Treatment of bronchitis in children with badger fat. Treatment with badger fat for cough and bronchitis. Nourishing night cream with badger oil for dry skin

Many parents are interested in how to drink badger fat with bronchitis in a child. Bronchitis is a serious disease that is dangerous for both a child and an adult. At first, symptoms such as a runny nose and a dry cough appear, which gradually become hysterical. Then the body temperature rises, symptoms appear general malaise: weakness, fast fatiguability, chills, dizziness, headaches. The cough gradually becomes wet. Then the temperature goes down, after which it improves general state patient's health. The acute phase of the disease takes no more than 4 days. If you do everything healing procedures prescribed by the doctor, then in a week the person will recover. Treatment must be started on time so that the disease does not turn into chronic form.

Traditional medicine has developed a large number of recipes that can cope with bronchitis. In addition to various decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal plants, she suggests using badger fat. By the way, traditional medicine also suggests using this product. For many millennia, badger fat has been used as an anti-inflammatory, strengthening and supporting medicine. The fat of this animal is quickly and easily absorbed in the human body. In addition, it has a large number of useful trace elements and vitamin compounds. Badger fat is perfect for treating bronchitis.

How does badger fat affect the human body?

Usage Feedback similar substance are positive. Before you start medical therapy badger fat, you need to understand how this product affects the human body. First of all, you need to understand that treatment should be systematic and comprehensive. Be sure to use medicines, as well as tinctures, decoctions, lotions, solutions for inhalation procedures, compresses and ointments based on herbal ingredients. Badger fat has unique properties. The active substances in it stimulate immune activity. This product speeds up metabolic processes owing to which tissues regenerate much faster.

This unique product contains linoleic acid. It helps speed up the process of cell regeneration. In addition, this substance has anti-inflammatory properties. As for the mineral elements, they are responsible for accelerating the metabolism and improving the energy balance in the body. The product contains retinol and vitamin substances from group B. These components improve the body's ability to resist various viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is thanks to such active substances that badger fat is very useful for obstructive bronchitis, especially if the treatment is long and the body needs an additional amount of vitamins and minerals.

Badger fat is used to strengthen immune protection, for the treatment of blood diseases, blood vessels, heart, organs endocrine systems s, respiratory tract, lungs and other things. This remedy is used to strengthen bones, develop joints, ligaments and muscles. The use of fat is prescribed for failures in hormonal background, because the product will help stabilize it. Badger fat is used to activate tissue regeneration and regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, the product has antioxidant properties.

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Taking badger fat for bronchitis

Badger fat can be taken on different stages development of bronchitis. It can even cure the chronic form. The tool can be purchased at pharmacies in the form of ointments for external use, in tablet form for oral administration. For children it is better to rub with this product. This is due to the fact that children do not always agree to take capsules with badger fat because of the specific taste, which is not very pleasant. You can drink it with a rosehip-based decoction or eat a little chocolate after the medicine. If you start treating the disease on time, then after a few days the symptoms will begin to disappear, even with the treatment of a chronic disease.

When using fat, you should always remember about the dosage of this remedy. Substance in capsules is allowed to be given to children only from 12 years old. The course of treatment will take at least a couple of weeks. If the child is under 10 years old, then fat should be given 3 times a day for an incomplete teaspoon. If bronchitis has become chronic, then in the first 2 weeks you should take a spoonful of fat 3 times a day, and then for a month you need to take a spoonful only in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. It is recommended for children to drink badger fat warm milk. If the child is still very young, then you can not eat fat inside. But it is allowed to do rubbing and compresses with this product. It gives a warming effect when gently rubbed into chest.

Based badger fat you can prepare the following medicine. Take 8 tablespoons of fat, 100 g of butter, a bar of chocolate and 6 tablespoons of cocoa. It is necessary to melt the badger fat and butter over low heat. Then cocoa is added to them. Mix the ingredients. Then you need to melt the chocolate and pour it into the mixture. After thorough mixing, you need to cool the product. Now it is similar in color, smell and taste to chocolate butter. It is allowed to eat it 3 times a day, making sandwiches with bread.

