How to make alcohol compresses on the ears. How to make a vodka or alcohol compress on the ear

Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, it is successfully used in traditional medicine. A compress delivered in compliance with all the rules will help you quickly cope with ear pain and speed up recovery.

This method of treatment is acceptable only after an accurate diagnosis has been made; in some cases, warming up can only aggravate the situation and cause serious complications, up to hearing loss.

For what diseases do a compress on the ear?

There are several indications for applying a compress to the ear:

  1. Otitis media in acute and chronic form. At the same time, it is possible to put a compress only in the catarrhal phase of the disease, when there is no purulent content.
  2. The appearance of discomfort and throbbing pain in the ear.

The main effect of such a bandage is a warming effect. The content of painkillers in the composition helps to cope with discomfort and improve sleep, and anti-inflammatory drugs speed up recovery.

When taking antibiotics, the warming effect, which improves blood circulation in the affected area, provides enhanced absorption of drugs in a particular place.

Compresses for various ear diseases, folk recipes

There are only two substances that are used to apply compresses to the ear in traditional medicine. These include:

  • alcohol diluted with water or vodka;
  • various oils.

For otitis media of the middle or outer ear, it is usually used. It perfectly warms and reduces the severity of pain, helping to do the usual things. It improves the absorption of antibiotics and speeds up recovery, while the warming effect lasts about 4 hours.

An oil compress acts much softer, its warming effect is less pronounced. The only plus of such a bandage is that its effect is much longer than that of the alcohol version.

By applying a bandage at night, you can be sure of a restful sleep and a warming effect throughout the night. This type is often recommended for young children to avoid alcohol intoxication and to mitigate rewarming.

Traditional medicine offers several options for ear bandages in case of otitis media, which will help you recover and get rid of discomfort:

  1. At the first sign of ear disease, moisten a cotton swab with room temperature walnut or almond oil, place it in the ear canal and tie it with a dense, clean cloth. Top with a woolen scarf. Leave for 4-5 hours.
  2. Grind the onion, wrap it in cheesecloth, excluding the possibility of falling out. Lay in the ear, not very deep, apply a dry, tight bandage on top. Such a compress helps to get rid of pain and clear the nasal passages of mucus.
  3. Inflammation of the middle ear is successfully treated using the following recipe: mix 40% with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4. Soak a piece of cotton wool with this solution and place it in your ear. Cover with a thick cloth on top and apply a bandage. You can leave the compress on all night, it will alleviate the condition and speed up recovery.
  4. A compress of their black bread crust will help you quickly get rid of pain and cope with the disease in 2-3 days. It is necessary to cut off the crust, hold it over a water bath so that it steams out on both sides. After that, the crust is applied to the sore ear, covered with a layer of cotton wool, cellophane and insulated with a scarf. It is necessary to keep at least an hour, and preferably 3 hours.
  5. At night, you can put a compress with kombucha, which perfectly warms and is an anti-inflammatory agent. It is necessary to moisten a gauze bandage with a solution of kombucha, apply around the ear and insulate in the usual way. After 8-9 hours, the bandage will bring clear relief and speed up recovery.

Choosing the right prescription for dressing should be based on the characteristics of the disease and its course, as well as the age of the patient.

VIDEO Otitis. Earache. Compress for otitis. Warm compress for earache.

What is needed to create the right compress?

To apply the correct compress to the ear, the following components should always be present in the first-aid kit:

  • sterile gauze wipes and sterile cotton wool;
  • bandages of different widths.

In addition, to apply a bandage, you will need cellophane for a better warming effect and a woolen scarf or scarf, which will enhance the result.

Rules for applying and removing a compress

In order for the bandage to have an effect, certain rules must be followed. Before starting the procedure, you should carefully treat the sore ear, cleaning it from sulfur residues and other contaminants. To do this, you need to make flagella out of cotton wool, moisten them with hydrogen peroxide and clean the auricle and ear canal. After that, you can start applying the compress:

  • moisten a cotton swab with the selected solution, if such treatment is expected, and put it in the ear;
  • cover the ear with a thick layer of gauze or cotton wool, while making a slot for the auricle (it should be outside);
  • attach to the ear and the surface around the cellophane to keep warm;
  • wrap with a thick woolen scarf or scarf.

