A pregnant woman dreamed of what she was hiding. See yourself pregnant in a dream. What does pregnancy mean, why dream. Why dream of a big belly pregnant

The young lady, who happened to see herself pregnant in a dream, dream books report her real need to feel a new life inside herself in reality. Most often, such stories are dreamed of by girls of childbearing age. But in some cases, a dream can be seen by an elderly lady, and even a man.

  • In the collection of Freud's interpretations, it is noted: to see yourself in a dream pregnant with a belly - to the need to change something in the near future. The dreamer was bored with her usual life. She wants to experience something radically new and interesting. This can apply to any area of ​​life. Sometimes such a dream plot turns out to be a harbinger of the renewal of the sleeping personality.
  • Miller's dream book suggests that seeing yourself in demolition is a sign of conflicts and quarrels with your soulmate. Problems in relationships will arise through the fault of a man. The girl will do everything possible to correct the situation, but she will not be able to do it alone.
  • In the People's Dream Book, your own pregnancy is a great sign. She promises the fair sex a quick cash profit. For example, it can be an unexpected gift (a large amount in an envelope) or an increase in salary.

What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried woman

When a woman dreams of her pregnancy, who has long been married, has children and does not plan to expand her family, it means that a favorable period has come in her life for the implementation of long-standing plans and ideas. It's time to open your own business, change jobs or just actively engage in self-development. In any case, a married lady will be able to achieve stunning results.

If a girl free from marriage regularly sees herself pregnant in a dream, in this way the body “hints” to her that she is ready to bear the child.

Most often, such dreams are seen by the fair sex, who are passionate about their careers and at the same time are already at the age when it is time to think about motherhood.

It happens that a very young lady dreams of her own pregnancy. For her, such a dream may be a harbinger of shame and reputation problems due to her own frivolity. You need to be careful when choosing friends.

See yourself as a pregnant girl, boy or twins

The interpretation of the dream will also depend on what gender the sleeping woman is pregnant with:

  • If a girl, you will have to face something joyful and amazing in real life.
  • If a boy, then in the very near future you can expect rapid career growth and business success.
  • Pregnancy immediately with twins in a dream is a great sign. He portends the sleeping cloudless happiness and unprecedented success.

Sometimes men also see such a dream. For their visions, a similar interpretation is relevant. The born baby boy symbolizes perseverance in the implementation of one's own plans.

Positive pregnancy test

A dream in which a positive pregnancy test appears is very ambiguous. If he dreams of a man who leads a hectic intimate life, then this is a sign - such behavior will not end in anything good. An unwanted pregnancy of a stranger is possible, or even infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

For a virgin, the discussed dream portends problems with reputation.

You need to be wary of gossip, gossip and try with all your might not to give ill-wishers reasons for slander. Otherwise, it will not be easy to regain a good name.

Abortion, frozen, ectopic pregnancy

The meaning of dreams about pregnancy with a negative outcome will depend on the emotional state of the girl herself. If the abortion brought her relief and did not cause discomfort, most likely, a successful long-awaited conception will take place in reality. Or the sleeping woman will be able to solve a problem that has been bothering her for a long time.

A frozen pregnancy is a clear clue that a woman went the wrong way in real life. She made a serious mistake when choosing a job, partner or in some other area of ​​​​life. Now you have to pay for it for a long time.

An ectopic pregnancy from a dream is a clue that a person has many plans and goals. It's just that most of them will never be realized and achieved.

Why dream of your pregnancy and childbirth

If you dreamed of your own pregnancy, which ended in a successful birth, you can safely proceed to the implementation of a plan that has long been planted in your head. It will bring a person not only large profits, but also honor and satisfaction.

Severe painful childbirth portends disappointment. Perhaps the betrayal of a loved one, whom the sleeper always trusted infinitely.

In order to correctly interpret any dream about an interesting situation, you need to take into account a large number of its details and details. If they are quickly forgotten in the morning, it is worth writing down all the important circumstances of the dream that you managed to remember on paper.

Pregnancy most often symbolizes your desire to have children or your unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires of a sexual nature.

1 Pregnancy according to Loff's dream book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family. To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS such as "what if ..." may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

1 Pregnancy by dream book of Solomon

A young woman being pregnant is happiness in love.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

1 Pregnancy by Dream interpretation of the subconscious

Dreams about pregnancy are often associated with creativity and the conception of a new idea or project. Jung saw pregnancy dreams as a symbol of the beginning of a new phase of personal development.

For both men and women, a dream about pregnancy can mean a desire to take care of another.

1 Pregnancy by Home dream book

The meaning of sleep pregnancy:

For a woman who does not have children, it may mean her desire to become pregnant.

1 Pregnancy by Dream Interpretation Krady Veles

Pregnant - profit, honor / trouble, gossip; to be pregnant - to have bold hopes, joy (to a woman), wealth or profit (to a man or only to the poor) / losses, deceit (to a girl), death (to an old one), sadness and trouble (to a rich man), wife's illness (to a married man).

Pregnancy dreams of starting a new business.

Inside each of us, even the best of us, slumbers an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Pregnancy by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

It symbolizes the bearing of someone else, mostly in a negative sense, indicating either organic diseases or a hidden unconscious effect on the subject of something else, alien. When In-se* wants to talk about the birth of an expected child, it shows the image of a person with certain facial features.

*Onto In-se (Italian In-S? ontico - ontic "in-itself") - the basic project of human nature; life principle, without which life is impossible. Compliance with this principle leads a person to self-realization, health, happiness, deviation from it causes illness, pain, suffering (synonymous with the soul).