There is another recipe for treating bronchitis with badger fat. For example, you need to take 3 parts of fat and 1 part of honey (preferably lime). Both ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Further, the remedy should be taken according to the usual scheme. If the patient is allergic to honey and pollen, then this product can be replaced with jam. It is best to take currant or raspberry.

There is another ancient recipe with badger fat. First it needs to be melted. When it becomes liquid and hot, add a few tablespoons of cocoa to it. The mixture should now cool down. When it cools down, a quarter cup of aloe juice is poured into it. Store the medicine in a glass container in the refrigerator. Every day before going to bed, you need to take a spoonful of this drug and drink it with warm milk. In a few days the patient will be healthy.

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Contraindications to the use of badger fat

Of course, badger fat is unique in its properties. medicinal substance which is used to treat various diseases. However, this tool is not a panacea for all problems. In addition, it is not always allowed to use it. For example, like all medicines, badger fat has a number of contraindications. For example, it is forbidden to use the substance for cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Problems with the biliary organs are also a reason for refusing such therapy. In addition, it is better not to give fat to children under 3 years of age. Also, some people have an individual intolerance to this product or its active ingredients. In this case, the symptoms appear allergic reaction, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the patient who has taken badger fat. Side effects include vomiting or just nausea. In more rare cases Quincke's edema occurs. It is because of such symptoms that it is better to first consult with an experienced doctor and do some additional analysis.

Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Before you start using it, be sure to consult a doctor so that there are no side effects. This substance has been used for many centuries to treat various diseases, including diseases of the respiratory system. To cure bronchitis, you can use badger fat in the form of capsules or ointments. This is an excellent tool that strengthens the body, and also fights inflammation.

Bronchitis - serious illness requiring long-term treatment.

Since ancient times, people have tried to find means to cope with this disease. They applied various decoctions and infusions of herbs, compresses and lotions. Not all remedies had the desired effect, since coughing with bronchitis, as a rule, lasts a long time, often turning into a chronic form.

But one remedy that really worked was badger fat. For a long time and until now, badger fat in bronchitis is a well-proven remedy for the treatment of this disease.

Biological features of badger fat

Badgers, as a species of the mustelid family, are distinguished by the fact that they hibernate for the winter. This means that before winter period these animals must have sufficient body fat to survive the winter.

Badger fat is very rich in various vitamins, especially vitamins A, E, and almost all B vitamins.

It also contains a large amount of minerals and polynes. saturated acids. All these substances are useful for human body, especially in their balanced composition. This balance of various nutrients, minerals and vitamins is also achieved due to the fact that badgers are an omnivorous species.

What are the benefits of badger fat for the human body

With the help of badger fat, many diseases of the immune, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems of the body can be treated.

The tool helps:

  • strengthen the human immune system;
  • activate the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • stabilize the hormonal background;
  • regulate blood sugar;
  • have an antioxidant effect, etc.

However, badger fat is best known as effective remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, prolonged cough various etiologies, including for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat

Badger fat for bronchitis can be used both internally and externally.

As evidenced by numerous reviews of those who used such treatment, it is very effective. Treatment lasts for a month or until the cough disappears. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a 3-week break.

It is rubbed externally and rubbed into the skin of the chest. Then the person is wrapped up or put on warm natural clothes, preferably woolen.


What does badger fat treat? tuberculosis, bronchitis. Application.

Treatment with badger fat for coughs and bronchitis, as well as other fats.

Badger fat treatment with badger fat in folk medicine

Badger fat in diseases of the lungs and digestive organs treatment with badger fat

Take by mouth this remedy You can use some recipes. Such recipes are created in order to make the treatment more effective, and also because in natural form badger fat, like any other fat, is difficult for a person to swallow.

