The neck of the tooth is exposed treatment with folk remedies. How to treat exposed necks of teeth. Mouth rinse

Gingival recession is a disease in which the neck of the tooth is exposed (its middle part separating the crown from the root). Removal of periodontal tissue leads to undesirable consequences- appear discomfort when eating, the smile deteriorates, over time, the roots of the teeth are exposed. Therefore, the treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible - when the first symptoms appear.

Causes of the disease

According to statistics, gum recession occurs in 65% of the population over 20 years of age. At the same time, the roots of the teeth are exposed more often in people over 40 years old. Consider what causes this pathology.

Causes of gum recession can be as follows:

  1. Not enough quality, too rare or excessive frequent cleaning teeth. Injury to the gums with an overly hard toothbrush. Also, tissue damage can be caused by too much hard pressing on the brush when cleaning. In some cases, irritation and the appearance of wounds occurs with the intensive use of toothpicks, gum stimulators.
  2. Damage to the gums by an incorrectly installed filling or crown when poor quality treatment. Similar side effect sometimes renders frequent bleaching procedures.
  3. The appearance of enamel defects and exposure of the tooth neck with significant loads on the teeth due to malocclusion.
  4. The absence or insufficient severity of the dental equator can lead to periodontal damage when chewing food.
  5. Inflammatory processes caused by reproduction pathogenic microorganisms in case of poor hygiene oral cavity. Plaque, development of gingivitis, formation of periodontal pockets - a free space between the neck and surrounding tissues. All this causes the gums to recede, which is why the teeth are exposed.
  6. Individual anatomical features elements of the jaw, insufficient thickness of the gums.
  7. Age-related changes in the tissues, under the influence of which the neck of the tooth is exposed.
  8. Endocrine disorders, diseases of the digestive system.

Symptomatic manifestations

Gingival recession is accompanied by a number of symptoms. The gums are receding, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, the color of the tooth enamel changes. Due to the fact that the necks of the teeth are exposed, their size visually increases. on the tooth neck and upper section roots, a yellow area becomes noticeable. This part of the tooth is called the cementum. Because of its yellowness, it seems that the shade of tooth enamel has changed.

Compared to enamel, cement is more sensitive, so if the gum has moved away from the tooth, a person feels pain or discomfort when eating hot, cold, sour or sweet foods. Eating solid food is accompanied by soreness of the gums, which can lead to their swelling, which is externally manifested by swelling.

Left untreated, gum recession causes inflammation and exposure of the roots of the teeth. The consequence of the fact that the gums move away from the teeth is the occurrence of chips on them and wedge-shaped defect. Teeth loosen, gums begin to bleed. Pus can accumulate in periodontal pockets, causing a feeling of putrid smell. If left untreated, the exposed neck of the tooth leads to its loss.

Gingival recession develops gradually. Lack of care and others adverse factors contribute to the formation of plaque and reproduction pathogenic bacteria. When defeated connective tissue gums, an inflammatory process forms a periodontal pocket. The gums begin to recede, exposing bare teeth.

The gum affected by the inflammatory process is not able to rise up without appropriate treatment. It tends to sink lower and lower, as a result, the root of the tooth is exposed and a granuloma appears on it - a cyst in which pus and bacteria accumulate.

Thickness bone tissue decreases, it is replaced by the epithelium. The root of the tooth can no longer be covered by the gum, since its lowered edge is located very low. Therefore, after a while, it can become loose and fall out.

Treatment of the disease

When examining and examining the patient, the doctor finds out why the gum moves away from the tooth, under the influence of what factors it is exposed. After that, the dentist selects the tactics of treatment, taking into account the stage of the disease.

Therapeutic methods to eliminate the initial stage of pathology

If gum recession is at the first stage and tissue changes are minimal, treatment is aimed at restoring the mineral balance and reducing sensitivity with the use of special toothpastes, gels, varnishes. A course of remineralization procedures is carried out to compensate for the lack of minerals (in particular calcium) in the composition of tooth enamel.

The duration of the treatment session is 10 minutes. Before the procedure, the surface of the teeth is cleaned of tartar. Additionally, fluoridation of tooth enamel is performed. With deep saturation of bone tissue with fluorine, the tooth becomes less sensitive to factors that irritate nerve receptors.

