And the girl has matured: everything about a cat in heat. Discharge in a cat during estrus. Warm and soft pad

Potential owners before the appearance of a cat in the house should think about the period of her puberty - about estrus. it natural process, characteristic for healthy cats. Instincts take their toll, and the behavior of the pet changes, which causes discomfort to both the animal and the owner. Therefore, it is important to know in advance how long estrus lasts in cats and how to alleviate this period.

Estrus is an individual hormonal process that differs in each animal. Often the behavior, duration, tendency to false pregnancy or aggression depend on the breed and temperament of the cat. However, there are general "rules" for estrus pets. Any deviation from the norm is a reason to go to the clinic.

How long does a cat's heat last?

The first estrus in a cat occurs at about six months from birth. Sometimes maturation is delayed up to eight to ten months. The onset of late estrus in a year and a half, as well as early estrus up to six months, indicates a hormonal disorder and is a deviation from the norm.

Some kittens can leak as early as four months and even become pregnant. In this case, the cats are culled and sterilized - such a feature of the body can be inherited. long delay- a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps the cat is developing incorrectly and has significant deviations in physiology.

The duration of estrus is on average a week and depends on the age of the cat. The older the cat becomes, the longer the "spring". By old age, the duration and frequency are significantly reduced, and estrus passes without ovulation.

Unleashed cats flow on average once every three months, chaste pets ask for a cat more often, about once a month. If the cat is constantly mating, estrus occurs every six months. There are cases when the newly-minted mother begins to flow already one and a half months after lambing. In some breeds, for example, the Scottish Straight, Scottish Fold, British Shorthair, the period between estrus stretches for six to eight months, and the "female" cycle can be five days.

The first estrus, duration, frequency depend on the temperament, diet, daily routine of the cat, the presence of cats in the neighborhood. As a rule, active pets begin to flow before their phlegmatic "sisters". Being around a cat can spontaneously trigger the onset of a cycle.


Heat - complex physiological process consisting of four stages.

  1. Proestrus. Preparatory stage lasting up to four days. The cat may show excessive tenderness to the owner, but maintain the usual way of life. The vulva - the external genital organ - swells. Discharge begins, but the pet is not yet ready to accept the cat.
  2. Estrus. Actually, a leak. Lasts seven to ten days. At this stage, even an inexperienced owner notices how estrus appears in a beloved cat. The pet begins to meow lingeringly, crawling on the floor, caressing people and objects. Ovulation occurs around the third or fifth day of oestrus. These days the cat can be tied.
  3. Metestrus. Over the next three to ten days, the cat's libido decreases, the pet calms down. After mating at this stage, the cat shows aggression towards cats, this is a sure sign of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the cat may develop a false pregnancy in the third stage of estrus. This condition is dangerous for the physical and mental health pets associated with hormonal failure and genetic predisposition. The cat should be watched. If she starts to carry things (socks, mittens), arrange a "nest", "feed" Stuffed Toys it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.
  4. Anestrus. The final stage cycle. Pet completely calms down and returns to normal life.

The time of year does not affect the onset of estrus. If the pet was born in June, puberty should be expected in December. However, in winter there is a “calm”, the cycle passes relatively imperceptibly and calmly. The hormonal surge begins from February-March and can last until the onset of cold weather, depending on the duration. daylight hours.


There are physiological and behavioral signs estrus in cats. Not always the pet loudly reports its condition. Therefore, in anticipation of the onset of the cycle, pay attention to physiological changes in the cat's body.


Symptoms of estrus in a cat can be seen already on the first or second day.

  • Allocations. The pet often licks itself, sometimes leaving wet marks. Discharge from the vulva during estrus in a cat is transparent and not abundant. Some owners recommend wearing special underpants for your pet. However, a cat is a clean animal that takes care of hygiene on its own.
  • Frequent urination. The cat goes to the toilet more often with the usual diet. Some begin to mark territory and shit in inappropriate places- on shoes, bed, walls. Most often this happens with hormonal surges or the presence of a cat nearby.
  • Lack of appetite. The cat is malnourished, refuses the usual food.