The duration of the compress depends entirely on its type, the bandage can be applied for a period of 1 to 9 hours. Often, a warming compress is left overnight to achieve maximum effect.

Removing the bandage should also be approached responsibly: remove all gauze and cotton wool, and put dry and clean cotton wool in the sore ear to keep warm and prevent microorganisms from entering. In addition, dry cotton wool in the ear will absorb the remnants of secretions that appear under the influence of warming procedures.

What can not be done after removing the compress from the ear?

Immediately after removing the compress and for several hours, it is forbidden to do the following:

  • go outside and be in a draft, it is better if the room has a normal temperature and all windows are closed;
  • wash and allow any liquid to enter the ear;
  • leave the auditory organ without a protective dry bandage after removing the therapeutic compress.

Only compliance with all the rules will avoid complications and achieve the desired result: getting rid of pain and a quick recovery.

Contraindications for applying a compress to the ear

Before applying a compress to the ear, you should make sure that there are no purulent processes in which you can only aggravate the situation. It is forbidden to treat ears in this way in the following cases:

  1. . In this case, the warming effect will cause pus to spill, damage to neighboring parts of the ear, and infection to grow. In some cases, this treatment can cause damage to the eardrum and hearing loss. With this form, compresses that do not cause a warming effect may be allowed.
  2. Boils, infectious and, which are located near the site of the proposed dressing.
  3. Labyrinthitis, mastoiditis and other complications of otitis.
  4. Increased body temperature and febrile state.
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin, microtrauma and abrasions in the area of ​​application of the bandage.
  6. - fungal disease of the ears.
  7. Children's age up to a year, and in some cases - up to 3 years.

Most of the contraindications are noticeable to the patient without the participation of a doctor. The presence of severe pain and hearing loss should alert, in this case, a compress can be done only after consulting an otolaryngologist, who will exclude the transition of the disease to a purulent phase. It is especially important to monitor the absence of contraindications in children, since their organs are more susceptible to damage than in an adult.

Compress analogues

Instead of the traditional compress, other methods are often used to effectively warm the ear and help to cope with discomfort.

It is quite difficult to apply a bandage to a small child, especially if it is necessary to leave it on at night. In this case, the compress has a modified appearance: a cotton wool with the necessary solution is placed in the ear, and a tight cap is put on top, under which a layer of cotton wool is placed. This will prevent tearing and knocking of the bandage and will ensure the preservation of heat.

A dry compress without the use of drugs is often replaced by a simple woolen scarf, which is used to bandage a diseased organ for a long time.

In addition, folk recipes for drops are often used, which must be instilled regularly and put cotton wool on top, while no additional dressing is provided. In the form of such drops, onions, beets and others are used, which are previously diluted with walnut or almond oil.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about compresses on the ears for children

Known refers to compresses as a means of getting rid of pain and self-soothing. According to the doctor, the therapeutic effect of applying such dressings is minimal, and in some cases it can aggravate the situation and cause complications. The doctor recommends using compresses for the ears in children only after consulting with an otolaryngologist, carefully choosing the solution. It strongly does not recommend taking such measures to get rid of otitis in children under 12 months old, and advises to refuse alcohol compresses up to 3 years. From compresses, he recommends expecting the following effect:

  • getting rid of pain;
  • normal sleep;
  • in some cases - enhancing the effect of drugs;
  • protection of the ear from drafts and hypothermia, as well as dirt ingress.

When applying a conventional dry compress, the child will not be harmed, so there are no prohibitions. At the same time, one should not forget about traditional methods and use all the medications recommended by the doctor, since it is very easy to disrupt the functioning of the auditory organ in a child.

Applying a compress is an effective way to alleviate your condition with inflammatory processes in the ears, get rid of discomfort and speed up recovery. The bandage helps to warm up the diseased organ, relieves cold, enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs. A competent choice of means for treatment with bandages and compliance with all the rules when applying and after removing the compress will help to avoid complications and quickly cope with otitis media.

