Feedback on a trip to the healers in the Philippines, deception. Philippine healers - truth or medical fraud? Surgery without a scalpel by hand


The following is the account of a person who witnessed a practice common in the Philippines, where remnants of African culture still survive:

"I spent two years (1976-1977) with my husband in this amazing, magical world. And the most amazing of what I saw here were Filipino healers. I happened to get to know seven of them better - get to know their families, lifestyle, see their work, assist in operations.

My acquaintance began with Holen Morgaite and David Elizalde, quite famous people. Holen (a Greek by nationality) was the first foreign healer. She arrived in the islands from Australia, where she was treated with the laying on of hands. She believed that this gift came to her from birth, and the "prophetic voice" showed her the way to healing. He often talked to her, gave advice on how and what to do, and in 1972 ordered her to drop everything and go to the Philippines, which she did.

Forever imprinted in my memory was the first quasi-operation I saw performed by Holen Morgaite. It was a cure for chronic sinusitis in a patient who had come from Australia. On this day, he stood behind me in the general mass of inquisitive people near the "operating table", pale, agitated, uneasily asking me (knowing that I was a doctor) should I have an operation or not. He suffered from chronic sinusitis for 20 years and was unsuccessfully treated with frequent sinus punctures. He pinned his last hope for recovery on Filipino healers. I advised him to take the risk. After a moment's thought, he gave a restless gasp and quickly sat down in the operating chair. Holen, smiling, greeted his impulse, touching her nose, quickly smeared the bridge of her nose with a solution of turpentine, moistened her fingers with it, pinched the bridge of her nose between the second and third bent fingers, made two sliding downward movements, and a stream of bloody mass gushed into the substituted tray. Continuing to squeeze the blood out of her nose, she removed pieces of tissue from there. The tray quickly filled up. Holen then made the same movements with her fingers, but only in the opposite direction (to the base of the nose), and the bleeding stopped instantly. The patient took a deep breath and spat out a bloody mass from his mouth. With the same quick movements, Holen blew some kind of powder into the patient's nose with a rubber spray, forced him to take a few breaths through his nose, and let go. The patient breathed through his nose for the first time in many years and left the room with a frightened face. I was just as dumbfounded.

It so happened that my husband became the "pioneer" of Holen's operating services in our Russian colony. Even before the trip to the Philippines, doctors discovered he had an ulcer in his stomach and duodenum. Having examined it. Holen strongly suggested surgery. He agreed. Everything happened as I described above. The husband himself commented on the operation sparingly: “It doesn’t hurt, it’s not scary, but there is little pleasure.” A few days after the operation, the pain in the stomach subsided. For the next two years, they did not bother him, he ate everything and drank everything.

A year later, while on vacation in Moscow, the husband again underwent a complete examination - even traces of ulcers disappeared.

I was constantly interested in the question: how does Holen explain his healing abilities? She said: “I am a deeply religious woman. I can make contact with the cosmos, my patron, and even with God. Every day I pray a lot and ask for healing spiritual power. I have a good mood and excellent health. health, bad mood, bad sleep, if he does not serve God well, then he will not have the necessary spiritual strength, and he has no right to engage in healing.

I was told that there are no more than 300 famous healers in the Philippines, of which 4-5 people live in the capital. Among them, Virgilio Gutierrez is a healer, as they say, from God. My acquaintance with him lasted a whole year. We have established the most kind, friendly relations. I knew that Virgilio is 39 years old, he is a native Filipino, a yogi, every year he visits India, where he continues to improve yoga, train his body and spirit; is famous outside the Philippines, was in Japan, Germany and the United States. According to him, he began to study healing at the age of seven, and by the age of 20 he was fully formed as a healer and could already operate. I happened to see about a hundred operations performed by him, twice experience this art of his on myself and conduct small experimental studies with him. In addition, he has repeatedly provided assistance to our sailors.

In general, it seemed to me that he did not know what it was to refuse. In his house, he opened a real educational institution for healers, in which they could conduct receptions if they wished, and on Sundays his house turned into a prayer temple. Gutierrez himself received patients three times a week, the rest of the time he spent in the mountains, in nature. He ate food once a day, strictly observing all fasts. He successfully operated in rubber gloves, could perform all manipulations with his eyes closed, healed not only people, but also animals, and had the ability to activate plant growth. The range of his abilities was unusually wide. He said that the ability to enter a trance and get out of it at the right time helps him to maintain them, that yoga classes give a lot.

Gutierrez treated deafness, cholecystitis, sinusitis, gastritis, sciatica, eczema, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, kidney stones, peptic ulcer, varicose veins, etc.

I would like to tell you about one operation that shocked me.

Just before my departure for Moscow, when all my films had run out, I came in the morning to the Gutierrez clinic. At this time, a man appeared, who was led by relatives. He was very pale and could hardly walk. He was quickly placed on the couch. Gutierrez examined the patient and said: "An ulcer in the intestines, bleeding a little" - and began to prepare the patient for the operation. He leveled the general field of the patient for a long time, then lubricated the stomach with specially prepared coconut oil and, as usual, with quick movements of the fingers parted the skin, then the subcutaneous tissue, allocated a place for opening the peritoneum, made several movements with his fingers over the peritoneum.

There was a whistling noise ... and the intestines were exposed.

