The benefits and harms of sauerkraut brine. Cucumber pickle - what can be cooked, description with photo, calorie content; the benefits and harms of the product

Cucumber pickle is the most popular morning hangover drink. But it is not only used for this purpose! The product itself is a sour-salty liquid in which pickles are pickled. The brine is used in folk medicine, as well as in cooking.

Even in the old days, our ancestors were aware of the positive properties of cucumber pickle, so they never poured it out. The product that remained after the cucumbers that stood in it all winter was considered the most useful. Such a brine usually contained much more trace elements and vitamins, which passed into the liquid from the cucumbers. At the same time, cucumber brine should not be too salty, since salt negatively affects the beneficial substances that make up the drink.

Sometimes it happens that pickles are eaten quickly, but the brine remains. So that it does not disappear and does not become moldy, it is necessary to drain it into a glass bottle, which must be closed with a mustard stopper. They make it from water, flour and mustard, carefully plug the neck of the container and leave the cucumber pickle in the refrigerator for the required amount of time. Still, it is not advisable to store the product in the refrigerator for too long in this way, since its beneficial properties will dry out over time.

There is another way to save the brine. To do this, it is poured into molds for ice and sent to the freezer. Then the required amount of the product is taken, thawed and used for its intended purpose. Thus, cucumber pickle can be stored for several months.

As already mentioned, this product is a very healthy drink, which, in turn, has contraindications. You will learn more about this in our article.

Benefit and harm

Benefit and harm can be caused by any product that is consumed by a person. Cucumber pickle is no exception. If you drink it correctly, it will only bring benefits. But for this you need to take into account contraindications. The product can cause harm in such cases:

  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with hepatitis;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • with hypertension;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • with cholecystitis.

It is also not recommended to drink cucumber pickle for people who are prone to joint pain due to salt deposits. Diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis and ulcers, are also a reason to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed.

As for the benefits, this drink is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, cucumber pickle is used both in cooking and in cosmetology and traditional medicine. The product contains a large amount of iodine compounds, which have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and thyroid gland. Also, this product is often used for various intoxications and poisonings. Cucumber pickle is able to tone the body, as well as stimulate appetite, which is why it is not recommended to use it for people who are on a diet.

With frequent cramps and spasms of the arms or legs, it is also recommended to drink this drink, as it helps to effectively deal with this problem. In addition, with bruises of soft tissues or joints, you can apply a compress from cucumber pickle. It will help relieve inflammation and soothe pain.

In cosmetology, the product is used in various ways. Here are the main ones:

  • Cucumber pickle is frozen in ice molds, and then massaged with cold cubes on the skin of the face before going to bed. It helps to clear it of blackheads, whiten and tone.
  • In order to keep the skin on the arms and legs in good shape and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, many girls and women use baths with the addition of brine. Also, such procedures will help get rid of corns and corns.
  • Cucumber pickle is an effective remedy for burns. They need to treat the affected area immediately after the skin has been burned.

Do not forget to follow the contraindications, and then this drink will only benefit you. It can be used by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women and the elderly. The amount of brine used in this case must be regulated.

"What to cook from cucumber pickle?" - this is the most popular question that most hostesses ask when pickles run out, and only fragrant liquid remains. But it should not be poured out immediately, because cucumber pickle is a suitable ingredient for preparing many dishes. It is very often used for baking, for example, cookies, gingerbread, pancakes, cakes, pancakes, donuts, buns and other dough products. Sometimes bread is baked with the addition of this product.

It should be noted the use of cucumber pickle in the preparation of soup, okroshka and other first courses. Pickle is especially popular among them.

This drink is also used as an ingredient for preparing marinade for meat. Pork and chicken are often marinated in cucumber brine, resulting in a very tasty barbecue. It is also used to marinate fish. Herring marinated in brine is very tasty and fragrant.

At home, you can cook delicious and fragrant mustard using cucumber pickle. You can independently find recipes for its preparation and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

There are a large number of different dishes that can be prepared with cucumber pickle, such as all kinds of salads in which the ingredient can be used as a dressing, meat, pastries and soups, and much more. Consider the fact that proportions play an important role, because if you add too much of this ingredient, you can spoil the dish. Also, do not forget to adhere to contraindications and recommendations for the use of cucumber pickle at home.

