National dishes of Kabardino Balkaria recipes. Khichins are a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Libzhe - Kabardian stew

To do this, take half a kilogram of ghee, wheat flour to the density of the batch and syrup. To prepare the syrup, you need to heat half a glass of water with half a kilogram of sugar. Let's start cooking halva... In a cauldron (or in a non-enamelled bowl) melt the melted butter and bring to a boil. Pour wheat flour into boiling oil, gradually stirring it with a wooden spatula, fry it well for 15 minutes (fry the flour until it becomes crumbly). Then remove from heat and gradually add sugar syrup, continuing to stir until a uniform thick mass is formed. Again put on a very small fire and, kneading, fry for several minutes. We lay out the finished mass ...

Gidlibdzhe / Kabardian cuisine

chicken 1 pc.
bow 1
glass of water
flour 2 tbsp. spoons
sour cream 1 jar

Cooking method:
cut the chicken into pieces with salt (not much) and fry in a cauldron with butter, until golden brown so that it is slightly browned, but not fried, pour a glass of water and simmer until it boils and the chicken gives juice.
finely chop the onion and add to the chicken, simmer for 5-10 minutes
add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour without a slide so that the flour envelops the chicken, mix so that there are no lumps simmer for 5-10 minutes
Add sour cream and simmer until boiling (salt, pepper)

Lituklibzhe. Finely chopped meat in sour cream sauce.

In general, ease of preparation and a minimum of products needed for cooking dishes are a feature of the Adyghe cuisine, which is its plus. You can cook any Kabardian dish no matter how far you are from home

Cut lamb meat into small pieces.
Pour oil into a cauldron and throw chopped lamb into it.
After it fried a little, add water there ...
After a while, coarsely chopped onion.
Pour the flour, fry it until light yellow, but in no case overcook, otherwise the sauce will be bitter.
Add red ground pepper, salt to taste.
Dilute the resulting sauce with boiling water or broth, put sour cream, mix.

Cover with a lid and wait until fully cooked.
The dish is ready, you can safely try) Preferably with pasta.

National Kabardian dish

Peel the chicken, take apart the joints (do not chop), salt, pepper and fry - or rather stew in your own juice under the lid, remove the lid and fry in the resulting fat

Add a finely chopped onion and a couple of cloves of garlic there.

Add a couple of tablespoons of corn or wheat flour

Sprinkle paprika on top for color.
(I did not have red pepper, so such a pale color)
Saute all together, add a couple of tablespoons of methane.
Then add a little water so that all the pieces are "drowned", reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes
and then......
put a couple of pieces on a serving dish, pour more sauce

I’ll add from myself that it turned out very tasty, it’s a pity there was no red pepper ...
Author's words, photos mine
Alia's cookbook

Libzhe (Kabardian meat)

the same amount of onion and meat. Meat is preferable to take lamb or beef
paprika, hot red pepper (ground), sour cream, flour, salt

Cut the meat, put it in a frying pan or in a cauldron, sprinkle with red pepper, pour water so that it covers the meat. We turn on the big fire and wait until it evaporates.
In the meantime, cut the onion into cubes, and the carrots into strips.
When the water has boiled away, pour the rast into the meat. oil, paprika, onion and fry. Now it's the turn of the carrots. When it is fried, add 1 tbsp. l. flour and sour cream 2-3 tablespoons. Salt, cover and simmer until done.
I add water while simmering.
© Lubimica

Kabardian puff bread

Put "I LIKE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!", and the recipe will be saved on your page!

3-5 eggs (who has how many)
0.5 cups of sour cream and milk (only milk is possible)
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
you can add a little yeast to make the dough more tender
flour - how much will take
for lubrication-rast. or melted butter (whoever has anything, I even combine them)

Beat the eggs well (separate the whites and yolks, then combine. You can not separate, I sometimes don’t beat) pour into flour, milk and sour cream (warm up a little), salt, yeast and knead the dough well (should not be very cool ), let stand for 30 minutes (the dough should not rise). Next, divide the dough into 3-5 parts (I ...

Libdzhe / Kabardian cuisine

lamb (brisket) - 600 g
potatoes - 800 g
onion - 2 pcs.
tomatoes - 2 pcs.
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
crushed red hot pepper

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the lamb brisket, dry it with a paper towel, cut into pieces of 30-40 g.
2. Put the pan on the fire, heat some vegetable oil and fry the pieces of meat on it until a crust forms, then salt and pepper to taste.
3. Cut the onion into large cubes and fry in the remaining oil.
4. Pour the meat with broth or water, simmer until half cooked.
5. Cut the potatoes into slices. Cut the tomatoes in half and lightly fry.
6. Add fried onions, potatoes to the meat and simmer until tender. At the end of cooking, add the tomatoes.
7. When serving, put the lamb on a dish and sprinkle with chopped herbs.


In ancient times, the Circassians always used sour-milk drinks. One such drink is kefir. Its other name is airan - this name is widespread among the Turkic-speaking peoples, and in Kabardian such a drink is called shkhu!

A distinctive feature is that shhuu is not salted as it is done when preparing ayran. To cook shkhyu, you need to take milk (preferably homemade), warm it up a little. The milk should just be warm. Never bring to a boil. Dip a tablespoon of kefir from the store or liquid sour cream into a container with warm milk.

In ancient times, as now, the Circassians make homemade cheese and the liquid from under the cheese (whey) was used ...

Gedlibzhe (Kabardian chicken in sour cream)

Chicken - 1 piece
Onion - 1 pc.
Garlic - 4 z.
Sour cream to taste
Paprika, salt, ch. pepper
Flour - 2 tbsp

Peel the chicken, take apart the joints (do not chop), salt and pepper.

Stew in your own juice under the lid.

Remove the lid and fry in the resulting fat.