Gutierrez quickly began to sort through the loops of the intestines, like a real surgeon, until he found an ulcer in the initial segment of the colon. He showed it to me. In appearance, it was a small cone-shaped elevation, slightly swollen. The healer moved his fingers over it for several seconds, making his passes, and lowered the intestines into the abdominal cavity. Then everything went as in a normal quasi-operation - quickly and consistently. After 8-10 minutes it was all over. The patient continued to lie on the couch, pale, with a face covered with perspiration, spoke quietly, was very weak. After 30 minutes, he got up and, relying on his relatives, went home. Previously, the relatives received a bottle of herbal infusion from Gutierrez. Two days later, I came to finally say goodbye, and again saw this patient.

He looked healthy, showed no complaints, and came in order to take another dose of herbal infusion. Gutierrez advised him not to engage in physical work for another month and to continue taking the herbal infusion.

Here, at Gutierrez's, I met a healer from Switzerland who introduced herself as Ursula from Bern. She had lived in Manila for six years, was constantly with Gutierrez, often visited his house, ran his household, assisted him in all operations, having one desire - to learn the secret of quasi-operations and master them. She believed that the reason for her failures was that Gutierrez did not want to reveal his secret to her. This made her very sad. I then spoke about this more than once with many local healers. They saw the main reason for the failures of Europeans (whites) in the development of quasi-operations only in the thinking of a white person. Europeans are no longer so closely connected with nature, they cannot completely dissolve in it. They are less connected with God, with the cosmos. Their thinking is analytical, critical, there is a lot of distrust in it. And this does not give them the opportunity to be "children" of nature, accept it as it is, and live according to the laws of the universe.

However, for a Filipino, the path to healing is far from simple and, of course, not everyone discovers its secrets. I remember meeting one of the strongest healers of that time, Josephine Saison. She lived in a remote rural area, 250 kilometers from the capital. Our small group - my son and I and ex-world chess champion Boris Spassky and his wife Marina - took a long time to get to her and arrived only in the evening, when there were no more patients and the healer was resting. Josephine greeted us cordially, and a frank conversation gradually ensued. As always, two questions were of particular interest to us:

"How did you become a healer and how does the quasi-surgery work?" “I chose my path for a long, painful time,” Josephine began her story. “Almost all my peers had already made their choice, and I was still tormented every day by uncertainty. On one of those days, I suddenly felt some kind of inner prompt : "Be a healer. I immediately believed in my destiny and began to prepare myself for it." She was only fourteen years old when the teachers made up a whole program for her. She had to go to the mountains for 6 months, pray there all day long, fast for 42 days, be silent for 42 days, not showing any concern for her body. “I really wanted to do all this, but I didn’t have enough endurance, will. After 2-3 weeks, the program broke down, and I had to start all over again. This was repeated 5 times. Only the sixth time I defeated it. Exhausted, returning to the village, I approached to the church and saw a beggar. And suddenly it turned out that I see all his insides. They were black. A prophetic voice told me: "Go to him and heal." What happened next, I don't remember.

It was hard for Josephine to endure the gift that was discovered in her - he frightened, disturbed, for several days she experienced terrible weakness. After that, she began to accept other patients. At first, no more than two people a day. After taking it, she felt like she was sick. This went on for several years. Explaining her condition, Josephine says: "My body served as a channel through which the Holy Spirit acted on the sick. The Holy Spirit is strong, it weakens the body." Now she is a healthy, strong, self-confident healer. Can accept any number of patients. She can diagnose with her "inner vision" and treat by laying on hands and pressing on biologically active points, doing quasi-operations. The entire district (within a radius of 150 km) is now treated only by her, and the peasants treat their livestock from her.

I experienced her art of operating on myself. I had residual thrombophlebitis on my right shin. Saison examined the leg, and before I had time to agree to the operation, I felt the rapid penetration of the nails into the skin and saw the opening of the wound.

I felt dizzy, nauseous, and I asked to suspend the operation and close the wound. In a voice that brooked no objections, Syson replied: "Calm down, everything is going according to the program." After 5-7 minutes everything was finished. After 30 minutes, the leg began to hurt unbearably, there was a burning sensation at the site of the operation, but after 5-6 hours all these phenomena disappeared. True, when I measured the electric potential of Chinese biologically active points at the operation site the next day, the indicators were maximum. They returned to normal only after three days.

On the second run, I took the risk of having her operated on for an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis. Food in the Philippines is spicy, cooked with a lot of spices, seasonings, everything is fried in coconut oil. And most Europeans with liver disease in the tropics don't do well. I well remembered the discomfort from the first operation, but the pain in the gallbladder did not go away. Josefina welcomed my decision, willingly examined my liver, and, fussing about, began to prepare for the operation.

However, I categorically refused the bloody operation. Then she suggested a gentle, bloodless treatment option.

From a wall cabinet, she took a jar of coconut oil and said, "It's a healing oil processed by my hands seven times. I use it on special occasions, but I use it for you." She rubbed the cotton wool soaked in it with quick movements of her fingers under the skin in the area of ​​the gallbladder, then slowly turned me on my stomach and, as it were, squeezed this cotton wool out of the skin on my back from the point where the pain gave off. Josephine showed me this fleece, and I was surprised at how wrinkled, wrung out, and dry it was. I felt no pain, no discomfort. The mood was good. But on the way home, after about 30-40 minutes, I again felt unbearable pain in my gallbladder, after another hour I was no longer sitting because of the pain, but was lying in the car.