Not always these symptoms signal the onset of estrus. Perhaps they are related to disruption internal organs. If the cat, according to all calculations, should not flow, but often goes to the toilet, refuses food and “follows”, this is a reason to take the pet to the veterinarian.


A cat behaves during estrus in accordance with temperament. The behavior may differ from loop to loop. If the first heat passed quite calmly, then the second cat can arrange a concert not only for the owners, but also for the neighbors. There are usually four behavioral habits of a cat in estrus.

  1. Meow. The pet makes the most incredible sounds so that the cat can hear it. The cat yells during estrus lingeringly, plaintively, loudly. Some cats purr or croak. "Concert" can last all night.
  2. Affection. Even the most unsociable pets during this period become gentle, affectionate and sociable. Rubbing against the owner's legs, furniture, walls, playfully roll on the floor. Some individuals show aggression.
  3. tail abduction. During oestrus, the cat crawls on its stomach, raising the back of the body and retracting the tail. Willingly bends when stroking the back and sacrum. When walking, it keeps its tail on a break.
  4. Finding an exit. The pet tries to run away at any opportunity in search of a cat. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor behind closed doors and vents. If the cat ran away, offspring can be expected in two months.

To scold, and even more so to beat a cat for the manifestation of its nature, is stupid and irrational. The cat herself is not enthusiastic about her behavior, but she cannot cope with her instincts on her own. Should be sympathetic to physiological features animal.

How can I help you

The instinct brings inconvenience not only to the owner, but also to the pet itself. That's why loving host First of all, he thinks how to ease the estrus in a cat. There are several ways - from short-term sedation to sterilization.


Pregnancy of a kitten is highly undesirable. The body is not yet fully formed, it requires a lot of resources for its own construction, so the cat may die while carrying offspring. At the same time, constant empty estrus until adulthood (the possibility of becoming pregnant) leads to serious illnesses uterus and ovaries, up to death.

If the cat is pedigree, healthy and is preparing to become a mother in the future, then the first estrus before one year old you need to endure, facilitating the condition of the cat. The table shows safe sedatives.

Table - What can be given during estrus

Release formMeansApplication
Tablets"Suprastin"- 1/4 per 5 kg of body weight;
- once a day;
- course for 3 days
DropsValerian- 3-5 drops essential oil with water;
- once before bed
"Phospasim"- 10-15 drops;
- 2 times a day;
- course for 2 weeks
Motherwort- 3-5 drops of decoction;
- in the morning and in the evening
"Cat Baiyun"- 2 ml 20 minutes before meals or one hour after;
- 3-4 times a day
"Stop Stress"- Drop per kg of weight;
- twice a day;
- no more than 15 days

Liquid products, especially cat-friendly, give at the tip of your finger or add to food. It is recommended to drip into the mouth with a pipette. Dilute solid preparations in water or place on the root of the tongue. Give to drink water or milk from a syringe.

Many experienced owners categorically against the use of hormonal drugs to interrupt and postpone estrus. At frequent use drugs in cats increases the risk oncological diseases and early death due to violation hormonal balance. In addition, the drugs have a short-term effect, they may not work in the next heat.

An experienced veterinarian will help guide the course hormonal injections at the withers. However, it is not recommended to get involved in injections, and even more so to carry them out without consulting a doctor. It is important to remember that the course should begin before the onset of estrus. In the midst of the cycle, you can not prick a cat.

Suppression of instincts by affecting hormones will adversely affect the health of the pet. Therefore, with the help of drugs, a loving owner can only calm an excited animal.

5 more ways to calm the animal

You can calm a cat during estrus not only with herbs and infusions. The cat wants to communicate, be the center of attention and throw out the accumulated energy. Therefore, it is recommended to distract and tire the animal in five ways.

