Or being overweight a. Social support groups. Nutrition for obesity

In obese people, this biological control is turned off, so they eat large quantity food than needed.

As experimental studies show, genetics is to blame. Indeed, there are often families in which mothers, fathers, grandmothers, children suffer from this disease.

Until they invented medicines, correcting gene disorders, it remains to focus on willpower. The main thing is to remember the rational balanced diet, and the number of incoming calories should not exceed the amount of energy consumption.

The body's daily need for fats is 60-100 g, including per share vegetable fats should account for 20-30 g, the share of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the body or are synthesized only in small quantities - 6-8 g, for the share of cholesterol - 0.3-0.6 g.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in daily diet should be 1:1:4.

What is needed for adipose tissue?

In women with normal weight, the amount of adipose tissue accounts for up to 30% of body weight, in men - up to 20%. The main value of fats is a store of energy for the work of the whole organism. When 1 g is oxidized, 9.3 kcal of energy is released, i.e. on average, in the body with normal body weight, 100,000 kcal are deposited in the composition of fats. This amount is sufficient to provide energy needs body under fasting conditions for 40 days.

In addition, it is important to know, especially for teenage girls: until the body gains the right amount of adipose tissue, menstrual function will not be able to start (adipose tissue is a depot of female sex hormones). Therefore, often in very thin girls, menarche occurs late, or long time the process is irregular.

A certain amount of adipose tissue is also required for pregnancy and childbirth. Some women have to gain weight on purpose in order to carry a long-awaited baby, and during childbirth a woman spends the same amount of energy as if she alone unloaded a coal car.

How can you tell if you have enough or too much body fat?

There are several options for different calculations for this. The most accurate and worldwide accepted assessment of the status of the body mass index (BMI, kg/?).

BMI = weight (kg) / height (in meters) squared

BMI is the ratio of body weight (in kg) to height (in meters) squared. For example, BMI \u003d 60 kg / 1.70 * 1.70 \u003d 20.76, which is normal.

Thigh circumference (FROM / OB). It is an independent risk factor. Thus, indicators characterizing the distribution of fat mainly in abdominal cavity(which is more dangerous to health), in men they are more than 1.0, and in women - more than 0.84.

Assessment of the degree of obesity by BMI
Development risk arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease increased if the waist circumference in men is more than 94 cm, in women - more than 80 cm; high, if the waist circumference for men is more than 102 cm, for women it is more than 88 cm.

Also, for the diagnosis of obesity, metabolic indicators are evaluated:

Fasting blood triacylglycerides: normally not more than 2.83 mmol / l;

Blood cholesterol: normal - no more than 5.18 mmol / l, moderately elevated - 5.18-6.19 mmol / l, significantly increased - more than 6.22 mmol / l.

Fasting plasma glucose: normal 3.55-6.1 mmol / l, as well as a sugar curve.

You can't live without fat!

Fats are included in cell membranes, are precursors of a number of biological compounds involved in inflammation and immune response, prevent the development of thrombosis, etc. Studies have shown that eating 1 tablespoon of fresh (not fried) olive oil a day will protect you from the development of atherosclerosis.

Separately, it must be said about the role of cholesterol. Cholesterol is also part of cell membranes, their permeability to various substances. He is the forerunner steroid hormones and bile acids (necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats, fat soluble vitamins, medicinal substances).

Why do we gain weight?

Let's start from the very beginning. Overeating by a pregnant woman leads to admission a large number glucose to the child, that is how much he will require after birth (and this sleepless nights, the indignation of an insatiable baby). Next, kind grandmothers, nannies are constantly trying to feed the supposedly hungry child.

Be careful, fat cells laid in early childhood! Then, all our lives, we will only put fats in these cells, and the more of them there are, the more we need to put aside, and the higher the possibility of gaining excess weight.

Excess consumption of fats, especially of animal origin, leads to weight gain. This is understandable - the body cannot spend such an excess of energy, it remains only to add it in the form of adipose tissue.

It is impossible to store carbohydrates in large quantities (only 70-120 g of glycogen in the liver), so you have to convert sweets and starchy foods into fat.

With constant significant overeating, there is the possibility of the appearance of new fat cells in the adult body. Yes, we will be able to get in shape again, lose weight by reducing the volume of fat cells, but, unfortunately, their number will remain the same.

During long festive feasts, the body gets used to the intake of more than usual nutrients, the saturation threshold rises, and even after the holidays we continue to struggle with appetite. Psychologists say that a sharp restriction in food in this case is even more stressful for the body than going to work after a long rest.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Obesity is responsible for the development of arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis. In patients with obesity, there is often a violation of liver function, cholelithiasis.

As body weight increases, the risk of developing oncological diseases: in men - cancer of the prostate, rectum, in women - cancer mammary glands, ovaries, gallbladder, endometrium.

In obesity, as a rule, there are more or less pronounced symptoms of the lesion. nervous system: sleep disturbance, increased appetite, thirst, asthenoneurotic manifestations.