The recipes are as follows:

  1. Mix badger fat with honey, keeping the ratio 1: 3 and take it with milk.
  2. Mix the product with honey, aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 3: 1 and drink with milk.
  3. Mix the product with dark chocolate, melted in a water bath and take a tablespoon of the mixture.
  4. As an option, raspberry, strawberry, currant jam can be added to the above recipes. These additives will improve the taste of the mixture and make eating badger fat more enjoyable.

How to drink badger fat with bronchitis

In order to treat a person with badger fat, it is imperative to follow the recommendations for the storage and use of this natural and biologically active substance.

  1. It is necessary to store badger fat at a temperature of +5 - + 20 degrees for no more than two years.
  2. It is necessary to monitor changes in its composition, consistency, color. If it has acquired a yellowish tint or has become heterogeneous, then it should no longer be used.
  3. The use of badger fat for the treatment of bronchitis, as well as other diseases, should not be the main, but a concomitant treatment.
  4. Before taking badger fat for bronchitis, you should consult a doctor and take into account the fact that this substance is biologically active. Therefore, in some diseases gastrointestinal tract it should be taken with caution or not taken at all. There may also be an individual intolerance or allergy to this substance.

Badger fat is effective, but it is important to know not only about the methods of its use, but also about its contraindications.

The frantic rhythm of modern life increasingly reduces the protective properties immune system. Frequent hypothermia, combined, in such conditions lead to the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory system, one of which is bronchitis, which is inflammatory disease the inner lining of the bronchi - the lining, consisting of cells.

Most often, its manifestations begin with discomfort in the throat, soreness and pains extending lower into the region of the chest, and a cough that is dry, that is, without expectoration. After a few days, the cough becomes wet with secretions of a different nature.

The nature of the cough is paroxysmal. In particular severe cases commensurate with these symptoms heat body. In most forms of this disease, you can drink as traditional medicines, so use folk remedies treatments, which include badger fat. The use of this powerful drug for bronchitis significantly speeds up recovery and relieves cough.

Folk remedies

For treatment, a wide range of drugs is used - antiviral, thinning and expectorants, antibiotics. From folk methods have wide application animal fats - badger, bear, goat.

Hibernating animals, including badgers, need a variety of nutrients. Therefore, they have a developed subcutaneous adipose tissue With large quantity active compounds - vitamins, fatty acid, which have a beneficial effect not only on the respiratory way.

  • Vitamins of group A enhance the regenerative properties of the epithelium, inhibit acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamin B is involved in the synthesis of hormones and improves the function of hematopoietic organs.
  • The vitamin E group has antioxidant qualities - that is, they protect cells from the effects of reactive oxygen species.

The result of action is biologically active substances is to improve local blood circulation, which contributes to the disappearance of inflammatory foci.

With bronchitis, in addition to the antitussive effect, it also has a general strengthening effect. Despite his frequent use for the treatment of diseases bronchopulmonary system, goat and bear fat also has similar properties, having a similar composition.

Application features

Badger fat, like goat and bear fat, is a viscous mass white color, heated, it acquires the consistency of sour cream. Goat is slightly denser than bear and badger. FROM medical purpose it is worth using a product bought at a pharmacy - that is, there is a certified and tested one.

Due to the variety of mechanisms of action, they are used both internally and externally. For successful treatment you need to know exactly how to take badger fat for bronchitis.

When coughing a small amount fat rub the chest and back, while avoiding rubbing into the heart area. Before use, it is necessary to preheat to the optimum temperature by leaving for an hour at room temperature. After rubbing, you need to put on warm clothes and it is best to drink a warm drink.

For the purpose of treatment inflammatory changes in the lower respiratory tract, it is used orally. To do this, prepare a mixture to improve the taste with chocolate, milk, honey, dilute and drink with jam. The children's dose is, depending on age, ⅓ up to 6 years, ½ teaspoon up to 12 years and 1 spoon over 12. For adults, it can be taken in pure three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.