After 6 hours, the pain subsided, and I felt quite tolerable. True, when in the next three months, discarding all precautions, I greedily pounced on Philippine spices, the pains resumed - apparently, my body was still not adapted to such food.

Summing up the objective material I have, my personal observations, impressions, research data of well-known enthusiastic scientists, I can say with full confidence that Philippine quasi-operations are not a myth and not tricks of clever illusionists, but a real practice. According to my observations, in about 70 percent of cases there is a significant improvement, and in some cases a complete recovery of the patient.

Externally, quasi-operations look simple. An unfamiliar patient from the general flow of patients lies down on the table and exposes the sore spot. To begin with, the healer creates a powerful homogeneous field around the patient with hand passes (or maybe creates a single field with the patient), then puts his hands on the sore spot and, as it were, gropes for "something", orients himself, hands freeze at one point. The healer concentrates his consciousness (enters a trance), then after a few seconds makes a sharp throw of his palms deep into the body.

At the same time, he makes fast, vibrating, translational movements with his fingers. He introduces the first phalanges of the fingers into the skin, then light, tearing and moving movements of the fingers deep into the skin are felt. Then the edges of the wound begin to move apart, and the first blood appears. By removing it with a cotton swab, you can see the formed cone-shaped wound and the underlying tissues, which bleed less than the skin itself. The healer's fingers work so fast that it is rather difficult to follow and comprehend what follows what.

Only the conscious division of the operation into fragments, long-term observation, supplemented by personal feelings of the transferred operations, gave me the opportunity to comprehend what was happening. I shared my findings with the healers, telling them the sequence of their actions at the time of the operation, they were very surprised. Their consciousness did not fix this sequence. All hand movements, they believe, are controlled by someone from within them, everything is done at some subconscious level. Closing the wound occurs by moving the fingers and palms of the same nature with even greater speed, but in the opposite direction (outward). The edges of the wound seem to stretch behind the fingers and take their place at the time of leaving, so it is difficult to trace what depends on what. The viscous consistency of the skin disorients the observer.

The healer makes the last, control movements of the fingers along the connected edges of the wound, and the site of the operation is cleared of blood. On the skin after closing the edges of the wound in the first seconds, one can still notice (against a background of slight redness) only a whitish, slightly raised scar, which turns pale and disappears after a few seconds. If you slightly delay the moment of cleansing the operation site from the blood, then the scar can no longer be seen. There are no traces of the operation left. Over the next 2-3 hours, the surgical field experiences a burning sensation and increased skin sensitivity. Pain sometimes appears later and does not last long. The patient himself at the time of the operation is pale, agitated, often covered in perspiration, there is a bright vegetative reaction. He perceives questions as coming from afar, answers them in monosyllables and reluctantly. The patient begins to move actively immediately, but he is still recommended to rest in silence for at least 30 minutes.

After following all the recommendations, the patient returns to his relatively normal state in about an hour and goes home. The operation time can vary - from 3 to 15 minutes. If we divide it into phases, then it takes no more than 30 seconds to form a wound, the same amount to close, the rest of the time remains directly for bloody intervention.

Healers penetrate the patient's body in different ways.

There are quite a lot of methods of intervention, it depends on the healer's understanding of the content of the disease, on his natural destiny, the state of his energy, the ability to operate and enter a trance state. All healers are divided into three groups. The first healers who operate on the patient, being in a state of trance all the time. They work automatically, as if not seeing anything, they do not answer questions, they do everything quickly. They are very sensitive to various external influences. For example, the healer Torte at the time of the operation fainted from a flash of lightning. The second group of healers enters a trance only at the initial moment, and then they turn on, become contact, you can talk with them, they answer questions (Josephine Syson). The third group of healers is able to enter a trance for seconds, and then directs all healing energy only into the hands (Aglae, Mercado Marcello).

There is a group of healers who cut tissues at a distance without touching the patient's body.

For example, Juan Blanca opens the patient's skin with one dissecting movement of the index finger, located above the patient at a distance of 15-20 centimeters. A small (2 cm) wound is formed, over which droplets of blood slowly appear. Almost all patients experience a slight pain, as if the skin was cut. Then the pain disappears. The entire further treatment process is carried out through a two-centimeter incision. Wound healing proceeds as with a conventional incised wound. Sometimes Juan can take a stranger's finger in his hands and make an incision in the patient's skin with it. He says that in this way he confirms that biological energy is easily transferred to another person by touching the healer's hand and can fulfill his will. He has no complications in wound healing. The incredulous Americans checked Blanc's fingers many times to see if there were any cutting tools in there. - but found nothing.

Healers prepare themselves for the working day in different ways.

Some preliminarily, three hours before the operations, perform liturgical hymns at home, read prayers, passages from the Bible. At the same time, the following words are necessarily pronounced: "O You, the Great, Infinite Power. You, the great Flame of life, of which I am only a spark. I surrender to Your Healing Power, so that it flows through me and strengthens, restores and heals this person. Give Your Strength to penetrate me so that this person feels Your vital Energy, Strength and Life and can manifest it in the person of Health, Strength and Energy. Make me a worthy channel of Your Strength and use me for Good. The world will be with Your healing work. " Usually at such hours, ointments, medicines, and water are laid out on the healer's table, which the sick bring the day before to feed their spiritual energy. There are healers who perform prayers and other ritual ceremonies throughout the night. This gives them healing power for the whole day. There are healers who perform a prayer service just before the operation itself.

