How to cope with spring depression and why does it occur? Signs of seasonal depression in women. Why spoil the mood

The cold winter with blizzards and frosts is left behind, nature is awakening from a long and tiring hibernation, the sun is shining brighter, the days are getting longer, very soon the earth will throw off its snow blanket and be covered with green grass. It would seem, why not a reason for joy and excellent cheerful mood? But it was not there. Many people at this time are visited by melancholy, despondency, melancholy and apathy, they begin to mope more than usual, and almost nothing can make them smile: neither the singing of birds returning from the south, nor the ringing of drops outside the window, nor the expectation of warmth and bright sunlight. Here is such a spring paradox. Experts classify this condition as a depressive state. How to overcome spring depression? Do I need to take any measures to eliminate this problem, or will it go away on its own? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Why spring depression comes to people with spring has not yet been clarified. Experts put forward a variety of hypotheses about this, but there is still no clear answer to the question posed. Most likely, the cause of spring depression lies in human physiology: in the spring we lack vitamins, the body is slagged after winter, and even hormones, as they say, are “naughty”: hormonal changes.

A sharp change in the weather, and with it pressure and temperature drops, lack of sunlight, a sedentary lifestyle, oxygen starvation (in winter, people go out less often) and a weakened immune system also play a significant role in the formation of spring depression. All this affects the mood of a person. In other words, spring depression occurs due to the depletion of the energy reserve spent on recuperation in the winter. Memories of unresolved problems and unrealized plans can also intensify depression, which further depresses the human psyche, and it seems that there is no way out of this state.

Manifestations of depressive disorder in men and women

So, it seems to you that your condition is not just a bad mood. You can check whether this is really so with the help of a small test that describes the symptoms of spring depression:

  • I often have dark thoughts.
  • Me .
  • I experience chronic fatigue, performing even the simplest tasks and duties requires a lot of effort from me.
  • I often cry for any reason.
  • My self-esteem has dropped.
  • I am constantly in a bad mood, I have appeared irritability, which was not characteristic of me before, for the most insignificant reasons.
  • At night, I either do not dream at all, or I often have nightmares.
  • I very often want to eat, or my appetite is completely absent.
  • It's hard for me to focus on one thing.
  • I experience constant worry and anxiety.
  • The work does not arouse my interest, there is no need to learn something new.
  • I suffer from headaches.

If most of the statements on this list exactly fit the description of your condition, we can say that you have spring depression. But remember that the symptoms of such depression are varied and do not necessarily manifest themselves fully in all people. Depression affects both men and women. Symptoms of this ailment appear equally in both sexes, except that women cry more often.

However, according to statistics, depressive states in the spring in women occur much more often. Why? The thing is that this disease belongs to the category of disorders of the emotional sphere of the personality. Men are more rational, they tend to analyze their thoughts, actions and experiences, therefore, the signs of spring depression are not as pronounced in them as in women who are more emotional, vulnerable and sensitive.

If you have found the first signs in yourself, you need to think about how to cope with spring depression. The fact is that such conditions can eventually become chronic, and the symptoms will already be psychosomatic in nature, that is, they will lead to some other disease. And this applies to both women and men.

How to overcome this disease? What exactly needs to be done? Is it possible to get out of this kind of depression on my own, or is it necessary to consult a psychologist and other specialists? What treatment is provided in this case?

Ways to deal with the disease

Spring depression is seasonal in nature, and therefore it is quite within the power of every person who has encountered it to overcome this ailment on their own. In order to get out of a depressive state, read the advice of a psychologist, after reading which you can understand what and how you need to do. But remember that in case of prolonged depression (more than two weeks), you need to seek help from a qualified specialist who can find the treatment that suits you.

  • Do not expect that you will be able to get out of this state only due to the efforts of your will. After all, it was not in vain that we said that during depression, men and women show signs such as a weakening of mental and physical energy, and treatment will require a lot of intellectual and physical energy from you. Do not rack your brains over how to deal with spring depression. Better give your body and mind some rest. Stay at home for a couple of days, relax in a relaxed atmosphere, chat with friends, listen to music or go to nature.
  • When your strength has recovered a little, start gradually getting involved in the work process. Such work should be simple at first, and gradually you will be able to return to your previous vigorous activity. The main goal of this method is to distract from negative thoughts, experiences and emotions.
  • Changes in life (not cardinal) are what you need now. Make a rearrangement in the house, change your hairstyle, go on vacation. As for women, they can also be advised to update their wardrobe, as well as engage in creativity and their favorite hobby: scrapbuing, decoupage, knitting, and the like.
  • Be sure to exercise. As you know, movement is life. Sports that promote the release of adrenaline into the blood are especially effective: skydiving, rock climbing, and so on. No less useful are brisk walking, swimming and regular morning exercises.

Prevention of depression in the spring

Now that you know how to deal with spring depression on your own or with the help of a psychologist, let's talk about prevention. So that nothing overshadows the bright spring days, take note of a few tips:

  • Be sure to include in your diet foods that promote the release of endorphins: bananas, nuts, chocolate in small quantities. Useful and fruits, vegetables, rich in vitamins, which we lack so much in the spring. And, of course, do not forget about synthetic multivitamin complexes that you can purchase at any pharmacy in your city.
  • Once a week, arrange an aromatherapy course using essential oils: orange, patchouli, cinnamon and juniper. Herbal teas and infusions will also be useful as a prophylactic against spring depression.
  • Move more, do not sit still, walk more often and breathe fresh air.

As you can see, the depressive states that occur in the spring are not so difficult to fight. Moreover, with the right approach - even nice. Don't put off healing. Start acting today, and there will be no trace of a bad mood!

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At least once in a lifetime, every person has experienced such a mental disorder as spring depression. Three main symptoms that indicate the presence of this disease:

  • causeless depression of mood;
  • a pessimistic view of things happening around;
  • loss of feeling of joy.

Why these symptoms are observed in the spring is still not completely known.

Spring depression can overtake each of us. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. That is why it is important to know and understand how to deal with spring depression on your own.

If you believe the statistics, then more women are prone to this mental state than men. But, this only applies to those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who lead a not quite active lifestyle. Signs of spring depression are most often observed in those women who constantly spend time in the kitchen or are on maternity leave. In other words, those who do not see the white light.

The reasons

The causes of spring depression are varied. Doctors consider the personal reaction of the human body to various stress factors as one of the reasons. Stress factors are:

  • various overloads at work;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • various mental traumas.

Why spring exacerbation begins, and not winter or summer, is still unknown.

In order to figure out how to get rid of spring depression, you need to consider other causes of spring depression:

  • the body lacks sunlight;
  • oxygen starvation occurs in the body, which can lead to hypoxia;
  • vitamins and minerals enter the body in insufficient quantities;
  • sedentary and inactive lifestyle;
  • decreased immunity due to malnutrition;
  • hormonal failure in the body.

Having studied all the main symptoms, you can understand how to overcome spring depression once and for all.


Spring depression manifests itself differently in each person. And all because spring affects the body of each person in different ways. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of spring depression in men and women are somewhat different. That is why you must first study all the signs, and only then think about how to cope with spring depression.

The main symptoms that are most often manifested in women:

  • frequent causeless bad mood;
  • tearfulness for no reason;
  • irritability;
  • constant physical weakness;
  • decrease in the level of self-esteem;
  • apathy;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • frequent and persistent headaches;
  • negative thoughts;
  • lack of appetite or vice versa excessive desire to eat.

Women experience spring depression more acutely, because they are more sensitive natures. It is quite difficult to get them out of a depressive state. In addition, it can escalate at the most unexpected and inopportune moment.

The fight against male spring depression is also quite difficult. And all because men are not used to talking about their problems and feelings, but are used to carefully hiding it all. It is for this reason that it is also very difficult to identify obvious symptoms of a mental disorder. Accordingly, the question of how to deal with spring depression becomes more acute.

Some scientists believe that the appearance of depression, as a disease in men, is associated with a decrease in the hormone testosterone. But, this symptom can be detected only if the man passes all the tests. Therefore, more obvious signs of spring depression should be considered:

  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • movements, speech and thoughts slow down;
  • drowsiness or vice versa insomnia;
  • sharp jumps in weight;
  • nervousness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • rudeness and aggressiveness;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • self-doubt and self-doubt;
  • the occurrence of thoughts of suicide.

These are the main clear signs of spring depression, which are observed most often only in the strong half of humanity. As you can see, the disorder affects both personal life and career and work. Therefore, you need to know how to defeat spring depression in order not to lose authority and faith in yourself.


The first question that arises in every person who has encountered this mental disorder is what to do. This is especially true for those who encountered it for the first time. Overcoming spring depression is quite simple at its initial stage. But, this does not mean at all that no effort will be required for this.

