I am very afraid of surgery under general anesthesia. How to cope with the fear of surgery using general anesthesia. Possible reasons for fear of surgery

Good afternoon, dear readers. Recently on Instagram discussed the topic of drugs and faced with a number of unpleasant life situations that subscribers experienced, which they certainly want to discuss.

mashabagach: « My last serious anesthesia (I know that anesthesia will be more competent 😃☝🏻) is an epidural, in general, an injection into the vertebrae. The sensations are strange, you don’t feel half of yourself, sometimes it’s not good, but then there are no “wastes” from the anesthesia itself, everything just hurts))) in my case it was an urgent cesarean.”
venchik_sh: “The first two times anesthesia for a short period. For the first time I saw circles, molecules, and I thought: this is what death is like. Here is the real world. And the world in which I live is unreal. But then I really really wanted to go back to the unreal world. I woke up. Hands, legs did not obey, did not move. Everything floated in my eyes. The second time is about the same. But the third time was a long and difficult operation. It took me a long time to come to my senses. The eyes were able to focus only after 7 hours. The numbness in the body went away after a long time. It was terrible. The fear is still there. I need to undergo another operation, but because of fear, I don’t dare for so long. ”
anushhka_volodina: “Basically, all anesthesias were normal, except for two cases, 1) the endometrial polyp was removed, the condition was as if stunned, I felt everything, mentally yelled from pain and to stop. After that, there were several cases of anesthesia - everything is fine. The 2nd unpleasant case, cholecystectomy, endoscopic (removal of the gallbladder) warned the anesthetist about unsuccessful anesthesia, said that the weight was accurate. As a result, I felt how I was intubated, how the incisions were made, after the instruments were inserted into the abdominal cavity - only then I turned off completely. The difference is that unsuccessful anesthesia is in state hospitals, in paid ones everything is fine. Either they regretted the drugs, or the body is like that) it’s worth waking up from anesthesia - I don’t sleep anymore until the evening and I’m quite cheerful, despite analgesics and so on).

Plastic surgeon Azizyan V.S. comments:

Subscribers' comments confirmed the validity of patients' fears. For me, of course, it is surprising to hear such stories, since in my practice, working with professional anesthesiologists, I have not heard of such situations. All this suggests that somewhere something was not taken into account. Especially when it comes to elective surgery. When it is possible to examine the patient from all sides before the operation, talk, etc.

Modern anesthesiology is not just an injection into a vein or a tube. Often it is a combined, multicomponent (combining various drugs and gases) anesthesia. Thus, the doctor achieves a sufficient depth of anesthesia and comfort for both the patient and the surgeon! With properly selected drugs, according to the principle of synergy and tactics, intraoperative awakenings and pains are excluded.

In the postoperative period, drugs are also used to reduce the gag reflex.

For ourselves and our patients, before the operation, we discuss with the anesthesiologist what anesthesia will be, what I will do. At different stages of the operation, where the likelihood of pain is greater (for example, placing an implant under the muscle), the anesthesiologist can adjust the patient's condition, achieving a more comfortable state.

Therefore, based on the above, I want to say: it is better to discuss all issues before the operation. And I wish that general anesthesia for everyone passes like a good dream!)

Maria Kalinina

10 Dec 2012, 09:12

Maria Kalinina, an anesthesiologist and resuscitator at the Golden Section Novosibirsk clinic of aesthetic medicine, told Taiga.info about doctors with whom it is not scary to fall asleep, as well as about 10 phobias of patients before anesthesia Taiga.info.

Anesthesia as a way to make the patient not only not hurt, but not feel or see the surgical intervention, was first introduced into practice by dentist Thomas Morton in 1846. The inscription on his monument in the United States reads: "Before him, surgery has always been an agony." But here's the paradox: more than a century and a half later, patients in most cases are afraid of anesthesia and its consequences much more than the operation itself. And despite the fact that, based on world statistics, anesthesia is safer than traveling in a car.

To say that anesthetics and their use are absolutely harmless, of course, is also not necessary. Sir Robert Mackintosh, the first head of the first department of anesthesiology in Europe, suggested more than 60 years ago that anesthesia is always dangerous, and therefore its implementation requires special training of specialists. At the same time, a recent survey of people in the UK showed that almost 40% of the population have no idea who an anesthetist is. What is this percentage in Russia, one can only guess.