Add a finely chopped onion and a few cloves of garlic there.

Add a couple of tablespoons of flour.

Sprinkle paprika on top for color.

Pass all together.

Add as much sour cream as you like.

Then add a little water so that all the pieces are "drowned", reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes.

We spread a couple of pieces on a portioned dish, pour more sauce - "ships", or put a frying pan on the table (family option).

Enjoy your meal.

It is advisable to eat with your hands, licking your fingers and dipping pieces (paste) into the sauce.

Libzhe - Kabardian stew

Amazing meat...

Lamb (beef) cut into even pieces.

Cut the onion into medium pieces
(the same volume as meat)

Carrots (1 large) cut into large strips

Put the meat in the pan and pour
1 glass of water. Pepper with red pepper
salt. Simmer until the water evaporates.

As soon as the water boils away, add to the vegetable meat
oils and onions. We mix. Roast well.

Then add carrots, mix and fry.

Now add a spoonful of flour and a spoonful of sour cream.
Simmer under the lid (adding a little water
if necessary).
Our task is to achieve a thick and fragrant sauce.
© Aliya's Cookbook

Kabardian puff bread

I have loved this sweet bread since childhood. It can be eaten with anything. Can be cooked salty, add raisins, in general, rampant fantasy

Water (or milk - even better with milk) - 1 l
Vegetable oil (for stuffing)
Yeast - 1 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Egg - 2 pcs
Sugar (for dough) - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Raisins (optional)

First of all, let's knead the dough. Mix water, sugar, yeast, salt, eggs. Pour flour and knead the dough, as in the picture

Set aside the dough for an hour. Then we divide it into 3-4 parts. Roll out into thin layers. Now we coat one layer with oil, sprinkle with sugar, you can add raisins. (if you want salty - do not sprinkle with sugar). We put the second layer on top, do the same with it, then ...

Ts1yrt1 (Goose boiled with dumplings)

This dish was often prepared in small Kabarda, in the Terek. From there the name GUS PO-TERSKI came from. In big Kabarda "dzhedlybzhe" was considered the most important dish, and in small Kabarda "ts1yrt1".

goose 1 pc.
flour (highest grade) 1kg
chicken eggs 1 pc.
salt to taste
water 2 tbsp.
garlic 2 heads

Cooking process:

Boil the whole goose until cooked, cut into portions, salt. Remove fat from broth, set aside.

Knead a stiff dough from flour, water and eggs. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into diamonds, cut the diamonds into squares. Boil dumplings in broth. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a separate bowl.

Prepare the sauce. Add chopped garlic and salt to taste, mix well.
Serve goose with dumplings and sauce.

Ui gurykh f1yue! (Bon appetit in Kabardian) :)
Sent by Fatimat Zaurovna

Ashryk - corn soup (Kabardian cuisine)

Kabardians love to cook this dish, especially on holidays. They are treated to guests, as well as carried to neighbors.


White corn (1 liter jar),
beans - 1-1.5 cups (more beautiful if you take 2-3 types),
milk 2 liters,
cheese - 0.5 kg,
dried meat - 1 kg,
onion - 2 pcs,
spices (half a teaspoon of paprika and hot red pepper) - roots - a couple of sticks.

How to cook:

We wash and soak slightly crushed corn with hot water in the evening, it increases by 2-3 times, swells and in the morning we set to boil (for a long time - about an hour). Separately, we cook the beans (which were also soaked in the evening, but already with cold water). Separately, frying is prepared, for which the onion is sauteed with ...

Dzheshlibzhe (Kabardian bean sauce)\

In Kabardian cuisine, initially there were not very many vegetable dishes, but onions, garlic, and beans are used very often.

I want to bring to your attention Dzhashlibzhe - faso sauce-pate, an extremely popular everyday dish.
so. boil the beans
and pound her while she's still hot
this can also be done in blender. and meat grinder
Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the chopped onion and 1 garlic clove
add crushed beans, fry for a couple of minutes all together, add sour cream
finely chopped cheese
and bring everything together to a boil.
add gedgin (other names are thyme, oregano)
and simmer under a tightly closed lid. bring to readiness
served with hominy (paste), pickles and cheese

Enjoy your meal.

Adyghe garlic salt

Adyghe garlic salt (bzhynyfshchygyu) occupies a special place in the Adyghe national cuisine. It is difficult to overestimate its importance, since this unusual healthy salt is used in the preparation of many dishes, giving them a magical aroma and excellent taste.

She prepares very simply.

Product consumption
Garlic - 1000 g
Salt - 2000

Adyghe garlic salt recipe
Peeled garlic is placed in a mortar, salt is added and crushed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
The resulting garlic mass is transferred to a dry glass or enamel bowl, covered with a lid, and placed in a cool place. Garlic salt is added to soups, sauces, boiled and fried meat, boiled and...

Chicken in white sauce with thick millet porridge / Adyghe cuisine

Among Abadzins this dish is called “ktu dzyrdza”, among Kabardians it is called “djedlibzhe”. Such a ceremonial variant of both of them welcomes guests. And the thick porridge, which is eaten with chicken instead of bread, dipped in sauce, is also called differently: pasta, pasta, and basta ... And she is also the sister of the Abkhazian and Georgian hominy.

1 domestic chicken weighing approximately 2 kg
2 medium onions
2 garlic cloves
200 g flour
120 g melted butter
300-400 g homemade thick sour cream
1-2 tsp red hot pepper
1 tsp thyme (thyme) leaves, optional

For porridge:
2 cups millet or millet
2-3 tbsp. l. decoys
lubricating oil salt

6-8 servings
Preparation: 1-1.5 hours
Preparation: 20 min.

