Vision problems need to go. What does plus vision mean? Vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain

The eyes are the most highly developed sensory organs of the body. In fact, a much larger portion of the brain is dedicated to seeing, not hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling combined! We tend to take vision for granted. But when vision problems appear, most of us will do everything in our power to restore normal vision.

The most common forms of visual impairment are refraction errors is how light rays are focused inside the eye so that images can be transmitted to the brain. Nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are examples of refractive errors.

Other vision problems may be related to eye disease.
Retinal detachment, macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma are dysfunctions of the eye and its processing units. These problems can lead to blurry or defective vision.

Treatment goals depend on the disease and may include restoring vision, slowing vision loss, and preserving remaining vision.

Description of common vision problems

Nearsightedness and farsightedness

Nearsightedness and farsightedness are related to how the eye focuses images on the back of the eyeball, where 10 layers of thin neural tissue make up the retina. Images that are out of focus on the retina appear blurry. The farther images are focused from the retina, the blurrier they appear.

Nearsightedness or myopia affects almost 30% of the population. This is the result of images being focused in front of the retina instead of on it, so distant objects appear blurry. A nearsighted person whose vision is not corrected holds a book close to their eyes when reading and must sit in the front in a classroom or in a movie theater to see clearly.

Myopia has the same distribution among men and women, usually manifests itself in childhood and stabilizes by the age of twenty.

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the opposite of nearsightedness.
The hyperopic eye focuses images slightly behind the retina, blurring nearby objects.

as they grow older and when the eyeball becomes an adult size. Did you know that eyes grow during childhood? The length of the eye (from front to back) lengthens by almost a third by the age of five.


Light rays entering the eye first cross the transparent cornea. Surprisingly, nearly two-thirds of the eye's focusing power is along its anterior surface (tear film or cornea). A normal cornea should have a hemispherical contour.

This allows the eye to create one focused image. If the central cornea is not symmetrical, we say that it is "astigmatic".
Astigmatism, often associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness, occurs when the transparent cornea has a non-circular curvature - more like a teaspoon.
Because of this, the eye does not have a single center of focus. People with astigmatism may have in which some objects appear clear while others appear blurry.

The next time you're holding some shiny silver, compare your reflection in a soup spoon to your reflection in a teaspoon - that's astigmatism! Astigmatism is usually present from birth, but sometimes it is not recognized later in life. In most cases, astigmatism is completely curable. In addition, it changes little over time.


Close vision requires focus. The power of near focusing decreases throughout life. Presbyopia is blurry vision at a normal reading distance in a person with normal distance vision (with or without glasses). It occurs when the eye develops insufficient focusing power for reading and other tasks.

Presbyopia usually starts around at the age of forty and is the reason why most older people rely on reading glasses. Bifocal glasses allow the wearer to see both near and far objects clearly.

Retinal detachment

Visible beams of light form images that reach the brain. To do this, the retina converts the light signal into a nerve impulse. Think of the retina as the silky wallpaper that lines the inside of the eyeball. However, unlike wallpaper, there is no glue here.

Small holes may develop in areas where the retina is exceptionally thin or damaged.
If this happens, the clear glassy fluid that fills the eye can seep behind the retina and cause the wallpaper to peel off. This is retinal detachment.

Although retinal detachment is not painful, it needs urgent medical attention. If the retina is not reattached to the wall of the eye quickly, retinal cells may atrophy and permanent blindness may result.

  • moderate or extreme myopia;
  • Previous eye surgery or trauma;
  • Previous retinal detachment;
  • Inherited thinness of retinal tissue.

color blindness

Color blindness is most often a disorder of the light-sensitive photoreceptor cells in the retina that respond to different colored light rays.


  • Cones work best in bright light;
  • Sticks work best in low light.

Each photoreceptor produces pigments that respond to specific colors of light.
Color vision is affected if these pigments are missing or defective, or if they respond to incorrect wavelengths.

You've probably seen how paints are mixed in a hardware store. Color vision works in much the same way because visible light is a mixture of different light rays (wavelengths).

Color perception problems are much more common in men, affecting 8% of the male population. Women tend to be "carriers". It also happens (very rarely) that a person sees only shades of gray.

night blindness

Night blindness - difficulty seeing in dim light - occurs when photoreceptor cells begin to deteriorate.

There are many different forms of night blindness, but it can be:

  • liver disorder;
  • Vitamin A deficiency;
  • an inherited retinal disease such as retinitis pigmentosa;
  • Cataract.

