And wedge-shaped hard with. What is needed in order to get rid of the wedge-shaped defect of the teeth? Why do teeth hurt after the treatment of wedge-shaped defects

wedge-shaped defect- This is a non-carious lesion of the tissues of the tooth, located in the cervical part and having a wedge-shaped shape. The cause of the lesion is the thinning of the enamel due to different factors: hard brush, passion for whitening pastes, congenital predisposition.

The decisive role is played by the bite and the position of the teeth in a row - the most protruding premolars and canines are affected more frequently. Progressive disease brings significant discomfort - hypersensitivity to temperature and acid irritants.

Used methods

An unwillingness to focus attention on a problem can lead to irreversible consequences. If untreated, pathology can cause dystrophic changes in the pulp, enamel depletion, periodontal inflammation, and as a result, tooth loss. The aesthetic moment is also important - a defect does not make its owner attractive.

Modern dentistry offers a variety of treatment methods and supporting preventive measures. Regardless of the stage of damage, treatment provides for the maximum elimination of provoking and traumatic factors. Depending on the depth of the lesion, different methods can be used:

An indicator of quality is the elimination of hypersensitivity and strengthening of the enamel, and the installed filling material or veneer should last as long as possible.

The aesthetic component of restorative procedures is also important - the filling should not be noticeable on the surface of the tooth.

orthodontic methods. What do their prices depend on?

In most cases, the culprit of the pathology is malocclusion - a violation of occlusion. Therefore, the doctor may suggest orthodontic treatment aimed at optimizing malocclusion.

Treatment takes a long time(from several months to two years), but proper occlusion can not only prevent the development of the disease, but also stop the process that has already begun.

Treatment includes wearing braces, necessary hygiene procedures, the installation of crowns on certain teeth, as well as selective grinding of teeth.

Orthodontic activities take long time but the results are always great! The procedure will help to avoid chips and cracks, periodontal injuries, and minimize the likelihood of a wedge-shaped defect.

After correcting the bite, you can put a filling, veneer or crown, provided that the pathology is in the initial stage. The cost depends on the severity of the case, the equipment used, and the selected bracket system. The choice of a corrective system depends only on the desire of the patient, his aesthetic requirements and financial capabilities.

Before starting treatment, the patient receives maximum information about the state of the oral cavity, after which the specialist draws up a treatment plan with all possible nuances and estimated costs.

What can be done at home?

Treatment of the disease at home, first of all, consists in conducting timely hygiene measures. Poor cleaning often becomes.

Dental plaque and mineralized deposits promote reproduction pathogenic microflora, which in the process of life releases aggressive acids, which leads to the loss of calcium and contributes to the destruction of hard tissues, inflammatory diseases periodontitis - periodontitis and gingivitis.

Therefore, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, it is necessary:

The use of folk remedies

  • Fill a liter jar with chopped grass;
  • Fill the container with vodka or 40 0 ​​alcohol;
  • Infuse for two weeks in a dark place.

For the procedure, the tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and the mouth is rinsed for several minutes after eating. Inflammatory processes are stopped after regular rinsing for 10 days every month.

  1. Time-tested "grandmother's" recipe for treatment cranberries. Crush a few berries and rub the gruel several times a day on the gums.
  2. Perfectly protect teeth from destruction, and gums from inflammation regular rinses infusions of herbs of chamomile, plantain, oak bark.

Using a laser

Another effective method- treatment laser beam. Preparation of a tooth for filling is associated with difficulties in removing softened tissues from cavities affected by the pathological process.

It is no secret that the service life of the filling depends on the quality of the treatment of the dental cavity, including antibacterial. The laser copes with this task - impeccably.

Laser equipment allows you to perform procedures with maximum effect, without pain, without damaging healthy tissues. Therefore, such treatment is considered much more effective than traditional manipulations.

also used for hyperesthesia. In this case, the procedure consists in the impact of a dental laser on the neck of the tooth. As a result of manipulation, the enamel is compacted and sensitivity is reduced.

The effect of the procedure comes immediately after its completion, and the density of the enamel increases up to 35%. Laser procedures are indicated for patients suffering from allergies to medications, women carrying or breastfeeding a child.

Doctors cannot reach a consensus about the causes of the defect. But it is obvious that the main provocateur is the wrong load on the teeth. Also, the role of incorrect and inadequate hygiene oral cavity.

Therefore, if there is this pathology it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, consume the necessary vitamins and minerals, and carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures.

Medical and hardware treatment wedge-shaped defect is selected by a specialist depending on the degree of damage to hard tissues. The cost of treatment depends on the amount of work, methods and materials used for treatment. An accurate detailed calculation is possible only after a thorough examination and definition of a treatment plan.

