Skin diseases in dogs: symptoms, description with photo, treatment. Trophic ulcers in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment

Skin diseases are common in dogs. They cause suffering to animals and impair health, and therefore require treatment. Information about the types of these diseases, symptoms, their treatment and prevention of occurrence will be useful for any dog ​​owner.

Types and their description with a photo

Many skin diseases in dogs are infectious, although this is not always the case. According to this criterion, they can be divided into groups according to the source of infection or other reasons for the appearance. For example, the causative agents of diseases can be fungi or bacteria, skin lesions can be allergic in nature or occur for other reasons.


Mycoses affect the skin, coat and nails of dogs, as well as internal organs. They can become ill after contact with an infected animal or simply after walking in areas where pathogens can be found. We advise you to read more about the treatment and prevention of mycoses

ATTENTION! Even pets who have never left the house can get sick - in this case, fungi enter the home on people's shoes or clothes.

In addition to pathogenic fungi, there are also conditionally pathogenic ones. They are constantly on the skin of animals, but their number is corrected by a healthy immune system, so diseases do not develop. But as soon as the dog’s immunity drops sharply, the fungi become active and begin to multiply.

The development of dermatomycosis is also facilitated by mistakes in caring for a pet made by the owner. For example, Dogs often get sick with fungal diseases for the following reasons:

  • poor nutrition, due to which the body's defenses are reduced;
  • dirty, greasy and felted wool, to which oxygen does not penetrate;
  • clean but dry coat due to washing too often.

In addition, dermatomycosis can be a consequence of the treatment of other diseases with drugs that suppress the immune system.

Mycoses are divided into:

  • superficial (the fungus does not penetrate deeper than the skin and mucous membranes) - microsporia, malassezia, candidiasis, pityrosporosis;
  • subcutaneous - sporotrichosis, eumycosis;
  • systemic - coccidioidomycosis, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis.

A common disease of this group in dogs and cats is microsporia and trichophytosis (ringworm) caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. Humans can also be infected from animals.


Common diseases:

  • eczema (you can read about ear eczema in);
  • tick-borne borreliosis;
  • yersiniosis;
  • tularemia.

We offer you to watch a video about eczema in animals:

Dogs of any breed and age can become infected with a bacterial infection. But especially puppies, adult weakened and old animals get sick. Infection occurs by contact (communication with a sick individual, use of someone else's dog ammunition and care items), alimentary (after eating contaminated feed) and airborne droplets. The risk group includes animals living in poor conditions, receiving insufficiently good nutrition, kept together in large groups.


Other cases

Skin lesions in dogs can also be caused by ticks. Settling under the skin of animals, they cause diseases such as sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, otodectosis (ear scabies).

Hormonal disorders resulting from endocrine pathologies or age-related disorders can cause increased hair loss ( alopecia).


Symptoms of skin diseases in dogs are varied, but, first of all, this is a change in the skin, coat and claws in the form of:

  • loss of shine and hair loss;
  • redness or graying, swelling and peeling of the skin;
  • rashes of various etiologies.

A frequent symptom of damage to the scalp, body, limbs, paws, ears in dogs is severe itching, causing the animals to itch constantly. Pets can refuse food and games, sleep most of the time, react sluggishly to external stimuli. They may have a rise in general body temperature or become hot lesions, there may be serous or purulent discharge from the eyes and nose, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, anemia of the mucous membranes, and digestive disorders.


Dog skin diseases are diagnosed in veterinary clinics. A preliminary diagnosis can be made already during an external examination, but it is possible to establish exactly what caused the disease only after laboratory tests and studies:

  • blood test;
  • bakposeva;
  • cytological analysis of biomaterials;
  • allergy tests.

According to studies, patients are prescribed treatment.


Therapy of skin lesions in dogs is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the diseases that caused them:

In addition to special preparations, in all cases, immunomodulators and vitamins are also prescribed to help the dog's body cope with the disease.

