Interesting tasks for children in the summer camp. Games for kids at summer school camp

1: From empty to empty

Two players stand on foot rocking chairs (bars) opposite each other. In each hand they have a mug: one empty, the other with water. In this position, everyone tries to pour water from his full mug into the mug of a friend. The one who spills the least water wins.

2: Nail in a bottle

For this competition you will need: 4 bottles with a thin neck, the same number of ropes and 4 nails. A nail is tied to each end of the rope. 4 people are selected from those who wish. Ropes with nails are tied to the belt of the participants from the back of the head. After that, the participants stand with their backs to the pre-arranged bottles. At the command of the head of the game, the participants must, without the help of hands, hit the bottle with a nail. The one who manages to hit the target first wins.

3: Inflate the balloon

For this contest you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the hall. They give out balloons. At the command of the host, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but so that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The one who completes the task first wins.

The game is played on the sports ground, where there is a pit for jumping. A cord is stretched across the jump pit at a height of 30-40 cm. Every 20 cm from it, 10-15 zones are marked. Each zone is worth a certain number of points. Jumpers scatter and jump as far as possible. The winner is the participant (among girls and boys separately) who scores the most points in 6 attempts.

5: Ball in goal

In a wooden shield lined with plywood on both sides, semicircular gates of different widths are cut out. The shield is installed on a flat area. The players stand 2-3 meters from the shield and take turns rolling small rubber balls (tennis, hockey) into the goal. For each hit, the number of points indicated on the shield is counted. The one who scores more points wins. To prevent the balls from rolling far, it is advisable to limit the playing area on the sides and behind the shield.

6: Do you know each other?

Several couples stand with their backs to each other. The leader asks questions. First, 1 child answers with a nod of the head, and 2 out loud. The pair that answers all the questions correctly wins.

7: Art Competition

Blindfolded counselors draw a gift for their children. The leader whose gift looks more beautiful wins.

8: Asphalt Drawing Contest

Each participant of the competition is allocated crayons and a place on the pavement. Participants can be divided into teams of 2-3 people, drawing a common picture together. The winner is the team whose drawing, in the general opinion of the children, will look more beautiful.

9: Presentation of a favorite book

Participants talk about their favorite book in such a way that other participants and spectators want to read it. You have 3 minutes for the presentation. The maximum score is 5 points.

10: Poetry Competition

A few days before the competition, children are given a poem. Children must learn it by heart. The one who recites the verse the best wins.

11: Stick your nose

Draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, mold the nose separately from plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. Players move back a few steps. Blindfold them in turn, approach the portrait and try to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

12: Draw a ponytail

For this game you will need a large sheet of paper, a pencil, a blindfold. First, the presenter draws with a pencil on a piece of paper some kind of animal (cat, dog, pig). Draws everything except the tail. One of the players is blindfolded. He should try to draw a blind ponytail. Then other players try to do it. The one with the most accurate drawing wins.

13: Pour the water

The game involves 2 people. You need to take 4 identical glasses and pour the same amount of water into 2 of them. Water can be tinted with watercolor paint so that it is clearly visible. And the other 2 glasses remain empty. At the signal of the leader, each player must pour water from a full glass into an empty one with a spoon. The winner will be the one who can fly the water the fastest.

14: Spoon Game

To play, you need 2 spoons and 2 round objects (painted wooden eggs, table tennis balls). 2 children take part in the game. At a distance of 7 - 8 m put a flag. Players are given a spoon each with an egg (or ball) in their hands. At the leader's signal, the players must run to the flag as quickly as possible and return back. If the ball falls, the contestant must quickly pick it up from the floor, put it back in the spoon and continue on their way. The ball cannot be held with the other hand. The one who reaches the finish line the fastest is the winner.