And in conclusion, a video about using the DentLight kit:

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Sometimes damage to the surface of the teeth may not be associated with the reproduction and vital activity of carious bacteria. A wedge-shaped defect is a smooth, glossy formation in the region of the neck of the canines and premolars. There are many reasons for their appearance, but most of associated with poor or irregular oral hygiene. In the article we will consider the causes of the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth and the features of the treatment of this disease.

So, a wedge-shaped defect is a non-carious damage to hard tissues, while the formations are strictly wedge-shaped and are located at the base of the tooth.

Most often, the defect is formed precisely on the front teeth, canines and premolars. Outwardly, it resembles ledges or outgrowths in the form of a wedge that do not change their color (except in cases deep defeat enamel).

The size of the ledges ranges from a match head to the entire crown region of the tooth.

Wedge-shaped defect of teeth

This ailment is more common in middle-aged or elderly people, however, it can also be observed in children in case of total absence oral hygiene.

As far as the symptoms of the disease are concerned, the initial stage is almost imperceptible visually or weakly expressed. The patient may feel an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel to temperature and taste stimuli, excessive mechanical stress (hard bristles of the brush, biting the cap of the pen, eating solid food, etc.).

Then the patient observes shallow cracks in the cervical zone of the tooth, which gradually change their shape to a wedge. As a rule, these gaps are located symmetrically on the dentition of one jaw, but the cases of single lesions are extremely rare.

After the second stage of the disease(the depth of the gap is about 0.1 mm) the third one occurs, when the defect develops a noticeable size of 3.5 mm or more. The neck of the tooth at this moment becomes extremely sensitive to irritants, the patient feels discomfort during meals and periodic sharp pain in the area. Visually, one can note the unaesthetic appearance of the enamel, a partial change in its shade. Regular brushing of teeth also becomes unpleasant.

Possible development of concomitant dental diseases such as caries, gingivitis, pulpitis, etc.

The next stage is accompanied by the growth of ledges up to a volume of 0.5 cm, while the lesion reaches the soft tissues of the tooth (dentin). In some cases, the pathology can also spread to the pulp cavity, which, in the absence of timely treatment may lead to crown fracture. Even if this happens, the replacement dentin does not allow the pulp chamber to open, so there is always a chance of tooth restoration.

Why does this pathology occur?

Often the defect occurs due to the lack of adequate oral hygiene.

As we have already noted, often the defect occurs due to the lack of adequate oral hygiene.

If the patient violates the technique of cleaning the teeth for years (moves the brush in a horizontal direction, ignores the interdental spaces and distant surfaces of the wisdom teeth), then the gaps from microscopic turn into noticeable and progress every month. Also, this process is facilitated by brushing your teeth immediately after dinner with acidic foods (especially berries and citrus fruits, as well as wine). The whole point is that the acids in these ingredients destroy the thin layer of calcium on the surface of the enamel, and, accordingly, brushing your teeth removes its upper layers, causing increased sensitivity and microcracks.

Microbial plaque and dark tartar that is not cleaned in this way also demineralizes the enamel. Carious and other bacteria begin to multiply actively, releasing organic acids and calcium-degrading enzymes.

There are other causes of wedge-shaped defects in the teeth.

Treatment of a defect in the first two stages

Treatment this disease will differ, depending on the depth of ledges or crevices. Such popular methods as remineralization and enamel fluoridation will be effective only at the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease, when the destruction has not yet touched the dentin tissues, and especially the pulp.

There is a special course, which includes coating the teeth and calcium- and fluoride-containing composition. Calcium hydroxide in this case “solders” microcracks on the enamel, and fluorine increases its resistance to external factors. As a rule, a couple of procedures will be enough to eliminate the wedge-shaped defect of the teeth (photo above).

Unfortunately, these remedies will be of a temporary masking nature if the doctor, together with the patient, does not reliably determine the cause of the ledges and cracks. So, if it's about brushing your teeth or diet, related diseases or bite, then the problem can return again and again, each time affecting the tissues deeper and deeper.

Regular maintenance of the enamel with the help of professional fluoride-containing pastes and rinses will also not be superfluous.

Treatment of a defect in the last stages

The third and fourth stages of the pathology are characterized by deep formations and cracks in the enamel, which may well reach the soft area of ​​\u200b\u200bdentin and even the pulp cavity. In this case, the surface “sealing up” of cracks and crevices will not give any result, because the lesion will deepen already inside the tooth.

Dental fillings are the only way out. without drilling of necrotic tissues (the lesion is non-carious). Unfortunately, filling such formations is quite difficult, composites are often squeezed out of the gap area, fall out and require frequent replacement. How to prevent the loss of the seal and further deepening of the defect?

First of all, the dentist uses a drill to undercut the surface of the tooth, which will help hold the filling in place.