  1. Games . mobile game will distract the animal from the idea of ​​mating and help get rid of excess energy. Make the cat run and jump so that she gets tired faster.
  2. Massage . Cat massage is the most effective. Lay the pet on the floor, pressing down with the palm of your hand in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. With the other hand, hold it with your thumb and index finger tail base. Squeeze hard enough. If the cat meows and growls, then everything is done correctly. Continue until the animal starts to break free. After the massage, the cat wriggles on its back. After a while, she can approach the owner on her own to repeat the procedure.
  3. Weasel. Pet, talk to the pet in a calm voice, take it in your arms.
  4. Bathing. Bathe the cat or wet the tail. The animal will begin to lick itself, get distracted and get tired quickly.
  5. Night sleep . Don't let your cat sleep during the day. A tired pet will sleep at night and forget about "concerts".

Physical impact on a cat does not always work. Therefore, you can combine, for example, the adoption of "Stop Stress" with a massage. Most importantly, do not punish or ignore the cat during a difficult period.

Sterilization or castration

In order not to expect another estrus with horror, which can occur every month, it is recommended to castrate a fluffy pet. It is castrated, not sterilized.

Sterilization involves dressing fallopian tubes and castration is the removal of the ovaries. Do neutered cats go into heat? Yes, since the organs are preserved, but the reproductive function is lost. The cat will ask for a cat, but will not be able to get pregnant. This option is preferable for owners of a "yard" cat.

If the pet constantly lives at home, then for general peace of mind it is better to castrate it. The operation is performed at the age of six to seven months, most often before or after the first estrus. It is not advisable to operate during the cycle.

Castration helps to get rid of not only regular "chants", but also possible diseases and pathologies. The nature, activity and good manners of the cat after the operation are preserved.

Possible problems

Unlike women, a cat during menstruation does not feel pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. However, you should be attentive to the health of the pet and, in case of any deviations from the norm, show the animal to a specialist. In what cases it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic:

  • uncharacteristic discharge- contain blood or pus;
  • frequent vomiting - can happen from an overdose of the drug;
  • protracted estrus - more than 15 days.

Any vaccinations are given after the completion of the cycle. You can't vaccinate a leaky cat.

Knowing how often estrus happens in cats, you can prepare your pet for a planned pregnancy. Start looking for the right candidate well in advance of the start of the cycle. Bred exclusively tribal purebred cats. In an empty estrus, give only sedatives, play with the animal, give a massage. If the pet has no breeding value, then it is better to castrate the animal. This will save both the owner and the cat from unnecessary trouble.

If a fluffy pet has settled in the house, it does not hurt the owner to know when the cat's first estrus begins. After all, sooner or later the animal will reach puberty, which is accompanied by characteristic behavior. How the first estrus manifests itself, what symptoms are observed, how habits and manners change, what to do during this period, the household needs to understand in order to help the pet in a difficult moment.

Read in this article

What is estrus

At what age does estrus occur?

Factors affecting the onset of the first estrus Rationale
Breed affiliation Large and long-haired breeds (Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Siberian, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest) mature much later than other breeds. Their first estrus can begin at 9-16 months. If the pet belongs to breeds with light bones (Siamese, Orientals), then the first estrus can occur as early as 4-5 months. Popular Scottish and british breeds cats mature at 8 - 12 months
Genetics If females in the genus of the pet matured early, then the probability early offensive the first estrus increases
Birth Season If a cat was born in the spring months, then her first estrus will come earlier than in an animal born in the fall
Animal dimensions Overweight individuals with heavy skeletons mature, as a rule, later than animals with optimal weight. Puberty occurs much later in malnourished and physically underdeveloped females than in normal weight cats
illumination The time at which cats begin to walk is influenced by the light regime in the room. Living in a dark place reduces and suppresses the activity of sex hormones, and estrus comes much later
Conditions of feeding and keeping Complete Diet, balanced by the main nutrients, vitamins and minerals contributes normal development reproductive system. Domestic cats mature later than outdoor cats

Due to the fact that estrus is a very individual process, it is impossible to determine exactly what time the first estrus begins in cats. But knowing what breed the pet belongs to, genetic predisposition, season of birth and other factors, you can approximately determine the age of the first estrus. The average cat matures at 7 to 9 months.

Signs of puberty

The main sign that the pet is physiologically ripe for procreation is estrus. Missing the moment when cats start walking is quite difficult due to the specific behavior of the animal. The pet, as a rule, becomes very affectionate, obsessive, demands constant attention rolling on the floor. If, when stroking, the pelvic area is touched, then the animal takes a specific pose: it falls on its front paws, and the rear part lifts up, while moving the tail to the side. This is the position taken by the female during mating with the cat.

