Geranium plant composition. Geranium care and reproduction. Cosmetic properties of geranium

Geranium is the most famous plant among indoor and garden crops, which is familiar to everyone since childhood. But few people know that the birthplace of this unpretentious plant is South Africa. Many varieties have been known for their medicinal and beneficial properties since Ancient Greece. Oil was extracted from flowers, leaves and roots, decoctions were prepared and insects were fought, but there are also contraindications.

The fruits are similar to the beak of a crane, so the translation of the name from Greek means "crane". There are about 400 types of geraniums in the world.

Great amount active substances, concentrated in the rhizome and the green aerial part, consists of compounds such as:

  • vitamins C ( vitamin C) and K (antihemorrhagic). Vitamins C and K are necessary for blood clotting and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • carotene. This hydrocarbon is indispensable for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • tannins. Such compounds have an anti-inflammatory effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • alkaloids. medical significance can be the most diverse: hemostatic, analgesic and treatment of neurological diseases;
  • anthocyanins. These substances have a bactericidal effect;
  • catechins. Such antioxidants are useful for boosting immunity and treating tumors;
  • flavonoids. These elements are responsible for strengthening, tone and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • saponins. Substances improve the secretion of glands;
  • fructose and glucose. These carbohydrates contribute normal operation metabolism.

In addition, it is used to treat radiculitis and osteochondrosis, it will help to improve sleep and get rid of migraines. May relieve frostbite and burns.

Recipes and use of plant leaves at home


  • pour boiling water (1 cup) chopped leaves (1 tablespoon);
  • strain and rinse eyes.

Blackheads and acne

  • finely cut the leaves with a knife (3 pcs.) And add sour cream (1 tbsp.);
  • apply the mask for 15 minutes.


Fragrant leaf decoction Helps strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
Oil ideal for facial cleansing and cellulite treatment.
frozen juice help get rid of wrinkles.


  • pour water (1 cup) crushed pelargonium root (1 tablespoon);
  • boil for 10 minutes and insist;
  • use two tablespoons.

Aseptic and antiseptic purposes

Geranium leaves, like plantain, have the ability to heal and sanitize wounds.

Helps with boils, if you apply a napkin moistened with an infusion of leaves.
In addition, the decoction will help neutralize E. coli.

For heart activity

If you put a piece of paper on your wrist, then arterial pressure decrease.

  • pour boiling water (1 liter) dried meadow geranium (5 tablespoons) and leave for two hours. Take on time acute attack angina.


  • pour boiling water (250 ml) leaves (50 g), put on water bath for 15 minutes and strain. Apply a cloth moistened with infusion to hemorrhoidal bumps for 5 minutes.


  • dilute crushed leaves (2 tsp) in two glasses of water and leave for eight hours. Take during the day.


At acute pain you can put a geranium leaf on your tooth.


  • mix crushed fresh leaves (10 g) with oatmeal (50 g) and camphor alcohol (1 tbsp.);
  • drip a few drops of geranium juice into the ear and apply a compress to the ear all night.


Rhizome has an anti-inflammatory effect in various chronic diseases.

From flies and mosquitoes

Insects can't stand the smell, so it's a good idea to keep the plants indoors or plant them in the garden.

The benefits of geraniums in the home

There is an opinion that a patient can recover faster if flowerpots with geraniums are placed near the bed. It perfectly removes negative energy and creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Pink geranium helps in love and family relationships, white is protection from evil forces and bad influences, and red radiates vitality and positive energy.

The plant purifies the air by absorbing toxins and poisons. Allows you to relieve fatigue and relieve headaches.


Geranium tinctures and decoctions do not recommend taking during pregnancy, children and older people and individual intolerance. Pay close attention to contraindications and do not take home-made medicines - this may not be beneficial, but it may harm your health.

Types of medical forms

  1. Tincture. Most often they are prepared on the basis of alcohol and taken in the form of drops.
  2. Decoction of roots and leaves. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat or a water bath. The decoction must be infused and filtered before use.
  3. Oil. For cooking, in addition to grated gruel from fresh flowers and leaves, you will need olive oil. After two weeks, geranium oil will be ready.
  4. Juice. To prepare, you will need to crush and crush the leaves, flowers and stems of geraniums. The mass must be filtered through gauze.