What to do?

Obesity - chronic illness metabolism, which cannot be completely cured, since it returns again with malnutrition. Therefore, obesity treatment should be carried out for life.

The main thing to remember is that metabolism is subject to daily biological rhythms, regardless of your daily routine. It needs to be launched in the morning with a hearty breakfast, warmed up with lunch and not overloaded with dinner.

There are many recommendations for weight loss. It is not safe for health to stick to mono-diets or fasting for a long time. For example, with an excess intake of protein foods ( protein diets) increases the formation of ammonia - a toxic product for the body. To neutralize it, the liver works in an enhanced mode, and the products of neutralization are excreted by the kidneys.

In people with impaired function of these organs, the condition quickly deteriorates. Can't be limited drinking regimen less than 1 liter per day, this will lead to accumulation toxic substances in the body, which are normally excreted in the urine.

You can achieve the desired result by changing your lifestyle. A balanced diet combined with physical activity is the key to success.

Excess body weight occurs as a result of either proper nutrition, or sedentary image life, or a combination of the first and second. The diet of a person with a similar problem is dominated by carbohydrate and fatty foods. As you know, carbohydrates and fats have the highest energy value, that is, they are more caloric than proteins. The latter do not pose any threat to humans, but rather serve as a building material, perform enzymatic and many other functions in the human body. That is why many diets are based on protein diet nutrition. So why is being overweight dangerous?

An increased amount of fats in the human diet leads to the fact that the liver does not have time to process them, and the level of low density lipoproteins in the blood rises. They tend to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and, over time, gradually clog them. As a result, the lumen of the vessels narrows, and it is more difficult for blood to pass through the vessels, i.e., increased vascular resistance occurs, which leads to arterial hypertension. High blood pressure is the cause of rapid "wear" of blood vessels, kidneys and myocardium of the heart. Arterial hypertension triggers a cascade of responses in the body, which are closed in a "vicious circle".

For example, hypertension leads to wear and tear of the myocardium, which in turn leads to heart failure. Thus, the heart loses its ability to adequately supply blood to peripheral organs due to the fact that it pushes blood with less force. big circle circulation. A state of hypoxia occurs when the organs do not have enough oxygen, which should bring them arterial blood. The brain and kidneys react most acutely to the state of hypoxia. The kidneys secrete the enzyme angiotensin 1, which is converted to angiotensin 2 in the lungs, which further constricts blood vessels so that blood can flow better to the kidneys, which further aggravates the condition of arterial hypertension. But besides the fact that the heart loses the ability to adequately supply peripheral organs with blood, it gradually loses the ability to supply blood to itself. This phenomenon is called angina pectoris, which is characterized by sharp pain behind the sternum during exercise or even at rest. For the brain, high blood pressure threatens the risk of stroke. But it's just not complete list possible consequences.

As mentioned above, the amount of low density lipoproteins in the bloodstream increases. And in addition to the above chain pathological processes, under their influence, another, no less dangerous, may arise. Being deposited on the walls of blood vessels, they can contribute to disruption of the interaction of insulin with insulin receptors in peripheral tissues, in other words, the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Elevated fat content can lead to fatty infiltration of the liver. In this case, liver cells are replaced by fat cells - adipocytes - and the liver gradually loses its ability to perform its functions. This is, first of all, the synthesis of the most important proteins of our body, for example, blood coagulation factors, resulting in increased bleeding. The liver performs a detoxifying function, for example, in the neutralization of alcohol or any drug, which is also gradually lost.

All of the above consequences of obesity can manifest themselves not separately, but in a complex way. This phenomenon is called the metabolic syndrome. Designed whole complex measures to protect the human body from such phenomena. To do this, you should eat right, exercise, control your pressure, stop smoking. If you are obese, then the main rule is to use preventive measures in combination with modern drugs that lower blood pressure and lower the level of low density lipoproteins. Be healthy!

Yu.V. Khmelevsky

Obesity is an increase in body weight in which excess fat accumulates under the skin, on the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. At the same time, fat is deposited on the heart, blood vessels, liver and other important organs. Obesity can be easily controlled by the thickness of the skin fold on the abdomen. The norm for men is up to 1-2 cm, for women - up to 2-4 cm. With obesity - from 5-10 cm or more.

There are many formulas for calculating normal weight. Modern medicine, today, determines overweight according to the following formula:

Body Mass Index=Weight/Height 2 [kg/m 2 ];

Excess weight is considered when the mass index is greater than 25, at a rate of 19-25. Unfortunately, this index does not at all reflect either the constitutional and other characteristics of people, or natural conditions, forcing artificially reduce or gain weight, which can cause irreparable harm to health.

traditional medicine does not take this approach. She believes that each temperament is characterized by one or another body mass. So, for example, people of a phlegmatic temperament are prone to obesity and this is considered the norm for them (adipose tissue predominates in them), and people of a melancholic temperament, no matter how much you feed them, remain, as a rule, thin (predominant bone). In sanguine people, muscle mass (tissue) predominates, and choleric people are distinguished by a lack of adipose tissue (bone and muscle, as a rule, are balanced).