Broth with fried dumplings / Adyghe cuisine

In the gastronomic arsenal of almost every nation there is chicken broth. Soups are cooked on it, it is given to the sick during convalescence and, of course, put on a common table, seasoned, as they say, with what God sent. The Adyghe people have a favorite fried onion with red pepper, and dumplings are also added to this broth - especially tasty, because they are fried.

1 small chicken weighing 1.2-1.6 kg
1 bay leaf
1 tsp black peppercorns
fried onion for serving

For dumplings:
1 cup flour, plus more for dusting
1 large egg
deep frying oil

6 servings
Preparation: 1.5-2h
Preparation: 10 min.

Put the chicken in a large saucepan, cover with cold water so that the chicken...

Khantus - puree soup / Adyghe cuisine

This dish is similar to puree soup, but it only requires premium wheat flour and a little cream to make it. By consistency, it should resemble a thick jelly. Very useful for colds. In addition to croutons, this soup is often served with salty homemade suluguni-type cheese, it is cut into slices and placed directly on plates.

200 g wheat flour
200 ml cream with 20% fat
1.2 liters of good drinking water
salt, ground allspice
butter for serving

For croutons:
3 slices rustic white bread

6-8 servings
Preparation: 15 min
Preparation: 10 min.

1. For the croutons, cut off the crusts from the bread, brush the slices with soft butter on both sides and cut into small...

Guubat - puff pastry with cheese

Milk 1 cup
Sour cream 2 cups
Ghee 200 g
Vegetable oil 25 g
Sugar 2 tbsp. spoons,
for sweet 300 g
Eggs 5 pcs.
Yeast 25 g
Salt to taste

Wipe fresh Adyghe cheese, add 2-3 yolks, salt to taste, 100 g of butter, if the cheese is fat-free.
The filling for sweet guubat can be made from nuts. To do this, crush the nuts with sugar. Recipe Dilute the yeast with milk or water.
Put eggs, sour cream, vegetable oil, mix everything, pour into flour, salt, knead the dough well and let it come up.
Divide the finished dough into 7-9 pieces, roll them out thinly, grease each layer with melted butter and fold ...

Since ancient times, the main occupation of the highlanders-Kabardians was agriculture and cattle breeding, and this could not but affect the national cuisine: meat dishes - lamb, beef, poultry - occupied a special place in it. From vegetables, Kabardians traditionally use potatoes, beans, onions, and garlic. Dishes are prepared with a large number of different spices and seasonings - dried ground thyme, red and black pepper.
During the feast, the Kabardians never used forks: they cut the meat with a dagger, and took greens and vegetables with their hands. Another feature of the national table etiquette is also interesting: there are no specific hours of food, everyone sits down at the table when they are hungry.
Historically, Kabardians boiled a whole sheep in a large cauldron, cutting off the head, legs and removing the insides. Meat broth was seasoned with sour milk and eaten after meat.
An exquisite dish is liver sausage, prepared in honor of the arrival of especially dear guests or on the days of large family holidays. It was prepared like this: a well-beaten liver with spices is placed in the cleaned large intestines and boiled.
Kabardians and Balkars paid great attention to treating familiar and unfamiliar guests. The traveler could count on the most cordial welcome in the house of every highlander. Any person was obliged to provide the guest with a hearty table, a good fire. They treated the guest with delicious and varied food. They prepared for the guest: hedlibzhe, litsiklibzhe, lakumas, pies, etc. They were treated to booze, and in Balkaria - beer. But not everyone was treated equally. For example, female guests were treated without a national drink, but sweet tea was always served, which was not given when treating men. For random guests, national halva was not prepared, but it was obligatory when receiving guests whose arrival was known in advance. For fellow villagers, if they were not specially invited to the celebration, there was no obligatory guest slaughter, they were limited to chicken or fried meat.
A sheep was slaughtered for the guests. The head was considered the most honorable part, half of which was served to a man. Women were not allowed to eat the head.
Numerous traditions and customs developed over the centuries have been associated with food, its preparation, and serving.
Kabardians and Balkars have always been distinguished by moderation in food. It was considered completely unacceptable and indecent to say that you were hungry. Greed for food was considered a serious human vice. The custom required - to leave part of the food, although he himself did not eat. The custom also did not allow to be picky in food, to choose or ask for one dish, to refuse another. The food was prepared by the eldest woman of the family or one of the daughters-in-law. She divided it among family members.
Usually food was prepared with a certain margin, because guests could arrive unexpectedly. At the same time, even a well-fed person did not have the right, without violating custom, to refuse food. Being hospitable, the Kabardians and Balkars unfriendly perceived the guest's refusal to eat. It might offend them. On the other hand, they looked at the person who ate their bread and salt as their own, dear, close person and provided him with all kinds of help.
Let's try some blues of the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine, we will feel the hospitality of this people.

Lamb leg and head soup

Lamb legs, heads, and stomach - 2 kg, garlic - 10-15 cloves, salt - to taste.

Prepared, well-washed chopped lamb legs, stomach and head (whole) in pieces, put in a saucepan with cold water, close the lid and cook until the meat is well cooked (approximately 5 - 6 hours). Then strain the broth, pour into a clean saucepan and put on fire. Remove the bones from the boiled lamb legs and head, finely chop the stomach, put it all into a boiling broth and from the moment of boiling let it boil for another 10-15 minutes, then season with crushed garlic and salt.

Lamb soup with churek

Lamb 100 g, lamb kidneys - 50 g, heart - 50 g, lung - 30 g, tomato puree - 20 g, onion - 1 pc., churek - 200 g, spices - to taste, kidnza.

Lamb, kidneys, heart, lung are boiled, then finely chopped. Salt, spices, tomato puree are added to the welding broth. The churek is crushed, the onion is chopped. Meat, churek, onion are combined, poured with broth and brought to readiness. Serve hot with greens.