Geranium juice is prohibited for internal use.


Geranium is used in the preparation of ice cream, jam, marshmallows and sherbets. It is also added to bread and rolls.
There are geranium syrup and sugar.

Eye drops

It will help with cataracts if you mix the juice with the same amount of water. Bury 2 drops in each eye, but not more than a month.

Drops will help relieve inflammation and normalize eye pressure.

Face masks

  • chop peach (1 pc.), add cream (25 ml) and butter (20 drops);
  • mix and apply for 30 minutes.

The mask will help restore skin elasticity and get rid of mimic wrinkles.

  • grind baked pumpkin (15 g), add yogurt (10 g) and ether (12 drops);
  • apply and wash off after 15 minutes.

The mask will fit for dry skin and helps protect against pigmentation.

  • mix rice flour (15 g) with sour cream (30 g);
  • add ether to the mass (25 drops);
  • apply to the skin for 20 minutes.

mask fit for sensitive skin prone to allergies.

Geranium is unique plant with a huge number of medicinal properties, which is used in modern medicine and non-traditional treatments.

Do not forget that people with chronic diseases it is necessary to consult a doctor about treatment.

Be healthy and remember that treatment is possible not only in the form of medicines but also folk remedies.

Geranium is one of the most famous indoor plants, distinguished both by the variety of flower colors (from snow-white to rich red) and the variety of aromas. Previously, when there was no such variety of exotic flowers, geraniums could be found in almost every home (they have such a flower in mostly on windowsills).

Geranium has many types and varieties, differing in size and shape of leaves and inflorescences.

Geranium room has certain healing properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • decongestant;
  • painkillers.

Indoor geranium is able, as it is in the room, to disinfect the air. In addition, as a bonus, geranium has the ability to repel flies and other insects. Applying a fresh geranium leaf to a small cut or sore can speed up healing and reduce pain. If you tie a leaf of a plant to your wrist, then such an action will help normalize blood pressure.

When harvesting raw materials from fragrant geranium, not only leaves and flowers are used, but also the rhizomes of the plant. Decoctions from dry geranium raw materials are used for rinsing oral cavity with stomatitis, fragrant geranium juice is used for allergic dermatitis.

An infusion of geranium leaves (one tablespoon of crushed geranium leaves is poured with one glass of boiling water and infused for one hour) is used for ARVI, as well as for washing eyes with conjunctivitis. Freshly squeezed juice can be instilled into the nose for two or three drops, a decoction of the leaves can be used to gargle with a sore throat. From crushed leaves, various compresses can be made.

Lemon geranium is used mainly in cooking. For example, in the preparation of sweet syrups, various drinks, sweets.

Geranium meadow has long been used in traditional medicine. Most often, meadow geranium is used in the manufacture of decoctions and infusions. Lotions of geranium infusions will have a healing effect on wounds, sores, abscesses. Geranium meadow infusions are used for heavy painful periods or diseases female organs. You can rinse your hair with a decoction of meadow geranium after washing to give it shine.

Infusions based on red geranium are used for dysentery, gout, rheumatism, kidney stones, inflammation of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. Red geranium is characterized by the ability to dissolve deposited salts. Infusions and decoctions of red geranium are used for skin diseases.

Forest geranium is very common, and harvest required amount raw materials will not be difficult. Forest geranium, like other types of geranium, has analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory properties. Decoctions and infusions from forest geranium have positive influence with pain in the joints, if there is malignant neoplasms, epilepsy, etc.

Geranium leaves that do not bloom also have medicinal properties due to the various vitamins, flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids they contain. The smell of geranium has a calming effect on nervous system, has a beneficial effect on insomnia.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Despite the many useful properties that geranium has, it also has contraindications for use.

For example, geranium cannot be used:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • in old age;
  • It is not recommended to give geranium-based infusions to children under 12 years of age.

Geranium magical properties

There is a belief that indoor geranium is very sensitive to the state of people living in the house. If someone in the house is sick, then the geranium begins to dry and wither. That is, a flower blooming and full of health is a kind of indicator of moral and physical health household members. Geranium flowers are also used in making love potions.