A characteristic feature during the period of sexual hunting is that the cat constantly rubs against furniture, walls, and the legs of the household. Thus, the animal tries to attract males with its smell. Sexual arousal during estrus greatly changes the nature of the pet. Often the animal during this period becomes aggressive, does not make contact with a person.

How to understand that a cat is in heat? This is not difficult to do, since the sexual behavior of the pet is hard not to notice. The animal tends to run away to the street, even if it has never left the apartment. An obedient and adequate pet under the influence of sex hormones becomes uncontrollable and uncontrollable. Often, owners observe such an unpleasant phenomenon as leaving marks. The cat marks walls, furniture, shoes. This is due to the desire of the animal to spread its scent as far as possible and attract the cat.

Night concerts bring a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. During sexual arousal, the cat screams loudly, as if something hurts her. Under the influence of hormones, the timbre of the voice changes. The cries of the animal at the same time can disturb not only the household, but also the neighbors. Some owners wonder why cats yell during estrus. The fact is that in order to attract a male, nature endowed the female with two main mechanisms: smell and voice. Therefore, during sexual hunting, the cat with loud cries notifies the whole neighborhood that she is.

During estrus, urination becomes more frequent, females visit the tray more often. The portion of urine decreases. Appetite also changes, up to complete failure from food. In no case should a cat be punished for leaving marks, screaming at night, or inappropriate behavior. After all, this is due to the influence of sex hormones and is dictated by the ancient instinct of reproduction. During this period, the pet experiences a strong psycho-emotional stress. It is impossible to say for sure what a cat feels during estrus. But it is clear that she is experiencing severe stress. Therefore, during estrus, one should treat the animal with understanding, ensure proper care and care.

How long does the estrus last

The average duration of the period of sexual hunting in cats is 5 - 7 days. AT rare cases estrus can last up to 10 days. In the event that the animal is fertilized, then pregnancy occurs, and the next estrus occurs, as a rule, 2 to 3 months after birth. Some animals are ready to mate already 2-3 weeks after the birth of kittens. The duration of estrus is very individual and depends on a number of factors:

  • heredity;
  • daylight hours;
  • the presence of a neutered cat in the room;
  • hormonal status;

Pathological change the duration of estrus occurs with diseases of the reproductive system. So, inflammatory processes, ovarian cyst, neoplasms in the uterus lead to an increase in the duration of estrus.

Competent owners of fluffy beauties know how estrus manifests itself in cats, and that it is impossible to mate an animal in the first estrus. Early mating leads to the suspension of the development of the animal, increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the birth of dead kittens. Breeders recommend skipping 2 - 3 estrus, and only then bring a cat with a cat.

Drugs to reduce sexual desire

Often, owners are faced with the problem of too frequent estrus in a pet. The reason for this phenomenon, as a rule, is the lack of mating. An unfertilized cat comes into heat almost immediately after the end of the previous estrus. This condition is very debilitating and undermines the health and psyche of the animal.

The question arises: what to do when a cat is in heat? If you plan to get offspring, then the answer is obvious - the animal must be knitted with a cat. However, if estrus has come after childbirth, and the pet needs to be given time to restore strength and health, then measures should be taken to.

Use drugs to reduce psycho-emotional stress during estrus should be after consultation with a veterinarian. Most often, in this situation, sedative preparations based on plant materials are prescribed: “Cat-bayun”, “Stop-stress”, “Fitex”. They gently act on nervous system animal, provide sedative effect are not addictive.

Having got a cat in the house sooner or later, the owner is faced with the problem of sexual behavior. Knowing when an animal begins estrus is important for resolving breeding issues and reducing the negative aspects associated with keeping an unsterilized pet.

The reproductive estrus cycle, or estrus, includes four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and anestrus.

Signs of one of them may overlap with the other. The duration of each stage is individual for each animal. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine the timing for coverage. Unlike dogs, cats do not have bleeding during sexual hunting. You can determine if a cat is in heat by her behavior and a slight swelling of the genital mucosa.