Video about whether it is necessary to put a compress on the ear with otitis media? — Doctor Komarovsky

Compress- various kinds of dressings for medical purposes. Compresses are divided into wet and dry.

Wet compresses are hot (poultice) and cold (lotion).

Dry compress(usually a cotton-gauze bandage) is made from several layers of clean (sterile) gauze and a thick layer of cotton, which are fixed with a bandage.

Warm compress- wet matter, covered with waterproof paper (oilcloth, cellophane, polyethylene) and a layer of cotton, used in inflammatory processes for absorbable and distracting effects.

Compress on the ear(ear compress) make two types: oil compress and alcohol compress (aka vodka compress). The difference between these types of compress lies in the duration of the thermal effect.

Oil (vegetable, camphor) can retain heat longer than alcohol, but this type of compress is less aesthetic and practical - the oil can flow outside the compress itself.

The easiest way is to make an alcohol compress (vodka compress).

To make an alcohol compress you need to prepare:

1. Gauze (options: gauze, thick canvas or flannel cloth, clean cotton cloth)

2. Polyethylene (cellophane) or compress paper (wax paper) slightly larger than the selected napkin by 1-2 cm;

3. Cotton wool with a palm volume or a little more;

4. Bandage (options: woolen scarf, scarf, cap);

5. 60 ml of vodka (for a vodka compress) or alcohol mixed in half with water (for an alcohol compress).

Making a compress:

Tips for using a vodka compress on the ear

Roll the gauze in several layers according to the size of the auricle.

Make a slit in the middle of the gauze, large enough for the auricle to pass through.

Soak gauze with vodka (vodka compress) or alcohol mixed in half with water (alcohol compress), slightly squeeze out the liquid and spread the gauze behind the ear.

This part of your vodka compress should fit snugly against the skin and be located behind the ear area.

Apply polyethylene or compress paper, having previously made a cut in the center corresponding to the cut on the gauze.

The polyethylene layer should completely cover the surface of the first layer of the compress, and the auricle itself should remain open.

Apply a thick layer of cotton wool to the ear (including the auricle itself) and fix it with a bandage, woolen scarf, scarf or cap.

The alcohol compress is ready.

The compress is usually placed for 2-4 hours. But only in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Attention: To use an alcohol compress (vodka compress), you must first consult your doctor.

Everyone who has experienced such a disease as otitis media knows how excruciating the pain is and how difficult it is to treat. The first thing that comes to mind when your ear hurts is to take “some” pill and make a warm compress. And not everyone thinks how self-medication can be dangerous.

The appearance of pain in the ear is, first of all, reason to see a doctor!

And only then - medicines and compresses.

Types of ear compresses for adults and children - indications for them

Warm compress today it is one of the most effective (additional!) methods of therapy in case of otitis media or inflammation of the middle / outer ear, but (important!) - only in the absence of purulent processes and taking into account contraindications, as well as the rules for installing a compress .

The benefits of the compress are expressed in ...

  • Fast relief of pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Acceleration of blood microcirculation.
  • Ear canal disinfection.
  • Improving the absorption of the drug into the blood.
  • Reduced edema.

The indication for applying a bandage is ...

  1. Otitis externa.
  2. Hypothermia, drafty ear.
  3. Acute otitis media.
  4. Internal otitis (note - only dry heat is used for a compress).
  5. Chronic otitis media / ear (note - outside the stage of exacerbation).

It is strongly not recommended to self-prescribe a warming compress for suspected otitis media or just incomprehensible pain in the ear. remember, that heating during a purulent process is extremely dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Otitis media is not a mild runny nose or headache, it is a serious disease that must be should be diagnosed by a specialist.. He will prescribe the treatment necessary in each specific case, and also tell you whether a compress is needed as an additional remedy in the treatment of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drops.

What are compresses?

There are not so many types.

First of all, compresses are dry or wet.