15: Chairs

To play, you will need two pot lids or a tambourine and chairs. Chairs should be placed in a circle with the seats in the center. They should be one less than the participants in the game. The children stand next to the chairs outside. In the hands of the leader is a tambourine or a lid. Following the leader’s signal, which announces the start of the game, the children begin to walk in a circle of chairs in a circle. Suddenly, the leader strikes the tambourine. At this signal, all participants rush to the chairs and sit down. Each time one of the players is left without a seat. He is out of the game. When the second round begins, one chair is removed. This continues until only one player remains. He becomes the winner.

16: Around the table

A table is placed in the middle of the room, freeing up space around it, and the players stand around it at the same distance from one another. The host puts chess pieces, checkers, dice or other identical items on the table. But they should be one less than the participants in the game. Following the leader's signal, everyone goes clockwise around the table without touching it. After 20 - 30 seconds, the leader gives a signal. Behind this team, everyone tries to take one of the items. Kamu alone will not get anything. This player is out of the game. Then one item is taken from the table and the players walk around the table again. The last child to take the object wins.

17: Get the Prize

The host hangs a small prize at eye level. Players need to approach and from a distance of 3 - 5 m blindfolded to break the prize. The one who does it first wins.

This is a traditional English game played during Halloween. To play, you need a bowl of water. A few apples are thrown into the basin. And then the players, holding their hands behind their backs, try to catch the apple with their teeth and pull it out of the water. Whoever succeeds is the winner.

19: Pull - push

In this competition, pairs compete in a 15-20 m run. Couples, holding hands, run, pressing their backs to each other. Having run to the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, and in reverse in the other. The pair that returns to the start first wins.

20: Night travels

The host says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to the freeway made from sports skittles. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the leader offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and led to the steering wheel. The host gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about the danger. When the path has been passed, the leader unleashes the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game "go". The one who knocks down the pin the least wins.

21: Hitting the ball

The host puts a big ball on the ground. At a distance from him draws a line. The player approaches the ball, stands with his back to it, moves to the line and turns to face the ball. The leader blindfolds him. The blindfolded player must approach the ball and kick and kick it. Then the next players do the same.

22: On three legs

The facilitator determines the place of start and finish. Then all players are divided into pairs. In each pair, the right leg of one player and the left leg of the other are tied with a rope. At the signal of the leader, the couples run to the races. The pair that reaches the finish line first wins.

23: Who is faster

Children with jump ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid down. After the agreed signal, all the children simultaneously jump in the direction of the laid cord. The one who gets close to her first wins.

24: Guess the last word

Children are divided into two teams. The host reads out the sentences, and the players must guess the last word. The team with the most correct answers wins. 1. All the little gray mice run away from ... (cats) 2. The mouse ate potatoes and didn’t think about ... (cat) 3. I teach everyone the mind, but I myself always ... (silent) 4. This grass very angry ... (nettle) 5. We met in a green meadow ... (friends) 6. Two people washed their faces near the river ... (chanterelles) 7. Animals took hold of their paws and dances began in ... (forest) 8. Drive up to the turn, here is the palace and there ... (gate) 9. In our city, none, for shopping ... (shop)

25: Competition for folk tales

Children are divided into two teams. The host says the first words from the name of folk tales, the participants must say this name in full. The team with the most correct answers wins. 1. Ivan Tsarevich and gray ... (wolf) 2. Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivan) 3. Finist - Clear ... (falcon) 4. Princess - ... (Toad) 5. Geese -. .. (Swans) 6. By pike ... (by command) 7. Frost ... (Ivanovich) 8. Snow White and seven ... (gnomes) 9. Horse - ... (Humpbacked)

26: Drag

2 teams line up one opposite the other, draw a line between them. Players standing opposite give each other their right hand and put their right foot on the line. On a signal from the leader, each player tries to drag the other over the boundary line. As soon as the player is left foot behind the boundary line, he loses, and his opponent gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

27: Roll up the ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: during the set time (8 - 10 minutes) roll up a snowball as large as possible. The group that rolls up the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

28: Build a fortress

The players are distributed in groups of 3-5 people each. Groups receive a task: within 5 - 6 minutes. build a snow fort. All groups, at the signal of the leader, run in different directions of the site, where it is easier for them to complete the task. The group that completes the task by the specified deadline wins.

