Magnetic resonance imaging. What is MRI: the principle of operation of the tomograph and its diagnostic capabilities. MRI of the pelvic organs with contrast

It is an innovative method. With its help, it is possible to cure diseases such as arthrosis and other ailments associated with musculoskeletal system. The effect that is achieved from the treatment with magnetic resonance therapy is on the same level as the effect after the operation. In this case, the patient is not subjected to surgical intervention. Also, he does not experience any discomfort during the treatment.

Efficiency of therapy

Joints in this way are absolutely painless. It is performed without the use of painkillers. medicines. Magnetic resonance therapy also relieves a person from pain that is associated with diseases of the joints.

This system of treatment is used in European countries. It helps to cure diseases such as:

  1. Degenerative joint disease.
  2. Sprain.
  3. Tendon injury.
  4. Osteoporosis that occurs with aching pains arising from disorders in the joints of the spine.
  5. Sports and general injuries.

How does the therapy work?

Its essence lies in nuclear spin magnetic resonance. The principle of operation is based on the reaction of hydrogen to magnetic influence. You should know that this element is found in all organic compounds.

Through tomography, the responses of hydrogen that are present in each molecule are scanned. The received data is transmitted to the screen.

Activates via magnetic field hydrogen atoms. Which leads to the normalization of metabolism in cells. This, in turn, contributes to the emergence of the recovery process in the body.

Magnetic resonance therapy allows you to normalize tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone structures. Thus, orthopetological and traumatological diseases can be treated with this method. And quite easy and simple.


What diseases are treated with magnetic resonance therapy?

  1. Arthrosis (1, 2 and 3 stages).
  2. Osteoporosis.
  3. Damage intervertebral discs. You should be aware that magnetic resonance therapy does not cure all cases of this type of damage.
  4. Epicondylitis. This disease is associated with injury to the tendons of the forearm. This type of damage is often found in athletes who play tennis and golf.


There are several options for equipment for magnetic resonance therapy.

How is osteoarthritis treated with magnetic resonance therapy?

In order to start treatment for osteoarthritis, you need to get a referral from a doctor. The doctor makes a decision based on the individual characteristics of the organism and the state of health of the patient. Also, the doctor must indicate how many procedures need to be done. The duration of one treatment session is one hour. Usually the course consists of 10 sessions. But it is possible to increase or decrease them. In this case, everything depends on individual features organism.

Treatment of arthrosis through magnetic resonance therapy is prescribed in cases where the following are damaged:

  1. Joints of the ankle and foot.
  2. Hip section.
  3. Knee and wrist joints.
  4. Fingers.
  5. Joints of the elbow and shoulder sections.
  6. The joints of the spine. Any departments are amenable to therapy.

How is osteoporosis treated?

In the treatment of osteoporosis with this method, a person is on an open table. The impact of the magnetic field is on the entire area of ​​the patient's body.

Women who are in the menopausal period are advised to exercise this procedure as a preventive method.

Treatment of metabolic disorders in tissues and other diseases

When else is magnetic resonance therapy used? Treatment of metabolic disorders in bone tissues and connective tissues human body carried out by this method. And quite effectively. Note that correct exchange substances in bone tissue is important part healthy condition human body. If it is violated, then there are such manifestations as: pain, weakness, decrease in working capacity, decrease in the level of mobility. It also increases the likelihood of getting any injuries and so on.

Treatment using magnetic resonance therapy promotes the regeneration of damaged cells. It also helps improve bone metabolism. This type of therapy is prescribed when a person has the following diseases:

  1. Violation of the process of blood supply to the bones of the body and joints.
  2. Osteochondritis, which has a dissecting shape.
  3. Bone marrow edema.
  4. Various fractures.
  5. Sprains, tears, including sports injuries.

Side effects and contraindications

Therapy has been used in our country for about 15 years. During this time period, no side effects.