Thus, weight gain can be seen not as a disease, but as a condition in which the weight exceeds the standard accepted in a particular culture.

Excess weight can be considered a disease only if the weight is significantly increased and creates a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart failure, fatty liver, arthritis and other diseases.

The cause of obesity can be formulated in one phrase, it is a violation (weakening or slowing down) of metabolism, when energy, in the form of calories, enters the body more than it is spent (burned out). But it's already secondary cause. Conventional medicine believes that there are four primary causes of obesity:

    Irrational nutrition, (without regard to temperament, season, age and gender). Eating disorder. Excess cold, heavy and high-calorie (fatty and carbohydrate) food, too frequent use food, excessive drinking, overeating, eating at night.

    Insufficient mobility and low physical activity (insufficient physical exercise). Lack of physical education.

    Wrong image life. Inappropriate reaction to stressful situations. To extinguish stress, a person absorbs too many high-calorie foods. The main predisposing emotional factors are attachment and sentimentality, as well as low self-esteem. Excessively long sleep and sleep in daytime.

    Applications hormonal drugs(steroids, insulin, including birth control pills), causing a violation of the endocrine system (hormonal balance).

Watch your diet carefully. A light diet is needed, fasting, the use of spices to improve digestion and mild laxatives to systematically cleanse the intestines. Refuse breakfast, replacing it with hot herbal tea. Lunch should be plentiful and satisfying. Dinner should be light. You should not snack between these two main meals. Single meals for 10-15 days. Avoid cold drinks, fried foods, and eat fresh bread (replaced with breadcrumbs, mostly from dark bran bread). Eliminate beef, lamb or pork from your diet. Minimize your consumption of dairy products such as ice cream, cheese (except for old salty), yogurt. Eat starchy and sugary substances as little as possible. When cooking, use more spices such as anise, ginger, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, mustard seeds, cumin. Eat at lunch vegetable dishes seasoned with vinegar and vegetable oil. The diet must be dominated by salads with a small amount of vegetable oil and legumes. From meat products you can eat once a month a little chicken or fish. 30-40 minutes before meals, drink hot (as the mouth tolerates) herbal tea, for example with mint, ginger or cinnamon. Reception of drinks 2-3 times a day (1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ginger, a teaspoon of turmeric). 1 teaspoon of this mixture, brew with one glass of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes and drink half a glass with one teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days. Drink should be two hours after eating, but not with food. Calm and moderate food should become a habit. If you have to eat in a company, then choose slender people with proper eating habits.

  • There are leeks, fresh, boiled and dried.
  • There is a fresh lettuce.
  • There are large quantities of common gooseberries for 3-4 weeks.
  • Drink Fresh Juice white cabbage 30-40 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day, starting with 100 ml per dose and gradually increasing to 200 ml over 3-4 weeks.

Get regular exercise. Obese people should walk daily (at least half an hour). It is useful to walk quickly with additional weight on the arms (legs), starting from 1-2 kg. The most effective is jogging. Every day, run as much as possible to slight fatigue (this can be at the beginning and 100 m), with the transition to walking, gradually increasing the distance. But the criterion should always remain the same - run only until you are slightly tired.

Swimming and weightlifting are also excellent remedies in this situation. Continuous swimming for 45 minutes can reduce the weight by about 350 g. In any case, the load should be increased gradually.

  1. Starting position, lying on your back. Raise straight legs up or with straight legs swing up and down, as in swimming. Do each movement 20-50 times.
  2. Starting position, lying on your back. From a lying position rise to a sitting position. Do each movement 20-50 times.
  3. Sitting on the floor, lean forward as far as possible, gradually trying to touch your head to your knees. Do 20-50 times.
  4. Starting position, lying on your stomach. Raise straight legs back, also simultaneously raise the head and shoulders in the form of an "arc". Repeat 20-50 times.
  5. Starting position, standing, feet shoulder width apart. Do squats 20-40 times. Squatting, exhale, rising - inhale.
  6. Starting position, standing, legs together. Do alternate jumps on one leg 20-40 times.

But if after physical education you feel hungry, do not rush to satisfy it with bread and sandwiches. It is better to satisfy it with fruits (always with a peel), vegetable salad with a small amount of vegetable oil, low-fat broth.

Always remember to burn more calories than you take in.

Breathing exercises. This exercise will allow your body to burn fat faster. Inhale passively (through the nose), and exhale actively and with little effort. Start slowly, gradually increasing the speed. Imagine a steam locomotive, which, moving slowly, picks up speed. Do a cycle of 30 exhalations, then rest for a minute. Gradually bring up to five cycles in the morning and evening. You can strengthen this exercise if you breathe only through the right nostril, plugging the left nostril with cotton or pressing it slightly with the little finger and ring finger of the right hand.

Give up alcohol and smoking. These emotional habits overstimulate the digestive fire, resulting in hunger.