Then the doctor carefully isolates the enamel from moisture (the patient's saliva, breathing, etc.)

On the final stages a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth is treated by filling the teeth without drilling out necrotic tissues

You should also use a specific composite with increased rate elasticity: liquid materials that are introduced into the cavity of the gap with a syringe and harden under the rays of a polymerization lamp). Only then will the filling not change volume under the influence of increased mechanical loads.

Prevention of the occurrence of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth

To avoid painstaking and regular treatment, you can follow a few simple rules.

The condition of the enamel is an indicator of the health of the entire tooth. The stronger, whiter and more solid its surface, the higher the resistance to external threats and pathological microflora. Remember that proper enamel care must be done daily, not forgetting to periodically feed it with the missing trace elements.

Wedge-shaped defect of teeth is one of the pathological conditions when people go to the dentist. It is characterized by the appearance of a V-shaped recess, with the base directed inside the cavity. The defect is located on the buccal surface, in advanced situations it is quite clearly visible to others. In addition to the violation of aesthetics, patients complain of the appearance of hypersensitivity when eating: sour, sweet, salty foods. Treatment of a wedge-shaped defect must be carried out in time to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is noticed that the disease has nothing to do with carious pathology. Even in the last stages of the development of the disease, the enamel has a glossy and smooth surface. The bottom always remains dense, has even edges.

Origin of the disease

Until now, the nature of pathology remains not fully understood. Dentists identify predisposing factors that contribute to the appearance and progression of wedge-shaped defects:

  1. mechanical factors. If the bite is correct, there is a uniform load on all dental units. If it is pathological, pressure with greater severity falls on only some of them. In this case, a wedge-shaped defect occurs. Over time, one notices the presence unpleasant education in the oral cavity. If it is not eliminated in time, there is Great chance completely break dental crown while eating.

It's hard to believe, but the dental units, despite their strong structure, bend a little when chewing and return to their place. This happens systematically, at every meal. The enamel is subjected to very strong pressure and as a result, a vertical microscopic bend appears. Gradually, in the cervical region, microcracks appear. Over time, they increase and form a V - shaped recess. Flaws are mainly affected by canines, molars, premolars. It is they who are subjected to a very large load during the act of biting and chewing. Most often, a stepped protrusion appears on the anterior surface of symmetrical teeth in one jaw.

Carrying out hygienic care with the help of hard brushes, the use of abrasive pastes, exerting a heavy load when cleaning dental units, help the disease progress and develop at an accelerated pace.

  1. Not favorable conditions in the oral cavity. The theory is based on the belief that pathology results from negative impacts on the enamel with aggressive substances. These include: acidic foods (juices, fruits), sweet carbonated drinks.

A strong infusion of wild rose, often used to boost immunity, can cause enamel destruction. It must be drunk through a straw. After the drink is drunk, you need to rinse your mouth clean water.

Effervescent sodas gradually wash out calcium from bone structures, leading to the appearance of dental pathologies. Their use is recommended to be reduced, if possible, eliminated completely.

While eating, watch for fluctuations in temperature. Remember that the simultaneous alternation of too hot and cold foods is unacceptable!

  1. Somatic diseases directly lead to the occurrence of pathologies of the oral cavity. Defects often occur in people suffering from gastrointestinal disease. In connection with the disease, acidic contents are thrown into the oral cavity. As a result, favorable conditions arise for the development of a stepped education.

Diabetes mellitus disrupts calcium metabolism, which negatively affects the state of enamel. Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in density and strength bone tissue. It is a powerful push mechanism for the appearance of a step-like protrusion. Osteoporosis often occurs in menopausal women.

Nervous and mental disorders, lead to a change metabolic processes. Hormonal disorders occur, metabolism is disturbed, which affects the strength of the bone tissue of dental units.
Periodontitis and periodontal disease often accompany wedge-shaped defects. Diseases significantly accelerate the development of pathology, worsen the chances of a quick recovery.

  1. Age features. The disease develops mainly in middle-aged and elderly people, in the presence of related factors. It is interesting that in old age, pain sensitivity when eating, worries patients much less frequently. It is this feature that does not force patients to come to the dentist for quite a long time.

In wedge-shaped defects of the teeth, the causes and treatment differ depending on the factors that caused the pathology.