Treatment of skin diseases is carried out mainly at home and only in special cases - in veterinary clinics. For the duration of therapy, the dog must be given peace, children and other pets should not be allowed near it. All treatments should be carried out with medical gloves, do not touch the pet unnecessarily, immediately eliminate everything that was used for the procedure (fleece, sticks).

REFERENCE! From home remedies for external use, you can use aloe juice, infusion of chamomile, calendula, echinacea to relieve itching, inflammation, swelling and redness.


Skin diseases in dogs are often associated with illiterate maintenance and care, so every owner of a four-legged pet necessary:

These simple preventive measures will help reduce the risk of contracting or developing diseases that result in skin lesions in dogs and keep your friend healthy.

Useful video about the symptoms and treatment of pathology

Dogs, like people, can get sick, including skin ailments. And if the animal has lesions on the skin, the owners, first of all, suspect that it is lichen. However, this is not the only disease that can develop in a pet. Certain diseases can be transmitted to humans, while others are purely canine. What can provoke skin diseases in dogs and how to recognize whether the disease is dangerous or not?

Among the most common factors contributing to the development of skin ailments, the following can be noted:

  • Wrong nutrition. If the dog's food does not contain the proper amount, then this will adversely affect the general condition of the animal, including the skin. When choosing a diet, it is advisable to consult an experienced breeder or veterinarian.
  • Negative influence of the external environment. A dog living in the city, breathing polluted air, walking in the winter without a blanket that would protect the pet from chemical reagents, is unlikely to have healthy skin. But if the dog is not taken out at all, it will also negatively affect its skin.
  • hereditary diseases. Some breeds of dogs (, bulldog, poodle, etc.) have a predisposition to skin inflammation.

Skin pathologies associated with the immune system

Recently, not only in humans, but also in animals, autoimmune diseases are increasingly being detected, as well as many different ones. Most often, representatives of small breeds suffer from such ailments, in addition, many of them have a hereditary predisposition to them.

The most common disease of this type can be called atopic. This, in essence, is the body's response to external stimuli - flowering plants, allergenic food, medications and other substances that surround us.

The incidence rate of this disease is quite high, it affects about 15% of all dogs, regardless of their breed, age and physiology.

It is important not to confuse atopic dermatitis with a common allergic reaction. It is primarily characterized by the formation of inflamed skin areas that occupy a large area and are practically not amenable to healing.

Bald spots with scaly skin appear on the sides of the dog, the abdomen, and later throughout the body, and bubbles filled with cloudy purulent exudate can often be observed. In this case, inflammation develops quite quickly, and the disease penetrates into ever deeper layers of the epidermis.

Against the background of atopic dermatitis, diseases caused by pathogenic fungi may appear. Diagnosing this disease is a very difficult task, so if symptoms appear, you should immediately seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

Dermatitis of various origins

Inflammation of the skin can be caused by a wide variety of irritants. There is the following classification of the disease:

  • allergic dermatitis, including flea;
  • traumatic dermatitis - appears if any negative factor acts on the skin for a long time;
  • an inflammatory process that affects the folds of the skin - dogs with excess skin are susceptible - chow-chow, Neapolitano mastino, sharpei, bulldogs.

Also, contact types of the disease are often encountered, in which inflammation appears when irritating substances come into contact with the skin. Most often, the lesion is localized in the abdomen.

If we talk about dermatitis that affects the skin folds, then the initial stage of the disease is very difficult to detect. Initially, minor diaper rash appears in the folds, into which the infection later penetrates, and the affected skin begins to rot. In this case, you can feel an unpleasant smell coming from the animal, the dog becomes lethargic, increases significantly. As soon as this disease is detected, it is important to deliver the sick pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since the percentage of death in skin fold dermatitis is quite high.

Dermatitis caused by a fungus

If you delve into the details, then there are several forms of similar dermatitis, which are combined into one group - dermatomycosis.

Trichophytosis - dermatitis caused by pathogenic fungi, is more common than others and is best known under the name "ringworm". This disease can also be transmitted to humans from dogs. Carriers are not only infected animals, but also bloodsucking insects. The disease can affect dogs of all breeds and sizes, but it is most easily transmitted to pets with a short coat.