Storage conditions

The ideal storage conditions are low temperature in the range from -20 to +4 and no Sveta. Supplied in tightly closed glass jars where it is best to store it. The maximum storage period reaches 2 years. Lost if stored incorrectly medicinal properties, as the active compounds contained in it decompose.


Despite the fact that both badger, goat and bear fats have beneficial effect on body systems, their use is limited. So, it is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, women in postpartum period at breastfeeding, children under 3 years of age. Also, mixtures based on it should not be drunk by people with pathological processes in the liver, bile ducts and pancreas.

External use is limited to skin diseases - dermatitis, rashes, purulent inflammations. In addition, it is important to remember that this is not an additive, but a drug that must be drunk and used according to the rules.

Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat should be carried out only in conjunction with traditional methods and after prior consultation with a doctor.

Thus, it is the best possible way to treat cough in diseases of the respiratory tract with this animal product. However, using it, one should not forget to drink the medicines prescribed by the doctor, since it is on them that the main therapeutic effect is assigned.

The main way adults take badger fat is to consume natural remedy inside. You can be treated only with fat, or you can combine it with other folk remedies.

  • Good reviews have been received about the treatment with badger fat in combination with an infusion of wild rose berries or St. John's wort.
  • To soften the unpleasant taste and aroma of fat, you can dilute it with warm milk or honey. At one time, you should not use more than a tablespoon of the product, three times a day.
  • Some people prefer to put fat on a piece of dark bread - this way of eating is also allowed.

The effect of the treatment will be much more noticeable if badger fat is used both internally and locally at the same time. Badger fat perfectly warms, accelerates the transition of cough from dry to productive, facilitates expectoration.

How to use badger fat for bronchitis?

To reduce the discomfort of ingesting fat, it can be taken in capsules, which are sold in pharmacies. The drug in capsules is drunk six times in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, together with meals. The duration of therapy is 4-8 weeks. It is not recommended to carry out more than two or three treatment courses during a year.

Adult patients can consume badger fat in the form of heat. The standard dosage is 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the product daily, with warm milk, herbal or regular tea. Similar treatment usually lasts 14 days.

Badger fat will help not only cure the disease of the respiratory system, but also restore the function of organs after antibiotic therapy and surgical interventions.

Rubbing with badger fat for bronchitis

Badger fat is considered very useful for the treatment of bronchitis: it unique composition allows the product to be completely absorbed and absorbed by the body.

Fat is rubbed on sore spots, and is also used for massage.

With sore throat, colds or acute respiratory infections, pure fat is rubbed on the area of ​​​​the feet, back and chest.

If the patient has a dry cough, then after rubbing it should be well wrapped or tied with a towel so that the patient can sweat. Additionally, you can offer to drink warm milk with honey.

Badger fat in acute and chronic bronchitis

To alleviate the patient's condition acute bronchitis, you need to use badger fat according to the following recipe:

  • Adult patients are recommended to eat 2 tsp. fat for 14 days three times a day, then switch to a more rare reception - twice a day in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
  • For children 10-14 years old, the recommended dosage is one and a half teaspoons three times a day.
  • For children 6-10 years old, rub with a mixture of ½ tsp. fat from 1 tbsp. l. milk, and then wrapped. The procedure is best done at night.

The tool can be used not only to eliminate an existing disease, but also for its prevention. Many people take badger fat during periods of particular danger of getting sick with bronchitis - in winter and early spring.

For treatment chronic bronchitis fat is suitable for rubbing or for internal reception. To make the treatment more enjoyable and more effective, fat-based various medicines with additives. For example, the following recipes are suitable for many:

  • Melt in a water bath 4 tsp. fat and 50 g butter, add 60 g of pure chocolate, mix. Pour 3 tsp. cocoa powder, mix and cool. The resulting mass is consumed three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Mix fat and linden honey in a ratio of 3 to 1. It is allowed to take the same amount of currant jam instead of honey.
  • Melt in a water bath 100 g of badger fat. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder, cool, add 1/4 cup of juice obtained from the lower leaves of aloe. Mix, place in a glass container. Use at night for 1 tbsp. l. with warm milk.

