Deprive ordinary in children. How to treat children's pityriasis versicolor. Treatment of shingles in children

The rash usually begins with the appearance of a large oval or round spot with raised edges on the abdomen, hips or back. The diameter of the so-called primary medallion reaches 6–10 cm. Pink lichen in children is a disease whose causes have not been precisely established. The rash usually appears in children and adults under 35 years of age. warm time of the year. Spots remain on the body from 6 weeks to 6 months, after which they completely disappear.

Most experts find it difficult to say unequivocally whether pink lichen is contagious in children. It is not excluded that the disease is due to the influence genetic factors. Pink deprive many researchers refer to the group of infectious-allergic diseases. A possible connection with herpesviruses requires more attention in families to pay personal hygiene.

How to recognize pink lichen?

Early signs are similar to the symptoms of a cold: reddening of the pharynx occurs, body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above. The child feels headaches and joint pain. The general condition of the body worsens, appetite is lost, discomfort in the abdomen appears. Duration prodromal period is several days. After its expiration, a spot appears on the skin of the body, as in the photo below. The element of the rash was named " primary medallion», « maternal plaque". Spot sizes increase over the next 2-6 weeks.

The primary medallion is limited along the periphery by a reddish ridge, peeling begins in the center. After 5-7 days, child spots appear, located symmetrically in the direction of the skin lines: on the lateral surfaces of the body, on the shoulders. The rash develops within 6 weeks. The spots are 0.5–2 cm in diameter, round or oval in shape, with a red border and a pale pink core. The appearance of many light scales is noted.

Peeling in the area of ​​spots increases, then stops. When the rash passes, dark or light spots remain, scars do not appear.

Let's summarize what pink lichen looks like on a child's skin:

  1. a pink rounded spot with a diameter of 2 cm appears;
  2. the primary medallion expands to 10 cm within a few days;
  3. then secondary spots are formed, ranging in size from 5 to 20 mm;
  4. rash appears on the trunk, neck, arms and thighs, rarely on the face;
  5. on swarthy skin, spots can be dark red or brown;
  6. rash in fair-skinned people pink color;
  7. secondary spots are most often arranged symmetrically.

Pink lichen in a child in the phase of the primary medallion almost does not cause discomfort to its owner. The itching is mild, only aggravated by heat and perspiration. General state the health of the child after the disappearance of the initial symptoms, as a rule, is satisfactory. A secondary rash can cause mild to severe itching. Discomfort is exacerbated by sweating, wearing tight-fitting clothing. Irritation is aggravated by chlorinated water and low-quality soap.

How is the disease diagnosed?

The doctor examines the rash in a child and often finds it difficult to make a diagnosis based on the contemplation of spots. Pink deprive even experts are often confused with eczema and ringworm. The doctor must differentiate this disease and similar ailments: psoriasis and parapsoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, hives. After the appearance of a secondary rash, it is easier to make a correct diagnosis.

Researchers "designate" viruses of the HHV family as responsible for the development pink lichen in children and adolescents. Reasons for this vulnerability age group have not been established yet. Children suffering from pink deprive are predisposed to allergic reactions. Girls and women suffer from this disease twice as often as males.

How to treat pink lichen in a child?

Therapy will be required in cases where the spots are very itchy, flaky, and cause discomfort to the child. The disease usually resolves without treatment in 2 to 12 weeks. It is necessary to apply daily moisturizing lotion and cream, ointment that relieves itching.

Application efficiency antiviral agents for the treatment of rosacea in children is questionable. You can not give the child "Acyclovir" without consulting a doctor.

How to cure pink lichen:

  • Mainly assigned antihistamines used to treat allergies.
  • Short courses apply creams and ointments with local corticosteroids - GCS.
  • Microbial complications of pink lichen in children are treated with antibacterial ointments.
  • External means are applied thin layer, rub with light movements in the direction of hair growth, without effort and pressure on the skin.
  • In cases frequent relapses The patient may be referred for phototherapy.