Pathology progresses rather slowly. Sometimes it develops over many years. There are the following stages in the development of staged education:

  • First stage. The neck of the tooth has a slight microscopic crack. It is not noticeable to others, there are no symptoms of the disease;
  • The first stage of formation is characterized by the appearance of a small depression. It can be seen upon inspection. The size of the pathology is very small and is no more than 0.1 mm. At this stage, the patient does not feel unpleasant symptoms, has no complaints;
  • The second stage of development is accompanied by a deepening of the wedge-shaped formation. The presence of a V-shaped flaw is visually observed. The focus of pathology doubles in size and is already 0.3 mm. In many patients, at this stage there are a number of first clinical manifestations: soreness when eating, discomfort when meeting with cold air, when cleaning dental units. As a rule, the reaction appears on sour, salty, sweet, spicy food. Sensitivity can be observed when drinking hot and cold drinks.
  • The third stage of the disease is the critical stage. Visually, there is a rather large flaw at the base of the neck of the dental unit. It reaches a size of 0.5 mm, affects the pulp, pulpitis occurs. In this case, a person complains of attacks of pain that increase at night. Constant pain forces the patient to postpone their affairs and come to an appointment with a specialist.

Sometimes, the body uses compensatory mechanism and in place of the enamel, a layer of dentin is produced. In this case, inflammation of the nerve does not appear. If the disease does not affect nerve fibers, then discomfort does not occur constantly. They appear when eating, while brushing your teeth. People come to the dentist complaining of pain and unsightly pathological education in the oral cavity.

An experienced doctor is engaged in the treatment of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth. Only he will conduct an examination, if necessary, refer the patient to additional methods examinations. Complications of the disease are: increased pain sensitivity, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, in the absence of treatment of pulpitis, breakage of the tooth crown.

Differential diagnosis of a defect is carried out with the following dental pathologies: cervical caries, erosion of hard tissues of the tooth, cervical necrosis of enamel. The tactics of treatment directly depends on the factors that caused the disease.

What to do if an ugly flaw appears

Treatment of a defect at the initial stages of its formation is not difficult. It consists in the remineralization of enamel tissues. It is necessary to complete the entire course of therapy. The procedures are completely painless and even pleasant. During them, the dentist imposes special applications with calcium gluconate. On subsequent visits, he conducts fluoridation with a paste. If necessary, the doctor prescribes to the patient the preventive use of special fluoride-containing pastes and mouth rinses. The therapy is accompanied simultaneous reception vitamins and minerals in the form of tablets.

To more radical methods of treatment, it is necessary to resort to the middle and critical stages of the development of pathology. In most cases, it is necessary to apply several therapeutic actions at once.

  1. Restoration with filling materials. In theory, it seems to be the most optimal type of solution to the issue. In one step, you can completely eliminate the pathology and achieve high aesthetics. However, not all so simple. Carrying out restoration work is difficult, due to the presence of constant moisture at the neck of the tooth. Even after solving this problem, others remain. Namely: the shape of the pathological protrusion contributes to poor adhesion of the filling. In the process of chewing, it often falls out and this is not at all the fault of the dentist. It is advisable to correct the defect with filling materials only with a high degree of elasticity. In the process of treatment, the doctor creates special notches, for which the seal adheres better to the walls of the tooth and stays in place longer.

During treatment, no preparation is required.

It is clear that restoration is not best method and is used only as a temporary solution to the problem.

  1. Installing veneers - will help to quickly solve the problem. Man gets rid of pain sensitivity. The flaw is completely hidden behind the thin wall of the ceramic plate. However this method also does not solve the problem completely. There remains a high probability of breaking the crown. Veneers, as well as fillings, must be replaced with new ones over time.
  2. Crown prosthetics is a good remedy getting rid of the wedge-shaped defect. A person can choose a ceramic-metal or ceramic option. Protective caps will reliably save the dental unit. After orthopedic work, pain when eating is completely eliminated. The big disadvantage is that after the prosthetics, there will still be increased pressure on other dental units. The remaining unprotected teeth are at risk of wedge formation.
  3. Orthodontic treatment consists of removing pathological bite. As a result, there is a uniform load on all dental units, the main cause of the disease is removed. The therapy is carried out with the help of: braces, vestibular plates, special mouthguards, trainers.
  4. Treatment concomitant diseases positive effect on oral health.

It needs to be known

When undergoing therapy with a doctor, be sure to follow the following rules:

  • Eat well. Enrich your diet with fruits, vegetables, cereals, herbs, fish, seafood, meat. Be sure to eat foods that contain natural calcium: milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, sesame seeds, poppy seeds.
  • enjoy soft brushes in oral care. Do not use abrasive whitening pastes without the appointment of a specialist;
  • Use dental floss, mouth rinses;
  • Brush the dental units in the direction from the neck to the cutting edge;
  • Do not take hot and cold foods and drinks at the same time.

In order to determine the presence of the disease in time and treat it painlessly, visit the dentist every 6-7 months!

Some patients during a visit to the dentist complain of increased sensitivity of the dental tissue in the cervical region. Unpleasant sensations occur when hygiene procedures, eating cold / hot dishes, inhaling a strong jet of air.

