How to clean your ears with a candle. Ear candles for removing plugs: application. Ear candles to remove plugs: how to apply

ear candles- one of the most ancient dosage forms known in ancient india, Egypt, Tibet, in some Indian tribes. They are made using various medicinal herbs, which can cope with many infections, beeswax and propolis, essential oils. A phyto candle is a tube of gauze or chintz soaked in wax or paraffin.

Candles that are lit in the ears have a complex effect:

  • The smoke containing therapeutic fumes penetrates the hearing aid, softening the dirt accumulated in it and destroying infections. Due to this, sulfur plugs come out.
  • Light heat warms up the ear area, improves local blood flow and lymph circulation, which strengthens the immune system and equalizes intracranial and intra-ear pressure.

Indications for use

  • Violation of coordination of movements. Viral infections hearing aid amaze inner ear and hair cells, disrupting the transmission nerve impulses and functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Soreness in the ears due to infections or toothache.
  • Migraine and headaches.
  • Acoustic neuritis.
  • AT complex therapy diseases of the sinuses, ear, throat caused by infections.
  • Relief of conditions with allergies.
  • Sharp and chronic otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Sulfur plugs in the ears.
  • Increased nervousness and irritability, sleep disturbances caused by stress and overwork.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of suppositories.
  • Neoplasms in the head.
  • Purulent discharge from ears.
  • Damage eardrum and auricle.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Acute forms of tuberculosis.
  • Violation of blood clotting.

From sulfur plugs

The ear tubes are often used for cleaning, as the heat draws wax and debris accumulated in the ear canal out of the shell.

  • Candles Reamed - a series of wax candles and phyto-funnel with different composition for children and adults.
  • Candella2 Tentorium - ear candles based on beeswax, propolis, fir extract and other essential oils, phytocollection of medicinal plants.
  • Ear candles (tubes and sockets) from IP Sergeants, with propolis content and powders medicinal herbs, with extended burning time.
  • Ear candles Phytomedicine with essential oils for children and adults.
  • Ear candles Dias (PE Konyukhov) with essential oils, propolis and collection of medicinal herbs for children and adults.


For the treatment of children, special ear wax candles are intended, which differ from adults in the concentration of therapeutic components and the diameter of the tube to the size of a small auditory canal.

  • Children's ear candles Dr. Vera (Alkion LLC) containing only beeswax and propolis without additives.
  • Diaz, Reamed, Phytomedicine and candles from IP Sergeants are not recommended for children under 5 years old, as well as when the child is afraid of close fire.

How to use

Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with an otolaryngologist, and the treatment session itself should be carried out by a specialist exactly according to the instructions for using ear candles. Otherwise, there may be Negative consequences: burns external auditory pathway and eardrum.

Warming up the ears is best done in the evening before going to bed. The patient lies on his right side, his ear is covered with a napkin with a slot opposite the ear canal to protect the skin and hair.

A wax tube is inserted into the ear canal upper edge is set on fire. It is better to hold the candle with your hands and not leave the patient unattended. The product should burn out ¾ of the length, then the tube is removed, and the ear is treated with a cotton swab. After that, a tampon is installed in the ear, and the patient needs to lie down at rest for 15-20 minutes. In the same way, the second ear is warmed up. After graduation complete procedure it is not recommended to go outside for 8-10 hours, and overall effect from warming up lasts up to 48 hours.

Frequency of application of candles:

  • To remove traffic jams - daily, until the result is achieved, as a rule, 1 session is enough. If after several procedures the cork has not come out, it is better to contact an otolaryngologist with this problem.
  • At chronic diseases– 5-6 procedures with an interval of 3-4 days.
  • For disease prevention and ear plugs- 1-2 times a month.

Beeswax, propolis extract.

Ear candles.

Beeswax, propolis extract, essential oils (eucalyptus, cinnamon, lavender, mint, etc.), compositions medicinal herbs.

Pack of 10

They have a complex effect on the body: local heating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

  • Ear, nose, throat diseases inflammatory nature(sharp and chronic rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • Inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses nose (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis);
  • Ear wax plugs;
  • Fungal diseases of the ear (including candidiasis);
  • Noise in the ears of various etiologies;
  • hearing loss;
  • Dizziness, headaches, migraines;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Nervousness, irritability, stress.
  • Purulent discharge from the ear
  • Damage to the eardrum and external auditory canal;
  • Tumor processes in the head area;
  • Allergic reactions to bee products.
  • To perform the procedure, prepare two phytocandles, a scarf or a hat on your head, sticks with cotton wool, matches, a glass of water, baby cream, cotton wool.
    Lie on your right side, put a small pillow under your head, cover your head with a cotton napkin with a hole for your ear. Make with cream light massage left auricle. Light up upper end phytocandles, the lower one (with foil) gently put on the external auditory canal. The candle should burn down to the level of the foil (mark), then extinguish it in a glass of water. Clean the ear with a cotton swab, insert a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes.
    Repeat the procedure for the right ear.
    On the day of the procedure, do not wash your hair.
    For chronic diseases, 5-6 treatment sessions are recommended once a week, for acute diseases - 1 time in 2-3 days.

