Why is there no period when taking birth control pills. Why is there no period after stopping birth control? If there is no period while taking hormonal pills

Why is there a delay in menstruation when taking birth control pills? This question will be answered by an experienced gynecologist. The duration of the menstrual cycle for each woman depends on the characteristics of her body, genetic predisposition and lifestyle. On average, the period from one menstruation to the next lasts 28 days. But there is a shorter and longer cycle. If a woman decides to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy with birth control pills, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist so that, taking into account every day of the menstrual cycle, the doctor correctly calculates the day the ovulation starts.

Causes of the phenomenon

If menstruation occurs irregularly or their absence is observed, then the doctor will prohibit using this method of contraception, since it will be very difficult, almost impossible, to “catch” the moment of ovulation. To use the tablets, the woman's menstrual cycle must be stable in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

To better understand what happens in a woman's body after taking birth control pills, you first need to know how this whole process happens without outside intervention. The first day of the menstrual cycle is considered the day when menstruation began, that is, the day when the inner layer of the uterus detached, which caused bleeding.

From that day on, the rest of the countdown is underway. It lasts from 5 to 7 days. After the cessation of bleeding in the ovary, the maturation of a new follicle begins - the shell (ball), in which the egg will mature. On the 14th day of the cycle, ovulation occurs. The follicle ruptures, and the mature egg is released outside and begins to move towards the fallopian tubes, where it will meet with the sperm. This whole process lasts about 15 minutes. The released egg remains viable for 12 to 24 hours, and if fertilization does not occur, then it simply dissolves and pregnancy does not occur.

The body, having received this "signal", stops producing hormones necessary to prepare for further gestation, and rejection of the uterine layer begins, which ends in bleeding, i.e. menstruation. This happens every month.

The mechanism of action of contraceptives

These pills contain synthetic hormones similar to those produced by the female body. And when the body "sees" that there is no lack of these hormones, it simply stops producing them. As a result, the woman's ovary ceases to function, and the egg is not produced, and without it, pregnancy cannot occur.

At a certain stage, a woman stops drinking pills, which gives the body, after their cancellation, the opportunity to “work” itself, i.e. produce a hormone that promotes the rejection of the uterine layer, which will cause a woman to menstruate.

Why can there be a delay in menstruation when taking birth control pills?
The first thing to think about is the onset of pregnancy. If sexual intercourse took place, then there is a possibility that the woman could become pregnant. This can happen due to non-compliance with the correct intake of tablets:

  • if, due to forgetfulness, the medicine was not taken;
  • violation of the reception time interval;
  • concurrent use of antibiotics, which weakens the effect of the contraceptive;
  • drinking alcohol also reduces the effect of the pills.

If there is such a doubt, you should immediately stop taking the pills until the reason for the absence of menstruation is clarified.
In some women, during the period of contraceptive pills, menstruation is very meager and ends quickly. This is considered the norm. The total volume of the isolated blood can be about 60 mg. This has its own positive moment, the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood increases.

We have already talked about the fact that birth control pills contain hormones. And no one can exclude the fact that their reception will not affect the work of other organs. We are talking about the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, liver, urinary system. Any violation from one of the above organs can lead to excess weight, tumors, blood clots with the cessation of menstruation.

The function of the ovaries is related to the thyroid gland, therefore, if the natural work of the ovaries is suppressed, the work of the thyroid gland may be disrupted.

The adrenal glands also produce hormones, and when an extra batch of the same "material" enters the body, their function will be suppressed.

Hormones affect the functioning of the pancreas, the violation of which can lead to diabetes or pancreatitis.

From the side of the stomach, an exacerbation of gastritis can occur, which will lead to intestinal dysbacteriosis.

The liver works under stress to remove harmful substances from the blood.
And if the liver fails, then the work of blood vessels will be disrupted, which can lead to heart disease and blood clots.

Additional prevention

A delay in menstruation can also be caused by severe stress, changes in diet, such as diet, climate change, exercise, overwork.

The reason for the delay in menstruation may be infections from the urinary system, such as cystitis or kidney disease.

A delay in menstruation while taking birth control can be the beginning of a gynecological disease, so if the delay is more than 7 days and the test is negative, then you need to see a gynecologist to find out the reason for the absence of menstruation. Signs of gynecological diseases can be pulling pains in the lower abdomen, general weakness, cramps in the lower back and other symptoms.

After all, taking contraceptives does not exclude infection in the genitals, but most likely the opposite - sexual life occurs without a condom, which means that the risk of contracting a sexual infection is increased. An inflammatory process and a number of other diseases may appear.

A delay in menstruation can also occur after gynecological procedures, for example, after curettage of the uterus or after surgery.

It should be noted that not only traditional medicines can have side effects, but also folk remedies. Lemon or ascorbic acid, for example, can delay menstruation.

If for some reason there is a need to take any drug, you should carefully study the instructions or consult with your doctor to find out if such a drug will weaken the effect of birth control pills and will not cause a delay in menstruation in the future.

If a woman, after completing a 21-day course of contraceptives, does not take a break between doses (if the instructions require it), then in this way she will "delay" the moment of the onset of menstruation, and they will not come.

Sometimes women use this "reception" when for some reason they do not want menstruation to begin, but this maneuver cannot be used often, as this will lead to various diseases, because in this way the "laws of nature" are completely violated.

It must be remembered that protection with oral hormonal contraceptives can disrupt the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and later, with their endless use, lead to the complete disappearance of menstruation.

Everyone's susceptibility is different, and therefore no one can predict in advance how the female body will react to these pills. It may not affect one woman in any way, but the other one can cause a lot of problems.

One may have a delay in menstruation, while the other may have a complete cessation. Doctors consider both cases to be within the normal range, unless there are other health problems.

Delayed periods while taking birth control pills are common. This is due to hormonal changes caused by taking the medication. It is not excluded with this method of contraception and individual intolerance to the drug. In this case, the doctor recommends a different method of protection or replacement of the remedy with a similar one in properties.

As a result of the use of birth control pills, which contain hormones, certain changes occur in the body. The principle of action of contraceptives is as follows:

  • the pituitary gland begins to block the active substances responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • the process of maturation of the follicle slows down, and as a result, the absence of ovulation;
  • the ability of the fallopian tubes to contract is suppressed, and for this reason spermatozoa cannot move freely;
  • the cervical fluid acquires a viscous and dense consistency, which is why spermatozoa cannot penetrate the uterus;
  • the structure of the endometrium changes and it becomes impossible to fix the fertilized egg.

With the development of processes that occur in the body and are caused by taking the drug, menstruation becomes different. Changes are especially noticeable during the first menstruation while taking birth control pills. The discharge becomes profuse or excessively scarce.

Due to hormonal changes, menstruation may appear a little ahead of time or late. Its duration also changes. This largely depends on the state of health of the woman and the individual characteristics of the body. You should be wary if, while taking contraceptives, menstruation began and does not end.

When should I get my period while taking oral contraceptives?

Menstruation will not begin immediately when taking contraceptives and may differ significantly from the norm. Menstruation is delayed and comes three weeks after the start of using OK. The cycle is not set immediately. For several months, discharge may appear ahead of time.

Sometimes menstruation does not start after the end of the package (21 tablets). For the first three cycles, this phenomenon is considered normal.

Often there is a complete absence of menstruation when taking OK for a long period. Such a failure of the cycle does not cause any fears. The body needs time to get used to the action of contraceptives. As soon as the concentration of estrogen returns to normal, menstruation will return on its own.