Love yourself. Food is food for the body, love is food for the soul. When there is not enough love in personal relationships, love is sought in food. Food becomes a substitute for love. Stop judging, comparing and criticizing yourself. Love yourself the way you are.

Drink hot water. Whenever you feel hungry, drink a cup of hot water (as your mouth tolerates), adding a teaspoon of honey and up to 10 drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Adjust the taste of the drink by the number of drops so that the drink is sweet and sour and pleasant to your taste (not too sweet and not too sour).

Between meals. If you feel like snacking between meals, eat some raisins or carrots.


  • 0.5 g of mummy with ginger and honey should be taken 2-3 times a day.
  • Aloe juice with ginger and turmeric is also considered an effective remedy.
  • Drink 200 ml per day of a decoction of fresh parsley.
  • A teaspoon of dry herb wormwood pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of herb mountaineer bird (knotweed) pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist. Drink 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • Decoction: 10 g of crushed corn stigmas insist (soak) in 300 ml cold water, boil on low heat for 30 minutes. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 10 g per 200 ml of water. Decoction or infusion drink 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.

Tablespoon collection per 200 ml of water. Take 100 ml 2 times a day.

Tablespoon collection per 200 ml of water. Take in the morning for breakfast 200-400 ml of hot broth.

Two tablespoons of the collection for 500 ml of water. Brew with boiling water and soak for 0.5 hours. Drink in 3-4 doses of 200 ml without sugar.

Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and soak for 30 minutes. In the morning, drink the whole infusion hot.

Psychotherapy. When overweight modern medicine recommends using the following short self-hypnosis formula:

I am at peace with my feelings, I am safe where I am. I create my own security with my thoughts. I love and approve of myself. Every day I am getting better and better in every way.

Every morning, before getting up, and every evening before going to bed, taking a position that is convenient for relaxing the muscles, i.e. in bed or in an armchair, say this formula 20 times in a row, counting mechanically on a string with twenty knots, with the firm conviction that you will achieve what you want.

Acupressure. In case of a feeling of acute hunger, massage a point located exactly in the middle between shoulder joint and the base of the elbow outside forearm. Press on the point with the end of the index finger or any blunt object for 2-3 minutes, first on the right, then on the left forearm. Such an effect dulls the appetite and regulates (stabilizes) the metabolism.

baths. More often do baths with the addition of soda, from which fat on the abdomen dissolves.

Bath. Regular steam procedures (every other day). They are best done in a Russian steam bath or sauna (for phlegmatic people).

Clothing. Wearing woolen fabrics exhausts the body.

Carry stones. It is good to wear blue sapphire or amethyst, as well as emerald, chrysolite and jadeite. Ruby and pomegranate are indicated in cases where obesity is associated with chronic low level digestive fire (more suitable for phlegmatic people).

Consider the lunar rhythms. Medicines and weight loss aids are best consumed within two weeks - from the end of the full moon to the first day after the new moon (on the "waning" moon).

Don't sleep during the day. Sleeping during the day slows down your metabolism. Instead, take some physical work. Watch less TV and spend time at the computer.

When overeating.

drink half a cup warm water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of baking soda.

Fry in a dry frying pan 1 pinch of fennel seeds or black pepper with honey to seize immediately after eating.

Toast 1 teaspoon dill seed and 1 teaspoon coriander seed with a pinch of salt in a dry frying pan and eat.

Eat radish fruits, rowan berries, the inner shell of the stomach (navel) of chicken, which are eaten dry or washed down with warm water.

Appetite caused by stress. Drinking hot water, hot ginger tea or mint oil(2 drops of peppermint oil in hot water). Useful walks in the fresh air.

Don't start losing weight in the winter. the level of heat in the body is reduced and resistance to disease is reduced.

Don't try to quit right away. big weight. More justified is the gradual long-term treatment using natural methods rather than a short-term treatment with strong agents (to avoid sagging skin with the formation of folds and wrinkles). Be persistent and in time you will definitely succeed.

The use of synthetic medicines appetite suppressants, can weaken the digestive fire, which leads to even more metabolic disorders and thereby exacerbates obesity of a neurogenic nature.

Obesity in phlegmatic people

Overweight (adipose tissue predominates) is more common in people belonging to a phlegmatic temperament. Their metabolism is slow, and their appetite is constant, as a result of which they can easily put on weight. Most of their fat is deposited in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Eating helps them relieve emotional tension, and cooking itself can become a kind of addiction. Often there is also hypofunction thyroid gland and others hormonal disorders contributing to weight gain.

Excess weight is represented mainly by water and fat. The function of the pancreas and kidneys is weakened, the pulse may be slowed down, the overall level of energy is reduced. Puffiness, pallor, sweating, excessive secretion of mucus and saliva are characteristic. May appear subcutaneous body fat and benign tumors.