    From beeswax have a well-known effect. They are used in the formation of traffic jams, pain, with various viral penetrations into the ear, as well as with otitis media of the middle or outer part. In addition, phytocandles improve blood circulation and circulation in the ear canal, which significantly improves the patient's health.

    The combination of these elements made it possible to cure many ear diseases, thanks to which it gained popularity. However, if you bought ear herbal candles for the first time, the instructions for use will come in handy for you. Read it before using them.

    Phyto-candles consist of a bee product, several types of oils, as well as roots and flowers of plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition may change and manufacturers have the right to supplement candles with other ingredients, but the main composition is exactly the same, and beeswax becomes an indispensable part.

    Externally, ear candles look like tubes wrapped in cotton or gauze.

    They are initially impregnated in wax and supplemented with the following components:

    • propolis;
    • lavender oil;
    • tea tree oil;
    • eucalyptus oil;
    • fir oil;
    • mint;
    • herbs.

    These components are optional and in some cases manufacturers do not add additional ingredients.

    The fabric, which is pre-impregnated with wax, burns long enough, and in the process of burning, pressure is formed inside the tube, which causes vibrations in the ear canal. Thanks to this, the eardrum is massaged and the ears are warmed up. Wax softens in the ear and is removed under pressure.

    In addition to the described sensations, ear candles relieve stress and are extremely relaxing. This effect is achieved due to the crackling at the moment of burning the candle. It is known that after this procedure, mood improves and stabilizes. general state patient.

    What diseases can phytocandles be used for?

    Candles can be used for such inflammations as:

    • inflammation of the nasopharynx;
    • chronic or sudden onset;
    • the formation of excess sulfur;
    • disease of the maxillary region;
    • the formation of extraneous sounds in the ears;
    • when ;
    • with sleep disorders;
    • dizziness;
    • migraine and pain in the head, caused by inflammation of the ears;
    • in case of stress, increased irritability.

    How much do ear candles cost

    1. Most often, patients purchase Reamed candles, which come in several forms: with active additives and traditional. Pharmacy price for one pair is about 30 rubles, and for ten pieces it will be 125 rubles.
    2. Candles "Dias" occupy the second line in terms of frequency of acquisition. They are produced in two or four pieces and the price is 41 rubles and 60 rubles each respectively.
    3. Candles from Alcyone cost approximately 41 ruble for a pack of two candles and are purchased quite often.

    Do-it-yourself ear candles are not popular, since the mass character and availability of phytocandles in a pharmacy has replaced the need to make them yourself.

    How to apply phytocandles

    The principle of operation of ear candles is simple. To begin with, the patient needs to lie on one side, and it is important for his assistant to prepare additional items: a glass of water, matches or a lighter, a moisturizer and an alcohol solution.

    1. After the patient lies down, moisten ear canal baby cream or moisturizer.
    2. Do a light massage of the auricle to activate the ear points.
    3. After that, put a small pillow under the patient's head, and put a napkin on the ear, after making a small hole in it.
    4. Insert the candle into the ear canal.
    5. Gently burn the other side.
    6. Hold the candle at the very bottom in order to avoid the fall of the phyto-candle.
    7. The candle will begin to burn slowly, forming a certain pressure inside. The approximate burning time of one candle is about ten minutes.
    8. During the burning of the candle, the patient should experience pleasant warmth, and the ear will warm up and remove sulfur deposits.
    9. After the candle has burned down to the marked point, stick it out of the passage and put it out in a glass of water.
    10. Then the ear must be cleaned of excess sulfur that remained in the ear canal with an ear stick soaked in alcohol or a special solution for the ears.
    11. Repeat the operation with the other ear.

    Before using this method, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, as phytocandles have certain contraindications.

    Do not use candles for:

    • the formation of tumors in the head;
    • anatomically incorrect structure of the ear organ;
    • with mucous or purulent discharge;
    • in case of injury to the outer ear;
    • with perforation of the eardrum;
    • in case of hypersensitivity to wax, oils or other components that make up the candles.

