure is carried out several times a day.
  3. After complete softening, the sulfur plug leaves on its own.

Ear washing. Step-by-step instruction

If a decision is made to wash the ear, then it is done in stages using water not higher than 37 0 C. How to do everything right? More on this later:

  1. Water is collected in a special syringe with a rubber tip in a volume of 100-120 milliliters.
  2. Water with a jet directed upwards is injected into the problem ear with additional retraction of the auricle.
  3. After that, the head is tilted towards the affected ear and the liquid is allowed to drain.
  4. Additionally, processing takes place with the help of tightly twisted cotton swabs.
  5. After the end of the procedure, a swab soaked in boric acid is placed in the ear.

Although the most effective way to get rid of cork is to use a special apparatus. It's called an irrigator. Using it is a more effective way to get rid of the cork with minimal risk of injury to the eardrums.

Dry cleaning methods

How to clean the ears from sulfur yet? Along with methods that use different liquids to remove sulfur plugs, there are also dry methods. Let's look at them:

  1. The use of an aspirator that, by creating a pressure difference, removes the plug by pumping it out.
  2. The second method may require anesthesia. Since a special device is introduced, with which the cork is removed. The procedure is carried out using a microscope.

When the question concerns a child, it is better to exclude independent actions and contact an ENT doctor in time, who will select an adequate procedure.

What causes congestion to form?

An important point is the factor that provokes the formation of traffic jams. This is affected by:

  1. Using foreign objects to clean the ear: matches, hairpins, toothpicks, etc.
  2. Natural feature of the internal structure of the ear.
  3. Improper ear hygiene.
  4. Frequent penetration of moisture into the auditory canal.
  5. Repeated inflammation of the inner ear.

Sulfur deficiency. Why can this be?

Despite the seriousness of the problem of an excess of sulfur, its deficiency is also a wake-up call. This may indicate:

  • age-related changes;
  • abnormal bone growth in the inner ear, as a result of disorders;
  • excessive smoking;
  • dysfunction of the glands.

Sulfur color

Unfortunately, problems with sulfur arise not only because of its excess or lack. A change in color can also be a signal for concern. So, earwax usually has a yellowish-brown color.

If brown, black or dark is formed, then it is important to know:

  1. Completely yellow sulfur with white clots indicates that a purulent process is taking place in the ear. This release may be accompanied by high temperature. Treatment is selected only by a doctor. Since therapy includes antibiotics and other potent drugs.
  2. If the sulfur has become black against the background of incessant itching, this may indicate a disease caused by a fungus. Treatment is also prescribed by the doctor individually.
  3. Gray color should not cause panic, especially if a person lives in a metropolis. Most often, this color is associated with the dustiness of the environment.
  4. A lack of vitamins and specific substances may be indicated by the white color of the discharge.

If the sulfur in the ears has a liquid consistency, then this indicates an inflammatory process. In the case of a dry structure, this indicates a lack of fat in the body. That is, you need to pay attention to nutrition.

Ear wax in a child. Problems in children

If everything is clear with how to determine a sulfur plug in an adult, then what about a child who cannot yet tell about obvious symptoms? In this case, it remains only to observe the baby. That is, if he behaves restlessly, often scratches the ear area, and when you press the area of ​​​​the entrance to the auditory canal, he starts crying, this definitely indicates the need to see a doctor.

Sometimes ear pain in a child is associated with the appearance of the first teeth. But if this factor is excluded, then treatment occurs according to the same principle as in an adult. Hygiene is very important to prevent formation. At the same time, it is carried out with the help of dry cotton buds with a special limiter twice a week. The use of flushes up to one year is not allowed.

It is very important to understand that the correct formation of sulfur is the key to a healthy ear, not only for an adult, but also for a child. After all, it protects against dust, dirt, germs and viruses. It is thanks to her that allergens do not penetrate into the ear. Therefore, in case of deviations from the norm, it is very important to timely contact a specialist in ear diseases - Laura.