29: Quick Threes

Players stand in a circle in threes - one after the other. The first numbers of each three join hands and an inner circle is formed. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. On a signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle - to the left. On the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their triples. Each time the circles move in the other direction. The players of the trio who gather faster get the winning point. The game is played 4 - 5 minutes. The trio with the most points wins.

30: Everyone against everyone

In this game, each player can measure his strength with all players. The site is divided into 6 equal playing fields, located one after the other. Before the start of the game, all players take their place on the same playing field. At the signal of the leader, each player tries to force (shoulder, torso, but not arms) the others to another playing field. Soon they are all there except for one. He no longer participates in the fight. Those who are pushed into the second square try to push each other to the third playing field, while they themselves remain on the second, and so on. By the end of the game, one player remains on each field. The player remaining on the first playing field takes first place, the second one takes second place, etc.

31: Change of Places

2 teams line up opposite each other on the court. At the command of the leader, the players of the team change places. The team that quickly lines up on the opposite side of the court wins.

32: Pioneerball

The players are divided into 2 teams and are built on 2 halves of the volleyball court in 2-3 rows. Each team receives two volleyballs. On a signal, the players try to throw the balls over the net to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. The transfer of balls continues until all the balls are on one side at the same time. The game is stopped and the team with the balls on their side loses the point. The game continues until one of the teams scores the set number of points (say, 10 - 20). The teams then switch sides and the game starts again. The team that wins two sets wins.

33: Dash for the ball

Children are divided into 2 teams, each is calculated in order and is built behind the start line. The leader with the ball in his hands is located opposite the teams 10 m from the start line. Throwing the ball forward, he calls any serial number. Named players run after the ball. Whoever has possession of the ball brings the team a point. The game continues until each participant has made 3 jerks. The team with the most points wins.

34: Sniper

At a height of 1 - 1.5 m from the floor, a ball (target) is suspended. Participants, located at a distance of 3 - 5 m from it, should hit it with a tennis Rubber) ball. Each participant is given 3-5 attempts. The most accurate wins.

35: Carry it, don't drop it

A crosspiece made of bars is attached to the end of a round shelf or pipe. At the ends of the bars, round stands with small indentations are attached, into which a ball is placed. A stick with crosses is inserted into a hole on a wooden stand. The player must take the stick with one hand, remove it from the stand, turn around its axis 2-3 times and reinsert the stick into the hole in the stand. All this must be done carefully so as not to drop a single ball.

36: Put on the ring

A board 2.5 - 3 m long is laid on the ground. Holes are drilled in it every 25 - 30 cm (there are 11 in total). A figurine (or pebble) carved from wood is inserted into the central hole. The players stand at opposite ends of the board at a distance of 1 m from it and take turns throwing rings, trying to put them on the figure. In the event of a hit, the player moves the figure one compartment closer to himself. The winner is the one who manages to rearrange the figure first in the extreme hole at his end of the board.

37: Fight in the squares

3 squares 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 m are drawn on the site. 4 players, close in height and strength, stand in a large square, and, having taken a position, on a signal, they begin to push each other out with their shoulders. 3 eliminated from the big square move to the middle one, and the winner stays in the big square. The fight continues in the middle square. 2 eliminated go to the small square, the winner remains in the middle. The fight ends in a small square when one leaves the square and the other remains the winner. The first winner (in the big square) gets 4 points, the second (on average) - 3, the third - 2, and the one who dropped out of the small square - 1. Then the next four enter the fight.

38: Around the hoop

Participants take turns directing the gymnastic hoop along a flat path with a strong movement of their hands. Then they try to catch up with him and have time to slip through him back and forth. Whoever does this more times is the winner.