Oil: properties and applications

Essential oils of geranium are successfully used in aromatherapy, because geranium essential oil can have a calming and relaxing effect on the human body no worse than essential oils based on mint or lemon balm.

Geranium essential oil is used:

  • with ENT diseases;
  • for relax premenstrual syndrome among women;
  • essential oil has excellent bactericidal properties.

Geranium oil is also used in cosmetology, adding it to various masks affecting the skin of the face and body beneficial effect. Presented in stores a wide range of masks, which include essential oils of geranium, but not less than useful mask, based on clay with the addition of geranium essential oils, can be prepared at home.

Geranium essential oil is sold in 10 ml bottles. To minimize the risk of acquiring a fake, it is recommended to buy geranium essential oil in pharmacies.


Watch the video on how to grow geraniums:

So, as noted above, in addition to the decorative component, geranium has various useful properties and qualities that allow it to be used in traditional medicine. Therefore, geraniums on the home windowsill will never be superfluous, besides, it is very unpretentious and will not cause any trouble.

Oct 8, 2015 Tatyana Sumo

Orchids, cacti, palm trees - now it is fashionable to decorate an apartment with just such greenery. And the bright, but sharply smelling geranium, remained on the windowsills only at grandmothers and in some public institutions. It’s a pity, because according to signs, this plant is extremely useful for the home. In addition, it has a variety of medicinal properties. And for those who find small red flowers boring, we inform you that florists have bred many new varieties that are distinguished by external splendor.

Types of geranium

Botanists distinguish garden, meadow and indoor varieties of plants belonging to this family. There are about 400 varieties in total.

Of course, we will not consider all this diversity in detail. The object of this review is room geranium (genus Pelargonium).

Let's start with a general description. These are herbaceous or semi-shrub plants with erect or falling stems, their flowers are smooth or velvety most various forms and colors, the leaves are rounded or rugged, green or variegated.

Due to the abundance and diversity of varieties (there are 250 of them), it is impossible to present a clear classification with detailed specifications. Amateur florists usually grow the following varieties of pelargonium:

  • zonal;
  • ivy;
  • royal;
  • angel;
  • unique;
  • fragrant;
  • fragrant.

Pelargonium zonal comes across most often. She decorates both window sills and flower beds. The name is associated with small spot in the middle of the leaves, which is usually lighter than the main plate. flowers different shapes delight the eye with bright colors: white, orange, coral, purple. You can't list all the shades.

The ivy variety of geranium got its name because of the curly shoots-stems and five-pointed leaves. The shape of the flowers is varied, the colors in the palette from white to wine and burgundy.

The royal variety of geranium is the most capricious, but what a beautiful one! The petals are large (4-7 cm) fringed, the main colors are white, burgundy, pink and purple. A distinctive characteristic is bright contrasting spots or veins that give the flowers a regal splendor.

The Angel geranium variety is often confused with the variety described above. The main difference is the small inflorescences. Yes, and the "character" of such a pelargonium is unpretentious.

Unique flowers are also similar to royal ones, but smaller (up to 2 cm). Leaves dissected. Some varieties smell pleasantly of peach.

lovers pleasant aromas we recommend paying attention to the pelargonium of the last two in the above list of varieties. Yes, they look boring: the flowers are inconspicuous, usually white or pink. But as soon as you touch the plant, it smells like grapefruit, apple, pineapple, rose or even pine needles.

We hope your ideas about pelargonium have already changed. But appearance and nice smell- this is not all the advantages!

Healing properties of geranium

Geranium is a plant that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also useful.

First, all its parts contain tannins.
Secondly, starch, carbohydrates, saponins, and antioxidants were found in the roots.
Thirdly, leaves and inflorescences contain ascorbic acid, glucose and sucrose, healing acids, pigments. It is noteworthy that the leaves contain a large number of essential oil.

In pharmaceuticals, only the medicinal properties of meadow geranium are used. However, there is practically no official information on this matter. Recent studies have proven the effectiveness of the plant in stopping bleeding. Manufacturers are considering the possibility of developing appropriate drugs based on it.