If there is evidence, the exposed tooth is sealed. If necessary, grinding of adjacent teeth is carried out, the removal of a part earlier installed seal, the edges of which injure soft tissues. What to do if the neck of the tooth is exposed as a result of an improper bite, the doctor decides based on the specific situation. One of the solutions to the problem may be the installation of a bracket system.

Elimination of the wedge-shaped defect

What to do if not only the neck of the tooth is exposed, but there is also a wedge-shaped defect at its base. This pathology has the form of a depression in the region of the tooth neck. With a small hole size, it can be removed by removing tartar and remineralizing the enamel. If gum recession is in middle stage, to eliminate the wedge-shaped defect, veneers can be installed.

They are thin ceramic plates that are installed when the tooth enamel is damaged. If the exposed tooth has a deep defect, it will need to be filled. In cases where other methods of treatment cannot be used, a crown is installed.

Surgical methods

What to do if the gum moves away from the tooth for the reason that its thickness is very small? Or are the roots of the teeth so exposed that there is a significant risk of losing them? Developed special methods surgical treatment, allowing the patient to eliminate gum recession and preserve the dentition. One of them is closing the place where the neck of the tooth is exposed with a flap of connective tissue, which is taken from adjacent areas, for example, from the sky.

Such Plastic surgery allows you to make the gum above the tooth thicker. AT recovery period patient visits medical institution to control tissue healing. If the treatment of gingival recession with flap surgery is not possible, the affected tooth root is removed with the installation of a clasp prosthesis. To surgical methods applied in cases where therapeutic treatment does not give the desired result.

On the initial stage gum disease can also be treated with prescriptions traditional medicine. Before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude the risk of developing allergic reaction or other complications. Consider how to treat areas where the gum tends to move away from the tooth surface.

Hypericum infusion

Pour the crushed stems, leaves and flowers of the plant with vodka (400 ml for 2 tablespoons of grass). Put the jar in a dark place for a week. In finished form, the tincture is used for morning and evening rinsing of the mouth. To 100 ml warm boiled water you need to add 80 drops of funds.

Essential oil blend for gum massage

To prepare the mixture, combine mint, lemon, eucalyptus and orange essential oils. Use several times a day for light massage diseased areas. Improved circulation and metabolic processes helps lift tissue where the necks of the teeth may be exposed.

Therapeutic composition of fir and sea buckthorn oils

Combine these two oils in a 1:1 ratio. Use twice a day to apply to affected areas with a piece of bandage folded in several layers.

Treating gums with olive oil

Apply oil to cotton swab and lubricate their gums. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. It is very useful in cases where the gum has moved away from the tooth.

Rinsing with infusion of oak bark, cabbage juice, soda solution

Brew a spoonful of bark with a liter of boiling water. Once cool, use as a daily mouth rinse. Positive effect give and rinse fresh juice cabbage. The use of a soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water) helps to stop the reproduction of bacteria.

Beet mass

Grate the beets on a fine grater. Apply the mass where the gums expose the teeth. Together with the other recipes given, this remedy will improve the condition of the tissues and help the gums in the sagging area to rise higher.

Disease prevention

You can prevent exposure of the neck of the tooth proper care behind the mouth. To reduce the risk of the onset of the disease allows regular brushing of teeth, rinsing the mouth after eating. In the presence of tartar, caries, inflammatory processes in soft tissues should apply for medical assistance preventing the transition of the disease to a more severe stage.

Everyone wants to have beautiful and straight teeth. But they, like any part of our body, also have a number of diseases. One of these is the exposure of the neck of the tooth. Not a pleasant enough disease, which can lead to quite serious consequences.

What is tooth neck exposure? Causes and treatment

The most vulnerable place for the formation of various defects is the neck of the tooth. The treatment of such corrosion is a fairly common practice in modern dentistry. The exposure of the neck of the tooth or the V-shaped lesion of the enamel in medicine is called.

To define such a disease is quite simple. It causes unpleasant and sometimes pain at the reception cold food as well as sweet and sour. Discomfort can be caused by touching the toothbrush to the affected area. But, such symptoms are observed in people in more young age. In older people, exposure of the neck of the tooth such pain does not call.

Exposure of the base of the tooth can lead to a number of not very pleasant diseases. These include: caries, swelling and bleeding, high sensitivity enamel and brittle teeth. If the neck of the tooth is exposed, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible, as this can lead to complete destruction of the tooth.