In 1973, Professor Schibler and Professor Kirzgezer observed how the healer Blanca imitated an injection of energy into a patient. One of the professors tested this injection on himself. On the skin of the shoulder where the injection was made, there was a trace and even a small hemorrhage. On another occasion, scientists placed paper foil in the path of the injection. She was pierced.

So, the power of the energy was great. With such an injection, the patient almost always feels pain. Before the injection, the healer touches the plain text of the Bible with his right hand, claiming that in this way he takes energy from there, and forms his fingers, as for working with a syringe, then through an imaginary syringe injects energy into the patient's body. This procedure is done several times. Some healers give two to four injections to prepare the patient for surgery. Almost all healers feed the patient with their energy before the operation, although they do it in different ways. It is believed that patients acquire greater endurance and resistance to the disease. It seems to me that this procedure is also important for the healer - it creates confidence that his intervention will be successful, that the patient's body will respond to this by mobilizing its energy forces.

I cannot but tell you about an interesting, in my opinion, conversation with the healer Max. I was very interested in the question of the presence of energy in healers, which they supposedly feel and which they freely own. To the question "How do you manipulate your energy?" Max said the following:

"Yes, we own energy, we feel it very much, and it is created in the head, as a result of prayers. The right side of the body generates positive energy, the left - negative." They can easily change the direction of energy and its charge. In the Philippines, all healers mostly work with positive energy. If we compare these quasi-operations with ordinary ones, then the difference between them is obvious. Conventional surgery mechanically eliminates the cause of the disease and thus helps to restore the normal function of the organ. Quasi-operation does not always do this. Often, the healer directly affects the diseased organ with his energy, which restores its normal state. For example, in the treatment of appendicitis, the healer opens the abdominal cavity and removes the appendix outward not at all to remove it, but to directly influence it with energy. Making a light massage with their fingers, they free the appendix from the contents, after which they return it to its original place. A day later, there is an improvement, and then recovery. This was repeatedly confirmed during the control examination by certified doctors.

The fact is that with quasi-operations, the purpose of the intervention is different than in conventional surgery. It consists in restoring the pathologically altered function of the organ, creating favorable conditions for stimulating the body, which itself overcomes its diseases. If anything is removed during quasi-operations, it is pieces of adipose or connective tissue, lymph nodes, blood clots, etc. Healers say that they personify the disease, and by removing them, healers remove the person’s disease.

The procedure for removing teeth looks amazing. She literally stuns both patients and observers. I remember such a scene. Patients sit waiting for help. Among them are several people with toothache. A healer walks along the rows and asks who is worried about what. One of the seated opens his mouth and shows a bad tooth. The healer, looking into the mouth, touches the tooth and goes on. After 5 minutes, he comes back and asks in surprise why the patient continues to sit with his mouth open, because the bad tooth has already been removed.

One common character trait of all healers is striking - will and perseverance, the desire to help the patient. In the first days of my acquaintance with healers, I somehow asked one of them to do all the manipulations that he performs with a patient on me. "Does anything hurt you?" - he asked. And when he found out that my request was caused by curiosity, he said: "Unfortunately, this is impossible, since healthy people do not cause me a surge of healing energy." This desire (will) to heal the patient directs the "vibrational" wave of the healer to the desired point, and this is how the healing effect is achieved. There are healers who have a healing effect through 2-3 channels (larynx, eyes, breathing, etc.). These are generalists, super-gifted people. This is a special conversation.

I often asked healers: how do they determine what kind of treatment a patient needs, what do they base on when they offer this or that intervention? I remember Gutierrez's answer: "Examining a patient is like listening to music. It itself sets the mind in a certain way. One laughs from the music he listens to, the other is sad, the third is excited, and so on. Everything happens apart from our consciousness, the subconscious mind works here. "

N. LOPATENKO. HEALERS: ON THE VERGE OF THE INCORRECT In 1939, an event occurred in one of the Krasnodar scientific laboratories, the significance of which at that time was not properly assessed, which is quite natural? not only in the USSR, but also in the West. Having completed the difficult cycle of scientific

Who are they, healers? Alexander Grigoriev, psycho-energy therapist, continues the story: – The entire medical practice of the Philippines can be divided into orthodox medicine (which is licensed by the government and uses classical forms of treatment) and spiritual

Hello dear readers. I am glad to welcome you again on the pages of my blog. Philippine healers, fact or fiction - read my review about the treatment and exposure of the so-called surgeons without knives. I returned from a trip where I personally experienced this miracle healing technique and now I want to share my impressions with you and tell everything as it is. Watch the video or read the article. I will be glad if you leave your comment and share your thoughts about these so-called “doctors”.

trip to the philippines

Quite a tiring flight from Moscow to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, with a transfer in Istanbul. Our team all gathered at the Manila airport. We all arrived on different flights from different countries. With someone we flew together from Moscow, someone joined in Istanbul, and a couple more people flew in from Bali. Having rented a car, we went deep into the mainland, to the town of Urdaneta. Confused listening to the stories of our friends who had already been there, mixed feelings reigned in our group. I initially questioned everything, but I wanted to see the miracle with my own eyes, others believed in this healing technique and hoped to solve their health problems.