1 Pregnancy by Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in September, October, November, December

Pregnancy in a dream means:

Sometimes this dream is a dream for a long-awaited pregnancy.

1 Pregnancy by English dream book

Your feelings about pregnancy in a dream usually accurately reflect your true but possibly hidden feelings about the corresponding real life event, whether it be an actual pregnancy or something that it can serve as an analogy for, such as a long-term plan. Why dream: What emotions accompanied the pregnancy? Joy because the child was wanted, fear that something will go wrong? Despair, because the child was not planned, or appeared as a result of rape, or is sick with something?

1 Pregnancy by English dream book

Why does a woman dream of pregnancy:

Powerful sign: You are ready to give life to a new idea, a new feeling, a new emotion. New creative project. Movement in a new direction.

May indicate your desire to become pregnant.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of the deceased relatives calling you to him.

1 Pregnancy according to Dream Interpretation Azar

Why does a woman dream of pregnancy:

Caring, meet trouble.

1 Pregnancy by Modern dream book

Seeing pregnancy in a dream means:

Seeing pregnancy in a dream is a gain.

1 Pregnancy according to Online dream book

A dream with pregnancy in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

These dreams can reflect the state of a person during the period of bearing a child, or about what events will happen after it happens in reality. In general, stories about pregnancy are primarily creative, because they are characteristic of all people, regardless of gender and age, therefore such stories require a more detailed interpretation, let's turn to dream books for this.

In addition, pregnancy in the plot of a dream is often an expression of a desire to create something new, depending on the emotional coloring of a dream, one can evaluate the creative freedom and potential of a person.

1 Pregnancy by Creative dream book

Sleep with pregnancy means:

1. A dream about pregnancy is usually associated with some limited period, the need to complete something in a certain period of time. It is believed that at this moment the personality develops. An interesting fact is that a dream about pregnancy is almost never an actual pregnancy of someone we know.

2. Dreaming about someone pregnant suggests that we are observing the development of some of our own qualities or skills. And we probably will not know the outcome of such a development. And to see a pregnant man in a dream, especially if the dreamer is a woman, is most likely a projection of your own desire for someone to take responsibility for you.

3. In spiritual work, there are periods when you need to be patient, wait for something to end naturally.

1 Pregnancy by Russian dream book

The meaning of sleep pregnancy:

For a girl - happiness in love; if the sleeping woman is actually pregnant - to a successful birth.

Both men and women can dream about pregnancy. We have found that most often dreams of pregnancy and conception refer to a part of the dreamer's life or work that is now growing and developing, but perhaps too early to talk about or put into action. In fact, the dreamer may not be able to explain what it is that grows inside him. Ideas and feelings, like living beings, have their own period of maturation.

You dreamed of Pregnancy - The most important thing is how the dreamer or dreamer relates to their "pregnancy". Sometimes they are not sure that they are pregnant. This surprise may be desirable, or, oddly enough, not cause any emotions. Dreamers may experience pleasant excitement or bliss, or maybe fear (How will we raise a child?), disgust (What is sitting inside me?) or weakness (How can I carry this extra weight on me?).

Another interpretation of dreams Pregnancy has been developed only recently. Due to scientific advances that help premenopausal or postmenopausal women get pregnant, dreams about pregnancy can also herald the feeling that nothing is impossible, that there are no obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires.

And don't forget the obvious: women of childbearing age can find out that they are actually pregnant!

What Pregnancy means in a dream: “I - and not my wife - am in a state of pregnancy. I see through my skin that there are rotting vegetables inside me. I know that if I don’t give birth right now, the vegetables (child) will die. But I don't know how to do it." Quite a disturbing dream, isn't it? But it is completely normal. When men or women are expecting a baby, they usually have strange dreams that express their anxiety about pregnancy, birth and parenting. This the dreamer feels completely helpless in the face of the changes that are taking place in his life, and in a dream he cannot give birth in any way, because he does not know what he needs to do.

You dreamed of Pregnancy - So, you give birth. It does not matter that you are actually 64 years old, that you are a man and, moreover, unmarried. While many pregnant women often dream of childbirth in anticipation of an upcoming event, these dreams have more to do with a sense of rebirth, new beginnings, and ideas coming to fruition.

1 Pregnancy by Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of pregnancy:

Wearing is the introjection of the other, the subject is exposed to alien influences. An image tinged with ambivalent concealment "for the time being".

If in a dream someone shudders, then this person is growing.

1 Pregnancy by Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What can pregnancy dream about:

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success.

Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you have fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

1 Pregnancy by To the psychological interpreter Furtsev

Pregnancy in a dream means:

A dream about pregnancy is the personification of puberty, creativity, financial achievements. The significance of the period of pregnancy in a woman's life is difficult to assess: she gains strength not only of her own kind, but also of her husband's family. During pregnancy, women discover the ability to increase the fertility of livestock, poultry, help the barren and increase the yield.

The energy of pregnancy is sacred, shrouded in the secret of life and death, therefore a pregnant woman is considered "dirty" and even dangerous if you behave with her incorrectly. Pregnant women should not be denied food; in the presence of a lady in position, one should not raise her voice and quarrel.

Pregnancy for a single woman is an impetus to action, the development of delayed events.

1 Pregnancy according to Dream Interpretation 2012

If a girl dreams of pregnancy, then this means:

Reflection of readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. The need for the realization of creative potential. Reflection of the possibility of the birth of any new project. Reflection of desire or fear (unwillingness) to become pregnant (to have a child).