    When using candles, you must be especially careful, since uncontrolled cases are possible with careless handling of fire.

    Treatment pathological processes in the hearing organs can pass different ways. Depending on the type of disease, the otolaryngologist may prescribe you drug therapy, the use of drops and warm compresses, as well as recommend you ear candles. What are they? How to use ear candles correctly?

    Excursion into history

    Thermal procedures in treatment ear diseases began to be used in antiquity. There remains evidence that in medicine of different nationalities, wrapping the diseased ear with a warm wax mass with the addition of medicinal herbs was actively used. Healers also used warm tissue tubes soaked in beeswax for the treatment of hearing organs, which were carefully inserted into the ear canal. Warming up inside the ear, they exerted their beneficial therapeutic effect on patients.

    Researchers believe that the first ever traditional medicine the American Indians began to set fire to such fabric-wax tubes. The settlers quickly adopted the achievements of tribal healers and secured the procedure by slightly changing the treatment algorithm and appearance ear candles.

    Modern ear candles are fabric hollow tubes impregnated with a mixture of beeswax and extracts of medicinal plants. The size of the product for adults is 8 mm in diameter and at least 21 cm long. Children's wax candles have smaller dimensions in accordance with the size of the lumen of the ear canal of babies.

    All tubes are marked with a maximum safe level of burnout, after which the ear candle should be removed from the ear canal and extinguished.

    The composition of the candles

    Ear phytocandles can be impregnated with wax and propolis with various additives. Manufacturers produce different kinds goods, wanting to improve their therapeutic effect.

    • Propolis, which is part of all herbal candles, has an analgesic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It gently dilates blood vessels, enhancing the effect of heat.
    • As herbal supplements, manufacturers use both crushed dried medicinal plants and essential oils. You can buy ear candles with eucalyptus, lemon, mint, mustard, sage and lavender, cinnamon and fir.

    The principle of operation of modern candles

    The seemingly simple device of modern phytocandles, however, is very thoughtful and finely calculated:

    • The beeswax with which the fabric is impregnated significantly reduces the rate of burning of the tube, which makes it possible to warm the fabric well;
    • the moving flame creates small vibrations, and the heat exchange process provokes the appearance of a special thrust, which helps to move the sulfur masses to the exit, produces a kind of massage of the tissues of the outer part of the ear and improves blood circulation in them;
    • if in the inner circuit there is an outward pull, then in the outer circuit there is a movement of phytocouples into the auditory canal, where they exert their beneficial action on tissues affected by the disease;
    • a burning candle gently warms the tissues of the outer part of the ear;
    • due to the emerging light traction, the pressure is equalized within the entire ENT system, which leads to an improvement in nasal breathing and the return of smell during a cold;
    • the procedure itself is very comfortable - the crackle of the flame, soft warmth and pleasant aroma ear candles soothes and calms.

    When can ear candles be used?

    Ear candles have a complex effect:

    • Relieve pain;
    • soothe;
    • warm;
    • fight inflammation.

    Most often, ear candles are prescribed for:

    • SARS, influenza and infections bacterial origin localized in the upper respiratory tract;
    • otitis media of non-purulent form;
    • eustachitis;
    • rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and adenoiditis;
    • ear plugs;
    • migraine;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • insomnia;
    • acoustic neuritis.

    Specialists rarely prescribe this form of treatment at the slightest suspicion of a course in the ENT organs. inflammatory processes. Most often, ear candles are used to remove plugs.


    Since ear candle therapy is based on heat and traction in the ear canal, their use is prohibited when:

    • Purulent forms of otitis;
    • purulent sinusitis;
    • eardrum injuries;
    • skin diseases localized in the ear;
    • allergies to propolis and herbal supplements;
    • otosclerosis, mastoiditis and tumors localized in the head.

    Instructions for use

    Ear candles should be used strictly according to the instructions. Improper use of them can lead to burns, clogging of the ear canal and eardrum with wax and soot.

    If you buy ear candles, instructions for use will be included in the package. They describe in detail both contraindications and recommendations on the frequency of sessions and how to use them.

    You can’t put ear candles on yourself - this way you won’t be able to control the correctness of the actions and the necessary duration of the treatment procedure.