Why does discomfort occur? This is due to the wedge-shaped defect of the teeth. Pathological process affects the area closer to the neck of the tooth. Lack of treatment leads to thinning of the enamel, pulp degeneration, inflammation of periodontal tissues. AT severe cases possible tooth loss.

general information

Non-carious lesions of the dentition units most often develop on incisors, premolars and canines. The affected area becomes looser, demineralization of the upper layer occurs.

Enamel thinning opens the way pathogenic bacteria. Damage to the dentin worsens the strength of the teeth: it is easier for decay bacteria to penetrate into the affected tissue, it often develops.

The closer the wedge-shaped defect to the gum, the more difficult it is to treat pathological changes.


In many cases, negative changes hard tissue provoked by the patient. Most often, changes in the cervical part occur under the influence of several factors related to each other. By eliminating one irritant, you reduce the influence of other provoking factors.

Lack of attention to hygiene procedures

Without regular cleaning of the dental and gum tissue, soft plaque accumulates, and harmful plaque gradually forms. Bacteria accumulated in deposits provoke demineralization of the enamel. The more plaque, the more the top layer deteriorates.

Lack of knowledge of teeth cleaning techniques

Take note:

  • it is forbidden to clean the surface of the dentition horizontally. Only top to bottom or in a circular motion, trying to turn the circle into a "vertical" oval;
  • after drinking wine, sour fruits, berries, citrus fruits, half an hour should pass. Fruit acids soften the top layer, accelerate the leaching of calcium. Enjoy vitamin products, rinse your mouth, wait 30 minutes, then brush your teeth and gums.

Periodontitis or gingivitis

Diseases are accompanied not only by the accumulation of solid, soft plaque, but also by the release of droplets of blood, exudate from the periodontal sulcus. Constant exposure to moisture on the cervical region gradually leaches calcium. Porosity, thinning of the enamel is a common cause of the formation of a wedge-shaped defect.

Important! Loose units form cavities in the periodontal tissue, through which the infection easily penetrates. With the severity of the case, there is an accumulation of purulent masses that constantly irritate the enamel.

Diseases of organs and systems

Insufficient/excess production of hormones thyroid gland often degrades the quality of the teeth. Various defects appear, including damage to the enamel in the cervical area.

Another cause of damage to the upper or deeper layer is heartburn. Frequent ejections of the contents of the upper esophagus increase the level of acidity in the mouth. Regular violation acid-base balance visibly thins the enamel.


Sometimes an abnormal arrangement, curvature of the teeth, protrusion of individual units provokes the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect. Patients do not always associate changes in the cervical region with pathologies requiring orthodontic treatment. Late referral for help complicates the task of the orthodontist.

With an abnormal bite, the chewing load on the units of the dentition will be uneven. At constant pressure enamel on teeth with polished parts is more susceptible to depletion.

Characteristic symptoms

The main signs of the development of the pathological process:

  • increased sensitivity of the cervical zone to irritants;
  • soreness provokes sour, sweet food, cold air, water;
  • pain is felt when cleaning the dental tissue and gums.

Note! On the early stages the process is asymptomatic, the aesthetics of the oral cavity does not deteriorate. With a deep spread of changes, the color of the enamel at the neck of the tooth worsens, an unpleasant yellowness appears.

Methods and rules of treatment

Dentists offer several treatment options depending on the depth and size of the cervical defect. After a visual, instrumental examination of the affected areas, mucous membranes, gums, the doctor will refer you for an additional examination.

Elimination of the factors that caused the appearance of the defect - First stage any therapy. The doctor will recommend a set of measures for a particular patient.

Be sure to follow the rules:

  • remember how to clean the dentition to maintain the integrity of the enamel;
  • do not skip hygiene measures;
  • buy a brush with medium hard bristles, clean hard tissues and gums to prevent further infection due to the accumulation of soft deposits;
  • use dental floss. Excellent effect when cleaning uncomfortable areas, it gives a modern device - an oral irrigator;
  • use toothpaste with fluoride or calcium to strengthen enamel. Good feedback deserved species: Splat Biocalcium, Splat Maximum, PRESIDENT Unique, Asepta Sensitiv; (We have an article about Splat toothpaste).
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly after each meal, after eating viscous, sticky foods, muffins, chocolate, brush your teeth for 1-2 minutes;
  • treat diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Visit an endocrinologist, support the body in chronic pathologies;
  • drink a vitamin-mineral complex to strengthen dental tissue. A good effect is given by a combination of B vitamins, ascorbic acid with glycerophosphate or calcium gluconate;
  • a special mouthguard for teeth is another way to reduce the sensitivity of the top layer. During the procedure, the enamel gets minerals reinforcing the surface.