Reasons for delayed menstruation when taking OK

If there is no menstruation on time, many women begin to suspect pregnancy. In fact, the absence of menstruation when taking birth control can be due to such reasons as:

  • non-compliance with the rules for taking contraceptives;
  • poisoning, as a result of which vomiting was caused, and the drug was excreted from the body;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages that reduce the effect of the drug;
  • taking antibiotics, which also reduce the effectiveness of the drug;
  • the purchase of a low-quality drug.

The reason why there is no menstruation is not always due to birth control pills. These can be symptoms of diseases or the result of external factors. Absence of menstruation is often caused by:

  • stress, nervous strain;
  • strict diet;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the uterus or ovaries;
  • sexual infection;
  • taking other medications in parallel with contraceptives.

You should not independently understand why there is no menstruation. The right decision is to seek help from a gynecologist.

Selection rules OK

The selection of the drug should be carried out exclusively by a gynecologist. The same oral contraceptive may not work for all women.

When choosing, age, the regularity of intimate life, the experience of childbearing and the characteristics of the body that determine the hormonal background are taken into account. Only in this case it will be possible to choose a drug that will not harm health.

To make a decision, the doctor takes into account the constitutional type:

  1. Estrogen. Women are short, with well-developed mammary glands. Their menses are profuse and prolonged. In this case, it is recommended to drink contraceptive pills Rinevidon, Trikvilar, Logest.
  2. Progesterone. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this type is high growth and masculine appearance. They are characterized by oily skin, small mammary glands and scanty, short periods. The best option is the use of preparations Yarin, Diane-35, Jess.
  3. Mixed. Women of this type combine the characteristics of the other two. Most often they are prescribed Mercilon, Novinet, Regulon.

For each type, a certain group of medicines is intended. With the wrong selection, the drug may not have the desired effect or cause unwanted complications. In addition, the choice is influenced by the results of blood tests, ultrasound of the gallbladder and liver.

Drug withdrawal rules

Women are often afraid to cancel birth control pills and after a seven-day break they continue taking them. In fact, when you refuse contraceptives, the process of adaptation of the body occurs quickly. The main condition that must be observed is the cessation of the use of the drug after the end of the package. If everything is done correctly, bleeding will soon appear. If, you should contact a specialist.

In order for the body to more easily accept the withdrawal of the drug, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • consult with a gynecologist. In some situations, stopping OCs is strictly prohibited;
  • using laboratory tests to determine the level of sex hormones;
  • finish the started packaging. Withdrawal from the drug in the middle of the cycle is a serious stress for the body. In this case, severe bleeding is not excluded.

It is worth noting that after the end of the first pack, you do not need to immediately start a new one. Doctors strongly recommend taking a break of one week.

Delay in receiving OK is a fairly common occurrence. It is caused in most cases by hormonal changes in the body. After a short time, the cycle is established, and even come just in time. If the violations are noted for a long time, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Polina asks:

For 3 years I took Microgynon, every 4-5 months I took a break, and each time my periods did not start until I drank a package of Utrozhestan (as the gynecologist advised at the appointment, she did not find anything terrible in the absence of menstruation), in September she finally decided to stop taking Microgynon, as usual, menstruation did not come until I drank Utrozhestan, once and that's it, now there is no menstruation for the fifth month, I don’t feel any other symptoms. How to restore the cycle, how serious can the consequences be and how long should it take to conceive after the cycle is restored?

You need to consult a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination: blood for sex hormones, as well as thyroid hormones, because. dysfunction of the thyroid gland, can also lead to menstrual irregularities, conduct an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. Only after receiving all the results of the examination, the specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe an adequate corrective treatment. Read more about the causes of menstrual irregularities in the article of the same name by clicking on the link: Menstrual cycle.

Irina asks:

Why does it take 5 days after taking tri-regol and no periods?

Please specify how long you have been taking this drug, whether you have taken any drugs that could reduce the activity of OK (sorbents, antibiotics, alcohol). Were there gaps in the use of a contraceptive drug?

Irina comments:

I drank the 1st month. I had an abortion on March 7, 2012 and already on March 9, 2012 I took the 1st pill, drank it for 21 days, the last pill was on March 29, 2012. She did not take antibiotics and sorbents, she drank beer at the expense of alcohol. Passes were not taken on a strict time. Today is the 7th day, tomorrow you have to start taking pills again, but there is no menstruation. I took a pregnancy test and the result was negative. Tell me how should I drink or not drink the next month of pills or wait for my period? And because of what, besides pregnancy, they can not be?

In this situation, it will be possible to resume the use of Tri-regol only after an examination by a gynecologist and the exact exclusion of pregnancy.

Olga asks:

I am 22 years old. After a miscarriage (my first pregnancy), the gynecologist said to drink Microgynon for 3 months. After 1 plate (21 tablets) there were monthly 3 days, but very meager (a little bit was anointed). Although usually before pregnancy I had 5 days and plentiful. But after the second plate there are no signs of menstruation! This is fine? Or is it time to sound the alarm?

While taking this drug, the intensity of bleeding that you are used to before may change. After the end of the full package, menstruation should begin after a 7-day break. No matter what day it starts, exactly on the 8th day you need to start taking the pills from the next package. Microgynon is an effective contraceptive, however, in the absence of menstruation, pregnancy should be excluded. To do this, you need to personally visit a gynecologist for an examination. Your doctor may order a blood test for hCG to rule out the possibility of pregnancy. You can learn more about this in the section: HCG

Dasha asks:

Hello. please tell me why there is no menstruation? I take Lindinet 20, I drank it for the second month, I never missed it. 3 days after the break, there is no menstruation, I am very worried.

If you have been taking Lindinet 20 regularly, then you should not worry. Menstruation can start within 7 days of the break, so there is still time, do not worry in advance. You can learn more about the action of the drug, its effectiveness from the information section of our website: Lindinet

Julia asks:

Hello. Tell me please. I have been taking Lindinet 20 for half a year now, I have already drunk the course for the fifth day and there are no critical ones. did a test and it was negative. Should I take more pills or wait?

Elena asks:

I took Janine tablets for 1.5 years. The doctor did not say anything about the need to take a break in the reception, so I did not do it. The last time I took them was in August. September 1, as usual, the menstrual cycle began. I didn’t take any more pills after that, because. decided to quit. And I still don't have my period. I thought I was pregnant, but the test shows negative. What could it be?

satisha asks:

I have such a situation happened: after sex without contraceptives, the guy in me ... it was 4 in the morning! at one o'clock in the afternoon, we went to the pharmacy with him and took the contraceptive rigevidon, because 12 hours had not passed yet, I took a pill, drank the entire course (21 pcs) and menstruation did not start! Should I be worried or is this normal?

Rigevidon- a drug for long-term contraception, it not used as emergency contraception, i.e. immediately after unprotected intercourse. You need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to exclude pregnancy. You can read more about the drug Rigevidon, indications for its use and the principle of action in our section: Rigevidon.

Julia asks:

Hello. I take the contraceptive Regevido, 1 year and 9 months, I didn’t take breaks, the doctor didn’t warn me, I didn’t have my period for the seven days of the break, today I’ll take the tenth pill from the new package, there’s still no menstruation, the pregnancy test is negative, which for the reason maybe?