  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors in the fresh air.
  • Regularly engage in various physical exercises. If possible, do it outdoors as well.
  • Visit a doctor who will prescribe a course of vitamins that are lacking in your body.
  • Eat right and eat a balanced diet.
  • Rest as much as possible and not overwork.
  • Add as many bright colors to your life as possible. It can be various wardrobe items, interior items, and so on.
  • Communicate as much as possible with all close friends and relatives. Casual communication always helps to cope with a bad mood.
  • Organize regular shopping and regularly update your wardrobe.

As you can see, the tips on how to survive the spring depression are quite simple and primitive. Observing all the rules, a person himself will not notice how he will be able to overcome the disorder and return to normal life.

If a person has an advanced stage of a mental disorder, then only an experienced specialist can help him. Only a doctor can prescribe complex treatment. Independent attempts to get out of a depressive state can end in failure. Therefore, if you see that your loved one is acutely experiencing spring depression, urgently seek help from professionals.


Of course, each of us would not want to face spring depression in real life. With the advent of heat, I want to enjoy every ray of the sun, and not suffer from it. That is why it is necessary to carry out some preventive measures for the occurrence of this disease. This will help, though not 100%, but at least 50% to protect yourself from a mental disorder.

The first step is to completely revise your diet. It is advisable to exclude from it all junk food. You should add those foods that are rich in endorphins:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;
  • small amounts of dark chocolate.

Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, which are so lacking in the body. In the spring, very often people have beriberi. That is why it is also recommended to take various vitamin complexes, which are prescribed by doctors.

Real aromatherapy is very effective. It should be done literally once a week. You need to use various essential oils, for example:

  • orange;
  • cinnamon;
  • juniper;
  • patchouli etc.

Of course, you need to carry out such a procedure only if you do not have allergic reactions to essential oils.

Chamomile herbal teas are also considered effective methods of prevention. You can add various tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian to them. This will help calm the nervous system and bring it into full order.

An active lifestyle is the best prevention of spring depression. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. On weekends, try to get out with friends for a picnic or just for an active walk. You will not believe it, but really fresh air is the best way to avoid the appearance of a real spring depression.

Change of time of day, seasons have an impact on the vital activity of the organism, on the physical and mental state.

The reasons

Experts noted that the number of patients with mental disorders increases sharply with the onset of cold weather.

One of the reasons for the autumn exacerbation of mental illness is the reduction of the sunny day.

The hormone of pleasure, or serotonin, is produced in humans when exposed to sunlight. With the onset of cold weather, the number of sunny days decreases, and with it the volume of serotonin decreases. As a result, the mood worsens, irritability, melancholy, a sense of hopelessness, and anxiety appear.

In autumn, the condition worsens not only in those suffering from depression, but also in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, epilepsy, schizophrenia. Autumn blues in severe form can lead to suicide.

Changes in atmospheric pressure, impatience when waiting for heat, slush, dirt, cloudy skies, unwillingness for the arrival of cold weather - all these factors affect people with an unstable psyche.

Treatment and prevention

Usually people with depressive disorders and neuroses do not want to see a psychiatrist, but are treated on their own with folk remedies or drugs recommended by friends, and in some cases they are not treated at all.

But often such patients need psychotherapeutic help.

Only a qualified, experienced doctor will help you find an individual way to avoid negative thoughts, relax, focus on positive moments, switch to active work.

To overcome the unpleasant symptoms of an exacerbation of depression on your own, it is recommended:

  • Good rest (night sleep 8 hours).
  • Regime compliance.
  • Complete nutrition.
  • Taking vitamins.
  • Moderate exercise (swimming, walking, running).
  • Physiotherapy (for example, relaxing baths).

In order not to provoke an increase in the symptoms of depression, it is necessary to exclude the use of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, nicotine. Going to the theater, cinema, visiting, communicating with acquaintances, relatives and friends will help to distract from obsessive negative thoughts.

Usually people with mental disorders do not consider themselves sick, do not understand that their condition needs treatment. In such cases, a large role in the prevention and treatment is given to the patient's relatives.

If depression becomes severe, you should definitely seek help from specialists. Treatment is often indicated in a hospital under the constant supervision of a doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be. The treatment of a protracted multi-week, multi-year depression requires much more time, and, most importantly, the efforts of the patient himself and his relatives.

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Why depression escalates in the spring

So the long Ural winter ends, the snow melts and the sun shines brighter. Soon nature will begin to wake up from hibernation and rejoice with us in the coming of spring. Why do many people get depressed at this time and how to cope with it?

Depression - in the spring?

When we're in a bad mood, we often say, "I'm depressed." But this is only the everyday meaning of the word.

Psychologists often talk about seasonal depression - a decrease in mood and performance at certain times of the year. Autumn, winter and spring depression are described. So the only time of the year without depression is summer? But if nature itself can contribute to a bad mood in autumn and winter, then the words “spring” and “depression” seem, at first glance, incompatible. However, by the beginning of spring, our body is adjusting to a new mode - the day becomes longer, the sun shines brighter, I want to do a lot, but not always everything is in time ... It is important to take into account factors such as a long-term lack of sunlight and natural vitamins, which contributes to the development of an asthenic condition in spring . And the weather conditions at this time are very changeable. Therefore, any chronic diseases and chronic problem situations often become aggravated in the spring. Against this background, a feeling of fatigue, irritation, a decrease in mood and performance, which we call depression, easily arises. But this, of course, is not the kind of depression that is treated in a hospital.

In the medical concept, depression is not just a bad mood, as is commonly believed, but a serious illness that has certain clinical manifestations.

Why spoil the mood?

Of course, it would be nice to always live in a good mood… But it would be like eating caviar or chocolate every day, which will eventually bore anyone. In order for us to have a good mood, special substances called endorphins must be formed in the brain. They are produced automatically when we experience joy, interest, pleasant excitement, doing what we love. But they cannot be produced continuously, but are produced in a certain individual rhythm. When something breaks this rhythm, a person experiences depression. A person is the creator of his own mood, he himself produces substances that affect his mood. Unfortunately, the opposite also happens. If a person is prone to self-flagellation, then the level of endorphins produced is reflexively inhibited. It turns out that a short depression associated with everyday problems is a completely normal phenomenon. Problems will be solved - depression will also go away.

Time to see a doctor!

But if the problems are solved or not as important as it seems, but a person cannot return to his usual track for a long time and more and more plunges into the abyss of depression?

This is now a clinic.

The main symptoms of depression:

1. Reduced (depressed, depressed, dreary) mood.

2. Loss of interest and pleasure in things and activities that used to be enjoyable.

3. Decreased energy, which leads to increased fatigue and decreased activity.

If these typical symptoms last at least two weeks, every day and take up most of the day, then depression can be said to be an illness that needs to be treated.

There are also additional symptoms that often join the main symptoms of depression:

Decreased ability to concentrate and concentrate.

Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

Thoughts of guilt and self-blame.

A gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future.

Thoughts or actions related to suicide or self-harm.

Sleep disturbances - insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or early awakenings.

Appetite disorders - more often its absence and weight loss.

Violation of sexual desire.

Noticeable lethargy or excessive fussiness.

Increased depression and depressive experiences in the morning and a slight improvement in the evening.

How to help?

First of all, it is necessary to “separate black from white”.

Do not try to drive depression away from yourself, allocate for it a certain time during the day dedicated only to it, for example, half an hour in the evening or 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. At this time, think only about your fears and doubts, analyze the events of the past day, scold yourself for wrong actions and think about how to act in a similar situation in the future.

During the rest of the day, try to deal with bad thoughts or put them off for "black time". Praise yourself for the successes you have achieved and enjoy life. Pay attention to how many good things you managed to do, write them down and by the end of the day you may be surprised by their number. Be sure to praise yourself for this and give yourself at least a small gift.

Think about activities that make you feel good. If you are a rational person, it will help you to make a list of activities that usually bring you pleasure.

walk outdoors

Meeting new people

family communication

declaration of love

going to the theater, restaurant, concert, exhibition, etc.

buying nice new clothes

swimming pool, gym

communication with animals

cooking delicious meals

For some people, such a list can have up to a hundred items. Who is bigger?

You should not get involved in alcohol - although it brings relief for a while, but after the termination of its action, depression returns in a more severe form due to the manifestations of a hangover syndrome.

For a person experiencing depression, the help of relatives and friends is invaluable. If you see that a loved one has depression, pay more attention to him, talk to him. Discuss his problems to find solutions together, give him support, remind him that you love him ... Try to distract him from gloomy thoughts and direct his actions in a constructive direction.

In order to cope with the symptoms of spring asthenia, vitamins, tasty and high-calorie food are needed. An important cure for depression is self-love. Treat yourself to something tasty, do something nice for yourself. Before going to bed, take a bath with soothing herbs, herbal tea, you can with honey.