The bactericidal property is also widely known. People have long noticed that the microbes that are near the plant die, plus it repels harmful insects. These features justify the benefits of geranium for the home, and not just for health.

Application in traditional medicine

Unlike pharmacists, healers value geraniums. Based on it, compositions are prepared that have the following medicinal properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • antiviral;
  • antispasmodic.

Decoctions of the plant normalize blood pressure and heart rate.

The simplest recipe for hypertensive patients: crumple a leaf of pelargonium, attach to the wrist (in the pulse area). After 10-15 minutes, the pressure will drop.

Decoctions of the leaves will help with problems with the genitourinary and digestive system. Even the mere presence of the plant in the house will improve the condition, acting as a mild antidepressant.

Deal with symptoms colds help tinctures, decoctions and juices. So, if you gargle with geranium tincture as often as possible for several days, you will notice obvious improvements. What else can you gargle read. two drops fresh juice, dripped into each nostril, will relieve the common cold.

Geranium leaves help with pain various etiologies. For example, with otitis media, one leaflet is advised to be slightly crushed, rolled up and put in the ear. If you are worried about a toothache, put a geranium leaf on the cheek on the corresponding side.

Decoctions from the root help with indigestion, postpartum uterine bleeding.

For abscesses, wounds, ulcers, infusions are used - they lubricate damaged areas of the skin.

Among the beneficial properties, a positive effect on the balance of hormones and the menstrual cycle was noted. People prone to stress and depression are advised to grow this plant at home.

The geranium family, which includes numerous varieties of plants from Asia and Europe, pelargoniums from Africa, has long attracted the attention of people. Not only decorative indoor geraniums were popular, but the beneficial properties of flowers with lacy or figured dissected foliage and flowers various forms and colors, fragrant and odorless, were known in ancient Greece.

Already in those distant times, many types of geraniums were considered medicinal crops. From their stems, roots, flowers, decoctions, tinctures, and oil were made. Different ones are grown in summer cottages and at home. Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of room geranium. The photos posted in this article will help you appreciate the beauty of this unpretentious plant. In addition, you will learn how preparations based on it are prepared.

Geranium room: description

More recently, these beautiful flowering bushes could be seen in almost every home. Then they were pushed aside by luxurious exotic indoor plants (orchids, unusual cacti, palm trees). And only true geranium connoisseurs continue to grow it on their windowsills. All types of indoor plants are divided into two groups:

  • blooming, having very beautiful flowers;
  • fragrant, in which the flowers are inconspicuous, and the leaves exude a pleasant aroma.

The root of a geranium is usually branched, only in some varieties it is pivotal. The stem can be creeping (ampelous plants) or erect. The leaves are often dissected, less often pinnate, covered with small fine hairs. The color can be different - monophonic, zonal. Colors - shades of green of varying intensity, with a red, grayish or blue tint.

Flowers make up inflorescences, each consisting of five or more rounded petals of white, pink, red, purple hues. In some varieties, they have bright contrasting spots. Geranium blooms with proper care almost all year round. This requires the plant to receive a lot of light and nutrients.

Types of geranium

To date, botanists know almost 400 species of wild representatives of the geranium family. The range of these plants is quite wide: from Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic, from India to northern Europe. rich biochemical composition almost all species have, including hybrids and indoor pelargoniums. Several native varieties of the plant are used in folk medicine.

The most popular types of indoor geraniums

  • Geranium is zonal. The most common species, with almost 70 thousand varieties. Leaves are entire, dark circles different intensity. Flowers bright pink or white color, simple in shape, terry or semi-double.
  • Ivy. This species has long lashes that adorn smooth leaves that hang down. The flower looks great in hanging flowerpots.
  • Royal. Shrub reaching a height of half a meter. The leaves can be either plain or with dark spots or stripes. Flowers are large, simple or double. The colors are very diverse: plain, with colored spots, borders.

  • Low bushes with inconspicuous flowers. Leaves emit smells of needles, ginger, lemon balm, pineapple, lemon and other plants. The flowers are usually purple or pink. The bush needs to be pinched regularly to form a beautiful crown.

On the lemon variety, related to fragrant geraniums, you need to focus your attention, since many flower growers would like to see this plant in their collection. This is a branched shrub with a well-developed nodal rhizome. The leaves are palmately lobed, carved. They are covered with fine hairs that exude fragrance when touched.