The start of estrus, or its first stage, lasts 1-2 days and can be noticed by the owner by the more restless behavior of the cat. The most subtle indicator of this stage is the cat. You may notice that the cat has a slightly enlarged and moist vulva. Also noted increased appetite and anxiety. She makes low throaty cries and fawns more than usual on the owner. She is attractive to cats, but does not let them near her yet.
Proestrus is characterized by a courtship period, during which the mere presence of a cat around stimulates the activation of hormone secretions in a cat, which leads it to a real estrus.


The second stage of the estrous cycle is estrus, or estrus itself, the stage of sexual receptivity. Breeders talk about her as a call to a cat, or a hunt. It can last either one or twenty-one days, with average duration 5-7 days. The most favorable for coverage are the 3rd and 5th days. Although this factor is very individual for each cat (some of them do not ovulate until the 9-10th day).
Depending on the temperament of the cat (most often due to its breed), it demonstrates its condition in different ways. One cat becomes "noisy", constantly meowing loudly; the other, representing a miserable sight, lies sprawled - suffers silently, only occasionally "grunting", causing universal sympathy with all its unfortunate appearance.

cat, march, estrus

But both of them become more intrusive and affectionate, rub against objects and unequivocally stare at all males (cat, owner, guest). They roll on the floor, and if you stroke the lumbosacral region of a cat with your hand, then the perianal region may contract, the cat falls on its front paws and, as it were, “tramples” with its hind legs, moves its tail aside and rolls on the floor. The appetite of the animal is reduced or absent. There is frequent urination.

At the top of estrus, the cat often screams as if suffering from unbearable pain, this is the call that excites all the cats in the area.

To determine if the cat is ready to be coated, gently hold it and run your hand along its back - from the neck to the tail. If so, then she will lift her pelvis up, take her tail to the side and begin to stomp her hind legs in one place.
There is also the so-called "erased" estrus, which passes with imperceptible or muffled signs. The same estrus that makes ordinary cat owners very happy and greatly upsets breeders who plan to have thoroughbred kittens.

Interestrus (metestrus)

The third stage of the reproductive cycle is metestrus.
It lasts from 2 to 19 days, with an average of 8 days. In this period, the cat is no longer interested in kitty. Now she aggressively chases away the cat when trying to cover her.
The further development of the cycle depends on whether fertilization has occurred. If ovulation has occurred, the cat's sexual instinct fades. If there was no mating, after 1-2 weeks the cat will enter new cycle starting with proestrus. If sexual intercourse caused ovulation, but fertilization did not occur, then a false pregnancy may occur, lasting 35-45 days.

With a favorable outcome of the case, the fertilization of the egg occurs within 24-48 hours after coating. Some cats ovulate after 12 hours. In most cases, the ovaries release four eggs, but 12 kittens have been born at once.

After 58-74 days, the cat gives birth to cubs.
However, if a cat loses all kittens during childbirth, then estrus will come much earlier, and sometimes it happens that the first sexual cycle can occur even on the second day of lactation. Estrus may recur several times during a cat's pregnancy.

When cats have a time for love, loud songs and appropriate behavior, they give their owners a lot of trouble. Why is this happening? What can be done to prevent or reduce estrus? Such questions, as a rule, every owner asks himself during this hectic period. In this article, you will learn about the reasons for the sexual behavior of a cat and about the possibilities to influence it.

Cats are polycyclic animals, estrus and the possibility of pregnancy in them is observed two or more times a year. During the period of long daylight hours (spring-summer), the onset of estrus is possible every 2-3 weeks. In cats home content, which constantly live in conditions of artificial lighting, regular estrus is possible in winter. Frequent estrus badly affect the body of a cat, the development of concomitant diseases is possible.

Cats are fertile animals. The female can mate and become pregnant in her first estrus, at the age of 6–7 months. There can be from one to 12 or more kittens in one litter. Cats may mate again while nursing previous offspring. However, it is not recommended to knit a cat more than 3 times in 2 years, so as not to harm her health.