If, despite this, depressive manifestations persist, the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist - is needed.

It must be remembered in any disease that the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of success.

Depression is the most "curable" of all mental disorders. Constant research in this area has led to the creation of new highly effective drugs for the treatment of depression, which have virtually no negative side effects. With proper and sufficiently long-term treatment, depression often disappears completely, but if the help is insufficient, the disease can take a chronic form.

If you or someone close to you suffers from depression, do not waste time and consult a specialist. There is no need to suffer if it is possible to get the necessary and effective help.

Psychotherapist PB №29 Svetlana Ovchinnikova

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Why is there an exacerbation of mental illness in the autumn-spring period?

Man is, first of all, a biological being and the vital activity of his body is subject to circadian rhythms. The change of day and night, the seasons - affect the course of internal processes, including the mental activity of the human body.

Cyclicity of mental processes

The cyclicity of the human psyche is observed not only in the norm, but also manifests itself in the form of an exacerbation of various endogenous diseases. With the onset of cold weather and shortening of daylight hours in the autumn, the number of mental patients in hospitals increases. Mental illnesses are chronic in nature, with exacerbation phases in the autumn-spring period.

According to statistics, since the beginning of October, the number of patients in psychiatric clinics has increased by a quarter. People with increased emotionality more painfully perceive the transition from hot weather to cold weather and rains, a reduction in daylight hours. The autumn exacerbation of mental illness is also due to the fact that under the influence of sunlight, people produce serotonin (the hormone of pleasure), and when cloudy days come, the amount of serotonin decreases. Many people have irritability, emotional instability. The bright colors of summer are replaced by gray hues, the heavy cloudy sky “presses”, the change in atmospheric pressure and everyday rains lead to the fact that a person has a feeling of hopelessness, there is longing, anxiety for his future.

Autumn is a season of exacerbation not only of mental illness, but also of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Atmospheric pressure fluctuations affect the human vascular system and the neurovegetative regulation of internal organs and systems. In autumn, diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, affective psychoses, and epilepsy are exacerbated.

Clinic of seasonal relapses

In the autumn period, not only the number of hospitalizations of patients with endogenous diseases increases, but also outpatient service doctors note an increase in the flow of patients. Some diseases that proceeded in a latent (latent) form, in the fall, mental disorders manifest themselves in full. The economic crisis, analysts' forecasts of a deterioration in people's lives by the end of the year, and the risk of losing jobs and personal savings are causing a wave of mental disorders. Patients with neuroses and panic attacks feel worsening of their condition, seizures in epileptics become more frequent. Autumn "spleen" happens to all people in the norm, in mental patients, a depressive state can end in suicide.

Patients with depression and various types of psychoses can be dangerous during the autumn period of exacerbations, not only for themselves, but also for others. Some patients have ideas that a great danger threatens the whole family or society as a whole. There have been cases in psychiatry that mentally ill mothers could harm their child.

Autumn exacerbation of schizophrenia occurs more often in men. They have increased productive symptoms - delirium and hallucinations. Given that men drink alcohol more often and in large doses, the exacerbation of mental illness is more pronounced in them. By their biological nature, men are more aggressive and therefore the exacerbation of schizophrenia in the fall is associated with the commission of illegal acts, an increase in the number of traumatic brain injuries.

Some patients with schizophrenia complain to doctors in the autumn that they were attacked by other people's voices. Police officers note an increase in citizens' complaints of "UFO landing in the courtyard of the house" or "verbal contact with aliens." It is mentally ill men who become active participants in various demonstrations, revolutions and upheavals in the country.

Prevention of relapses

An important role in the prevention of autumn exacerbations is played by the participation of relatives and relatives in the life of a sick person. People with mental illness cannot adequately assess their condition, some patients stop taking medications, and men with schizophrenia are prone to alcoholism, which worsens the course of the endogenous disease. Relatives of the patient should refer him to inpatient or outpatient treatment at the first signs of worsening chronic mental illness.

Patients with depression, psychoses, neuroses are very often afraid to consult a psychiatrist, they try to cope with the symptoms and signs of the disease on their own. Many patients self-medicate, drink various medications that were recommended to them by friends or they read information on the Internet. The most important thing is to contact a specialist in a timely manner. Some patients need not so much medical help as psychotherapeutic.

To prevent seasonal exacerbations of depression and psychosis, a person needs to observe a sleep and rest regimen, rational nutrition and taking multivitamins. Moderate physical activity (running, swimming) and physiotherapy (relaxing baths, Charcot's douche) are recommended. You should refrain from psychoactive drinks - tea and coffee. The psychotherapist must convince the patient that the depressed state is simply the result of the influence of natural factors on the human body.

In the autumn, it is recommended to be more outdoors, walk (if the weather permits), change the situation, leave the house more often, not lock yourself in yourself and your thoughts, go to visit or to the theater. Talking to friends and acquaintances will help you take your mind off negative thoughts. Some people run away from the autumn depressive cities and buy a week-long trip to warm countries.

The psychotherapist should help the patient find a way to relax, switch to positive thoughts and active activities in the autumn.

All information provided on this site is for reference only and does not constitute a call to action. If you have any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate or diagnose.

Spring depression: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Spring depression, or seasonal affective disorder, occurs in mentally healthy people when warm days come.

According to statistics, approximately 17% of people worldwide suffer from seasonal mental disorders, most of them the condition worsens in the autumn-winter period, but there are those who develop depression with the advent of spring.

The main difference of this affective disorder is its seasonality and the absence of mental disorders in patients. Feeling worse, bad mood and apathy occur in late February - early March and disappear on their own in April-May.

Sometimes the patient's body simply does not have enough strength to overcome the disease and depression can turn into a protracted form, the treatment of which will require medication and psychotherapy.

Causes of the disease

Until now, the causes of spring depression have not been precisely clarified. Scientists believe that the disease develops due to the complex effects on a person of the following factors:

  1. Exhaustion of the body - according to most researchers, there is nothing surprising in the occurrence of spring depression, during the autumn-winter period the human body is greatly depleted. Stocks of vitamins and micro and macro elements, amino acids and other substances are coming to an end, and it is at the beginning of spring that the body's reserves are completely depleted. And since for the synthesis of neurotransmitters responsible for the state of the nervous system and mood, a sufficient amount of these substances is needed, and their level in the blood decreases, this can cause the development of spring depression in men and women. One of the very important factors in the deterioration of well-being after winter is the decrease in the production of vitamin D, which is synthesized under the influence of direct sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects well-being, hormone synthesis and mood.
  2. Change of natural biorhythms - a seasonal change in biorhythms can cause a deterioration in the neuropsychic state. The human body, like any other creature, obeys natural biorhythms, which imply a decrease in activity in winter and the activation of all processes with the advent of spring. But in modern society, most of us do not pay attention to either daily or seasonal rhythms, thereby destabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Climate changes - negatively affect the general state of health in general and the nervous system in particular, atmospheric pressure drops, increased solar activity, increased daylight hours and a sharp change in weather that occur in the spring months. By themselves, these phenomena cannot cause the disease, but in combination with other factors, they worsen the state of the human nervous system.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle and oxygen starvation - it is during the autumn-winter period that the majority of the population of megacities leads the most sedentary lifestyle and practically does not spend time outdoors. Hypodynamia and oxygen starvation worsens the course of metabolic processes in the brain. Because of this, the level of “happiness hormones” in the body decreases, and the processes of impulse transmission in the nervous system slow down, which can also cause depression.

Seasonal depression in men and women

Depression associated with the change of seasons can occur in both men and women, but the causes and manifestations of the disease in representatives of different sexes can be very different.

So, seasonal depression in women is diagnosed more often due to the peculiarities of the mentality and increased emotionality. The representatives of the weaker sex are more difficult to experience domestic and family conflicts, often suffer from low self-esteem, and one of the causes of depression may be dissatisfaction with their own appearance, and it is easier to seek help, including professional help.

Such reasons often do not seem respectful enough to others, which is why they form the opinion that depression in a woman occurs for no apparent reason, is not a disease and does not need treatment.

The stronger sex prefers to ignore their own emotional state, not even paying attention to obvious signs of mental illness.

Often the manifestations of depression in men are hidden from the eyes of others, and the inability to solve their problems on their own provokes patients to use alcohol, psychoactive substances and antisocial behavior.

The suppression of negative emotions and the lack of professional help often cause the development or exacerbation of symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of spring depression do not differ from the classic ones - a decrease in mood, apathy and motor passivity. But, unlike other forms of the disease, its manifestations are less pronounced, often disguised as manifestations of somatic diseases or chronic fatigue.

