How to close tomato juice. Features of the preparation of tomato juice for the winter. Tomato juice at home through a juicer

Preparations for the winter will help you feel the taste of summer on cold winter days. Simple recipes for homemade tomato juice will help you prepare a delicious drink rich in vitamins.

Homemade tomato juice contains vitamins and minerals


Tomatoes 5 kilograms Sugar 1 pinch Salt 25 grams Vinegar 6% 120 milliliters Garlic 25 cloves peppercorns 2 grams Carnation 5 piece(s) Chile ground 1 gram Chopped Nutmeg 1 gram

  • Servings: 20
  • Time for preparing: 2 minutes

How to make tomato juice at home with vinegar

To prepare delicious juice, you need to choose fleshy, slightly overripe tomatoes. To prepare 1 liter of drink, you need 1.5 kg of tomato. You can grind vegetables through a meat grinder, juicer, blender.

Pass the prepared tomatoes through a juicer, if seeds and skin remain, strain the mass through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Pour the base into an enameled pan, after boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum, cook for 40 minutes. Add spices, garlic cloves, vinegar to the juice, cook for another 20 minutes.

Pour the drink into prepared jars, roll up the lids, turn over, leave under a thick blanket until it cools completely.

In order for the juice to stand for a long time, it is necessary to properly prepare the jars. Rinse them with soda, sterilize in a water bath, in an oven or in a double boiler grate. Liter containers need to be processed for at least a quarter of an hour, for 2 liter cans it will take 20 minutes.

How to make tomato juice at home

To improve the taste, bell pepper, apples, celery, basil, black and red ground pepper, salt and sugar can be added to tomato juice. The original drink is obtained from yellow tomatoes.


  • ripe tomatoes - 8 kg;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 2 kg;
  • celery stalks - 1.5 kg;
  • basil - 50 g;
  • sugar, salt, black pepper.

Prepare mashed potatoes from tomatoes and peppers, mix, pour into a saucepan. Finely chop the basil and celery, add to the tomato mass after boiling.

After boiling the mixture again, boil it for 10 minutes on low heat, cool. Rub the mass through a sieve or interrupt with a blender.

Bring the drink to a boil again, pour hot into sterilized jars, carefully roll up, turn over. Cover containers with juice with a blanket, leave for a day.

If during the storage of the juice it exfoliates, it’s not scary, it’s the pulp that has separated from the liquid. It is enough to shake the jar vigorously so that the drink becomes homogeneous again.

Tomato juice is especially useful for frequent constipation, smokers who want to get rid of extra pounds. The drink is suitable for baby food, it can be introduced into the diet after 3 years.

Delicious tomato juice for the winter at home, recipe which we will consider in our article, the taste is much tastier than store-bought, and if you add spices and other vegetables there, then the expression: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself” will be most appropriate. This expression also applies to the preparation of delicious homemade tomato juice from tomatoes. Let's see how to cook it!

Some people boil the juice for about 40 minutes, but long-term heat treatment is not recommended, as vitamins and useful components of the natural product are lost. Keep on fire for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Important! If during the storage of the juice it exfoliated, do not worry, the pulp just separated from the liquid.

Tomato juice is very useful for constipation, cigarette abuse, and weight loss. The drink is introduced into the diet of baby food from 3 years.

Necessary conditions for harvesting tomato juice

Juice extraction methods:

  1. Boiling and rubbing is a time-tested and most time-consuming method. Cut carefully prepared tomatoes, put in a saucepan or cast-iron container. Cook on the stovetop or in the oven until soft. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve. You can use metal, but better through kapron. Using a kapron sieve, useful substances remaining after boiling will be preserved in tomato juice. With this method, all the juice is squeezed out almost dry, leaving only the skins and seeds.

You can make it easier, process the tomatoes through a meat grinder, bring to a boil in a saucepan or other container (except aluminum) and also rub through a sieve.

  1. Electric meat grinder. If this is not available, you can use an ordinary cast-iron meat grinder. You need to screw a nozzle on it to separate the juice from soft fruits. Everything - a simple device is ready to go!
  2. A juicer is one of the easiest ways to get juice from tomatoes. Convenient and fast!
  3. Pressure cooker. To prepare tomato juice in a pressure cooker, it is better to remove the skin from the tomatoes. This is not important, but then periodic stirring of the tomato mass will be required so that the skins do not prevent the juice from draining into the container. Spices are best added immediately to the juicer along with the tomatoes. From the remaining waste, you can cook a spicy appetizer with horseradish and garlic, or use it to preserve homemade salads and tomatoes in tomato juice.