2 Why dream pregnant belly:


Seeing yourself in the belly of a pregnant woman - Dreams associated with motherhood are most important for a person to understand himself: the complexes that accompany us from early childhood and are tied mainly to relationships with parents affect our entire subsequent life - this is one of the psychoanalytic axioms. It is no accident, therefore, that such dream plots are very common in psychoanalytic practice.

Seeing yourself in the belly of a pregnant woman in a dream means that you still have not known yourself and your capabilities.

belly of a pregnant woman "Erotic dream book Danilova"

The shape of a pregnant woman's belly in a dream says a lot: a fat one suggests profit, a thin one - getting rid of trouble. If the stomach hurts, sleep promises well-being and health.

3 Why dream Pregnancy test:

By "Modern dream book"

If you dreamed that you were taking a pregnancy test, you may soon encounter a number of difficulties, which your diligence and willpower will help you overcome.

Pregnancy test by "Modern dream book"

  • A positive pregnancy test with two strips - if you wanted to conceive a child, then prayers have been heard.
  • A pregnancy test with two strips for an unmarried man means a promiscuous sex life and this will not end well for him.

4 Why dream Pregnant woman:

By "Modern dream book"

Seeing someone else's pregnant woman is a blessing.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A pregnant woman - to change the financial situation for the better. Imagine a pregnant woman with a blooming, pleased look that you are talking to her and making compliments. She smiles happily, tells you how happy she is. Her wonderful mood is transferred to you, and you are filled with hope and confidence that everything will be fine with you.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A pregnant woman symbolizes joy.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

New idea, business. You see another woman in a dream of a pregnant woman - you have some new character traits.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better. Prosperity is followed by honors.

Lying next to a pregnant woman in a dream - a dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a gossip that awaits you.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a very good sign and marks the multiplication of wealth, honors and glory.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A pregnant woman will dream - to wealth and honors.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnant woman - lead.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the household, prosperity in the family.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A pregnant woman is good news.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Lying with a pregnant woman is a pleasant hope.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing a pregnant woman or with a child is a sign of positive emotions in family life.

Pregnant woman by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

In a dream, seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

5 Why dream Multiple pregnancy:

By "Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious"

Dreams that pregnancy portends the birth of several babies may mean a conflict of loyalty; perhaps one should carefully evaluate priorities rather than trying to serve everyone at once.

Multiple pregnancy by "Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious"

Pregnancy with twins is a happy love. A bright and cloudless future awaits your couple. For a man, pregnancy with twins and her birth indicates vicious desires: greed and self-interest, which will lead to the fact that he can be left all alone. At the same time, the dream indicates sorrow and disharmony, the causes of which must be sought in oneself.

6 Why dream sister's pregnancy:

By "Online dream book"

Seeing pregnancy in a dream sister who is not married- she will have a happy marriage in the near future. If at the same time you are happy for her

Pregnancy sister who is married Her relationship with her husband will undergo various changes.

If you see sister's pregnancy with twins- nothing threatens the financial well-being of your family, prosperity and prosperity await you.

The dream in which fight with pregnant sister- Spread rumors and speculation that can ruin your reputation.

Talk to your pregnant sister, to have a conversation with her, a dialogue - in life, your sister wants to tell you about something.

7 Why dream daughter's pregnancy:

By "Online dream book"

I dreamed of seeing my daughter's pregnancy - to good news, good news. Good events will concern not only you, but your entire family.

If such a dream sees the head of the family- this means that his daughter will find happiness with a worthy person soon. If mother- the daughter has found a suitable passion, her lover will please you.

daughter's pregnancy in the early stages— Significant events are already on the way.

daughter's pregnancy at a later date- reasons for joy will appear a little later, you need to wait a while.

daughter's pregnancy "Online dream book"

Seeing your daughter pregnant is a quarrel.

8 Why dream Girlfriend Pregnancy:

By "Online dream book"

A dream that a friend has become pregnant for a woman is a sincere desire for her to have a long and healthy life, which implies a strong friendship.

Girlfriend Pregnancy for an unmarried man- fear of becoming a father. Major changes are coming to your relationship. If a woman sees a friend's pregnancy in a dream

9 Why dream man pregnant:

By "Online dream book"

If a man dreamed of seeing himself pregnant, this is a damaged reputation, someone may doubt your determination and willpower.

The man is pregnant "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period

The man is pregnant "Loff's dream book"

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of offspring is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The man is pregnant "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

To be pregnant in a dream - to the implementation of promising plans, profit, wealth.

The man is pregnant "Indian dream book"

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream will soon expect wealth, gain and profit.

The man is pregnant "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If he became pregnant on his own, this is a signal that, on a subconscious level, he feels that he is not actively participating in procreation.

10 What is the dream of a pregnant mother:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A dream in which you find out about your mother's pregnancy - nothing threatens your planned plans, everything will come true in the very near future. It is possible that someone will assist you in doing business. Positive changes will have an impact on personal life and career growth.

pregnant mother by "Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April"

A sign that a desperate situation awaits you.

pregnant mother by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

To see a pregnant mother in a dream - to the illness or death of the mother.

11 Why dream Your pregnancy:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing yourself in a dream in a state of pregnancy: for the poor portends wealth, for the rich - ruin.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing your pregnancy for a woman is a change in the family.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For an unmarried woman, this promises an unsuccessful marriage and disagreements with her husband, and for a virgin - shame and misfortune.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

This is a fantastic sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new vision of the world or establish a new relationship, the imminent birth of a new creative project.