There are conditions of the body in which this type of treatment is prohibited. Let's talk about it. Who will benefit from magnetic resonance therapy? Contraindications for carrying out the following:

  1. If a woman is pregnant, then magnetic resonance therapy is not recommended for her.
  2. Inflammatory processes that sharp shape and bacterial character.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is contraindicated in patients with leukemia.
  4. Any rheumatic diseases, especially if they pass in an acute form.
  5. The presence of HIV in the body.
  6. If the body has ferromagnetic implants, or some other foreign bodies, then this species therapy will be contraindicated.
  7. High blood pressure or other disorders of the heart system.
  8. Injections hyaluronic acid or cartisone taken less than five days before a course of this tyranny is a contraindication.

History of occurrence

This therapy was introduced by German doctors about 15 years ago. Specialists, whose specific work was associated with magnetic resonance topography, noticed that people who underwent this procedure several times lost or began to lose pain in the back or joints.

After that, there were special studies. After this method was introduced in clinics in European countries. In Russia, magnetic resonance therapy is carried out in St. Petersburg.

Studies have shown that this therapy restores bone and cartilage tissue human body.

The effectiveness of this method of treatment has now been proven. large quantity patients who felt better after the first procedure.

Studies have also been conducted that have proven that the effect of treatment lasts for 4 years or more. This type of therapy is absolutely safe, there is no irradiation of the body. No side effects have been identified. This therapy provides positive action on the body, regardless of the age of the patient. There are practically no contraindications. There are only limitations in the conduct of therapy, which were mentioned above.

The duration of one procedure is one hour. Usually the doctor prescribes 10 sessions. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Magnetic resonance therapy is a modern way to treat problems of the musculoskeletal system. In some cases, this method replaces surgical intervention into the body. This fact is an undeniable advantage.

Despite the fact that this method of treating the human body appeared relatively recently, it is already actively used in medical centers.

Magnetic resonance therapy. Patient reviews

This method is mainly positive reviews. This is due to the fact that improvement is observed after the first session.

The treatment is absolutely painless and leaves only positive emotions in a person. The effect is observed for a long time. This method has no age restrictions.

Magnetic resonance therapy. Devices that are used.

In order to apply this therapy in the treatment of patients, special equipment. Magnetic resonance therapy devices look different, depending on the type. Regardless of the type, they are all computer controlled. This ensures absolute control over the electromagnetic field.


Now you know what magnetic resonance therapy is, what this technique treats. We hope that the information provided in the article was useful to you.

Used in medicine big number instrumental research methods, some of which are, in fact, universal, which makes it possible to diagnose many pathologies from various classification groups of human diseases. This is the MRI machine, which allows you to visualize body tissues without using radiation exposure. However, what is MRI and what is the structure of the device, its principle of operation, a small number of people know. But such ignorance does not prevent most patients from undergoing such diagnostic procedures.

The structure of the MRI scanner and the principle of operation

The MRI machine is a large magnet. The human body is located in its cavity, which is protected by a plastic case. At the same time, such a study of tissues does not lead to the onset of pathological conditions, because it does not ionize the substances that make up the basis of the body structure. A strong device acts directly on protons. These particles are hydrogen ions, which are part of water - the most common substance in the human body.

Water content in different tissues human body has its differences. Its smallest amount is found in the bones and connective tissue, while muscle and fat differ more high concentration liquids. The brain tissue, as well as the parenchyma, differ in the same indicators. internal organs. In this case, due to the difference in water content, the construction of boundaries between heterogeneous tissues is achieved on a virtual image, which is formed after a signal is sent to the computer.

However, what is MRI, based on what physical principle is this machine working? This type of differentiation of the structure of the human body is realized due to the mechanism of action. They are dipoles, which in a magnetic field take on a certain type of orientation. The MRI cycle itself consists in creating a magnetic field and conditions for ordering the arrangement of water molecules, after which a radio wave is launched along the magnetic field, causing the molecules to vibrate, which are amplified due to the emerging resonance.