Eye strain

Eye strain may simply be from overuse of the eyes for a long period of time. Voltage- Discomfort, which can also be caused by an irreparable refractive problem.

This common vision problem can occur while performing remote visual activities such as driving or watching a movie, or during close-up tasks such as reading and using a computer.

  1. Headache;
  2. Pain in the eyebrow area;
  3. eye fatigue;
  4. Pulling sensation.

The tension quickly disappears if the eyes are allowed to rest or the problem of refraction is resolved. Focusing for a long time can cause eye fatigue, such as working at a computer for hours.

Children have a much more flexible focusing ability. How often do you hear a child complain about eyestrain while playing video games?

If you wear glasses, repetitive eye strain may be a sign that you need new glasses. Eye exercises or resting the eyes every hour helps reduce eyestrain, especially when working with computers.

Other Conditions That Lead to Vision Problems

  • Cataract;
  • conjunctivitis or pink eye;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Crossed eyes (strabismus);
  • Lazy eye (amblyopia);
  • Macular degeneration.


The lens of the human eye focuses light so that you can clearly see objects at different distances. About one third of the focusing power of the eye is used and must remain transparent for clear vision.

A clouding of the lens is called a cataract. As we age, cataracts block or distort light from entering the eye, and we experience a gradual, permanent, painless blurring of vision, as if we were looking through a haze. Vision with cataracts can be even worse in dim light.

Cataract, which accounts for over 20 million cases worldwide. Surgery successfully restores vision loss caused by cataracts in almost every case. After the cloudy lens is removed, the surgeon implants a clear artificial lens to take its place.


Conjunctiva- the moist transparent membrane that covers the eyeball and your inner eyelid - can become inflamed for a variety of reasons. Most cases of conjunctivitis (commonly referred to as pink eye) resolve in a predictable manner, and the inflammation usually resolves in a few days.

Although infectious conjunctivitis can be highly contagious, it is rarely serious and usually does not permanently damage vision if it is found and treated quickly.


  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes and causes a large discharge of pus and mucus. Treated with antibiotic eye drops;
  2. Viral conjunctivitis usually starts in one eye, causing a lot of fluid discharge. The other eye follows a few days later. Like a cold, this infection will go away on its own without specific treatment;
  3. Ophthalmia neonatorum is a rare acute form of conjunctivitis in newborns. The infection is acquired from the mother during childbirth. It must be treated immediately by a doctor to prevent permanent eye damage or blindness. These babies may have infections elsewhere, such as the lungs.


  1. Chronic open-angle glaucoma usually appears in middle age and appears to have a genetic component;
  2. Acute angle-closure glaucoma accounts for less than 10% of glaucoma cases, but can develop quickly, be quite painful, and require emergency medical attention;
  3. Secondary glaucoma is associated with other diseases, eye injury, or the use of steroid medications.

Doctors often refer to chronic open-angle glaucoma as " silent thief in sight”, because gradually loss of vision occurs. Damage to the delicate layers of the retinal nerve is caused by increased pressure inside the eye. Most patients with do not have any symptoms and may experience a profound loss of visual function before it is diagnosed.

To identify glaucoma, regular eye exams, which usually include eye pressure measurement and other tests. Unfortunately, half of all Americans with high eye pressure are unaware of the problem.

If you have a non-reactive large pupil, sudden severe eye pain, blurred vision, or iridescent halos, along with headache, nausea, or vomiting, it could be acute closed glaucoma.

If left untreated, acute closed glaucoma can damage the optic nerve that sends visual images from the eye to the brain, causing permanent blindness.

  • Uveitis;
  • eye injury;
  • Bleeding inside the eye;
  • Tumor of the eye (extremely rare);
  • Diabetes (neovascular glaucoma);
  • congenital problems;
  • Extremely mature cataract;
  • Steroid drugs.

People with diabetes are susceptible to neovascular glaucoma, a particularly severe form of secondary glaucoma caused by abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. Congenital glaucoma is a rare problem in infants and requires surgery to preserve vision.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss, with millions of older people showing some signs of the disorder. Because symptoms usually do not appear in people under age 55, the disorder is more accurately referred to as age-related macular degeneration ( AMD).

Since the macula is the central part of the retina, AMD affects central vision, the detailed vision that is needed for driving, reading, and fine work such as sewing. If you're looking at a photo, you won't be able to see the middle of the picture, but you can still see the edges (peripheral vision saved).

The disorder occurs in two forms: . Less common AMD requires immediate medical attention. Any delay in treatment may result in loss of central vision.