Maria Kalinina, an anesthesiologist and resuscitator at the Golden Section Novosibirsk clinic of aesthetic medicine, told Taiga.info about doctors with whom it is not scary to fall asleep, as well as about 10 phobias of patients before anesthesia Taiga.info.

Fear of anaphylactic shock. They say that in Russia, allergy tests for anesthesia drugs are not done. Is it so? How, then, is anesthesia selected for the operation? How is the individual intolerance of a particular anesthetic drug in a patient determined?

- According to medical publications, the incidence of anaphylactic shock is 1 in 5-25 thousand patients who received injections of general anesthetics. Allergy tests for some drugs of general anesthesia in our country are really not carried out. However, when choosing a method of anesthesia, the doctor carefully finds out the possibility of developing this complication. A qualified anesthesia team is always ready for the development of this serious complication.

Fears “narcosis takes 5 years of life from a person”, “anesthesia affects the heart!”. Does anesthesia have a frequency limit? Why well-made anesthesia does not carry risks? How to understand that the anesthesiologist is a real professional in front of you?

— Anesthesia is inevitably associated with surgical treatment. If the operation is absolutely indicated, then anesthesia is only part of the complex of therapeutic measures. If we talk about general anesthesia, or anesthesia, then this is, first of all, the protection of the body during surgery, and the task of the anesthesiologist is to protect the patient from surgical trauma. Moreover, adequate anesthetic care can significantly reduce the need for treatment in the perioperative period, that is, during the period of the body's stress response to surgical aggression and physiological adaptation to it.

Fears of anesthesia date back to a period in the development of medicine when toxic drugs were used for anesthesia.

Often, all these fears of anesthesia are groundless and belong to the period in the development of medicine, when toxic drugs were used for anesthesia. At the moment, the complications caused by general anesthesia are minimal. Before performing anesthesia, the doctor explains to the patient the method of choosing anesthesia and the possible risks. If the patient has questions that the doctor cannot answer, then he has the right by law to refuse the help of this specialist. Given the rather high responsibility, there are not many amateurs in our profession.

Fear "narcosis is the same drug." Is it true that the best drugs for intravenous anesthesia are not available in Russia, and therefore, when performing such anesthesia, doctors often use drugs that are good for sedation, but poorly anesthetize? Is it true that drugs are added to drugs to avoid this?

— Intravenous anesthesia is a multicomponent technique. The effect is achieved by a combination of several drugs, the action of which is aimed at creating sleep, pain relief, muscle relaxation. And only their competent combination gives a comfortable, effective anesthesia. Today in Russia there is no shortage of drugs for this type of anesthesia.

Fear “What if I wake up during the operation?!” How is the process of falling asleep and waking up controlled? Can the patient really wake up during the operation? What will he feel in this case? Will the operations team notice?

- According to medical publications, the problem of "intraoperative recovery of consciousness" is the most common cause of lawsuits in the United States. But, as a rule, it is associated with a period of awakening, in which the patient can hear the conversation of the people around him. Today, in order to exclude such cases, the depth of anesthesia is monitored, which makes it possible to minimize their number.

The patient must not endure pain. Adequate pain relief is one of the main tasks of the supervising doctor.

Fear “If during the operation I don’t feel pain, then after waking up all this will be replenished!” How do you manage postoperative pain? Many believe that it is better to endure it than to "stuff yourself with chemistry."

- Pain, unfortunately, is an integral part of the postoperative period. It is associated with the inevitable tissue damage during surgery. Its severity may vary, and this is due to the method of surgical intervention. At the moment, there are many methods and drugs for adequate postoperative pain relief. The patient must not endure pain! Adequate anesthesia is one of the main tasks of the doctor supervising it.

Fears “In my sleep I will be delirious and the doctors will laugh at me. What if I hear this?”, “What if I blurt something out under general anesthesia?” Are there frequent cases of delusions of the patient during the operation? And how is the ethical side of the matter resolved in this matter?