You can suspect spring depression in women and men by the following symptoms:

  1. Changes in the emotional background - depression is characterized by a constant decrease in mood, tearfulness, irritability, melancholy, anxiety. The patient is in this state all the time, no events during the entire period of the disease cause positive emotions in him, and previously his favorite activities do not bring pleasure. The patients themselves describe their emotions as constant melancholy, the world around them seems gray and bleak, nothing good happens, even the closest people cause only irritation, and any negative events that happen around turn into a real problem or tragedy.
  2. Behavioral change - when women are depressed, their behavior changes noticeably, they can become overly picky, irritable, aggressive, or vice versa, silent, detached, touchy and unresponsive to what is happening around. In men, there may not be such obvious changes in behavior, but some sullenness, silence and irritability are always observed. All patients are characterized by anxiety, feelings of anxiety, guilt, their own insolvency, decreased concentration of attention, performance, difficulty, if necessary, to concentrate, make any decision, remember a large amount of information.
  3. Apathy is another characteristic sign of depression. Patients partially or completely lack interest in what is happening, they do not want to communicate with anyone, attend any events or entertainment, or do anything other than daily routine duties. They are not attracted to previously loved activities, and any physical activity causes active rejection. Both men and women spend most of their free time at home, often doing nothing at all.
  4. Physiological manifestations - any mental illness leads to violations of general well-being. Patients experience a sharp decline in strength, insomnia, decreased appetite, headaches, and often somatic diseases are exacerbated.

How to get rid of depression

What to do if you or your loved ones are experiencing symptoms of spring depression?

You can get rid of this disease on your own, but for this you will have to make a lot of physical and strong-willed efforts. And not always “home treatment” is enough; in some cases, medication and the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist are necessary.


You can get out of depression on your own using the simplest methods, the only difficulty of these recommendations is to find in yourself the willpower and desire to change your lifestyle that has caused diseases:

  1. Proper nutrition - by refusing to use canned foods, convenience foods and fast food, you can regain not only harmony, but also a good mood. Cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits saturate the body with vitamins, stabilize digestion and strengthen the nervous system. And to increase the production of serotonin, it is recommended to eat bananas, dark chocolate, nuts and honey. Experts also advise not to limit yourself in nutrition, following a diet, but simply to replace "harmful" foods with healthy ones.
  2. Vitamins and minerals - if your body has a pronounced deficiency of vitamins and minerals, it will not work to make up for it only by changing the diet. At the first symptoms of depression, you need to start taking multivitamin preparations and be sure to take tests, perhaps the cause of your weakness and apathy is a lack of iron, iodine or calcium.
  3. Walking in the fresh air is oxygen, exercise and relaxation. All together helps to strengthen the nervous system, get rid of melancholy, irritation and apathy and increase the production of endorphins.
  4. Physical activity - with regular physical activity in the body, the production of “pleasure hormones” increases, which allows you to cure depression and strengthen your health.
  5. A full night's sleep - 7-8 hours of sleep at night is necessary for the nervous system to restore spent resources, if you sleep less than 5-6 hours a day, you need to urgently change your lifestyle. Lack of night sleep exhausts the nervous system and very often causes depression that occurs in the spring for no apparent reason.
  6. Recreation and hobbies - scientists have proven that the production of serotonin and norepinephrine can be increased simply by calming down and doing what you love. It can be cycling, meditation, needlework or any other activity that you enjoy.

Medical treatment

Treatment with drugs is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor and under his control. Usually, with depression that manifests itself in the spring, the patient does not need to take potent drugs.

In a severe form of the disease, antidepressants are prescribed, drugs that increase the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine in the blood: amitriptyline, fluoxetine, sertraline, and others. As well as mood stabilizers that improve the mood of the patient and tranquilizers that improve sleep and reduce anxiety, fear or aggression: phenazepam, grandaxin or lorazepam.

All these drugs have a general effect on the body, have many side effects, and the dosage should be selected taking into account the patient's condition, weight, concomitant diseases and other factors, so in no case should you start taking medications without a doctor's prescription and supervision.


Psychotherapeutic techniques help the patient to find and understand the reasons why the usual spring beriberi and fatigue turned into depression. Such treatment helps the patient not only improve his condition, but also change his attitude towards his life, problems and himself.

For depression, the method of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, family or rational, is used.

Depression that appears in the spring is a mental disorder that can occur in anyone, even the most mentally stable person, most often this disease goes away on its own with a change in the lifestyle and diet of the patient.

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Acute depression

Every year depression becomes more and more common disease all over the world.

According to WHO forecasts, in the next decade, this mental disorder will overtake cardiovascular diseases in prevalence.

Depression is accompanied by symptoms such as a decrease in mood, loss of the ability to rejoice, impaired thinking, and motor retardation. A depressed person loses interest in life, his usual activities and others, his self-esteem decreases. Some patients on the background of depression begin to abuse alcohol or drugs.

Depression can occur in the form of single episodes of illness of varying severity, or be chronic. In some patients, prolonged depression does not reach significant severity, while in others it is repeated in an exacerbated form.

Symptoms of depression

Depression has emotional, physiological, behavioral, mental manifestations.

Emotionally, a sick person suffers from melancholy, despair, oppressed and depressed mood, and anxiety. He becomes irritable, constantly feels guilty. Depression is often accompanied by anxiety about the fate and health of loved ones. With deep depression, a person loses the ability to experience any feelings.

The physiology of depression includes sleep disturbance, changes in appetite, constipation, decreased sex drive, increased fatigue, pain and discomfort in the body.

The person is passive and avoids contact with other people, it is difficult for him to concentrate and make decisions. He sees the future in black colors. He is disturbed by thoughts of his own uselessness and helplessness, and in severe cases, thoughts of suicide.

In contrast to the usual worsening of mood, with clinical depression, the listed symptoms (or part of them) persist for at least two weeks.

What causes depression to worsen?

Exacerbations of depression can be seasonal. For example, the symptoms of the disease appear in autumn or spring. Climate change, “resetting” of the biological clock are other common causes of exacerbation of the disease. In patients with chronic depression, exacerbation is often provoked by premature discontinuation of medication.

The exacerbation of the disease in the off-season is associated with a lack of sunlight, a lack of vitamins, and a sedentary lifestyle. Climate change also contributes to the deterioration of the condition: changes in atmospheric pressure, sudden changes in air temperature, natural phenomena increase anxiety, anxiety and fear.

The transition from one season of the year to another is accompanied by hormonal changes, and changes in hormonal levels are reflected in mood.

In women, exacerbation of depression may be associated with the reproductive cycle. So, some women suffer from a monthly exacerbation of premenstrual depressive syndrome, which corresponds to the menstrual cycle. Postpartum and menopausal depression can last for several weeks or months.

The likelihood of an exacerbation of depression due to premature discontinuation of antidepressants is 80%. This makes the disease more difficult to treat.

Prevention of acute depression

After completing the main course of therapy for the treatment of depression, the patient, after the normalization of the condition, must undergo a maintenance course. This stage can last 4-6 months or more.

As shown by the results of an experiment conducted by psychiatrists from the United States, patients with depression are able to control the manifestation of the disease themselves, having learned to self-understand the signs of exacerbation. The participants in the experiment, who underwent a course of cognitive therapy and learned to identify signs that portend an exacerbation and relapse, were able to independently take measures to prevent another episode of depression.

Prevention of exacerbations of depression is facilitated by the rejection of bad habits, physical activity, rational nutrition, communication with relatives and friends.

Treatment for Acute Depression

If we are talking about the clinical diagnosis of "depression", then the treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. Only the doctor selects the drug for treatment, antidepressants such as amitriptyline, and its dose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The doctor chooses the method of treating seasonal depression, depending on the form of the disease. Most doctors recommend that patients walk a lot in the morning to get plenty of sunlight. You may also need to take antidepressants or light therapy (phototherapy). During this procedure, the patient is exposed to bright light.

An important adjunct to the treatment of depression is psychotherapy. With its help, the patient develops emotional self-regulation skills that will help him to cope with crisis situations in the future. To overcome depression, the support of loved ones is important.

Related materials:

Medication Instructions


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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only. The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, traditional medicine recipes, etc. it is not recommended to use it on its own. Be sure to consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health!

What mental illnesses are exacerbated in the spring?

Spring is a period of active awakening of nature after a long winter sleep. Quite often, the air temperature rises sharply or, conversely, falls. Forecasters also note that changes in atmospheric pressure and changes in solar activity are not uncommon.

All this affects the state of human health - diseases associated with the vessels of the brain appear or worsen. General well-being worsens, which directly causes mental disorders, overwork, depression, irritability, regular mood swings. So, is it worth contacting a psychiatrist with the onset of spring, and what specific mental illnesses are exacerbated during the drop season?

Causes of exacerbation of mental illness

Exacerbation of mental illness is associated with the following reasons:

1. Overvoltage. According to statistics, in the spring people begin to plan their financial expenses for the year. Their activity at work becomes more active, they have to work two, or even three or four times more than the usual norm. All this leads to overwork, which does not go away even after a long sleep.