In order to keep the weight within the normal range, phlegmatic people need significant physical activity. At the slightest decrease in weight, the weight quickly increases, and then it is difficult to reduce it. To reduce weight by 1-5 kg, it takes at least 1-2 months, and more than 5 kg - up to six months. Prerequisites for this:

  • rational food and drink, according to temperament, season and climate;
  • regular natural complex cleansing of the body;
  • observance of the daily routine.

Food. Sugar and sweets are excluded, salt intake is reduced. The consumption of dairy products, sweet fruits, bakery and confectionery products, meat, fish, oily and heavy foods is limited. Cold drinks should be avoided. You should not eat before 10 am and after 6 pm. Sprouted grains, brewer's yeast and other substances containing enzymes improve digestion. To stimulate metabolism, spices are used that enhance metabolism (black and red pepper, ginger, turmeric, garlic). Bitter herbs are used to reduce obesity (gentian, barberry, chicory and dandelion roots, myrrh, etc.). Useful composition of turmeric and barberry. To weaken the habits that contribute to obesity, herbs are used that strengthen the nerves - skullcap, calamus. If the patient is not weakened, fasting is performed. Instead of fasting on fruit juices, fasting on spice teas and vegetable juices. Eat more steamed vegetables without salt and oil, legumes and whole grains.

Cleansing. Soft laxatives are used - joster, aloe juice. Strong laxatives are contraindicated.

Regular steam treatments (every other day) in the sauna.

Mild diuretics may be helpful corn silk, plantain, as well as herbs and drugs that improve kidney function, such as mummy.

Lifestyle. Should be avoided too long sleep and sleep during the day. Exercise is shown, especially outdoors.

Obesity in melancholic

Melancholics are characterized by fluctuations in body weight: weight gain is replaced by its normalization or even decrease, and both weight gain and loss can be unexpected and difficult to explain. Appetite is not constant. People of this type have difficulty in gaining body weight, despite their pronounced intolerance to hunger and a tendency to frequent eating. Obesity is promoted by the abuse of sugars and other carbohydrates, which are eaten to "calm the nerves."

To mental factors include fear, anxiety, excitement, nervousness. Excessive fullness contributes to a disorderly lifestyle.

Food. The diet should include whole grains and starchy vegetables. The use of spices requires caution: hot spices, such as black and red pepper, are used less, and sweet-spicy ones, such as cardamom, coriander, fennel, are used more. Good help herbs that calm the mind and help to weaken the habits that have arisen "on nervous grounds", in particular, valerian, calamus, nutmeg.

Cleansing. Regular steam procedures (every other day). They are best done in a Russian steam bath. Do when constipated cleansing enemas With sesame oil or on herbs.

Lifestyle. It is necessary to lead an orderly life.

Obesity in sanguine and choleric patients

This type of obesity is usually caused by overeating. The appetite of people of this temperament, as a rule, is good, digestion is also good, hence the tendency to eat a lot. But thanks to their energy, assertiveness in behavior and activity, they usually do not have special problems with excess body fat. Their food is not digested as quickly as in melancholics, but it does not particularly linger. They do not feel well when they skip meals, but this is expressed only in an increase in irritability. Their body weight quickly increases with abundant nutrition and low mobility, especially in winter time when the food is high in calories. Since these people metabolize sugar relatively easily, they may develop an addiction to it. Often there is an excess consumption of meat. With this type of obesity, the muscles are well developed (especially in sanguine people), and, despite overweight they don't look sluggish. People of this type lose weight just as easily as they gain it. To eliminate small fat accumulations (up to 5 kg), intense enough steam procedures(saunas for sanguine people and a Russian bath for choleric people) with good motor activity and active lifestyle for 1-2 weeks. The more fat deposits, the more time it will take to acquire natural dimensions. Procedures are best carried out against the background of a complex of natural cleansing of the body.

Food. Meat, fish, fatty and oily foods, as well as sugars and confectionery should be avoided. It is useful to eat vegetable salads with the addition of green herbs and chlorophyll. Sanguine people consume more foods with a bitter and astringent taste.

The following herbs help well: aloe, gentian, dandelion, barberry, turmeric and other herbs that regulate the functioning of the liver.

Cleansing. Bitterness and bitter laxative herbs, such as joster, are used as cleansing agents.

Lifestyle. Lead rational and active image life.

Obesity (Latin obesitas - fullness, fattening) - chronic illness, which is characterized by the accumulation of excess adipose tissue in the human body, which leads to an increase body weight. The disease is progressive and is accompanied endocrine disorders . A gradual increase in body weight leads to irreversible processes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

To date, in the health care of our country, and indeed the whole world as a whole, such a disease as obesity occupies almost the first place in its prevalence. According to WHO statistics, since 1980, the number of cases of this disease has doubled; in 2008, 1.5 billion people aged 20 years and older suffered from excess weight, but about statistical figures childhood and it's scary to say - 40 million children. Almost 3 million people die each year from overweight or obesity.