Let's move on to recipes.

Tomato juice classic

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices to taste (ground black pepper, sweet paprika, ground coriander).

Comes out to about 1 litre. If you squeeze the juice through a sieve, there will be more.

How to make tomato juice:

  1. Squeeze juice from tomatoes in any way suggested above.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.
  4. Turn jars upside down and wrap.

Watch the video! Tomato juice for the winter

Tomato juice with vinegar

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - ¼ cup;
  • salt -50 g;
  • allspice peas - 30-50 pcs.;
  • dried cloves - 10-15 buds;
  • ground cinnamon - 5-7 tsp;
  • ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes, pour into an enamel bowl.
  2. Boil.
  3. Pour salt and sugar into the boiling tomato mass, add spices and chopped garlic using a grater or press.
  4. Hold on fire for 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars.
  5. Roll up, wrap inverted jars, leave to cool completely.

The resulting juice has a spicy, rich taste. If you add hot pepper to it, you can safely use it in the preparation of Bloody Mary.

Watch the video! Tomato juice at home for the winter

Tomato juice with garlic and sweet pepper

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1-3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Squeeze juice from tomatoes.
  2. Peel sweet peppers, onions, garlic and pass them through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with tomato juice, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes and pour into jars.
  5. Roll up, turn lids down and wrap.

Tomato juice at home can be made much healthier by adding other vegetable juices to it. For example, children do not like beets, but they will drink with pleasure in the form of tomato-beetroot juice. Any juices combined with tomatoes are healthy and tasty. It is imperative that there be at least half of the cooked tomato juice, and preferably ¾. Salt and sugar can be omitted or, on the contrary, increased to taste.

Watch the video! Tomato juice recipe

No matter how appetizing this vegetable is, often in order to cope with a generous harvest, it has to be processed, rolled into jars, dried, frozen. Many housewives twist or grind vegetables, preparing a healthy and tasty drink. It can be prepared from only one main ingredient - without adding any spices or preservatives. The composition can be very simple, but despite this, cooking takes more than one hour - it will take time to prepare dishes, grind, boil and seal.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Tomato juice recipes are distinguished by the choice of puree technology, the use of products that correct the taste - vegetables and spices. It is worth noting that a drink prepared at home, according to most chefs, is qualitatively different from packaged store juices. It is homemade preparations that are recommended by nutritionists for regular use - especially for people prone to stressful conditions and those who set themselves the goal of losing a few extra pounds.

It's almost mid-September, but September still gives us summer-like warm and sometimes even hot days, as if allowing us to enjoy the remnants of a blooming summer before the onset of cold weather. Summer is the time for housewives to start making preserves so that they can delight themselves with pickles and sweet treats throughout the winter. Many, for example, close tomato juice for the winter.

After all, it can be used both as a drink and as an additive in the preparation of others. Some purchase tomatoes purposefully for juice. And those who own their own plot sometimes simply do not know where to put the surplus tomatoes. In this case, tomato juice at home for the winter will be the perfect solution.

If you have never tried it and have no idea how to close tomato juice for the winter, this is absolutely not a problem. We suggest you use the following numerous recipes. And if you are familiar with the classic recipe, you will definitely be able to find something new for yourself from the existing list.

You will be surprised how many variations actually exist for making such a seemingly simple drink from all sides. But isn't that great? In addition, the advantage of home-made tomato juice is that it can be stored for two years, while preserving all its most useful qualities.

Agree, a glass of slightly salty tomato juice is much tastier and more pleasant than expensive vitamins in pills. And it is doubly pleasant to drink it, realizing that you have prepared it yourself.

But what to do with those tomatoes that do not have a completely presentable appearance or are completely overripe? It's OK! After all, even overripe tomatoes are suitable for juice. Vitamins even in them all the same more than enough.

It is impossible not to mention that, in particular, tomato juice will be useful for those who are trying to lose weight or just watch their diet. Therefore, if it is possible to make tomato juice for the winter, do not refuse it for anything!

Tomato juice with pulp

What will be tastier than tomato juice, which is made at home, from natural products, without any chemicals, one way or another present in purchased juices. The recipe for making this juice is quite long and does not take long. Even a novice hostess can easily cope with it.