In this case, to determine the cause of the menstrual irregularity, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination: donate blood for sex hormones, undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, only after receiving the results of the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment. It is necessary to exclude pregnancy, hormonal disorders and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Read more about the effect of this contraceptive drug on the reproductive system of the female body by clicking on the link: Rigevidon.

Alla asks:

Hello ... I'm interested in such a question. I drink tab. ZHANIN has been since February of this year ... but during all this time, menstruation was a couple of times (and it's hard to call it menstruation). I have never missed a course and I feel great ..

It is likely that there is a hormonal failure in the body, since menstruation should be on the background of taking hormonal contraceptives. I recommend that you personally visit your gynecologist, as in such cases, as a rule, a replacement of the contraceptive is required. You can learn more about the rules of admission, indications, contraindications and side effects of the drug Zhanin from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Zhanin

christina asks:

Hello, please tell me, I’m taking Novinet pills, the doctor prescribed it, after taking the last pill, 4 days have passed, there are no periods, I’m worried ... At the moment I have a cold, I’m sick, I think it might be connected with a cold ... ?? I’m waiting for an answer, thanks in advance ...

In the event that you took the drug correctly according to the instructions and used additional barrier methods of contraception in the first 10-14 days of taking the contraceptive drug, then there should be no cause for concern, menstruation - such discharge can begin on any day of the seven-day break.

Delayed menstrual bleeding can also be associated with a cold. In the event that menstrual-like bleeding does not begin, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Novinet.

irina asks:

I drink Diana 35 but I have a delay in menstruation, I did 2 tests one strip. But I took antibiotics, and missed the pill for 2 weeks but drank it before 12 hours. I missed the pill for 3 weeks. What can be???

Most likely, the delay in the menstrual cycle is associated with a violation of the intake of a contraceptive drug and the combined use of a contraceptive drug and an antibiotic. In the event that menstrual bleeding does not begin during the seven-day break, it will be necessary to consult a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy and hormonal imbalance. Read more about contraceptive drugs and rules for use in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Contraceptives.

irene asks:

I started my period, my gynecologist advised me to take Novinet pills to stop menstruation the first day 6 tabs every hour, 2 days 5 tabs and so on until the end of the package now I don’t have periods, and some kind of mucous discharge is bloody, advise how to restore menstruation in Do you have to go for a heart operation in a short time?

In this case, there is a possibility of hormonal disorders against the background of this intake of the drug Novinet. This method of taking the drug is not practiced according to the instructions for use, so I recommend that you visit another doctor. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Novinet

ira asks:

Hello! she took janine for 1.5 years, took a break and got pregnant, the fetus froze. janine was discharged again for 6 months - propyl. no monthly.

In this situation, the restoration of the menstrual cycle can occur within 1-2 months after the end of taking birth control pills. I recommend that you use barrier methods of contraception for 3-6 months, and then plan a pregnancy. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Irina asks:

Hello, tell me please, after a miscarriage they prescribed "logest" to drink for 3 months, I already drank 2 plates, the delay is the 6th day, and the pain is like during menstruation .. What should I do ?, wait or run to the doctor ???

In your case, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist to conduct a personal examination, determine the cause of the delay in the menstrual cycle, exclude pregnancy and decide on the need to continue taking the contraceptive. Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Logest.

wiki asks:

hello, tell me, I’m drinking landiket 20 tablets, while I got sick, I drank an antibiotic, my husband got into me now there is no menstruation, while pulling the lower abdomen, the test is negative, what to say

In this case, with the combined use of a contraceptive drug and an antibiotic, the effectiveness of Lindinet could decrease. It is recommended to donate blood for hCG, to exclude pregnancy, after receiving the results of the examination, consult a gynecologist. Read more about the early diagnosis of pregnancy in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Analysis for hCG.

Allah asks:

Hello, there have been no periods for 16 days already. I did a negative test. I stopped drinking hormonal DIMIA 2 months ago. The first 2 months after the cancellation, my periods were normal, the delay was only 2-5 days. Please tell me what is the reason?

In this case, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, so I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy at the earliest possible date. You can get more information on this issue in the section of our website: Analysis for hCG

svetlana asks:

I have been taking Lenginet 20 tablets for half a year now. earlier, menstruation began 2-3 days after the end of the intake. Now it's day 5 and no period. I worry. and what to do if they never come on the 7th day? pregnancy test negative

If you have been taking pills for a month without breaking the schedule, then there is no reason for concern - in some cases, a shift in bleeding time is possible. Then take the pills according to the scheme, regardless of when the bleeding starts. For more information on this issue, read the information in the section: Lindinet

Sandra asks:

Hello. My periods passed from 06.07 to 12.07, then I flew abroad on 07.20, flew in and the days began again and they went on until 07.26, but they didn’t end up smearing for another two weeks until I drank the DAZOLIK course. On August 16, menstruation started again (according to the idea, as it should have gone) and went until August 22, after a week on August 28, it started again and the gynecologist prescribed Diana 35 for me (and consequently they ended on the third day) and take an analysis of TSH, T4 free, prolactin (I passed them after drinking Diana 35, the next day 19.09). it’s already the sixth day since I stopped drinking Diana 35 and still haven’t got my period...((((what should I do? why so? doctors don’t really explain anything to me! today the gynecologist prescribed me to take a bunch of hormone tests and told Diana to stop drinking 35. Why could such a failure occur? and what are the consequences?

Sandra comments:

Fine. And here's another question. Can I get pregnant with these disorders? And if so, is it possible to give birth?

Oksana asks:

I had my period, and 16 days passed and they went again (I take birth control pills, and there is no delay, but on the contrary they go even more often) what does this mean?

If you have only recently started taking hormonal contraceptives, then you should not worry - in the first months of taking this, such a phenomenon is possible, since hormonal changes in the body occur. You can get more information about the features of the use of hormonal contraceptives from the section: Hormonal contraceptives

Olga asks:

Hello, I took Jess for one month, the doctor prescribed them to me, after taking it I had strange periods, anointed me with brown for several days and stopped. She didn't take any more pills. Right now, the second menstruation after taking the pills began with severe spasmodic pain. And very heavy periods! This may be due to the fact that after taking the pills in the first menstruation, all the blood did not come out. And right now, it comes out in two months? And how often should I take a break from Jess pills?

As a rule, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed for a long period, at least six months. In the first months of taking them, a change in the nature of menstrual flow is possible, which is associated with a restructuring of the body against the background of hormones. This reaction is normal and subsequently the hormonal background normalizes, menstrual bleeding takes on a normal character. Your complaints are related to taking the contraceptive Jess, but in the near future they should normalize on their own, nothing needs to be done. Jess tablets can be taken without interruption for up to 4-5 years. Read more about this drug in the section: Jess

elenp asks:

hello. I take pills, Dione and Androkur, the first month. The doctor prescribed. Now the fifth day of menstruation is not. I didn’t miss anything

Please specify why you are undergoing this course of treatment. Most likely, the absence of menstruation is the result of hormonal disorders. You can get more detailed information about possible hormonal disorders in the thematic section of our website: Hormonal disorders in men and women

Alexandra asks:

Hello! We really want a baby with my husband, but it doesn’t work out. In March I went to the gynecologist, because. there were interruptions with menstruation, on the ultrasound they said that I had multifollicularity, the doctor prescribed hormone tests, after which she prescribed Diana 35 to drink for 3 months. After taking the last pack, the periods came on time, and now there are no periods for a very long time, the last periods were from 8 - 13.07. I don’t know what to do, the doctor says how menstruation will begin to come to her. Advise how to be?