  • Vodka. The most popular option. About 50 ml of heated vodka, which is diluted with water 1 to 1, goes to “one adult ear”. This bandage provides a good warming effect and relieves pain. A decoction of plants or essential oil is sometimes added to vodka. The time of wearing such a bandage is a maximum of 4 hours.
  • Alcoholic. Less common option with the same treatment regimen as in the case above. Instead of vodka, 50 ml of diluted medical alcohol is used (usually diluted 1 to 1, or the alcohol content in the solution is completely reduced to 20%), the bandage is also worn for no more than 4 hours. Alcohol does not need to be heated.
  • With camphor oil. This option is no less effective than vodka, but not as popular because of its shortcomings: the oil should be heated in a water bath, not everyone has it at hand, the oil forms stains on clothes. Bandage wearing time - no more than 6 hours.
  • With camphor alcohol . This tool has a very powerful warming, as well as resolving effect. The downside is that it irritates the skin, so before installing the compress, it is lubricated with a greasy baby cream. Alcohol is necessarily diluted, and then heated. The time of wearing the bandage is no more than 2 hours.
  • With boric alcohol. Despite the fact that boric acid is known as an excellent antiseptic, the method is considered obsolete. The scheme is simple: boric alcohol + ordinary vodka + water (approx. - 20 ml of each component). The time of wearing the bandage is no more than 4 hours.

Before putting a compress (after a doctor's prescription!), You should definitely test on your skin to determine its sensitivity:

A compress solution is applied to the inside of the elbow (or wrist). We check the reaction directly after half an hour: if there are no troubles, we put a compress on the ear.

They are usually made twice a day until recovery.

Contraindications for ear compresses - in what cases can they not be done?

Of the contraindications to otitis media, the following can be noted:

  • Purulent otitis media (this is the very first and most important contraindication).
  • Mastoiditis and labyrinthitis (note - complications of otitis media).
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of installation of the compress (abrasions, sores, wounds, boils or dermatitis).
  • The presence of moles in the same area.

Why is it important to see a doctor and avoid self-medication?

Otitis is treated fairly quickly and, as a rule, successfully. If it doesn't run.

A person who diagnoses himself “on the Internet” is not able to see the purulent process inside the ear. It would seem that the ear blew out on a walk, warmed up with a compress, and everything went away. But warming the ear during a purulent process is serious risk of development (rapid development!) of such complications like spreading infection, meningitis or even brain abscess.

Algorithm for setting an ear compress for a child - instructions

You can warm up the baby's ear with a compress only after a visit to the otolaryngologist and his recommendations!

How to do it?

  1. Gently and carefully clean the outer part of the ear from dirt (note - it is forbidden to climb inside the ear!) with a cotton swab.
  2. Lubricate the area of ​​application of the compress with a greasy baby cream to prevent skin burn or irritation.
  3. We fold sterile gauze in several layers and make a cutout in the shape of a square the size of a child's ear.
  4. We moisten the future bandage with vodka heated to 37 degrees, wring it out and put it on the ear. The ear should, as it were, peek out of the gauze “scarf”.
  5. Next, cut out a protective square of polyethylene according to the same principle and impose on top of gauze.
  6. Sterile cotton wool tightly close the applied compress whole with ear.
  7. We bandage the resulting design with a bandage - tightly fix so that the compress does not fall off.
  8. We warm the compress with a hat , woolen scarf or scarf, tying around the head.

  • The time of wearing the compress - no more than 2 hours.
  • It is recommended to apply a bandage between 2 and 4 p.m. when the ears are most receptive to treatment.
  • Important after the procedure, treat the skin around the ear with a damp cloth and grease with cream again to avoid irritation.

How to put a compress in the ear of an adult - an algorithm of actions and rules

For a dry compress, neither vodka nor alcohol is required. Sterile cotton is packed in sterile gauze, then in a bandage making a v-neck and apply a compress to the ear in the same way as in children (see above). From above, the compress is fixed with a bandage tied around the head.

The warming effect is obtained due to the natural heat transfer of the body. The bandage can be left overnight.

If desired, you can heat sea or regular salt in a frying pan, fall asleep in a canvas bag and, wrapped in a cloth, attach to the ear until the salt has completely cooled.

How to make a wet compress?

The installation scheme is the same as in the case of a children's compress.

The only difference is the duration of the procedure: a compress is installed for an adult for 4 hours, and the cutout in gauze is made not square, but V-shaped.