Stages and duration of the cat's sexual cycle

Most often puberty occurs at the age of 6-9 months, sometimes earlier.

Proestrus (forerunner). Duration - 1-3 days.

Behavioral changes.

During this period, there is anxiety, meowing, the cat actively shows affection for the owner or, conversely, becomes unreasonably aggressive. The genitals may be slightly enlarged. But the cat does not allow mating with a cat during this period.

Internal changes.

In proestrus, hormones begin to be actively synthesized, preparing the body for mating and pregnancy. A special role is played by FSH, a follicle-stimulating hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland. It acts on the ovaries, where follicles with eggs begin to mature.

Estrus (estrus). Depending on the individual features body, its duration can vary from 1 to 21 days. Average term estrus is 5-7 days.

Behavioral changes.

The height of sexual hunting. The cat rubs against objects, people and other animals, makes calls, takes a characteristic pose, squatting on hind legs and bending in the lower back, sorting through the paws. At this point, she can go in search of adventure, slipping into open door or jumping out of a window.

Internal changes.

The follicles are ripe and ready to release eggs - potential embryos. But in cats, ovulation (the release of eggs) does not occur on its own. It requires induction - sexual intercourse. Although sometimes ovulation can be stimulated by the usual tactile impact, such as stroking at the withers. Luteinizing hormone (LH), which is produced during intercourse, is responsible for the release of eggs. Mature follicles synthesize estrogen hormones, which affect the behavior of the cat and cause changes in her body. If mating does not occur, then the follicles gradually dissolve in the subsequent phases of the cycle.

The next phase is postestrus (post-estrus), and it has several features of the course.

Behavioral changes.

The cat calms down for a while. During this period, it is decided what will happen next - pregnancy, false pregnancy, interestrus, anestrus, or the next estrus will immediately come.

Internal changes.

If ovulation (postcoital or spontaneous) does not occur, the phase does not occur corpus luteum. The amount of estrogens decreases for a while (interestrus stage), and then the growth of follicles resumes. In the case when the concentration of estrogens does not decrease, there is a constant formation of follicles, and the cycles follow one after the other without a visible break.

During the period of shortening of daylight hours, postestrus usually turns into anestrus.

If ovulation has occurred, but fertilization has not occurred, a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicle. It produces corpus luteum hormones, progestogens responsible for pregnancy, for 25–40 days. In cats, a false pregnancy is possible, but it is not accompanied by bright behavioral changes like, for example, in dogs.

If fertilization occurs, pregnancy occurs.


The period between estrus, which is characterized by sexual rest. Lasts 3-4, in winter up to 6 months. The body functions normally, sex hormones are produced in minimum quantities. There is a restoration and preparation of the reproductive system for the next cycle.

What are some ways to calm a cat during heat?

In no case should you punish a cat, lock it in a carrier, put it in cold water or use other "folk" methods of influence! First, it's cruel. Second, it won't help. Thirdly, the “treatment” may turn out to be worse than the “disease” and cause difficult-to-remove psycho-emotional problems up to prolonged depression with apathy and anorexia.

To the number possible solutions relate:

  1. Sterilization (castration). Surgery called an ovariohysterectomy. The best option, which not only stops the manifestations of estrus, but also excludes diseases of the internal reproductive organs.
  2. knitting. The classic way out. In this case, after 63–66 days (sometimes 58–69), prepare for the appearance of kittens. The problem is that after the offspring are fed (and sometimes during the feeding process), estrus will be repeated. Cats are very prolific, and if you are not a professional breeder, consider option #1.
  3. Use of drugs to delay and interrupt estrus. Taking these drugs reduces the level of hormones and contributes to the suppression of sexual desire without surgical intervention. The problem is the same as with option #2 - hormonal preparations cannot be taken continuously, and estrus will resume as soon as the effect of the drug wears off. There are contraindications! Before use, you should consult your doctor.
  4. Use of sedative drugs. They affect the nervous system without affecting the synthesis of sex hormones. As a rule, they are ineffective in estrus, as they require a long course of administration. There are contraindications! Before use, you should consult your doctor.
  5. Just wait out the heat. Triggers such as the presence of a cat, the smell of other cats, and bright lights should be eliminated whenever possible.