Often, overstrain at work turns into prolonged depression and stress. And these mental illnesses are already recognized as serious enough reasons for contacting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

2. Bad ecology. Air and water pollution negatively affects not only the physiological, but also the mental health of a person. Scientists have proven that microbes, toxins and heavy metals that enter the body are diligently “eliminated” [by the immune system.]()

But in the spring this function is weakened. During the change of weather, a person is susceptible to various somatic diseases, including influenza viruses. The body seems to be exhausted in the fight against ailments, the nervous system is under tremendous stress, which can also cause depression and stress.

3. General mood in society. The ubiquitous aggressiveness, apathy, fatigue that manifests itself in the surrounding people also passes to a specific person. There are signs of fatigue, insomnia, nervous condition.

Mental health at this moment is also deteriorating because the patient tries to solve all of the above problems by drinking alcoholic beverages, taking medications (antidepressants) or narcotic substances. And this, in turn, also causes an exacerbation of mental illnesses recognized as chronic.

Who is susceptible to exacerbation of mental illness?

According to experts, everyone can survive the difficult spring time. But there is a category of people who are especially prone to stress, prolonged depression and serious mental exacerbations.

  • Pensioners. This category of citizens is characterized by a depleted body (weakened immunity), which is what mental illnesses certainly “use” in the spring.
  • Youth. The hormonal background of young people is unstable. Its frequent change leads to mood swings, apathy, general irritability. Signs of depression and stress appear and develop.
  • Physically weakened people whose body lacks vitamins, trace elements, minerals. Therefore, in the spring it is recommended to give up long and exhausting diets, hunger strikes and other abstinences from wholesome and healthy food.
  • Specialists whose work is connected with regular communication with people (clients, partners), with control, with management. Their spring stress is explained by a frequent surge of [emotions,] (), which should not be in normal activities.

Mental illnesses and their exacerbations in the spring

What specific mental illnesses are exacerbated in the spring?

1. Depression. It is caused by a weak production of certain groups of hormones during a period of change in the length of the day (spring equinox), changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature. The causes of depression also become a huge physical load, lack of rest and constant employment.

It manifests itself in insomnia, decreased sexual activity, constant restlessness, general weakness, lack of appetite. Depression, like many types of stress, can be treated on an outpatient basis, but under the obligatory supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, depression can become chronic.

What mental illnesses are exacerbated in the spring? /

2. Schizophrenia, neurosis, psychosis, paranoia and other diseases that are recognized as chronic. The treatment of these diseases is carried out in strict accordance with the medical conclusions of the commission of doctors. Specialists will help to survive the exacerbation of chronic mental illness, so in the spring, patients often go to the clinic for prevention.

3. Exogenous mental disorders, the causes of which are alcoholism, drug addiction, dependence on drugs, the use of toxic substances, severe radiation exposure, traumatic brain injury and other external factors.

In the spring, it is recommended to stop taking any substances that cause addiction. If possible, you need to take a break from business, go in for sports, leave the city, visit preventive institutions. Often these mental disorders serve as a "starting point" in the development of serious physiological diseases.

How to cope with the exacerbation of mental illness?

As far as possible, with the onset of spring, it is recommended to stay outdoors longer, play sports for your own pleasure, get enough sleep regularly (you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day), take a fortification course and, of course, visit a psychiatrist - psychotherapist. A preventive program is selected on an individual basis, as well as the treatment of a diagnosed chronic disease.

And in conclusion, it is only worth noting that there is no clear cyclicity in the course of mental illness. Their exacerbation depends not only on seasonality, but also on many external factors, including changes in the social, political, and economic spheres. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disorder in time. Then any change of weather will not harm the well-being of a person.

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In the period from late February to April-May, many mentally healthy people show seasonal affective disorders. One of the most common clinical diseases characterized by a depressed state of the psyche is spring depression in women.

Symptoms, how to deal with this disease, the reasons for its appearance - all these issues will be discussed further.

Interesting fact! According to the latest statistics, approximately 17% of the world's population aged 18 to 40 suffer from seasonal affective disorders. Most often, the disease develops in people under the age of 25 and in the elderly.

According to the World Health Organization, depression ranks third in the “ranking of diseases”, losing the first two places to hypertension and seasonal colds (flu), and among neuropsychiatric diseases, it holds the palm.

Every year, the number of people suffering from depression is only increasing.

Why spring increases the risk of depression in women

Most of all, representatives of the fair sex suffer from this spring disease. This is largely due to the psychological characteristics of women, their emotional organization.

Spring depression in women. Symptoms, how to fight, what drugs will help to cope, this article will tell you.

However, there is still no consensus among experts on the causes of the appearance of female spring illness. Many of them tend to believe that this condition causes a combination of factors, each of which individually is not capable of provoking depression, but in combination they cause this depressed state.

According to the World Health Organization, depression ranks third on the “ranking of diseases”

Interesting fact! Women on maternity leave or parental leave, as well as housewives, are more prone to spring depression than those who lead an active lifestyle (work, study, take care of the family at the same time). This is due to the fact that for women employed in different social spheres, problems and failures in one are compensated by achievements in another.

Factors affecting the occurrence of spring depression:

Interesting fact! Scientists have found that a seasonal mental disorder associated with a decrease in the level of the “hormone of happiness” in the body can be hereditary.

Spring is a stressful period for a woman's body. Under the influence of these factors, he reacts to all changes with a breakdown, passivity and depression.

Symptoms of spring depression in women

Spring depression in women has certain symptoms that need to be dealt with. Otherwise, it will become chronic, and the symptoms will become psychosomatic and may lead to another serious illness.

Common symptoms of spring depression in women:

All these symptoms can manifest themselves in different variations.

Hidden signs of spring depression

Usually, they begin to pay attention to this spring disease when the pathological process has already gone far. And not always a person experiencing seasonal affective disorder looks sick.

In addition to obvious symptoms, female spring depression has a number of hidden signs that are sometimes mistakenly associated with other conditions of the body.

Hidden signs of spring depression include:

In different women, spring depression can manifest itself in different degrees and does not necessarily have all of these symptoms. How to deal with them in order to restore mental health, we will consider further.

Note! Overcoming such a condition as spring depression in women (symptoms, how to deal with them) has two dimensions: psychological and medical. Depending on the severity of the condition, the help of different specialists may be required: a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

In a mild form, depression can last for several days, and in a severe one, it can drag on for 1-2 weeks or even more., which is an indication for contacting a specialist.

Psychological ways to overcome depression

To help in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder comes psychocorrection, which is carried out by a psychologist or psychotherapist.

However with a mild form of the disease, you can cope on your own with the help of simple, at first glance, actions.

How to deal with the symptoms of spring depression in women?

  1. To take the responsibility. Psychologists strongly advise you to soberly assess your life situation, take it under your control and understand that only the person himself is the creator of his happiness, and his future depends on what decision he makes at the moment. Being responsible for your life, for your emotions means taking the first step towards changing your life for the better, making timely adjustments to it.
  2. Watch more positive, inspiring films. To watch the next film, it is better to opt for kind, funny films that uplift the mood and evoke positive emotions (Soviet and Russian comedies, humorous film magazines, foreign films with your favorite actors). A good movie will give impetus to the fight against difficulties, suggest a solution to the problem, open a source of inspiration.
  3. Push the boundaries of communication. Loneliness and solitude is not the best way to spend time during the spring depression, when nothing prevents thoughts from revolving around problems. According to experts, it is much more useful during this period to expand the circle of contacts, go to interesting events (theatre, exhibitions, presentations, concerts). New pleasant impressions and acquaintances with cheerful people will distract from painful thoughts.
  4. Find a fun activity. Even the simplest thing can capture and inspire. Solving crossword puzzles, reading books, arranging a flower bed in front of the house, any needlework, cooking culinary masterpieces - all this diversifies gray everyday life and can turn into a hobby, the results of which will bring only joyful emotions.
  5. Turn to the spirit world. The corporeal always goes along with the spiritual and spiritual. If a believer falls into a seasonal affective disorder, then a good confessor will come to the rescue in curing the disease. A thorough, confidential conversation with a priest will allow you to look back at the path traveled, learn the lesson of depression, realize your own mistakes and find a way to correct them.
  6. Avoid alcohol and other addictive drugs. Bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.) aggravate the already depressed state of the psyche, undermine health, contributing to the development of serious internal diseases. Temporary euphoria is replaced by dysphoria (aggression and anger towards other people), and problems are not solved.
  7. Normalize the regime of work and rest. In conditions of constant workload at work, at home, in caring for the family and children, a woman forgets about the existence of the psychophysiological characteristics of her body, which requires alternation of stress and rest. In the state of female spring depression, rational distribution of time, maximum regularity and regulation of life are especially important to combat the symptoms of the disease.
  8. Increase physical activity. In the morning, take a contrast shower, do some simple gymnastic exercises or dance moves to incendiary music. Walk part of the way to work. Do not neglect physical exercises in the fresh air (exercises, outdoor sports games, long walks), which will give the body a payload, and positive emotions will cheer you up.
  9. Do good deeds. Good deeds and deeds selflessly done for others, attention to people, benevolence and care for them will bring positive emotions and a sense of one's own usefulness, the realization that "I myself am a source of joy for others." And the people around you will reciprocate.
  10. Avoid strict diets. Diversify your diet, introduce multivitamin preparations into it. Do not limit yourself in food, but give preference to healthy food (cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products), giving up "harmful" (semi-finished products, fast food). Pamper yourself with bananas, dark chocolate, honey and nuts, as they contribute to the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”.
  11. Use self-hypnosis formulas (affirmations) daily. Clearly formulated short positive thoughts with repeated repetition will help maintain a cheerful mood and find your own way to deal with the symptoms of spring female depression.
  12. Refresh your home interior. Rearrangement of furniture in the room, bright accents in the interior (a vase with fresh flowers on the table, photo frames with favorite photos, new curtains) will set you in a positive mood .
  13. Use aromatherapy.
  14. Change your appearance. A fresh hairstyle, original manicure, unusual make-up, a new wardrobe (even if in a previously uncharacteristic manner) will help you feel yourself in a new way, make your walk lighter, light up your eyes.
  15. Give your smile more often. Every morning, smile at your reflection in the mirror, passers-by on the street, catch the wonderful moments of life and enjoy them. When a woman has a smile on her face, there is no place for depression.