The reasons for the exposure of the neck of the tooth can be different:


It is possible to cure a bare neck of a tooth in a variety of ways. On the this moment dentists may suggest several methods. These include:

In the event that the main reason for the exposure of the base of the tooth is the biotype of the mucosa, then the surgeon-implantologist will help to correct the situation. The operation involves implanting a flap of tissue from the patient's palate under the gum. The implant will help increase the thickness of the gums, thereby covering the exposed neck. After such an operation, the patient needs to visit the doctor again in order to make sure that the healing is going as it should.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

There are also widely used treatments folk remedies. To get rid of the pain caused by the exposure of the neck of the tooth, will help:

Specialized toothpastes, whose action is aimed at treating gum problems, will also help get rid of the bare neck of the tooth. Mouthwash should be used regularly.

Methods of treatment with folk remedies is a very risky business.

In the event that the treatment is not correct, you can lose precious time and the tooth may collapse. In addition, some components of the recipes can cause allergic reactions, and then you will have to treat not only the tooth, but also go to an allergist.

The state of the whole organism depends on the health of the teeth. Bad and diseased teeth most often lead to diseases of the oral cavity and intestines. Not beautiful teeth affected by various diseases also do not cause delight among others. It is necessary to start treatment on time and only with specialists who will talk about the causes and select a method of treatment.

Pathological changes in the teeth never go away on their own: they must be noticed and time to visit the dentist.

Exposing the neck of the tooth is quite painful symptom, not paying attention to which you can be left without a beautiful smile.

This contributes to many dental diseases, and also can lead to loss healthy tooth . Because of what the neck of the tooth is exposed, how this can be avoided, everyone should know.

Symptoms of the disease

When the neck of the tooth is exposed, the following symptoms:

  • rises;
  • there is pain in the gums;
  • puffiness and;
  • retraction of the root;
  • visually increases the root of the tooth;
  • enamel color changes.

Exists a number of reasons on which it is not recommended to sit for a long time without action with bare necks of the teeth. The most common are:

  1. Increased tooth sensitivity.
  2. Bleeding and swelling of the gums.
  3. wedge defect.
  4. Teeth become brittle and the risk of chipping increases.

All these reasons, of course, are not encouraging, but this is not at all the limit. If the case run, then pathological process greatly weaken the dentogingival connection. In this regard, the tooth begins to stagger, and then fall out.

Find out more about causes and treatment exposure of the neck of the tooth from the video:

Causes of the disease

Basically, the exposure of the neck of the tooth occurs the following reasons:

  • Because of the integrity is violated;
  • Lack of proper care of the teeth leads to their injury;
  • Soft microbial plaque;
  • Inflammation.

The situation may exacerbate the anatomical features of the body:

  1. thin bone tissue, that is, the gum lies on the root of the tooth, and not on the bone, as it should be.
  2. Slim biotype mucous membrane mouth has a small amount of connective tissue.
  3. At thin gums even the smallest injury can lead to their atrophy.

In the process developing inflammation between the tooth and gum begin to appear harmful bacteria leading to the development of the disease. Then the infected gum particles frame the root of the tooth, and this initiates suppuration.

If you do not start treating the exposure immediately, then the tooth will fall out after a while.

Cervical exposure treatment

Modern treatment helps to stop the pathological process of cervical exposure mainly at any stage of the disease. Important on this stage determine the cause of the disease. If it is not stopped, the effect of treatment will be short-lived.

With incomplete exposure of the neck of the tooth, which you see in the photo, such therapeutic actions:

  1. removal of bacteria and cleaning of the oral cavity;
  2. application medicinal pastes and toothbrushes.

When concomitant diseases such as gingivitis, and their treatment. There is a cleaning of tartar and treatment of teeth affected by caries. In case of an incorrect bite, it is corrected.

In case of insufficiency of treatment measures, apply following methods:

  • enamel remineralization– treatment of the tooth surface with special medicines containing fluorine. In connection with this procedure mineral composition tooth enamel returns to normal, and the teeth cease to be very sensitive. This method of treatment is considered the most reliable and painless. Its essence lies in the application of a gel or other drug;
  • tooth enamel fluoridationthis measure treatment is similar to remineralization, it only penetrates to the deeper layers of tooth enamel;
  • filling wedge-shaped defect;
  • artificial crown The procedure is similar to installing veneers. The only downside is that this method damages healthy tooth tissue.

Folk methods

Treatment of exposure of the neck of the tooth is possible at home. The downside is that it will not be as effective as possible with the help of a specialist.


Massage to strengthen the surface of the gums carried out using the following manipulations:

  1. stroking;
  2. massaging with low intensity.

