The benefits of sauerkraut juice for the human body. Sour cabbage is healthier than fresh. Sauerkraut - in the lenten menu

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been a hallmark of many peoples, as soon as the name changes, while the dish itself remains unchanged.
Each fruit or vegetable has its own visiting vitamin, and cabbage has methylmethionine. At the same time, sauerkraut is highly valued for its ability to retain the most important and necessary vitamin C for a long time.

This longevity of vitamin C is due to the fact that it is not only found in cabbage in pure form, but also in various chemical compounds. That is, during storage, it does not collapse, even a small heat treatment does not destroy vitamin C.

In addition to the main two components, this product, obtained by natural fermentation, contains the most valuable substances for the human body: phytoncides, enzymes, vitamins, micro and macro elements, fiber.

Sauerkraut- a healthy and tasty pickle, which is prepared for the winter in almost any family. Did you know that in the process of fermentation, cabbage becomes several times more useful fresh vegetable, since it not only retains all the existing vitamins and trace elements, but new ones appear, medicinal properties.

This feature was noticed by the peoples of Asia, and it was the Chinese and Koreans who were the first to learn how to make sauerkraut. There is even documentary evidence that this pickle was fed to the workers who built the Great Wall of China. So this dish cannot be called a native Russian product, because East Slavs adopted the recipe for cooking cabbage from other peoples.

Sauerkraut made it possible to preserve vitamins, which were so necessary in the conditions of a long and cold Russian winter, and helped to resist beriberi. In the past, not a single feast in Russia was complete without this beloved vegetable. Harvested cabbage for the winter in large quantities and fermented it in huge oak barrels. There was even special holiday- Sergey Kapustnik. On this day, the whole family worked: they chopped and fermented cabbage according to special family recipes.

This vegetable is no less popular in other countries. The Germans cannot imagine their table without the crown national dish - pork legs with stewed sauerkraut, and the Poles invented a breathtaking thing - bigus, which is also made from a mixture of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage. In Asian countries, it is used to make spicy snacks, and Romanians ferment it in barrels with whole heads of cabbage and then prepare stuffed dishes.

Useful trace elements found in sauerkraut

The vitamin range contained in sauerkraut is very wide: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, K, P, U. The latter belongs to the category of rather rare vitamins, it has an amazing property - warning
em appearance ulcerative lesions on the walls of the stomach and duodenum. In addition to vitamin C, cabbage contains ascorbigen (a derivative of ascorbic acid), which is not destroyed even during its long-term storage, moreover, with moderate heat treatment it turns into vitamin C and the amount of ascorbic acid per 100 g of sauerkraut increases.

Choline (it belongs to the group of vitamins B), contained in sauerkraut, has a positive effect on metabolism and normalizes lipid processes in the body. If we take into account the fact that there are only 27 calories in 100 g of the product, then this perfect product nutrition for those who are struggling with extra pounds.

Minerals contained in sauerkraut make it almost a champion among similar products. It contains: iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, cobalt, fluorine, silicon, arsenic, boron, copper, zinc, sulfur, selenium, etc.

No less useful and valuable are the amino acids found in sauerkraut: lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, methylmethionine. beneficial influence also possess flavonoids and probiotics contained in the product.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

At the same time, in the presence of all the listed useful properties, sauerkraut also has its drawbacks. They must be constantly taken into account, since the use of sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, because of the content high level organic acids consumption of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity gastric juice.

Benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

Researchers have found that when fermented, tartronic acid is formed in cabbage. This substance is worst enemy fat, it not only prevents its formation, but also successfully breaks down even old, perennial deposits. Moreover, in fresh cabbage, there is no tartonic acid.

It is formed only as a result of fermentation processes and fermentation of vegetables. It is this component that effectively lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and prevents the formation of plaques that clog blood vessels. Thus, sauerkraut not only helps to lose weight, but also heals the body as a whole.

Anyone who wants to have beautiful figure, you need to introduce sauerkraut into your diet, as it is a low-calorie vegetable that contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that this is one of available methods weight loss. Diets that include sauerkraut are usually the same type.

Nutritionists warn that to combat obesity, you can not use a mono-diet, that is, eat only sauerkraut. It contains a lot of organic acids (lactic, acetic), which irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and, if consumed regularly on an empty stomach, can lead to diseases of the digestive tract.