Two hoops are placed in those steps one from the other. Two competitors strive to climb through the hoop more times within a minute, putting it on from top to bottom. The 2 fastest players compete against each other in the final.

40: Make the hoop spin

The hoop is taken with one hand and the movement of the fingers is made to rotate in place. The referee will time the spin from the start until the hoop falls. They compete alternately, and if there are 2 hoops - in pairs. Then the 2 best players meet in the final match.

41: Hoop Race

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up along the sidelines of the court. On the right flank of each team is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. On a signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom or vice versa and passes it to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and passes it on to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, having passed a hoop to a neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The trailing player in the line puts on all the hoops. The team whose players complete the task faster gets the winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

Whether your day camp or any other, you need to keep the kids entertained. And fun and interesting competitions for children in the camp will help you with this. Both entertainment and sports competitions are prepared for you. And you, according to what type your camp belongs to, choose any and arrange competitions.

Attention Competition.
Seven different objects are placed on the table in front of one participant in the competition. After the participant turns back, the facilitator swaps only two objects and after that the participant is turned back. And he has to say which items have been swapped.

Merry competition.
A tennis ball is placed on the table and the contestant is brought to the table. He is blindfolded and told that on command he must blow on the ball so that it rolls over the table and falls. But when they are blindfolded, instead of a ball, they put a plate of flour on the table. And of course, when a contestant blows, all the flour flies on his face. It will be funny and fun.

I am the fastest.
For the competition, you need to prepare ribbons. Each participant is given one of these ribbons. At the leader's command, they begin to tie knots on it. Whoever ties more knots in a minute wins.
And then you can do the opposite. It is necessary to exchange ribbons and untie the knots for a while. The truth here will not be fair, since everyone has a different number of nodules.

Ten people are entangled with one long rope. The rope can be tucked everywhere except the head and neck to avoid accidents. After everyone is confused, one participant unravels them for a while. And so you can hold the competition several times, which of the participants will unravel the fastest, he won.

Cheerful badminton.
You need a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. The task of the participants is to fill a shuttlecock with a racket. Whoever can hit the most, wins.

Remember everything.
It is necessary to prepare empty plastic bottles and fill them with water. After these bottles are placed in one rad at a distance of a meter from each other. The participant looks at this peculiar route and remembers. After that, he is blindfolded and he must go around all the bottles and not knock them down. Whoever succeeds is the winner. If there are several of them, then the one who spent the least time wins.

Cheerful ball.
It is necessary to leave the same route as in the previous competition. Just add a ball and a stick. The task of the contestants is to use a stick to roll the ball between all the bottles. If possible, then several such tracks can be made in parallel so that the test takes place simultaneously, and it is more interesting.

Summer bowling.
We leave the same water bottles, but only close them with lids. We put the bottles like the pins in a bowling alley. The participant is given a ball, and from a distance of three meters he throws the ball at the bottles to knock them down. Whoever knocks down more bottles in two attempts is the winner.

School events and school holidays

Recreational activity at the summer camp Fun Fair


Conducting games and competitions for the entire camp.

Venue of the event: summer camp playground.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 10-15 years old.

Material support:

  • props for competitions at the stations;
  • station map;
  • auction prizes;
  • toy money;
  • prizes for sale.

Preparing for a summer camp event

As preparation for the holiday, it is necessary to set up tables for the “stations”, prepare and distribute the necessary props. It is desirable that the "stations" cover a sufficiently large area.

For orientation between them, you can draw a diagram of their location and hang it in a conspicuous place (the best, but more time-consuming option is to make diagrams for each participant).

In addition, for the holiday, it is necessary to prepare "money" that participants will receive for completing tasks, and prizes that can be purchased for this "money" in the fair shop.

Shops can also be placed in several places (indicating their location on the map). Do not forget to calculate that the "sold" goods provide all the issued "money".

Another interesting event for the fair is an auction, which can be held after the main part of the holiday to play the remaining "money".