In case of hormonal disorders of the menstrual cycle, you need to undergo a complete examination, take a blood test for sex hormones, and then personally consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist regarding further treatment tactics. Probably, the course of taking Diana 35 turned out to be insufficient in your case, therefore I recommend that you take an analysis for hormones so that the attending physician can assess the changes in dynamics and prescribe further adequate treatment depending on this. Read about the causes and treatment of menstrual irregularities in the thematic section of our website: Dysmenorrhea

Maria asks:

Hello! I am 23 years old. I had problems with the regularity of the cycle and the gynecologist advised me to drink Artizia (gestoden 0.75 / etinilestradiol 0/20) for 3-4 months to normalize the cycle. 1.5 weeks after the start of taking the pills, my libido completely dropped. To be honest, this is very worried, especially the fact that it will have to be endured for another 3 months. It's time to start 2 packs and I would like to ask if it is possible to take half a tablet further. maybe half the dose will be enough to regulate the cycle? I know that there will be no contraceptive effect in this case, but condoms will miraculously replace it.

Irina asks:

Hello! I am 22 years old, the doctor prescribed the contraceptive Mediana, I drank for 14 days and quit, all 14 days while I was drinking them, my periods did not end in any way .. and after I stopped drinking them, weak bleeding continued for another 10 days ... now I have the cycle has gone astray for 2 weeks, the delay has been made, I did a negative test .. there are signs of PMS, the chest hurts, the stomach hurts, it sprinkled with pimples, but menstruation still won’t start ... how to restore their cycle now ???

Unfortunately, in some cases, in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, this situation is possible. I recommend that you wait for the next menstruation, do nothing, but use barrier methods of contraception, and then contact your gynecologist to select another contraceptive. You can get more information on your questions, learn more about the features of prescribing and using contraceptives from the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the links: Hormonal contraceptives, Contraception and contraceptives

Julia asks:

hello, I’m 20 years old, I’ve been taking regividon birth control pills for two months, now there’s a break on the second day and there’s no menstruation, what to do

Anna asks:

Good afternoon. I am 24 years old. At one time, the doctor discovered ovarian sclerocystosis in me and prescribed Diana to drink. After drinking for a year, I came to him for examination. He said, smart girl, everything is in order, cured !! When asked if I should continue drinking Diana, he asked if there were any side effects. I had no side effects, so I said to drink more. I have been taking them for three and a half years now. I decided to take a break (I did not consult a doctor). Without drinking for a month, I waited for menstruation .. It has been two weeks since they have been gone !! During the break, she lived a sexual life, did not protect herself. What should I worry about?

In the event that you stopped taking a hormonal contraceptive and did not use barrier methods of contraception, there is a possibility of pregnancy. For timely diagnosis, I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG, which allows you to determine pregnancy 7-10 days after conception. You can get more detailed information on the questions you are interested in in the relevant sections of our website by clicking on the following links: , Probability of getting pregnant

Evgeniya asks:

Hello! There was an unprotected sexual intercourse, within 36 hours I drank one tablet of Postinor, after 12 hours I drank the second. After 5 days, menstruation began and went as usual. In November, it turns out that menstruation was already there, and after the pills they went again. They are not available in December yet. What can I be worried about??? Am I pregnant or do I have to wait until my period??

In this situation, if you have not had more unprotected sexual intercourse, there is no reason for concern - after taking Postinor, the menstrual cycle may shift by 7-10 days. You can get more detailed information on the questions you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links:, Postinor

Yana asks:

Hello. Please tell me if pregnancy could have occurred after 7 years of taking pills without a break, I decided to take a break for a month. I am 33 years old. The delay has already been a week

Yana comments:

Tell me if the ultrasound will show pregnancy for a period of 3 weeks? The test does not show. Is it possible after such a period of taking the pills not to worry about the health of the baby?

In the absence of positive pregnancy tests, it is unlikely that you are pregnant. Hormonal contraceptives do not affect the chromosome set of the fetus, so such a pregnancy can proceed normally. However, after long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, it is recommended to take a break of at least 6 months, which is necessary to restore normal ovarian function. You can find out more detailed information on the questions you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: Hormonal contraceptives, Pregnancy planning

Christina asks:

Hello! I have been drinking marvelon for almost a year. Menstruation does not start. It has already gone 8 days. What should I do?

In this case, there was probably a violation of the rules for taking a hormonal contraceptive. Even if you took the drug strictly according to the scheme, there was no vomiting and diarrhea in the first 4 hours after taking the pills, I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG to exclude pregnancy. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Analysis for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy. You can learn more about the rules for taking the hormonal contraceptive Marvelon from the section: Marvelon

Catherine asks:

3 months ago I started taking Belara pills. Menstruation started as expected. But this month, in a seven-day break, things did not start. Did a test, negative. Tomorrow I need to start a new cycle of drinking pills, I can’t understand: do I need to drink them or wait for menstruation?

Regardless of which day of the 7-day break bleeding begins, and also regardless of its end, Belara tablets should be taken from the next package strictly according to the scheme - the very next day after the end of the break. However, if you do not have menstrual-like bleeding in a 7-day break, it is recommended to exclude pregnancy. I recommend that you do an analysis for hCG, which will completely exclude pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on your question in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Analysis for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy

Alena asks:

Hello. I drank a month (21 days) Regulon. Today is the third day since I finished drinking, but there are no women's days yet. Pregnancy is excluded, there was no intimacy. With what it can be connected?!?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Menstrual-like bleeding may begin on any day of the 7-day break, and may not end before the start of taking the pills from the next package, so there is no cause for concern. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Regulon

Victoria asks:

After taking Lindinet 20, my menstruation came on the third day, but there were very few of them, it took 4 days, as usual, but it’s very embarrassing that there were few of them) please, tell me what this could be connected with?

Against the background of taking hormonal contraceptives, including Lindinet, a different menstrual cycle is formed, which differs from the natural one, so the nature of menstrual flow also changes. Do not worry, this is a common, normal phenomenon. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can learn more about the features of the use and action of hormonal contraceptives in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Anna asks:

Good afternoon
I have been taking Lindinet 20 for six months. There were no cycle failures. But now menstruation began a week earlier (there are 4 more tablets in the package, menstruation comes on the 3rd day after the end of the pack). I didn’t miss pills, I didn’t take antibiotics, sorbents, etc., I didn’t have vomiting, there was no diarrhea, I drank alcohol on holidays in moderation, my husband and I additionally protect ourselves with a condom, but during the period of about 8 and 13 days of the cycle there was unprotected sex. Could this be pregnancy? And also one more question, the instructions say that it is better to take additional protection measures for the first 14 days, does this apply when a girl is just starting to take these pills, or should each cycle be protected for the first 2 weeks?

In the event that you regularly take the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet according to the scheme for six months, there is absolutely no need for additional barrier contraception, both on the days of taking the pills and on the days of the break. Pregnancy in this situation is excluded, so there is no reason for concern. A change in the timing of bleeding may be due to the use of contraceptive medications, but regardless of this, Lindinet should be taken further strictly according to the scheme. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet

Veronica asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old and have a baby. 1.5 years (after giving birth) I drank "Yarina", then changed to "Zhanin" and have been drinking them for 6 months. Everything was wonderful, menstruation always came every day. But this month they are not. Didn't skip the pills. Because of what it can be? Can a pill not protect 100% from pregnancy? And if you still have a pregnancy, will the pills affect the health of the baby, because I took them for at least 2 weeks?