The fiber contained in cabbage is rather coarse and can provoke fermentation processes in the stomach, bloating and increased gas formation. Therefore, you need to use pickles for weight loss correctly and follow the cabbage diet under the supervision of a specialist. Yes, and it can be prescribed only if there are no problems with the digestive tract.

At right approach, for a week of a cabbage diet, you can throw off up to 5 kg. It is recommended to eat sauerkraut in small portions and combine this product with neutral side dishes and protein foods. Perfect option- it's boiled chicken breast and rice as a side dish.

Additionally, once a week, you can drink 50 ml of cabbage brine before each meal, this will help speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the liver and remove toxins and salts from the body. heavy metals and other harmful substances. Sauerkraut enhances intestinal motility, helps to get rid of constipation and has a positive effect on digestion.

When following a diet, one should not forget about enhanced drinking mode. You need to drink at least 1.5 -2.5 liters of fluid per day. Moreover, this volume should not include tea, coffee, juices, compotes. It should be only clean drinking water.

Since pickled vegetables contain quite a lot of salt, this product can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, swelling. Therefore, a diet based on sauerkraut should not be kept by those who have heart pathologies and serious illness digestive organs. This weight loss option is only suitable for those who do not have severe violations health and concomitant diseases, in which the use of salty and pickled foods is contraindicated.

What is useful sauerkraut for women

The benefits of sauerkraut for women are due to its high cosmetic properties, it is used for the preparation of masks and lotions for acne, age spots, freckles, with oily porous skin. Remember, when preparing sauerkraut, make simple face masks with it.

Sauerkraut face masks

  • The simplest mask is to squeeze sauerkraut, cut it finely and apply it on the skin of the face, covering it with a napkin on top. Rinse after 10-15 minutes and apply nutritious cream. This mask whitens the skin, cleanses, tightens, smoothes fine wrinkles.
  • You can use not the cabbage itself, but its brine, for which the cabbage is also crushed and squeezed well. In the resulting brine, a napkin is impregnated and applied to the face, having previously made holes for the eyes, nose and lips. Wash after 10 minutes cool water. It is useful to do such lotions 2 times a week for acne.
  • For oily and porous skin prepare this mask: chop two tablespoons of sauerkraut, add whipped egg white and a spoon potato starch. Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, then wash.
  • For dry skin, you can also prepare an excellent sauerkraut mask. Chop two tablespoons of cabbage, add egg yolk and a teaspoon vegetable oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Wash after removing the mask warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Hair Mask

To strengthen the hair, sauerkraut brine is rubbed into the scalp once a week or a mixture is prepared from cabbage juice and liquid honey, taken in equal amounts, which is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before shampooing.

For women, the low calorie content of sauerkraut and the presence of organic acids in it, which prevent the accumulation of body fat, are important.

What is useful sauerkraut for men

Is sauerkraut good for men? It is safe to say that it is useful, its regular use increases physical and mental activity, low calorie content, high content of fiber and ascorbic acid serve as a good prevention of obesity and hemorrhoids.

Benefits of sauerkraut juice

In addition to information about the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, you need to know how sauerkraut juice is useful. It, like the vegetable itself, contains a large number of lactic acid, which is so necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is very often prescribed to patients who have diabetes mellitus. In this case, the juice should be mixed with lemon and consumed three times a day.

Many people confuse the drink with cabbage pickle. But the juice is contained inside the cabbage and is obtained by passing it through a juicer. It is much more concentrated than brine. The great value of juice lies in its mineral and vitamin composition.

Many people know how sauerkraut is useful and how to use it. And the use of a drink from it as remedy much wider. Juice is prescribed by physicians to patients who have low acidity, as well as with a weakening of intestinal motility and poor appetite.

When gargling with cabbage juice, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases can be cured. Nectar can be consumed poor digestion, which was caused by overeating, as well as alcohol abuse. With this treatment, the work of the stomach is improved and the production of gastric juice improves.

Sauerkraut during pregnancy

Cabbage pickle helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis. Useful properties that sauerkraut has allow men to avoid diseases prostate and keep your potency normal.

Cabbage pickle will help with a hangover

Probably everyone knows how sauerkraut brine is useful after a good time with friends. With a hangover, both the cabbage itself and its brine are excellent. If during the feast you do not forget about this dish, then the probability of waking up in good mood very large.

Another amazing properties brine - the ability to increase male power. People have long noticed this feature and used it as an aphrodisiac, capable of long years keep a man in great shape.