Plan of activities in the camp:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Running through the "stations".
  3. Fair shops.
  4. Auction "Pig in a poke".

Event duration: 2 hours.


As an introduction, you can tell the guys the rules of the holiday, show on the map what stations there are, where the "shops" are located.

Running through the "stations"

For "stations" you can come up with any tasks that are performed quickly and easily enough. The “fee” for completing a task may depend on its complexity. If the task involves a competition between several participants, the winner receives the main "cash" prize, the rest of the participants are necessarily awarded with small incentive prizes. A participant who has earned "money" at a "station" cannot re-participate in the same contest.

1. Station of tongue twisters.

Participants are invited to pull out a piece of paper with a written tongue twister from the bag and pronounce it.

Examples of tongue twisters

On the shallows we lazily caught burbot.
You exchanged burbot for tench for me.

Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia?

Cavaliers to the Queen
Sailed in a caravel.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

There is a pop on a shock, a cap on the pope,
mop under the priest, pop under the cap.

Popcorn bag.

Sasha has cones and checkers in his pocket.

You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak.

Bought Valerika and Varenka
Mittens and boots.

Buy a pile of spades.

2. Station ditties.

Participants are invited to sing any ditty and receive a prize for it.

3. Station of riddles.

Participants are asked to solve a riddle. Those who guess correctly (perhaps several people at once) receive a prize.

Examples of riddles with a trick

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, redhead ... ( Squirrel)

In raspberry understands a lot
The owner of the forest, brown ... ( Bear)

Who is beating like a drum?
Sitting on a pine tree ... ( Woodpecker)

Who is not friends with the bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
His nose dug up the entire slope.
It's just grey... ( Mole)

Who in the forest trembles under the tree,
So as not to meet with a double-barreled gun?
Rides the field, emboldened.
This beast is called ... ( Hare)

This animal sleeps in winter
He looks clumsy.
Likes berries and honey.
And it's called ... ( Bear)

In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger ... ( Wolf)

Daughters and sons
Teaches to grunt ... ( Pig)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... ( A monkey)

Fan tail, crown on head
There is no more beautiful bird than ... ( Peacock)

4. Station origami.

Participants are invited to make a paper figurine (with the help of a leader or on their own).

5. Attraction "Manual Golf".

For the competition, it is necessary to make hand golf from a shoe box. To do this, the box is turned upside down and a hole is cut out at the bottom, into which a tennis ball must pass freely. The lid of the box is placed on top of it in a slide so that a ball can be rolled along the lid.

The task for the participants is to roll the ball into the box.

6. Attraction "Burst, ball!".

A balloon is tied to each player's right foot (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to break through the balls of other players and save their own ball. Players who burst the balloon are out of the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner. All participants receive incentive prizes.

7. Attraction "Petushki".

A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people participate in the competition at the same time. Each participant stands on the right leg, holding the ankle of the left leg with the right hand. The left hand is hidden behind the back. The goal of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle. Whoever does this is declared the winner. In addition, the loser is considered to be a participant who, during the “battle”, released his left leg or used the help of his hands.

8. Attraction "Tear off the hat."

The host calls two rivals and puts hats on their heads. Each participant presses his left hand to the body and does not have the right to use it during the game. The task of the players is to tear off the opponent's hat with their right hand, while keeping their own on their heads. The winner is the participant who first completed the game task.

9. Attraction "Koltsebros".

To play, you need to make several rings of thick rope. The task for the participants is to throw a rope ring on a stick dug into the ground.

10. Skomorohi station.

At this station, participants are invited to show a short pop number (sing a song, recite a poem, show pantomime, etc.).

11. Station of tricky tasks.

Participants are asked to solve a problem. Those who find the correct or original answer to the problem (perhaps several people at once) receive a prize.

Task examples

Which clock shows the exact time only twice a day?

Answer: clock that has stopped.

Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Answer: they have equal weight.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house?