MRI of the head, examination of the brain

In the diagnosis of diseases and degenerative lesions is of great importance, because it allows big share probability to determine the exact localization of the process, the amount of damage or neoplasm, to identify the vessel in which the thrombus is located. At the same time, the main approach to conducting this study is not how to diagnose, because the basis of tomography is the question "what?" and answer to it. Such an MRI, made after a preliminary diagnosis, allows you to increase the information content of the study, because the doctor already assumes what exactly he will look for. At the same time, among the target pathologies that can be detected by MRI of the brain, there are tumor, traumatic, infectious diseases. Also, magnetic resonance imaging is able to diagnose complications that arise during the development of the above diseases.

What is MRI of the spine

MRI spinal column and spinal cord is a method instrumental research, which involves the visualization of all anatomical formations at a certain level. Modern devices allow you to carry out various virtual sections of individual parts of the body. This makes it possible to assess the anatomical structure spinal canal, intervertebral foramens in different areas. The study is also included because such an MRI allows you to see its structure, because the inductance of the magnetic field in the coil of the device is approximately 1.5 Tesla. The use of tomography helps to determine the presence of tumor formations in the membranes of the brain or in its tissue with appropriate symptoms.

Effective treatment of brain diseases is based on accurate and informative diagnostics. The symptomatology of such diseases, as a rule, is not very informative - it can be headaches, visual disturbances, nausea and dizziness, and similar signs. In order for the doctor to prescribe necessary treatment, you need a detailed study of the brain. In this case, MRI of the brain is one of the most reliable methods for obtaining comprehensive data for the doctor.

Sometimes symptoms may not be given of great importance and think that everything will pass by itself. Or go for an MRI on your own, when in fact it was not required at all. Often it is money thrown to the wind. Only a doctor will be able to determine the need for an MRI and prescribe the type of diagnosis that you really need.

Symptoms to look out for:

  • Often headache or dizziness, double vision
  • Began to faint
  • Relieve joint and back pain
  • Injured (dislocation, fracture, joint or muscle injury)
  • Received a traumatic brain injury
  • Have experienced or suspected a stroke
  • Experiencing pain in the lower abdomen
  • Have or had relatives with cancer

  • If you have any of the above, see your doctor to get you the MRI scan you need.

    With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, diseases such as tumors and cysts, intracerebral aneurysms, acute ischemic strokes, etc. are diagnosed. Often, where ultrasound and CT diagnostics are uninformative methods, MRI is the only way obtain the required level of detail and image quality.

    MRI is prohibited in the presence in the body: pacemakers, metal or ferromagnetic implants of the middle ear.

    The possibility of an MRI is determined by the doctor individually in the presence of:

  • metal implants, ferromagnetic fragments;
  • intravascular stents, cava filters, vascular clips;
  • endoprostheses and structures made of ferromagnetic alloys;
  • non-ferromagnetic middle ear implants;
  • nerve stimulants;
  • insulin pumps.
  • MRI is not performed serious illnesses such as decompensated heart failure.

    The MRI machine allows examination of patients weighing up to 130 kg.

    Depending on the organ being examined, there are different recommendations in preparation for an MRI examination. Moderate food intake is usually possible before the procedure (with the exception of MRI of the organs abdominal cavity, kidneys and adrenal glands, pelvic organs, studies with contrast). You can read about preparation for a specific type of examination for each type of MRI.

    The procedure goes as follows:

    • You lie on the tomograph table and remain motionless throughout the examination.
    • The procedure does not cause any discomfort, lasts from 10-15 to 40-50 minutes, depending on the area being examined.
    • During the examination, the noise of a working tomograph is heard, it is possible to listen to music instead of the typical noises of an MRI scanner.
    • In your hand you have a signaling device that provides constant communication with the medical staff. Some studies are carried out with pulse and ECG control, with synchronization by breathing, using special surface sensors that record these indicators.
    • Possibility of conducting research large patients(up to 150 kg).
    • MRI is done for both adults and children, including newborns.
    • Research can be done under medical sleep(under anesthesia) - the clinic employs experienced anesthesiologists who will help informative research even in small patients or in patients with fear closed space(claustrophobic).
    • The results of MRI of the spine, if necessary, evaluate two radiologists(one of which is a narrow specialist in a particular anatomical area), after which the final conclusion is issued to patients.
    • Difficult diagnostic cases are brought up for discussion within the interdisciplinary councils(with the participation of doctors of different specialties).
    • EMC doctors use medical information system PACS, in the archive of which the data of all studies are stored for at least 10 years. For patients, this is an opportunity not to worry about the safety of images, and for their attending physicians - to view images remotely and monitor the patient's condition in dynamics during repeated visits.

    About the study

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a study that allows you to get images of any parts of the human body in any plane with the highest contrast of soft tissues.

    Unlike computed tomography (CT), this type of study is completely devoid of radiation exposure; to get an image, instead x-rays alternating magnetic fields and radio frequency pulses are used.

    EMC has a magnetic resonance tomograph Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T is a new generation high-tech medical unit with a wide tunnel aperture, which makes the examination comfortable for the patient.

    Contraindications for MRI

    Absolute contraindications for MRI are the presence of pacemakers, insulin pumps and other devices that affect the body (rhythm regulation, administration of drugs, etc.).

    Also, you can not conduct a study in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Research types

    The European Medical Center conducts MRI studies of all organs and systems of the body:

      MRI of the brain and spinal cord is used to diagnose injuries and their consequences, inflammatory diseases as well as tumors, benign or malignant.

      Brain MRI for suspected stroke

      MRI of the substance of the brain, angiography of the arteries, veins of the brain and neck vessels

      MRI of the pituitary gland

      MRI of cerebellopontine angles

      MRI of the soft tissues of the neck and head

      MRI of the spine allows you to see various diseases ranging from osteochondrosis to disc herniation. Inflammation and injury can also be detected by performing an MRI of the spine.

      MRI of the musculoskeletal system

      MRI of the joints, in particular, MRI knee joint- this is an opportunity to determine why the joint hurts, moves hard, or clicks when moving. On a virtual cut, you can clearly see what is the cause of the discomfort.

      MRI of the knee joint is the most popular type of research. The thing is that the knee joint is a complex system in which damage to even one of its elements leads to unpleasant consequences.

      MRI of the foot, hand

      MRI of the mammary glands (including screening)

      MRI of the skeleton

      MRI of the abdomen and retroperitoneum

      MRI of the heart

      Mediastinal MRI

      MRI orbits

      MR neurography

    • Liver MRI

      MRI of the prostate

      MRI of the external genitalia

      MRI of the anorectal zone

      MR angiography of the arteries and veins of the brain

      MR angiography of neck vessels

      MR angiography of the pelvic arteries and lower extremities

      MR angiography abdominal aorta and its branches

      MR angiography of lower limb arteries


    MRI with intravenous contrast

    The procedure is carried out no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. It is allowed to take medications (drink a small amount water). You must arrive at the office 30 minutes before the start of the study.

    MRI of the joints

    You must arrive at the department 20 minutes before the start of the study. If necessary, before the procedure, a traumatologist performs intra-articular contrasting - the introduction of a special, safe contrast into the joint cavity.

    MRI of the pelvic organs with contrast

    Within 2 days before the study, it is necessary to follow a slag-free diet. It is not recommended to consume legumes, black bread, milk, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fruits, convenience foods, sweets. Allowed buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, rice, tea, dairy products(if there is no intolerance), lean meat, fish, vegetable soups. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or not earlier than 3-4 hours after a meal. It is allowed to take medication (drink with a small amount of water). In the morning before the study, a cleansing microclyster is performed, and 45 minutes before the start of the study, it is necessary to empty bladder. For women, the procedure is performed on the 5-7th day menstrual cycle(unless otherwise specified).