Chicken - 1pc., 200 g sour cream, 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 medium onion heads,
red pepper - to taste, salt - to taste, butter for frying (100-200 gr optional), garlic - 1 head (less possible)
For wheat pasta:
Millet - 1.5 cups, water - 5 cups, semolina - 1 tablespoon.

We start with cooking millet. We sort and wash the cereal well, fill it with water and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, until almost all the water has evaporated. The porridge should become viscous, thick. For greater viscosity, add semolina at the end of cooking. We spread the porridge on a baking sheet (or a flat dish) with a thickness of about 1.5-2 cm, level with a spatula and leave to cool. Salt is not put in porridge!
Cut the chicken into portions.
Cut the onion into half rings and fry in butter in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, add red pepper.
Pour the sifted flour and fry a little more (1 minute). Put the chicken pieces on top and immediately fill with cold water so as to cover the meat. When it boils, add salt to taste, mix gently with a spatula (so that the flour moves away from the bottom) and cook over low heat until the chicken is ready.
The sauce in which the chicken is boiled should turn out like liquid jelly. If not thick enough, then stir another spoonful of flour in a small amount of water and pour into the sauce. When the chicken is ready, add sour cream, stir, bring to a boil and turn off. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, add salt and pour boiled water to form a slurry.

Gedlibzhe - 2 (chicken in sour cream sauce)

Whole chicken (1200-1300g), red pepper, cilantro, basil, salt, tomato paste 1 tbsp. l., flour 3 tbsp. l., onion 3 pcs., sour cream 500 g, melted butter

Boil the chicken, a little water to cover the bird. We take it out, let it cool, cut it, leave the unsightly parts such as ribs and neck for ourselves, and divide the rest beautifully and professionally into small portioned pieces.
Finely chop the onion and fry in a deep frying pan in melted butter (add a little tomato paste). Add three tablespoons of flour to the fried onion. Gradually, stirring, add the broth obtained by boiling the chicken, but not all. Adding sour cream, salt, pepper, cilantro, basil to the finished gravy, put the chicken pieces in it and bring it to a boil, stirring slowly. Consistency - the dish should not be liquid! This time I turned out liquid, so I kept it on fire after boiling longer than usual, about 10 minutes. The most delicious part is the sauce itself, so do not regret and do more if the chicken turns out to be large.

Shaker churek

For 100 g of the product take:
premium flour - 53 g, melted butter - 26 g, powdered sugar - 30 g,
eggs - 4 g, vanilla essence - 0.3 g.

The flour is sifted, a funnel is made in the middle and ghee, powdered sugar, vanilla essence are put into it and thoroughly ground until a stiff dough is formed, from which egg-shaped balls weighing 55 g each are then formed. A baking sheet or a pastry sheet is greased with oil and a shaker churek is placed on it, the top is smeared with egg yolk and baked in the oven.

Smoked Kabardian cheese
The cheese has the shape of a cylinder weighing 2-2.5 kg, has a high fat content - at least 50% in dry matter. The cheese is smoked with the smoke of slowly smoldering sawdust from wood, preferably hardwood, while it acquires a pleasant aftertaste and aroma of smoked meats, and the rind becomes light brown and more durable.
In the sale of cheese let out aged for at least one month. Roquefort cheese is also prepared from sheep's milk, which has a sharper taste and smell compared to that made from cow's milk. The composition of sheep's milk and its properties differ from cow's, which affects the taste and smell of cheeses. Serving sheep cheeses is similar to serving cheeses made from cow's milk.

Salted sour milk with garlic
Add crushed garlic, salt, red pepper to sour milk, close the lid and keep until sour milk is saturated with the smell of spices.

For 1 kg:
sour milk - 1000 g, garlic - 30 g, salt - 10 g, red pepper - 8 g.

Koebzig - fried cheese slices
Spread thin slices of fresh cheese into butter or ghee warmed in a pan and fry, turning over, then pour over beaten egg and turn over again, fry until golden brown, arrange on plates and pour over sour milk mixed with sour cream.

Dzhenchitur - boiled beans with sour milk

1 cup beans, 2 cups sour milk, garlic salt to taste.

Boil the beans until tender, drain in a colander to drain the water. Then put in sour milk, pour over the frying and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Meat with quince in Kabardian style

Quince 400 g, onion 1 piece, butter 2 tablespoons, meat 400 g.

Wash the meat (loin, rump, rump), cut into small pieces (at the rate of 3-4 pieces per serving), put in a low saucepan and fry in hot oil. After that, pour the fried meat with water so that it covers the meat, and simmer for about an hour.
Cut the quince into slices, peel and core, put in a saucepan with meat, add fried onions, salt, pepper and continue stewing until the meat is fully cooked. When serving, transfer meat with quince to a warmed dish and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

Juice from apples and pears in Kabardian style
To prepare it, sort out dried fruits, wash them, put them in a saucepan or a 10-liter barrel in which juice is prepared, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for two days.
Strain the juice, add sugar, put in a warm place and let it ferment for several days. After the fermentation stops, the drink is ready, it acquires the taste of strong kvass.
Use cold during the hot season.

Bakhsyme - buza (drink)
Fry millet or corn over low heat until golden brown and grind in a hand mill. Pour the finished flour into boiling water and, stirring often, cook until thick. Pour this mass into a large bowl and let it cool to a warm state. Then put the mashed malt and mix with quick movements. After that, pour into a barrel, where the mass should ferment. Pour cooled boiled water into the barrel and, stirring well, cork.
After the first fermentation, strain through a thick sieve, the second time through cheesecloth. Pour the purified liquid into a clean barrel and add honey or sugar to taste. Clog the barrel again until the drink is ready - until the appearance of intoxication.