    1. The patient is placed on their side to sore ear was located on top. A cotton napkin with a cut for the auricle is put on it. A glass of water is placed next to it.
    2. By using baby cream should be rubbed a little auricle to improve blood flow in tissues.
    3. Each candle has a marked end that should be lit. As a rule, it is not wrapped in foil. Light the pipe and wait for the flame to even out.
    4. An ear candle is inserted into the ear canal with its unlit end strictly vertically.
    5. The candle will burn to the mark in about 7 minutes. All this time, you must be close to the patient, so that at the first sign of discomfort, remove the burning tube and put it out in the prepared glass of water.
    6. When the tube burns down to the strip marked by the manufacturers, it should be carefully removed from the ear canal, holding strictly vertically, and put out in water.
    7. With the help of two cotton buds(one moistened with water, the other dry) the exit from the ear canal is carefully cleaned from possible combustion residues.
    8. To keep warm inside the ear canal, it is laid with a sterile piece of cotton wool.

    On average, the course of treatment takes 6 days. Experts recommend that after a session using phytocandles on a sore ear, for prevention, carry out the procedure on a healthy one.

    For many millennia, there has been a rather interesting, but little studied method of treatment with ear tubes. Wax tubes for the ears show results that many drugs cannot achieve.

    Wax phytocandles are used to treat ear diseases, as well as the nose and throat:

    • sinusitis;
    • otitis;
    • SARS;
    • flu;
    • rhinitis;
    • eustachitis;
    • noise in ears;
    • headache.

    In addition, wax tubes are used in preventive cleaning from sulfur plugs.

    Given unique remedy treatment did not go unnoticed in our country, the Samara and Moscow State medical University conducted a series of studies on the use of wax tubes for the ears in diseases of the nose, throat, ear.

    Scientists came to this conclusion: “Ear tubes are absolutely safe means treatment of ENT diseases. Also this method can be used as an independent treatment.

    Ear wax treatment

    Ear candles were used in a children's clinic. Used for various ENT diseases: acute otitis media, chronic, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. The age of the children varied from 5 to 14 years. The course of treatment lasted from 3 to 6 sessions, the treatment interval was 3-7 days. In all cases of ENT pathologies, an overall positive trend was observed, pathological symptoms decreased.

    Conclusion on the use of phytocandles in a children's clinic: the use of wax candles is effective and absolutely safe method treatment of childhood ENT diseases. Candles can be used as the main and additional method treatment.


    The action is explained as follows: in the process of combustion, rarefied air is formed in the tube, which captures lower part ear canal. This creates a pressure drop, the so-called "chimney effect". Medicinal vapors, which forms a candle, are distributed in parts of the ENT organs, providing a cleansing and therapeutic effect.

    The heat and vacuum created by the candle clear the ear canal of pathological contents, thereby restoring the function of the eardrum, eliminating tinnitus, improving hearing and making it easier nasal breathing. According to many years of practice, it has been found that the use of wax tubes cleanses the body. The cleansing is on its way. nerve fibers and energy channels, most of which end in the cavity of the auricle.

    If a person has so-called places of "contamination" nerve cells the patient may experience pain. From the foregoing, it is clear that the therapeutic effect is based on the heat released during the burning of the candle. More high efficiency achieved by combining tubes with other treatments.

    At the first symptoms of diseases (nasal congestion, sore throat, watery eyes), it is necessary to warm up with tubes for 10 minutes. The warm-up procedure can be performed 2 times a day.

    Complementary Therapies

    Depending on the degree of complication, measures are prescribed:

    • at ear pain - heating with tubes, then ear passages should be laid cotton swabs, which are impregnated in propolis extract.
    • With a runny nose, or not purulent sinusitis- warming up, then cleansing the nasal cavity from the contents, drip 2 drops of naphthyzine into the nose, then put 1/2 part of the propolis suppository into the nasal passages. You need to tilt your head back and lie in this position for 5 minutes.
    • Cough, sore throat- warming, then gargling with propolis extract. The extract must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. You can also drink propolis honey diluted with hot milk or honey. You need to drink a teaspoon for 10 minutes.

    How to use wax tubes

    Most perfect time for warming up the ears - in the evening before going to bed. The patient needs to lie on his side, be sure to cover his hair with a towel. Nearby you need to put a bowl with cold water to in right time put out the fire.

    1. Gently press on the tragus, without causing any pain, insert the tube into the ear canal with the narrow side.
    2. Then we set fire to the upper edge of the tube, holding it with our hand.
    3. During warming up, you can not leave the patient unattended, you need to hold the tube in your hands.
    4. As soon as three-quarters of the tube burns out, we remove it from the ear and extinguish it in water.
    5. In the same way, we warm up the second ear, then wipe the ears with cotton pads.

    During the procedure, the patient should breathe through the nose, calmly. This procedure quite relaxing. The patient will feel warm in the ear.


    Ear tubes should not be used in the following cases:

    • allergy to bee products;
    • heat;
    • purulent discharge from the ear;
    • head tumors.

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