It can also mean that you want to get pregnant or that you are pregnant.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream to the poor portends the improvement of his condition and the acquisition of wealth; and to the rich, on the contrary, the loss of all or some part of the property, sadness, care and various troubles.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, you feel great, you have fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failure in family life.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing yourself pregnant is a health disorder.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnancy for you personally - Now is a good time to bring to life an idea that you have been thinking about for a long time. Don't give up and you will get results.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnancy own - at a loss.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

To bear a child - to material profit, prosperity, new clothes.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing yourself or someone pregnant is for profit and prosperity.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or a desire to become pregnant.

Seeing yourself pregnant is a betrayal for a girl.

The old woman is a danger to life.

Your own pregnancy "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming.

12 Why dream pregnant man:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man, a pregnant woman symbolizes - thinking and making plans.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If a man sees his wife or mistress in a pregnant dream, this means that he loves her very much.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man to be pregnant is treason; illness, danger; seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to changes, material well-being, giving birth - to difficulties in business, upcoming difficulties.

Lying next to a pregnant woman - to pleasant hopes.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

To see a pregnant woman for a man is a change in the family.

Giving birth - great difficulties in completing the case.

Lying with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A man sees a pregnant woman in a dream - in real life - to minor troubles.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

She dreams that her wife is pregnant - she has connections on the side.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnancy in the dreams of men is a reflection of the desire to have a child with a permanent partner.

For a man to see a pregnant wife or lover is an expression of his strong feelings.

If he sees someone's pregnancy from the outside, he will soon receive material benefits.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a man to see his wife's pregnancy - a new idea is fruitful, and if you make an effort, success and profit are guaranteed.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a married man, a dream about pregnancy can mean a quarrel or parting with his wife; a bachelor - a quick marriage.

If a man observes in a dream a wife or mistress in a state of pregnancy, the wife (lover) should be happy, because a man’s love for her is practically unlimited.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Find out in a dream that your wife is pregnant - you will plan the birth of a child or you are already waiting for replenishment in the family.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Seeing a girl's pregnancy for a man in a dream means his hesitation in making a marriage proposal to his beloved. It can also mean fears about having children.

pregnant man by "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, when she actually felt the first signs of conception, this portends that everything will be fine with the health of the newborn.

When he dreams that he is present at the birth of a woman, this promises fun and well-being.

13 Why dream Pregnancy to a pregnant woman:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If a pregnant woman sees herself in a pregnant dream, this is a good dream; he says that the birth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this woman will have healthy offspring.

"Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy proceeds - portends childbirth without complications, after which the woman's body will quickly recover.

Pregnancy for a pregnant woman "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Sometimes a pregnancy that happened in reality is reflected in dreams. The plots of such dreams are very diverse, because this state carries a spectrum of very different feelings and experiences for a woman.

Pregnancy for a pregnant woman "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful resolution of the burden and an early recovery of strength.

Pregnancy for a pregnant woman "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

For a pregnant woman - taking care of her health and preparing for childbirth.

14 Why dream Pregnancy and childbirth:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Difficulties in completing the case.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnancy and childbirth of children or even objects are dreamed of by those who are looking for a destiny, it opens up new sides of the personality.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

If you dreamed of the birth of a son, expect an improvement in your financial situation; the birth of a daughter - your life will be full of joyful events.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

To give birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive.

Feeling labor pains is a danger to life.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Pregnancy and contractions dream - to a looming threat to life or health. Beware of domestic injuries.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

  • Pregnancy and childbirth in a hospital under the supervision of doctors are failures in personal life.
  • She dreams of pregnancy and childbirth at home on the floor - the girl dreams of returning her ex.

Pregnancy and childbirth "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy and childbirth - to release from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret deeds will become apparent.

15 Why dream Difficult pregnancy, with a threat:

By "Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers"

Difficult pregnancy. Pain or difficulty during pregnancy is often associated with the demands of the person who depends on you. Maybe you should think about how to ease this burden.

I dreamed that I was pregnant

Dreams can give extraordinary sensations, immerse in a sweet state or in a world of nightmares. Where do dreams come from, what is their nature and how to interpret a dream that women often have in which they see themselves as pregnant?

Where do dreams come from

In a dream, people spend about a third of their entire lives, this state is one of the basic physiological needs of a person. If this need is not satisfied, then after a few days irreversible changes begin in the body.

Sleep performs several very important functions. Firstly, it is necessary for rest and restoration of the energy spent by the body during the day. Secondly, only in sleep can certain chemical and neurophysiological processes necessary for the body to live occur. And, thirdly, during this time in the brain, the information received during the day is processed, and there is an exchange of information between the conscious and the subconscious. It is the work of the brain during sleep that gives rise to dreams, that is, images and sensations that the sleeper perceives as reality.

Our ancestors considered dreams to be encrypted messages from higher powers, and they were not so wrong. Often dreams are really messages from our unconscious and subconscious. We cannot perceive these components of our psyche when we are awake - consciousness does not miss their “messages”. And in oblivion, when the consciousness weakens its control, the subconscious and the unconscious begin to send their signals.

Dreams can reflect suppressed desires, they help relieve tension and take a break from the emotions that overwhelm us during the day, nightmares reflect our deepest fears or indicate an incipient illness.

Dreams can also be “prophetic” - when our subconscious, intuition gives us its signals through night visions. Therefore, they should be treated carefully: a warning about diseases or troubles, tips for the right solutions to the tasks we face, help to emotionally tune in to upcoming events.

