I woke up with red eyes. Why there are red eyes, what to do if you have such a nuisance. The most common causes of eye redness

A clear and clean look in recent years can be seen less and less. In the age of modern technology and regular stress, such an ailment as “red eye syndrome” is increasingly manifesting itself. For some, the problem goes away by itself, someone needs to resort to qualified help. But in any case, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Common Causes of Eye Redness

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of the onset of the disease:

  • Long exposure to bright light . Sunlight or electricity causes blood vessels to dilate;
  • Dry indoor air. Dry eyes are one of the leading causes of redness, and air conditioning and heating only exacerbate the condition of the eye;
  • Smog, cigarette smoke . These factors irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and cause temporary redness;
  • Dust ingress . If dust gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with running water;
  • Contact lenses . Using lenses, especially if they are of poor quality or dirty, can cause redness. In this case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist;
  • Foreign body entry . Even a small hair or mote causes terrible discomfort and redness, any foreign body must be urgently removed from the eye;
  • Allergy . The situation is fixable, but only if the main cause is eliminated - the allergen;
  • eye injury . Any injury is accompanied by redness of the eye, the disease will pass by itself, after healing;
  • Fatigue and eye strain . After working in front of a computer screen for a long time, reading a book for a long time and watching TV, such an effect occurs, it is necessary to reduce such a pastime;
  • lack of sleep . Insomnia and inadequate sleep cause the appearance of red "veins" in the eyes. There can be only one piece of advice here - try to get enough sleep;
  • Increase in body temperature . With colds, as well as other infectious diseases accompanied by fever, redness of the eyes occurs. After the health is corrected, the disease will go away by itself;
  • Pressure . Redness of the eyes can be a symptom of high blood pressure - hypertension;
  • Stress . Regular stress and nervous tension can provoke redness. Consult with a psychotherapist, he may prescribe antidepressants for you.

Diseases that cause redness of the whites of the eyes

If you do not fall under any of the above reasons, then everything is a little more serious. The whites of the eyes can turn red due to serious eye diseases:

  1. episcleritis - benign inflammation of the connective tissue of the eye. Women over 30 tend to develop this disease. Provocateurs that provoke diseases can be infectious (tuberculosis, herpes, rosacea) and non-infectious (rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus erythematosus). It is worth noting that episcleritis is characterized not only by redness of the protein, but also by painful sensations;
  2. . It is caused by a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. The disease is serious and, depending on the degree of hemorrhage, can lead to blindness or visual impairment. Blood can accumulate in the retina, anterior chamber, vitreous body, orbit;
  3. Conjunctivitis . Inflammation of the outer shell of the eye . Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral, or allergic;
  4. Blepharitis - inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eye. It happens allergic, seborrheic and ulcerative;
  5. Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea. The disease is caused by beriberi, infectious diseases. Eyes hurt and watery - these sensations accompany redness;
  6. Astigmatism and asthenopia . Caused by prolonged eye strain;
  7. Uveitis - inflammation of the choroid of the eye as a result of infection;
  8. Glaucoma attack . With high intraocular pressure, whites may turn red, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Apart from the causes of reddening of proteins, bursting vessels and head injuries can be distinguished. Eye vessels can burst due to diabetes, hypertension, blood diseases. With some head injuries, the redness of the eyes looks terrifying, but goes away on its own as the patient recovers.

Why do my eyes turn red after sleeping?

It happens that in the morning after sleep, redness forms in our eyes. There are several reasons for this:

  • Chronic lack of sleep and insomnia . The phenomenon is quite common, the only thing that can be done in this case is to get enough sleep. The fact is that when the eyelids are closed, the eyes are moistened. And dry eyes cause redness. Therefore, a long wakefulness causes redness of the eyes;
  • Diseases of the eyelids . If redness and pain or itching do not give rest after sleep, then you have a disease of the eyelids - blepharitis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process at the edges of the eyes;
  • Poor hygiene . This applies mainly to women. Some girls do not remove makeup at night, which can also cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye and, as a result, redness;
  • alcohol and smoke . Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages combined with exposure to cigarette smoke in the evening will definitely cause red eyes in the morning. Smoke is a factor that irritates the mucous membrane of the eye, and alcohol increases intracranial pressure.