Two well-known healers in their circles, Esther Bravo and Aurelia, live in Urdanet. That's where we were headed. We arrived late at night and settled in some kind of resort, not far from Urdaneta, but the next day we moved to a cottage that we rented from the healer Esther, from whom we actually planned to undergo procedures.

Treatment with healer Esther Bravo in the Philippines

In the morning we did not have time for treatment, and we came to the second block, which began at 16.00. All procedures are carried out in the church. Esther Bravo is the leader of this church, a preacher and a "doctor" healer all rolled into one. Esther in a white coat, reads a short sermon about the need to believe in the Lord and the Lord can heal all diseases, reads something from the Bible, prays and then begins treatment sessions.

Photo and video shooting in the church is prohibited, but when no one was there, I took a couple of pictures.

People, visitors sit on benches and take numbers, Esther calls these numbers for a session.
Ahead of us were 2 women from Europe, not exactly sure where, but apparently from Switzerland. Then we followed, all in turn. During the procedures, when they are done to your friends, you are allowed to come up and look at what is happening.

The first thing that bothered me was that the healer starts the treatment with a closed palm. That is, the hand dives under the table and from there it appears with clenched fingers and the knifeless operation immediately begins. Blood appears, it extracts something from the body, after which the blood is wiped off and there are no traces of interference.

When it was my turn, I was no longer satisfied with what I saw, although the other members of our expedition were fascinated by what was happening. I shared my doubts, but in order not to whip up skepticism on others, I did not argue, but simply observed.
They also performed a so-called operation on my stomach, they wiped off the blood and I left. But during the treatment procedure, this blood inadvertently spilled over my stomach and got on my underwear, leaving a large stain. I kept this linen, having decided to make an examination.

I felt absolutely nothing. All these stories that people allegedly feel that they are penetrated inside - I consider nothing more than great imagination and self-hypnosis from the sight of blood.

The next day we went back to the sessions and I shared my doubts with one of our team members. In the church we met a Russian guy, we even became friends with him - he turned out to be a good person. He volunteers and lives close to Esther, assisting her in her preaching mission. We expressed our doubts to him and asked the healer to show her open palms before starting the operation. He conveyed our request to her, she said ok, but in fact everything went as usual))) And moreover, the healer already suspected my distrust, and after she did not show her palm while doing a session to me, my friend lay down on the table, and I kept a close eye on what was happening. She did not give him a session, she said that his heart was beating strongly, but it was not so, he felt great. My doubts intensified. Ahead of us was an acquaintance with another healer, but to complete the review of Esther's treatment, I will tell you the last episode.

Our team was divided into two camps)) Me and another person already strongly questioned everything that happened there, the other three continued to believe. We shared our doubts with the Russian guy, the volunteer I mentioned above.

We had three complaints:

  • Clenched fingers at the beginning of the procedure
  • You can not enter from the side of the healer during the session
  • Do not give the extracted material and tissue with blood to the patient.

As you remember, I still hid one element of my clothes, which no one except our team knew about.

Our doubts were conveyed to the healer and she told me to come to the session and she would give me everything that she would extract from my body. I even began to worry a little that she would make a real incision on me, I talked about this in more detail in the video, the link to which is at the top of this article. But my fears were in vain, the healer did not conduct a session for me, she said that I no longer needed a session. Thus, once again confirmed our points, which I mentioned above.

Hiler Aurelia, Urdaneta

Literally next door, lives the second healer. She accepts exclusively on Saturdays. She has quite a few local visitors. It is less popular among foreigners, but sometimes groups from Europe and Russia come to see it.
Everything happens approximately according to the same scenario, first a short sermon, prayers and then the beginning of the sessions. Aurelia allowed us to film the video, on the condition that we didn't film her face. Her sessions look more spectacular, she takes out various pieces of organs, blood clots, etc. Since I had already come for the specific purpose of taking the extracted material with me, I was not impressed by all this. I took what I came for and left this place. Aurelia saw my distrust and even said so during the session, you can hear it on the video.

Examination and exposure

Returning to Moscow, I began to look for laboratories that would accept the samples I brought for examination. As a result, I found the state forensic medical examination and passed everything there. I had several samples. A piece of linen that Esther stained with blood. Pieces of bandages with blood, which I discreetly took after the sessions with Aurelia. And the cotton swab with blood, with which we wiped our friend's stomach, did not completely remove the blood from his stomach. There were a few drops left, which we carefully wiped off with a cotton swab and took it with us.

The study lasted several days and here is the result:

No human blood was found on the test samples, the blood belongs to a pig.

The power of self-hypnosis and faith can work wonders with people. no one has canceled yet. And all these tricks with blood are called only to strengthen faith in this process.

Evidence of deception

I shared my personal experience, and you decide for yourself whether you should spend your time and money on trips to Philippine healers, who supposedly cure all diseases.

That's all, thanks for your attention.
Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

  • Hernia treatment
  • Other diseases (myoma, pancreatitis, mastopathy, infertility)
  • Virgilio will help you in solving a number of other problems:

    • removes the negative impact (damage and evil eye)
    • cleans and harmonizes the biofield
    • works with chakras
    • puts defense
    • helps in business and relationships
    • provides psychological assistance

    Healers are not doctors in the literal sense of the word - they do not heal themselves. Healing energy flows through them, through their hands. Healers, being guides, are able to heal almost any disease. The healer only needs to tune in well to this channel and ensure the maximum flow of healing power so that it enters the body and energy shell of the person who has asked for help without resistance. The more a person is tuned to the effectiveness of help, the better the result, since there are no energy blocks on his part that prevent the penetration of healing power.