Buza Kabardian (Makhsyme)

For 100 liters:
millet or corn - 10000 g, barley - 3000 g, sugar - 2000 g.

Grind millet or corn. From millet or corn flour, knead the dough in boiled warm water. Form cakes and bake them. Soak the finished cakes in boiled water, mix with ground sprouted barley, close the dishes, let stand until fermentation, until the foam settles, then strain, add sugar and let stand for 3-4 days. The longer the buza is kept, the better it becomes.
Bouza barley should be soaked in warm water for 3-4 hours, removed and laid out in a warm place for germination, then dried and ground.

Section: Cuisines of the peoples of the former USSR
Based on materials collected by I. Feldman and others.
36th page of the section

Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine
Recipes for Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine
For each national cuisine, a single numbering of recipes is used.
Recipes are made mainly for one serving.
Product weights are in grams.

Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine

Since ancient times, the main occupation of the Kabardians and Balkars has been cattle breeding and agriculture. This affected the features of the dishes, among which dishes from lamb, beef, and poultry occupied a significant place. Flour, dairy, cereal dishes are equally popular. At the same time, vegetables are used here to a limited extent (mainly onions, garlic, potatoes, beans).

The meat is prepared in its natural form. The dishes are richly seasoned with garlic and spices. An integral part of boiled meat and poultry dishes is brine (garlic sauce). An important role is played by sauces, mostly sour cream. After meat dishes, as a rule, broth is served.

A characteristic feature of the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine is the absence of side dishes. They are replaced by pasta - thick millet porridge, which is cut into slices with a thread or a wooden knife. Pasta partly replaces bread.

Of the flour products, it is necessary to note the Balkarian khychins (flat cakes with cheese, potatoes, meat), Kabardian lakums (dumplings), tkhuryzh (brushwood).

There are few first courses in the national cuisine: shurpa, lyape with lapstepha, gogushlyaps are popular.

Since ancient times, the population of the republic loves to drink tea. It is usually served both during and after meals. Tea is an indispensable drink in combination with lacuma, cheese, which is usually eaten at breakfast. Ayran (sour milk) drink is also held in high esteem.

National sweets are very popular - zakeris, Kabardian halva, Balkarian bose, low-alcohol drink makhsima. They are prepared mainly for holidays and celebrations.

Recipes for Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine

1. Lyape with a blunder

Prepare a concentrated bone broth. Steep unleavened dough is kneaded from flour and eggs, cut into small balls, fried in butter. When serving, they put lapstephu (balls) in the broth or serve them separately.

Meat bones 40, onion 20, carrot 10, butter 10, wheat flour 20, egg 1/2 pc., spices, black or red pepper, salt.

2. Shurpa with meat

Prepare a meat-and-bone concentrated broth with onions. When serving, put boiled meat. Seasoned with black pepper. Separately, brine (garlic sauce) is served on ayran. Brine is prepared as follows: crushed garlic is diluted with ayran and mixed.

Broth 500, beef or lamb 200, pepper, garlic 20, ayran 80, salt.

3. Kabardian boiled turkey

The prepared turkey carcass is boiled, then disassembled into joints. Seasoned with garlic crushed with salt.

Spike (sauce) is served separately. It is prepared as follows: onions are sautéed in butter, wheat flour fried to a golden color is added, and the broth in which the turkey was boiled is diluted. Season with salt, red pepper, mix.

Turkey (half gutted) 180, garlic 5; for the ship: pepper 5, butter 5, onion 15, wheat flour 15, broth 100, salt.

4. Litsuklibzha (meat in sauce)

Lamb or beef is cut into small pieces, fried until half cooked. Add chopped onion and continue to fry until golden brown. Pour in the sifted wheat flour and fry until creamy. Season with red pepper, dilute with broth, put sour cream, mix and stew over low heat until tender. Served with steep wheat porridge.

Lamb or beef 200, butter 15, wheat flour 30, sour cream 10, onion 20, pepper, broth.

5. Roast

Prepared fatty lamb is cut into pieces of 20–25 g each. Placed in a dry hot frying pan, poured with water, salted and stewed. When the water evaporates, put the oil, chopped onion, pepper. Roast until golden brown. Add potatoes and simmer until done. Served hot.

Lamb 150, potatoes 190, onion 20, butter 20, water 100, spices, salt.

6. Zhal-baur

Lamb fat with a film of internal fat is cut into thin sticks of 30–40 g each, lamb liver previously scalded with boiling water is placed on them, sprinkled with brine (garlic sauce). It is rolled up in a film from internal fat, strung on a skewer and fried on coals (like a barbecue), periodically turning over and sprinkling with brine.

Lamb fat 150, lamb liver 100, brine 200; for brine: garlic 20, ayran 80, broth 85, garlic 15, pepper, salt.

7. Sokhta (homemade sausage)

Prepared lamb fat and liver are chopped. Add finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, cornmeal, while pouring in water. Mix well. Lamb intestines are filled with this stuffing and the ends are tied. Cooked in salted water. Served hot with brine.

Lamb fat 70, lamb intestines, lamb liver 110, onion 35, corn flour 20, spices, salt.

8. Gedlibzhe (chicken in sour cream sauce)

The prepared chicken carcass is cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and stewed in a small amount of water until tender. Sauce is prepared on the broth: finely chopped onions are sautéed in butter, wheat flour, red pepper are added and fried until creamy; cool to 60–70 °, pour in part of the broth and knead until smooth. Add the rest of the broth, sour cream and salt. Cook over low heat until droplets of fat appear on the surface of the sauce. At the end of the heat treatment, salt and crushed garlic are added. When serving, the dish is poured with sauce. Separately, they serve pasta - cool millet porridge.

Chicken (half gutted) 210, sour cream 100, wheat flour 10, onion 25, butter 15, broth 40, pepper, garlic, pasta 150, salt.