Treatment of a small wedge-shaped defect

The minimum area of ​​the lesion, identified at the initial stage, the doctor will eliminate without filling. The course of procedures will restore the quality of the enamel.

Mandatory activities:

  • remineralizing therapy. Enamel is coated with a special composition enriched with calcium. After a course of procedures, the quality of the upper layer is restored, the dentin is strengthened;
  • fluorination. Dentist applying on enamel special remedy containing the allowable concentration of fluorine. After treatment, the enamel is resistant to impact. anaerobic bacteria, provoking caries, less responsive to fruit acids; (Read more about fluoridation in the article).
  • home care. At the same time as visiting dental office the patient is obliged to clean the dentition with fluoride-containing paste, take care of oral hygiene. The use of an irrigator, dental floss will increase the degree of purification from plaque. Proper nutrition, inclusion in the menu of milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, daily consumption of vegetables, fish oil, fish from the inside will saturate the enamel with calcium, vitamin D.

There are drugs that increase the effectiveness of remineralizing therapy. As part of the funds - highly active fluoride ions plus calcium hydroxide. The course is reduced to two procedures.

The second option of orthodontic treatment is an installation to achieve the same load on less protected units of the dentition. For fastening, you have to grind a unit, “kill” a tooth. Dentists recommend the method much less often than wearing plates or braces.

Means and recipes of traditional medicine

A wedge-shaped defect often occurs when plaque accumulates, containing millions of pathogenic microorganisms. Strengthen enamel, gum tissue home procedures. Rinse, gum treatment warns inflammatory processes actively removes soft deposits.

Folk methods are suitable for the prevention of lesions of the gums and teeth. With pathological changes in the tissues, tinctures, decoctions of medicinal herbs are only an addition to drug therapy.

Proven Recipes:

  • rinsing with herbal decoctions. Astringent, anti-inflammatory, good antiseptic properties has oak bark, chamomile, sage, plantain, calendula. For 500 ml of water - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials. oak bark be sure to boil over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • saline solution. The ideal option is to use sea ​​salt. One tablespoon per glass of water marine product. Rinse your mouth with clean water after eating. Dampen a soft-bristled brush saline solution gently massage your gums. Sodium, calcium, iodine useful product strengthen enamel, periodontal tissue;
  • aloe against inflammation of the gums. At the first signs of pathological changes in the gum tissue, tear off the fleshy leaf, remove the skin with thorns. Massage the gums with the pulp, chew a piece to healing juice moistened the entire mouth. Aloe is an active antiseptic. Within a week you will notice a positive result.

Follow simple rules:

  • regular examination of the oral cavity at home;
  • visits to the dentist at least once every six months;
  • proper nutrition with enough vitamins, minerals, the exclusion of products that provoke the accumulation of plaque;
  • professional teeth cleaning, regular sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • timely filling of cavities in units of the dentition;
  • the use of a high-quality brush, toothpaste with fluorine and calcium, dental floss, irrigator;
  • with depletion of the upper layer - enamel fluoridation.

Recommended bite correction in childhood. If you are late, do not despair: dentists successfully use braces, plates, mouthguards on teeth for orthodontic treatment of adult patients. Modern techniques preserve the aesthetics of the dentition: others will not notice that you are wearing braces or other corrective structures.

wedge-shaped defect pathological change dental tissue, which successfully copes modern dentistry. Find an experienced doctor, conduct a course of remineralizing therapy. With the severity of the case, filling, bite correction, a combination of techniques will help. Prevention measures - reliable way avoid damage to the cervical region of the tooth.

Read more about the wedge-shaped defect of the dentition in the following video:

From this article you will learn:

  • what is a wedge-shaped tooth defect,
  • what are the reasons for their appearance,
  • wedge-shaped defect: treatment and prevention.

A wedge-shaped defect is a non-carious tooth lesion, characterized by the formation of a wedge-shaped defect in the neck of the tooth. Most often, such defects occur on canines and premolars (3-4-5 teeth of the upper and mandible), less often in the area of ​​other teeth.

On examination, you can notice that the wedge-shaped defects of the teeth have a smooth, shiny surface. Moreover, defects of small sizes (within the thickness of the enamel) have the usual color of tooth enamel. But if the lesion extends not only to the depth of the enamel, but also captures the dentin, such defects have a pigmented surface.

Wedge-shaped defect of teeth: photo

If a wedge-shaped defect is formed, the symptoms are usually expressed in the appearance of a moderate various stimuli (cold water or air, sweet or sour foods, sensitivity to mechanical stimuli pain when brushing teeth). However, in some cases, the process may be asymptomatic.

Wedge-shaped defect of teeth: causes

It must be said that the term "wedge-shaped defect" exists as individual disease only in Russian medicine, and describes only the geometric shape of the damage to the tooth. Abroad, for the classification of such non-carious defects, terms are used that imply the causes of their occurrence (for example, abfraction, abrasion, erosion).