    Each case is private, and the healer will undertake to help or not, it will become clear only when he first looks at the photograph of the person. Usually, it is possible to identify common cases when the healer does not refuse help: arthritis, infertility, adenomas and all types of diseases of the genitourinary system, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases of the ear, throat, and nose, intervertebral hernia, diseases of the nervous system, including migraines, dysfunction thyroid gland, diabetes and all pathologies of the endocrine system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system, including varicose veins and hypertension, cancer up to stage 4, various neoplasms, such as cysts, polyps, stones of various etiologies.

    Sometimes the result is immediate, but sometimes it is gradual, when the treatment is extended in time, i.e. between healing and taking a healer, a time of several months or weeks passes. Sometimes the result is incomplete, say, they helped to heal the thyroid gland, but a few roots or small nodules remained, the same with polycystic disease. But you can always re-apply to the healer. Helping, the healers do not touch the tissues of the organ itself and remove only the growth and its root, while surgical operations often remove the neoplasm along with the organ or part of it. In many cases, after healing, during which the "new formation" is deprived of its root and vitality, it "resolves" on its own. Hernias also dry up. Unlike most Filipino healers, who are reluctant to take on diseases of the organs of vision, master Virgilio Gutierrez heals cataracts, glaucoma and restores vision.

    Healers will not help in all cases

    Organs that cannot be restored. Do not splice or remove bones and skin growths. Multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy can only alleviate. They are very reluctant to take on late-stage cancers (if they are taken at all), especially after many chemotherapy treatments. They explain that they cannot start the mechanism of self-healing, as it is destroyed by chemotherapy and hormone therapy and previous operations.

    Contraindications and side effects


    • refrain from all types of meat (except fish and seafood) for the duration of treatment
    • refrain from salt and pickles (you can those products in which there is already salt, for example, bread, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.)
    • refrain from black tea and coffee (green tea and herbal tea are allowed), decaffeinated coffee or coffee with milk are also excluded
    • completely exclude alcohol for the duration of treatment, non-alcoholic beer is also completely excluded

    These requirements are common to all. On the day of diagnosis or during sessions, additional contraindications can be added individually.

    For the period of visiting Virgilio it is advisable not to visit other bioenergy sites (at the same time).

    In the case of vertebral hernias, refrain from the gym for the duration of treatment.

    In case of infertility treatment, also for the duration of treatment, we refrain from high heels, physical activity (you can do yoga and swimming), lifting weights (no more than 5 kg).

    Side effects and exacerbations

    There are no side effects, the state of health does not become worse than it was. After the sessions, there is a feeling of drowsiness, weakness, a feeling of fullness (I don’t feel like eating).

    Places (organs) that have healed can make themselves felt through a warm, pulling, aching sensation, if you touch the place, you may feel as if there is a bruise.

    An exacerbation is extremely rare and incredibly short-term (from 1 to 3 days) occurs in the following cases:

    • hypertension (pressure can jump),
    • stage 2 diabetes (sugar can rise briefly in very rare cases),
    • vertebral hernias,
    • lumbar hernia,
    • herniated vertebrae (short-term discomfort may occur),
    • gynecology (fibroids, polycystic ovaries, cysts, polyps, prolapse of the uterus) - slight pulling pains (similar to discomfort, as before the menstrual cycle) and discharge (which last no more than two days).

    Working with the thyroid gland(knots, etc.) after the procedure until the next morning, the sensation of a lump in the throat is kept.

    In case of negative impacts(evil eye, spoilage, etc.), when Virgilio removes it, symptoms similar to the onset of the flu may occur (chills, fever, drowsiness), usually in a mild form, disappearing the next day.

    Because the work, cleaning and harmonization go at all levels, many people can go cleaning (but it is more spiritual than physical). This is expressed in the desire to cry, withdraw, or the release of internal aggression (duration from 1 day to 5 days).

    For skin diseases(dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergies of various kinds) are possible:

    • exacerbation (itching, redness),
    • deterioration (in individual cases), as a rule, it takes from 1 to 14 days (some herbs or spices recommended for everyone individually can also provoke an aggravation, due to the cleansing of the body, but as soon as the days of taking the prescribed herbs or spices end, the the aggravation caused by them, the body is cleansed).

    There are so many truly fantastic rumors about the treatment of Filipino healers that it was almost impossible to believe in the truth of this phenomenon. However, after talking with the energy therapist A. Grigoriev, who visited healers many times and invited them to our country, everything began to fall into place.

    The spiritual treatment of a healer is completely different from any of the traditional methods of medical intervention. The key point of the treatment is the almost painless penetration of the healer into the human body with bare hands and the elimination of the unhealthy area (or only local saturation of the necessary organ with energy). After a healing session, absolutely no traces of the operation remain on the skin. Due to the fact that the treatment of Filipino healers is at odds with all currently known laws in the field of physics, biology and other sciences, serious researchers look at this kind of activity as a trick and mass hypnosis, discarding clear evidence and amazing results of treatment. The good thing is that in our time, special devices have finally been invented that are capable of registering subtle energies that have a serious impact on people. The results of studies organized by researchers from different countries give us grounds to firmly state that the phenomenon of energy healing really exists: such treatment does not require the use of painkillers and generally no standard surgical paraphernalia. The healing process takes up to ten minutes. In addition, neither before nor after the operation, no measures are taken to disinfect the hands of the healer and the surrounding area. During treatment, the patient does not feel discomfort or discomfort. And, as already mentioned, on the body after the intervention of the healer there are absolutely no external signs of this.