Answer: when the door is open.

How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters?

Answer: cat.

What rocks are not in the sea?

Answer: dry.

What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result?

Answer: 1, 2 and 3.

When are hands pronouns?

Answer: when they are you-we-you.

What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice?

Answer: Anna, Allah.

One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs?

Answer: 4 minutes.

Where is the end of the world?

Answer: where the shadow begins.

12. Station Poetry.

Participants are invited to compose a quatrain containing a pair of given rhymes.

13. Station Geographic Society.

Participants are asked questions. Those who answer the question receive a prize.

Sample Questions

How many continents are there? ( Six)

What oceans do you know? ( Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic)

Where is Brazil located? ( In Latin America)

Capital of France? ( Paris)

Brussels is the capital of which country? ( Belgium)

The inhabitants of this country call it Suomi, but what do we call this country? ( Finland)

Which country is called the Land of the Rising Sun? ( Japan).

The highest mountain in the world? ( Everest).

What country is Sydney in? ( In Australia)

What is the zero parallel called? ( Equator).

15. Competition Hit the target.

The game "Darts" is required for the competition. Participants compete in throwing darts at the target and receive a reward depending on the accuracy of their throw.

16. Contest Catch the candy.

A candy is tied to one end of the thread, the other end must be fixed on the visor of the cap so that the candy is at the level of the chin of the person who put on the cap. The contestants take turns putting a cap on their heads and trying to catch a candy with their mouths, without the help of their hands. Whoever succeeds gets a prize.

fair shops

Simultaneously with the stations, “shops” begin to operate. They are best placed in different places and divided according to the range of "sold" goods.

Store examples:

  • cafe (“sale” of juices, carbonated and mineral water (in glasses), various buns and sandwiches). It is advisable to put several tables next to it or organize a “cafe” right in the dining room;
  • grocery kiosk (“sale” of chocolates, sweets, chewing gum);
  • "a thousand little things" ("sale" of small prizes - stationery, small toys, etc.);
  • bookstore ("sale" of small books, crossword puzzles, magazines);
  • win-win lottery (drawing of various prizes).

Auction "Pig in a Poke"

The auction is held for the guys who did not have time to spend the earned "money". The interest of the auction lies in the fact that the lot is not shown to the participants until the end of the draw. The host only gives an approximate or comic description of the item and names its initial cost.

Participants offer their stakes and the one who reports the largest amount receives the item being played and finds out what it is. Thus, 5-10 lots can be drawn in the auction. In this case, it is necessary to alternate valuable and funny prizes.

Examples of lots and comic descriptions for them

  • an edible and necessary item for all of us ( salt);
  • something sticky candy);
  • small that can become big balloon);
  • business man subject ( notebook);
  • item for those who want to leave their mark ( colored chalk);
  • young artist set pencil and paper);
  • young writer's set pencil and paper);
  • set of young mathematician ( pencil and paper);
  • item to satisfy hunger bread).

It is necessary to think over the location of the "stations" and "shops" and ensure that participants are evenly distributed between them so that there is no long queue or too many people crowding around the stations. A small reward should be received by each child who took part in the competition, regardless of the success of his actions.

Or almost anyone can be on the summer daytime playground at the school. But most often these are still students of pedagogical universities who want to earn extra money during the holidays and gain experience. It is for them that this short article was written about what to do. Despite the fact that there are general programs, the guys often remain idle, which is fraught with various incidents. Organization of the free time of their wards is one of the main duties of the counselor.

So let's get started. in the camp?

1. Sports. Play volleyball, badminton or football. Everyone knows these sports games. Those who do not want to take part, let them be fans or judges.

2. Creativity. It all depends on the age and gender of the children. Younger students will be happy to sculpt, draw and make applications. With older children, it's more difficult. Girls will only like to weave, and guys can be interested in a complex designer. But where to get it in the camp?

3. Decorate the premises of your squad: draw posters, a wall newspaper, paste a photo of each child, writing something about him.