What do you need for this? A lot of ripe bright scarlet tomatoes and, of course, a sea of ​​​​positiveness - only then will the juice turn out to be especially healthy and really tasty. One point - if you want to drink juice in the near future, and not leave it for the winter, then it is quite possible not to read the preservation clauses.


  • Tomatoes - 12 kilograms;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon per liter;
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons per liter.

Cut off well-washed tomatoes from possible "nasty things" and cut into quarters. To have less waste, try to choose better tomatoes, without any visible flaws.

Then arm yourself with a deep bowl, and chop all the pieces in a meat grinder. A big plus of this option is that the juice will be with pulp, and this will make it even tastier, right? The cake remaining after twisting can be freely thrown away - it will not be needed at all.

Useful advice: if there is no meat grinder or it is not possible to use it, this is not a problem at all! You can take the most ordinary sieve and grind the tomatoes through it.

Already such a tool as a sieve can be found in every home. Yes, it will be a little more troublesome and take longer than in the case of a meat grinder, but what can you do.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add salt and sugar.

Useful advice: many of those who are still learning how to close tomato juice for the winter are concerned about the issue of dosage. To be honest, the dosage of these components in the recipe can be changed to your own taste. How can you not throw them at all.

But at first, you can take as a basis the dosage indicated in the recipe.

Put the resulting mixture on medium gas and boil. Stir frequently, being careful not to burn the juice, or it will spoil all the flavor, and we don't want that, do we? When the juice boils, cook for a maximum of fifteen minutes. In the meantime, you can do the sterilization of cans, if you are not puzzled by this in advance.

Please note that when the juice boils, quite a lot of foam will begin to stand out, so after boiling, reduce the gas level and stir the juice well. If there is not much foam, then it is not necessary to remove it.

When the juice is boiled, you can pour it and roll it into jars.

To make sure everything is done right, turn the jar upside down and make sure that the juice does not seep through the lid. It remains only to wrap up your banks and put to cool.

Interesting advice: some hostesses do not put part of the juice in the cellar or pantry, but freeze it. It is expected that this way it will be stored even longer.

Tomato juice through a juicer for the winter

Here is another very entertaining and very convenient way to make this juice. If a meat grinder was used for processing in the recipe before, then in this option you will need to arm yourself with a juicer. Yes, at the exit the juice will be without pulp.

But the beauty of this method is that it significantly saves time for manufacturing, because the process of chopping tomatoes, which you performed manually, will now be done by an electric juicer for you, and many times faster.

As a standard, only salt is used from additives in this recipe. But lovers can add various aromatic spices according to their own taste, adding new interesting notes to the taste of juice.

Additional sterilization of juice cans is not required, so you can safely start cooking.


  • Tomatoes - 4 kilograms;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon.

Wash the tomatoes and trim the skin for visible flaws, if any. Then cut the vegetables into quarters. Large tomatoes can be cut even smaller to make it easier. And put the pieces in the juicer bowl.

Repeat this procedure with the rest of the tomatoes until they all turn into juice.
Send the thick liquid to boil. Let it boil at a medium level of gas, and when it boils, reduce the gas to a minimum. Boil for ten minutes, then add salt, and mix the juice well.

Please note that for tomato juice, the volumes of bulk additives can be varied at will - add more or less. That is, rely not on the amount proposed in the recipe, but on your own taste preferences.

As you cook, do not forget to stir the juice often so that the foam stands out as little as possible. Do not forget to put the gas on a low level so that the juice quietly gurgles itself in the pan, and does not tend to “escape” to the stove.

When the appointed ten minutes have elapsed, arm yourself with pre-prepared jars and carefully pour the juice into them.

Useful advice: it is advisable to pour the juice slowly, so that the jars do not burst inadvertently from a sharp change in temperature. Pour a little first to cover the bottom. This will allow the glass to quickly adapt to boiling water, and it will remain intact.

Alternatively, you can take a simple tablespoon. This will be convenient if you use half-liter jars. Just put a spoon in an empty jar and pour the juice. The metal will take some of the heat and prevent the glass from cracking.

You can already drink tomato juice through a juicer for the winter! Now all that remains to be done is to roll up the jars with the key and check that the juice does not flow out through the lid. Place jars on lids and seal. Leave to cool.

Do not even doubt that the juice as a result will be very tasty. Your family members will appreciate your efforts.

Tomato juice from yellow tomatoes

To make tomato juice for the winter, you can take not only red, but also yellow tomatoes. The juice from them will come out no less tasty and nutritious.