Cucumber pickle. Calorie content. Benefit and harm. - VashVkus

After eating juicy crunchy pickles, brine remains. Often this valuable product is not used, but in vain. Indeed, in the process of canning (fermentation), nutrients pass from cucumbers into brine, lactic acid accumulates. In winter and spring, when the body needs vitamins, the brine will come in handy. It is recommended to use a not very salty drink formed by a canning method without the use of vinegar. Cucumber pickle has been used since ancient times. It was served with a meal at dinner, seasoned with herbs. the drink stimulates the appetite, increases the tone of the body. Options for using a healthy drink in cooking: - for a substitute for vinegar in first courses and salads; - for the preparation of pickle and okroshka; - for baking flour products: bread, cookies, cakes. For long-term storage, it is enough to freeze the pickle from under the cucumbers. It is convenient to use a plastic container for this. Everyone knows that cucumber pickle relieves hangovers. Do you know why? Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration, the removal of such beneficial components as magnesium and potassium, as well as a violation of the acid-base balance of the body. Salty cucumber drink contributes to their normalization. In addition, it activates the production of the C2H5OH enzyme in the liver, which promotes the elimination of alcohol. No wonder they say: "Cucumber pickle - a sip of a new day." There are several options for preparing the “Brush” drink used for a hangover. The constant component in it is cucumber pickle.

The benefits of pickles, in particular pickle, are undeniable. For example, iodine compounds. They are easily absorbed by the body, increase the tone of the body, have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Cucumbers contain phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, beta-carotene, vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, E, these beneficial substances pass into the brine. The use of the drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, on the prevention of cancer. It is effective in dysbacteriosis and in the fight against infections that have entered the body.

Cucumber pickle

Cucumber pickle remains after pickling cucumbers, and this liquid is very beneficial for health. Cucumber pickle becomes a component of hot dishes and snacks, and in the old days it was always served as a sauce for meat and vegetables.

Interesting to know! Cucumber pickle is the best hangover cure. The drink restores the balance of salts-electrolytes, retaining water in the body. Therefore, during a hangover in the morning they drink a glass of brine, and then water.

Composition of cucumber brine

The composition of cucumber brine contains a large number of useful substances:

  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B9, K, C, PP.
  • Micro and macro elements: potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, selenium, sodium.

Important! Any brine receives some of the beneficial properties from vegetables and fruits that were marinated in it.

The benefits of brine are due to its composition and properties to cleanse the body:

  1. Intoxication, which includes poisoning, including alcohol. Brine helps prevent dehydration by restoring water balance and sodium levels.
  2. During PMS and menstruation, the brine relieves pain by stopping cramps.
  3. Helps to cope with heartburn, but brine should be washed down with food during a meal.
  4. During detox diets, they also drink brine, adding a few ice cubes to it. The drink has an acidic environment that speeds up metabolism and helps to lose weight faster along with lemon and cranberry juice.

Interesting to know! After intense training, professional athletes drink up to 200 ml of coconut water or cucumber pickle. In 2010, a study was conducted proving that brine stops muscle cramps caused by training.

Harm of cucumber pickle

Cucumber pickle is a drink with high acidity, which speeds up the process of cleansing the body. Therefore, the brine is prohibited for urolithiasis, kidney stones, cholecystitis, gastritis, accompanied by heartburn, peptic ulcer. It is also not recommended for atherosclerosis, hepatitis and cardiovascular diseases.

Important! A healthy person can drink 150-200 ml of brine per day, otherwise swelling, headache or stomach pain are observed.

Cucumber pickle in cooking

The brine has a spicy, salty taste, due to which it has long been used in Slavic cuisine. Brine is often used as a substitute for vinegar, and is added to vegetable drinks.

Also, cucumber pickle has found application in such dishes:

  • Brine is added during cooking vegetables directly to the water, which can replace salt.
  • As vinegar, brine is added to borscht, pickle, okroshka.
  • Meat, poultry and vegetables are pickled in cucumber brine, which gives the products softness and a slight salty aftertaste.
  • If you add brine to the dough, then it does not get stale for a long time, it turns out to be lush and layered. You can add brine to the dough for cookies, dumplings, bread, flat cakes.

Advice! The brine in the refrigerator is not stored for too long, so it is often frozen in the freezer, where it does not lose its beneficial properties. To do this, you need to pour the brine into molds, freeze, and then simply add to the dishes.

Energy value of the product (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 0g. (∼ 0 kcal)

Fats: 0g (∼ 0 kcal)

Carbs: 0.3g (~ 1.2 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 0% | 0% | ten%

In 1 teaspoon 5 g.

In 1 st. spoon 18 g.

In 1 glass 250 g.

That's why you'll never throw away a jar of pickle again... A powerful folk remedy!