Every woman at least once dreamed that she was pregnant. Sometimes a woman sees such a night vision repeatedly at different periods of her life. A dream about pregnancy is never a dream just like that, depending on the period of a woman's life and individual details, it can have different meanings. Let's see what it means.

A young girl dreamed that she was pregnant

In almost all dream books, a night vision of pregnancy that visited a young girl is interpreted as bad, promising deceit, betrayal, gossip and the loss of a good reputation. This is understandable, because in the past there was no worse sin for a girl than to lose her maiden honor and become pregnant without being married. Therefore, seeing yourself in a pregnant dream for a young girl did not mean anything good.

It is curious that modern psychologists agree with the interpretation of old dream books about bad omens for a girl who saw herself pregnant in a dream, they only explain this by the work of the subconscious. Suppose a girl is in love with a guy who inclines her towards intimacy. The weak objections of the inner voice that a person who truly loves her will not be unnecessarily hasty in such a matter, and even more so will not put ultimatums, is suppressed during the day by the fear of losing a loved one and his arguments. And in night vision, the subconscious mind warns the dreamer of danger.

A night vision about her own pregnancy can be a signal of possible troubles if the girl trusts her friend too much and tells her what not to talk about, or if the girl is going to a party in an unfamiliar company. The subconscious then turns on a danger signal at night, trying to save the girl from a rash act through a dream. It is especially worth considering if, in her dream about pregnancy, a young girl experiences fear, despair, horror and a desire to get rid of the fetus.

Thus, if a girl dreamed that she was pregnant, then it is worth thinking about what signal her subconscious sends her, take a closer look at the people who surround her. Shouldn't you trust your girlfriends too much until you have learned to understand people well? Is the young man you're in love with worthy of your love? Isn't it too dangerous to go to an unfamiliar company, and is it worth drinking champagne at a party? It is necessary to interpret night vision, taking into account its details and the life circumstances in which the dreamer is at this time.

If a girl dreamed that she was pregnant, but at the same time remained a virgin, then this may mean an unconscious desire to get something impossible, to combine incompatible things. In this case, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to spend time and energy on unsuccessful attempts to achieve the impossible, or still change life goals and guidelines.

What does a dream about pregnancy mean for a married woman

The meaning of a dream about pregnancy for a married woman or a woman living with a permanent partner will depend on the circumstances of her life and some details of the dream. So, if a woman dreams of a child and wants to get pregnant, then the dream in which she saw herself in a position could mean an early conception. However, if a woman dreaming of a child cannot conceive for a long time, then the dream of pregnancy is only a reflection of her unfulfilled dream. Such a dream becomes painful if it is often repeated. In this case, he will cause the dreamer a lot of suffering.

Although such a recurring dream can also be considered as a hint from the subconscious that a diagnosis should be made and try to find out the reason for the non-occurring pregnancy. Repeatedly repeating night vision - this may well be an attempt by the subconscious to “shout out” to you, because it will take time for the examination and IVF procedure in case natural conception suddenly turns out to be impossible.

For a woman who already has children and who does not plan to give birth again, a dream about pregnancy can have several meanings. If a woman experiences severe anxiety and fears the onset of a new conception, then the dream may be a reflection of her fears and a warning that she should be more carefully protected, not relying on her partner in this matter.

Another meaning of sleep about pregnancy may relate to problems or difficult tasks that a woman faces during the period when she had a dream. If the dreamer saw herself in the early stages of pregnancy, then this should be interpreted as the onset of a painful time in her life, the woman will face some difficulties, a burden of something. This may be some difficult period at work, associated with a complex project or the need to do work not only for yourself, but also for one of your colleagues. The illness of one of the family members is not ruled out, most likely from the older generation, the care of which will place an additional burden on your shoulders.

If a woman sees herself in the later stages or giving birth, then such a dream can mean an early solution to problems, the completion of difficult work. If a woman saw herself in a dream not only pregnant, but also in childbirth, then it is important whether the birth ended safely in a dream - depending on this, one can expect a successful or not very resolution of problems in real life.

If a woman has experienced an unsuccessful pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage or death of the fetus, then a night vision of pregnancy may mean an imminent new conception. However, a nightmare in which the dreamer has to go through everything experienced again, or in which she sees her unborn child, means that the woman has not yet recovered from the psychological trauma associated with an unsuccessful pregnancy. If the dream is repeated, and every night becomes a continuation of the nightmare, then the woman needs psychotherapeutic help to cope with grief and continue to live on.

A dream about pregnancy in a woman who has recently given birth may indicate an imminent new conception. If you are not planning another child in the near future, then it is time for you to use contraception, because a non-nursing mother can become pregnant as early as 4 weeks after the birth of a child, and a nursing mother - after 6-7 weeks. However, such a dream can also be a reflection of postpartum depression and new difficulties in a woman’s life associated with the appearance of a child.

"I'm expecting a baby and I dreamed that I was pregnant" ...

Women in position often have dreams about their own pregnancy. Sometimes in a dream they even see their unborn child. Most often, such dreams are explained by the emotional state of the expectant mother, high anxiety and hormonal changes in her body. Therefore, you should not attach too much importance to bad and even nightmare dreams about pregnancy if you are pregnant. Most likely, the appearance of such dreams is associated with hormonal changes in the body of the future mother, or with the fact that the psyche relieves stress through such dreams, self-unloads from emotional “overheating”.

Nightmares in a pregnant woman, in which she can see a miscarriage, a fetus with some deformities, premature birth and other horrors, are a reflection of the fears of the expectant mother. Moreover, in real life, these fears may not always be realized.