Moreover, about 44% of diabetes mellitus, 27% of coronary heart disease and 7 to 40% oncological diseases are due to being overweight. Generally speaking, this disease from year to year rather quickly spreads around the globe. Developed to fight obesity various methods this is a variety of diets, and training, and surgical treatment of obesity.

Causes of obesity

The common cause of obesity is slow metabolism, as a result of which the number of calories that enter the body with food is not burned, while forming excessive accumulation of fat. However, many factors lead to a slowdown in metabolism, so the causes of obesity, ultimately, may be different.

This is primarily due to low physical activity and poor nutrition, frequent use sharp and fatty foods, especially fatty varieties meat, various sweets, pasta. Wrong way of life long sleep, chronic, smoking, are also causes of excess weight. Eating a large amount of high-calorie foods, as well as sugary carbonated drinks, also contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body.

The disease can be associated with the use of hormonal drugs, as well as with frequent stress. In some cases, excessive body weight is due to a hereditary factor - increased activity lipogenesis enzymes or decrease in activity.

Some diseases can also lead to obesity, for example, ( insulinoma , gyrothyroidism ), then such obesity is called endocrine. Diseases of the nervous system associated with lesions of the hypothalamus lead to hypothalamic obesity.

In addition, certain medications can also lead to obesity, for example, corticosteroids and various antidepressants . Another factor contributing to weight gain is age. Usually after 30 years there is a restructuring of special centers of the brain, among which is the center responsible for appetite. This means that in order to suppress the feeling of hunger, a person needs more food. In addition, with age, a person's metabolism slows down, which leads to gradual weight gain.

Food rich in easily digestible carbohydrates is not able to be absorbed properly if you do not balance your diet with foods that have enough protein. Wrong diet women leads to the fact that the fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy is already forming a predisposition to excess weight. This is where childhood obesity comes in.

obesity symptoms

Constantly increasing body weight is the main symptom of obesity. Against the background of excess weight, symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling of the lower extremities, increased appetite appear, while patients prefer oily and heavy food. Patients may also be disturbed by bouts of night hunger and. In a woman, changes affect genital area, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, signs may appear, in men it decreases. Hyperpigmentation of the skin may also appear, especially on the arms and elbows, as well as the appearance of small stretch marks ( striae ) on the neck, thighs and abdomen.

These symptoms of obesity appear long before excess weight begins to interfere with the normal rhythm of life, so many patients do not consider their weight to be overweight. In the first stages of the disease, a person's weight increases up to 20% and gradually increases. An equally important symptom of the disease is hypertension. tends to settle on the walls of blood vessels, thereby impeding blood flow.

Fat deposits can be distributed evenly, and the person for a long time does not pay attention to the appearance of excess weight. In the case when the accumulation occurs in certain places, the signs of obesity are more noticeable. In children, this localized obesity leads to growth retardation.

Obesity in children most often develops due to acquired metabolic disorders, as well as heredity. Usually obesity can be observed at 1 year, and at 10-15 years. In children 10-15 years old, the cause of obesity is usually hypothalamic syndrome, which is characterized by the appearance of stretch marks on the hips, buttocks, mammary glands. There is an increase blood pressure may also increase intracranial pressure.

Diagnosis of obesity

The World Health Organization classifies obesity according to BMI, that is body mass index. BMI is calculated by the ratio of weight to square centimeter of body area. If BMI is equal to or greater than 25, then it is simple overweight , if 30 or more - obesity . As a classification option, BMI ranks first in terms of overweight detection methods, since it is the same for both sexes and all age categories.

Accurate calculations BMI produced according to the following formulas:

  • less than 0.0185 g/sq. see - underweight (dystrophy);
  • 0.0185-0.0249 g/sq. cm. - normal mass body;
  • 0.025-0.0299 g/sq. see - overweight;
  • 0.030-0.0349 g/sq. see - the first degree of obesity;
  • 0.035-0.039 g/sq. see - the second degree of obesity;
  • more than 0.040 g/sq. see - the third degree of obesity.

With obesity of the fourth degree, the actual body weight exceeds the ideal weight by more than 100%.

To measure body weight in people over 65, athletes, pregnant women and children, these formulas are being amended.

Diagnosis of obesity is also carried out according to the formula for calculating BMI Broca's index method. The basis of this method is the ratio of height and body weight. A ratio is considered normal at which body weight equals height minus 100 in centimeters. But the calculation will be correct only within 155-170 cm of growth.

If a person suffers from obesity of I and II degrees, then he has complaints of weakness, drowsiness, a sharp decline mood, increased, irritability. It can also bother chronic, as well as nausea. When exercising, it appears tachycardia and shortness of breath . With the I degree of obesity, the patient is worried about shortness of breath when performing exercise medium intensity, but the performance remains at the same level. Already with obesity of the II degree, working capacity is significantly reduced, the patient complains of swelling of the legs, as well as pain in the spine.

With obesity III degree a person develops body disproportion, shortness of breath worries almost constantly, blood circulation is disturbed. Against the background of general lethargy and apathy, the patient's appetite is increased. For the IV degree of obesity, it is characteristic that a person becomes disabled, it is violated mental condition He doesn't care about anything but food.