A small conclusion

Now you know what sulfur is, why it appears. We also talked about what a change in its color can mean. In addition, the causes of deficiency or excess were considered. Regarding how the removal of sulfur from the ears should take place, it is described in detail in the article.

Ear wax is much more informative and useful than it seems at first glance.

Not the most pleasant topic to talk about, but it will help you learn a lot about your body by analyzing what it produces, including earwax.

The color, smell and consistency, frequency of any bodily secretions is an excellent signal of malfunctions and health problems, or assures you that everything is in order with your health. The same applies to earwax, but experts believe that it is not as informative as it seems to us, but you should not ignore it either.

Earwax is designed to keep microorganisms and bacteria from getting deep into the ear and ear canal. “People often worry about the state of earwax, asking why there is so much or little of it, why is it of one color or another. Do not worry so much about this, earwax is not mucus, where the quantity and color really means a lot, ”the specialist notes.

Despite the fact that sulfur is not very informative for the doctor, it can tell you something about the state of health. Here are 6 things sulfur can tell you.

  1. If your earwax seems watery, almost runny and has a greenish tint.
    If you sweat a lot and are actively exercising, then such sulfur may be the result of mixing with sweat compartments. However, if there was no stress, and the earwax still has a rather liquid consistency and a greenish tint, this may indicate the presence of an ear infection.
  2. If the sulfur is dry in consistency, or wet-sticky.
    The state of sulfur indicates genetic heritage. Each person's sulfur is either sticky and slightly wet or dry, this serves as a clue to unraveling genetic questions. Not so long ago, Nature Genetics published the results of studies, according to which in people of Asian origin, the structure of earwax is not sticky, but dry, while in people of African or European origin it is more sticky and moist. Experts argue that the state of sulfur is associated with adaptation to the climatic conditions in which the ancestors lived and evolved.
  3. If the earwax has a strong odor.
    A strong, unpleasant odor indicates a possible middle ear infection. The infection is characterized by a number of symptoms that otolaryngologists refer to as "chronic otitis media". And one of the most striking symptoms is the unpleasant smell of earwax. Middle ear problems are also characterized by other symptoms, you may hear noise or ringing in your ears, have trouble hearing evenly, or notice that your ear feels stuffy. In this case, contact a specialist immediately.
  4. If the sulfur has become very noticeable, it has leaked into the ear shell.
    Ear infections, or damage to the eardrum, are the root cause of the abnormal growth of skin inside the ear, the formation of growths. This problem is called cholesteatoma. Such growths are a kind of cysts, which leads to the fact that the accumulated debris fills the ear canal. As a result, instead of being invisible, as you are used to, sulfur forms into unpleasant lumps, or appears in the auricle in a trickle. Other symptoms of this disease can be a feeling of pressure in the ear, pain.
  5. If you don't have earwax.
    When there is a feeling that there is no sulfur at all, there is a miniature chance that you are susceptible to the rather rare and almost unexplored disease keratitis obturans (a type of cholesteatoma). In this case, sulfur does not leave the auditory canal, but accumulates gradually, turning into a very hard formation that only doctors can handle. If you are prone to this problem, then other symptoms are observed, such as pain, sensation of a foreign object in the ear, discomfort.
  6. If the structure of earwax is layered
    This does not indicate a disease, it is simply a consequence of age. With age, there is a tendency for the sulfur to exfoliate compared to the familiar texture of peanut butter. This is not a problem, just age change. Do not be afraid of this process, the glands of the body tend to reduce secretions with age.

Everyone has an idea about earwax. It is a kind of secretion that is formed in the auditory canal. This substance is intended to clean the organ of hearing from various foreign objects, as well as to process and disinfect the auditory canals. With the normal functioning of the body, the removal of sulfur masses is carried out naturally with the help of cilia, which form the epithelium of the internal cavity.

Excessive formation of sulfur may indicate that "malfunctions" occur in the body. Improper hygiene of the ear canal also indicates the accumulation of this substance. Since sulfur is designed to protect and moisturize, with a certain failure, a person feels discomfort, which in the future can turn into serious complications.