Why are the eyes always red?

All of the above causes of eye redness either go away on their own or require short-term treatment. But, if nothing helps, and your eyes are always red, then you should seriously think about your health.

Red proteins (if it is not associated with eye diseases) can indicate problems with the nervous system and cerebral vessels. It is recommended to consult a neurologist, make an x-ray, MRI and CT scan. Only a complete examination will help to fully understand the causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Why do the eyes turn red? (video)

Doctor Myasnikov will tell about the causes of reddening of the eyes:

Red eye syndrome is discussed by experts in this video:

So, in most cases, the redness of the eyes does not pose a serious danger. However, the problem in any case requires consultation with a specialist in order to avoid serious problems. Timely treatment will help you forget about the "red eye syndrome" forever.

If a person has red eyes after sleep, the reasons for this phenomenon may be different. If you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, you notice that your whites have turned red, this means that you need to urgently visit an ophthalmologist.

Why do people have red eyes in the morning?

Why do my eyes turn red in the morning? The intensity of the reddening of proteins varies from person to person. What is the reason for such a change, when proteins that are normal in color turn red overnight? The red color of the eyes is due to the expansion of the vessels that feed them. If the color of the proteins has changed due to fatigue or it is an allergic reaction to the cosmetics used, then it will not be so difficult to fix the problem.

Why does a person have red whites of the eyes in the morning? Sometimes, behind the redness of the proteins, more serious ailments are hidden that require urgent treatment.

Red eyes in the morning may be due to the irritating effect of bright sunlight, too dry air in the room.

Tobacco smoke has exactly the same irritating effect on the eyes. Any of these reasons is easily eliminated.

When the sun is bright enough to wear dark glasses. The air in the room can be humidified and ventilated by getting rid of tobacco smoke. Dust particles that got into the eyes the day before in the morning can be the factor that caused redness of the eyes after sleep. In this case, it is enough to rinse your eyes, and the redness will disappear. The cause of redness can be an eye injury, an allergic reaction to any irritant, eye strain due to a long stay at the computer monitor.

What diseases can cause red eyes?

Blepharitis, a disease in which eyelash follicles become inflamed due to a bacterial infection, can be more serious causes that caused the reddening of proteins. The redness of proteins is accompanied by:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the cornea;
  • glaucoma.

In all these cases, special treatment will be required, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. The redness of the proteins can be secondary to a disease such as hypertension, with a significant increase in pressure.

With its decrease, the redness also disappears.

There is a whole list of diseases that can cause changes in the cornea, both external and internal. Such changes may occur when:

  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the spine.

Therefore, with reddening of the cornea, additional examinations are carried out to exclude the presence of these diseases.

In other cases, it is necessary to identify the cause of redness and take appropriate measures in a timely manner. If the cause of the reddening of the cornea is their too dry mucous membrane, then it is necessary to purchase moisturizing drops at the pharmacy.

When is it necessary to contact an ophthalmologist?

In cases where reddening of proteins occurs regularly. Sometimes this condition is caused by an inflammatory process that leads to the formation of pus or mucus and requires treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • antiallergic agents.

Very well remove such a state of grass, but they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Very often, patients are not serious about such a symptom as redness of the eyes and try to self-medicate, which can worsen the situation. It is very important for redness to conduct a timely diagnosis. If necessary, the doctor can use special methods of examination, these include:

  • samples according to Schirmer;
  • cytological and bacteriological studies of the smear;
  • tomography.

With reddening of the cornea of ​​unknown etiology, a general blood and urine test is mandatory in order to identify the presence of acute and chronic diseases that could be the cause. And only after that it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis and establish the causes of the redness of the proteins. Further, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes medication, which is based on vasoconstrictors. These include Vizin and Murin drops.

Very often, to improve the condition of the eyes, they are fortified.