Note! Even on a cloudy day, the sun emits ultraviolet rays that help the body produce vitamin D and serotonin, which are necessary to combat spring depression.

In addition to obvious symptoms, female spring depression has a number of hidden signs that are sometimes mistakenly associated with other conditions of the body. having identified them, one should ask the question: how to deal with it.

Various healthy relaxation techniques – fitness, oriental gymnastics, and even auto-training – help to cope with seasonal affective disorder.

Essential oils:

- from irritation, irascibilityjasmine, rose, rosemary, ylang-ylang, chamomile
- to set the moodlemongrass, ylang-ylang, cumin, cloves
- to suppress fear, aggressionjojoba, jasmine, rose
- to invigorate and uplift the spiritblend of cinnamon, clove, patchouli, jojoba, rose, grape oils
- to improve performancebergamot, mandarin, lavender, mint, lemon, coriander, cypress
- to relieve nervous tensionlemon, wormwood, lavender
- from fatigue and emotional overstrainorange, lavender, sandalwood, lemon balm

Important to remember:

  1. During work - work, during rest - rest.
  2. It is necessary to solve work and domestic issues one by one (one after another), and not all at once.
  3. During the rest, problems should not be disturbed, they need to be solved only at the time specially allotted for this.

Psychotherapy for major depression

In the case of a complicated course of such an affective disorder as spring depression in women, the doctor analyzes the symptoms (how to deal with them) and conducts psychotherapeutic treatment with the patient.

The goal of psychotherapy is to help the patient manage their emotions.

For successful therapy, the patient must fulfill two conditions:

  1. A woman should be ready to talk about her problems;
  2. Must be active in an effort to get rid of the disease.

The qualified person is required to:

  1. Establish rapport with the client;
  2. Establish a trusting relationship with her.

The treatment regimen for spring affective disorder is selected strictly individually. depending on the severity of the disease. And the result of such treatment should be a change in the woman's view of existing problems, attitudes towards her life and herself.

Under the conditions of treatment in the clinic, complex measures are taken for the patient, which include:

  • normalization of the daily routine (rational distribution of time for work and rest);
  • a complete balanced diet;
  • use of physiotherapy;
  • trainings on the biofeedback apparatus (BFB);
  • phototherapy (or light therapy);
  • daily group and individual sessions with a psychotherapist.

In cases of severe depression, a radical method is used - electroshock therapy. suppressing the "stress hormone". It is used in cases where the patient, for objective reasons, cannot take medications or traditional methods of treatment are ineffective.

Important to remember! If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, you can defeat even a strong spring depression.

Non-prescription mild antidepressants

The drug method, as one of the main ways to deal with the symptoms of spring depression in women, is to prescribe antidepressants.

The range of modern drugs for the treatment of depression is very wide. Many of them contain herbal ingredients, which makes them effective, safe, with virtually no side effects and addiction.

The following drugs can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies.


An effective anxiolytic agent.

Uses: in the treatment of anxiety, as well as in the complex therapy of a number of somatic diseases.

Efficiency: has a pronounced calming effect, stabilizes the general psychological state, tones up, increases a positive mood, eliminates anxiety and insomnia.

Contraindications: not prescribed in the presence of sensitivity to the components of the drug

Advantages of the drug: does not affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions, so it can be taken while driving. The effectiveness of the drug is noticeably manifested already in the first week of treatment, and reaches a maximum in the fourth week.


Herbal antidepressant.

Uses: low mood, mild to moderate depression, which are accompanied by increased anxiety, also with meteosensitivity.

Efficiency: enhances positive attitude and performance.

Contraindications: not prescribed for severe depression, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, etc.

Pluses of the drug: St. John's wort, which is part of the drug, has pronounced antidepressant properties, which contributes to the effective treatment of spring depression.

Cons of the drug: May cause intermenstrual bleeding in women weaken the effect of contraceptives. During treatment, you can not sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium.

Release form: in the form of tablets.


An effective antidepressant known throughout the world.

Uses: in the treatment of seasonal depression, anxiety and affective disorders, has proven itself in complex therapy to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Efficiency: improves mood, fights depression, increases efficiency, reduces irritability, anxiety, anger, increases concentration.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, heart failure, gastrointestinal diseases, tendency to bleeding, etc.

Release form: in the form of a powder for solution for injection.

Maprotilin (Lyudiomil)

Tetracyclic drug.

Applies to: various forms of depression(including latent), depressed mood, apathy, dysphoria, depressive neurosis, irritability, manic-depressive psychosis in the depression phase, with teenage and childhood depression, psychosomatic and somatic disorders caused by depression.

Efficiency: improves mood, restores a healthy psycho-emotional background, helps to escape from apathy, anxiety, fear, compensates for the lack of necessary substances in the brain tissues.

The advantages of the drug: has a mild sedative, hypnotic and anticholinergic effect.

Disadvantages: high risk of seizures.

Contraindications: not prescribed for hypersensitivity, epilepsy, a tendency to convulsions, liver or kidney failure, angle-closure glaucoma, manic-depressive psychosis in the manic phase, etc. Due to the lack of research, the drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Release form: in the form of tablets or solution for injection.


A modern highly effective sedative and antispasmodic agent. As part of this herbal preparation, extracts of valerian, lemon balm and mint are combined.

It is used: in the treatment of increased nervous tension, irritability, insomnia.

Efficiency: has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, enhances the effect of sleeping pills and painkillers.

Contraindications: not intended for pregnant and lactating mothers, with arterial hypotension, diseases of the biliary tract, etc.

The advantages of the drug: non-addictive, suitable for use in children from 12 years of age, has a high security profile.

Cons of the drug: lowers the level of concentration and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form: in the form of tablets.


Soothing and sleeping pills based on natural ingredients.

It is used: in the treatment of insomnia, headaches from nervous tension, neurasthenia and neurotic disorders, relieves mental stress, as well as in the treatment of itchy dermatosis caused by mental stress.

Efficiency: drug with a pronounced sedative effect helps to cope with feelings of anxiety and nervous tension.

Cons of the drug: St. John's wort extract reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, during the use of the drug it is contraindicated to sunbathe or go to the solarium, the drug reduces the level of concentration, slows down the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Contraindications: prescribed with caution for pregnant and lactating mothers, is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Release form: in the form of tablets or solution.

Antidepressants of natural (plant) origin to combat the symptoms of spring depression in women:

medicinal plants How to help fight the symptoms of spring depression in women
Immortelle, lemongrass, maral root, rosea rhodiola (in the form of tinctures)Eliminate the feeling of chronic fatigue.
Leuzea (as alcoholic extract)Helps eliminate apathy, pessimism, increases positive mood and performance.
Ginseng (as alcohol tincture)Fights depression, stimulates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to stress.
lure highHelps normalize sleep, improves mood and performance.
Blue honeysuckle, oregano, red clover, motherwortExcellent remedies for depression, nervousness, help to resist stress.
Hawthorn (tincture)The number one drug in the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders. It has a pronounced sedative effect, reduces anxiety, excessive excitability.
Hops, peppermint, valerian, lemon balmEffective natural antidepressants with virtually no side effects. They reduce anxiety, relieve irritability, calm the nervous system, stop fear.
Angelica officinalis, motherwortStrengthen the weakened nervous system, help restore strength and overcome insomnia.
Calendula (tincture)It produces a sedative effect, helps to overcome fatigue and stress, effectively fight insomnia and headaches.