Corticosteroids for topical application reduce inflammation and redness of the skin, relieve itching. Lotions, creams, ointments with corticosteroids contain hydrocortisone and betamethasone. The names of the drugs: Lokoid", "Akortin", "Hydrocortisone", "Belosalik", "Triderm". It is recommended to apply a cream or ointment for pink lichen in children 1-2 times a day only on the affected skin. At the first application, the product may cause a slight burning sensation and redness. Side effects are temporary.

Antiallergics to relieve the symptoms of rosacea

Drops "Fenistil." contain for oral administration active substance blocking H1-histamine receptors. As a result, capillary permeability decreases and inflammatory process fading away. Almost does not cause drowsiness, has a weak sedative effect. Suitable for the treatment of children after 1 month.

Antiallergic medicine cetirizine is part of the preparations "Parlazin", "Zodak", "Zirtek", "Cetrin". Drops can be given to children after 6 months, syrup - from 2 years, tablets - after 3-6 years. Based active substance loratadine produce syrup "Erolin", approved for the treatment of children older than 2 years. Desloratadine has an antiallergic effect in the composition of drops, syrups and tablets "Desal", "Eslotin", "Erius" and other drugs.

Folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of pink lichen

Lotions with oatmeal will help relieve discomfort, drinking soda, infusions of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic herbs. Antiseptic and antimicrobial substances can be applied to the spots - aloe leaf juice and propolis tincture. Complex treatment medicines and folk remedies promotes cleansing and healing of spots. Disinfect and soften the skin rose water, oil of St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, infusion of celandine.

Lichen in a child is a whole group of infectious diseases provoked by the occurrence of a fungal or viral infection. These pathologies occur with the formation of rashes, the appearance of a feeling of itching, peeling of the skin, loss hairline and changes in skin pigmentation at sites of injury infectious process.

To determine the pathology in children, a dermatological examination is carried out using a Wood's lamp, a microscopic examination of biomaterials obtained in the area of ​​pathology development. Additionally, if necessary, virological study and analysis to identify the species of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of lichen in children involves the use of quarantine measures. In the process of therapy, the affected cover is treated with antifungal, antiviral and corticosteroid drugs, in order to achieve the maximum possible positive effect in the process of treatment, physiotherapeutic effects on the patient are used.

Children are registered different types lichen, the most common varieties are:

  • ringworm;
  • multi-colored;
  • red flat;
  • pityriasis.

Each of these types of disease has its own characteristic features in progression and therapy.

What is this article about?

Causes of lichen in a child

If we take into account the pathogens leading to the development of pathology, then the lichen found in children can be divided into two large groups- provoked by a fungal and viral infection.

Most often, infection of a child is observed in kindergartens, educational and summer camps recreation, in in public places, in contact with various animals, as well as in violation of generally accepted standards of personal hygiene.

Most often in childhood the presence of ringworm, pink and pityriasis versicolor is fixed by medical specialists, in rare cases a red flat type of pathology is detected.

pityriasis and versicolor versicolor is a mycosis of the skin, which is provoked by yeast fungi belonging to three types:

  1. Pityrosporumorbiculare.
  2. P. Oval.
  3. Malasseziafurfur.

The impetus for the rapid reproduction of these pathogens is the occurrence in the body of diseases that contribute to a decrease in protective functions immune system, failures hormonal background and genetically determined hereditary predisposition.

versicolor is found in adolescence. The most likely area of ​​occurrence pathogenic infection is the surface of the skin a large number of sweat glands.

The appearance of a pink form of lichen is detected after the baby has suffered a cold or intestinal infection, after the procedure of vaccination or transfer acute conditions accompanied by fever.

Children become infected with a fungal infection during the warm season. The following negative factors lead to the appearance of the disease:

  • weakening of the protective functions of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • the occurrence of overwork;
  • development of acute respiratory disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased sweating;
  • an abundance of damage and cracks on the skin.