Important : and believe me, this is not just a matter of classification, but a question of why, when you treat wedge-shaped defects in Russia, all the fillings then fall out, plus the same defects also appear in other teeth. The fact is that most doctors treat wedge-shaped defects, regardless of the cause of their appearance, simply by filling them. But this is not enough in most cases.

As you will see below: the causes and treatment of wedge-shaped defects of the teeth are very interrelated, and in most cases the treatment should not only consist in the banal filling of the defect itself. There are 3 main reasons for the development of such defects.

1. Wedge-shaped defects of the abfraction type -

Such wedge-shaped defects are also called abfraction defects. The root cause of the formation of this type of wedge-shaped defects is the incorrect relationship of the upper and lower teeth during their closure, which leads to the appearance of atypical types of load on the tooth. As a result of such a load in the cervical region of the tooth, the so-called “bending stress” occurs, accompanied by a piezoelectric effect (the essence of this process is that hydroxyapatite molecules push calcium ions out of themselves, which leads to the destruction of this area of ​​​​enamel).

The second most important factor in the occurrence of defects of this type is the parafunction of the language (strong mechanical pressure language into inner surface teeth), which occurs with a small volume of the oral cavity, for example, with narrowed jaws, deep bite, etc.

The third most important factor is the presence, in which there is increased tone chewing muscles, leading to an increase in the duration and force of pressure on the teeth when they are closed. All this also leads to the appearance of atypical loads on the tissues of the tooth, which is accompanied by the destruction of the enamel.

Important : if you do not take into account pathological occlusal interactions between antagonist teeth, but simply fill the defect, then the filling will inevitably fall out. This will happen because while maintaining incorrect contacts between the teeth and pathological load on the tooth, “flexural stress” will remain in the region of the neck of the tooth, which will lead to the destruction of the seal / tooth connection and the loss of the seal.

2. Wedge-shaped defects of abrasive nature -

A wedge-shaped defect of this type occurs in response to the action of abrasive materials on the tooth. First of all, it should be said about toothpastes (especially whitening ones), which have a very high RDA abrasiveness coefficient. Fine toothpaste for adults should have an RDA of 60-70 units, but most whitening toothpastes have significantly higher abrasion factors.

Secondly, the reasons may be brushes with too hard bristles (recommended - medium), as well as improper brushing technique. Under no circumstances should you do horizontal movements with a toothbrush on the front surface of the teeth, brush movements should only be sweeping.

3. Wedge-shaped defects of erosive nature -

In this case, chemical factors lead to the formation of defects - acids that are found in food, fruits and juices, wine. Very often, wedge-shaped defects are formed in patients with gastritis and heartburn, because. they constantly have a partial hit gastric juice into the oral cavity. Also, often such defects are formed in people working in chemical industries.

It is very important to know that after drinking acidic drinks and foods, it is undesirable to brush your teeth for the first hour (you can floss). The fact is that the acid leaches calcium from the surface layer of the enamel, making the enamel porous and less resistant to mechanical stress. It is necessary to wait about an hour until the enamel is partially remineralized by the absorption of calcium ions contained in saliva.

Summary : it must be said that most wedge-shaped defects are formed precisely because of the abfraction process (i.e. as a result of malocclusion, tongue parafunction or bruxism). However, it must be borne in mind that several factors can simultaneously influence at once. For example, as soon as you damage the enamel with highly abrasive whitening pastes, the acid factor immediately finishes the job (and vice versa).

In addition to the main ones, there are also predisposing factors -

Wedge-shaped defect of teeth: treatment

If you or your dentist have found a wedge-shaped defect in your teeth, the treatment will certainly consist primarily in restoring the integrity of the tooth. However, if you carefully read about the reasons for the development of such defects, then you will immediately understand that this alone is not enough. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the cause of the appearance of the defect associated with improper contacts between the upper and lower teeth.

If you have several wedge-shaped defects (which indicates a large volume of the problem), then it is best to visit a good orthopedic dentist, because. only these doctors can do quality selective grinding of teeth and normalize contacts between them. In addition, it is the orthopedic dentist (prosthetist) who will help you exclude other causes of the development of clinical defects, for example, with parafunction of the tongue and bruxism.

As for the wedge-shaped defects of the abrasive and erosive types, in these cases, the patient is selected hygiene products, taught correct technique brushing teeth, help determine the diet, if necessary, appoint a consultation with an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Ideally, only after all this, they begin to restore the integrity of the tooth.

In the treatment of wedge-shaped defects, methods are used

  • filling of a wedge-shaped defect,
  • grinding of antagonist teeth contacts,
  • fluoridation and remineralizing therapy,
  • sometimes orthodontic treatment.