    MRI of the mammary glands with contrast

    The procedure is carried out no earlier than 3-4 hours after a meal. It is allowed to take medication (drink with a small amount of water). The study is performed on the 5-14th day of the menstrual cycle.

    Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)

    The procedure is carried out strictly on an empty stomach or not earlier than 6 hours after a meal. 3 hours before the study, you must refrain from taking any liquid.

    Liver MRI with contrast

    The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or not earlier than 3-4 hours after a meal. It is allowed to take medication (drink with a small amount of water). 2 hours before the study, you must refrain from taking any liquid.

    MRI of the prostate (possibly endorectal examination)

    The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or not earlier than 3-4 hours after the last meal. It is allowed to take medication (drink with a small amount of water). 2 days before the study, you must follow a slag-free diet. It is not recommended to consume legumes, black bread, milk, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fruits, convenience foods, sweets. Buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, rice, tea, sour-milk products (if there is no intolerance), lean meat, fish, vegetable soups are allowed. In the morning before the study, a cleansing microclyster is performed.

    MRI of the small intestine

    The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or not earlier than 3-4 hours after the last meal. You must arrive at the study 30-40 minutes before the appointed time. Within 40 minutes, it will be necessary to drink 2 liters of Fortrans solution (1 sachet per 1 liter of water) or mannitol (200 ml per 1.5 liter of water) 150-200 ml every 5 minutes (issued in the department). Immediately before the study, 1 ml of glucagon will be injected intramuscularly in order to temporarily suppress peristalsis.

    Important! Do not forget to bring all extracts, descriptions, conclusions and tapes (discs) of previous studies. The more information the radiologist has before the study, the clearer the task assigned to him. In addition, previous results will allow us to assess the dynamics of the disease.

    Important! It is not allowed to take metal or magnetic objects, electronic devices into the room with the MRI machine. Piercing, jewelry, glasses and pens, dentures, hairpins, pins, metal clasps, Cell phones, Hearing Aids, credit cards, colored contact lenses- you can leave all this in our individual changing cabins equipped with safes. You will be offered disposable clothes and slippers.

    MRI: principle and possibilities of the method, fields of application, indications and contraindications

    One of the most modern ways study of the human body is MRI. The layered image of tissues with this method is possible due to such a phenomenon as nuclear-magnetic resonance (NMR). Despite the terrible name, this research method has nothing to do with radiation.

    What is the point?

    Earlier diagnostic procedures ( x-ray examination and – CT) are contraindicated for some patients due to radiation exposure. MRI is based on the properties of a magnetic field.

    NMR effect was opened in the middle of the last century. It has been proven that the nuclei of individual atoms absorb the energy of an electromagnetic pulse, convert it into a radio signal, which is then emitted.

    In medicine, this method was applied only after 30 years. In the eighties, the world congress of radiologists was held in the capital of France. It was then that scientists demonstrated the first MRI machines based on the NMR of hydrogen, the most naturally occurring element. The received signals are processed by a computer program, after which the radiologist receives images of tissue sections.

    The method is being developed and improved, and its fields of application are expanding. Today, MRI is successfully used to diagnose pathologies of the spine, blood vessels, abdominal and pelvic organs, heart, and musculoskeletal system.

    What are the advantages of the method?

    1. Non-invasive;
    2. informative;
    3. No complications;
    4. Safety;
    5. Virtually no preparation needed;
    6. 3D images.

    What is an MRI machine?

    The diagnostic apparatus consists of a large tube in the form of a cylinder and a magnet located around it. The patient lies down on a table moving inside the tube. Today, medicine has at its disposal different kinds tomographs, including those with open sides and a shortened tunnel. The capabilities of the latest models of devices are very large: with their help they get clear pictures various parts body. However, not all studies can be carried out with the same quality on tomographs. different types, for example, in the open. In each case, expert advice is needed. After scanning, the image is processed by a computer located in another room adjacent to the machine.

    Should I be afraid of testing?