4. Hide the treasure, and spread notes around the camp. Each of them should indicate the location of the next, and the last one should say where the "treasure" lies. This is a great option for what to do with the child during the holidays at the camp!

5. Excursion or hike. Before you take the children to the camp with this interesting activity, get permission from the teacher or director. They need to know when, where and what line-up you will be and how soon you will be back. You can go to meet the dawn, in the nearest forest or on the banks of a river or sea. Children should be accompanied by several adults. Come up with a goal for the trip - shoot a video, collect material for crafts, hang bird feeders, etc.

6. Make a video about the camp or your squad. This can even be done on a mobile phone. The main thing is then to mount it on a computer in one video sequence. Or maybe you can make a whole movie by writing a script for it?

7. What distinguishes a summer camp for children from a daytime playground? Events that take place every evening! Prepare a dance, skit or a fun song for the whole squad!

8. What else to do with children in the camp? Games! These can be board games such as lotto, chess and checkers, as well as mobile ones: Below we give some examples of such activities:

Participants stand in a circle. Everyone is assigned a number clockwise: from one to ... After that, everyone begins to simultaneously clap their hands twice, twice on their knees, without stopping. The first player says his number twice when he touches his knees, and the number of the other child when he claps his hands. Without losing the general rhythm of clapping, the person whose number was called calls his number and that of the other participant. The main thing in the game is not to break the rhythm and not stop.

Divide the squad into teams of 3-4 people and give a list of tasks. Set a deadline for them to be completed. The team that completes everything first receives a prize or is relieved of some duties. The main thing here is to come up with funny and interesting tasks.

Hide and seek, bouncer, "The sea is worried once...", "Broken phone" - all these games are also a great option for keeping the kids busy at the camp! Dare!

The school year is coming to an end, and school camps will begin to work in schools. Maybe some of the proposed games will be useful for teachers for summer work in the camp.

"Water Attack"

An interesting event for the Water Attack camp can become an active and exciting competition in hot weather for a group of four people.

Draw a start and finish line at a distance of 15-20 meters - this is the optimal distance for children aged 7 to 10 years. You can make the lines further or closer apart, depending on the age of the participants. There must be enough obstacles between the lines, such as trees, wooden barriers, and the like, for runners to hide behind. A single 3 to 5 meter hurdle is ideal for elementary school children.

Choose two participants - they will be "bombers". One will stand three meters from the finish line, and the other - about one and a half meters from it closer to the middle and to the right. Give them some washcloths and buckets of water.

The goal of the runners is to overcome the distance from start to finish, hiding behind obstacles so as not to get wet under the aimed fire of the "bombers". The "bomber" in the middle can only attack when the runner has passed the middle, and the "bomber" at the finish line can only attack in his "zone". The player who reaches the finish line dry wins.

"Pass the parcel"

This event in the camp can be used as a rallying of children. The optimal number of participants is three or more people.

On the outside of the package, write something like this with a marker:

Put this bag with other bags with other funny tasks written on the outside, such as "buzz the alphabet like a bee." Make many bags with different tasks written on them and put all the bags in a big bag.

All day camp participants sit in a circle close to each other, and while the music is playing, each in turn passes the bag to his neighbor on the right. When the music is interrupted, the participant who has the bag left in his hands takes the bag out of it and reads the task aloud. Then the player stands in the center of the circle, calls his name and performs the action specified in the task. The music plays again when the participant completes the task and returns to their seat.

The game continues until everyone up to the last task has been completed. Then the winner is determined and the main prize is given.

"Artist, Model and Clay"

This is another fun camp game for preschoolers and older that develops the skill of observation.

Divide the children into teams of three. Assign roles, each group should have:

  • "painter",
  • "model",
  • "clay".