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When the cucumber jar is empty, many people simply pour out the remaining brine, and the jar is washed and put away from the kitchen so that it does not take up much space. It would seem, why store a liquid that has already fully completed its main task, all the more it looks and smells not very attractive, and the refrigerator is not rubber ...

It turns out that cucumber pickle is a miraculous elixir. It can cure many diseases and solve some of your problems.

Useful properties of cucumber pickle

As you can see, brine is an indispensable drink that you should definitely have on hand. Share this helpful article with your friends!

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How much does cucumber pickle cost (average price per 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Who doesn’t love a crispy pickled cucumber… Agree, it’s not only an excellent table decoration, a delicacy, a delicacy, a savory snack, but, in the end, an integral ingredient in numerous cold and hot dishes. But the brine, which always remains from pickled cucumbers, is often poured out by many people, simply not knowing how to use it. Or, in extreme cases, cucumber pickle is used as a means to alleviate a hangover.

Meanwhile, in the old days, various pickles - from cucumbers, pickled apples, tomatoes, sauerkraut - were served without fail with meat and vegetable dishes. By the way, by the beginning of spring, a considerable part of the nutrients contained in fresh fruits and vegetables miraculously pass into such brines.

Cucumber pickle is an excellent food and healing product, at the same time an inexpensive and accessible source of various trace elements, in particular copper. The best option would be, of course, if the brine is not too salty, so in the process of harvesting homemade pickles, try to add less salt, and more - a variety of spices and spices.

In order for the cucumber pickle not to deteriorate for a long time, it is enough to close the jar with the healing liquid with a mustard stopper. To prepare it, you need to knead a dense dough from dry mustard and wrap it in a clean cloth. A jar of cucumber pickle covered with a mustard stopper can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Also, you can make it even easier: freeze the brine in the freezer in the same way as it is customary to freeze ordinary water in the form of cubes, and then use it when necessary, defrosting the right amount.

From a culinary point of view, cucumber pickle is not only a delicious drink that can be drunk, slightly diluted with boiled water and seasoned with finely chopped spicy herbs or crushed garlic. It is often added to cocktails based on vegetable juices. Some use cucumber pickle as an excellent substitute for vinegar in borscht and salads.

This brine produces delicious pickles, a variety of sauces, as well as dough for cookies, pies, dumplings, pancakes or flat cakes. Baked bread based on cucumber pickle is not only tasty and fragrant, but also incredibly healthy. Okroshka is incomparable and useful if it is cooked on cucumber pickle.

The benefits of cucumber pickle

The benefits of cucumber pickle are relevant in cases of intoxication, which is accompanied by various infectious diseases. In addition, the appetite stimulating and tonic properties of this brine are no less known.

If the human body has lost a large amount of salts and fluids, this product also comes to the rescue. It is also effective in dysbacteriosis. The benefits of cucumber pickle for convulsions and spasms of the limbs have been proven.

Calorie cucumber pickle 12 kcal

Energy value of cucumber pickle (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 0.3 g. (~1 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 0%|0%|10%

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon contains 5 grams
in 1 tablespoon 18 grams
in 1 glass 250 grams

Cucumber pickle- a sour liquid with the addition of salt, in which cucumbers are salted. The benefits of the drink go far beyond one well-known property: getting rid of a hangover.

Cucumber pickle has been used in Russia since the 15th century as a basis for soups. The product goes well with meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and cereals. So new dishes began to appear in the diet of a Russian person: kalya, hodgepodge, hangover and pickle.

Hangovers, unlike soups, were made more concentrated and sour. I. S. Shmelev wrote about its use in the work “The Summer of the Lord”.

Kalya is a festive dish cooked in cucumber pickle with beets and meat. Over time, pickle forced it out of the daily menu.

The composition of cucumber brine includes:

  • carbohydrates (0.3 g per 100 ml);
  • vitamins and vitamin-like substances (choline, group B, C, K, E);
  • mineral components (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, copper, phosphorus, manganese);
  • probiotics.

The calorie content is low: in 100 g of brine from cucumbers there are about 12 kcal. Compare with: up to 19 kcal.

What is useful

  • Strengthens the immune system due to the increased content of vitamins E and C, other natural antioxidants.
  • From muscle cramps. Back in 2010, scientists from Harvard proved that the brine restores the electrolytic balance in the body and relieves muscle spasms. Today, many athletes have adopted this property of the drink: 50–60 ml an hour before training will prevent dehydration.
  • Increases appetite, speeds up metabolism and replenishes energy reserves.
  • For injuries and bruises, diseases of the joints, not correlated with water-salt metabolism, brine is used outwardly in the form of anesthetic compresses.
  • From hangover syndrome. Restores sodium levels in the body after drinking alcohol.
  • Well cleans from alcohol toxins "brush". Add some chopped vegetables to a glass of cucumber pickle: horseradish, radish, onion and. Drink in one gulp.