    An MRI study is performed during hospitalization of the patient, as well as in outpatient settings. The human body is fixed with straps motionless on a special table. Radio wave devices are placed near the examined part of the body.

    Sometimes the procedure is performed with contrast. In this case contrast agent delivered to the blood through a catheter.

    At the end of the preparatory measures, the patient is moved to the center of the magnet. The medical staff goes to another room where the computer is located. It is used to process tomographic data. The sounds (clicks) of the device indicate the beginning of the scan. During this time, it is important to remain still. In pauses, the patient can relax a little, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to remain still.

    After the procedure, the catheter is removed. As a rule, the study takes place within 45 minutes.

    Side effects of the study

      • In general, the MRI procedure is painless. However, the patient may feel uncomfortable from lying still.
      • There are people who are afraid of closed space. These patients are recommended tomography open type. Your doctor may also suggest taking sedatives. But there are few such people - 1/20 of all those surveyed.
      • The temperature of the part of the body that is being studied may increase. You should not worry, as this is quite normal.
      • Some people are worried about loneliness: after all, the radiologist and other medical staff are in the next room. Others are afraid that their possible bad feeling will go unnoticed by the doctor. However, there is no need to worry: the study provides for the possibility of communication between the patient and the medical staff.
    • The scanner buzzes quite loudly, so the patient is offered to use headphones or ear plugs.
    • During the installation of the catheter and the supply of a contrast agent, the patient may experience discomfort. There is also the possibility of a metallic taste in the mouth.
    • Very rarely, a patient is allergic to a contrast agent: itching, eye irritation. Sometimes he starts to feel sick, there is pain. This must be reported to the doctor.
    • Breastfeeding mothers are advised to stop breast-feeding at least for a day after the contrast agent enters the blood. All this time it is necessary to express milk from each breast. It is believed that in 24 hours this substance is completely eliminated from the body. Although according to some reports, the components of the contrast agent are not toxic to the child. But, as they say, God saves the safe!

    Video: MRI procedure

    Study of the vessels of the brain

    To date, several modes and programs have been developed for conducting MRI of cerebral vessels. The doctor notes the method of examination in the patient's medical history and points in the direction of MRI. Therefore, it is important that a visit to a medical facility precedes the MRI procedure of the brain. When drawing up a research plan, the specialist will definitely take into account all contraindications.

    One of the safest yet effective ways brain research - MRI method. As a result of MRI of cerebral vessels, not only their structure is assessed, but also functional state. Usually, the radiologist gets a fairly clear image of the vessels, but in some difficult cases, the study is carried out with contrast.

    As a result of the study, it is possible to make many sections of the problem area, obtain its image in different planes, and consider the specifics of blood flow. The desired part of the investigated vessel can be identified in a certain projection.

    When is a tomographic examination of the head performed?

    The main indications for MRI of the brain vessels include:

    Capabilities, which are opened using the MRI method:

    • Research helps build right plan treatment;
    • The course of treatment is monitored;
    • The diagnosis is specified;
    • Pathology is recognized in the most early dates its development.

    MRI of the vessels of the head visualizes not only the vessels themselves, but also the tissues surrounding them. Moreover, this happens without the use of x-rays and contrast material used in the case of computed tomography.

    The method helps to determine the exact localization of blood clots, damage to the walls of blood vessels,.

    Without a doubt, the MRI method, due to its safety and high information content, is superior to more early ways diagnostics: CT and radiography. You can do an MRI of the vessels of the brain in any medical institution, which has the appropriate equipment.

    Video: MRI of the brain

    Spine examination

    If in the recent past it was possible to study the state of the spinal column only with the help of radiographic methods (which is not always safe), then the method of magnetic resonance imaging that appeared later became a real breakthrough in diagnosis. In fact, medicine has gone completely new level. Using this non-invasive technique, the development of pathological process in dynamics. Get three-dimensional sections of problem areas. The resulting images are displayed on a computer monitor, then the images can be printed and placed in the medical history.