The main symptoms include the following:

  • round spots appear on the body, asymmetrically located;
  • the surface of the affected areas flakes off, forming "cigarette ash" on the surface;
  • in places of localization of the disease, concentric circles are formed.

Treatment of fungal dermatitis is quite complicated and should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. The therapy is complex and includes the following steps:

  • the introduction of vaccine preparations, for example, Vakderm;
  • external application of ointments, Yam is most often prescribed;
  • the introduction of the antifungal agent Griseofulvin, which is very toxic, so the exact dosage is very important.

It is worth remembering that if a sick animal lives in an apartment, then all the premises, bedding, clothing and household items must be disinfected, as it can live outside the carrier for a long time, waiting for a suitable candidate.

Skin diseases caused by mites

Diagnosing the disease is not difficult, as it is accompanied by fairly bright specific symptoms:

  • the skin in the affected areas is hyperemic;
  • bald patches appear;
  • the skin is covered with scales;
  • with the further development of the disease, scabs appear, the skin erodes;
  • a large number of vesicles with purulent contents are observed.

In most cases, the skin in the dog's head is affected.

Veterinarians and doctors have not yet figured out what causes the development - some believe that it is transmitted by contact with an infected individual, others that ticks are everywhere, and a pet with a weakened immune system becomes ill.

Practice shows that both theories have the right to exist, since the disease takes place in two forms:

  • Focal - several foci appear on the body (3-4). In this situation, there are often cases of self-healing, subject to additional strengthening of immunity.
  • Generalized - the body is covered with multiple lesions, which subsequently capture the entire surface of the body. In this case, there is a high probability of general intoxication of the body. Ticks, penetrating deeper and deeper, can also appear on the internal organs.

Treatment of the second form is carried out only in a clinical setting. The therapy is long, expensive, and the risk of recurrence remains high.

Prevention of skin diseases in dogs

Of course, it will not work to protect pets from all the misfortunes, but you can still significantly reduce the risks of infection. What can be done for this?

  • provide the dog with good nutrition;
  • during the off-season, with poor health and other situations, give the pet vitamin complexes;
  • do not allow the dog to communicate with stray relatives;
  • monitor the condition of the skin and the general well-being of the pet;
  • keep the dog clean, on time and clean the coat.

If you follow these simple rules, then it is quite possible to protect your beloved pet from any misfortune, especially from skin ailments.

Skin diseases in dogs are an extensive group of diseases of various kinds. Skin pathologies are noted in dogs of various breeds and age groups. Each disease has its own causes, symptoms and treatment. Consider the main types of skin diseases that are most often diagnosed in dogs, their symptoms and treatment.

Important! The skin and coat of animals are one of the main indicators of the health and general condition of our pets.

The main causes of the development of dermatitis, dermatosis, skin diseases in a dog:

Skin pathologies are caused by poor-quality hygiene products (shampoos, balms), frequent washing, too thorough hair care, the use of dirty brushes, combs. Long-term medication (hormones, vitamins, immunomodulators, antibiotics), wounds, scratches through which pathogenic flora penetrates, a decrease in the barrier function of the epidermis are also common causes of dermatitis, dermatosis, and allergies.

Important! Regardless of the underlying cause, skin diseases should be treated as soon as the first characteristic symptoms appear. If the disease becomes severe, chronic, long-term, costly treatment and, in some cases, lifelong maintenance therapy may be required. In addition, some pathologies are dangerous not only for the health of dogs, but also for humans.

Skin diseases of dogs:

  • , dermatoses of various etiologies (, contact, seasonal).
  • (scabies).
  • Allergies of various etiologies.
  • Pitarosporosis ().
  • (black skin disease);
  • Skin cancer.

In dogs with skin folds on their bodies (shar-pei, mastiffs, bulldogs), the inflammatory process often affects these parts of the body.