There are special vitamin complexes for the eyes in the form of drops. Such complexes include drops with lutein. Moisturizing drops can also be useful for the cornea. They tend to stimulate blood circulation. This group includes:

  • Vizin;
  • Systane Ultra.

In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, antibacterial agents are prescribed, such as Tetracycline ointment. But any of these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

If a high temperature joins the redness of the eyes, then we can assume that we are dealing with the flu or SARS.

In this case, redness is only secondary, and the underlying disease is required to be eliminated. With redness caused by banal causes that have nothing to do with diseases, traditional medicine recommends taking the following actions:

  1. Use tea bags to compress.
  2. Ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs perfectly eliminates redness.
  3. Compresses from infusions of oak bark and chamomile help relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, in which the white of the eyes turns red.
  4. One of the traditional medicine recipes suggests using gruel of grated raw potatoes or fresh cucumber.

In order to safely avoid eye problems, it is enough to follow some rules that will help to avoid redness of the eyes. First of all, every person needs a good rest. Insufficient sleep is reflected in the appearance, including leads to redness of the eyes.

To solve this problem, it is enough to normalize your daily routine, you need to sleep at least 8 hours.

Redness can also be caused by autoimmune diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin in the form of acne or vesicles with liquid. These conditions may be accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Reddened squirrels may be accompanied by impaired vision and hearing. If there are allergens that can affect both the whole body as a whole and the condition of the cornea, then measures must be taken to avoid contact with such substances.

These allergens can be:

  • preservatives;
  • flavorings and dyes added to food;
  • plant pollen;
  • household dust.

Very often, redness of the cornea occurs when using cheap, low-quality cosmetics. Even if your cosmetics are chosen correctly and do not cause allergies, they must be removed before going to bed.

Eye health should be a top priority. Even minor problems can be the first wake-up call and turn into serious eye diseases in the future.

A huge load falls on the visual organs of each person. Mainly, if the work is related to the computer, and spending free time is reading your favorite book or watching movies and TV shows.

Of course, this leads to changes in the appearance of the pupils and backs of the eye, which indicates the presence of diseases of this organ.

It is worth mentioning that most adults, in the morning after waking up, often face the problem of red eyes. The main thing in such cases is to remain calm. The reasons for the change in the color of the whites of the eyes may be the following:

  • insufficient amount of sleep;
  • staying in front of the computer until late;
  • fatigue at work.

In order for the white of the eye to have a normal color after sleep, you need a good sleep, complete work on the computer half an hour before going to bed and ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.

But, when the eyes have an inflamed red color for a long time, and not only after sleep, then you need to pay attention to this. After all, such a symptom may indicate the presence of a disease, and lead to visual impairment, or blindness.

Naturally, such a symptom does not always indicate the presence of an eye disease. Most often, this happens due to banal, so to speak, “domestic” reasons:

  • vasodilation in too bright sunlight;
  • overwork;
  • work in front of the monitor;
  • cold;
  • allergic reaction.

To remove redness, you must follow the rules for working in front of a computer monitor. And this is a complete rest every forty-five minutes, with a change in the environment - walk a little and look out the window, leaving your eyes completely relaxed. This will disperse the blood in the vessels and the red eyes will disappear.

Elimination of allergic reactions of the eyes

An allergic reaction of the body is manifested in most cases by prolonged redness of the whites of the eye. The cause of an allergy can be determined with the help of allergen tests. The main allergens are:

  • plant pollen;
  • cosmetics;
  • smoke from cigarettes;
  • overstrain of the emotional background;
  • alcohol;
  • pet hair;
  • mold.

Also, an allergic reaction can occur on contact lenses. By replacing the lenses with a product from another manufacturer, you can remove the manifestation of allergies. Or to refuse to wear lenses in favor of glasses. In today's time, choosing a stylish frame is not difficult.

Traditional medicine to eliminate redness of the eyes

In the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find methods for getting rid of all the listed factors of reddening of the whites of the eyes. Here are the most common ones.

Medicinal herbs - moisten cotton pads in a decoction of chamomile and put on closed red eyes.
From vegetables, redness is perfectly removed - potatoes or cucumbers. You need to put the cut vegetables on the closed eyelid. You can also use ice cubes and pre-brewed tea bags.