9. Offal salty

The prepared liver or tongue is boiled, then put into salty whey, after putting garlic cloves and black pepper into it. Withstand 8-10 days in the cold. Finished offal is cut into thin slices. Serve cold.

Beef or mutton tongue 170; or beef or lamb liver 170, milk whey 150, garlic 2, pepper, salt.

10. Jamuko

An egg, chopped cheese are added to sour cream and boiled until thickened, gradually adding sifted cornmeal or semolina. Cook until done. Served with sour milk.

Cheese 60, 1/2 egg, sour cream 225, corn flour 60 or semolina 40.

11. Et-khichin

Unleavened dough is prepared from wheat flour, ayran with the addition of baking soda and salt. Roll out cakes. Beef or lamb, onions are passed through a meat grinder with a large grate. Salt, pepper, water are added to the mass, beat well. Minced meat is placed in the middle of each cake, the products are given a flattened shape, leaving a hole in each. Baked in an oven. Finished products are smeared with sour cream. Served hot.

Flour 600, ayran 400, salt 5, baking soda 2; for minced meat: beef or lamb 820, onion 100, sour cream 20, pepper 2.5, salt.

12. Khychin with cheese and potatoes

Pickled cheese is pre-soaked in cold water, Dutch cheese is cleaned, peeled potatoes are boiled and dried. Everything is passed through a meat grinder, mixed. The mass must be homogeneous. The dough is kneaded from wheat flour and water. Divide into pieces of 70 g, making a recess in each and filling it with minced meat. Roll into balls, then roll them into cakes. Fried without oil, in a dry frying pan. Ready khychins are lubricated with oil. Served hot.

Flour 600, water 400; for minced meat: Dutch cheese 300, potatoes 300, butter 10, salt.

13. Koi-dalyan (round pies with cottage cheese)

Unleavened dough is kneaded, divided into pieces of 140 g each. A recess is made in each, which is filled with minced meat. Give products a round shape. Roll out into cakes. Fry in a dry hot pan with a heavy lid. When serving, the product is smeared with sour cream. Served hot.

Flour 100, water 40, salt 0.3; for minced meat: cottage cheese 100, onions 15, dry ground thyme 0.1, sour cream 20.

14. Chertlema

Salt, baking soda are added to ayran, stirred. Pour the sifted wheat flour and knead the dough, as for pancakes. They fry in oil. Served hot with sour cream.

Wheat flour 70, ayran 100, melted butter 15, sour cream 30, baking soda, salt.

15. Zakeris

Wheat flour, eggs, granulated sugar With adding baking soda knead a stiff dough. They are divided into flagella, which, in turn, are cut into small pieces. They are deep fried. Honey is added to the sugar burnt to a golden color, mixed with fried foods. Spread on the table, level and cool. Cut into pieces of any shape. Drizzle with syrup.

Flour 500, egg 6 pcs., sugar 150, baking soda, frying oil 3; for syrup: sugar 400, honey 200.

16. Airan

Sour milk is poured into boiled milk cooled to 40 ° and placed in a warm place for fermentation. Shake and leave at room temperature. Then put in a cool place for a day. Serve cold.

Whole milk 1000, sour milk 20.

17. Tea

Slab tea is placed in cold water and boiled. They let it stand. Filter. Mixed with pre-boiled cream or milk. Bring to a boil. When serving, season with oil and black pepper.

Tea 5, cream or whole milk 100, water 100, butter 10, pepper to taste.

The North Caucasus is a multinational region. Small nationalities, however, without fail have their own dialects, national costumes, songs, rituals and, of course, culinary dishes. So, the Ossetians have all kinds of pies, the Chechens have meat with dumplings - zhizhig-galnash, in Dagestan they eat khinkal, the Lezgins amazingly get tskan from cabbage, and the calling card of Kabardians is hedlibzhe.

You can continue indefinitely, because the region is home to about a hundred different ethnic groups. Of course, a long joint stay in the mountains left its mark, even mixed marriages appeared, which means that the traditions of different peoples were united in one family. Yet the basic national "principles" are carefully guarded and passed on to the youth. As well as recipes for "crown" dishes, one of which you will learn how to cook today.

The main component of this dish is chicken. By the way, a very popular product among this people, which is grown in every yard. Affordable and dietary meat, if cooked correctly, is also surprisingly tender and tasty. Just for this you have to try.

The sauce is the component on which the taste characteristics of Kabardian hedlibzhe depend. To get the perfect option, cook:

  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 ml of good cream;
  • 0.5 cups of broth;
  • 1 tbsp paprika;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cream can be replaced with sour cream, broth with plain water, and cornmeal with wheat. And this will also be a gedlibzhe recipe, but not quite in Kabardian.

As for meat, you can take thighs, and a drumstick, and a whole carcass, which will have to be divided into portions before cooking.

Each housewife has her own nuances of the process of turning chicken into an ideal dish. But there are 2 main methods: in the first case, the sauce is not prepared separately, and in the second, vice versa. Let's consider both options.

How to cook gedlibje

Cut and washed pieces of chicken meat are dipped in a hot pan with vegetable oil and fried on all sides for 7 minutes. The semi-finished product is salted and peppered beforehand. Next, the container is closed with a lid, the fire is set to a minimum, and the meat is stewed in its own juice for about 25 minutes.

At this time, you can have time to peel and cut the onion into half rings and garlic into large cloves. In general, the Kabardian dish hedlibzhe is prepared quickly and does not require any special manipulations. The main thing in the recipe is to keep the proportions and not to break the time interval.

After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to remove the lid from the pan and let all the moisture evaporate - only chicken and fat remain in the container. Now add the cooked onions and garlic, fry for another 5 minutes. Add paprika and spices - this is already the taste of the hostess. After that, put the cream, pour everything with warm broth, add flour in a thin stream, mix everything.