For best result oils of citrus, eucalyptus and mint are used that have antibacterial properties.

Mouth rinse

Traditional medicine treatment is accompanied by regular rinsing of the mouth herbal infusions.

You can make them at home: you need to grind St. John's wort, put in a container and pour vodka.

Insist for 7 days, and then apply in the following proportions: 30-50 drops of medicine per 250 grams warm water. The resulting infusion needs to rinse your mouth 4-6 times a day.


AT preventive purposes you can regularly apply lotions to the gums from antibacterial oils:

  • fir;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • olives.

Alternative medicine is considered effective, although there are cases allergic reaction to medications.

Therefore, before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

Prevention of exposure of the neck of the tooth

Correction of malocclusion. Correction should be carried out up to 14 years old, since after the bone tissue is formed to the end, and it is no longer possible to move it.

ability to correctly and take good care of your mouth. Compulsory brushing of teeth after each meal or rinsing with a special solution. Use a prophylactic toothbrush.

It must be remembered that prevention is more effective than cure. To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, take good care of them and visit your dentist regularly.

Recession or exposure of the gums occurs when the tissue slides off the tooth, which leads to its lengthening and exposure of the surface. Normal healthy tissue should enclose the shape of the crown and there should be a pointed papilla between the teeth. When the gums are exposed, the part of the tooth that has not been exposed to external factors, becomes open and prone to sensitivity, staining and destruction. This layer of the tooth is known as dentin and has more yellow. As a general rule, only a white enamel crown should be exposed, with the dentin completely covered by gum tissue.

Causes of receding gums

Knowing the causes of the recession - The best way avoid, prevent and delay quick loss fabrics. Some risk factors can lead to more aggressive gingival exposure, while others are slower. The most common causes associated with a recession include the following.

periodontal disease. Gum disease/periodontitis causes the infected tissue to detach from the surface of the tooth, resulting in deep pockets around the tooth, and the onset of recession. The disease is different from gingivitis, which is a simple inflammation of the gums. In fact, periodontitis leads to slow tissue rejection.

Table. Possible gingival pocket depth.

Aggressive brushing teeth. Many dental professionals claim that brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can expose your gums. It usually occurs at the corner of the mouth, around the canines and premolars. Scrubbing movements repeated back and forth can provoke the appearance of recesses in the enamel, as well as the sliding of sensitive gum tissue from the surface of the tooth. Instead, use soft toothbrush and sufficient, but not strong pressure to lightly clean fabrics.

  1. Soft bristles: when using a toothbrush, apply sufficient pressure to remove bacterial plaque and do not damage the gum tissue.
  2. Medium bristles: slightly more pressure leads to abrasion of tooth enamel and the onset of gum recession.
  3. Stiff bristles: do not bend the bristles enough to reach all areas around the teeth. Excessive friction causes irritation of the gum tissue, which leads to their recession and abrasion of the enamel.

Any type of tobacco can cause severe gum recession. Cigarette smoking causes the gums to lose vital blood supplies, leading to secondary infections and tissue loss. Tobacco smoking physically irritates the soft gum tissue due to the glass fibers in the smoke that help the nicotine get in. This chronic irritation results in missing gum tissue in areas where tightening is often done. Its movement to different areas of the oral cavity can slow down the rapid exposure of the gums.

Lack of dental care. Rampant caries or gum disease can cause significant problems before it appears. visible symptoms. Recession is a secondary result of untreated caries, delayed cleansing and persistent problems with gums.

Wrong teeth. Mismatched teeth are more susceptible to recession. As a rule, they become susceptible to exposing the gums due to the fact that the tissues are pulled in the other direction. Another reason - severe injury teeth, which led to their wrong position. Irregular teeth also accumulate more because when regular cleaning difficult to keep them clean. The result is gum disease and recession.

Lip or tongue piercing. Chronic irritation from a lip or tongue piercing can cause the gum tissue to move out of place, exposing the tooth. Even if the piercing is not a cause for concern, repeated rubbing of the soft tissues will still lead to gradual damage to them. A person may experience discomfort associated with products that rub the gums.

Influence of genetics. Patients whose parents suffered from chronic regression of the gums due to gum disease or misalignment of teeth may be predisposed to developing this condition. Bacteria are passed from parent to child, and anatomical factors are simply inherited.