Crossed eyes, wall eye (strabismus) and lazy eye (amblyopia)

A child's eyes grow and develop with the child. During the first few months of life, an infant does not have sharp and clear vision. Thereafter, the mechanisms of eye focusing and eye movement develop rapidly as the eye and brain develop the visual apparatus.

Around the age 6 months both eyes should consistently work together, allowing the child to see both near and far targets. An infant's eyes should be even when looking at the same object.

However, in some situations the eyes do not work in sync. One eye may tend to drift inward or outward. Rapid assessment by an eye specialist is important to determine if any drift is suspected due to muscle imbalance.

Simply put, the eye doctor must determine how well each eye sees and why the eyes do not appear straight. Parents will be relieved to know that an optometrist can find answers without the help of a child! Any problems that are identified need to be addressed in order to maintain good vision in both eyes.

  1. congenital injury;
  2. brain injury;
  3. cerebral palsy;
  4. Congenital underdevelopment;
  5. neurological problems;
  6. Refractive errors - undiagnosed need for glasses in one or both eyes;
  7. Hydrocephalus.


The medical term for misaligned eyes is strabismus. There are six different muscles that are attached to each eye to help it roll. The eyes may not appear straight because one or more muscles are pulling too hard or other muscles are too weak.

If the eyes turn inwards, resulting in " crossed eyes', we call it esotropia. If they turn outward, call " wall eyes”, then this condition is denoted as exotropia.

There are various treatments for strabismus depending on the specific cause. Some cases are treated with muscle eye surgery, and some just need glasses.

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

If the strabismus is in an adult (possibly after a head injury or after a stroke), then the person is likely to have double vision. Double vision occurs because two eyes look at different images. In an infant or child, the brain does not tolerate double images and will turn off vision in the weaker eye.

This involuntary loss of vision is called " lazy eye or amblyopia. Here's another way to say it: Amblyopia- a healthy eye that does not see. Only infants and children develop amblyopia; and vision loss can be reversed by various treatment strategies that force the child to use " lazy» eye if the contributing eye problem is corrected early enough in childhood - usually before the age of seven.

Not all cases of strabismus develop amblyopia, and not all cases of amblyopia are due to strabismus. For example, an infant with a dense congenital cataract in one eye will develop a " lazy eye” unless the cloudy lens is removed.

Amblyopia is a serious problem for children. As long as the underlying eye problem remains untreated, vision in the weaker eye does not fully develop. Lazy eye can also result from other eye problems such as:

Amblyopia may develop if an infant has one eye that has significantly greater nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism than the surrounding eye.

If detected early, by finding the underlying cause, amblyopia can be stopped. Then, by administering eye drops to the strong eye, it may be possible to force the weak eye to regain useful function.

January 21, 2016 13:38

By Fabiosa

In everyday worries, many often do not pay attention to some alarming symptoms. Today, millions of people suffer from various eye diseases, some of which begin almost imperceptibly. The sooner they are detected, the sooner it will be possible to seek help from doctors and the more likely it is to avoid serious consequences. In addition, some vision problems can be indicators of other serious diseases.

Here are 6 symptoms that could indicate early vision problems or other serious illnesses. They cannot be missed!

1. Veil before the eyes

According to ophthalmologists, this is one of the frequent complaints of many patients, which should be given special attention. It happens that a similar side effect is caused by various drugs. In more serious cases, the symptom may indicate the onset of cataracts, glaucoma, the manifestation of corneal diseases, problems with retinal vessels. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the problem will have to be solved surgically.

Especially such a “fog” before the eyes should alert people over the age of 40, because in this case it can be the first symptom of not only the above diseases, but also an even more serious pathology - irreversible damage to the retina, which can eventually lead to blindness. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to miss the chance to stop the destruction of the retina.

2. Photophobia

Poor tolerance to bright light is not such a harmless symptom. This may indicate the presence of infectious diseases, inflammation or injury, as well as the initial stage of glaucoma.

3. "Blind" spots

This phenomenon is considered normal if it lasts a couple of minutes after sudden active actions (for example, a sharp rise from bed). But it can also be an alarming symptom of retinal malnutrition. If the problem lasts more than 3 minutes, consult a doctor immediately, because this can cause retinal detachment or hemorrhage.

Here are some symptoms that may be indirect signs of other diseases.

4. Bright spots, rainbow circles, zigzags and loss of peripheral vision

Such symptoms most often indicate a migraine, which is also accompanied by severe pain in the forehead or on one side of the head. When the attack is over, the visual symptoms should disappear.