A pregnant woman can also have a nightmare if during the day a pregnant woman encounters some negative information about someone's unsuccessful pregnancy, problematic childbirth, and childhood illnesses. Excessive emotional susceptibility and impressionability of a woman in a position can lead to nightmares, waking up from which a woman will worry even more. That is why expectant mothers are recommended to be protected from negative information; during a pregnant woman, one should not talk about problematic childbirth and various complications.

If a woman was greatly disturbed by a dream in which she saw that her unborn child was ill, sick and weak, then she had better visit a doctor and check the condition of the fetus - perhaps some complications actually appeared during pregnancy. Such a dream of pregnancy can also be a signal that it would be nice for a pregnant woman to change her lifestyle and habits for the sake of the baby’s health: quit smoking, change the diet, get more rest or walk. If a woman in a dream sees a vigorous and healthy baby, then such a dream portends a successful birth.

Pregnancy dreamed of a woman over 50?

In almost all dream books of the world, a dream about pregnancy in a woman of post-reproductive age is interpreted as bad. Such a dream can promise trouble that will greatly complicate life or a serious illness for the dreamer herself. If such a dream is repeated, then it will not hurt to undergo a medical preventive examination and be attentive to yourself with symptoms of exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

If a woman over 50 dreamed that she was pregnant, then this could also mean an impending serious illness of loved ones: her husband, mother or father, sister, brother or children. So do not ignore the appearance of certain symptoms in your loved ones after such a dream, and insist on their visit to the doctor so as not to start the disease.

A dream about pregnancy for a woman with adult children can also mean the imminent birth of grandchildren. Which, by the way, young parents may well try to "load" on their grandmother. So, if you dreamed that you were pregnant, and soon after that you found out that you would become a grandmother, discuss the degree of your participation in raising your grandchildren with future young parents in advance.

But if a woman aged 45-55 had a dream about pregnancy, then you should be on your guard. From about 45 years old, a woman begins a gradual decline in reproductive function, but this does not happen immediately and without the use of contraception, a woman can become pregnant at 45, and even at the age of 50, if she has not yet begun a postmenopausal period. Therefore, if a woman of elegant age dreamed that she was pregnant and at the same time she felt sick, dizzy, her blood pressure was low, but there were no hot flashes, then it would not hurt to contact a gynecologist and make sure that she was not really pregnant.

But what if a man dreamed of pregnancy?

It happens that a man sees himself pregnant in a dream. Although such a dream is quite unusual for a man and can cause anxiety and discomfort, in most cases there is nothing dangerous or depressing in it.

If a young man dreamed of his own pregnancy, and in this dream he experienced positive emotions, then such a dream portends the imminent appearance in the dreamer's life of some new hobby, hobby, and new adventures.

But if a respectable man dreamed not only that he was pregnant, but also that he was giving birth, then such a dream promises the imminent completion of some serious and complex work, a large project or business. If you dreamed of a successful outcome of childbirth, then you should expect a successful completion of the case and profit. But if in a dream during childbirth a man experienced fear and pain, and as a result of all the attempts, “not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal” appeared, then such a dream is not good. It can mean subconscious anxiety about the outcome of the case or a subconscious understanding that not enough effort has been put into the work, and instead of the expected result, an “unknown little animal” may turn out. If you had such a dream, make sure that you have made every effort to ensure that the result of the work meets expectations.

A man who finds himself in a situation where his masculinity or ability to conceive offspring has been called into question can also see himself pregnant in a dream. If a man dreamed that he was pregnant and in a dream this caused him extremely unpleasant emotions and inner protest, then such a dream could portend serious failures in his personal life or at work. Pregnancy can also be dreamed of by men who doubt the fidelity of their partner and their own paternity.

Often, by the way, those men who have a wife or girlfriend in a position see themselves pregnant in a dream. Such a dream can mean anxiety and worries for a beloved woman, a man’s inner readiness to share with her the hardships of her new position. Men who see themselves pregnant in a dream during the actual pregnancy of the mother of their child become, as a rule, caring and gentle fathers. Such a man will also be a good helper and support for a woman during partner childbirth.

A special period in the life of every woman is pregnancy. Therefore, many representatives of the fair half are very puzzled if they dreamed that they were pregnant. How to interpret such a dream?

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For the correct interpretation of any dream, it must be considered comprehensively, taking into account any, even the smallest details and details. The meaning of sleep depends on which month and day of the week the images appeared in a dream. Even the hour when a woman dreamed of pregnancy is of great importance. Therefore, after waking up, it is best to immediately describe the details of what you saw, carefully remember every detail in order to correctly determine the meaning of sleep about pregnancy.

    Popular dream books

    • Modern dream book.

      Of particular importance should be given to sleep if he dreamed of a girl or woman who is not pregnant in real life. Such dreams are considered prophetic. Most dream books interpret pregnancy in a dream as an extremely positive sign that promises a woman a life of prosperity and wealth, as well as the beginning of an extremely successful period.

      If you dreamed that a child was moving in your stomach, then this suggests that soon the dreamer will have to attend some important event. Most likely, something unpleasant will happen on it, which will ruin her reputation and nerves, so it is best to reject the offer of a visit. The movement of the child in the stomach can also signal that the woman has already matured and it is time for her to know all the joy of motherhood in reality. But if during a dream you were sad, then this may portend a long debilitating illness.

      According to the modern dream book, getting pregnant in a dream and seeing a positive pregnancy test with two stripes is a warning that pregnancy will soon come in real life. This is especially true in cases where a woman wanted to have children for a long time and for some reason could not do it.