1. Treatment of wedge-shaped defects of small sizes -

Not deep wedge-shaped defects of small size (up to 0.5 mm) - usually there is no urgent need to fill. But if the doctor sees high risk rapid deepening of defects, then they are filled with liquid-flowing composites, for example, "Flow It" or "Filtek Flow". Fluid materials are used because they have high elasticity (but only with a material layer thickness of up to 0.5 mm). The high elasticity of the material makes it possible to partially compensate for the pathological occlusal load from the antagonist teeth.

Filling with a flowable composite: video

If the dentist says that filling can be delayed, then the treatment should focus on increasing the strength of the enamel to mechanical and chemical factors (but before that, again, you need to visit an orthopedic dentist and grind the wrong contacts between the antagonist teeth). What will need to be done to strengthen the enamel of the teeth ...

Firstly, regular courses of remineralizing therapy with calcium-containing drugs, and secondly, fluoridation of tooth enamel (it is best to start doing both after removing dental deposits from the dentist). It must be said that in dental clinics use more effective drugs with more high concentrations active ingredients, but something you can think of at home.

  • Professional remineralization and fluoridation
    one of the most effective drugs that allows you to simultaneously carry out remineralization + fluoridation is the drug "Tiefenfluorid enamel-sealing liquid" (made in Germany). This drug contains 2 components: the first component is a highly active calcium hydroxide, the second is a highly active fluorine. The components are applied by the dentist to the teeth in turn.

    This tool has only 1 minus - this is its price. A more budgetary tool, but nevertheless quite effective, will be the treatment of teeth with fluorine varnish or fluoride gel (this will cost about 1000 rubles). It will also be much more effective than home therapy, because. the concentration of fluoride in the best medicated toothpastes is only 1450 ppm, while the concentration of fluoride in dental appointments is 20,000 ppm.

  • Remineralization and fluoridation at home
    there are semi-professional remedies that have a more or less good effect at home, but only on condition of regular long-term use. good effect can be achieved by the following combination of means. To brush your teeth 2-3 times a day, use at choice -

    These funds contain a large number of active calcium. After brushing your teeth, do not immediately spit out the foam, but hold it in your mouth for at least 1 more minute - this will allow more calcium ions penetrate the enamel. After that, it is necessary to fix the calcium that has just penetrated there with the help of a fluoride rinse. We recommend choosing (contains 250ppm fluorine in the composition of aminofluoride), rinse your mouth for 1 minute.

2. Treatment of medium and large wedge-shaped defects

Treatment will consist of filling the wedge-shaped defect and, to be frank, filling such defects is still a big problem in dentistry. Problem number 1 - fillings fall out very quickly. Problem number 2 - the filling quickly loses its aesthetics in places of contact with the hard tissues of the tooth (filling/tooth border).

Of course, it should be noted that most dentists do not see this as a problem, and every year these fillings are redone. Problems arise primarily from the fact that the dentist does not remove the traumatic factor (traumatic load on the tooth, i.e. abfraction), which leads to the preservation of "bending stress" in the cervical region of the tooth ... I.e. the solution to this problem is to correct everything that we wrote above in the section “Causes of wedge-shaped defects of the abfraction type”.

The second problem is incorrect choice filling materials. Traditionally, the doctor's choice here is possible only between two groups of materials: either glass ionomer cement or microphilic composites.

  • Glass ionomer cements
    pluses: they enter into a chemical bond with the tissues of the tooth, are less sensitive to moisture, have satisfactory aesthetics (which is still significantly inferior to the aesthetics of composite materials). Cons: high abrasion, discoloration, sensitive to overdrying, mouth breathing (therefore, for example, they are not suitable for smokers).

    Studies have shown that as a result of overdrying, the area of ​​the filling adjacent to the hard tissues of the tooth is covered with a small network of cracks, into which dyes then fall. Studies have also shown that exactly the same cracks form when a traumatic load from the antagonist tooth remains on the tooth. As a result, at the end of the first year of service, the filling becomes unaesthetic if it is in the smile zone.

  • Microfilament Composites
    pluses: they have very good aesthetics and wear resistance. However, on the other hand, they are sensitive to moisture and have a very high coefficient of polymerization shrinkage. In addition, if the dentist again did not eliminate the traumatic load when closing with the antagonist, cracks will also form in the filling from this material at the border with the tooth tissues. But in general, this material is still slightly better than glass ionomer cements.

Important : however, there is a filling technique that will reduce the negative qualities of each of the materials described. It's called "sandwich technique". Its meaning is that Bottom part fillings are made of glass ionomer cement, and the top is made of composite material. To date, this is the only possible way make high-quality fillings when filling wedge-shaped defects of medium and large size. We hope that our article was useful to you!

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