    Grigoriev witnessed a very large number of operations performed by Filipino healers, but we will only talk in detail about three cases that surprised him the most. One of them is related to the treatment of the eyes, which is considered quite difficult even in the society of healers. A healer who knows how to perform such operations enjoys authority. The researchers observed how the healer performed cataract treatment. First, the patient was laid on a couch, and the healer for some time generated a powerful energy field in the sick person's eye. Suddenly there was a quick movement of the hands of the healer to the face of the healed. He began to move his finger right inside the eye. “Watching the patient,” Grigoriev said, “I intended to meet on his part at least a hint of fear, excitement or pain, but his face remained motionless and calm, the operation really did not cause any inconvenience. Soon the healer threw the cataract film into a jar and gave it to an already healthy person. He felt great, his vision recovered immediately after the treatment.”

    Another time, a man suffering from stones in the gallbladder lay down on the table, and the healer quickly climbed into the body with the finger of his right hand, somewhere in the right hypochondrium. As soon as he did this, the audience was unable to restrain their astonished exclamations. Immediately the healer took out a stone from the man. The point of intrusion into the patient's body looked completely intact, with no visible scars or stitches.

    For the third time, a Filipino healer treated a cancer patient. It was a Japanese businessman who suffered from a cancerous tumor of the intestine. He tried long and hard to recover with traditional methods, including chemotherapy, but nothing helped. At some point, he thought about treatment with a healer. He was brought here on a stretcher, as the patient was simply unable to move independently. The treatment has been amazing. With a sharp movement, the healer opened the human body and began to work in a completely bare intestine. After a couple of minutes, the cancerous tumor was eliminated. Then several more sessions were performed to saturate the affected areas with energy. In less than three weeks, the Japanese was already firmly on his feet, smiling broadly.

    It can be said with all responsibility that this kind of treatment exists only in the Philippines. On the other hand, to say that this is a Philippine phenomenon is also incorrect. Similar healers met in the middle of the last century in Brazil. The newspapers talked about the famous doctor José Arigo. The only difference is that he used a blunt knife for his operations, while Filipino healers do everything with their own hands. It is impossible not to mention the Swiss doctor H. Naegeli, who was involved in the initial forms of energy healing. Similar techniques were used by Indonesian healers, however, I repeat, only in the Philippines they organize really high-class treatment sessions and in large quantities.

    Why are those gifted with these abilities found predominantly in the Philippines? “I don’t know why this happens, although I have a couple of hypotheses,” says Grigoriev, “Let's start with the fact that the Filipinos consider themselves children of nature and behave appropriately. They believe in its gigantic power. Back in the Middle Ages, the indigenous people of the Philippines had a strong belief in special spirits of nature inhabiting forests, mountains, lakes ... They lived side by side for many years, which made belief in spirits a matter of course. The forces of nature helped people, including in the treatment of ailments. It is said that Filipinos can feel the surrounding reality and the cosmos as a whole, and not through the five senses available to ordinary people.

    In addition, the Filipinos firmly believe that their country is part of the ancient continent of Lemuria, which sank even before the advent of the great Atlantis, and the Philippine province of Pangasinan was the heart of the Lemurian culture. According to this hypothesis, the roots of the Filipinos go back to the ancient Lemurians, who, in turn, could easily create psychic energy and dispose of it at their discretion.

    If you think that Filipino healers achieve their abilities very easily, then you are mistaken. The process of becoming a healer is very long and requires a lot of effort. It contains both spiritual education (without which it is impossible to become a healer), and special practical exercises. Healers can be trained for several decades. Of course, these difficulties cannot be ignored.

    And now let's try to find at least some logical explanation for the phenomenon of Filipino healers, based on the latest discoveries of scientists. It is necessary to analyze the energy treatment from the standpoint of the material world and assume the possibility of the presence of other layers of reality, within the boundaries of which the operations take place. Otherwise, it is impossible to interpret this phenomenon, as well as to believe in its reality. We must agree, among other things, that this is in fact a paranormal phenomenon and an unnatural physical process. We are of the opinion that Filipino healers can perform incredible manipulations due to the strong concentration of etheric energy with their hands. Their fingers take on certain characteristics, thanks to which they enter the human body without difficulty. Most likely, this energy is similar to that which yogis create around their own body when they walk through a blazing flame or over hot coals. Perhaps this is how the same karatekas break through massive cement blocks with their bare hands, creating an energy field around them. Here concentration and attention are of great importance. For example, if the healer suddenly loses his composure during the operation (due to noise or other distractions), the result will be very unpleasant. However, there are healers who can ignore any external factors, maintaining their condition even when talking with the patient.

    The famous researcher G. Sherman proposed an extremely curious theory of the electromagnetic nature of Philippine healing. Sherman believes that the healer does not dissect the cellular tissue during treatment, but separates the tissues from each other by the method of polarization. Then the positive tissues will be separated from the negative ones, which are eliminated by the healer. After that, the tissue returns to its normal state.