Ear wax

Each of us must understand why we need earwax. The external auditory meatus is formed by thin skin, which includes a large number of sebaceous and sulfuric glands. Since the outer part of the ear canal is in constant contact with the environment, the inner ear epithelium secretes a liquid secretion. Mixing with particles of dead skin, sulfur is formed.

The functional feature of this secret consists of the following functions:

  1. Protection - earwax has a pasty viscous consistency that retains dust particles, various small foreign objects, insects, and prevents water from penetrating deep into the ear canal.
  2. Cleansing - everything that has settled on a viscous consistency is naturally excreted. Thus, the process of self-purification takes place, all unnecessary comes out.
  3. Humidification - the formed sulfuric masses contribute to the moistening of the ear cavity, as well as the eardrum. Drying of the skin in this case is excluded.

Frequent intensive manipulations of deep cleansing can damage the integrity of the eardrum, and will also contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the ear.

Causes of high sulfur content

Why is sulfur formed in the ears in an increased amount? Excessive formation of earwax can occur in various cases. Eg:

  • irritation of the auditory canal;
  • improper hygiene;
  • use of cotton swabs;
  • abnormal structure of the ear;
  • viral and infectious diseases.

With a disease of viral and infectious etiology, sulfur hypersecretion occurs. Sometimes increased volumes of sulfur masses simply start the healing process, bringing out unnecessary elements. However, in most cases, such hypersecretion leads to the formation of sulfur plugs.

If you notice slight changes in the emitted sulfur in color and its consistency, you should not immediately assume any pathological process. In some cases, small deviations from the norm are acceptable and are evaluated as a physiological norm. But, in the vast majority of cases, the doctor diagnoses the onset of the disease. So, what changes can lead to pathology:

  • Yellow sulfur - a large piece of sulfur of this color can indicate the beginning of a purulent process. In some cases, the yellow secretion contains white clots. With such secretions, there is also an increased body temperature, pain, weakness in the body, irritability. Treatment is with antibiotics.
  • - if the lump of sulfur turns black, most likely the secretion contains blood clots. However, a single case of the release of black sulfur does not threaten health; most likely, the secretion was stained as a result of pollution. The second reason for this shade is otomycosis (a fungal disease of the ear cavity). Spores of pathogenic microorganisms can color sulfur. With this disease, itching, peeling is observed. Treatment is based on taking antifungal drugs.
  • The secretion of a white tint - this color may indicate that the body lacks some trace elements, such as iron. After accompanying diagnostic measures, the doctor prescribes a certain vitamin complex.
  • Dry wax in the ears can lead to skin diseases. The second reason for dryness is the intake of food with insufficient amounts of fat. In this case, it is recommended to review your diet and make the necessary changes.
  • Liquid consistency - reduced viscosity of secretion, when not just sulfur falls out of the ear, but flows out, is observed during the inflammatory process. Even a common cold can reduce the viscosity of sulfur. Any mechanical injury to the organ of hearing also has a similar effect. After a visual examination using an otoscope, the doctor will establish the final cause.

When should sulfur be removed?

It is mandatory to remove sulfur when the first signs of discomfort in the ear appear,. Most likely, a sulfur plug has formed in the ear. In such cases, you need to contact an otolaryngologist who will examine and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Typically, the patient will undergo a washing procedure.

Ear hygiene rules

Ear hygiene is best done while showering.

First of all, ear hygiene is aimed at keeping the hearing organ clean, as well as protecting it from the penetration of moisture, various foreign objects, and hypothermia. Do not forget about the prevention of infectious diseases.

To comply with the rules of personal hygiene, several important requirements should be taken into account:

  1. Daily washing of the auricle - gentle washing should be carried out under clean water, slightly moving the shell to the side so that water does not penetrate deep into the ear. After ear hygiene, the fold behind the ear should be washed, as dirt, dust, germs accumulate in this place.
  2. Otolaryngologists for hygiene purposes. You can damage the ear cavity, which in the future will lead to inflammation.
  3. With a large accumulation of sulfur is not worth
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