      Seeing your girlfriend, sister or acquaintance pregnant is a favorable sign. Such a dream may mean that in the future your common affairs will be crowned with success, and all plans and ideas will be implemented in the best possible way. It can also serve as a warning that your girlfriend or sister is too susceptible to the influence of some person who manipulates her to achieve their own mercenary goals.

      Being pregnant in a dream for a virgin is a warning, in real life she has many ill-wishers who are trying in every way to ruin the girl's reputation and spread gossip.

      • Interpreter of dreams of the 21st century.

      Why dream of your own pregnancy for a woman? This promises a successful and successful implementation of everything planned, as well as making big profits and wealth. If the dreamer sees another woman in demolition, then this is also a favorable sign that portends success in household and household chores, as well as prosperity in the house. If a nulliparous girl dreams of her own pregnancy, then this may warn that there is a deceiver among her social circle.

      • New family dream book.

      Pregnancy in a dream is a sign of an upcoming quarrel with friends or loved ones. For a married lady - conflicts and misunderstandings with her husband. For a pregnant woman, this dream promises an easy and quick birth process, after which she will soon be able to regain strength and live her former life.

      If a woman dreamed of her own pregnant daughter, then such a dream portends a life period favorable for new beginnings and opportunities. If her own mother is on demolition, then this promises the establishment and strengthening of family relations.

      Dreams about a pregnant sister are a warning that the dreamer may have a dangerous rival who will try in every possible way to harm her family happiness and well-being.

      A dream about a girlfriend in a position indicates that this woman is your true friend, who in the future will provide a very great service and thereby help out in a difficult situation.

      Terminate your own pregnancy in a dream, have an abortion - to family quarrels, bitter disappointments in your personal life, disappointments, and also to the loss of the meaning of your whole life.

      Psychological interpreters of dreams

      • Interpreter of dreams A. Meneghetti.

      Dreams about pregnancy do not bode well. Such dreams most often indicate that a woman is being influenced by others, or they predict illness in the near future.

      • Freud's dream interpreter.

      For a woman, dreams about her own pregnancy mean that she really will soon become a mother. To learn about pregnancy in a dream - in the near future she will meet a good person. This relationship will be much more productive than the previous union.

      • Interpreter of dreams by psychologist Miller.

      For a woman, the dream that she is in position is not always a favorable sign. Most often, this means failure in your personal life - disagreements and conflicts will constantly occur with your husband, and joint children will be unattractive. According to Miller's dream book, pregnancy for a nulliparous young girl or virgin suggests that she has false friends and envious people who, at any opportunity, spread rumors and gossip about her.

      • Interpreter of Loff's dreams.

      Why dream of pregnancy, according to this dream book? The ability to get pregnant in a dream and bear a child has no age and gender limits. Bearing a child symbolizes a special creative period in a person's life, sexual and spiritual maturity, and can also promise an early wealth.

      If a dream of pregnancy was dreamed of by a young woman or girl who in real life is unable to conceive and bear a child, then this indicates the beginning of the process of introspection in such a person. It may also mean that the dreamer has grown spiritually and intellectually, has become completely independent and independent. This is called the transition from the child archetype to the parent archetype.

      If a woman leads an active sexual life, but at the same time has no intention of bearing and giving birth to children in the near future, then dreams about pregnancy can serve as a mirror projection of her fears and experiences. Why dream of your own pregnancy in such a situation? Dreams of this nature are a natural accompaniment to her monthly cycle.

      Of particular danger are dreams of pregnancy for those women who are already in position. This is a warning about various events that will soon occur in the real life of the dreamer - from funny and funny to cruel, destructive. If a woman or girl often has dreams about bearing a child, then these dreams carry a negative connotation. Sometimes, multiple pregnancies can overwhelm a woman and cause a constant strain on her physical and mental health. Dreams of this nature signal that the fair sex is afraid of not coping with the role of mother, and also fears for her career and personal life.

      • Dream interpreter Denise Lynn.

      If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, this is a good sign, portending a change for the better. It can be incredible success in terms of creativity, the birth of new interesting ideas, learning the truth, or starting a new successful project. Pregnancy in such dreams means not only the bearing and birth of children, it most often symbolizes creative undertakings and potential that will begin to bear its generous fruits.

      Esoteric interpretations

      • Interpreter of dreams of the esoteric Tsvetkov.

      Why does a virgin dream about pregnancy? In reality, she is expected to be deceived by someone close to her. For a woman, such a dream means pride and joy in real life.

      • The interpreter of the dreams of the magician Y. Longo.

      A dream about pregnancy for a married woman promises a lot of joy and happiness in real life. It may also indicate that all her plans and plans will be carried out in the best possible way. For an unmarried woman or girl, a dream of pregnancy indicates that it is time for her to get married and realize her maternal instinct.

      • Dream interpreter of Nostradamus.

      Did a married lady dream about pregnancy? This is a warning that she will soon have to suffer considerable losses, and her material and financial situation will be shaken. In addition, dreams about pregnancy indicate that during this period you should not lend to anyone and borrow yourself - this will not end in anything good.

      • Female interpreter of dreams.

      Why dream of pregnancy for a girl? This is a positive sign that promises her new beginnings. If a woman dreamed that she was in demolition, then this event would soon happen in real life. If the dreamer is really pregnant, then this portends a quick and easy birth without the complications of real life. Such a woman will be able to quickly restore strength and return to the usual rhythm of life.

      • Noble interpreter of dreams N. Grishina.