Regular and correct use of oral contraceptives helps to protect you from pregnancy by 99%, the risk of pregnancy always remains. It is recommended to donate blood for hCG, for early diagnosis of pregnancy and after receiving the results, consult a gynecologist. In the event that the pregnancy is confirmed, it will be necessary to consult a geneticist, because. you took contraceptives in the first trimester of pregnancy. The failure of the menstrual cycle can also be associated with stress. Read more about the early diagnosis of pregnancy in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Analysis for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy. Read more about contraceptives and their protection against unwanted pregnancy by clicking on the link: Contraceptives.

Anastasia asks:

Hello! After giving birth, menstruation began 2 months later. After consulting with a gynecologist, I waited for the next ones and on the first day of menstruation I started drinking lactinet (28 pcs in a package). I’m already drinking 3 packs, but menstruation does not start ... I did negative tests. Is this normal, no?

As a rule, when taking hormonal contraceptives, there should be bleeding on the days of the break. Its absence can mean either a pregnancy or a hormonal failure. I recommend you do an hCG test to rule out pregnancy. You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Analysis for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy. You can get more detailed information about the principle of action and the contraceptive effect of hormonal contraceptives in the section: Hormonal contraceptives

Yana asks:

I drank Jeanine pills for 1 month, I didn’t miss it, there was no additional contraception, after a 7-day break, my periods didn’t come, I didn’t start taking pills, I’m doing a pregnancy test, negative! Last menstruation-January 3! Still nothing! be? Tell me please?

In the first months of admission, a shift in menstrual bleeding is possible, however, then the drug should be taken strictly according to the scheme. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives

Yana comments:

In this situation, you need to take a blood test for sex hormones in order to determine the cause of the hormonal failure and personally visit a gynecologist for a detailed examination. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Marina asks:

I've been drinking Jeanine for a year now. As soon as I started drinking, my periods became very meager, but they went every time, but this time it was a little smeared, my stomach was drawn, but my periods never started. Not pregnant. Does this mean that it is worth taking a break from the pills or is this normal?

While taking hormonal contraceptives, the nature and intensity of menstrual flow may change. However, in their absence, I recommend that you do an analysis for hCG in order to exclude pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Analysis for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy. For more information about the features of taking hormonal contraceptives, indications and contraindications for their use, effectiveness, you can get additional information in the section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Ulyana asks:

I stopped taking Lendinet 20 hormonal tablets in April 2012, during which time I had my periods 3 times. passed tests for hormones of all kinds, everything is normal, ultrasound of the small pelvis also showed everything is normal, with the exception of "scanty endometrium", in my opinion, the doctor put it this way. I want a second baby, but ...... no periods. (((

In this situation, if a scanty endometrial picture is diagnosed, most often the cause is a hormonal imbalance, so I recommend that you retake a blood test for hormones. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal tests - types, principles of conduction, diagnosed diseases. You can get more information about the basic principles of pregnancy planning in a series of articles on our website: Pregnancy Planning

Lucy asks:

Hello, Diana drank 35 for a year in January, she drank the last pack. Days passed and she didn’t start drinking a new pack, a month passed, things didn’t come, on February 21 there was an unsuccessful.

Alexandra asks:

Hello, I'm 19 years old, I drank Lindanet 20 pills, a year and a half, right now I decided to take a break, no menstruation, the last sexual intercourse was on February 4, the delay was 6 days, the test shows negative, what could this be connected with? and is there any point in panicking?

In the event that after the cancellation of the hormonal contraceptive you did not use additional barrier methods of contraception, there is a chance of pregnancy, so I recommend that you repeat the pregnancy test after 4-5 days. You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet, as well as in the section: Hormonal contraceptives. In the absence of pregnancy, a delay in menstruation may be associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Alexandra comments:

The test was done on the 4th day of delay showed negative

To exclude the possibility of obtaining a false result, I recommend that you repeat the pregnancy test after 2-3 days. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Pregnancy test

HOPE asks:

Good afternoon! On December 27, 2013, I had a purge (missed pregnancy), the doctor said to start drinking Landinet 20. From December 29, I drank the course for 21 days, my period came. Then I missed a month, I decided to wait for the next one. monthly to resume reception. Menstruation came, as it should be, I started taking pills, and now I drank the course for 21 days, and there have been no periods for 3 days already. What to do?? Haven't done the test yet

When taking the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet in accordance with the instructions, menstrual-like bleeding begins on any day of the 7-day break and may not end before taking the pills from the next package. Regardless of this, further tablets should be taken strictly according to the scheme - that is, after a 7-day break, start taking the tablets from the next package. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet.

Hormonal contraceptives. In your situation, you should not worry - if you took the drug according to the scheme, did not miss the pills, you did not have vomiting and diarrhea in the first 3-4 hours after taking the pill, then pregnancy is excluded.

Nora asks:

Hello! I have been taking Jeanine for the 2nd month, there are still 5 days before the end of the course. The bleeding started. Do I need to stop taking the pills? Or finish the course? Should I start the next one after 7 days?

In the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, such bleeding is possible, however, Jeanine birth control pills should be taken strictly according to the scheme, regardless of the beginning and end of menstrual bleeding. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Jeanine Hormonal contraceptives

irina asks:

Hello, I'm 24 and I have the same problem. I drank Chloe's pills for 3.5 years, without a break .. and now there are no periods, for the fifth month already ... the doctors do not want to do anything, they tell me to continue taking the pills. they say that the ovaries do not want to work without pills, menopause. please advise something. I donated all the hormones, everything is fine except for the hormone that the ovary produces ... what to do, help.?!!!..

As a rule, the restoration of the natural menstrual cycle after stopping the use of hormonal contraceptives does not occur immediately, on average, at least 3 months of a break are required for each year of taking contraceptives. However, given the absence of menstruation, I recommend that you personally consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist regarding further treatment. Usually, in such situations, synthetic progestogens are prescribed, which contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle (drugs from the progesterone group).

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Menstrual cycle and menstruation, as well as in the section: Hormonal contraceptives. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Gynecologist

Alina asks:

Hello! I had a miscarriage at week 7, the doctor prescribed lindinitis 20, I drank 2 packs with 7 day breaks, my periods were normal, I started drinking 3 packs for 10 tablets, bloody discharge started, because of what it could be, should I see a doctor?

In the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, intermenstrual bleeding is not excluded, but you should not worry about this, since the menstrual cycle gradually normalizes on its own. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalia asks:

I have been taking Lindinet 20 for many years, I am 36 years old. The first failure occurred a year ago (the menstruation passed twice per cycle), we flew to the sea and I drank two packs without interruption for 7 days. The last four months again go according to the scheme: I start taking pills after 10, bleeding starts for 3-4 days but weakly, then I drink it to the end for normal 3-4 days. For all four months everything goes like clockwork. What to do?

Hormonal contraceptives are recommended to be taken for no more than five years without a break, after which a break should be taken for at least 6-12 months. In the event that there is menstrual bleeding, a hormonal imbalance in the body is not excluded, so a break must be taken, and for the 2-3rd month of the break, it is necessary to take a blood test for sex hormones. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet Hormonal tests - types, principles of conduct, diagnosed diseases.