5. Doubling

If a person feels that objects seem to double, and visibility seems to be blurred, and at the same time the gait becomes unstable, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms can accompany the early stages of multiple sclerosis, poisoning, circulatory disorders, and even brain tumors.

6. Sudden blindness

Sudden loss of vision for a couple of hours is a dangerous harbinger of thrombosis of the central retinal artery. In this case, there is no time to think - you need to see a doctor immediately! Otherwise, vision can be lost forever, because in the absence of blood supply, the retina can die in just a couple of hours, and it will be impossible to save it.

Eye problems are not always signs of serious illness. For example, redness and dryness of the eyes are a common symptom of those who like to sit at a computer or other gadgets for a long time. In order not to harm your eyesight, you need to blink more often and use drops that moisturize the cornea.

Incredible Facts

We can all remember at least a few phrases that were often told to us in childhood by parents or teachers.

For example, that if you squint your eyes, you can stay like that for life, or that you can ruin your eyesight if you read in the dark.

At the same time, many of us still believe that if you eat a lot of carrots, you can significantly improve your eyesight.

Here are some of the most common vision misconceptions.

1. If you squint with your eyes, you can stay with strabismus for life.

It is a myth that the eyes will freeze in this position if you squint them too much. Strabismus or strabismus occurs when the eyes do not look in one direction at the same time. Attached to each eye are six muscles, controlled by signals from the brain that control their movement. When the position of the eyes is disturbed, the brain receives two different images. Over time, this can lead to more severe visual impairment. But strabismus is not caused by a person deliberately squinting their eyes for a short period of time.

2. Wearing glasses too often can damage your eyesight.

According to the myth, wearing glasses for disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism can weaken or impair vision. This is not true, nor is it possible to damage vision by wearing glasses with strong diopters, although this may cause temporary tension or headache.

However, children need to be prescribed glasses with the correct diopter. A 2002 study showed that glasses with too low diopters can increase myopia, and correctly chosen diopters reduce the progression of myopia.

3. Reading in the dark impairs vision.

Many probably remember how parents repeatedly told us how important it is to read in good light. Light really helps us see better, as it makes it easier to focus.

While reading in dim light can cause temporary eye strain, it won't harm your eyesight. According to recent studies, vision is negatively affected by little exposure to daylight in general.

4. If your parents have poor eyesight, you will also have poor eyesight.

Of course, some visual impairments are hereditary, but this does not guarantee that you will have the same impairment as your parents. One study found that in a family where both parents had myopia, the chances that a child would also have myopia were 30 to 40 percent. If only one parent has myopia, the child has about a 20-25 percent chance of developing myopia, and about 10 percent in children of parents without myopia.

5. A computer or TV spoils your eyesight.

Ophthalmologists often argue on this topic, but most agree that for most people this is not the cause of poor vision.

On the other hand, more and more people complain of symptoms such as dry and irritated eyes, headaches, eye strain and difficulty focusing after prolonged screen time. This phenomenon has been called computer vision syndrome, which can be exacerbated when trying to focus on the small screen of a tablet or phone.

Experts recommend using 20-20 rule to eliminate the effects of time spent in front of a computer screen or TV. It sounds like this: every 20 minutes take a 20 second break to look at a distance of about 6 meters.

6. Vitamins will help improve vision.

According to recent studies, there is no right combination of vitamins that will prevent visual impairment. Antioxidants can slow the progression of macular degeneration, one of the major causes of vision loss with age. But in people already suffering from this disease, vitamins do not play a big role.

Perhaps one day an effective vitamin cocktail will be invented, but so far there is no evidence that this works.

7. Dyslexia is associated with visual problems.

A recent study found that children with dyslexia suffered from common visual impairments such as myopia, farsightedness, strabismus, and trouble focusing no more than others.

8. If you do not treat the "lazy eye" in childhood, it will remain forever.

"Lazy eye" or amblyopia occurs when the nerve pathways between the brain and the eye are not properly stimulated, causing the brain to favor one eye. The weak eye begins to wander and, eventually, the brain can ignore the signals received from it. Although doctors say that this disorder should be treated as soon as possible, there are many treatments that can help adults as well.

9. Blind people see only darkness.

Only 18 percent of visually impaired people are completely blind. Most people can distinguish between light and dark.

10. In space, human vision remains the same as on Earth.

Scientists have found that vision deteriorates in space, but they cannot explain this phenomenon.

A study of seven astronauts who spent more than six months aboard the International Space Station found that all experienced blurred vision during and several months after their space mission.