As far as women are concerned, cabbage pickle helps maintain beauty and serves excellent remedy to strengthen hair, improve the condition of the skin and nails. Besides healing drink accelerates metabolic processes, breaks down body fat and helps to get rid of overweight.

In a diluted form, cabbage brine can be used for rinsing. For sore throats, such procedures help relieve irritation, swelling, and other discomfort. The antiseptic properties of cabbage juice prevent reproduction pathogenic bacteria and speed up recovery.

Concentrated brine can be taken as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis, lack of appetite, low blood pressure. In this case, treatment begins with minimum dose(1 tablespoon) and gradually increase the volume to 50 ml of brine for 1 dose.

How to cook sauerkraut

This recipe excludes the addition of sugar, spices and other ingredients. For 2 kg white cabbage you should take 40 g of coarse salt (not iodized) and 1 kg of carrots. Vegetables are finely chopped or chopped in a wooden trough (who has such an opportunity). Next, the vegetable mass must be carefully rubbed with salt so that it starts up the juice and tamp tightly into the jars on the shoulders. From above, the neck is closed with a clean gauze napkin.

Cabbage should stand at room temperature 4-5 days, all this time the process of fermentation is going on in it and it is necessary to pierce it from time to time with a wooden stick to release the gas. The fermentation process is considered complete when foam stops appearing on the surface of the cabbage. After that, the jars are closed with lids and put in the refrigerator. Delicious, and most importantly, healthy pickles are ready, and you can safely use cabbage not only for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal purposes.

Sauerkraut and folk beliefs

If we touch on traditional medicine, then sauerkraut there practically has magical beneficial properties. traditional healers recommend cabbage and its juice practically for treatment
all possible diseases. Starting from colds and ending with severe forms of diseases (asthma, epilepsy). There is also some magical mention of cabbage in a dream.

Important: German scientists conducted a study that confirmed that if any person eats a serving of sauerkraut at least 2-3 times a week, he will significantly reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

If cabbage was seen in a dream, then some troubles are expected soon.

Well, there is a belief that if a young girl wants to increase her dignity (breasts), then she should constantly use sauerkraut.

How does it affect the liver?

It is believed that sauerkraut helps cleanse the liver and enhances its ability to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances. For this purpose, it is recommended to make a special “health cocktail”. His recipe is extremely simple. It is necessary to mix cabbage brine and tomato juice in equal proportions and drink this invigorating drink three times a day after meals.

At the same time, excessive consumption of sauerkraut can harm the liver due to excess salt and will not be beneficial when severe pathologies organ. With severe liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, you can not eat sauerkraut. In other cases, you should consult your doctor about how much and how often you can use sauerkraut to improve the liver.

Contraindications for taking sauerkraut

At the same time, in the presence of all the listed useful properties, sauerkraut has its own limitations. They must be constantly taken into account, since the use of sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, due to the content of a high level of organic acids, the use of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Salt should not be consumed under the following conditions:

  • exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, gastroesophageal reflux;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, a tendency to heartburn.

Sauerkraut is a favorite of many. It has long been an excellent addition to the diet. Appetizing, extremely healthy - sauerkraut is valued for its rich vitamin composition, taste qualities and opportunity self cooking when familiar and no less useful products can act as additional components.

White cabbage is one of the most popular and ancient vegetable crops present on the person's table in various types: fried, soaked, pickled, stewed, etc. Even sauerkraut pickle has found wide application.

To date, scientists have not been able to figure out its exact origin. But it is known for certain that the vegetable has been cultivated and eaten for more than 4,000 years in a row. According to legend ancient rome, culture owes its appearance to the supreme thunder god Jupiter, from the drops of sweat that fell to the ground, the first sprouts resembling a human head sprang up. The best minds Ancient Greece were kind to cabbage, considering it a panacea for various ailments such as insomnia, diseases internal organs, hearing problems and many others.

Who first guessed to use cabbage pickle for food remains a mystery at the moment. But the benefits and features this product Definitely deserve the details.

Cabbage brine is a liquid prepared on the basis of saline solution. Apart from table salt, often various spices and spices act as additional components.

Unlike cabbage juice, brine is a fermented product, so it contains acetic and lactic acids. And acetic acid appears precisely due to the fermentation process, and not as a result of the addition of vinegar or its derivatives.