Instead of alcohol and vodka, a 20% solution of the antimicrobial drug dimexide is often used (sometimes 3-4 drops of novocaine are added to the solution).

Remember that self-medication is reckless and dangerous! At the first suspicion of otitis media or other ear diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Do not look for answers on the Internet and do not torture the pharmacy staff - go to the doctor right away.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

The site site warns: the information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. In no case do not self-medicate! If you have health problems, consult your doctor!

A compress on the ear is a common and effective method of treating pain. A dressing with a medicinal solution has a warming effect, reduces pain and inflammation.

Pain in the ear disrupts the usual way of life. The patient cannot concentrate on anything, in some cases migraine, runny nose and high fever appear. Before applying a multilayer gauze bandage, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pain in order to choose the right drug for soaking the fabric and warming material.

In otology, therapeutic compresses are prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Ear injury. Damage to the organ can be obtained from a blow, burn, loud sounds, a sharp immersion under water or a quick rise to the surface, injury, frostbite, cleaning with objects that are not intended for this. The most common are mechanical injuries of the auricles, as a result of which disturbances occur in the auditory canal. Compresses are used for minor injuries without damage to the skin tissue (bruises, bites, scratches). Therapeutic bandage helps to reduce hematoma, relieve pain and swelling.
  2. Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear. Pathological changes can occur in the ear canal (otitis externa), the middle ear (otitis media), in the inner ear (labyrinthitis). Without the necessary therapy, the disease will become chronic and can provoke deafness. Compresses are best used at an early stage of the disease, until the pathological process has passed into a purulent form.
  3. Periochondritis is an infectious disease that affects the tissues of the cartilage of the ear. Painful swelling may appear after suffering the flu or pneumonia, external and otitis media, with chronic cartilage and skin injuries. The disease is rare. With conservative therapy, therapeutic dressings with alcohol, a solution of boric acid, camphor-ichthyol ointment, aluminum acetate 8% are prescribed to relieve inflammation.

What are the advantages of a compress over other types of treatment

Any treatment is associated with taking medications that are unpleasant in taste, have side effects and high cost. The effectiveness of compresses lies in the simplicity of the procedure and quick action, especially if the pain in the ear appeared at night.

Multilayer dressings protect the affected organ from cooling and other irritants, and have a local therapeutic effect on inflammatory processes. The soft fabric does not cause discomfort, unlike instillations and medical tampons. The medicinal substance applied to the layers of the material will act evenly on the affected area, which will allow you to achieve a speedy recovery.

Types of compresses

Depending on the therapeutic purpose and the nature of the disease, dry and wet compresses are distinguished. They differ in the way of preparation, the technique of application and the time of action. Dry fabric absorbs discharge from the ear, protects against negative environmental influences. A wet compression bandage is used to warm and cool the ear. Any kind of compress is applied on top or around the auricle, securing with a bandage.

Wet compresses are:

  • warming (up to 40 °С);
  • hot (up to 70 °С);
  • cold.

A variety of wet compress is vodka or alcohol. Due to prolonged warming, pain is relieved, the focus of inflammation is disinfected and resolved. As a result, recovery is faster and without stagnant processes. This method is more convenient, since the liquid does not spread and does not leave stains. However, the fabric cools quickly and needs to be changed frequently.

To prepare a warming dressing, you will need 60 ml of vodka or alcohol (camphor, salicylic). Pure alcohol is not used. Vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, alcohol - 1:3. To speed up the result, vodka is heated, heat is released in the alcohol solution during dilution. The material is impregnated and squeezed well.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, after use, the semi-alcohol compress will remain moist and warm.

Dry compress

Dry heating is recommended to be carried out with bags filled with hot salt, oatmeal, sand. Sage, mint, cinnamon, lavender are added for aromatization and soothing action. The bag is made of dense fabric folded in several layers. For this, flannel, napkin fabric, fumes, linen are suitable. The filler is calcined in a pan to a high temperature and poured inside.

The bag is half filled, otherwise it will turn out tight and hard. Before use, the fabric is tied up, the filler is evenly distributed over the free corners. You can make the bag unopenable by sewing up the edge. Dry rice, raw beans, tea are also used as a filler.