  • Against hiccups. Scientists cannot explain this beneficial property of brine, but they recognize its existence. One glass is enough to get rid of discomfort.
  • Normalizes the activity of the endocrine system thanks to .
  • In case of a burn, the affected area is abundantly lubricated with brine. This accelerates regeneration and reduces the degree of inflammation in the tissues.
  • laxative effect. For chronic constipation, you can drink up to 4 glasses of aged cucumber drink per day.
  • Among women relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome(PMS) and pain during menstruation. At this time, the body loses a large amount of minerals. Half a glass of cucumber pickle a day compensates for the losses.
  • From heartburn. If your digestive system reacts to overly spicy or fried foods, nutritionists advise drinking a sip of brine with meals. It will reduce the acidity of the gastric juice and balance pH.
  • Attention! with ulcers and gastritis, also often accompanied by heartburn, water from under pickles is contraindicated.

  • With dysbacteriosis, it fights pathogenic microorganisms and promotes the resettlement of beneficial ones.
  • Removes bad breath (halitosis) thanks to the antibacterial properties and refreshing effect of dill (a classic ingredient in cucumber pickle).

Application in cosmetology

Nourishing masks based on cucumber brine:

  • Wash your hands with warm water, dip in a jar of healthy drink for 10-15 minutes. The skin will become smooth and tender.
  • Wipe your face with ice cubes of frozen brine 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  • Legs . A bath with the addition of heated cucumber liquid will help relieve fatigue after a busy day and get rid of calluses.

Surprisingly: even Cleopatra knew about the cosmetic properties of the brine. The recipe has not survived. But a number of scientists believe that the queen drank brine with various additives according to a specially designed scheme to give freshness and elasticity to the skin.

cooking secrets

  1. A few pieces of horseradish will add spice and protect against mold.
  2. Do not try to put as many cucumbers in the jar as possible. In this case, you will not fill in a lot of liquid, and the vegetables will not pickle.
  3. Salts in the classic recipe: 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. If you like lightly salted cucumbers, the amount can be reduced.

What is the difference between brine and marinade

Marinade, unlike brine, contains acetic acid, sugar, salt. Cucumbers come out tasty and crispy, but due to the presence of vinegar, an impressive part of vitamins and trace elements is lost.

Pickled cucumber brine is plain water plus table salt and herbs. There are more benefits here.

Culinary Help

Cucumber pickle has a spicy salty taste, so it is added to many dishes of Slavic cuisine:

  • vegetable drinks;
  • potatoes (so as not to boil, add 2 tablespoons of brine to the water during cooking);
  • soups (borscht, pickle, cabbage soup, hodgepodge);
  • marinade (softens meat, poultry, vegetables);
  • calla;
  • hangover;
  • dough (due to the brine, it rises quickly and does not get stale);
  • okroshka;
  • spicy seasoning for mashed potatoes;
  • stewed meat and vegetable stew;
  • sauces;
  • salads (acetic acid can be replaced with less aggressive cucumber pickle for digestion).

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Constipation. Mix 1 tbsp. l. brine, 1 tbsp. l. honey with 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Eat the resulting slurry, and the effect will not keep you waiting.
  2. Calluses and calluses help remove baths with heated cucumber liquid.
  3. Burns. Treat the sore spot.
  4. Heartburn will go away if you drink 2 tsp. in a day.
  5. Sore throat. Regular rinsing will solve this problem.
  6. hangover syndrome. To get rid of a headache and general malaise, add 20 g of grated garlic, radish, horseradish, onions to a glass of brine and immediately drink the drink.
  7. Joint and knee pain. Effective compresses.

Harm and contraindications

Cucumber pickle is not good for everyone.


  • ulcer and gastritis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, hypertension);
  • children under 3 years old;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • liver disease (hepatitis, etc.);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • excess weight;
  • joint pain associated with the deposition of salts;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, cholecystitis.

Attention! Do not abuse cucumber pickle, it can be harmful to health and provoke side effects: tissue swelling, headache and gastrointestinal colic. You can drink no more than 1 glass per day.

How to store

Pour into plastic containers and place in the freezer. Defrost and use as needed.