— Ethical issues are topical for our society as a whole. Failure to comply with these canons lies on the personal responsibility of each person. But in general, if we are talking about professional ethics, then the medical staff of any clinic, including the Golden Section, is legally responsible for disclosing both medical secrets in general and what a patient under anesthesia can inadvertently say.

Fear “narcosis cripples the psyche of children”, “any anesthesia is dangerous for old people - the heart will not stand it, a stroke may occur.” Does a growing child's body and a weakened old man's body automatically put these people at risk?

- If surgical treatment is necessary, then the lack of adequate anesthesia in childhood and the older age group is much more dangerous than the risks associated with anesthesia. In children, regional anesthesia is usually combined with general anesthesia. There is such a principle: the child should not be "present" at his operation. Because for him it is a psychological shock, a fear that can remain for life. That's what's important. This principle must be observed in 100% of cases.

Fear of spinal and epidural anesthesia: "I'm afraid of an injection in the back - they will damage the spinal cord, I will either die or remain crippled." Are these fears so unfounded? How can this be avoided?

- According to studies conducted in Switzerland, the incidence of serious complications caused by regional anesthesia methods varies from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 200,000 patients. With strict adherence to the methodology prescribed by the protocol and sufficient technical support, these complications are minimal.

The modern technique of conducting anesthesia allows you to comfortably start it already in the ward and thereby neutralize fear

Fear “Suddenly, before anesthesia, I will have a panic attack?” What to do with neurotics?

- Firstly, the psychological preparation of the patient is important here - both how his conversation with the doctor will turn out, and how the person will set himself up. And secondly, the modern technique of conducting anesthesia makes it quite comfortable to start it already in the ward and thereby neutralize fear. So, in the "Golden Section" anesthesia does not begin on the operating table, among special equipment and instruments, which is even more terrifying, but in a comfortable ward, in which the patient also has to wake up.

Fear "I will fall asleep and not wake up." Can a patient insist on local anesthesia if he is afraid to fall asleep?

- Adequate local anesthesia in some cases may be a priority in the choice. But only the presence of an anesthetic team can clearly control the situation and create comfort.

If the clinic has an anesthetic team on staff, this indicates high professionalism, the availability of expensive equipment, safety and the possibility of minimizing all risks. With such doctors, you can fall asleep without fear.

Photos by Tatyana Lomakina

Fear accompanies throughout life: it is expressed in simple phenomena or in fear of a responsible event. Anxiety determines behavior and habits.

Fear of surgery is an irrational fear, but not as groundless as most phobias. A person does not understand what is happening and is deprived of control over the situation, so it is very difficult for him to cope with obsessive thoughts before surgery.

The reasons

It's normal to worry before a major operation. This is a natural defensive reaction of the psyche in the face of the unknown.

Reasons for fear:

  • fear of the unknown;
  • fear of pain;
  • fear of medical negligence;
  • fear of consequences.

Insecurity in healthcare professionals are beliefs acquired as a result of negative experiences. He forces in any way to avoid medical institutions, to refuse the necessary examination. The frightened man postpones the operation. Such fear harms, allows the disease to progress.

Influence of anesthesia

An operation under anesthesia is performed when the patient is unconscious. Loss of control is frightening, it forms the basis of a strong fear.

Under anesthesia, a person does not evaluate the behavior of medical personnel. He is unable to influence the course of the surgical intervention. It is difficult for people who do not trust anyone but themselves to accept an operation with anesthesia. They are reserved and demanding.

Fear and mysticism

Another reason for fear is the belief that the soul is not attached to the body in an unconscious state. The patient is afraid to lose this connection and delays surgery. Some believe that under anesthesia a person approaches a fine line between life and death.

For them, consultation with a psychologist is necessary, which will help to cope with the cause of fear.

Getting rid of fears

To overcome the fear of a complex operation, you need to understand what it is. Fear is a reaction to a possible threat. Fear does not appear without a reason. It needs a foundation that creates internal tension.

Get rid of the fear of surgery will allow:

  • work on thinking;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • informative conversation with medical staff;
  • physical and psychological preparation.

It is important for the patient to tune in to positive results and reassure loved ones.

Working on thinking will allow not only to survive surgery, but also to prepare for rehabilitation.