To diagnose obesity, several factors must be considered. Firstly, the age of the patient is taken into account when the first signs of the disease appeared, recent changes in body weight, lifestyle, food preferences, the presence, intensity of physical activity, the use of various drugs (hormones, various food additives, laxatives).

Thus, the doctor, in order to make a diagnosis of overweight or obesity, determines BMI in order to classify the disease according to severity, determines the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference to determine the nature of the distribution of fatty tissues in the body, and then measures blood pressure. After that, the patient is sent for tests. Laboratory blood tests are carried out to determine the level cholesterol and lipoproteins high and low density in order to detect violations fat metabolism, as well as echocardiography to determine the pathologies of the heart and the entire circulatory system. In case of menstrual irregularities, gynecological examinations and ultrasound procedure pelvic organs.

Complications of obesity

Obesity is characterized as a disease in which the patient has excessive fat deposits that create additional load on the musculoskeletal system , cardiovascular and respiratory system . Therefore, complications are primarily manifested by diseases of these systems and organs. Obesity is dangerous for health, for its longevity, and can lead to premature death.

Obesity very often leads to the development, circulatory disorders, diseases of the heart, joints, liver and biliary tract, as well as diabetes. In obese people, the likelihood of thrombosis in the veins of the legs is 2.5 times higher than in people with normal weight. Biggest risk thrombosis prone plump women up to 40 years old.

Fat tends to accumulate in men in the abdominal cavity ( abdominal obesity ), and in women - on the buttocks and thighs ( pelvic obesity ). With abdominal obesity, the likelihood of the appearance and development of coronary heart disease increases many times, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, an increase in the content of fats in the blood and the development non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus . Weight loss leads to a decrease in blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension, and for patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, this allows drug therapy to be discontinued.

On the part of the digestive organs, such complications of obesity develop as, pancreatitis , cholelithiasis .

Obese patients often develop malignant tumors. In men they amaze prostate and rectum , and for women uterus , ovaries and milk glands . Besides, menstrual disorders, gallbladder disease occurs in such women much more often than in women with normal weight. All this leads to a violation of the reproductive function.

obesity treatment

To lose weight, obese patients need to consume fewer calories than they expend. There are three methods to achieve this goal:

  • self-help;
  • psychological methods;
  • clinical programs.

In the case of self-help, patients on their own, or in special groups, relying on the developed methods of losing weight, try to normalize your diet, do physical education. To psychological methods weight loss include motivate yourself to lose weight, for example, the desire to surprise everyone around with your beauty and harmony, or to wear a new dress in a small size. Such motivation should be relevant, and related to life position person. Such motivation should be combined with proper diet and daily physical activity.

It is very important to treat obesity in a complex way, i.e. strive to reduce body weight different ways, with the help of diet therapy, physiotherapy, exercise and medication.

Program complex treatment obesity usually consists of two stages - phase of weight loss (approximately 3-6 months) and mass stabilization stage (6 months).

In addition, nutritionists teach obese patients to eat right, control their health and the quality of nutrition. It is very important that the patient is aware of the need to change their eating habits and lifestyle.

Obesity treatment programs teach how to eat right, how to change lifestyle and eating habits to achieve results. For this, doctors recommend a balanced low calorie diet based on reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, while maintaining in the diet required amount proteins, vitamins, minerals. Doctors will help to individually select products, taking into account the age, degree of obesity, taste and lifestyle of the patient. You can not starve and use diets with sharp restrictions in fats and carbohydrates. Introduce foods into the diet high content fiber , which contribute to rapid saturation and accelerate the passage of products through the intestines (bran, green beans, oats, whole wheat). Meals should be fairly frequent (5-6 times a day). Also useful are fasting days(1 time per week). For those who are obese I-II degrees, doctors recommend moderately limiting fat intake.

An individual system of physical activity is developed for the patient, taking into account his lifestyle and changes in diet. Most effective daily morning exercises , as well as, i.e. brisk walking, jogging, cycling, aerobics, football. These classes should be systematic and frequent (3-5 times a week). You need to choose those physical activities that bring you pleasure. A professional fitness trainer will not only control its execution, but also correct it depending on the patient's condition. If an obese patient has diseases of the heart, blood vessels, the load should be light, focusing on the pulse.

Medical therapy helps to increase the effectiveness of other methods of treatment, and in patients with II degree obesity, drug treatment begins simultaneously with a change in lifestyle and nutrition. However drug therapy not recommended for pregnant women, children, and patients over 65 years of age.

Among the drugs used in the treatment of obesity, doctors prescribe drugs that suppress appetite, promote the release of retained fluids in the body, increase energy expenditure and reduce the absorption of nutrients in the body. For example, it prevents the absorption of fats in the intestines, but it side effect is the presence liquid stool. contributes to a decrease in appetite and an increase in energy expenditure, but affects cardiovascular system. You can also use drugs to normalize hormonal levels. Medicines for weight loss should be prescribed only by the attending physician. However, many patients supplement their treatment with special teas and fees for weight loss, as well as biologically active additives .