"Mustard Plug" involves storing the brine in a jar. Knead the dough from dry mustard and wrap it in a clean cloth or gauze. Cover the liquid container with this cloth.

If there is mold: it must be removed and poured into a jar of 30–40 g of dry mustard with circles of peeled horseradish. Or dip a canvas bag with black pepper (5 g per 1 liter) into the brine.

Cucumber pickle is capable of a lot. It turns out that it can not only make your sandwich more juicy.

The Surprising Benefit of Brine

Pickles, like their juice, have some impressive health benefits. But you must use the brine with caution. If you have high blood pressure or are sensitive to sodium, be careful. Salt can raise your blood pressure, and high sodium content can do more harm than good.

There is some compelling evidence of just how beneficial this ancient food is. Pickles have been eaten by humans for centuries. Some sources claim that they were one of Cleopatra's most treasured beauty secrets. One thing to be aware of is that there are two types of foods: naturally fermented cucumbers and those that are sour with vinegar. Both options have advantages, but they differ.

Avoid muscle cramps

Scientists have done a lot of research and proved that salt brine is useful, because it is able to eliminate muscle cramps in athletes and will do it better than ordinary water. During the study, male participants rode bicycles. Sessions lasted 30 minutes, with five minutes of rest between each session. When the researchers recorded that the fluids in the body were depleted by 3 percent, which corresponds to mild dehydration, they electrically stimulated a nerve in the ankle to induce foot cramps. The researchers found that brine can relieve cramps about 37 percent faster than if men simply drank water.

Improves digestion

In recent years, people have had more digestive problems, and probiotic products have become more popular. Fermented pickle brine is very beneficial as it can ease digestive problems. This fluid promotes bacterial growth and maintains a healthy balance of good bacteria and flora in your gut. Hint: You can get the same benefit from other fermented foods like sauerkraut and the traditional Korean dish kimchi.

Source of Antioxidants

According to research, brine can help you achieve your weight loss goals thanks to its main ingredient, vinegar, which is a product made from acetic acid. The researchers found that the acid makes it virtually impossible for the body to absorb starch.

Animal studies have shown that rats supplemented with this acid were not as prone to weight gain as those that were not supplemented with it.

Regulate your blood sugar

Having high levels of it can lead to type 2 diabetes, as well as a number of many other diseases. Vinegar has been found to help lower sugar levels, improve the body's response to insulin.

One study found that eating just a little bit of vinegar before meals can help stabilize sugar levels, which is especially beneficial for diabetic patients.

Can cure a hangover

Many people know that alcohol is a diuretic, which means that the more you consume it at night, the worse you will feel in the morning, as it dehydrates the body. Brine is able to restore sodium and fluid levels and balance electrolytes in the body. Try to drink it, and not just liters of water, to relieve a terrible headache, nausea, incredible thirst, fatigue and much more.

Lowers cholesterol

Researchers have proven that dill (a must-have ingredient in brine) can not only tame indigestion, stomach cramps, gas, and other digestive ailments, but also lower blood fat.

Get rid of hiccups?

This is not entirely true due to the lack of scientific evidence, but some swear that if you drink a small cup of this liquid, you can forget about hiccups. You can try drinking the pickle the next time you have hiccups. You need to drink half a teaspoon of this liquid every few seconds until you stop hiccuping.

Reduces PMS symptoms

In the same way that juice can help relieve muscle cramps after exercise, some women find it can help with menstrual cramps and pain. While the theory makes sense, it has not been well tested. Want to try? Some women claim that if you drink a cup of brine, the cramps will immediately disappear.

The first dangerous component of cucumber pickle is table salt. It is used as a natural preservative, thanks to which vegetables not only acquire a specific salty taste so beloved by many, but also do not deteriorate for a long time. The percentage of salt in cucumber marinade is extremely high. Drinking a glass of cucumber pickle is tantamount to stunning the body with a shock dose of salted water.

Table salt provokes moisture retention in tissues and increases blood volume. As a result, the heart begins to work in an enhanced mode and “drive” an additional volume of fluid through the veins. For people with cardiovascular disease, this can do a very bad job and even provoke a crisis. If a person has already had heart attacks, it is better to add salt to a minimum, and it is generally recommended to forget about the brine.

Also, a very poorly salted liquid affects the kidneys and the digestive system. Cucumber pickle is strictly contraindicated in patients with pancreatitis, kidney stones, cholecystitis, hepatitis. It only aggravates all these diseases. Do not get carried away with brine and those who suffer from varicose veins. Due to water retention in the body, the legs will swell more, and the veins will increase significantly in volume.

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