The right attitude

The preoperative period includes a long phased examination of the body. All this time, the person is tuned in to the operation. If there are serious concerns, the patient should consult a psychologist.

It is a common practice when cancer patients or people with serious illnesses are necessarily under the supervision of a psychologist.

For such patients, illness is a physical and moral test.

Therapy and autotraining

To overcome fear, you need to trust the surgeon. To combat lingering phobias or repressed fears, cognitive behavioral therapy and auto-training are used.

The basis of behavioral therapy is the replacement of incorrect attitudes. The fear caused by the thought will go away if the person analyzes it again. Behavioral therapy is carried out by a psychologist who conducts a frank dialogue with the patient, but does not forcibly inspire correct conclusions.

Studying the details of a future operation

It is scary for the patient that he does not understand what is happening to him. He can seek help from a surgeon and dispel possible fears. If he is afraid of anesthesia, he should learn all the possible risks and complications after the operation. Such information destroys the fear based on the fear of the unknown.

For the operation, anesthesia is used in an individual dosage. It is administered through a simple injection and is painless for the patient. Advantages of the procedure with the introduction of anesthesia:

  • lack of sensitivity during the operation;
  • immobility;
  • relaxation of the whole body.

Along with such advantages, a psychological factor stands out: while a person is unconscious, he cannot experience fear or great excitement.

The doctor controls the progress of the operation, so before carrying out it, you should find out about his qualifications and work experience. Do not be afraid to show curiosity: the fewer questions the patient has, the easier it is for him to cope with the fear of the operation.

Disadvantages of anesthesia

A conversation with the anesthesiologist will let you know about the risks. The main danger of anesthesia is attention disorder. The patient in the postoperative period is sick. Periodically there is dizziness and confusion.

Headaches are accompanied by dry mouth and a feeling of confusion. These side effects of anesthesia are not life threatening and are temporary. The patient will be warned about the possible negative consequences so that there is no unnecessary stress and fear in the postoperative period.

Proper preparation

The correct approach to the operation will help to overcome the fear of a complex operation under general anesthesia. This is a forced manipulation that allows you to get rid of the disease.

The patient is being examined. The results of such a diagnosis are a forecast of how the operation will go and what to expect from it. On the eve of the operation, a conversation with the surgeon is held. He talks about all the details of the intervention and answers all the questions of the patient. At this stage of preparation, the authority of the surgeon is crucial.

Psychological attitudes

Preparing for surgery is a must. The lower the patient's stability, the more time he needs for psychological preparation. How to reduce the level of fear on the eve of surgery:

  • get distracted, do a monotonous task that requires attention;
  • talk to family and friends;
  • draw up a rehabilitation plan;
  • come up with a small ritual that will serve as a signal to calm down.

The patient begins to delve into his own disturbing thoughts if he has nothing to do. Boredom is a favorable environment for the development of fear. On the eve of the operation, the patient needs to take his free time by reading, playing games or watching interesting films. If he does not have time to think about the possible consequences, the internal tension will go away.

Conversations with loved ones are beneficial. These are people who know how to calm and support the patient. Planning for the near future, after surgery, will allow you to get used to the idea that anesthesia and surgery are just one of the stages of recovery. Inner attitude in such situations is very important.

Prayers and rituals

It is not so important what a person believes in, it is more important what this faith gives him. If it is easier for him to lay the outcome of the operation on God, then prayer will help eliminate fear. It is useful to associate certain phenomena with auspicious signs.

The close environment of the patient can participate in peculiar rituals. You should not allow fanaticism in this matter, but an additional incentive will not hurt. He dumps some of the responsibility on someone else, and thereby reduces fear.

Almost all patients have a feeling of fear before the upcoming operation with general anesthesia. Such a state is characterized by strong feelings that are absolutely inconsistent with the cause of fear. The occurrence of a phobia is influenced by eyewitness accounts of possible postoperative complications or experienced psychological trauma received when communicating with medical workers.

Name and description of the phobia

The fear of surgery is called tomophobia. A person is very worried about the upcoming surgical intervention, while he retains consciousness and there are no delusional thoughts or speech. The phobia can be so strong that a person may refuse the upcoming procedure.