Flowers are collected in small umbrellas white-pink. In addition to flavor and beautiful shape herbalists are well aware of the beneficial properties of lemon geranium. It greatly relieves the symptoms of many diseases:

Lemon geranium is an antiseptic, has wound healing and hemostatic properties. In addition, it is used as an excellent deodorant. Lemon geranium is used in cooking. For example, when preparing various drinks, sweets, sweet syrups.

An active study of the beneficial properties and contraindications of geranium began in late XIX century. Scientists were interested in the popularity of this plant among the poor, who used the plant in medicinal purposes. Nowadays, traditional healers and homeopaths highly appreciate healing properties geranium, its high activity to pathogenic flora, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

Chemical composition

For the preparation of medicines based on geranium, the roots of the plant, as well as the aerial part, are used. It is in them that great amount useful substances. Main value of this plant is geraniol - an aromatic alcohol that is part of the geranium oil. In addition, the composition of the plant includes:

  • fructose and glucose;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins, the content of which reaches 4%;
  • catechins;
  • compounds with antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • vitamins K and C;
  • carotene;
  • alkaloids;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • anthocyanins.

AT medical purposes the most commonly used are fragrant geranium, blood red and meadow geranium.

beneficial features

Geranium has powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and hemostatic properties. Preparations based on this plant are able to calm, affect a person’s performance, increase resistance to stress, and fight insomnia.

The medicinal properties of geraniums include:

  • prevention of edema;
  • reduction of pain and fever;
  • beneficial effect on inflammatory processes on mucous membranes and skin;
  • lowering blood pressure.

The plant normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and liver, urogenital area. traditional healers use the plant to treat radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Geranium oil

Beneficial features geranium oils have been appreciated by dermatologists and cosmetologists. This substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating properties. Thanks to them, geranium oil is successfully used in pustular diseases skin, acne, cellulite treatment and many other cosmetic problems. The mild disinfecting effect and the ability of geranium to influence cell regeneration allow the plant to be used to treat such a serious disease as psoriasis.

Today, geranium oil is used in the treatment of eczema, difficult to treat, severe burns, the consequences of frostbite. Geranium oil is effective for migraines, disorders menstrual cycle. We will talk in more detail about the help that geranium provides to women.

Geranium for women

Cosmetologists are sure that this is a female plant - geranium. The beneficial properties of the plant help to eliminate age-related changes. The simplest and effective method improve skin color and tone, get rid of wrinkles - wipe your face every morning with a piece of ice from the juice of geranium leaves.

Pelargonium is no less useful for improving hair structure, eliminating dandruff and itching, and preventing hair loss. A decoction of geranium makes strands elastic and shiny. To prepare it, 50 g of dry crushed raw materials should be poured with 500 ml of water and simmered over low heat for five minutes. After that, leave the broth for an hour in a sealed container. Use it three times a week to rinse your hair. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Mask for aging skin

Mix 20 drops of geranium oil with peach pulp (1 pc.) And heavy cream (25 ml). Spread the mixture evenly over the face and décolleté. Wash off the mask with water after half an hour. The procedure must be repeated twice a week.


To combat acne, you need to prepare a mask of 15 drops of geranium oil, 20 drops of calendula tincture and 20 g of green clay. Apply mass thin layer on torn skin.

Useful properties of geranium for the home

Experts believe that it is beautiful, unpretentious in care. indoor plant has a powerful positive energy that helps to strengthen family relationships, lonely people - to find their soul mate.

Ivy geranium perfectly purifies the air, destroys staphylococcus bacteria, microbes, eliminates unpleasant odors. The aroma of geranium is not tolerated by mosquitoes, flies, moths.

It is believed that pink geranium is a symbol of happiness and strong marriage. Esotericists use geranium as a powerful charm against love spells. White geranium helps couples get rid of infertility, it must be placed in the bedroom. Pelargonium blood-red protects the inhabitants of the house from quarrels and scandals. Its aroma relieves stress, helps to relax, relieves irritability and fatigue. The aroma of geranium attracts to the house financial well-being: for this you should choose plants with red flowers. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully care for the flower - if it gets sick or wilts, you cannot avoid financial ruin. You can lubricate your wallet with geranium essential oil or carry dried leaves in it.