To prepare a medical dressing, the inner fabric is impregnated with an oily substance, often camphor, olive or vegetable oil.

How to make a homemade oil compress:

  1. The selected product is heated in a water bath to 38 °C.
  2. Gauze is folded into 8 layers, dipped in oil and left for 30 seconds to soak.
  3. Having squeezed well, the fabric is laid out on a plastic film and wrapped on all sides.
  4. To keep warm, a layer of wool or batting is applied. The top material should be larger and completely cover the impregnated gauze.

Preparation of the necessary materials

All materials and containers must be clean, the fabric must be of sufficient size so that the therapeutic effect evenly spreads to the skin and blood vessels.

To prepare for the procedure you will need:

  • soft absorbent cloth or gauze, wax paper, cotton wool;
  • container with water for heating solutions;
  • means for impregnation - warm water, ice (for cold compresses), a weak solution of vinegar, oil, alcohol or vodka;
  • a fixing bandage from a bandage or a wide strip of cotton fabric;
  • scissors, towel, soap;
  • container for used material.

Compress setting algorithm

To obtain an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, it is important to adhere to the technique of applying wet and dry dressings at home.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash and dry hands, prepare equipment and solutions. In order to avoid the appearance of burns, the skin is examined before applying the bandage. In order to properly apply the layers of the compress, you need to choose the most comfortable position.

Children are laid on their side, for adults the compress is placed in a sitting position. For better contact of drugs with the parotid region, an incision is made in the moist and insulating layers. Fix the layers with a bandage or scarf.

Making the first layer

Depending on the type of compress, the number and thickness of the layers is different. The wet bandage is folded into 6-8 layers, dry - into 4-5. After wetting in water or medicine wring out the napkin. Spreading the fabric evenly, it is applied around the ear. The size of the napkin should be 2 cm larger than the lesion. In a solid material, an incision is made for the auricle. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the bandage must fit snugly against the skin.

Second layer of compress

To prevent rapid drying, wax paper or polyethylene is applied to the first layer. The waterproof material is cut in the shape of a circle with a slit in the middle. The edges of the second layer should overlap the damp cloth by 2.5 cm.

Making the third layer of compress

Cotton wool is applied to the paper or film to retain heat. The insulating layer is made 3 cm thick. A bandage is used for better fixation. It should not hamper movement, crush and subside. The bandage is carried out in turn in front and behind, starting from a healthy ear. It is forbidden to hold the fixing material under the chin, to cover the healthy ear.

How long can you keep the compress

How long to keep the bandage depends on the therapeutic goal, the type of procedure and the general condition of the patient. Warm compresses have a long duration of action. After the impregnated material has cooled down, the layers can be reapplied.


Hot bandages are prescribed for quick warming up. The exposure time is 5-10 minutes. Warm compresses are removed after 7-9 hours. The place of application of the bandage is wiped with alcohol and covered with a dry warm cloth. Cold is used for injuries of the auricle and is applied for 2-3 minutes.

To kid

For babies, oil dressings are applied for 6-8 hours, alcohol - for 4 hours. After 2 hours, the correctness of the procedure is checked. To do this, the index finger is held under the first layer, without violating the location and density of the bandage. The affected area should be kept moist. A warm compress is best put in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

Temperature, runny nose, weakness, shooting pain in the ear - all these are symptoms of otitis media. Many people know what ear pain is, sometimes there is no strength to endure it. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear, often the result of a cold or the flu. It is necessary to start treatment on time so that it does not turn into a chronic form. In this case, a warming bandage will help.

First, let's define what a compress is. This is, just a bandage, soaked in a warming or medicinal solution, providing a therapeutic effect on the inflamed area. The main purpose of such a bandage is to increase blood flow to the problem area, which reduces pain and recovery comes. It is due to this property that warming bandages are often used in otolaryngology.

Lotions will help get rid of a sharp pain in the ears, the composition of which can be:

Alcohol in its pure form (93-96 degrees), of course, is not recommended for lotions on the delicate skin of the face, neck and head. Instead of one problem, you can get another burn. The procedure for the procedure is as follows:

You can repeat the procedure up to several times a day, and the last one should be done at night.