  • First, rashes appear.
  • The skin turns red, begins to peel off, covered with small spots.
  • Pain is noted on palpation.
  • An unpleasant sour smell emanates from the body.
  • The dog becomes lethargic, inactive.
  • In severe cases, the temperature rises by one to two degrees from the norm.

In order to prevent serious complications and take the necessary measures in time, it is necessary to know the causes of development and the main symptoms of skin diseases, most often diagnosed in our smaller brothers.

Fungal skin diseases in dogs

Fungal skin lesions () - an extensive group of skin diseases caused by mold, yeast dermatophytes (dermatomycetes). Fungi in small quantities live on wool, in the auricles, on the body of animals. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms show their activity only in the presence of favorable factors that contribute to their active development and reproduction.

Important! Puppies, young, adult dogs with a weakened immune system, individuals suffering from chronic pathologies and diseases are most susceptible to dermatophytosis.

Fungal spores are ubiquitous in nature. They can be on plants, grass, ground surface, water, as well as on shoes, clothes of the owner, household items. Under favorable conditions, they remain active for 20-25 months. Favorable conditions for their development and reproduction are humid environments.

Most often, dogs suffer from ringworm, trichophytosis, microsporia. Each disease causes a certain type of pathogenic fungi.


Ringworm in dogs is a mycosis caused by dermatophyte fungi from the genus Trichophyton, which affect the hair follicle and skin. Infection with ringworm occurs mainly by contact or household means.

Important! Ringworm is a highly contagious, rapidly spreading fungal disease. Refers to zooanthropozoonoses. Transmitted from animals to humans. Fungal spores are quite resistant to external factors, some types of disinfectants and for a long time retain the ability to become infected.

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A dog with a stable immune defense can avoid infection with lichen. Therefore, the risk group includes:

  • weakened by diseases, infections of the dog;
  • puppies with fragile immunity;
  • animals diagnosed with chronic pathologies, inflammatory diseases;
  • miniature, dwarf breeds of dogs, since the fungus spreads very quickly over the entire surface of the body.


The severity and intensity of the manifestation of symptoms depends on age, physiological, individual indicators, stage, severity of the disease. The duration of the incubation period is from 10 days to a month or more.

  • At the beginning of the disease, the disease can proceed without itching.
  • A small rash, dandruff appears on small areas of the body.
  • The skin is inflamed, flaky, rough.
  • The area of ​​the site increases as the disease progresses.
  • The condition of the coat is deteriorating. It becomes brittle, dull.

After a while, dry brown or dark red crusts appear. If they are torn off, oozing pus that has an unpleasant odor. The area of ​​damage is constantly increasing. Small foci merge and form extensive, hairless, inflamed areas on the dog's body. From that moment on, the disease goes into a neglected form.

The dog experiences anxiety, itching, constantly licks the affected areas. A slight increase in temperature is possible due to inflammation developing in the surface layers of the dermis. Appetite decreases, activity decreases. The dog gets tired quickly, refuses outdoor games, reacts sluggishly to stimuli.


Treatment of ringworm, like any other skin mycoses, should be started at an early stage of their development. Drugs, methods of therapy will be prescribed by the attending veterinarian, based on the results of the diagnosis.

When making a diagnosis, the anamnesis data, clinical manifestations are taken into account:

  • For laboratory tests, skin scrapings, wool from damaged areas are taken.
  • Apply special tests, do bakposevy.
  • An accurate diagnosis is made after irradiation with a Wood's lamp. The affected areas, if the dog has lichen, are highlighted in light green.

Treatment for lichen in dogs

  • If baldness has affected large areas of the body, Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Grisofulvin, and other tablet preparations are prescribed for oral administration. The dosage, frequency of administration, duration of the treatment course will be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Attention is paid to strengthening the immune system with vitamin, mineral complexes, supplements (Ribotan, Immunofan, Vetom-1), elimination of symptoms of secondary concomitant diseases.

home remedies

With regards to alternative medicine methods used at home (birch tar, preparations containing sulfur, herbal decoctions), they are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian, as an addition to the main therapy.