You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Menstrual cycle and menstruation and in the sections: Yarina contraceptive pills - instructions, analogues, price, reviews, Hormonal contraceptives

Catherine asks:

Hello! Tell me, please, my gynecologist diagnosed polycystic ovary, prescribed Jess plus for me from the first day of the menstrual cycle, but I’ve been late for 10 days and I can’t start taking contraceptives because of this. A month earlier, there was also a delay and I took duphaston. What to do? Do you need to drink duphaston again?

In this situation, if the delay in menstruation is not associated with pregnancy, I recommend that you wait for the onset of menstruation and start taking the hormonal contraceptive Jess. If menstruation is absent for more than 2 cycles, then I recommend that you personally visit the attending gynecologist for other recommendations. You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Contraception and contraceptives

Sasha asks:

Good evening. I am 33 years old
On May 22, she started drinking tri-regol, on May 23 she took off the spiral, because there were very abundant months that lasted for two weeks (((May 23,24 were not protecting the floor of the act, she drank the entire course of pills, the second day was a break, there were no periods, is there a chance of pregnancy, I didn’t do a test ... Thank you in advance.

In the event that you are taking hormonal contraceptives for the first time, it is necessary to use additional barrier methods of contraception during the first 14 days to exclude unwanted pregnancy. Given the phase of the menstrual cycle when you had unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is unlikely, however, in the absence of menstrual-like bleeding on the days of the break, I recommend that you take a pregnancy test.

You can get more detailed information on your question in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives. You can also get information in the following section of our website: Contraception and contraceptives

Ludmila asks:

I drank Lindinet 20 pills for one month, 3 days passed since I finished drinking, but I didn’t have a month, while I drank the pills I missed days twice, that is, I didn’t drink at all, but the next day I drank the pills on the bill, and I have black fuel oil as the second day what could it possibly be? I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative.

Menstrual-like bleeding while taking the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet can begin on any of the days of the break and not end before taking the pills from the next package, so do not worry. A negative pregnancy test confirms that you are not pregnant. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

maria asks:

Hello, I have been taking Midian for more than a year. I drink according to the scheme, there were no breaks. In the middle of the cycle, bloody spotting appeared for 4 days. after taking 21 tablets, menstruation came on the 4th day, but very meager, and ended the next day. pregnancy test is negative.

Occasionally, while taking hormonal contraceptives, including Midian, intermenstrual bleeding is possible. In the event that they are repeated often, it is necessary to personally consult with the attending gynecologist and, possibly, replace the contraceptive. Pregnancy with a negative pregnancy test is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Aika asks:

Hello, I am 22, I am very thin, 54 kg and 174 cm tall. I can’t get better in any way, my problem is that my breasts don’t grow at all, as I remember from the age of 12-13 they didn’t grow at all, they were completely flat, I went to endocrinologists, there are no problems with time, she said that it grows with time, and turned to a gynecologist, also without any She prescribed me tests for Diana 35, she said try it, it can help, and now she drank for 4 days, from the 3rd day of menstruation, menstruation came this month on 06.06. and ended on 11.06. and yesterday 18.06. menses came again. And I stopped drinking them. scared what it could be? how can i enlarge my breasts? I have breasts like men ((very worried (

In the event that the attending physician has prescribed you a hormonal contraceptive Diana 35, you should continue taking it regardless of the occurrence of intermenstrual bleeding, since they are possible in the first months of taking it. With regard to breast augmentation, there are many ways, however, you must first take the prescribed course of treatment with a hormonal drug, after which it is advisable to take a blood test for sex hormones and, depending on the results, the attending physician will be able to prescribe you further treatment. You can get more detailed information on your question in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives

natalia asks:

Good afternoon There was an abdominal operation, the endometriosis cyst was removed, after that Logest drank for six months. After the cancellation, the periods came yesterday on June 25, but very meager, I'm worried, why? Ovulation was on the 13th day of the cycle. What happened with me??? Thank you.

You should not worry in this situation, because against the background of taking hormonal contraceptives, as a rule, there is a change in the nature and intensity of menstrual flow, which is associated with the peculiarities of this group of medicines. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Logest. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

natalia asks:

I have another question, tell me why the doctor advises to do a pregnancy test, that scanty discharge can be during pregnancy ???

During pregnancy, on the days of the expected menstruation, there may be spotting. However, given that you regularly take the hormonal contraceptive Logest, the possibility of pregnancy is excluded and there is no point in doing a pregnancy test. A change in the nature of menstrual-like discharge while taking birth control pills is a common occurrence, so you should not panic. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalia asks:

As prescribed by the doctor, I started drinking on the first day of menstruation "Silhouette", menstruation began to go weaker. And what day is your period now? I was going to leave for the sea in 20 days, and now I’m worried that my period will start at that time.

If you are taking this contraceptive for the first time, then you need to take one tablet daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break (at which time menstrual bleeding begins). Then, after 7 days, you start taking the pills from the next package. During the first month of taking Siluet, the first 7 days are required to use additional barrier methods of contraception. If you want to delay menstrual bleeding, then after the end of the tablets from the previous package, you should not take a 7-day break and immediately start taking the tablets from the next package.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Contraception and contraceptives. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Any intervention in the endocrine functions of the body causes changes in health. The female reproductive system is no exception. Situations in which there are no periods after the abolition of contraceptives are quite typical in medical practice. Failure of the menstrual cycle can occur under the influence of both natural and pathogenetic factors, last from several days to several months. To determine reliably why there are no periods after the abolition of contraceptive drugs, you will need to contact the antenatal clinic and take laboratory tests.

The effect of contraceptives on menstruation

Oral contraceptives are designed to block the production of gonadotropic hormones and prevent ovulation. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, OK is one of the most effective ways, giving almost 98% guarantee. The effect of the drug on the body is due to the presence in it of synthetic analogues of female sex hormones.

Many birth control pills contain Levonorgestrel, Ethinylestradiol, Desogestrel, progestogens that replace natural hormones produced by the ovaries. Active substances prevent the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg, increase the viscosity cervical mucus, increase the acidity of the vaginal secretion, creating a detrimental environment for spermatozoa, reduce the thickness of the functional layer of the endometrium of the uterus, preventing the egg from attaching in case of accidental fertilization.

Under the influence of many combined OK, the second - the progesterone phase of the cycle is shortened or suppressed. In order to avoid hormonal disorders, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions: take the tablets daily at the same time, do not forget about the need for a break before the next cyclical intake.

A prolonged absence of ovulation leads to the fact that the ovaries are in sleep mode - to stop. For this reason, during the course of menstruation, there are either no periods at all, or slight spotting is observed. Situations when there is no menstruation for some time after the end of contraceptive use are explained by changes in endocrine functions. Normally, this is permissible, since the characteristics of the body in all women are different and it takes time to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system. A cause for concern is the absence of menstruation for several months after birth control.

No periods after taking oral contraceptives

Among contraceptive pills there are drugs with a low concentration of hormones, only estrogenic or progestogen monopreparations, combined second and third generation drugs. This diversity is explained by the need to select the most appropriate OC for each woman in order to optimally affect the body, regulate metabolic processes and eliminate specific health problems. Many contraceptives not only suppress reproductive activity, but also solve health problems caused by hormonal imbalance. The therapeutic effect of contraceptives:

  • treatment of algomenorrhea: elimination of menstrual pain and physical discomfort;
  • correction of polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • elimination of psycho-emotional hormone-dependent manifestations;
  • prevention of the development of oncological formations of the uterus, mammary glands;
  • weight correction.