    German scientist A. Stelter also believes that the phenomenon of Philippine treatment is based on dematerialization and psychokinesis. He calls dematerialization bringing matter into a fundamentally new state, which goes beyond the states of the material world known to modern science (solid, liquid, etc.).

    But the most important, for sure, in the treatment is precisely the healer's manipulations with subtle energy, which spreads from the fingers and the center of the palm, leaving the material body of the patient and eliminating the diseased areas. The latest discoveries of researchers have proven that such energy has a much higher penetrating power than radio waves. In short, the way Filipino healers are treated solves a huge array of problems. It is time for medicine to renounce the classical principles of healing and accept that energy healing is much more effective.

    edited news Adele - 26-01-2012, 10:41

    Recently, when official medicine has practically lost its "human face", patients increasingly prefer alternative methods of healing. Of the many non-traditional methods of treatment that exist today, perhaps the most surprising is the art of Filipino healers (

    Someone considers these people to be truly omnipotent healers, and someone considers them to be virtuoso charlatans. Witnesses from many countries claim that the magic hands of healers really penetrate human bodies and save those who have been abandoned by traditional medicine. After these operations, no traces remain on the body of patients! ..

    So who are these people - brilliant healers or scammers?

    Healers are traditional Filipino healers who perform surgical operations without using any special tools or even gloves. At the same time, they do not use anesthetics and this also distinguishes them from other healers and especially modern surgeons. The work of healers is somewhat akin to psychosurgery, since they affect patients both physically and mentally.

    The word "healer" comes from the English "heal", which means "heal". However, this name is "local"; in the West, such healers are better known as "psychic surgeons" and "surgeons of the fourth dimension." It is clear that such names intrigue even more ingenuous inhabitants ...

    The first written references to healers date back to the 16th century and belong to members of the crew of a sea ship who ended up on a Philippine island and witnessed magical healing there. One of the sailors was lucky enough to experience this miracle on himself, after which his condition improved dramatically. However, this information remained in the old diaries.

    Only in the forties of the last century, Europeans were able to record how a Filipino healer works with a patient. After that, the whole world learned about healers. Today you can find many photos and videos of miraculous healings on the Internet.

    Real healers now number no more than 50 people, despite the fact that in almost every locality in the Philippines there are 8-10 people who call themselves this big word. The most famous is June Labo, to which patients come from all over the world. Perlito Alcazar, Maria Bilosana, Nida Talon are also very popular.

    Like other traditional healers, Filipino healers use herbal medicine, massage, various charms and other non-traditional methods of treatment. However, the main difference in their actions is the surgical practice.

    Fantastic Filipino Healers Surgery

    These people carry out their unique operations literally with their bare hands. Without a scalpel, clamps and all other tools, they penetrate the human body and extract foreign objects, stones, slags, etc. from there.

    These amazing operations, like conventional surgical interventions, begin with the preparation of patients. Preparation includes communication of the healer with the patient and general meditation. Then the healer tells the patient in detail what exactly and how he will do. Next, anesthesia is performed - but without the usual injections for us. By pressing on certain points, the healer performs partial anesthesia - and the patient becomes insensitive to pain.

    During the operation, the patient is fully or partially conscious. However, he does not experience pain or any discomfort. Those who have personally experienced the skill of healers say that during the operation you can feel light spanking or a soft tingling.

    From the outside, such an action seems to be something supernatural. The healer scans the patient's naked body, moving his hands over it. Then, in a certain place, the hands stop - and the healer's fingers enter the patient's flesh, after which simply unimaginable manipulations begin. Despite the appearance of blood, the patient remains calm, and the healer removes blood clots, tumors, or some other formations from his body. These "treasures" are shown to the patient, while saying that the cause of the disease has been eliminated and the person is completely healthy.

    Are Filipino healers scammers?

    And what are the arguments of those who consider healer surgeons to be skillful swindlers? They refer to the fact that during the preoperative conversation with the healer, the patient is offered a glass of alcohol tincture of some herbs. Skeptics believe that it is with the help of this drink, and not acupressure and meditation, that the patient is anesthetized.

    Further, how does the healer know where to look for what needs to be removed, and what in general hurts the patient? Here, in order to find out, they give him a “slap” of a difficult glass, after which they simply find out from the “crazy” patient what is bothering him. That's it, no more, no less!

    And of course, the absence of any traces of the operation is completely confusing. The inexorable logic of skeptics says: if there was blood, if something was taken out of a person, where is the trace - a wound or a scar? Since they are not there, there was no operation, but there was ... a simple suggestion that was applied to impressionable and often desperate people. Well, of course! And that explains everything!

    Meanwhile, there are fully confirmed facts of healing by healers of patients whom official medicine has recognized as hopeless. After returning from the Philippines, such patients are in no hurry to see doctors, just after some time, they accidentally reveal the absence of a certain disease, for example, a cancerous tumor.

    True, they say that Filipino healers do not undertake to help people with diseases of the brain, blood and bone cancer, as well as very advanced cancer. As for all other patients, the healers unmistakably "calculate" those who do not believe in their powerful power, and also refuse treatment. As they say, according to your faith, let it be to you ...

    Video: The Mystery of the Philippine Healers

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