We talked about the fact that the beneficial properties of geranium improve the condition of patients with many diseases. Interesting fact which you may not have known about. At the first signs of a cold, wrap fresh geranium leaves thumbs on foot. Leave this compress overnight. In the morning you will feel a surge of strength, the disease will recede.

Geranium juice

Three times a day, instill three drops of juice from geranium flowers into each nasal passage. The same remedy is used for conjunctivitis, but in this case, 1 drop is instilled into each eye. The use of juice is effective in various bleeding- nasal, hemorrhoidal, uterine.

fresh leaves

The beneficial properties of geraniums are successfully used in the treatment of hypertension, malfunctions heart rate, poor blood flow. And it happens quite in an unusual way- Fix a fresh leaf of the plant on your wrist for half an hour. In crushed form, they should be applied to the back with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. With otitis, it is enough to put in sore ear geranium leaf.


For nervous and heart diseases, insomnia, you can take 3 ml alcohol tincture morning and evening, after diluting them a small amount water. To prepare this drug, it is necessary to grind 30 g of geranium inflorescences and leaves, put them in a dark glass jar and pour alcohol (100 ml). The composition is infused for three days.


A decoction of geranium roots, according to herbalists, helps to remove stones from the kidneys, reduce high blood pressure. To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 g of crushed dry roots;
  • 250 ml of water.

For a quarter of an hour, simmer this composition over low heat. Leave medicine under a closed lid for an hour, strain, add to the initial volume boiled water. Divide the received portion of the product into four equal portions and take them during the day before meals.


Anesthetic compress is easy to prepare. Grind 15 fresh geranium leaves, add camphor alcohol (50 ml) and rye flour (50 g). Spread the mass on the affected area, insulate and leave overnight.


Geranium has many beneficial properties. There are few contraindications to its use for medicinal purposes. Nevertheless, they should be taken into account, especially if you have a predisposition to allergic reactions or it comes to the treatment of babies.

An allergic reaction to geranium oil and its aroma in some people is manifested respiratory symptoms: runny nose, pain in the eyes, sore throat, cough. The beneficial properties of geranium will not have the expected effect if the condition worsens due to allergies.

As for the treatment of children, all geranium-based products that are intended for ingestion should be taken only with the permission of the pediatrician. External use, as a rule, is limited only by individual intolerance. These requirements include:

  • to patients with gastrointestinal problems during an exacerbation;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • elderly people;
  • in the presence of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

We have presented a popular indoor flower- geranium. The beneficial properties of this plant will positive effect during treatment only if the recipe and dosage are observed.

Initially, geranium was known only as a wild plant, but several centuries ago this flower became widespread among wealthy people. Geranium bushes began to be grown in gardens and greenhouses, and in the second half of the 19th century, when geranium breeding began, a large number of different varieties appeared.

So geranium became a houseplant, and today there are more than a hundred of its various species.

The spectrum of action of this plant is very wide. cooked different ways, geranium is an excellent bactericidal agent, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the oral cavity and various infectious conditions throat and upper respiratory tract. The use of geranium has been proven effective in stopping nose and intestinal bleeding, and its astringent properties allow you to fight diseases. digestive tract especially diarrhea. In ancient times, it was believed that geranium was able to win oncological diseases, however, of course, experimenting in such a situation is not worth it. Geranium preparations are effectively used for splicing complex fractures.

Pelargonium home(geranium) - a plant that was previously considered a flower of aristocrats. Its delightful lush flowers and bright color will decorate any home.

But geranium is not just beautiful flower. Its medicinal properties are difficult to overestimate.