    Typically, MRI of the spine is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis of pain in the back or legs. With the help of the MR-tomography method it is possible:

    1. Detect damage to intervertebral discs;
    2. Determine the degree of pressure on the nerve roots of the damaged disc;
    3. Diagnose congenital pathology the organ under study;
    4. Determine violations in the movement of blood in a particular part of the spine;
    5. Diagnose tumors of bone and nervous tissue;
    6. Identify narrowing of the spinal canal;
    7. See traumatic injuries in nerve fibers;
    8. Detect metastases malignant tumors lungs, prostate, chest;
    9. Find changes in nerve fibers that have occurred as a result of diseases;
    10. Identify foci of inflammation, osteoporosis;
    11. Find the area of ​​the spine affected by the infection.

    • A person with dentures (with regard to dentures, their presence is not a contraindication), a pacemaker and other metal-containing inclusions;
    • Sick with convulsive syndrome and ;
    • People with a mental disorder;
    • Patients with claustrophobia;
    • For those who may develop allergic reaction in contrast.

    There is no need to prepare for the procedure. Naturally, the patient will have to remove all metal objects, as he will be in a strong magnetic field.

    Examination of the cervical spine

    One of the most complex and important nodes of the human body is the cervical spine. This place has many blood vessels, nerve and muscle fibers, vertebral elements. With their pathology, all body systems suffer. Sometimes diseases are accompanied by similar symptoms, therefore, in order to make the correct diagnosis, an MRI procedure is prescribed. cervical spine and neck vessels.

    Indications for an MRI of the spine

    1. Dystrophic-degenerative changes in the tissues of the spine;
    2. neck injury;
    3. Congenital anomalies of the organ;
    4. Suspicions of hernia and displacement of the vertebral discs;
    5. Spondyloarthritis, osteomyelitis, spondylitis;
    6. Suspicion of metastases;
    7. Upcoming spinal surgery.

    These diseases are manifested by pain in the hands, ringing in the ears, neck numbness, hearing and vision impairment, blood pressure. MRI of vessels neck allows you to identify the causes of disruption of the body.

    MRI of the heart

    The cardiovascular system in the body has a special role - blood circulation. Thanks to the work of the heart, blood enters all the cells of the human body and brings oxygen to them. Even small disturbances in the operation of this system can lead to irreversible consequences for good health. These organs wear out faster than others: the heart is in constant motion, and the vessels experience an impulse load.

    There is no doubt that the heart and blood vessels must be helped. How? First, observe the regime, eat healthy foods, give up bad habits. And secondly, time to do research. Problem detection on early stages, for anybody not a secret, gives more chances for recovery. MRI coronary vessels and the heart will give the opportunity to find all the problems in the system. And according to the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

    The MRI method is absolutely safe for cardiac activity. The magnetic field is harmless to the myocardium, vascular walls, heart rate. After the study, there are no residual effects.

    Heart examination shows:

    • Changes in the structure of the heart and the entire coronary system;
    • Decrease or increase in blood flow. The blood supply depends on the intake of drugs, hormonal drugs, load, stress;
    • Stenosis or cholesterol deposits: even the slightest violation bandwidth arteries worsens cardiac activity;
    • Changes in the functions of the heart chambers;
    • Pathological changes in the myocardium;
    • Violations in the structure and operation of the valve system;
    • Formations (benign and malignant);
    • (congenital or acquired);
    • Postoperative conditions of vessels and heart.

    Healthy heart (left) and well-detected by MRI (right)

    The difficulty in examining the heart is that this organ cannot be motionless. Breathing also affects the result of the scan. To make high-quality images, it is necessary to use high-power tomographs. Therefore, in the study of cardio-vascular system use devices capable of creating a magnetic field strength of more than 1.5 Tesla. This allows you to take pictures of slices no thicker than 1 mm. And for a clearer picture, the study can be carried out with contrast.