Tomophobia paralyzes the will, causes a number of somatic and psychological problems. A person has no confidence in a favorable outcome of the procedure. His imagination draws terrible pictures of the development of the situation associated with the upcoming treatment. immediately before surgery.

Fear of surgery is often uncontrollable. Fear has no rational basis, it is far-fetched and can cause an inadequate reaction. Fear arises against the will of man. At this moment, he himself may realize that the upcoming operation is not dangerous and will most likely be successful. However, he cannot cope with anxiety on his own.

Reasons for fear of surgery

Tomophobia develops in people who are emotional, too sensitive, with a rich imagination. If a person grew up in a family in which, from early childhood, he was brought up to perceive the world as a dangerous environment, then even being in the hospital can cause anxiety or a panic attack.

Causes of a phobia:

  • negative experiences with healthcare professionals;
  • lack of complete information about the nature of the disease and the stages of the surgical intervention;
  • fear of not moving away after anesthesia;
  • eyewitness accounts of negative consequences during or after the operation;
  • possible negligence of medical staff;
  • fear of waking up during surgery and feeling pain;
  • mystical fear based on the fact that under the influence of anesthesia the soul is on the verge of death.

The development of a phobia is influenced by the fear of the unknown, the fear of losing a vital organ, being left crippled, or after unsuccessfully performed surgical treatment. The cause of anxiety and panic fear may be a person's good awareness of his condition and the understanding that in the postoperative period he will have to live for a long time on special preparations that support normal body functions.

Symptoms of tomophobia

Tomophobia can cause severe stress and even insomnia on the eve of surgery. There are a number of signs that characterize a phobia and correspond to neurological and vegetative-vascular symptoms. A person's health worsens, somatic disorders occur.

Signs of the appearance of tomophobia:

  • throat spasms or choking;
  • increased sweating;
  • fainting state;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • numbness;
  • loss of a sense of reality.

As the danger grows in the imagination of a person, the feeling of fear of the operation increases. Being in a phobic situation, people sometimes cannot calm down or transfer their thoughts to something else. This condition complicates the work of anesthesiologists, because of the disturbed heart rhythm and high blood pressure, they cannot calculate the dose of anesthesia.

Every person has the right to choose. You can agree or refuse surgical treatment. In case of disagreement with the method proposed by the medical specialist, a refusal must be signed. This document will relieve the surgeon of all responsibility for a possible adverse outcome of the disease. If a person decides that he needs treatment, he should get rid of tomophobia on his own or with the help of a psychologist.

Ways to get rid of the fear of surgery:

  • distract from frightening thoughts (watch a comedy, read a magazine or book);
  • pray (in thoughts turn to the Almighty, God and ask for a successful outcome of the operation);
  • talk with the surgeon and anesthesiologist, find out everything related to the upcoming procedure;
  • think not about treatment, but about what positive changes will come after it;
  • do not listen to stories about unsuccessful surgical interventions, do not search the Internet for death statistics after a particular type of operation.

Getting rid of negative thoughts before an important procedure will help a sincere conversation with a loved one, relative or friend. You need to talk about abstract topics that are not related to treatment. You can talk about work, plans for the future, upcoming vacation. The main thing is to distract a person from negative thoughts and instill in him faith in the positive outcome of the upcoming procedure.

Preparation before the operation - how to tune in and not be afraid?

To overcome the fear of surgery, you need to make sure that the surgeon is a professional who has saved many lives. To this end, it is necessary to collect information about the clinic where the treatment will take place and about the medical staff. A few days before the operation, you need to undergo preoperative preparation: take tests, fully examine the body, cure chronic diseases; go on a diet, give up bad habits.

How to overcome the fear of surgery:

  • do not panic, soberly assess your situation;
  • tune in a positive way;
  • take sedatives prescribed by a specialist.

It should be understood that surgical treatment with general anesthesia is the only way that can save life and restore health. You can not be guided only by the fear of the operation to make a fateful decision. After surgical treatment, a person will have a chance for a healthy future. If the operation is not done, the disease may worsen.

How to cope with the fear of surgery using general anesthesia: treatment by a psychotherapist

If you can’t cope with nervousness and panic attacks on your own, you can contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist

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