      A noble dream book gives a very diverse interpretation of dreams: seeing yourself pregnant is an expression of secret fears of acquiring the status of a mother and motherhood in general. It may also indicate a desire to soon become a mother and continue their race.

      A young girl in a dream saw herself in demolition - most likely, a loved one will change her and this will drastically affect their personal relationship. Also, dreams about pregnancy can portend quarrels in the family circle or the presence of enemies and gossip. If a woman saw another pregnant woman in a dream, then this portends her a life of prosperity and joy, as well as success in household affairs.

      The process of childbirth in a dream often warns the dreamer of imminent danger or warns that she will soon have a big fight or even part with her current chosen one. Such dreams are also dangerous for older women, they can warn them of possible health problems, the treatment of which will take a lot of time, effort, nerves and money. If the dreamer in a dream feels the approach of labor pains, then in real life she should be extremely careful - this may be a warning of an impending disaster, accident or serious illness.

      • Esoteric interpreter of dreams.

      Pregnancy in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will soon be burdened with debts, and serious losses are also possible. Someone else's pregnancy indicates that you will have to lend money, and the percentage of their return is extremely low.

      • Dream interpreter Hasse.

      Why dream of pregnancy for a woman? Very soon, she will be visited by fruitful ideas and plans that she will be able to fully implement and get real pleasure from completing the process. To see another lady in a demolition - to worries and troubles.

      • Interpreter of dreams Khamidova.

      Pregnancy in a dream is always a good sign. If a woman is in demolition in real life, then this promises her an easy resolution from the burden. Among other things, her child will be born very beautiful and attractive to others and will have excellent good health. If such a dream was dreamed of by an unmarried girl or virgin, then soon she will face shame and contempt from others.

      • Interpreter of dreams Semenova.

      Dreams of bearing and giving birth to a child warn a woman that she will soon become a mother. Moreover, the children of such a woman will be beautiful and healthy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • You are ready to give life to a new idea, a new feeling, a new emotion.
  • New creative project. Movement in a new direction.
  • May indicate your desire to become pregnant.
  • Mighty sign.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why dream of pregnancy

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

See Pregnancy in a dream

  • good value
    You or one of your relatives is waiting for a girl - get ready to receive a pleasant surprise in the near future. In the evening, shout out a hidden window: “Thank you, sun, for lighting my way!”. Take a glass of water and put it on the windowsill, and in the morning pour this water on the top of your head.
  • bad value
    You or one of your relatives is expecting a boy - there is a high probability that you will have an accident. Drink 1 teaspoon of oil (preferably corn) and do not take off your shoes until the first star.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

See Pregnancy in a dream

  • Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failure in family life;
  • to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to the gossip that awaits you

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • To see a pregnant woman for a man is a change in the family.
  • Giving birth - great difficulties in completing the case.
  • Lying with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change.
  • The last to see is to conquer an ardent woman.
  • For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period in life.
  • For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or a desire to become pregnant.
  • Seeing yourself pregnant is a betrayal for a girl.
  • The old woman is a danger to life.
  • For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, an increase in wealth.
  • To give birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive.
  • Feeling labor pains is a danger to life.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See Pregnancy in a dream

  • For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream - to a quarrel with her husband.
  • If she is indeed pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick recovery of strength.

Dream Interpretation: Old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • If a married woman sees in a dream that she is pregnant, this portends the birth of twins. And if a young unmarried woman sees such a dream, this means that the motives of her lover are dishonest and he is not true to her.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • She dreams that her wife is pregnant. - Says that she has connections on the side.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • Seeing yourself or someone pregnant is for profit and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

See Pregnancy in a dream

  • Pregnancy dreams of starting a new business

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive.
  • For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful resolution of the burden and an early recovery of strength.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why dream of pregnancy

  • for a girl - deception;
  • for a woman - pride, joy;
  • for a man - to make plans;
  • see a pregnant woman - trouble;

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of pregnancy

  • If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming. For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • If a young girl sees in a dream that she is pregnant, then this can prophesy trouble and dishonor. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, then this is a sign that childbirth will be easy. However, if the pregnancy was dreamed of by a woman who does not expect a replenishment of the family in the near future, then such a dream may mean an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • Own - at a loss.
  • Seeing pregnancy is lending.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • It symbolizes the bearing of someone else, mostly in a negative sense, indicating either organic diseases or a hidden unconscious effect on the subject of something else, alien. When Ying-se wants to talk about the birth of an expected child, she shows the image of a person with certain facial features. See also the meaning of sleep Pregnancy according to the combined dream book.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

  • Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH EVENT and sets its certain content.
  • Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.
  • If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family.
  • To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.
  • If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.
  • A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as
  • compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.
  • The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.
  • Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as elevated
  • fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.
  • Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative WILL-DOING and are also the result of the anxiety felt by women in this position.
  • Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why dream of pregnancy

  • To be - to make bold plans; to see - to meet trouble.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

See Pregnancy in a dream

  • care, face trouble
  • have a pregnancy - make bold plans

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Russian dream book, female dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (detailed), Nostradamus’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (short), new family dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book), dream book Tsvetkov, dream book of symbols (symbolic), culinary dream book, noble dream book of N. Grishina, dream book of lovers, Egyptian dream book of pharaohs (Kenkhepeshef), numerological dream book of Pythagoras, Longo's dream book, Sivananda's Vedic dream book, A. Roberti's Italian psychoanalytic dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and signs (folklore), modern dream book, old French dream book, gypsy dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Hasse's dream book, Health dream book, and others.

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