But, it is necessary to use folk remedies provided that there is no disease, and the symptoms appeared from external factors.

What is the danger of self-treatment of the eyes

To help get rid of the redness of the whites of the eye after sleep, you can use various medicines and pharmaceuticals. There are several examples of such drugs:

  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein;
  • tetracycline ointment.

It is worth recalling that self-medication can lead to an aggravation of the situation. You can use medications only after visiting an ophthalmologist. He will conduct the necessary examination, possibly prescribe the necessary tests, and only after that he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Types of eye diseases

The eyes are often prone to inflammatory and infectious diseases. The following diseases are mainly diagnosed:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • corneal ulcer, etc.

Each disease of the organs of vision requires immediate treatment, and only with accurate diagnosis and the right medicine can one be cured for sure. It is best to entrust this process to an experienced ophthalmologist, and avoid consultation with pharmacists in pharmacies and a grandmother from a neighboring entrance.

The main signs of the presence of various diseases are:

  • photophobia;
  • pain;
  • pain in the eyes and burning.

Each of these symptoms rules out allergies and fatigue. They appear individually or all at once.

The right approach to eye diseases

A doctor with sufficient experience accurately diagnoses the cause of reddening of the white of the eyes in a short time, while prescribing the necessary treatment. It is worth noting that the likelihood of the need for surgical intervention is high, but this is only in extreme severe cases. It should be remembered that the first step in treatment will be an urgent visit to the doctor, and then the correct treatment prescribed by him.

It is unpleasant to wake up and see red eyes after a long sleep. After all, after a good night's rest, a person should be full of strength and health. If the whites of your eyes turn red, think about what could be the cause of the disease.

The main reason due to which the eye may turn red after sleep is ordinary fatigue. If you regularly refuse a good night's rest or suffer from insomnia, then your organs of vision simply do not have time to get rid of the tension. In an inflamed state, they will stay around the clock.

Consider this and other popular reasons in more detail:

  • Loss of sleep and regular sleep deprivation. By closing your eyelids, you moisten your eyes. Dry eyes lead to redness. Accordingly, after a long wakefulness, you will see that your eyes have become red and even after sleep, the situation may remain the same.
  • Diseases of the eyelids. If the disease bothers you in the morning, and at the same time your sleep is full and strong, you may have blepharitis. This disease causes an inflammatory process in the edges of the eyes. A red eye will be accompanied by itching and/or pain.
  • In the list of common diseases that cause redness of the eyes in the morning, it is also worth highlighting barley and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva). The conjunctiva is a transparent mucous membrane that lines the outer part of the sclera and the inner part of the eyelid. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common condition, especially among schoolchildren. The disease is not difficult to treat, but requires mandatory and timely medical intervention. Only a doctor can determine the specific type of conjunctivitis and select the appropriate treatment methods.
  • Ignoring basic hygiene rules. A particularly characteristic cause of the disease in girls. Not all women go to bed with their make-up completely washed off. The remaining makeup causes irritation on the mucous membrane, as a result, redness appears.
  • Tobacco smoke and alcoholic drinks. With excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke in the evening, be prepared to wake up with red eyes. Alcohol increases intracranial pressure, and cigarette smoke is an irritant to the mucosa.

Other reasons

Other, not so common reasons, but also possible, include:

  • external irritants: ingress of insects, cilia;
  • if before going to bed a strong wind blew in your eyes or dust got on the mucous membranes, in the morning you can also get up with reddened eyes;
  • prolonged hard work in front of a computer and prolonged reading during the day in poor light;
  • applying cream or other cosmetics incorrectly when cosmetics get into the eyes;
  • wearing contact lenses (even if you wear lenses only in the morning and afternoon, and always take them off at night, they can cause redness if you do not follow the rules for wearing and caring for products);
  • prolonged crying at bedtime.

Possible consequences

If you ignore the morning redness of the eyes for a long time, inflammation will certainly occur. Even if the disease initially arose due to banal fatigue and overwork, the development of serious eye diseases is possible in the future. If the eyes at first turned red in the morning due to an allergy or illness, then the consequences can be the most sad, up to and including loss of vision.