Remember! Folk remedies give good results only in the initial stages of the development of a skin disease. They are best used as a preventive measure.

It is mandatory to carry out a thorough cleaning in the house, disinfect bowls, ammunition, hygiene products. Wool from the affected areas is burned. In case of severe infection, it is better to replace the bedding, toys, brushes, bowls with new ones.

Trichophytosis, microsporia

Symptoms of trichophytosis, microsporia in dogs are almost the same as with ringworm. The difference is only in the nature, form of lesions. With microsporia, hairless areas of an oval shape.

Important! Trichophytosis is transmitted to humans from a sick animal, microporia does not pose a danger to people.


  • In severe forms of the disease, pathogenic fungi affect not only the coat, but also the skin of the paw pads, the near-elbow bed.
  • It is difficult for the dog to move because of the pain symptom that causes inflammation.
  • The dog gets tired quickly after a short activity, limps, is very depressed.


  • In the treatment, fungicidal complex medicines, antifungal shampoos (Nizoral, Dermazole) are used.
  • Symptomatic drugs (antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, hormones), vitamins, as well as drugs that accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and stimulate hair growth are prescribed.

Important! Allergy is a protective reaction of the body to the action of adverse factors, foreign agents.

Symptoms and manifestations of allergies

Symptoms, signs of allergies and the intensity of their manifestation depend on the degree of exposure to the allergen, its quantity, age, and the state of the immune system. As a rule, all allergic skin diseases occur with itching. The dog becomes restless, constantly combing out the itchy area. Wounds, scratches, scratches, small pustules appear on the body, which can become a gateway for the penetration of pathogenic agents, pathogenic flora. That is why, against the background of allergies, viral-bacterial and other concomitant minor pathologies and diseases develop.

Read also: Ligament rupture in a dog: causes, types and first aid

Allergy symptoms in dogs:

  • severe itching, anxiety;
  • poor condition of the coat;
  • decrease in activity;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • unstable temperature;
  • weakness, drowsiness, depression;
  • hairless areas on the body.

If an infection gets into wounds, scratches, damage to the skin, acute purulent inflammation develops, which can affect the deep layers of the epidermis. Body temperature rises, serous, mucous exudate is released from the eyes, nose. The animal becomes lethargic, apathetic, depressed.

Food allergies disrupt the digestive tract. Diarrhea, followed by constipation. The dog refuses to eat, offered treats, loses weight, looks very weakened, emaciated. The coat becomes dull, loses its luster, falls out in shreds.

In atopic dermatitis, the hair follicles become inflamed. A lot of bald spots appear on the body with coarsened, hyperemic, flaky skin. Inflammation develops quite quickly, as indicated by the appearance of small vesicles, blisters filled with cloudy exudate. The inflammatory process can affect all layers of the epidermis, which will significantly affect the condition of the dog.

Allergies disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and respiratory systems. Convulsions, muscle spasms, fever, shortness of breath, frequent attacks of dry cough, arrhythmia are noted. In severe cases, due to strong exposure to the allergen, anaphylactic shock may develop.

Allergy Treatment in Dogs

The first step is to eliminate the main source of allergies, create favorable conditions for the pet and proper care.

Treatment consists of:

  • The use of antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine), ointments, creams, gels that relieve inflammation, accelerate tissue regeneration, and block allergic reactions.
  • Assign antiseptic solutions, homeopathic remedies.
  • The veterinarian also prescribes to the animal fortifying, symptomatic drugs, vitamins (Zoovit, Kanvit, Balance)

In case of food allergies, the diet is adjusted, a therapeutic diet, special therapeutic and prophylactic ready-made feeds are prescribed. Therapy can be supplemented with folk remedies, which will be prescribed by the attending veterinarian. Some dogs, due to their breed, genetic predisposition, are prone to allergies, so they are prescribed lifelong maintenance therapy. Owners must follow all the instructions and recommendations of the veterinarian to avoid allergic attacks and manifestations in their beloved pet.

Dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is another group of diseases commonly diagnosed in dogs. Manifested by inflammation of the skin, damage to the hair follicles.

Dermatitis is manifested by the appearance of foci of inflammation on the body. On the pet's skin, you can notice small red vesicles filled with liquid, abscesses, and long-term non-healing wounds. Pustules, small purple blisters appear on the lips, chin, in the groin area, on the dog's stomach. As dermatitis progresses, extensive lesions appear on the dog's body, hairless inflamed areas. The dog experiences itching, pain syndrome. Inflammation affects all layers of the skin and gradually moves into the deep areas of the epidermis.

Important! With dermatitis of any etiology, the barrier and other functions of the epidermis are disturbed, which can cause the development of systemic disorders.

Treatment of dermatitis depends primarily on the underlying cause, nature, severity of the disease.

  • Apply bactericidal agents, antiseptics, antihistamines.
  • The affected areas are treated with anti-inflammatory agents for external treatment.
  • In severe cases, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • severe itching, restless behavior;
  • small red rash;
  • seals on the skin;
  • scratches, scratches, wounds, long-healing festering tongues;
  • decrease in activity;
  • dandruff, crusts, dry scabs on the body;
  • allergy.

Symptoms develop gradually. If the dog has a strong immune system, signs of illness may not be noticed immediately. In dogs, flea dermatitis, sarcoptic mange, and demodicosis are most often diagnosed.

Flea dermatitis

The bite sites are swollen. Small blisters, pustules, red rash, dandruff appear. The dog itches, shows anxiety, scratches, gnaws at the skin. Wool fades, becomes brittle. An infection gets into the wounds, which can provoke pyoderma, abscesses, purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the dermis. With a strong invasion, hair falls out.

Skin diseases in dogs are becoming more common these days. The reason is in many aspects: improper and malnutrition, deterioration of the ecological atmosphere of the air, sedentary lifestyle, crossing with infected individuals. Often skin diseases in animals manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions of the skin to disease.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

At the slightest change in the hairline of a dog, they turn to a veterinary clinic to conduct the necessary tests and make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Here are some common skin conditions in dogs. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

If skin diseases appear in dogs , The symptoms are classified into 3 groups.

  1. Excruciating itching, in which the dog scratches the body to abrasions and scratches.
  2. The appearance of neoplasms on the skin: plaques of different sizes and colors, warts, blisters. On the damaged body, the dog develops peeling, redness of the skin, turning into baldness.
  3. If an infection or microbes gets on the damaged areas of the skin, the dog's skin becomes inflamed, swollen and festering.

Skin diseases in dogs are dangerous for animals and humans. It is important to provide timely medical care to your pet.

Treatment of skin diseases

Selected simple diseases of dogs, skin diseases can be cured at home.

Healing properties has a home flower - aloe. Aloe juice applied to damaged dog skin will relieve itching, discomfort and burning sensation. Aloe juice is easy to squeeze out on your own or buy a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy.

Decoctions of herbs have similar actions: medicinal chamomile, calendula, echinacea. The drugs reduce pain in the dog, relieve inflammation and eliminate microbial suppuration on the skin.

These funds are used exclusively in the initial stages of the development of the disease. If complex skin diseases are observed in dogs, treatment is carried out in a veterinary clinic. The doctor, before prescribing drugs, is obliged to conduct a complete diagnosis of the alleged disease, take the appropriate skin tests and blood tests, remove a scraping from the dog's skin. After determining the exact diagnosis of the disease, an effective treatment is prescribed.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease cannot be made solely by visual examination. You will need to conduct laboratory studies of the dog's hairline.

If the doctor, after looking at the dog, immediately prescribes medication, you can not treat the dog under the guidance of such a doctor. Remember, improper treatment can lead to the death of the animal.

Preventive measures

Often dog diseases are associated with improper maintenance and care. It is necessary to fulfill simple conditions so that the pet remains healthy and cheerful.

Do not let your four-legged friend suffer, remain a responsible owner.

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