If suspicions arise or symptoms characteristic of the pathology are identified, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for advice, an examination and the appointment of an adequate course of therapeutic exposure.

The main symptomatology characteristic of pathology

Expressed antiseptic properties possesses a substance such as propolis. Tinctures are prepared from it, used to wipe the places affected by a fungal infection. Besides, wide application found drugs prepared according to folk recipes from birch buds, burdock root, garlic and celandine. Apple cider vinegar has excellent disinfecting properties.

For the treatment of lichen, it is recommended to apply compresses made from pumpkin pulp to the skin affected by the infectious process. For this purpose, the pumpkin should be grated and squeezed, after which the resulting pulp must be applied to the lichen.

For treatment, you can use an infusion of horse sorrel. To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons of the roots of the plant to insist in one third of a glass of boiling water.

Compresses are made from the resulting infusion, applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spread of the infectious process.

Prevention of the appearance of depriving a child

You can prevent the onset of the disease by talking with your child about the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, it is recommended to take measures to strengthen the protective properties of the body.

The child should be told high probability infection through contact with animals living on the street. To prevent the spread of infection in pets, it is recommended to check regularly with a veterinarian.

After interacting with a pet, wash your hands well with soap or an antifungal drug.

If lichen is detected in one of the residents, it should, if possible, be isolated from communication and contact with other people. For hygiene procedures a child infected with a pathogen is required to provide separate accessories for hygiene procedures. Toys and personal belongings of the baby must be regularly treated with disinfectants, and wet cleaning is required in the room.

To prevent the spread of infection, the child will need to strengthen the immune system. For this, it is recommended to provide good nutrition and reception multivitamin complexes. Such a procedure as hardening of the body has proven to be excellent, hardening helps to significantly increase the resistance of the child's body to various infections.

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Many parents believe that lichen in children is a simple, harmless disease that babies most often pick up from infected animals. This is not entirely true. As for the source of infection - everything is correct. But taking it lightly is a big mistake. In this article, we will tell you how to diagnose shingles and what to do if your child is infected.

What does lichen look like

First of all, the disease must be defined. To say exactly what lichen looks like, you need to know its varieties. And in order to accurately diagnose or make an assumption, you need to know what manifestations this or that type of lichen has. Everything is interconnected. It is worth saying that lichen in humans is one of the most easily diagnosed diseases. At its core, lichen is an infectious disease and is easily spread through contact with infected people or animals. The causative agents of lichen are fungi and viruses, i.e. Such a sore can “cling” to children who have not yet fully formed immunity, and to adults with a weakened immune system.

Now let's deal with the varieties of lichen. In addition to the specific signs characteristic of a particular type of infection, there are several common features, the detection of which indicates infection is deprived. This:

  • inflammation of the skin on the abdomen, thighs, shoulders, legs, scalp or nails,
  • hyperemia of the skin or other change in their color,
  • skin peeling,
  • itching and urge to scratch,
  • swollen lymph nodes,
  • increase in body temperature.

If you observe these symptoms, then you are guaranteed to be infected. Watching for other manifestations helps to make a more specific assumption about what kind of lichen you have picked up.

Lichen versicolor, versicolor versicolor or pityriasis versicolor manifested by the appearance of spots on the skin various colors(from pale pink to purple), while the affected areas of the skin do not become inflamed, but simply change color. Children tend to sweat more. This most common disease among children is quite dangerous because, if left untreated, it spreads throughout the body and the skin begins to crumble in the form of scabs - hence the name “pityriasis versicolor”. At proper treatment the disease recedes in about 4-5 weeks.

Another common type of lichen is lichen planus, which mostly affects adults. The main symptom of this type of disease is the appearance of red spots on the body, filled with liquid, which itch terribly. If red lichen is not treated, it becomes chronic disease and seriously ruins life.