    On such tomographs, a three-dimensional high-quality image is obtained. Vessels and surrounding tissues are viewed at any depth and from a variety of angles. Heartbeat and magnetic field strength in modern MRI machines are synchronized. The study of vessels is carried out both in statics and in dynamics.

    Absolute contraindications:

    1. presence in the body electronic appliances(ferromagnetic ear implants, pacemakers);
    2. Metal implants, clips, staples;

    Relative contraindications:

    1. Claustrophobia;
    2. Postoperative condition that requires the use of supporting equipment;
    3. Pregnancy (first trimester);
    4. Unhealthy muscle activity.

    Abdominal diagnostics

    Usually, for diagnosing pathologies of organs located in the peritoneal cavity, it is not MRI that is prescribed, but other research methods. For example, CT scanners are better at distinguishing gallbladder and intestines. Fibrogastroscopy has proven itself well in the study of the stomach. However soft tissues sees better with an MRI. Therefore, in order to clarify the diagnosis regarding bile ducts, blood vessels, adrenal glands, liver, MRI is prescribed. With the help of the method, it is possible to identify the exact location of the organ, its shape and size, to detect the painful process, as well as the connection of the latter with neighboring organs.

    Thrombosis of the liver veins on MRI

    MRI pretty expensive procedure, therefore, it is prescribed only if necessary as an addition to the studies completed.

    Advantage this method lies in its safety. Carrying out the procedure without the use of x-rays allows it to be used even when examining pregnant women. If it is necessary to carry out additional research, then the procedure can be repeated without fear of complications. Also, when studying the state of the vessels in the abdominal cavity, it is not necessary to use a contrast agent, which makes this method indispensable for allergy sufferers. Of course, if you want to take a closer look cell structures organs, to determine their blood supply, it is possible to use contrasting. However, only a doctor should decide this.

    What does MRI reveal?

    • Fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis;
    • Tumors of various nature;
    • Bleeding, infection, inflammation;
    • Obstruction of the bile ducts;
    • Cholesterol deposits and other causes of impaired blood flow in the vessels;
    • Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

    Important! The patient should not refuse an additional clarifying procedure - MRI of the abdominal organs, if prescribed by a doctor.

    MR-tomography of vessels of extremities

    In the arterial and venous bed of the lower extremities, circulatory disorders may occur. To determine the degree of this violation will help MRI of the vessels of the legs. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to draw a conclusion about vascular injuries, abnormalities in their development, diseases, predict subsequent manifestations of the disease and prescribe the most suitable way treatment.

    thrombosis of the vessels of the legs on the MRI image

    Absolute and relative contraindications when conducting MRI of the vessels of the legs, they are the same as in the diagnosis of other organs (MRI of the vessels of the kidneys, abdominal cavity, heart).

    The use of MRI in the study of the knee joints

    About 70% of all lower extremity injuries occur in the knee joints. It can happen to people of any age and lead to total loss performance.

    MRI of the knee joint is currently used to clarify the diagnosis of the following injuries:

    • Ligament damage;
    • Rupture of the meniscus;
    • Tendon injury.

    MRI not only confirms this or that injury, but also shows more complex changes occurring in the tissues.

    Why MRI?

    The most used methods for examining the vessels of the legs are CT scan, and MRI.

    The safest of these methods are MRI and Doppler sonography. It should be noted the high information content of both one and the other method. However, the advantage of MRI is that, based on the results of the study, the patient and his doctor receive a three-dimensional, detailed, detailed image of all the elements of interest.

    When comparing MRI and CT, they are both reliable and can be successfully used for staging correct diagnosis. The main difference between MRI and CT in the absence of x-ray radiation. Therefore, there are much fewer contraindications for MRI, and the method can be recommended to a larger circle of patients, even to pregnant women.

    Video: comparison of MRI with CT

    Among the variety of diagnostic methods, MRI ranks special place. Maximum benefits and minimum contraindications make it the method of choice. However, the final conclusions, by definition, should be made only by a doctor.

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