Accelerated orthodontic treatment. Too much movement of teeth during orthodontic treatment can cause gum recession due to the inability of the body to adapt to their rapid movement. Slower realignment preserves bone health and keeps gums in line.

Receding gum symptoms

The most obvious symptom of recession is the visible displacement of gum tissue towards the root of the tooth, which causes the appearance of yellow dentin. There are a few more signs associated with a recession, but baring the roots is usually impossible to miss. Depending on which risk factor contributes to this, the receding area may affect one tooth, part or all of the oral cavity.

Some of the common symptoms that lead to gum recession are:

  • sensitivity;
  • yellow appearance of the roots;
  • darkening of teeth;
  • susceptibility to decay;
  • long teeth;
  • gaps between teeth;
  • accumulation of food.

Unlike various diseases, gum recession leads to:

  • yellowness of teeth;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • development of dental cavities.

Recession treatment

There are several different approaches to the treatment of receding gums and each depends on the cause of the problem and its severity. Some of the treatments are excellent for avoiding an aggressive recession, while others are the only ones available for severe cases.

Treatment - before and after

Laser and periodontal treatment. Periodontal therapy helps to eliminate the bacteria that cause the gum tissue to detach from the tooth. Some dentists also offer laser therapy to disinfect the pocket area and thereby stop the process of exposing the gums. When diseased areas are cleaned and properly treated, some of the tissue can fuse with the surface of the tooth, preventing further recession.

Refusal of tobacco. There has never been a better time to kick this habit. Regardless of how a person uses tobacco, quitting it will not only save them money, but also keep their gums healthy. The tissue will be better supplied with blood and less irritated while maintaining stiffness around the root of the tooth.

The impact of light. Using blue light technology, the dentist targets bacteria that cause gum tissue to become infected, resulting in exposed teeth. Thus, it gives them the time they need to reconnect with the tooth surface, which in turn prevents further recession.

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush (preferably an electric one as it removes more bacteria), move it to your gums and gently clean the area. Do this twice a day. Aggressive brushing or brushes with hard bristles will lead to a more severe recession, while gentle brushing will help keep gums healthy.

Surgical options for gum recession

Soft tissue transplantation. Transplantation can be used to restore the area of ​​receding gums when there is severe loss fabrics. The latter is either taken from another part of the mouth or from a donor, and then applied to the exposed area and restores the surface of a tooth that has lost its gingival coating. Some grafting methods require sutures, while others require covering with existing tissue. Depending on the type of graft being placed, the recovery mode may vary. Donor grafts tend to adapt more easily, while those coming from own body cause discomfort in the place where the tissue comes from.

Pocket depth reduction/crown lengthening. When the recession is associated with advanced gum disease, it may be necessary to reduce the depth of the diseased pocket to make it easier to maintain oral hygiene in the future. The procedure involves the removal of the affected tissue. As a result, there is only a small amount of detachable gum around the pocket surrounding the tooth. This allows you to make the cleaning process more efficient, which will prevent the progression of the disease. This method of intervention is used when the disease becomes severe and the teeth are at risk of falling out due to lack of proper support.

Prevention of gum recession

As with most diseases and complications, the best way to deal with gum recession is to prevent it.

Regular brushing of teeth. Daily oral hygiene helps prevent the formation of tartar and bacteria, as well as recession and gum disease. Dentists and hygienists recommend brushing your teeth in the office at least twice a year to remove a small amount of tartar before it leads to serious illnesses. Most people don't get rid of all bacteria, even if they brush their teeth properly, so some of it remains, which can lead to gum disease. At professional dentist there are special tools with which he can remove bacteria from areas inaccessible to floss or brush.

Orthodontic therapy. Even before the onset of gum recession, orthodontic treatment can correct misaligned teeth so that they do not lead to further recession. While the rapid movement of teeth can expose the gums, slow and precise orthodontic care helps to properly align them so that the gums are not at risk. Straight teeth are also easier to keep clean, so there is less risk of recession and cavities. In most cases, orthodontic treatment is performed within 12-24 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Caps. Excessive pressure on the teeth while grinding food, strong clenching of the jaws, or bruxism can wear away the enamel and expose the gums. Wearing a special splint or mouthguard will help reduce the stress on your teeth, preventing general wear and tear and recession.

Some put the fuses on at night, while others need them during the day when stress levels are high. Custom tires provide better coverage and are comfortable to use.