The most harmless and most common type of lichen is pink lichen in children. This is just the kind of disease that is picked up from sick animals. When infected, the skin on the face, abdomen, legs, arms, and back becomes pinkish and begins to peel and itch. You can treat pink lichen at home, but you have to be patient, it takes 2-3 months to cure. It is noteworthy that a person can get sick with pink lichen only once in a lifetime: the body produces antibodies to infectious agents. But all other varieties of lichen are dangerous for a person all his life.

The most severe type of lichen is shingles. Elderly people are susceptible to it, especially in the spring-autumn period, when the virus is easiest to enter the body and gain a foothold in it. The main symptoms of shingles are:

  • fever and high fever
  • headache,
  • the appearance on the body of blisters with liquid, accompanied by pain.

Ringworm in children

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a kind of disease as ringworm in children. They, as well as pink lichen, are infected from animals. Sheared lichen in a child cannot be confused with anything - the name very accurately conveys all the symptoms. In addition to the general signs of infection, lichen leaves bald spots on the child’s head, as the hair becomes brittle and falls out.

If you find any of these signs, you should immediately contact a dermatologist, pass necessary tests and start treatment so as not to start the disease.

Treatment of lichen in children

Treatment of lichen in children begins with the fact that the doctor accurately determines the type of disease. Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment of lichen can be different. IN general view if you find lichen in a child, the treatment is:

  • complete isolation of the patient from others in order to prevent the spread of the disease,
  • thorough disinfection of the room, household items, dishes and clothes of the patient,
  • symptomatic treatment of fever and inflammation,
  • topical treatment to eliminate spots, redness and blisters on the skin using various ointments, gels, lotions, creams, as well as rubbing.

If your child has been diagnosed with lichen, treatment can be both traditional and with the help of folk methods. Almost all types of lichen are treated with newspaper ash lotions, dark raisin juice, which is rubbed on the affected skin, a mixture of birch tar and butter, decoction of buckwheat or peas, raw cakes yeast dough or lotions of apple cider vinegar.

If you are not a supporter traditional medicine, at your service traditional methods. Doctors offer treatment for depriving a person antifungal ointments: oxolinic ointment(for shingles), tebrofen ointment, Sinaflan (for red lichen planus), "Clotrimazole" (with fungal lichen), "Exoderil", "Lamisil", "Naftifin" (with pityriasis versicolor). In order to relieve itching, it will be good to use a mixture of 20 g of zinc oxide, 20 g of glycerin and 20 g of water, powder the lichen with talc and zinc oxide powder, and wipe the stains alcohol tincture salicylic acid. Apart from local treatment, also prescribe antihistamines, painkillers, and in severe cases prescribe antibiotics.

Fortunately, lichen at home, as well as in hospitals, is easy to treat: it is only important to notice its manifestations in time, see a doctor and follow all his instructions exactly. We wish you and your children good health!

- a group of infectious dermatosis fungal or viral nature occurring with rashes, itching, peeling, skin pigmentation disorders, hair loss. Children meet different kinds depriving (ringworm, multi-colored, red flat, pityriasis, shingles), which have specific manifestations. To identify lichen in children, dermatological diagnostics is carried out: examination of the skin under a Wood's lamp, microscopy of scrapings, virological and cultural examination. Treatment of lichen in children includes quarantine measures, treatment of affected areas of the skin with antifungal, antiviral, corticosteroid drugs, and physiotherapy.

Lichen planus in children

This type of lichen in children is extremely rare. When the disease affects the skin, mucous membranes, rarely nails. Dermatosis is characterized by a monomorphic rash in the form of flat nodules of bright red or cyanotic color with a shiny surface, 2-3 mm in diameter. Lichen planus is accompanied by intense itching that deprives children of sleep. Merging, the nodules form small plaques with small scales on their surface.

The characteristic localization of rashes in lichen planus in children is the flexion surfaces of the forearms, wrist joints, internal surfaces thighs, inguinal and axillary areas, mucous membranes of the mouth.

Shingles in children

Shingles (herpes) develops in children older than 10 years and adults who have had chickenpox in the past. appearance skin rashes with shingles in children, a flu-like condition precedes - malaise, chilling, fever, burning sensation, numbness or tingling along the sensory nerves, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture rashes.