The researchers suggest that the cause may be the movement of fluid to the head, which occurs in microgravity.

11. Colorblind people do not see color.

The human eye and brain work together to interpret colors, and each of us perceives colors a little differently. We all have photopigments in the cones of the retina. People suffering from hereditary color blindness have defects in the genes that are responsible for the production of photopigments. However, it is very rare to find people who do not see color at all.

It is more common for people who are color blind to have difficulty distinguishing colors, such as red and green, blue and yellow. While color blindness is much more common among men, it also affects a small number of women.

12. Carrots improve night vision.

Carrots are good for eyesight, as they contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A, which is important for vision. But carrots do not affect vision in the dark.

13. The larger the eye, the better the vision.

At birth, the eyeball is approximately 16 mm in diameter, reaching 24 mm in adults. But an increase in the size of the eyes does not mean that vision is getting better. In fact, overgrowth of the eyeball in humans can lead to myopia, or nearsightedness. If the eyeball is too elongated, the lens of the eye cannot focus light on the correct part of the retina to process the image clearly.

14. Pupil dilation occurs in response to a change in light.

We know that pupils constrict in light and dilate in darkness. But the pupils are also responsible for changes in the emotional and psychological state. Sexual arousal, challenging tasks, fear, and other emotional and mental events can cause changes in pupil size, although the exact cause is unknown.

15. Ultraviolet radiation can damage the eyes only when the sun is shining.

Even in foggy and cloudy weather, ultraviolet radiation can damage the eyes. Rays can be reflected from water, sand, snow and shiny surfaces. Therefore, you should always have sunglasses with you. Exposure to radiation for many years can lead to the development of cataracts, a clouding of the lens that can lead to vision loss.

Medical center of the highest category AILAZ

To paraphrase a well-known expression, alas, old age, all organs are submissive - this is true, and the eyes are no exception. Over the years, age-related cataracts or retinal dystrophy can affect the eyes ... To avoid loss of vision or other possible threats, you should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist - this is the only way to protect your eyes.

There are such visual diseases as, for example, an acute attack of glaucoma - when the clock counts: the earlier you go to the doctor, the more chances you have to save your eyesight. So, what are the signs of visual impairment that can cause the greatest danger?

1. A sharp deterioration in vision in one eye

If you have already crossed the 60th anniversary and if you have at least one of the listed diseases: myopia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, there is a high risk that the loss of vision is caused by vascular disorders. In this case, emergency medical assistance is needed - contact a doctor as soon as possible!

2. Sensation before the eyes of a black curtain that covers some part of the field of view

This is a formidable symptom that is often observed with retinal detachment. Here, as in the previous case, the sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is to keep the eyes healthy.

3. Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, there may be nausea, vomiting

This can lead to an attack of angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, and this can damage the optic nerve. It is urgent to reduce intraocular pressure - up to surgical treatment. This will not go away on its own - you need to see a doctor.

4. Gradual or abrupt narrowing of the field of view

If your field of vision gradually narrows, over time you will be able to see only what is located directly in front of you. This is called "tubular" vision and may indicate glaucoma: narrowing of the field of view due to damage to the optic nerve is just one of its main symptoms. Treatment is also needed here, otherwise vision will deteriorate.

Glaucoma is an insidious disease and often patients are unaware of its existence. On the website of the medical center AILAZ You will find glaucoma self-diagnosis questionnaire .

5. Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurring, blurring of the image (straight lines look wavy, curved)

This may indicate a disease of the central region of the retina - the macula, which, in fact, is responsible for normal vision. This disease has an age-related character - older people are often susceptible to it. Glasses do not help, without treatment, vision is steadily declining. Today, there are many treatment options depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Another reason for a sudden decrease in vision is a retinal tear in the central zone. If you do not immediately contact an ophthalmologist and start treatment, vision can hardly be restored.

6. When everything is in front of the eyes, as if in a fog, the brightness and contrast of vision decrease

So, cataracts can develop, causing clouding of the lens. In this case, vision falls gradually, up to the ability to only distinguish light. Here we are talking about a planned surgical intervention - removal of a cataract followed by implantation of an artificial lens. At the same time, it is worth seeing an ophthalmologist, because sometimes a cataract causes intraocular pressure, and this is an indication for urgent surgical treatment. In addition, cataracts cause the lens to enlarge and harden, which can make it difficult to remove - another reason to visit the eye doctor regularly: to save time.