In order to put a warm compress, you can use not pure alcohol, but pharmacy alcohol, for example, camphor. It must also be diluted with water, but its effect is more gentle, since it contains oil.

Vodka ear compress

To prepare a composition of vodka, you will need no more than 50 ml of this 40-degree infusion for an adult and half as much for a child.

How to make a vodka compress on the ear is now clear, but when performing the above procedures, you need to make sure that the bottom layer of cotton or bandage is not wet, but slightly damp. It is impossible to allow a solution of vodka or alcohol to get into the ear itself.

This prescription for the treatment of otitis media is more often used at home in the absence of alcohol-containing solutions. In this case, you can take vegetable or even better camphor oil. . All procedures for applying an oil compress repeat almost the same manipulations.

Warming agent with Dimexide

Treatment of otitis is often carried out with the use of Dimexide medication for a compress. It has the following actions:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • warming.

Use for a warming bandage of boric alcohol

A compress with boric acid (boric alcohol) is an excellent antiseptic. For a compress with such a substance, take in equal proportions:

  • vodka;
  • water;
  • boric alcohol.

If a warming lotion of boric alcohol is used for a child, then a sensitivity test must first be carried out. To do this, a small amount is applied to the elbow and left for half an hour.

Based on boric alcohol, there is another well-known recipe, according to Tsitovich.

Therapeutic compress according to Tsitovich

Such a popular type of compress for otitis media uses boric acid (boric alcohol) and glycerin in its composition.

  • A therapeutic mixture is prepared from a 3% solution of boric acid and glycerin.
  • A cotton swab (you can use a cotton pad, but not cotton swabs) is soaked with this solution and inserted into the sore ear.
  • The procedure for warming the affected ear can last up to 5 hours.

This type of warming bandage, as well as alcohol or vodka, relieves shooting pain and relieves inflammation.

Herbal healing compress

For the herbal mixture, the following collection is used:

  • chamomile;
  • basil;
  • sweet clover

The composition for the lotion is done like this:

  • take 3 tbsp. collection spoons;
  • brew 1 cup boiling water;
  • let it brew for 30 min. and filter.

The decoction is ready. It must be warm . Now it is used to impregnate the insulating layer of the compress and cover with the top layer, as would be done with the alcohol version. The herbal compress is kept for 4 hours, warming the head with a hat.

Compresses made on the basis of kombucha help with otitis media. To do this, use a well-infused mushroom (at least two weeks) and moisten the gauze of the first layer with it.

Dry way

The concept of a dry compress includes:

  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • heating with a special lamp;
  • dry heat treatment.

Dry heat can be used to treat otitis by using a bag of heated sand or oven-baked salt instead of a compress. Both sand and salt do not cool down for a long time, which will provide the patient with enough time for a home procedure. In this case, a linen bag filled with warm sand or salt is simply applied to the back of the head.

Warm compress for baby's ear

Warm compresses are often used to treat otitis media in children. Doctors, in order to avoid prescribing antibiotics or other chemicals, recommend first resorting to sparing procedures. However, it is only recommended to at the initial stage of the disease and according to a prescription compiled by a pediatrician.

If you decide to use self-heating of the child's ear at home with vodka or alcohol, then you need to know that all procedures are performed in exactly the same sequence as for adults. But there are some individual recommendations:

For a very small patient, when it is not possible to fix a warming bandage for the night, you can make a turunda in the ear from cotton wool soaked in a therapeutic composition. Part of the turunda must be brought out so that it can be easily removed. A sore ear is covered with cotton, strengthen with a light cap.

Doctors do not allow the use of an alcohol or vodka compress for a child under 4 years old. In this case, it is better to make a warming bandage with vegetable oil or a special pharmacy collection, which must be ordered according to the prescription. But we know that when treating, especially a small patient, one should not hesitate.

It will not take much time to prepare the prescribed remedy for the child. There is a term in medicine cyto(cito) meaning "urgent". Often doctors resort to writing this word in a prescription. If a pharmacy herbal infusion is prescribed for a compress for a child, then preparing it, if there is such a mark, will not take even one day.

Contraindications for the use of warming bandages

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