After 1-2 days, on an erythematous-edematous background, groups of vesicles 0.3-0.5 cm in size appear, filled with transparent contents. The rash is located linearly, along the large nerve trunks and nerve branches. During the period of active rashes, it is noted high fever, radiating pain along the intercostal and trigeminal nerve, lymphadenitis. After a few days, the contents of the bubbles become cloudy and dry; crusts form in their place, which then fall off, leaving behind light pigmentation. Recovery usually occurs within 15 days to 1 month.

With shingles, children may develop stomatitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, optic neuritis and oculomotor nerves, neuralgia. In debilitated children, shingles can be complicated by serous meningitis, encephalitis, and myelitis.

Diagnosis of lichen in children

Diagnosis of lichen in children, as well as the determination of its form, is carried out by a pediatric dermatologist, mycologist or infectious disease specialist. To confirm the suspected diagnosis, the doctor visual inspection skin, special samples, luminescent diagnostics . Each form of lichen in children has its own characteristics of the morphology of the elements, as well as the characteristic fluorescence of the affected areas with rubella), vitiligo, alopecia areata in children (with ringworm).

Treatment for lichen in children

The treatment regimen for lichen in children depends on the type of infection and the severity of the manifestations. In all cases, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Infectious forms of lichen require the isolation of a sick child and the temporary cessation of contact with him by other children.

Treatment of lichen in children caused by fungal pathogens involves shaving off hair in the affected area, taking systemic antimycotics (griseofulvin), treating the skin with antifungal ointments, conducting general strengthening vitamin therapy, and immunomodulating therapy. At severe itching skin are prescribed antihistamines, corticosteroid ointments. In case of damage to the flexible scalp, apply medicated shampoos fungicidal. The criterion for cure for fungal lichen in children is a three-time negative analysis for fungi.

Therapy for shingles in children is carried out with antiviral drugs of local and general action(interferon, acyclovir), analgesics, NSAIDs. The foci of rashes are lubricated with brilliant green and other disinfectant solutions to prevent suppurative complications. Physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective for shingles in children - sollux, UVI, ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis, diathermy, magnetic field. With pronounced pain syndrome are held novocaine blockades, reflexology .

An important point is strict observance hygiene rules (regular change of linen and clothes of the child, their washing and ironing; prevention of combing elements; disinfection of personal hygiene items), temporary exclusion of general water procedures, hypoallergenic food.

Prevention of lichen in children

The factors that make it possible to prevent infection with lichen are: complete isolation of a sick child from healthy children; limiting contact of children with homeless animals; regular check-ups of pets by a veterinarian. It is extremely important to pay attention to strengthening the immunity of children, to instill hygiene skills in children.

Treating lichen in children is a long and patient process. Often the disappearance visible manifestations does not at all mean a complete recovery, therefore it is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms of therapy and quarantine indicated by the doctor.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, lichen can only be compared with acute viral respiratory infections. A child can catch the disease at any time of the year, since the process of learning about the world around and active communication does not stop with the onset of cold weather for a minute.

Parents need to pay attention to pink oval-shaped spots that appear on the baby's skin in order to consult a doctor in time and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, immediately begin treatment.

Learn all about species infectious disease in children - depriving: what it is, what symptoms it manifests itself, how to recognize and how to remove it, necessary treatment.

general characteristics

Diseases included in the group of dermatoses infectious nature, are known under the common collective name "lichen". You can get one of several types of lichen at any age. However, children under the age of 14 are most often at risk. The opinion that babies are not at risk of infection is erroneous. A stroller left unattended or an older child who communicated with a sick peer become direct sources of infection.

Accompanied by childhood infectious dermatosis rashes, impaired skin pigmentation varying degrees , sensations of itching, peeling and even hair loss at the site of the spots.

Despite such threatening manifestations, you should not panic. Lichen responds well to treatment with timely diagnosis.