Features of diagnostics

If you are not sure that the pathology is not caused by any disease, seek professional help from an ophthalmologist. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • inspection;
  • microbiological examination of the eyes (using a microscope);
  • in some cases (optionally), the ophthalmologist directs the patient to a dentist and other specialists, prescribes tests (they examine: tear fluid and other eye secretions, blood, fluorography is performed).

When is a diagnosis needed?

If you have been crying for a long time before going to bed or the redness has appeared for other "short-term" reasons, it is not necessary to visit a doctor. Diagnostics is necessary if redness in the morning is accompanied by significant pain, severe headache and / or visual impairment. As well as vomiting and nausea, vision around the light sources of the "light ring".

IMPORTANT! If you lead a balanced lifestyle, but the redness in the morning occurs regularly and does not disappear for a long time, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist.


An ophthalmologist should prescribe treatment after examination. If the cause is “household”, for example, poor hygiene or lack of sleep, then the doctor will recommend eliminating it. He can also prescribe eye drops, such as Oksial, Inoksa, Likontin.

In addition, preparations of the “artificial tears” series are excellent for discomfort in the eyes. Their main task is in high-quality hydration of the mucosa. By normalizing eye hydration, you can get rid of redness even if you do not sleep well at night. These funds are not curative, they will not help in the fight against eye diseases. A professional ophthalmologist should prescribe medications! With domestic causes of the disease, in addition to "tears", vitamin A is often prescribed, for example, "Ascorutin".

You can also apply ice cubes to your eyelids for a few minutes or rub them around your eye area. Ice can be made using pure water and medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile. You can also use herbal compresses or tea bags. Apply them to the eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes. Ice cubes and compresses can only be used if the redness is not due to eye disease.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don't know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

Have you ever got up in the morning, go to the bathroom, look in the mirror - and see swollen, red eyes after sleep? It would seem that in a dream a person should rest and look fresh and rested in the morning. But instead, the spectacle is not the most aesthetic and not the most joyful. And if such a phenomenon is noted quite often, then anxiety also arises: why do the eyes turn red, what is the reason for this and is any treatment needed? The answers to all these questions are below.

Causes of an unpleasant phenomenon

Red whites of the eyes spoil even the most worthy and well-groomed appearance. Colleagues or acquaintances will surely ask an adult with irony how they had fun yesterday. And if the child’s eyes turn red, then the neighbors will ask if the disease is contagious and if he can walk with the rest of the children on the playground. But the problem is not only this. Redness of the eyes can indeed be caused by a long party or extreme fatigue. But it is also a symptom of numerous ophthalmic pathologies.

All causes of red eyes after sleep can be divided into two groups: not associated with diseases, caused by external factors, or caused by any pathologies.

You may have had fun yesterday, but in the morning your appearance will hardly please you: it is alcohol and tobacco smoke that most often cause red eyes after sleeping in a healthy person

Factors that cause redness of the eyes, not associated with eye diseases:

  • Chronic fatigue. If a person regularly lacks sleep and overworks, the eyes become inflamed, swollen and red. This is explained by the lack of softening and cleansing tear fluid, which simply does not have time to be produced in sufficient quantities if the eyes are constantly open. In order for the proteins not to turn red in the morning, an adult needs to sleep at least 6-7 hours a day, a child - 8-10.
  • A long drinking party. Again, it's a sleepless night. But alcohol plays a big role. Alcoholic drinks have a relaxing effect not only on the human psyche, but also on his blood vessels. Blood rushes to them, which is why the drunken face turns red, including the eyes.
  • Cigarette smoke. Even if the person himself does not smoke, but is in a room where others smoke, his body will not react to this. Blood vessels in the eyes narrow under the influence of cigarette smoke, the surface of the eye dries up. To compensate for this, the body activates blood circulation, blood rushes to the capillaries and the eyes turn red.
  • Chlorine and sea water. If a person has a habit of swimming in the sea or going to the pool before going to bed, do not be surprised by red eyes in the morning. Chlorine, like sea salt, is a very aggressive substance, it dries out the mucous membrane of the eye, irritates it, as a result, they become inflamed and redden. By the way, tears act on the mucous membrane in the same way. And this means that crying before going to bed is impossible, and generally undesirable.
  • Allergy of any nature, including seasonal. Anything can irritate your eyes, from cosmetics used to remove make-up before bed to medications taken at night. For example, ibuprofen reduces blood flow to the tissues, causing them to dry out and become irritated. With seasonal allergies, even indoor plants in the bedroom can cause redness.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eye. This phenomenon usually occurs in older people over 50 years of age. But if a young man spent a lot of time at the computer before going to bed, in the morning, most likely, he will have to go to work with red eyes. This is explained by the fact that when people look at the monitor, they blink less than usual. And this means that the mucous membrane is not sufficiently moisturized, dries up and becomes irritated.
  • Eye drops for whitening proteins. Paradoxically, they can also cause red proteins. With regular use, such drugs are addictive. Therefore, when their use is abruptly stopped, the next morning the proteins may be even redder than before.

If the redness is caused by an ophthalmic disease, then in addition to the redness, swelling and discharge are usually also present.

Ophthalmic diseases in which redness of the eye proteins is noted:

  • Blepharitis. With this pathology, the follicles of the eyelashes become inflamed, the eyelids turn red, itch, the mucous membrane is also irritated, inflamed and reddens.
  • Conjunctivitis, acute or chronic. This is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, sometimes allergies, in which the lining of the eye becomes inflamed. The blood vessels of the eyeball increase, blood rushes to them, which makes the proteins appear red. By the way, in the people this pathology is called “pink eye disease”.
  • Ulcers on the cornea. They may appear after an injury or with keratitis, the reason is the same - infection of the membranes of the eyeball.
  • Glaucoma. With glaucoma, intraocular pressure changes due to a violation of the outflow of fluid, as a result, tissues begin to suffer from a lack of nutrients. The main manifestations of glaucoma are pain, decreased visual acuity, changes in the iris and redness of the eye proteins.
  • Astigmatism and asthenopia - these pathologies are also characterized by a violation of the functions of the visual apparatus, they are provoked by prolonged and excessive stress on the eyes.

Sometimes the whites of the eyes are covered with pinpoint hemorrhages or are completely covered with blood stains. This happens when blood vessels burst. With an open wound, blood from damaged vessels pours out. But in this case, it spreads under the mucous membrane of the eye and gives the protein a bright red color.

It looks like a burst vessel in the eye after a blow or a lot of physical stress

A similar phenomenon often occurs in weightlifters, boxers during training or competition, and may occur in women after childbirth. Sometimes it’s enough just to sleep in an uncomfortable position or cough hard to get a burst vessel and a red eye in the morning. There is nothing particularly dangerous in this phenomenon, apart from the fact that for some time a person will have a slightly frightening appearance. In a few days everything will be restored.

Ways to solve the problem

They directly depend on the cause of reddened eyes. If it's all about banal fatigue, then just change the work schedule, sleep pattern, and the redness will go away by itself. The same goes for redness after drinking alcohol or smoking. Special whitening drops will help restore purity and healthy shine to the eyes. But you should not abuse them, it has already been said above that this can also lead to redness of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In case of chronic drying of the mucous membrane of the eye, age-related or after heavy visual stress, it is recommended to regularly use moisturizing eye drops and accustom yourself to perform special exercises several times a day to relieve strain on the organs of vision.

If the eyes turn red with seasonal allergies, cold compresses will help quickly relieve irritation. Doctors ophthalmologist and allergist radically solve the problem. They examine the patient and select the optimal antihistamines for him in accordance with age, physiological characteristics, and the severity of the problem. In case of allergies caused by taking any medications, using cosmetics, etc., it is enough to simply change the drug.

To relieve redness caused by dry eyes, contact lens care solutions can be used.