Important to remember!

When using antidepressants, in order to avoid side effects, it is required:

  • be sure to consult a doctor about taking the medicine;
  • carefully study the instructions for use of the drug;
  • exactly follow the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

Strong drugs for depression

Potent drugs to combat the symptoms of spring depression in women can be purchased at pharmacies only upon presentation of a doctor's prescription.

Note! Spring depression in women takes time to heal. All modern antidepressants begin to show their effectiveness no earlier than 1-2 weeks after the start of therapy.

The lasting effect of taking the drugs is manifested within eight weeks so it takes two months for the doctor to figure out if the type or dose of the antidepressant needs to be adjusted.

Grandaxin (Phenazepam, Atarax)


Uses: in the treatment of reactive depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, neurosis and neurosis-like conditions, cardialgia, climacteric syndrome, etc.

Efficiency: reduces the severity of anxiety, suppresses fear, anxiety, emotional stress.

Contraindications: with severe depression, aggression, psychomotor agitation, in childhood, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, with sensitivity to the components of the drug, etc.

In cases of prolonged depression, you should not fall into despair - the disease is successfully treated with the help of psychological help and medications.

Advantages of the drug: does not significantly reduce concentration.

Feature: taken in the daytime.

Release form: in the form of tablets of various dosages.


Antidepressant, selective inhibitor.

It is used: in the treatment of all types of depression in adults and children, including those associated with anxiety.

Efficiency: quickly and effectively reduces the symptoms of depression, improves sleep, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, helps to get rid of suicidal thoughts.

Contraindications: not prescribed in the III trimester of pregnancy, up to 18 years of age, in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, it is prescribed with caution to nursing mothers.

Cons of the drug: in the first two weeks of treatment, a therapeutic effect may not be observed. The patient should not be left alone at the beginning of the course of treatment, as suicidal thoughts may appear.

Release form: in the form of tablets.


Antidepressant, the most common and effective drug in the treatment of depression.

It is used: in the treatment of various forms of depression, occurring with asthenic disorders and psychomotor retardation, as well as in the complex therapy of a number of diseases.

Efficiency: has a nootropic effect, improves cognitive (cognitive) functions, improves positive mood.

Advantages of the drug: good tolerance.

Contraindications: blood diseases, acute hepatitis, hypersensitivity, taking MAO inhibitors, during pregnancy and lactation, children's age (up to 15 years).

Feature: taken in the morning.

Release form: in the form of tablets.


The drug belongs to the group of selective serotonin inhibitors (SSRIs).

Uses: in the treatment of depression of all degrees of severity, bulimia nervosa, menstrual disorder.

Efficiency: uplifting, helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts. With regular intake, it helps to balance the psyche.

Contraindications: in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, in suicidal moods, it is not prescribed for pregnant women, nursing mothers, etc.

Release form: in the form of capsules.

Important to remember! When choosing antidepressants, you should not listen to the advice of relatives, acquaintances or choose them yourself. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

Spring depression can occur in any woman, even with the most stable psyche. This disease is seasonal in nature and most often goes away on its own, if you make timely adjustments to your world of feelings, emotions and lifestyle.

In cases of prolonged depression, you should not fall into despair - the disease is successfully treated with the help of psychological help and medications. To do this, you need to seek help from a qualified specialist in time, who will develop an individual treatment plan.

About the symptoms of female depression and its differences from male in this video:

How to deal with spring depression:

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Spring depression is a condition that some people consider to be a minor problem. By itself, this mental disorder does not destroy a person's personality. However, with an irresponsible attitude towards your body, against the background of voiced emotional disharmony, such a serious disease as clinical depression can develop. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of this affective disorder.

Causes of spring depression

The depressed state in humans does not usually depend on seasonal changes in nature. However, there are factors provocateurs that together can cause despondency and outright apathy towards the entire surrounding reality.

These aggressors look like this in relation to the emotional state of people:

  • Complexes due to the figure. During the winter, many of us gain a couple of extra pounds, and sometimes much more. Some people, after the end of the cold period, realize with horror that their favorite dress or skirt simply no longer matches their new dimensions. In the cold season, everything is quite easy to hide behind immense sweaters and outerwear. However, in the spring, when the sun warmed up, this opportunity no longer exists. Because of this, even the very thought of exposing the body leads to a state of depression. And at the same time, excessive comparison of oneself with others can create a problem, which is more clearly noticeable when switching from large winter clothes to light ones.
  • Loneliness. As soon as the sun warms up, young and happy couples actively go for walks. Watching lovers is quite difficult if there is no soulmate. Especially if the age has already come to when they usually create families and have children. In addition, annoying relatives with the requirement to find “someone” for themselves as soon as possible exacerbate the problems.
  • Period "winter - spring". Seasonal changes do not always have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The mood of some eccentrics can directly depend on the time of the year, which they have the pleasure of watching from the window of their home. There is such a contingent of people who like snow drifts, a series of fun holidays and other delights of the winter season. With the onset of spring, such fussy people literally become depressed.
  • Unstable weather conditions. The described time of the year is famous for its whims, when in March streams merrily run from melting snow, and in April - early May frosts can occur. All this is very individual, because a lot in this matter depends on where exactly the person lives. However, such vagaries of spring weather have a very negative effect not only on the physical condition of a person, but also on the balance of his nervous system.
  • lack of light. A short day and a long period of being in darkness in winter are not perceived by all people unambiguously. In this case, we will talk about the lack of the so-called vitamin D, which tends to be synthesized exclusively under the influence of sunlight. Consequently, with the beginning of spring, the previously mentioned lack of light begins to affect some persons.
  • Weakened immunity. In the summer, all points for the sale of vitamin products delight customers with their wide range of choices. During the whole winter, a person is deprived of such pleasure, which is in fact a vital necessity. Some people console themselves with the illusion that vegetables and fruits bought in supermarkets during the cold season will replace them with a full diet of nutrients. In most cases, in such places, imported goods are offered, which cannot replace domestic natural products. The result is a weakened immune system as a result of a lack of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids in the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Some people will be horrified by the offer to go skiing or go with the children to build a snowman. For them, frost is the main reason for spending all their leisure time lying down with a cup of hot tea and under a warm blanket. During the cold period, they get so used to this way of life that with the advent of spring they do not want to rebuild and become depressed.
  • oxygen starvation. This reason for the onset of the described pathology directly depends on a sedentary lifestyle. Hypodynamia in the winter can play a cruel joke with any person. By refusing to be in the fresh air at this time, the reinsurer is automatically at risk of deterioration in the flow of metabolic processes in his brain.
Most of the voiced risk factors for the onset of the formation of spring depression directly depend on the person himself. Even the absence of natural, rather than synthetically grown fruits and vegetables in winter is no excuse for exposing your body to such stress. Technically correctly performed quick freezing of products useful for the body allows you to fully preserve the necessary substances in the product prepared in advance.

The main symptoms of the existing spring depression in humans

In order to have a clear idea of ​​the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to know the enemy by sight. It is quite easy to identify signs of impending trouble if you make it a rule to listen carefully to your body.