Video - How gum recession is treated

Exposure of the gums on the roots of the teeth brings aesthetic and physical suffering to the patient of a dentist or periodontist. This exposes a sensitive area that is not protected by dense enamel. Open neck teeth is high risk loss of a healthy tooth, deterioration in the quality of life in general.

In order not to lose teeth, it is necessary to treat exposing gums in a timely manner

Causes of exposed gums

The exposure of the neck of the tooth - can be seen in the photo - looks like a decrease in the gums in relation to the dental crown. AT normal condition the gum covers this area and fits snugly against it. The exposed area differs in color from tooth enamel.

Exposing the neck of the lower teeth

Exposure of gums on the roots of teeth

Causes of gum tissue recession:

  1. Lack of good oral hygiene. As a result, the development of gingivitis, other inflammatory processes in the tissues of the gums due to damage by pathogenic flora.
  2. Excessive hygiene with the use of illiterately selected toothbrushes, rinses. Hard bristles injure gum tissue, antibacterial drugs destroy both pathogenic and beneficial flora. This leads to inflammation and a decrease in the level of the gums.
  3. Anatomical features of the oral cavity. For example, thin gum tissue, small size of tooth roots.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Lack of vitamin C in the diet.
  6. Malocclusion - hereditary or acquired.
  7. Prolonged wearing metal structures for bite correction, aligning the dentition.
  8. Tooth mobility - most often develops in old age, but can also be a consequence of periodontal disease.
  9. Hormonal imbalance - any disease endocrine system, pregnancy.
When the neck of the tooth is exposed, the cause of this condition should be found out. Without the relief of provoking factors, treatment will not bring the expected result.

recession symptoms

The disease is different characteristic symptoms. The diagnosis is established by clinical signs when examined by a doctor.

Patients present with the following complaints:

  • teeth react to changes in temperature, to hot and cold, sour and sweet;
  • pain syndrome is felt throughout the dentition, there is no clear localization as in caries;
  • the appearance of blood in saliva after cleaning or eating food;
  • hyperemia and swelling of the gums;
  • develops in most cases. radical caries, since the neck of the tooth is not protected by dense enamel;
  • visually it seems that the teeth have become longer, gaps have appeared;
  • periodontal pockets appear, in which food debris accumulates. They decompose, causing a purulent process;
  • halitosis;
  • loosening, spontaneous loss of healthy teeth.

Recession of gum tissue is accompanied by basal caries

The pathological process affects one tooth, but gum reduction develops rapidly. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

Which doctor to contact

He is engaged in the treatment of diseases of the maxillofacial system. More narrow specialization- Periodontist. The area of ​​responsibility of the dentist-periodontist includes the gums, tissues near the gums, jaw bones.

In difficult cases, joint work of a dentist-therapist, periodontist and maxillofacial is possible. If you suspect the hormonal nature of the disease, you will need, or an andrologist.


Diseases in a neglected state are easily identified by appearance dentition. On the early stages- Diagnosis is difficult.

Diagnosis method:

  1. Visual inspection using mirrors and probes. are revealed carious cavities, the doctor evaluates the condition of the periodontium, the presence of tartar and signs of an inflammatory process in the bone structures.
  2. Radiography - determination of the integrity of teeth, periodontal tissues, exclusion of neoplasms in the maxillofacial system.

X-ray helps to identify the condition of the teeth

If necessary, the periodontist will prescribe:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Rotter's test - exclude deficiency ascorbic acid. it common cause damage to gum tissue;
  • imprints of the oral mucosa;
  • smears and bacterial culture saliva, pharynx to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

What to do when gums are exposed at home

If the gums recede, then home treatments can only be aimed at following the recommendations of the doctor, the use of antibacterial medicines compliance with hygiene requirements.


To stop the inflammatory process, rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions, applications and lubrication with antibacterial and healing ointments are prescribed.

The doctor will prescribe:

  1. Antiseptic solutions for local use- Chlohexidine, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin. The first 3 items are sold in a ready-to-use form. Rinsing is carried out 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment of the oral cavity is 20-30 seconds.

Furacilin tablets are diluted in water. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tablet of the drug and 100 ml of boiling water. Solution without sterilization is not stored. It should be used for 1 oral treatment.

Rinsing with a solution of Furacilin will help relieve inflammation

The drugs are well tolerated and active against most representatives. pathogenic flora. From side effects patients noted dryness in the oral cavity, irritation of the mucosa.

  1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic gels - Holisal, Metrogyl denta. The drugs are applied 2 times a day thin layer. The oral cavity must first be cleaned.