Badger fat for obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis is special form disease in which Airways become impassable, the so-called "obstruction" occurs. Breathing becomes sharply difficult, the patient literally suffocates, he develops a panic state. Of course, without medicines in such a situation can not do. However, badger fat will not be superfluous: they can be supplemented with traditional treatment.

  • Mix 100 g of the following ingredients: badger fat, cocoa powder, honey. Add 50 g of aloe leaf passed through a meat grinder, 50 g of butter, 4 g of mummy, 5 g of propolis and 5 g of medical alcohol. Everything is mixed until smooth. The resulting medicine is used externally and internally:
    • external use consists in rubbing with a solution of water with the mixture obtained (for 200 ml of water - 1 tsp of the mixture);
    • internal application consists in preparing a medicine from 1 tbsp. l. mixture and 200 ml of warm milk, this medicine is drunk before each meal, in about 15 minutes.

Badger fat for pneumonia and bronchitis

To speed up recovery from pneumonia and bronchitis, adults are recommended to eat warm badger fat in 1-3 tbsp. l. three times a day for 3-4 weeks. If the disease is sluggish, then the course can be repeated after three weeks. The treatment is repeated until the patient fully recovers.

  • A mixture is prepared from 100 g of badger fat, 100 g of high-quality honey, 50 g of aloe leaf juice (the plant must be at least three years old). The mixture is taken in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • Take five medium-sized lemons with peel, five eggs, 250 ml of cognac, 500 ml of badger fat, 500 ml of honey. Lemons are passed through a meat grinder, poured over eggs and left for 4-5 days. Next, knead the shell and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Take the composition of a third cup daily.

Badger fat with bronchitis after smoking

It has been proven that badger fat can help long-term smokers purify respiratory system from resins and deposits. Those who have already managed to try the effect of fat on themselves claim that even the longest and most debilitating cough disappears in a few days. Fat can be combined with honey, milk, infusion of wild rose or St. John's wort.

Of course, it would be better if, at the same time as cleansing with badger fat, a person forever abandons the addiction.

It is optimal to use badger fat one tablespoon three times a day one hour before meals for 14 days. It is allowed to drink the product with warm milk, eat with a spoon of honey or jam, drink herbal tea. After a few days, the treatment can be repeated, however general course therapy should last about four weeks. A second course is carried out, only a month later.

The use of badger fat for bronchitis in children

If a child has bronchitis, then it is permissible to treat him with badger fat only after he reaches the age of 6, after consulting with a pediatrician. A doctor's consultation is necessary, since the treatment of children is an occupation that is doubly more responsible, because the child sometimes cannot explain what and how bothers him.

  • Children after 12 years before going to bed do rubbing with fat. Rub the chest, back, and feet. Against the background of rubbing, fat is also given inside - 1 tsp each. half an hour before meals.
  • For children 6-12 years old, offer fat for internal use should not be: it is enough to rub the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, back and legs with the product.

As a rule, after following the listed recipes, improvement occurs on the third or fifth day. However, you should not end the treatment on this: full course should be 7-10 days.

To strengthen the immune defense of a sick child, they offer such a remedy: they take 100 g of badger fat, combine with 100 g of honey, add 100 g of nuts, the same amount of raisins and chopped dried apricots. The remedy is given to the child in 1 tsp. three times a day 15 minutes before meals. Adults can take the same remedy - but already one tablespoon each.

Official medicine is skeptical about effectiveness folk recipes, making an exception only for those whose benefits are scientifically proven. Badger fat in bronchitis is one such example. Natural product - a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, saturated acids. Due to the variety of elements, their unique ratio, the substance is used in the treatment of many diseases, but especially effective help renders in the treatment of respiratory organs. It can be drunk and used for rubbing. detailed information about bronchitis is

What is useful badger fat

The most healing and useful is fat obtained in late autumn or early winter. Animals by this time accumulate a layer nutrient, which will not let you die of hunger during a long hibernation. It contains a record number of useful elements.