Read also 🗓 Why there is a chill before menstruation - what are the main reasons

The absence of regular periods while taking contraceptives is a common occurrence throughout the course, as the ovaries are resting. Bloody discharge present at the end of the cycle is of medical origin, has nothing to do with ovulation, flows differently and looks different. They do not have a rejected functional endometrium and mucous clots. But “fake” periods can be delayed for various reasons. The main one is the adaptation of the body to new conditions. Reproductive system within 1–2 months. gets used to the effects of synthetic hormones, the endocrine organs stop producing their own.

If you take pills according to the scheme, their contraceptive effect develops within a few weeks and reaches a maximum after 3-4 months. In the event of discontinuation, a withdrawal effect is often observed - a surge in ovarian activity. Without receiving the usual dose of synthetic hormones, the body immediately begins to synthesize its own - fertility increases dramatically. Doctors take this feature into account when preparing a woman for a planned pregnancy.

However, the delay after taking contraceptives is longer than 3-4 months. should alert, as it may be the result of a serious hormonal failure, infection, tumor process, pregnancy.

Why there is no menstruation for a long time, it is very difficult to determine on your own. Pathological changes in the body do not always make themselves felt by any symptoms. The exact reasons for the delay can only be identified by a medical specialist.

No periods after stopping birth control pills

If after stopping contraceptives for a long time there is no menstruation, it is recommended to check for pregnancy. Despite the declared almost 100% guarantee of the contraceptive effect, the action of hormonal drugs often fails. The following leads to a decrease in efficiency:

  • violations of the regimen and accidental skipping of the next pill;
  • incorrectly selected remedy;
  • combination of OK with antibiotics;
  • incidence of influenza and SARS.

In order to immediately find out the possible changes taking place in the body, as soon as the contraceptives are over, as well as in any doubtful situations against the background of their use, you need to do a pregnancy test and take an analysis for the hCG level.

A delay in menstruation after the abolition of contraceptives is also likely:

  • with violations of the endocrine functions of the ovaries, pituitary gland;
  • with the development of tumor processes in the body;
  • with hyperprolactinemia - increased synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which prevents ovulation;
  • with severe physical exhaustion as a result of strict starvation diets, exhausting sports;
  • with severe nervous lesions, stress;
  • in women after 40 years - early menopause, leading to hormonal changes;
  • if there is a long-term continuous use of contraceptives or their abrupt cancellation without medical supervision.

Read also 🗓 Delay due to antibiotics

In these cases, amenorrhea is possible - the complete absence of menstruation. The situation in which they are absent for six months or longer, after the woman has stopped drinking contraceptives, requires an examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist to establish the exact cause of the pathology.

Possible reasons for the long absence of menstruation after the abolition of contraceptives are severe infectious diseases:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • advanced gonorrhea;
  • tertiary syphilis;
  • AIDS.

Even if there are no painful symptoms, at the slightest suspicion it is necessary to check for the presence of the pathogen.

Drug withdrawal rules

One of the factors for delaying menstruation after the end of taking contraceptives is considered to be the wrong mechanism for drug withdrawal. In situations where there is no need for hormonal contraception, the course of treatment for ovarian dysfunction ends, pregnancy is planned, the intake of OK should be stopped after the end of the next package of the drug. This is a general rule and should not be ignored. The consequence of a sharp rejection of contraceptives may be the appearance of undesirable consequences: deterioration of the skin, hair loss, nausea, dizziness, jumps in blood pressure, weight gain, severe irritability, depression and other "charms" of hormonal failure. Returning to the natural cycle of nature in such cases can take a long time.

Cancellation of contraceptives in the middle of the course may be necessary if a serious illness was suddenly detected: diabetes mellitus, vascular thrombosis, liver failure, hypertension, and some others. Hormones in these cases increase the risk of complications, so they stop taking them immediately, even if the woman did not drink the course completely or just started taking it. To alleviate the withdrawal syndrome, maintain normal well-being and return the menstrual cycle, the doctor may suggest using vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, medicinal plants containing phytoestrogens - natural analogues of female hormones.

How long can the delay last

The delay in menstruation when taking birth control pills can be up to several months. Its duration depends on the initial state of health of the woman, the type of contraceptive prescribed. If the drug is prescribed for contraception, with high-dose or single-component drugs, addiction to hormones takes up to 2-3 months, low-dose ones almost do not violate the natural regimen.

In the treatment of polycystic ovaries, amenorrhea caused by hormonal imbalance, and other disorders, the regulation of cyclic changes and the corresponding secretions occurs within 1-2 months.

If the intake of contraceptives is completed according to the plan, after the last pill taken, after 2-3 days, the next so-called withdrawal bleeding begins. This is not a sign of the restoration of the natural cycle, but its replacement.

Depending on the type of drug used and the condition of the ovaries, real menstruation can occur in the period from 2 weeks to 3 months. During this time, the ovaries and the corresponding functions of the pituitary gland awaken, the maturation of the egg starts and the restoration of the natural cycle. Changes in the volume of secretions, shortening or lengthening of the previous cycle are not considered a pathology: a duration of 21 to 38 days is considered the norm, despite the previous duration. As a rule, menstruation becomes more abundant.

The main purpose of using contraception is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In the case of barrier contraceptives, access to spermatozoa is blocked and fertilization of the egg is prevented at the physical level. The principle of operation of oral contraception is based on the management of the menstrual cycle, which is carried out with the help of artificial hormones that are part of contraceptives.

Since the body of every woman has its own hormonal background, it is quite difficult to predict what the result of the action of synthetic hormones on it will be. You need to be prepared for the fact that the first few cycles in a row the body will adapt to new conditions, which means that menstruation after contraceptives may come with violations of the schedule, duration and volume of discharge. After the start of taking contraceptives, the cycle should return to normal after a maximum of 3 months. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor to replace or cancel the drug. In this article, we will consider the most exciting questions about the nature and duration of critical days when taking birth control pills, and also find out why there are no periods after the abolition of hormonal contraception.

Action of contraception

There are 2 types of effects of contraceptives on the female reproductive system:

  • continuous impact on the hormonal background, in which the onset of ovulation is not allowed or its delay is caused;
  • the conditions in the vagina change, making it impossible for the embryo to implant.

Since contraceptives cause a huge number of adverse reactions, you cannot take them at your own discretion or on the advice of a friend. They should not be drunk by people with excessive blood clotting, as well as those who have problems with the excretory system. In such cases, oral contraceptives should be abandoned, and preference should be given to local methods of protection, such as condoms, ointments and caps.

Consider the principle of contraceptive pills in more detail. Their main component is an artificially synthesized estrogen hormone in various dosages. It is this hormone that controls the first phase of the menstrual cycle, when follicle-stimulating substances are released. These substances activate the work of one ovary, as a result of which a follicle is formed on its surface, inside which a ready-made egg is contained. When the cycle reaches the middle of its term, estrogen is replaced by luteinizing hormone, which causes the follicle to rupture and the release of a mature egg, that is, the onset of ovulation. When using oral contraceptives, the concentration of one's own estrogen increases, which prevents the production of a follicle-stimulating substance. Under such conditions, ovulation does not occur, and a woman cannot become pregnant.

Oral contraception is available in the form of tablets, most often in the amount of 21 pieces. You need to drink 1 tablet a day at the same time. When the packaging ends, you need to take a week break. At this time, bleeding should begin. The next pack of the drug should be started exactly after 7 days, regardless of whether the critical days still last or not. When the body adapts to the new hormonal background, the duration of the cycle should be clearly 28 days.