Modern technologies make it possible to remove a cataract and replace it with a transparent artificial lens painlessly and in a matter of minutes. Do not endure the discomfort of blurry vision. Decide on an examination and surgery.

7. Dark spots, partial cloudiness, feeling of fog or veil before the eyes

If a patient suffers from diabetes, the likelihood of eye damage is quite high, and the longer the experience of diabetes, the more likely changes in the eye. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are a must. If necessary, the ophthalmologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment: not only appropriate medications, but often laser treatment as well. Timely treatment will allow you to save your vision.

8. Burning sensation, sand in the eyes, sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation, or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

This is a typical description of dry eye syndrome, the symptoms of which can worsen with age. As a rule, this disease does not cause a particular danger to vision, but a severe degree of dry eye syndrome can cause some pathological conditions. An experienced ophthalmologist will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe moisturizing drops.

On the website of the medical center AILAZ you will find self-diagnosis questionnaire for dry eye syndrome .

9. When the image doubles

When seeing double, there may be several reasons, and this is not necessarily a "visual" problem. The reason for this may be intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, pathology of the endocrine system. If double vision appears, it is better to immediately be examined by several doctors: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

10. Floaters before the eyes

As a rule, floating spots, threads, "spiders" before the eyes are caused by the destruction of the vitreous body. This is due to age-related changes in its structure and does not cause danger. With age, the vitreous body loses its density, liquefies and does not fit as tightly to the retina as before. When its fibers stick together and lose their transparency, they cast a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in the visual field. This is clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. Destruction of the vitreous body can be caused by arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, trauma to the head, eyes and nose.

At the same time, a spot that suddenly appeared before the eyes, a “curtain”, may be the result of a serious pathology that requires surgical treatment, for example, hemorrhage in the retina or vitreous body. In the event that symptoms appear suddenly, in one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Let's take a look at some of the vision problems that can happen to any of us today. For example, I had such a case some time ago. After intense training, the eyes simply refused to parse the text. You look at the letters and you just don't see half of them. You look at the TV, and the spot in the eyes does not make it clear what is happening on the screen. I don’t know about anyone, but I was pretty upset. It's good that then everything went by itself. And later I learned that a spot in the eyes and blurred vision can indicate serious health problems. Also, how and when double vision or narrowing of the field of vision occurs.

When it doubles in the eyes, this indicates the presence of problems with the synchronous display of objects by the eyes. This problem is called diplopia, and due to the asynchronous display of reality, the brain is not able to create a single picture of what he saw. You get two pictures.

When double vision begins, this is not the cause, but a consequence of the problem. Such a change in vision may indicate serious conditions of the brain: vascular diseases, approaching a stroke, tumors (including malignant) of the brain. In the best case, we can talk about muscle weakness of the eyes.

In any case, at the first cases of double vision, it is necessary to urgently seek advice from an ophthalmologist. Most likely, you will need to do a brain examination (for example, an MRI - magnetic resonance imaging) in order to identify hidden problems.

A spot in the eyes is also called a loss of the central field of vision. In fact, when this happens, it becomes scary. The letters are jumping, it’s impossible to read the whole text in any way, you have to read it with peripheral vision, as it were. in the center everything is blurry, nothing is visible.

As it turned out, a spot in the eyes is a consequence of a disease such as macular degeneration. In general, the macula refers to a specific area on the retina. This area is responsible for visual acuity. As I understand it, images of objects should focus on the retina. And if the macula is not able to correctly receive the image, then the brain cannot decipher and understand it.

To determine if retinal dystrophy is present, an Amster table test is performed. To do this, you need a regular piece of paper in a box. We put a bold, visible dot in the center of the sheet. Then we take the sheet to a comfortable reading distance, close one eye, and focus on the point with the other. And the lines of the leaf in the box should be clear, not bent or broken. If this happens, then this is an occasion for a visit to the ophthalmologist.

Narrowing of the field of view

The narrowing of the field of view is quite difficult to notice, because. there are no starting points that would accurately indicate that these are the boundaries of vision, and this is already less than the boundaries. However, it is entirely possible to do a fairly simple test yourself to see if visual field narrowing is present.

To test the visual field, all you need to do is raise your straight arm (with your thumb up) to the side. Standing straight and looking forward, you need to slowly move your hand forward with a raised finger. As soon as you see a raised finger, the hand must be stopped and count the angle by which the hand has advanced. Ideally, in the absence of problems with the angle of view, the angle will be about 10 degrees (up to and including 15). A larger angle will indicate the presence of a narrowing of the field of view.

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