If inflamed gum pockets, then carry out applications with gels 2 times a day. After treatment, it is forbidden to eat and drink for 30 minutes. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

  1. Toothpastes with anti-inflammatory action - for example, Lacalut.

Lacalut - anti-inflammatory paste

Conservative treatment will not cure the problem. His job is to stop inflammatory process to prevent further loosening and loss of teeth.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are used only as aid. This is a conservative therapy using decoctions. medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Many herbs from folk herbalists are medicinal plants and applied in dental practice. Therefore, purchase herbal raw materials in a pharmacy.

Effective traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Oak bark - a decoction is used to rinse the mouth. For 5 g of vegetable raw materials, 1 cup of boiling water is required. Pour and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Wrap and leave to cool completely. Use the prepared decoction to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day.
  2. Sage - also used in the form of a decoction. Proportions are similar to decoction of oak bark 1 tbsp. l. / 250 ml of water. But it is enough to pour vegetable raw materials with boiling water and leave to cool completely. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.
  3. Sage and chamomile. Vegetable raw materials mixed in equal proportions. Five grams of the mixture pour 1 cup boiling water. Leave until completely cool. Use to rinse your mouth.
  4. Alcohol tinctures of calendula and St. John's wort - dilute 50 drops in 1 glass of water. Use for rinsing.
  5. Gum massage with essential oils. Traditionally, mint, citrus, tea tree, fir. Essential oils should not be used whole. Before the massage, they are bred in the base. It can be olive, almond or refined sunflower oil.

A decoction of oak bark has an antibacterial effect

Wash your hands with soap. Wet your fingers in the medicinal mixture and massage the gums with circular and rotational movements.

Gum massage is also used in the official medical practice. Therefore, the dentist should show you the techniques and movements.

How to treat recession with surgery

With inefficiency conservative therapy the doctor will suggest performing a surgical intervention on periodontal tissues. Similar procedures performed on an outpatient basis, local anesthesia is used.

Depending on the severity of the process, the doctor will suggest the following methods of surgical treatment:

  1. Gingival plastic surgery using the patient's own tissues.
  2. Resection of the root of the tooth and its replacement with an implant.

Gingival plasty when exposed

aim surgical intervention is the restoration of the physiological contour of the gums. The procedure is lengthy. Treatment of 8 teeth takes an average of 2 hours.

The doctor uses the patient's own tissues to form the gum area. With their lack, the installation of artificial materials is shown.

Stages of surgical treatment:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Collection of material for implantation. Most often, flaps are taken from the palatal part of the oral cavity.
  3. Installation of tissues at the site of exposure of the neck of the tooth. Fixation of biological material.

Patient tissue is used for gingival plasty

The duration of healing is from 10 to 12 days. During this period, the use of hard food, smoking, marinades and spicy foods. The doctor will prescribe antiseptic preparations for the treatment of the oral cavity, painkillers.

Removal of the tooth root and installation of the prosthesis

Currently, with gum recession, resection of the tooth root is not performed. In the past with inefficiency conservative treatment It was recommended to remove the affected molars, and install a clasp prosthesis in their place. Modern techniques involves the replacement of a tooth with an implant.

Installation of the implant is indicated for significant destruction of the neck of the tooth. With extensive carious process in this area the sense in conservative therapy disappears. Installing an implant prevents subsequent deformation of the gum tissue.

Before surgical intervention The doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • blood clotting;
  • HIV test;
  • liver tests.

Root resection procedure

On the day of the procedure, the last meal should be 2 hours before surgery. During preparatory phase the patient is injected with drugs for pain relief and the oral cavity is treated with antiseptic solutions.

The formation of gums is carried out simultaneously with the installation of the implant. Tissue sampling to form a new gum level above the implant is performed from the patient during surgery. Most often - on the upper palate.

Average duration rehabilitation period is 12 days. The rate of tissue healing is affected by the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, and compliance with the rules of care in the postoperative period.

Prevention of gum reduction

There are no specialized methods for preventing tooth neck exposure and gum deformation. It is enough to observe hygiene standards care of the oral cavity, visit the dentist 2 times a year, treat diseases of the teeth and periodontium on time and in full.

It is easy to get gum deformation. It is enough not to brush your teeth and smoke. But restoring lost health is a difficult, lengthy and expensive task. Nature gave man only 1 set permanent teeth so take good care of them. A competent dentist will help you!

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