The "artist" is blindfolded while the "model" poses as a funny statue. The “artist”, without seeing her, must make a statue out of the “clay” participant, very similar to the “model”, moving the arms, legs and head of the “clay”. When the "artist" finishes the work, the blindfold is removed from his eyes. The team with the most similar model receives a small prize and leaves the game. The competition continues until each group has been awarded prizes.

"Alien Invasion"

Group recreational activities at the summer camp are used most often. "Alien Invasion" is a competitive game for a large group of children divided into several teams.

The main storyline is that all the kids have been captured by the aliens and they will be released if they can drop the alien eggs on the surface of Mars without breaking them. The aliens took speech or hearing from some children and paralyzed others. Divide each team into three groups.

  • One group of children cannot speak or help protect the eggs, but they can communicate their suggestions with body language.
  • Other group cannot move, but can express his thoughts aloud.
  • Third group each team will be blindfolded, but they can talk, move and protect the egg.

In order to play the game, each team must complete the tasks that you provide to protect the egg from being destroyed when it falls (these can be written on a piece of paper given to players who cannot speak, but can use gestures). After 30 minutes of play, all teams drop the protected eggs onto the ladder or onto the roof.

Allow time at the end for the children to discuss what they have learned, identify and reward the most cohesive and friendly team.

Interesting activities in the day camp in nature

"Nature Hunt"

Search games in the camp are especially popular with children, one of them is "Nature Hunting". Encourage children to pay attention to what they see and feel in the environment. Create criteria for the items they will need to find to get the kids interested in exploring aspects of the natural world.

Include in descriptions adjectives such as beautiful, smooth, grungy and scary, as well as:

  • animal footprints,
  • three kinds of leaves
  • something that can be felt but not seen
  • something with a strong smell
  • good place to hide
  • something old
  • elements of a certain color,
  • shells,
  • mushrooms,
  • clover,
  • seeds,
  • other items appropriate to the wild area you plan to explore during your "nature hunt".

Print out a "nature hunt" list for each team or child.

Walk and hour in nature

Take day campers on a three to four hour picnic in the park or woods for a walk and a quiet hour at one with nature.

Take a few minutes before the walk begins to discuss the importance of maintaining silence throughout the activity, explaining that the children will have an opportunity to discuss what they have seen at the end.

Choose this route to walk for about an hour to a place suitable for an hour alone with nature. Try to make your route pass through a clearing, meadow, valley, hill or lake.

When you arrive at your destination, instruct the children to find a suitable place to be alone and contemplate the natural world for an hour. After the hour has passed, get together and discuss the experience before heading back.

Don't forget to bring water, food and water with you on this trip.

Adventures in nature

Spend a day teaching kids how to survive in the wild. This will help day camp participants to learn useful skills in a relaxed and safe environment.

Start with first aid lessons, show how to clean a wound and apply a bandage, give basic knowledge about a first aid kit. Next, teach the children how to use a map and compass, and how to make a fire. Tell us how to set up a camp in natural conditions, how to set up a tent.

A good end to the day will be conversations or songs around the campfire.

Creative Activities for Day Camp

"We are looking for talent"

Public speaking awakens creativity in children and increases self-esteem. Many activities at the camp can be based on the performances of the children themselves.

Help an introverted child open up by starting the morning with a class in the performing arts. It can be singing, dancing, and any other similar activity.

A large-scale culmination of a successful season can be a creative competition. Day camp participants will be required to perform on stage in front of parents, counselors and other children.

Participation in a creative competition will help your child understand the importance of practice, planning, organization and many other skills and qualities.

T-shirt design

Add some fashion to your day camp routine. Invite all the children so that everyone can create a T-shirt that expresses their personality or favorite activity. Order as many white t-shirts as you need for all campers.

Get enough art supplies: glue, felt-tip pens, sparkles, ribbons and other decorations.

Free up the rest of the day from organized activities: let the children have time to write each other's wishes on T-shirts. So, the T-shirt will become a memory of the time spent at the summer camp, as well as new friends.

This camp event is great to end your shift.

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