The story about the benefits of sauerkraut brine should begin with an analysis of it bio chemical composition. This is how we will do it.

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, K, PP. The drink is especially rich in vitamin C, the beneficial properties of which are known even to small children.
  • Potassium, iron, manganese, lactose, sulfur, iodine and many other trace elements important for health.
  • Since sauerkraut brine contains minimal amount fat (no more than 0.1%) and about 22-25 kcal, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain extra pounds from taking it, but it’s easy to lose it. An acidic drink contains approximately 1.5% protein and up to 5% carbohydrates. More exact numbers depends on the preparation.

Beneficial features

Cabbage pickle is an underestimated product, because it can not only quench your thirst and relieve a hangover, but with regular consumption, create real miracles. What is the benefit of this nutrient fluid?

Harm and contraindications

First of all, it is not recommended to use cabbage pickle for people with high acidity of the stomach, as well as with gastritis or an ulcer at the time of an exacerbation of the disease.

The product contains quite high quantity sodium salts, therefore harmful to hypertensive patients. Excessive consumption of brine can lead to an increase blood pressure. With caution, the drink should also be taken by those who suffer from pressure drops.

Cabbage pickle is also contraindicated in persons with chronic diseases liver, pancreas or ischemic disease.

Application methods

  1. People suffering diabetes, sauerkraut brine will be useful in combination with a small amount lemon juice.
  2. For the treatment of angina, it is proposed to gargle with a warm liquid three times a day.
  3. At elevated temperature and colds the brine is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1 and drunk until complete recovery.
  4. With gastritis with low acidity and peptic ulcer (not during exacerbations) 1/3 cup is taken three times a day. The course lasts for three weeks, after which you can take a short break and continue treatment again. Many cases are known complete cure from peptic ulcer as a result of the use of cabbage brine.
  5. At first and recent months pregnancy, it is recommended to take the drink in pure or diluted form in moderation. In addition, it will help to cope with nausea.
  6. Literally 2-3 tbsp. l. an acidic drink before a meal relieves heartburn, which often occurs after a hearty meal.
  7. For removal allergic edema and swelling, wound healing use lotions from cabbage brine. Warm compresses are made from this healing fluid to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  8. For hepatitis and other liver diseases, the drink is mixed with tomato juice in equal parts and taken after meals three times a day.
  9. To get rid of worms, the brine is drunk in its pure form in small portions in the morning: on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before the first meal.
  10. With rinsing oral cavity the liquid left over from sauerkraut several times a day can relieve the pain of aphthous stomatitis and accelerate mucosal healing.

How to cook

  1. Chop the head of cabbage as finely as possible and place in a pre-prepared container with a capacity of 3.5-4.5 liters. You can not use aluminum dishes for these purposes, but you can - enameled.
  2. Fill with water and add salt at the rate of 2-2.5% of the weight of the cabbage.
  3. Cover with a special wooden circle or plate, place a weight on top.
  4. Approximately 2-3 days from the start of fermentation, a large amount of juice is released from cabbage, mixing with water.
  5. Filter the resulting liquid and pour into sterilized jars. For long-term storage roll the brine under the lids.

Other types of brine

  • . Unlike sauerkraut brine, cucumber pickle does not contain . But this does not prevent him from being a healthy drink. Except high content vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, other vitamins and trace elements, it has powerful bactericidal and antiseptic properties, cleanses the blood and prevents harmful fermentation processes in the intestines and stomach. The drink will benefit from pancreatitis, cramps and spasms.
  • Tomato. Pickle from tomatoes saves from hangover syndrome and restores water-salt balance in the body. AT cold period year is excellent prophylactic from beriberi, respiratory diseases and even from seasonal depressions. It has also found application in cosmetology, where it is used as part of skin lotions. With bruises, abrasions and cuts, it acts as a natural wound healing agent.

In 2005, The Seattle Times reported that cabbage pickle helped fight symptoms. bird flu. But if the Americans could be surprised by this fact of the benefit of the drink, then the Russian people knew about its antiviral properties many centuries ago.

Due to its low calorie content, this vegetable is considered one of the best. In addition, sauerkraut is good for normal operation intestines, which is extremely important if you are going to lose extra pounds and cleanse the body: after all, the vegetable also helps to eliminate toxic substances and slag.

The product can be added to the diet in unlimited quantities. To digest a vegetable, the body spends more calories than it receives from this product, which means that the product has a minus calorie content.