  • Vitamins A, E, PP, group B are the main elements that ensure the full functioning of the body. Retinol and tocopherol are considered vitamins of beauty and youth, they slow down aging, improve metabolic processes. Group B substances are necessary for quality metabolic processes, normal blood formation, maintenance defensive forces body, CNS and endocrine system.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids improve biochemical processes, have an anti-inflammatory effect. The lack of substances contributes to an increase in cholesterol levels, a decrease in immunity. Badger fat contains:
  • Oleic (omega-9) acid is essential for prevention oncological diseases. Particularly effective on initial stages: blocks education cancer cells and progression of malignant tumors.
  • Linolenic (omega-3) and linoleic (omega-6) acids are vital for heart and vascular health. Also used in the treatment of varicose veins.

In addition, badger fat contains a lot organic acids, minerals, macroelements, vital for the full functioning of the body. Moreover, all the substances contained in it are absorbed completely.

Medicinal properties and indications for use

Badger fat has long been a popular remedy traditional medicine, but due to the rapid development of pharmacology and the onslaught of new drugs, its unique properties have been forgotten. Fortunately, the natural product has again become in demand today.

Scientists consider badger fat a promising substance, because it beneficial features not yet fully explored. It is possible that over time the scope of the unique natural product will expand significantly.

Today it is used in the treatment of:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs
  • Bronchitis (chronic, obstructive, etc.)
  • Diseases of the kidneys, accompanied by inflammation.

Unfortunately, there is natural substance and restrictions on use. It is contraindicated:

  • With individual sensitivity
  • Children under 3 years old
  • For diseases of the biliary tract
  • For problems with the pancreas
  • liver failure.

During pregnancy, badger fat should be used with great care, after consultation with the doctor. In the 1st trimester, the substance can give extra load on the liver, pancreas, increase toxicosis.

After consumption, they may develop side effects: indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Then you need to stop drinking the drug and consult a doctor.

Badger fat against bronchitis in adults and children

Although fat is considered universal remedy from many diseases, while it is used most often for diseases of the respiratory system in adults and children. Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat is popular for several reasons:

  • Increases the body's resistance to infection
  • Slows down the inflammatory process
  • Has a bactericidal effect
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin.

Treatment natural product became available, because it can be bought in many pharmacies and in different forms. It is available packaged in jars, in the form of capsules, and the product is also included in dietary supplements. The substance can not only be drunk, but also used as an external agent for rubbing or compresses.

When using badger fat for bronchitis, one should not refuse the therapy recommended by the doctor: it will not replace medications. The substance is used as aid in complex medical measures. treatment plan and correct dosage should also be determined by a specialist.

  • In the treatment of bronchitis in adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, fat is taken orally one teaspoon two to three times a day.
  • The drug in capsules: 12 pcs. per day during meals with equal intervals between doses. Or take 4-6 pcs. twice a day.

Treatment with badger fat of bronchitis and other diseases in children can be carried out only from the age of 3. Until this time, it is contraindicated for oral administration.

  • Children from 3 to 6 years old with bronchitis (obstructive, acute, etc.): you can drink a natural product only in case of urgent need and under medical supervision. No more than one teaspoon is allowed per day. Also, badger fat for bronchitis can be used for rubbing.
  • Older children (5-12 years old) are recommended to take 4-6 capsules twice a day with meals. The subsequent condition after admission must be monitored by a doctor.

In addition to drinking ready-made forms drug, can be prepared health drinks with badger fat and other ingredients. In addition to additional benefits, they will mask the specific taste of a natural product that many do not like. It can be consumed with honey, grated raspberries, black currants, chocolate - the ingredients are selected according to taste preferences.

Badger fat is a unique natural substance that, when correct application can heal and cure many diseases.

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