Contraceptives. Megestrol and drugs based on it

This is a synthetic hormone, progestogen, which is an analogue of the natural hormone of the corpus luteum. It is responsible for reducing the secretion of gonadotropic hormones - FSH and LH. A change in the level of these gonadotropic hormones leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen, and hence to a decrease in the manifestations of sexual desire. In fact, all products based on megestrol transfer the animal from the stage of proestrus to anestrus, bypassing the stages of estrus and post-estrus.

Among the drugs created on the basis of megestrol acetate are the following.

"EX-5", "EX-5T", "EX-7.5". The EX-5T agent is presented in tablets, and the other two preparations are in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The result of taking in cats is the interruption or delay in estrus (shift of its onset).

For estrus shift in the period between estrus, the cat is given 1 tablet every 2 weeks (or 0.5 tablets every week). The order of application of the suspension: 4 drops every week (or 8 drops every two weeks) for "EX-5"; 2-3 drops every week (or 5 drops - once every two weeks) for EX-7.5.

Important! Do not skip taking the drug. It is not recommended to use "EX" for more than 18 months. Start using "EX" to delay estrus should be strictly in the period of anestrus.

To interrupt estrus the animal is given 1 tablet for 5-7 days until signs of estrus disappear. The daily dose of the suspension is 8 ("EX-5") or 5 ("EX-7.5") drops.

Important! The use of drugs is possible no later than 3 days from the beginning of sexual hunting, i.e. during the proestrus period. It is optimal to start giving the drug on the first day. Only then the suppression of FSH synthesis leads to desired results. If the estrus phase has begun, the use of the drug is undesirable. You can not use drugs based on megestrol more than 2 times a year.

"Four with a tail." For shifting estrus, use 1 tablet every 2 weeks or 0.5 tablets every 7 days. To interrupt estrus, a cat is given 1 tablet for 8 days, the course begins no later than on the 3rd day of estrus. Recommendations for use are the same as for EX.

Contraindications for use

Veterinary drugs based on megestrol are not used in the following cases:

  • if more than 3 days have passed since the start of sexual hunting;
  • the cat has not reached puberty;
  • in the first heat;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for violations hormonal background, pathologies endocrine system, neoplasms and diseases of the reproductive system;
  • diabetes, diseases genitourinary system, CRF;
  • in the treatment of corticosteroids;
  • in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the product, since an allergic reaction may develop.

Important: Violations of the drug regimen specified in the instructions may lead to a decrease in its therapeutic efficacy.

Complex preparations

Such funds include several active substances. The drug for contraception and regulation of sexual behavior "Ovostop" gives a prolonged effect (up to 6 months, depending on the length of daylight hours).

  • Megestrol acetate. Promotes the transition of proestrus immediately to the stage of sexual rest without estrus and the stage after it.
  • Proroxan. Due to the effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks the unpleasant manifestations of estrus: excessive vocalization, the search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, the development of stress. Does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin. The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythm of the body. The use of melatonin is especially recommended in cats that are constantly in conditions of artificial lighting, because of which the timing of estrus and seasonal molting is lost. Helps to improve the quality of wool, normalize shedding. Also this active substance helps to slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The advantage of the drug "Ovostop" is a comfortable form of spot-on - drops at the withers. The three-component composition made it possible to reduce the dose of the progestogen component (megestrol).

Strict adherence to the instructions will help to avoid unpleasant signs of sexual hunting in a cat. To select the best tool, contact a specialist.


  • The drug is not used in immature, pregnant and lactating animals.
  • Contraindicated in animals with diseases of the reproductive system, tumors of the mammary glands, hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitus, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, myeloma, epilepsy, chronic renal failure.
  • Individual sensitivity is possible.


If a hormonal contraceptive prescribed by a doctor according to a special regimen, for example, for the treatment of hormone-dependent pathological condition You should follow the regimen recommended by your doctor.