In diseases of obesity against the background of other diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, diseases musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory.

Psychocorrection sessions can also be held with the patient, in which the psychotherapist will help to understand the causes of obesity.

For the treatment of patients with obesity of the IV degree is used surgical treatment of obesity. Such operations should be carried out exclusively in institutions that specialize in this type of surgical interventions and only by qualified surgeons. It is in this case that patients tolerate the operation better, and complications occur in less than 10% of patients with a high degree of risk. There are several surgical methods for the treatment of obesity: - removal of excess fatty tissue from under the skin; – removal big belly, the establishment of gastric rings, contributing to a decrease in the volume of the stomach, which contributes to the acceleration of saturation; bypass enteroanastomoses in which parts are removed from the digestive system small intestine. Such operations can lead to sudden weight loss, about half the patient's excess weight, and gradually slows down. Weight loss improves general condition the patient, increasing his activity and efficiency, the mood also improves. In addition, the operation reduces the complications caused by obesity.

It is important to remember that weight loss is easier to achieve with a combination of diet and exercise, physical therapy and medication. beneficial action provided to obese patients thermal treatments– mud procedures, hot dry-air baths, salt and coniferous baths, steaming, swimming in the pool, light-thermal baths, wet wraps. Also useful sauna - a dry hot bath of the Finnish sample. It is advisable to use occupational therapy and general massage.

It is important to note that obesity in infants is purely dietary, older children are treated in the same way as adults.

Nutrition for obesity

Since the main cause of obesity is binge eating, then doctors advise to regulate nutrition, the same recommendations include the prevention of obesity. It is important that food a small amount calories, makes you feel full. When preparing dishes for an obese patient, they try not to salt the food. Limit food intake great content carbohydrates - bread, flour, sugar, cereals, potatoes, various sweets. You can eat black bread and bread with bran in the amount of 300 g per day. Fats in the diet are limited, but not completely excluded, they can be 50-75 g per day. Cholesterol-rich foods are the liver, egg yolk- removed from the diet. Vegetable oil is better to use unrefined, about 25-30 ml. in a day. Alcohol is prohibited. Doctors are allowed to arrange a curd day, when 60 g of sour cream, 600 g of cottage cheese, 2 cups of coffee (with milk and without sugar) and 2 cups of rosehip broth are allowed. Also fruit and vegetable days when allowed consumption of 1.5 kg. raw vegetables or fruits for 5-6 doses, apple day (2 kg. raw apples), or meat day, when 250-350 g is allowed for 5-6 meals. boiled meat, and a boiled side dish without salt, 2 cups of rosehip broth.

With obesity III-IV degrees, patients completely remove cereals from the diet and pasta, sugar, honey, sweets, while increasing the amount of vegetables consumed, and vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil are especially useful. Also for such patients, it can also be used, which is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

The main diet for obesity is diet number eight. This diet is based on reducing the caloric content of the diet due to easily digestible carbohydrates with high protein content. It contains increased amount proteins (120 g), reduced amount fat (70 g), 200-250 g carbohydrate, 1 liter of liquid. Diet number eight allows only food cooked in boiled, baked and stewed form. The consumption of fried foods and foods that stimulate appetite, seasonings, and spices is limited. For drinks and sweet foods, xylitol or sorbitol is used. Subject to diet number 8, the following are allowed:

  • rye and wheat bread;
  • vegetable soups, beetroot, okroshka, borscht, fat-free meat broths;
  • low-fat varieties of fish and meat;
  • up to 1.5 eggs per day;
  • kefir, milk, skim cheese, cheese, curdled milk, butter- limited;
  • buckwheat, barley and pearl barley friable porridges;
  • cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini;
  • unsweetened berries, fruits, compotes;
  • mineral water, tea, coffee with milk (without sugar), vegetable, berry and fruit juices.

Completely excluded from the diet for obesity White bread, pastry, fatty meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, fatty cottage cheese, fatty cheeses, cream, semolina, rice, pickled vegetables, grapes, sugar, sweets, ice cream, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, chocolate.

Although diet number eight allows you to “lose” a few pounds in the first month, it should be followed for a long time. At right approach monthly weight loss will be 1-2 kg, and this will not adversely affect overall health, as often happens with other diets.

In the presence of associated with obesity diseases, the use of diet No. 8 should be agreed with the attending physician.

You can start keeping a food diary where you can write down what you ate, how much, when and why. It will help in the early stages of treatment, when lifestyle and eating habits change very seriously.

Prevention of obesity

Obesity prevention is about eliminating and maintaining a balanced diet. To prevent the development of obesity in baby, you need to systematically weigh it, especially with a hereditary predisposition to obesity. It is very important to organize proper nutrition in adolescents, as well as timely detection of diseases that are accompanied by endocrine or hypothalamic obesity .

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