When the chicken is stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, you yourself will feel that the dish is already asking for the table, and the stomach produces juice with such force that it is no longer possible to wait. However, there is no need either - the dish is ready!

One more Kabardian geedlibzhe

The ingredients in this recipe are exactly the same. The only difference is in the process itself - you will prepare the sauce separately.

So, in one pan we put the washed, dried, greased with salt and pepper pieces of chicken meat, and we need the other for the sauce. While the chicken is simmering, fry the onion rings. Then we add finely chopped garlic there, put cream, paprika, broth, add flour, take out our most “delicious meat spices” from the cherished jars and simmer all this over low heat for 7-10 minutes. When ready, check the "state" of the bow. Some housewives crush it and turn it into gruel, then the sauce is completely homogeneous.

When the meat is almost ready, add our sauce to the container and leave to simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Bon appetit to you and your family.

How to serve the dish

Here is such an easy recipe. Now you know how to cook gedlibzhe, but that's not all. It is much more difficult for a novice hostess, and even if she got into the house of her husband from “another people”, to properly serve food. There are also 2 options here.

  1. If you are going to dine in a close family circle, then they put the hedlibzhe on the dining table right in the pan. Perhaps this is not very aesthetically pleasing, but thereby the hostess demonstrates that for her all family members are equally loved, and they, including children, have the opportunity to eat exactly the piece of meat they like.
  2. When there are many guests in the house, the chicken pieces are immediately laid out on plates, poured with plenty of sauce and brought to the table.

Keep in mind that this dish is eaten with your hands, and slices of bread are dipped in the sauce. No forks and knives - that's fine.

About the nuances

And in conclusion, a few words about tastes and preferences. An amazing regularity is noted by housewives of various nationalities: in the same family, children raised by the same parents, permanently living together, from childhood have different favorite and least favorite dishes.

Some are happy to gobble up any salads, others sit over a plate and carefully “sort” onion rings in the soup, and still others will not touch the dish at all if they put ordinary dill there. But after all, all the children are loved by the mother, and therefore she tries to please everyone. That is why it “modernizes”, conjures over a classic dish, often violating proportions. What would you do for your beloved child?

Yes, some housewives

  1. Generally do not put garlic in the dish.
  2. Others make the sauce thicker and richer, sparing no fat sour cream for this.
  3. Still others, as already mentioned, carefully grind the onion so that it becomes “invisible”.

What else is good about this meat? It is necessary to exclude roasting from the cooking process, remove hot seasonings, and the dish will become completely dietary. Can you imagine how relevant this is in a family where there is a child with a sick stomach? He can't eat anything fried, pickled or fatty, and then my mother figured out how to cook gedlibzhe so that all family members could feast on it. So try it yourself, and teach your loved ones and friends what you can eat:

  • at the festive table;
  • in a narrow family circle;
  • people who are on a diet.

Delicious, appetizing, fragrant, tender, garnished with chopped cilantro or sprigs of fresh parsley, this dish has long ceased to be exclusively Kabardian. It is cooked in Russian restaurants and far beyond the continent. And all because delicious food knows no borders, no nationalities. This is us about hedlibzhe.

And only proud Kabardians always emphasize that the birthplace of this dish is their small, but so beloved and dear Kabardino-Balkaria. They hospitably treat everyone who wants to taste the national food. And when traveling outside the borders of their country, on occasion, they are sure to cook gedlibzhe, since it has long been the hallmark of this original people from the North Caucasus.

The central place on the tables of the natives of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria is occupied by dishes from lamb, beef, and poultry. Among vegetables, representatives of this nationality prefer beans, potatoes, as well as onions and garlic, which are generously seasoned with most dishes. In general, Kabardians prepare all culinary masterpieces using various seasonings and spices, which gives them a traditional spicy taste.
The nationality has always paid and continues to pay great attention to guests, a table with an abundance of various food for which was served at any time. Another feature of their feast is that you can eat at any time, there are no specific hours for eating. Food was always prepared with a margin so that you could quickly receive unexpected guests and feed them, and it was considered the height of indecency to refuse treats, even if a person was full. As well as talking about the feeling of hunger or choosing dishes - this is also not accepted among Kabardians.


On the occasion of big holidays, the highlanders always carried out a "guest slaughter" - they slaughtered a ram. According to a historically established tradition, a ram is boiled whole in a cauldron, the most significant part is its head, it is given to the most honored guest, usually a man. The meat broth where the animal was cooked is consumed after meals, mixed with sour milk. One of the most exquisite treats of the Balkars is liver sausage, prepared in honor of special celebrations.


Snacks on the Kabardian table are given very little space: preference is often given to the first and second courses. In the cuisine of any nationality, there is a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. The Kabardian preparation of such a simple treat is different in that not only onions, but also garlic are necessarily added there. Another popular salad among the highlanders is made from radishes and eggs. These ingredients are mixed with sour cream and served on the table at almost any holiday or everyday lunch.
A cold offal appetizer that can decorate any holiday table is in demand among Caucasians. It is prepared from lamb or beef tongue, liver. Prepared by-products are boiled, then poured with salted whey, then seasoned with garlic, herbs and seasonings, infused for ten days. In general, this is a very tasty and colorful snack.
A distinctive feature of Kabardian cuisine is the many recipes for making homemade sausage, the name of which in the local language sounds like sokhta. The ancient recipe for its preparation is more than one century old. The main ingredients of the sausage are lamb fat and liver, passed through a meat grinder, mixed with seasonings, onions, garlic and cornmeal. The resulting minced meat is stuffed with ram's intestines. This sausage has a sharp spicy taste, it is customary to serve it with brine and fresh bread.