Important! It is not recommended to sit on strict mono-diets with the use of one cabbage for more than 4 days - with this method of losing weight, the body will receive great stress and a deficiency of many essential substances. It is better to add a vegetable in any quantity to cereals and salads.

Contraindications and harm

There are not many contraindications for use, but still they are:

  • endocrine diseases, impaired thyroid function;
  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach (gastritis, ulcers) and elevated level acidity;
  • increased blood pressure.
If you have a tendency to gas and bloat, it is important to know how long sauerkraut is digested - just over 4 hours, because it should not be combined with foods that are digested much faster or slower. For the same reason, the product should not be given to children and the elderly.

In any case, if you have certain diseases, and you doubt whether it is possible to enjoy a pickled vegetable, consult a doctor and prevent undesirable consequences.

How to ferment yourself

Today, you can buy ready-made sauerkraut in almost any supermarket. But in this case, one cannot be completely sure of its natural composition. A home-cooked product will be much more useful, and besides, it is very simple to make this blank.

Important!If you are buying finished product, it is important to make sure that sauerkraut does not contain vinegar - as a result of its use, all valuable vitamins are destroyed and the benefits of the product are greatly reduced.

Stock and kitchen appliances

To prepare a pickled vegetable, you need an extremely simple inventory, which is likely to be in the kitchen of any housewife:

  • sharp wide knife for convenient chopping of vegetables;
  • medium or large grater;
  • food processor (instead of a grater and a knife);
  • wooden rolling pin for tamping;
  • glass, enamel or wooden container.
Metal and stainless pans are not suitable for storing workpieces!


Of course, the main ingredient is a head of white cabbage of late varieties. Young cabbage is not suitable for fermentation, because due to the low sugar content, fermentation processes will be worse. When choosing a vegetable, carefully inspect, feel and even smell it - the head of cabbage should be dense, crispy, without yellow spots and rot, in no case frozen. Also, the top sheets should not be removed from the head - this may mean that the seller was trying to "reanimate" the spoiled vegetable.

  • . Plain or sea, but not iodized - about 200 g (2% of the mass of cabbage);
  • sugar - up to 1 cup (optional);
  • vegetable oil - up to 1 cup (optional);
  • - 300 g (3% by weight of cabbage);
  • - 1 head;
  • spices and herbs to taste: cumin, Bay leaf, cloves, coriander, black / allspice;
  • berries and fruits for a spicy taste - apples,
    1. To make the dish as healthy as possible, it is better to cut the cabbage into several massive pieces than to finely chop it - this way the vegetable will retain more vitamins. But with fine cutting, the dish will turn out to be softer and more tender.
    2. Carrots can be grated or chopped in a food processor. When finely chopped, it will color the cabbage in a delicate orange-pink hue, and when coarsely chopped, the head of cabbage will retain a snow-white color.
    3. Chopped vegetables should be mixed and tightly packed with a rolling pin into a container.
    4. Next, prepare the brine: dilute right amount salt in warm water.
    5. Pour the mixture to the top and tightly cover with a lid with a press.
    6. Under the container with cabbage, you need to substitute a wide plate or other vessel so that the brine is collected in it.
    7. The container must be placed for 2-7 days at a temperature of 19-22°C. Approximately on the second day, foam will appear on the brine, which must be constantly removed.
    8. To avoid typical bad smell when fermenting, you need to regularly pierce the container with cabbage with wooden stick- this will remove excess gases, and the dish will not become bitter.

    You can also ferment the vegetable in a “dry” way - rubbing the chopped vegetable with salt and other additives until juice appears. After tamping, the brine itself will appear in the container after a couple of days. The duration of fermentation depends on the temperature and the amount of preservative (salt and sugar). If you ferment a vegetable in large wooden barrels or pans, you can ferment a couple of heads of cabbage without cutting them - you can cook cabbage rolls from them or feast on whole pickled leaves.

    How to store blanks

    For storage of sauerkraut, a cellar, balcony or refrigerator with temperature regime 1-5 °C. The product can be stored from several months to several years. Do not allow the product to be stored at sub-zero temperatures (if you use a balcony). Usually sauerkraut is served seasoned with butter, onions, herbs, mushrooms or cucumbers. The product is also added to soups and borscht, vegetable stews and salads, used as a filling for pies, dumplings and pies.

    What else do you eat sauerkraut with?