Geranium treatment

  1. For cough treatment per liter of water, take 25 g of pelargonium leaves and boil them for 10 minutes. Rinse your throat with this liquid, and the symptoms of a cold will be removed as if by hand. Geranium leaf juice can be instilled into the nose to get rid of a runny nose.
  2. Put a geranium leaf on your wrist if you want to normalize your blood pressure.
  3. For otitis, lightly mash a geranium leaf to release the juice. Roll the leaflet into a tube and place it in your ear at night.
  4. To take off toothache, attach a leaf of a plant to a tooth.
  5. Geranium secretes bactericidal substances that destroy staphylococcus, which provokes inflammatory diseases.
  6. The spectrum of action of this plant is very wide. Prepared in various ways, geranium is an excellent bactericidal agent, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the oral cavity and various infectious conditions of the throat and upper respiratory tract. The effectiveness of using geranium to stop nose and intestinal bleeding has been proven, and its astringent properties allow you to fight diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, diarrhea. In ancient times, it was believed that geranium was able to defeat cancer, however, of course, experimenting in such a situation is not worth it. Geranium preparations are effectively used for splicing complex fractures.
  7. Geranium essential oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, treats rashes and eczema.
  8. Geranium juice can treat cataracts on the early stages. Drip the juice of the plant in the eyes, and vision will improve.
  9. A compress of geranium leaves will relieve pain in osteochondrosis and sciatica.
  10. Geranium is also used in cosmetics. Wash your hair with a decoction of geranium leaves. This will save you from the problem of hair loss.

People say that this houseplant is able to respond to the illness of its owner. When a person is seriously ill, all types of geraniums in the house die, except for the red one ...

Ways to use geranium

    • The easiest way is to simply attach a geranium leaf to the body. In particular, it helps to relieve pain and heal wounds, as well as stabilize blood pressure (for this, you should attach a sheet to your wrist);
    • Compress. To prepare it, you should take one and a half to two dozen fresh leaves of the plant and knead until smooth. 50 g is added to the resulting slurry rye flour, 50 ml camphor alcohol, after which everything is well mixed. The use of a geranium compress requires mandatory warming. Effective for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, otitis media and, if necessary, relieve pain;
    • Juice. Grind geranium leaves, place in cheesecloth and squeeze. Geranium juice is excellent tool against the common cold, and is also able to stop bleeding of any etiology (nasal, uterine, hemorrhoids);
    • Infusion. 20 grams of geranium leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 8 hours (it is advisable to use a thermos, and in its absence, close and insulate the container well). Then strain and use for gargling, washing the nose and other needs;

Geranium treatment

For women's health (hormone balance)

Red geranium treatment

Essential little, which is contained in geranium in enough, normalizes the balance of hormones. Due to the fact that everything more women complains of hormonal imbalance, I think a recipe for restorative tea will come in handy. Choose geraniums with red openwork petals that look like small roses. It is better not to dry these petals, but to let them lie down a little. This way you will retain more of the essential oil in each petal. Then put it in a thermos or thermo mug and, pouring boiling water, let it brew. You can add other herbs. Thus, you will also enhance their properties. You can drink separately. Boost the bioavailability of Red Geranium Petal Herbal Tea with milk, dried fruit, or honey.

However, avoid taking critical days as well as during ovulation. That is, it is necessary to take tea with geranium in the 2nd phase of the cycle. This is due to the fact that geranium stimulates the adrenal cortex. They produce androgens, which are the precursors of estrogen. In the 1st phase of the cycle, the amount of estrogen in the woman's blood is increased.

Delicate petals with increased excitability

white geranium treatment

Soothe, reduce heart palpitations, eliminate the symptoms of hypertension geranium, blooming with white or pink petals. It is desirable to steam the petals in the same way as in the previous recipe. But do not get carried away with such tea! Reception, lasting more than 5-7 days, can harm your health!

Geranium oil is an excellent antidepressant (like most flower oils). The practice of using the oil showed that many people, even with a slight use of geranium oil, could not fall asleep for a long time and were in an excited state. It sort of takes you out of the “stopper” state. Because the impact on emotional condition women is strong enough, be careful when using it.

Lifting procedures with geranium oil

Any expensive lifting cream pales in comparison to geranium oil. This oil can be bought, or you can make your own. For this gruel fresh leaves and pour geranium petals base oil in a 1:1 ratio (10 ml of base oil - 10 grams of leaves and petals). Keep the oil infusion for about 10 days and strain into a glass container for storage. I have tried combining geranium oil with face shaping for facial contouring. I felt results at the end of the first week!

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