  • Yellow tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms;
  • Salt and sugar - according to taste preferences.

Be sure to wash the tomatoes and cut off all possible “nasty things” so that the vegetables are clean. To process tomatoes, take a juicer - it will be much faster.

But if you do not have such equipment, then it is quite possible to use a meat grinder. And after that, the pulp must be rubbed through a strainer, which is certainly found in every home.

Pour the juice into a saucepan or a deep bowl and boil at a medium level of gas. Simmer for about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Ready juice can be poured into pre-prepared jars.

Before you start rolling them up, you can pour salt or sugar into the juice, in an amount that matches your taste. But you can twist them just like that.

It remains only to wait until the banks cool down. Just remember to put these jars on the lids and cover with a warm blanket.

Aromatic tomato juice with basil

To add brightness to the taste of tomato juice, you can try adding a new ingredient. For example, basil.


  • Tomatoes (it is permissible to take slightly overripe) - 5 kilograms;
  • Basil - according to taste preferences;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Rinse the tomatoes, trim if necessary, and cut into pieces. To prepare juice, use an electric juicer, in extreme cases - a meat grinder. If you want the juice to be with pulp, then after the meat grinder there is no need to use a sieve.

The juice is ready, now it's time to preserve it. Drain the juice into a saucepan, let it boil and boil on a medium level of gas for about twenty minutes. In the meantime, sterilize the jars if you haven't already done so.

Pour salt and sugar into the boiled juice, and also throw a couple of sprigs of basil. Please note that if it is not possible to use fresh basil, it is allowed to take dried basil. In a hot liquid, it will reveal its qualities in the best possible way.

All preparations are complete. Now pour the juice into jars and cork. After putting the jars on the lids, do not forget to make sure that the juice does not overflow. Wrap in a blanket and let them cool down. Then move the juice to a cool place. For example, a cellar or pantry.

Tomato juice with garlic and aromatic spices

Tomato juice for the winter, as you know, is an excellent solution for maintaining immunity in the cold season. How about adding garlic? A cold simply won't stand a chance!


  • Tomatoes - 11 kilograms;
  • Garlic - 1 clove per liter of juice;
  • Sugar - 0.5-0.7 kilograms, depending on taste preferences;
  • Salt - 0.5 cups;
  • Peppercorns - 30 pieces;
  • Ground hot pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Carnation - 10 things;
  • Cinnamon powder - 3.5 teaspoons;
  • Muscat - at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • Vinegar - 1 cup.

Cut the washed tomatoes into large pieces. In this recipe, it would be best to use a juicer for processing, so that no skins or seeds remain in the resulting juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, boil for about thirty minutes at an average gas level, then reduce the gas almost to a minimum. But the juice should not stop gurgling. Pour salt and sugar, boil for another ten minutes.

Then add the remaining ingredients - garlic, aromatic seasonings and vinegar. You need to cook for about twenty more minutes, then you can roll the finished liquid into jars.

Tomato juice for the winter simple recipe

The simplicity of this recipe lies precisely in the fact that there is no need to cook it. But at the same time, do without sterilization. Well, let's get started.


  • Tomatoes - 1.2 kilograms;
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;

According to the recipe, this juice will be with pulp, because the fruits are required exclusively ripe, but not overripe. Wash them, put them in a colander and dip them in boiling water for a minute or two. And then - in cold water.

A sharp change in temperature will easily allow you to separate the skin, and this is exactly what you need to do. Using a pestle, wipe the tomatoes through a strainer or the same colander.

Filter the juice with gauze to get rid of the presence of seeds, and sprinkle with salt. Next, pour the juice into jars and cover them with metal lids. Now they need to be sterilized. The duration of the process is directly dependent on the volume of cans. The larger it is, the longer the process will take.

Finally, a simple tomato juice for the winter is ready, the jars can be corked and left to cool.

Tomato juice with salad pepper and onion

Of course, this juice is already more like a multi-vegetable than exactly tomato. And yet there are really few other vegetables there, when compared with the number of tomatoes, but they will add their own zest.


  • Tomatoes - 1 bucket;
  • Salad pepper - 3 things;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.

First of all, you need to remove the skin from the washed tomatoes. Give them a contrast shower. First place them in hot water, and then immediately in cold. Then the skin will be removed without any problems.

Peel the garlic and onion from the peel, and lettuce pepper from the seeds. Pass all the vegetables through a juicer or chop in a meat grinder. Pour the juice into a saucepan or deep bowl and boil.