This is also supported by statistics that show that more than 90% of babies received treatment for infectious dermatosis at least once in a lifetime. Treating any disease is more difficult than preventing it. And prevention is impossible without knowing the causes of infectious dermatoses in children.

The main causes of infection

Due to the fact that lichens are related to diseases of a fungal or viral nature, it is impossible to limit oneself to delegating blame for infection to cats or dogs. Each type of dermatosis has its own causes of lichen and a specific type of pathogen. Common list:

Untimely diagnosis and the transition of each type of lichen into a more severe form is not limited to such complications, like swollen lymph nodes purulent inflammation skin, hair loss and various skin defects.

Infectious dermatosis can provoke, neuritis optic nerve, . For frequently ill and debilitated babies delays in treatment are fraught with encephalitis, meningitis, pyoderma or perifolliculitis of the head.

Most serious complication admitted defeat nervous system characteristic of advanced pityriasis versicolor.


Regardless of whether the parents have experience in the treatment of childhood infectious dermatosis or not, to diagnose without contacting a specialist and trying to treat it with improvised means is strictly prohibited. Each type of disease requires a specific therapy, similar actions may lead to the development severe forms and cause serious harm health.

Ringworm (shorn, trichophytosis, microsporia)

Multi-colored (pityriasis)

Multicolored (pityriasis) versicolor in children occurs when infected yeast-like fungi and refers by experts to mycoses of the skin. Three kinds causative agents of a multi-colored or pityriasis species often live on the skin without causing any pathological changes.

However, in the case of an infectious disease, violations in endocrine system, hereditary predisposition, the presence of rheumatoid diseases, the fungal process is activated.

Places with a large accumulation of sweat glands fall into the affected area: chest, shoulders, abdomen.

Deprive Zhibera, or pink

Its development is attributed activation of the herpes virus after transferred infections gastrointestinal tract , vaccination or respiratory diseases. The age of patients is from 10 years. The time of activation of the virus is autumn, spring and winter.

Speed ​​of distribution due to airborne transmission, or by contact suggests Urgent measures diagnosis and treatment of lichen versicolor in children. The zones of the back, abdomen, sides, chest and skin folds are affected.

Signs of manifestation of pink, multi-colored (pityriasis) and ringworm in a child, you can see in this photo, but it’s still difficult to determine the symptoms, and therefore you need to consult a doctor for treatment:


This type often occurs after chicken pox. The causative agent, as in the case of chickenpox, and in the case of shingles is one - herpes virus Varicella zoster. The peculiarity of the occurrence lies in the reason for the launch of the activity of the virus. Most often this severe stress. When communicating with a sick person, some children may get sick not with shingles, but.

red flat

The causative agent is not clear. Presumably the disease occurs due to a predisposition to allergies or due to a virus yet unidentifiable. Nails, the area of ​​the back, abdomen, chest, mucous membranes fall into the affected area. Causes - intoxication of the body, neurosis, reduced immunity, viral infection.

How red flat and shingles look in children on the skin, look at this photo. Do not self-medicate - consult a doctor so that he correctly recognizes the symptoms of the disease and prescribes treatment:


Definition different types depriving, marked activation of fungal pathogens in the warm season, and viral - in the cold season, in combination with the main symptoms, facilitate diagnosis.

Appearance pink spots oval, usually a week after infection, accompanied by itching and flaking - the main symptom of infectious dermatosis. Additionally fever, swollen lymph nodes. However, for different types of lichen, experts have defined their own set of symptoms.