Contraception can not only cancel and delay ovulation, but also change the quality of cervical mucus, which can change its properties throughout the entire menstrual cycle. Its volume increases greatly before ovulation, also at this time it becomes transparent and more viscous, which ensures better transport of spermatozoa through the cervix into its cavity. The contraceptive, acting on the glands of the cervical canal, can reduce the secretion of mucus, so that spermatozoa cannot enter the uterus, but linger in the mucus and eventually die.

An important role is played by the concentration of the active substance in contraceptive pills. If the dosage is excessive, a woman may experience side effects such as dizziness, weight gain, and mood swings. In order not to harm the body, contraceptives should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the available contraindications and the general health of the woman. Also, you can not change the appointment yourself, since a delay in menstruation is possible after the abolition of birth control pills.

Daily and emergency contraception

In order to cause less damage to the body and not cause irreparable disruption of the cycle, uncontrolled weight gain or lack of desire, contraceptives with a low content of synthetic hormones should be preferred. These can be drugs Janine, Yarina, etc. Drink contraceptive pills of this type should be according to the scheme for 3 weeks, then take a week break.

For immediate effect on the hormonal background, emergency contraception is used. An example of such tablets can be Postinor. This drug should not be used more than 1 time per menstrual cycle. It is also contraindicated for girls under 16 years of age. Since Postinor contains potent components, it can only be used in the most emergency situations.

How can menstruation behave?

Women who first start using birth control pills as contraception are immediately interested in the question of how many days after menstruation occurs, and for how long they will last. As practice shows, in women who started taking daily contraceptive drugs in the first 3-6 months, when the body becomes addictive, there may be a delay or absence of menstruation, and intermenstrual spotting may also occur.

With this method of protection, as soon as the package of tablets ends, menstruation comes, normally they should begin after 21 days. If they come earlier, then the estrogen content in the preparation is insufficient, and it should be replaced with a stronger one.

After the cancellation of OK, the female body also adapts to the changes in a new way. It may take several months for the full recovery of the cycle, while there may be a delay in menstruation or they become more abundant and last longer than usual. If there is no period for a very long time, the cause may be excessive suppression of the hormonal function of the ovaries.

When taking OK, menstruation may go ahead of schedule, such discharges are breakthrough bleeding, which are caused by improper selection of the dosage of the drug.

If, after the cancellation of OK, the critical days do not begin within six months, this can be considered a variant of the norm, but if this period has passed, and they are all gone, you should seek help from a doctor. There are several reasons for the prolonged absence of menstruation after abrupt withdrawal of OK, and all of them require mandatory medical attention:

  • reduced thyroid function;
  • insufficient work of the ovaries;
  • systemic diseases;
  • age over 40 years.

If a year has passed after the cancellation of OK, and menstruation has not yet begun, the cause may also be the improper use of drugs:

  • continuous use of the drug for more than 2 years;
  • frequent change of drugs for no apparent reason and self-administration of OK;
  • violation of the instructions for use.

In order to avoid long delays in menstruation after stopping OK and to quickly restore the cycle, doctors recommend taking a three-month break in taking contraceptives every 2 years. This tactic will preserve the natural functions of the ovaries and prevent the development of amenorrhea. You should immediately change the appointment or completely abandon oral contraceptives if, while taking them, a woman experiences severe headaches, tachycardia, shortness of breath, swelling, pressure surges and performance decreases.


Postinor is an emergency ambulance after unplanned sex without the use of other barrier or hormonal contraceptives. This drug, used in the first half of the menstrual cycle, does not allow the onset of ovulation. And in the second half of the cycle, it affects the structure of the internal mucosa of the uterus, making it looser and incapable of implanting an egg.

In order for the drug to show maximum effectiveness, it should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse. The more time has passed since sex, the more likely it is that emergency contraception will not work. You need to drink 1 tablet immediately after purchase and 1 12 hours after taking the first. If you drink the drug an hour after sex, then its effectiveness will be 95%, on the third day it drops to 58%.

Since the drug contains a huge dose of artificial hormones, one should not be surprised at the normal phenomenon when there is no menstruation after taking Postinor. The delay in critical days after using emergency contraception can be up to a week. It is also quite natural that the intensity of the secretions also changes, they can become longer or, conversely, too scarce. Since the drug does not give a 100% guarantee, with a delay in menstruation, it is not necessary to exclude the onset of pregnancy. If the menstruation went in a normal rhythm, then the drug worked and conception did not occur.

Yarina and Jeanine

Yarina's hormonal contraceptive has a combined effect on a woman's body, firstly, it slows down ovulation, and secondly, it makes the cervical mucus thicker. During the period of adaptation to a new hormonal background, a completely natural situation is a delay in menstruation after Yarina, a decrease in the duration of critical days, as well as a complete absence of pain at this time.

Combined drugs allow a woman to independently regulate the onset of menstruation. In order to push the menstrual flow to a later date, you can not take a week break between taking two packs of the drug. But with such amateur performance, the next menstruation does not end for a sufficiently long period, and in rare cases it can turn into breakthrough bleeding.

When the body has adapted to Yarin's contraceptive, it will be extremely rare to observe a delay in menstruation, usually they will pass in a 7-day interval between taking 2 packs of the drug. This contraceptive has a very high success rate, reaching a value of 99%. But it should be borne in mind that the effectiveness can be reduced by antibiotics and medicines aimed at treating diseases of the digestive system. It also increases the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy with non-systematic use of the drug, therefore, in the absence of menstruation, a test should first be done, and only then the presence of pathologies should be assumed.

The principle of action of the drug Jeanine is similar to the previous contraceptive, it also delays ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. But when using these pills, there can often be a delay in menstruation or their complete absence, and the discharge becomes more scarce. But the situation when critical days do not stop when using Jeanine for a long time is extremely rare and is a sign of serious disorders in the body.

Allocations in the middle of a cycle

If a woman began to take hormonal contraceptives, then in the first 3 months her body adapts to the effects of synthetic hormones on it. During this time, intermenstrual bleeding may occur. They have a smearing character and most often occur against the background of taking low doses of artificial hormones that do not exceed 20 mcg. A woman should understand that such discharge does not reduce the contraceptive effect of the drug, although they cause some physical and psychological discomfort.

If the adaptation period has passed, and the daub still appears in the first half of the cycle, you should replace the drug with one that contains the required amount of estrogen (30 mcg or more). If the discharge appears in the second half of the cycle, then you should choose a drug containing a different type of artificial hormone.

Cancellation Policy OK

Among the possible reasons for the delay in menstruation, the most likely when using oral contraception is called the wrong mechanism for drug withdrawal. A woman can plan a pregnancy, get rid of ovarian dysfunction, change the type of contraception and have many more reasons to refuse birth control pills, but for minimal damage to the body, you need to do it right. The main thing is to stop drinking the drug after the completion of the whole package.

If you abruptly stop drinking contraceptives, then the condition of the skin worsens, hair loss, nausea, changes in blood pressure, psycho-emotional and hormonal "swings", etc. begin. In case of untimely discontinuation of drugs, a lot of time and effort can be spent on restoring the natural cycle.

The abrupt cancellation of contraceptives is justified only in order to eliminate more serious health problems, namely in the treatment of thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, kidney and liver failure, etc. Rejection of hormones in these situations reduces the likelihood of complications. To alleviate the consequences of abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives, the doctor may prescribe vitamins, dietary supplements, or herbal folk remedies.

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