  • Contraceptives should not be used if the cat shows signs of diseases that are contraindications to taking the drug, or physiological state which are a contraindication.
  • You should not break the regimen, increase or decrease the dose.
  • It is not recommended to apply in the first estrus.
  • If you have any doubts about your cat's health, contact veterinarian before using contraceptives.

A cat's estrus gives the owners of the animal a lot of trouble: the pet does not let you sleep at night, marks the apartment, tries to run out into the street. This behavior can be avoided by using a new generation of estrus regulation drug "SEX BARRIER".

Procreation is an instinctive process that is inherent in all living beings. Without reproduction and procreation, life in this world would cease. But what to do when nature takes its toll, and a beloved cat goes into heat, is she ready to “give concerts” in the apartment all night long, disturbing all household members?

Puberty of cats. How many days does the estrus last

A cat's estrus begins when the animal becomes sexually mature and ready to produce offspring on its own. For different breeds cats are characteristic different dates puberty, so it is important for owners and breeders to know the exact date the birth of a pet.

The first signs of estrus in domestic cats appear at the age of 6-8 months. And sexual maturity of males occurs at 8-10 months. After its onset, the cat shows a constant readiness for mating, while in a cat it is limited by the time of estrus - 3-10 days.

Thus, cats are very early ready for the reproduction of offspring and retain this ability until old age, at least up to 8 years.

The sexual activity of cats does not depend on seasonality and length of daylight hours. Domestic cats can walk at any time of the year. The peak of activity is observed in February-March, if pregnancy does not occur, the cat's estrus can be repeated every two weeks.

Stages and signs of estrus in cats


The first stage of estrus lasts approximately 1-3 days. This period is characterized by the cat's restless behavior: it begins to rub against the owner's legs, slowly walks around with bent knees.

The estrus itself, the stage of sexual susceptibility. This period lasts 7-10 days. For successful mating the cat must be brought together with the cat from the third to the fifth days of estrus.

During the period of sexual hunting, the cat indefatigably demands a cat: it screams, pursues the owner everywhere, falls to the floor and bends, rubs against interior items, leaves marks, and may refuse to eat. However, signs of estrus can manifest themselves in completely different ways depending on the temperament and breed of a particular cat. One cat can constantly emit loud piercing cries, rub its head and neck on the floor, and the other, on the contrary, can lie flat for days on end, suffer silently, and only occasionally give a voice, thereby causing everyone's attention to it. But both those and others during this period become more affectionate and importunate.

A cat during estrus reacts in a special way to strokes: it crouches on the floor with the front part of the body, raises the back and takes the tail to the side. Such actions should not come as a surprise to the owner of the animal, since they are natural and serve to attract the cat. Also in a cat during this period, you can notice the swelling of the genital organs (vulva).

To find a mating partner, cats search for each other using acoustic means (voice) and smell: both partners excrete in the urine from the glands in anus strongly smelling substances (special secret).

At the peak of estrus, the cat often begins to meow in such a way that it seems to be suffering from severe pain. It is these piercing cries that attract the attention of all the cats in the area, in turn, causing great inconvenience to the owners.

Metestrus (or interestrus)

The third stage lasts an average of 2 to 10 days. If sexual intercourse and ovulation have already occurred at the stage of estrus, then the sexual instinct in the cat fades. On the this stage She will treat cats already with aggression.

At the very beginning of this stage, the gonads of the cat can still secrete a specific secret, but by the end of metestrus this passes.

In the absence of ovulation during estrus, a cat can develop a false pregnancy, but this happens quite rarely. The animal shows all the signs normal pregnancy but no embryo.

With a false pregnancy, cats gain weight, prepare a shelter (nest), sometimes they even have milk. The causes of false pregnancy are purely physiological factors which are not pathological. false pregnancy can last 35-45 days, and during this period it is necessary to reduce the diet, reduce the amount of water, increase the walk of the animal.


The fourth stage, the stage of sexual dormancy of the cat. During this period, the cat calms down more and more and begins to live its former life.

Solving the problem of sexual hunting in cats

Estrus in domestic cats gives the owners great trouble. The owners suffer from loud "meows", marking the territory, attempts to break out into the street.

There are several ways to solve this problem, the main ones.

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