In case of any ophthalmic diseases, manifested by redness of the eye proteins, you should consult a doctor. He will make an accurate diagnosis after the examination and select the appropriate treatment regimen. It should be understood that such a phenomenon is only a consequence of the underlying disease. Therefore, it is necessary to fight not with the symptoms, but with the root cause that provoked their development.

Useful advice: if a doctor has diagnosed conjunctivitis, it is extremely important not only to follow all his instructions, but also to monitor hygiene with particular care. In no case should you rub your eyes even with clean hands, it is recommended to change towels and pillowcases on pillows daily. For the duration of treatment, you will have to forget about contact lenses and decorative cosmetics. The face should be washed only with boiled water, and the eyes should be washed regularly with a disinfectant solution.

What drugs can be used

To date, pharmacies offer a wide range of various moisturizing drops in various price ranges of a domestic or foreign manufacturer. You need to look for drugs from the "Artificial tear" series. The most famous, well-advertised eye drops in this category are Vizin. But it doesn't end there. As alternative means, you can try Oksial, Likontin, Innox.

These drugs do not give a whitening effect. But due to the fact that they quickly and effectively moisturize the mucous membrane, the irritation goes away, and with it the redness goes away. To enhance and consolidate the effect, ophthalmologists recommend additionally drinking a course of vitamin A or Ascorutin tablets. These drugs strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of their rupture.

Chamomile tea in the morning after a sleepless night is recommended both internally and as a lotion for reddened eyes.

You can also use folk remedies. As a rule, these are various compresses and lotions. With tired eyes, swelling and redness after a feast or a long cry, ice cubes or just swabs soaked in cold water will help. Cooling compresses relieve itching and burning with conjunctivitis. But with blepharitis, on the contrary, compresses or lotions soaked in a warm decoction of herbs should be applied several times a day to the eyes. The following medicinal plants are suitable:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • succession;
  • sage.

If there are no medicinal herbs at hand, you can apply warm bags of black or green tea to your eyes, but only without aromatic additives. Both cold and hot compresses should be kept on the eyes for at least ten, but not more than twenty minutes.

Note: in fact, there are much more folk remedies for redness of the eyes, if it is not caused by an ophthalmic disease. Many women keep spoons in the freezer and, after a fun party, apply them to their eyes to remove redness and swelling. Others are helped by mugs of fresh cucumber. And some use gruel made from grated raw potatoes.

Preventive measures

Most often, patients themselves are to blame for the occurrence of an unpleasant phenomenon. It can be completely avoided if you follow very simple rules. Those who have had to face not only redness, but also irritation, itching, swelling of the eyes, easily adhere to them.

Everyone can keep their eyes clean and clear, and their eyes shiny, beautiful and healthy, if they take good care of them and remember about preventive measures.

The main preventive measures are as follows:

  • When wearing contact lenses, do not be lazy to disinfect them daily, replace the graphics accordingly, and if the lens has deteriorated, then earlier.
  • Do not use someone else's lenses or glasses and do not lend your own to anyone.
  • Carefully choose cosmetics, monitor their expiration date, if it has expired, it is better to throw away shadows or mascara than risk eye health.
  • Before going to bed, remember to remove all makeup from your face.
  • Avoid smoky, dusty rooms with poorly humidified air. Any strong odors, such as glue or paint after repairs, can also cause redness or irritation.
  • On sunny days, protect your eyes with goggles, and if you have to stay in a strong wind, especially with dust, wear a mask. A mask or goggles is also recommended at sea or in the pool.
  • If you need to work at the computer for a long time, blink more often, use moisturizing drops, take a break every forty-five minutes and do special exercises to relieve eye strain.
  • Take vitamin complexes to maintain visual acuity and strengthen blood vessels.
  • If possible, give up bad habits, and if it doesn’t work out, then at least do not abuse it.

Summary: Eye redness can be caused by a variety of reasons. If this is a single phenomenon, usually the person himself knows what caused it. And it depends only on him whether it will become regular or not happen again. If the matter is in an ophthalmic disease, then it must be treated, and in the future, remember about preventive measures. As an emergency, you can use moisturizing, whitening drops or folk remedies.

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