Manifestations of spring depression in women

Psychologists insist on the fact that when talking about a voiced pathology, one should clearly distinguish between its symptoms, based on the gender issue. In the fair sex, the spring imbalance of the nervous system usually looks like this:
  1. Increased irritability. If a woman did not initially position herself as a fully formed hysteric, then you should think about a sudden change in her behavior. Sometimes, with the arrival of the first spring warmth, yesterday's sweet and balanced person turns into a vixen with a bilious character, who is annoyed by literally everything.
  2. Tears in three streams. This habit can be considered the norm if the manifestation of their emotions in this way does not prevent a woman from remaining a sane person. In the case of constant sobs for no reason, with the advent of spring, it is worth thinking about the seasonal psychological disorder that has arisen.
  3. General weakness of the body. As already mentioned, during the winter period, the body of many people suffers from a lack of nutrients. However, much depends on the woman's immunity, which, without a voiced factor, could be initially weakened. An additional load in the cold season on an already affected organism leads to the lady's rapid fatigue.
  4. alarm condition. Spring depression in women often provokes a persistent feeling of impending disaster. At the same time, it seems to wives that their husband is cheating on them, and mothers begin to take care of their children with special zeal. The phrases “let's make sure” and “no matter how hard it happens” become the hallmark of a woman who plunged into a depressive state in the spring.
  5. Lowering self-esteem. Even a self-confident lady in the most unexpected way after the end of winter can turn into a person with obvious complexes. This is usually facilitated by the beginning of the development of spring depression, which provokes real or far-fetched physiological changes in a woman's appearance.
  6. Sleep disturbance. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the factor that daylight hours tend to increase with the advent of spring. Groundhog Day, when it gets dark quite early in winter, comes to its logical conclusion. However, some of the fair sex cannot immediately adapt to such a change, after which their sleep-wake mode is disturbed.
  7. Apathy. Symptoms of spring depression are very often determined precisely by this emotional state of a woman. A person who was once peppy in body and spirit becomes a lethargic and amorphous person who has ceased to be pleased with things that were once pleasant for her. In some cases, this factor is directly related to beriberi, but sometimes apathy is provoked by certain life situations.
  8. Attention Disorders. During spring depression, especially sensitive females begin to soar in the clouds. At the same time, we are not talking about fabulous dreams and dreams of a handsome prince, but about elementary absent-mindedness. In this case, medical intervention cannot be avoided, because the voiced problem has gone too far.
  9. recurring migraine. Changes in weather conditions very often have a tangible effect on women who have previously been subject to headache attacks. With sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, the described problem is significantly aggravated, adding seasonal depression to the lady's painful sensations.
  10. Appetite disorder. A similar nuisance can happen to a woman at any time of the year. However, practice shows that it is in the spring that many of the fair sex begin to go to extremes regarding gastronomic addictions and reject them.
  11. Dark thoughts. This problem is closely connected with the formed inferiority complex, which was formed in women with the onset of spring. Some especially suspicious natures imagine with horror that their other half will start looking at beauties who will take off their winter clothes and change into sexy outfits.
  12. Overeating, increased appetite. Wanting to fill the void in the body due to a lack of vitamins or simply “seizing” their problems, women begin to actively absorb sweets, eat large portions, thereby plunging into a depressed state even more.
  13. Closure. Against the background of their psychological problems, the desire to communicate with anyone completely disappears. Even the most active and cheerful ladies, immersed in their complexes, can become isolated and sit in confinement, not responding to the invitations of friends, trying to avoid noisy companies as much as possible.
A woman in a state of spring depression is not a comic book character, but a victim of temporary life circumstances. Prematurely and without a deep analysis, no specialist with a certain experience in this field will undertake to diagnose such persons.

Symptoms of spring depression in men

The strong half of humanity can also feel the full destructive power of seasonal affective disorder.

Unlike beautiful ladies, men feel the described pathology in a slightly different way, which most often manifests itself as follows:

  • The onset of chronic fatigue syndrome. A joking statement in the style that "work and horses die" ceases to be funny when there is spring depression in men. Workaholic men are absolutely indifferent to the time of the year that they see from the windows of their institutions. However, some record holders in a marathon of irrepressible activity are visited by despondency after the snow melts and the arrival of spring, which ultimately leads to spring depression.
  • Change in weight. Every man can lose weight or suddenly gain weight, regardless of the weather conditions. However, psychologists say that it is during the seasonal blues that the representatives of the stronger sex either begin to actively absorb a large amount of food, or completely refuse it.
  • Pain in the abdomen or back. Emotional experiences always negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism. Very often it looks like pain in the stomach and "shooting" in the back. With spring depression, such symptoms intensify, because beriberi provokes the development of an anxiety state even more. In addition, the deceptive weather during this period, which pleases us with the first rays of the sun, is rich in the main enemy of the back - drafts. As a result, a man has very significant pain, which only exacerbates the state of depression.
  • Overindulgence in bad habits. A breakdown after a long winter period is always accompanied by an alarming condition in which a man begins to smoke much more than usual. Some depressive individuals in the spring, falling into deep despondency, try to fight it with the most radical methods - alcohol. And the opportunity to get out into nature after hibernation, fry a barbecue or sit on a fishing trip only becomes an additional incentive to increase the amount of alcohol consumption.
  • erectile dysfunction. The general weakening of the body after winter does not have the best effect on the sexual activity of any man. At the same time, someone understands the entire short duration of the problem that has appeared, while someone falls into a persistent depression.
  • negative thoughts. Men are accustomed to consider themselves the head of the family and support for all its members. If, at the beginning of the spring blues, a self-confident person begins to have health problems, then depression cannot be avoided with this factor. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to openly show their emotions, therefore they accumulate in themselves all the negative thoughts that have arisen.

Ways to deal with spring depression

Do not consider the voiced problem as a seasonal whim that you do not need to pay attention to. All neuroses once began with fairly innocent emotional experiences. When asked how to deal with spring depression, experts give fairly clear answers, which look like this:
  1. Changing the routine of the day. Some people are used to staying up late at the computer or taking work home. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and feel overwhelmed throughout the day. Vitamin deficiency and improper planning of one's life can lead to the development of spring depression. At the same time, you should radically change your opinion about the correct daily routine, making serious adjustments to it. It is necessary to devote your free time to sports exercises and walks in the fresh air. Visiting entertainment complexes will also help to cope with the problem that has arisen in the form of seasonal blues.
  2. Refusal of serious decisions. If a person begins to develop spring depression, then he cannot concentrate on important things. The most important projects and plans should be postponed for a while, because each mistake made later can aggravate the state of depression.
  3. Purchasing a pet. If there is no allergy to animal hair, then psychologists advise using this recommendation. It is not necessary to buy the future pet of the whole family for fabulous money. Sometimes a purebred cat or dog can become such a devoted friend that there will be no trace of spring depression. If you do not want to get yourself an animal, you can buy aquarium fish, the contemplation of which has a rather beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Active communication with others. Loneliness is the main catalyst for the exacerbation of spring depression. It is necessary to devote as much free time as possible to joint leisure with your loved ones and friends. Sometimes even going to a nightclub and then not getting enough sleep can significantly boost the morale of a person who is affected by the seasonal blues.
  5. Help for the needy. Before you create a “wailing wall” from your life, you need to look around and look at the problems of other people. After the analysis carried out, many unfortunate people will be amazed at the number of affected persons who fell into a much more deplorable situation. Helping such sufferers can nullify the exacerbation of spring depression in a suffering person.
  6. More light. On a cloudy spring day, sometimes you just want to mope and hide from your inner circle. Lamps with high power will help dispel the depressive mood of this kind. In this case, it will be an artificial imitation of sunlight, but even it can significantly improve the mood of a person with a voiced problem.
  7. Aromatic baths. In this regard, tangerine oil has proven itself well. If the first signs of spring depression begin to appear, it is worth trying to use this remedy. If it is not possible to purchase it, then coniferous and linden concentrates are quite suitable as an alternative.
  8. Nice new clothes. If a person has become a victim of spring depression, then it is worth trying the voiced method. Even a purchased bright-colored plastic plate will visually please people who are in a state of seasonal blues. If funds allow, you can buy the thing that the sufferer has long liked.

Prevention of the occurrence of spring disorder

Our ancestors said, do not wake famously while it is quiet. In order not to fall into the trap of seasonal depression and not become a hostage to a dangerous situation, you must adhere to the following rules:
  • Proper Diet. After hibernation, the body urgently needs the intake of those products that contain catalysts for the release of endorphins (hormones of joy). Such magic pills include nuts, bananas and chocolate in reasonable doses of its use. Do not forget about fruits and vegetables that can keep a person afloat after some restrictions during the winter period in his diet.
  • Taking a multivitamin. This recommendation is limited by the fact that it is necessary to implement it only after consulting with your therapist. Useful substances are beneficial only if they are not abused. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) can then be taken as a medicinal product or as a substitute such as lettuce, beans, liver and citrus fruits.
  • aromatherapy. Some pleasant smells in certain cases have relaxation properties. Essential oils based on the already voiced orange, juniper and cinnamon will be able to eliminate all the hardships of the past day for a person who cares about the proper functioning of his nervous system.
  • Active lifestyle. Experts recommend resorting to this method as a cardinal way to get rid of spring depression. Sports or just feasible physical activity can destroy in the bud any seasonal troubles with the emotional state of a person. Even simple walks around the city on sunny days or outings in nature can charge you with positive.
  • Communication with fun people. If you have friends who are able to cheer you up, you should definitely spend as much time with them as possible. In general, you should not withdraw into yourself, limit your communication. If you don't have real friends, you should start meeting new people. The same gym, swimming pool, new hobby will help with this.
  • New hobbies. To get rid of depression will help the search for yourself, a new "I", the study of unknown activities. These can be courses from professionals, a master class on the Internet. For example, photography, quilling or any other kind of handmade.
How to deal with depression in the spring - look at the video:

When asked how to get rid of spring depression, you need to rely solely on your intuition. Only in a particularly emergency situation will you need the help of a psychotherapist, because the voiced mental pathology is exclusively seasonal.
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