  • Spots oval or round shape with flaky and itchy skin are characteristic of ringworm. The presence of crusts and scales, burning is noted. On the head of a child, after depriving, a focus of baldness is formed.
  • In areas affected by seborrhea, dots appear yellowish color located around hair follicles. Spots of brown-yellow or pink-yellow colors appear. They are covered with scales, can peel off when trying to scrape. These symptoms are characteristic of pityriasis versicolor.
  • A bright pink spot or maternal plaque up to 5 centimeters in diameter. A feature is peeling in the very center of the plaque and a red border. The baby is worried about itching. Possible development purulent complications. These are the main symptoms of pink lichen in a child.
  • Lichen planus manifests itself as a rash in the form of flat nodes that have a bright red color and a shiny surface. The patient is disturbed by severe itching.
  • Symptoms of shingles initial stage similar to flu-like symptoms and burning sensations in places where rashes later form.

How to identify the first signs of the disease

The most severe lichen is carried by a child infancy because the baby can not yet tell what is bothering him. He reacts to an uncomfortable state by crying, reduced appetite. Therefore, when changing clothes, massage, bathing skin examination required. The discovery of even one speck of a round or oval shape, painted in pink, is already a sufficient reason for a visit to a dermatologist.

Do not hesitate, because the appearance of such spots can be a symptom not only of depriving, but also of other, more serious diseases.

In preschoolers and schoolchildren, the onset of symptoms is also difficult to notice. Children usually hide problematic skin rashes. Some try to deal with the defect on your own without informing adults. Use slightest opportunity inspect skin . This is facilitated by games, joint visits to the pool or to the beach.

If a rash or other symptoms are detected, it is necessary to isolate the child from communication with others. It is impossible to wet the skin in places of rashes. Application medicines and treatment of lichen in children at home it is permissible only after diagnosis and treatment by a dermatologist.


To make a diagnosis, the patient is carefully examined, revealing the features of the rash. Next, the scrapings are analyzed. By using medical scalpel or laboratory glass, skin flakes are taken from the stain. In addition to scales, the baby's hair is examined to determine the pathogen. Pathogenic fungi are determined by the presence of plexuses of the thinnest tubes with partitions.

In addition to scraping tests, the doctor may prescribe a culture of material from the lesion, a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies, examination under a Wood's lamp. This mercury lamp with ultraviolet light causes a green glow in places where fungi accumulate.

Parents face this unpleasant phenomenon like a child's prickly heat. , we will tell in the next review.

Urticaria can occur in children of all ages, even newborns. How to recognize the symptoms, how to treat the disease, find out.

Herpes sore throat is a common disease among children. This will tell about the causes of the disease, how to help the child.

How and what to treat

There is no general treatment regimen for childhood lichen. The choice of therapy depends on the pathogen that caused the disease, and on the degree of manifestations identified during the examination. The only thing that can be common when infected is isolation of the patient from contact with others. Only a dermatologist can determine the need for this measure.

Fungal infestation involves cleaning the site infected skin. How to quickly cure lichen in a child on the head? Hair on the scalp will need to be shaved. Appointed leather processing antifungal drugs, taking vitamins, antihistamines, stopping intense itching, corticosteroid ointments.

If ringworm is caused by a virus, use analgesics, antiviral drugs local action . Effective electrophoresis procedures, ultrasound therapy, solux. For pain, novocaine blockades are used. It is possible to use reflexology.

During treatment, it is forbidden to moisten the affected areas of the skin with water during hygiene procedures.

The course is considered completed with a three-fold negative result for the presence of pathogens, obtained with a break of five to seven days. Follow-up depends on the type of infection. For lesions of the scalp the child is under observation for at least two months since completion medical therapy.

Forecast and preventive measures

Any disease at untimely appeal to a specialist threatens with serious complications. Baby lichen is no exception. But if the parents showed the baby to a dermatologist immediately after the first symptoms were detected, then the prognosis will be favorable. For some types of infectious dermatoses, immunity is developed, while against others it remains to be fought with the help of available preventive measures.

If a child grows in the house, then refuse regular wet cleaning, periodic boiling of underwear in soapy water, ironing and bed linen iron is not allowed.

Gotta tell the kid why do not touch stray dogs and cats, take other people's things, or forget to wash your hands after a walk.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video in which a dermatovenereologist will tell you how to identify the symptoms of lichen and treat it correctly:

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