The list of first courses in the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine is represented by a variety of soups, broths and stews. A visiting card among soups of any The Caucasian people is Shurpa, some call him Shorpa. Chowder is very nutritious, increases vitality and is great for those who have lost strength due to illness. Lamb for shurpa is boiled in a large piece, potatoes are also cut into large slices. The onion in the shurpa is completely put entirely. The meat from this soup is traditionally broken by hands - this feature among the Kabardians dates back to ancient times, when a knife was not used when cutting food, only hands were used.
Another concentrated soup, considered a food for raising strength, is a stew with dumplings - laps. The broth for her is boiled from beef, and dumplings are made from cornmeal - they are fried in oil and boiled in broth. Traditionally, the broth and dough balls are served separately, although many are mixed immediately after serving. For such a soup, sour-milk Caucasian sauce is perfect. The leading place among Kabardian sauces belongs to the most famous of them - brine. A mixture of crushed garlic with salt and spices is poured with ayran, sour milk or sour cream. This composition is ideal for both first and second courses.
Among vegetable soups, the most popular in Kabardino-Balkaria is the one made from beans and potatoes. The beans for the dish are left to stand in water all night so that it cooks faster. Other ingredients are onion, garlic, herbs and tomato puree. Bean soup is also often consumed with brine.


The most popular meat dishes of Kabardians are lyagur and hedlibzhe, they take first place at any feast, whether it's a wedding, commemoration or just a birthday.
Lyagur is dried meat, which Caucasian peoples usually prepare for the winter, stewed with potatoes. In general, meat preparations of Kabardians are known both in Russia and abroad, for example, basturma. They are consumed independently and used in the preparation of various dishes. Usually, when cooking lagur, meat with potatoes, after being stewed, is fried in oil over high heat, which gives the dish an indescribable national flavor.
Gedlibzhe is chicken stewed in sour cream sauce. The bird is stewed with onion, wheat flour and red pepper, after which sour cream sauce is added. Pasta is traditionally served with such a dish as a side dish - this is a steeply boiled wheat porridge, which has such a dense texture that it is cut with a knife. Another distinctive feature of Kabardian cuisine is that it is served not with potatoes and pasta, but with pasta. It serves as both a side dish and bread at the same time. Pasta is an integral part of the Kabardian cuisine, both on the festive and on the everyday table.
A favorite dish of the Kabardians is shish kebab, it is also distinguished by a variety of recipes. The national shish kebab called zhal-baur is made from mutton fat and liver. The ingredients are wrapped in a film from internal fat, smeared with brine, strung on a skewer and fried on coals. An interesting way to cook barbecue is a very old recipe. Visiting guests are often treated to this kebab so that they can feel all the piquancy and unusual tastes of Kabardian cuisine.
Among the birds of the Kabardians, the turkey is also revered. Boiled and sorted, it is usually served with spicy sauce, prepared from wheat flour, turkey broth, and red pepper. Kabardians also cook fried poultry. The peculiarity of frying chicken or goose is that it must first be boiled, and only then fried. The fried carcass is seasoned with tomato puree and onions.
Highlanders love the recipe for cooking meat using quince. This fruit is added to half-stewed meat, after which it is stewed until cooked. Such a dish has a unique taste and aroma, usually it is generously flavored with herbs before serving.


Kabardian pastry is distinguished by various options for making bread and flat cakes, it is characterized by simplicity and infinity of taste. The most popular flatbreads are called khychin and et-khychin. The first is baked from wheat flour, and the minced meat for the filling is salted cheese mixed with boiled mashed potatoes. The second is characterized by the preparation of dough not on water, but on the basis of ayran, which gives this unleavened pie a unique taste. Often, et-khychin is prepared using minced meat as a filling.
National pancakes called chertlama are also prepared on the basis of ayran. Other ingredients of such baking are soda, wheat flour, salt and sugar. Usually such pancakes are served with sour cream, while some housewives prefer honey and jam.
Cheesecakes with cottage cheese are called koy-dalyan among Kabardians - this is another popular dish on the list of Caucasian pastries. It is served both on holidays and during everyday feasts. A feature of cheesecakes is that chopped onion and ground thyme are traditionally added to cottage cheese. Serving is carried out using sour cream or ayran.


Traditional sweets of the Caucasus, such as baklava, pastila and halva, are known to many, they have long become a favorite delicacy. Kabardian halva is made from melted butter and wheat flour. The taste of the resulting delicacy depends on how high-quality the flour is chosen and how carefully all the components are mixed. An interesting fact is that the national halva was never treated to random guests, but it was always served at a predetermined reception.
In no other cuisine of the world, with the exception of the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine, can you find such an interesting national dessert as zhamuko. Grated cheese or cottage cheese is added to the heated sour cream, the resulting mass is boiled, after which semolina is poured. It turns out a very unusual delicacy served with cold milk.
The recipe for another Caucasian sweet, zakeris, has been around for over a hundred years. It is a dough flagella, fried in oil and poured with honey and melted sugar. This dessert is delicious and melts in your mouth. Usually it is washed down with hot unsweetened tea.


Among the drinks, one can single out the Kabardian buza, which has an interesting recipe for preparation. Flat cakes are kneaded from wheat or corn flour, which after baking are mixed with sprouted barley. After fermentation, sugar is added and the drink is aged for about five days to obtain a rich taste.
Perhaps the most popular national drink of the Kabardians is ayran. It is made from homemade and sour milk. The drink is a great addition to absolutely any dish; yoghurts, sauces and seasonings are made on its basis.

Kabardino-Balkarians, famous for their hospitality, will always treat any visitor with the best delicacies. National shish kebab, brine, pasta and other traditional dishes are better to taste yourself in order to understand all the delights of the cuisine of Kabardino-Balkaria!

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