    • with pork and beef;
    • chicken
    • cereals and potatoes;
    • fresh, canned and boiled salads.

    Sauerkraut is one of my favorites national cuisines countries of Eastern Europe. Inexpensive, so familiar and healthy vegetable has many options for use, able to decorate as festive table and daily meals.

A very popular dish. She is loved for her pleasant, sour taste, for a refreshing effect. Many notice how well it goes with dishes. Sauerkraut is nice to eat at any time of the year, but when it is beneficial and when it is harmful to the body, we will consider in this article.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Calorie content - only 19 kcal per 100 g.

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.3 g.

The dish is rich in vitamins A, C, calcium and magnesium.


Its peculiarity is that it does not lose its beneficial features. Moreover, it acquires a whole list of new useful substances. This is due to the fact that the product does not pass heat treatment, and is obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation.
In addition to the already mentioned vitamins of groups A and C, this is rich in vitamins of the H, PP, D groups and a number of other useful substances, including many essential trace elements. The dish is rich in fiber, it also contains lactic acid. It is thanks to lactic acid that the very specific smell appears, somewhat reminiscent of.

What's the use?

What is the usefulness of sauerkraut is easy to understand - an extensive list of essential trace elements, vitamins, low calorie content. Here's how it affects the body.


Systematic intake of such a product strengthens the immune system. It has a positive effect on nervous system human, improves metabolism. The substances that make up the food affect the production of hemoglobin and contribute to the renewal of body cells. also found that some elements of its chemical composition inhibit the development of cancer cells.


The benefit of sauerkraut juice is that it contains almost the entire main dose of vitamin C, and harm can be attributed hyperacidity. It also contains a lot of vitamin P, thanks to which the walls of capillaries are strengthened. Juice helps to strengthen the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Important! Juice and brine are not the same thing. The juice is inside the cabbage and has a much more concentrated set of nutrients.


They use the dish not only in its original form, but also process it additionally, getting new ones, delicious food. Thus, the food is stewed, seasoned, served with side dishes, cabbage soup is cooked from it, used for baking. The dish is used in folk medicine, used to make masks that are beneficial to the skin.

Did you know? In cabbage, which was fermented whole or in halves, there are 2 times more nutrients than in chopped cabbage.

Treatment and prevention

It's really a simple meal. powerful remedy in the fight against beriberi, as it is saturated with vitamins and trace elements. The dish was even an excellent prevention of scurvy. Let's see if sauerkraut is useful in the fight against other diseases.

Sauerkraut can bring both benefit and harm, if its medicinal properties are elevated to an absolute. Always remember that this is not medicine, but only an effective addition.
The dish is useful for bronchial asthma It helps a lot with hemorrhoids. The main cause of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood. To relieve symptoms, make lotions from warm juice. It is also recommended to drink a glass of brine about 2 times a day.

It also helps a lot with flatulence - an abundance of fiber stabilizes the digestive tract.

The active substances of the dish make it a bactericidal agent that can be used to treat wounds.

weight loss

The lowest calorie content and saturation of all kinds useful substances made it quite popular in the diet different diets. With sauerkraut, you can arrange a fasting day. By using such a product systematically several times a week, without strict food restrictions, you can lose a couple of extra pounds.

Beauty and cosmetology

Natural masks are very useful. Having tried at least once to make such a mask, you will almost immediately feel the effect.

Important!Try to relax as much as possible-then the mask will pleasantly surprise you with its effectiveness.

A few recipes:

  1. To prepare the mask, chop the cabbage. Squeeze out the juice. The resulting slurry is applied to the face with a thick layer. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.
  2. Whisk the protein into a dense foam. Pass sauerkraut (4 tablespoons) through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice. Mix the ingredients, gradually adding a tablespoon of flour. Wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes. Water should be cool. The mask can be done no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Whisk the egg yolk. Mix with cabbage juice. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. vegetable oil. Mix until smooth. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

You can, but in moderation due to the high sodium content.

Hello my friends!

Our health and well-coordinated work of all organs are ensured by the intake of vitamins and minerals.

The foundation of health and beauty can be the most simple products eg vegetables.

Therefore, it is worth considering how sauerkraut is useful and whether it can be harmful, because it is a very affordable and popular product on our tables.

From this article you will learn:

Sauerkraut and its benefits

In many countries, sauerkraut is considered national dish, including in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus and Russia.

The product is obtained through the reaction of lactic acid fermentation.