It is desirable to cook the resulting juice for ten minutes, and then immediately pour it into jars and you can clog it. Salt in this case is poured in accordance with personal tastes, already before drinking.

Tomato juice with celery

This recipe will help you expand the range of variations for making tomato juice at home for the winter. Celery will make it even healthier.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • Celery - 3 petioles;
  • Black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon.

Be sure to sterilize the jars and lids before you start juicing. To do this, they just need to pour over boiling water.

Cut the tomatoes into large slices, and chop in a juicer. Alternatively, you can use a meat grinder. Pour the juice into a saucepan and boil.

Tomato juice is a storehouse of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and other minerals and trace elements that are favorable for the cardiovascular system. This juice contains a lot of dietary fiber and fiber needed to stabilize the body's metabolism.

It is tomato juice that is the most useful for all those who lose weight, because even despite its low calorie content and low carbohydrate content, this drink perfectly satisfies hunger.

The most delicious and healthy tomato juice, of course, is natural. Today we will tell you how to make this drink yourself from fresh, ripe tomatoes, and share the coolest recipes.

How to make delicious tomato juice at home

Love homemade tomato juice and want to make it fast and right? There is nothing easier, because for its preparation you will need only 2 ingredients: ripe red tomatoes without damage and salt. Also make sure that clean jars scalded with boiling water are ready.

For 1 liter of homemade tomato juice you will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 20 g

Wash the tomatoes, peel the stalks and cut into pieces, then chop in a meat grinder or with a juicer. Bring the tomato mass to a boil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, wipe through a colander to get rid of the seeds and skins. Pour the juice into an enamel bowl and boil for about 10 minutes until the foam disappears. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Pour the prepared juice into heated jars, cover with lids and roll up.

Subtleties of cooking

Despite the very simple recipe for homemade tomato juice, the process of making it still has some subtleties that must be taken into account in order to achieve the perfect result. For example, you should think in advance what kind of juice you want to get - sweeter or more sour. To make tomato juice less acidic, be sure to use very ripe, fleshy, large tomatoes: small ones produce juice with sourness, which is more suitable for preparing various second courses or borscht.

You can make your own original yellow tomato juice using a special variety of yellow tomatoes for it: they, by the way, are richer in antioxidants and some vitamins than red ones. The cooking method remains the same.

If you want to get a spicy, original taste, add bay leaves, allspice, spices, garlic, celery, bell pepper to jars - it all depends on your preferences and desire to experiment.

How to make homemade ketchup from tomato juice

It is hardly worth mentioning that for the most part, ketchups, which you today find in a wide range on supermarket shelves, instead of useful substances contain a lot of sugar, starch and monosodium glutamate, increase the calorie content of dishes, lead to unhealthy weight gain and negatively affect digestion. But self-made tomato juice makes an excellent homemade ketchup - tasty, healthy and easy to prepare.

For homemade tomato ketchup you will need:

  • Homemade tomato juice - 4 l
  • Vinegar - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground coriander - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

    Boil the juice until it becomes thick, then add salt, sugar and vinegar. The thickening process can take an hour and a half. When the juice is similar in consistency to ketchup, add the necessary spices. When hot, lay out in sterile jars, cork them and set to cool, turning the neck down.

    This is not the only recipe for homemade ketchup. Also try making your own flavorful onion and garlic sauce.

How to make your own tomato paste for the winter

Homemade tomato paste is easy to prepare and always turns out much tastier (not to mention the benefits) purchased. The entire laboriousness of the process consists in thickening not due to artificial preservatives, but with the help of long-term digestion of the liquid.

To prepare homemade tomato paste (1.5 liters) for the winter, you will need:

  • Fresh tomatoes - 8 kg.
  • Sterile jars

Wash ripe, red, soft tomatoes, cut into 4-6 parts, then put in a saucepan and put on fire. Tomatoes are cooked over medium heat for about 40 minutes after boiling. Then, when the pulp has turned out with a consistency similar to porridge, wipe the boiled mass through a fine sieve to remove unnecessary skins and seeds.

The resulting tomato juice will need to be boiled over low heat for about 2 hours, checking it at least once every 20 minutes and stirring - the paste will begin to thicken from the bottom, so you will need to constantly stir it until you reach the desired degree of density. Arrange the pasta in prepared jars, twist and leave to cool upside down, covered with a towel. After they have completely cooled down, move them to a cool, dry place to wait for winter.

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