Cabbage in this form is often used to prepare side dishes, salads and other dishes, promotes proper digestion and strengthening.

In the process of lactic acid fermentation, new substances are synthesized in cabbage, which are distinguished by increased efficiency.

The chemical composition of sauerkraut is as follows:

  • ascorbic acid - ½ daily norm;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP, including niacin equivalent.
  • minerals are represented by iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium.

  • The high content of vitamin B contributes to the optimal absorption of protein, that is, sauerkraut contributes to the complete digestion of meat dishes.
  • Vitamin C strengthens vascular walls and enhances the body's own immune capabilities.
  • The product helps to stabilize metabolic processes, improving blood coagulability, with regular consumption, it becomes the prevention of peptic ulcer.
  • participates in the regeneration and formation of new cells.
  • If you pay attention to the juice resulting from the fermentation reaction, it awakens the appetite, relieves the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women. In the off-season, it gives strength and supports the body.

sauerkraut calories

Sauerkraut has low content calories (only 19 Kk !!!), but saturates the body well, which is optimal for people suffering from overweight body.

The acids with which the product is saturated prevent carbohydrates and sugar from being transformed into fats.

What is healthier raw or sauerkraut?

Any nutritionist will tell you that right a cooked fermented product is many times more useful than a fresh one.

Sourdough allows the vegetable to be enriched with new substances that remain effective for 10 months after preparation.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the stronger sex

For men fermented cabbage can become an indispensable product.

The effect of sauerkraut on the female body

Low-calorie fermented cabbage is ideal for replenishing diet food, what's important for women who seek to preserve their beauty with a meager diet.

Moreover, it is effectively used for weight loss women who are overweight.

You can wipe your face with ready-made brine to avoid formation and to improve skin color.

It is useful to take juice on an empty stomach for maintenance women's health during the off-season.

Replenishment of the diet in anticipation of the baby

For pregnant the benefits of the product are invaluable.

Eating only 30 grams per day will avoid anemia due to the development of the child, and will mitigate the manifestations of toxicosis, as I have already mentioned above.

To be honest, it is cabbage that helps very well during toxicosis.

beauty benefits of sauerkraut

It is impossible not to note the cosmetic effect - a nicotinic acid, acting at the cellular level, strengthens nails, hair, improves skin condition.

Lactic acid has an antibacterial effect.

Contraindications to the use of sauerkraut cabbage

High concentrations of organic acids and nutritional propertiesmake the product harmful to persons with certain diseases:

  • endocrine disorders, malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney failure - juice carries harm to the kidneys;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer disease.

How to ferment white cabbage varieties?

Composite Components classic way cooking:

  • spices - laurel, pea black pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 2.0 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 40 grams - the amount can be varied according to your own taste.


  1. Cabbage is chopped into slices with a knife, a special grater or a food processor. It is considered that the most delicious option obtained in the event that the vegetable is subjected to manual processing.
  2. rubbed on a standard grater. If the hostess wants the dish to be as beautiful as possible, the root crop is processed on the largest grater. Elegant slices of carrots will look great among the white, crispy mass.
  3. Cabbage is ground with a simple table rock salt. To do this, the entire chopped mass is laid out on the table, sprinkled with carrots, spices and sprinkled with salt. Some recipes omit this step and involve pouring hot salted brine over vegetables, which is typical for precocious dishes.
  4. It is necessary to mix until the moment when the cabbage begins to secrete juice..
  5. The mixture is tightly laid out in jars, but not quite to the end, so that the brine releasedcould stay on the cabbage. As an option, the cabbage is folded into a pan and pressed down with a wooden plank with a load.
  6. It is sold at room temperature, that is, the dishes can be left on the windowsill or in any convenient place.
  7. Once a day, the mass is pierced with a wooden skewer to remove the gases formed during fermentation. You can carry out such manipulations more often - it will not do harm.
  8. After two or three days, the enzymatic reactions are completed, the jar can be put in the refrigerator, after having covered it with a lid.

According to popular beliefs, cabbage is fermented on the growing moon, exclusively on the "male" days of the week - Thursday, Monday, Tuesday.

The healthiest dishes with sauerkraut

Nutritionists say that the most delicious and healthy cabbage- this is the one that is used with vegetable oil and onions without salt (because some people like to add extra salt).

It is very easy to prepare such a peculiar salad, and you can serve it with potato and meat dishes.

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