Is it possible to cure VVD forever - methods of treating vegetative vascular dystonia. Vegetative-vascular dystonia symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a condition associated with a change in the functioning of the autonomic system, which manifests itself in the form of a complex of symptoms. Patients rarely understand the full danger of the disease, demanding from the doctor an accurate, in their opinion, diagnosis. But the condition requires careful diagnosis, and the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia should be selected taking into account many health indicators. What is important to pay attention to for effective treatment of dystonia?

What is VSD?

Vegetovascular dystonia, or, as it is also called, neurocirculatory, is a pathology that is perceived as a different disease. Vegetovascular dystonia can occur with symptoms of a gynecological disease, neurological, or any other. Thanks to the work of the vegetative system, the body is able to adapt to changes in the environment.

As a result of vegetovascular dystonia, an imbalance of the autonomic system occurs, which leads to a change in the work of one or another organ. The causes of the disease are heredity, constitutional features, frequent stress, environmental features, family environment. People of all ages are prone to pathology.

Signs and symptoms of VVD

A disease with vegetative-vascular syndrome can proceed according to different types, based on which area is affected. So, there are forms with syndromes of damage to the central nervous system (dizziness, nausea, headaches), cardiovascular system (shortness of breath, pain in the heart), digestive system (manifested as epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting).

Often, with vegetovascular dystonia, the patient has:

  • Neuromuscular Syndrome - Weakness, rolling eyes, lack of coordination, numbness of the fingers.
  • Mental syndrome - depression, decreased performance, aggression.
  • Cognitive syndrome - memory loss, inability to concentrate.
  • Vascular syndrome - circulatory disorders, cold extremities, weakness, convulsions.

The very state of vegetovascular dystonia proceeds according to the hypotonic type or hypertonic, that is, with a decrease or increase in blood pressure. A mixed type of the course of the disease is also likely. Children have their own characteristics of the state. Consider the signs of each variant of the development of the disease separately.

Dystonia in children

Complicating the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia is that the heart rate of a child is much higher than that of an adult. For this reason, this indicator should not be used as a sign of pathology.

The skin in children with a disease becomes a different color, a rash, dryness, and swelling appear. Changes in the work of the endocrine organs are especially indicative: in boys, puberty is delayed, but in girls, on the contrary, it accelerates.

Body temperature changes with vegetovascular dystonia for no particular reason, which is not accompanied by a runny nose or other respiratory symptoms. Children have drowsiness, panic for no reason, or constant anxiety. When the heart is affected, a change in the nature of breathing is noted: it becomes either too frequent or slows down. Often, with vegetovascular syndrome, shortness of breath appears.

Such children suffer from decreased appetite, they are worried about nausea, sometimes vomiting, and diarrhea. By the age of 12-15, all this leads to gastritis or duodenitis.

Against the background of VVD, other diseases may develop. These are heart defects, arrhythmia, pathologies of the heart muscle, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. In the presence of such deviations, a thorough examination is required to determine the cause of the condition. Not only the pediatrician is engaged in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. A psychiatrist, gynecologist, neurologist, and also a cardiologist should be involved.

VSD by hypotonic type

The main symptom that accompanies the vegetative-vascular syndrome of the hypotonic type is a decrease in blood pressure. When the disease worsens, crises appear. Patients complain of increased weakness, palpitations, panic fear, neurosis, shortness of breath, interruptions in cardiac activity, sweating, lowering blood pressure (BP), fainting.

IRR for hypertensive type

This form is characterized by an increase in blood pressure with periods of crises. In patients with vegetovascular dystonia, there is a rapid heartbeat, overexcitation, panic, hypertension, cold extremities, frequent periods of chills. limbs.

Doctors sometimes make such a diagnosis as sympathicotonia, that is, the predominance of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic. In other words, with vegetovascular disease, the regulation between the centers that activate all organs and those that slow down their work is disrupted, and the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases.

If the parasympathetic system prevails over the sympathetic one, the patient is concerned about the slowing of the heart rate, sweating, polyuria, severe weakness, dizziness, drowsiness.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to take into account the form of the pathology and, based on the symptoms, select drugs and remedies.

Treatment of the disease

In the event of a malfunction of the autonomic system, it is necessary first of all to conduct a thorough examination of the whole organism. If vegetovascular dystonia is suspected, attention is drawn to the condition of the skin, blood vessels, capillaries, the functioning of organs and systems. In the presence of systolic murmur or pronounced jumps in blood pressure, an additional examination is required for the presence of defects and concomitant pathologies.

Specialists prescribe for vegetovascular disease such studies as ECG of the heart, MRI of the brain, chest x-ray, FGS of the stomach and duodenum, as well as ultrasound of vital organs. According to the results of the examination, as well as according to the photo of ultrasound or radiography, the doctor assesses the condition, as well as the degree of changes in the body.

In order for the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia to give the desired result, you need to change your lifestyle. The correct combination of work and rest regime ensures the normal functioning of the vegetative system. An active lifestyle is welcome, that is, morning jogging, swimming, fitness, aerobics, but all this is at the level of an amateur, not a professional.

Also, vegetovascular dystonia requires a change in diet. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It will be useful to visit a sanatorium or health resort with a neurological profile of patients. Doctors recommend periodically conducting a course of exercise therapy, massage. Hydrotherapy of all kinds has a pronounced effect.

How to cope with vegetovascular disease and what to do to improve the condition? You can get answers to these questions by watching the video. It tells in detail what is the VSD and how to deal with it.

Medical treatment of VSD

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is carried out mainly according to the symptoms. It is impossible to say exactly which drugs will be prescribed for treatment, it depends on the characteristics of the case, they are selected only after examining the patient.

First of all, with vegetovascular dystonia, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. The dosage is selected based on the severity of the symptoms. In addition to them, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed or, conversely, caffeine to raise blood pressure. B vitamins, ginseng and beta-blockers are considered mandatory.

If venous insufficiency is observed, vasoket and detralex are prescribed. They relieve heaviness in the head, pain and pulsation. The course for vegetovascular dystonia should be long - at least a month.

If the arteries are tense during dystonia and the pressure is elevated, Cavinton, Oxybral, Sermion, Ginkgo Biloba or Memoplant are suitable. Betaserk will help get rid of noise, but afobazole will help relieve anxiety. Antidepressants should be taken for six months. Only then does a tangible effect appear.

A simple smile can activate the brain. Therefore, patients prone to vegetovascular dystonia should smile more often, and also just enjoy life. Changing attitudes to the outside world significantly affects the patient's condition. Only if a person takes up himself, that is, he tries to find a way out of the problem, he will be able to get rid of the pathology, and the drugs will help him achieve the desired effect in a short time.

Traditional medicine for VVD

Considering the patient's condition, sedatives are selected for the treatment of VVD. Herbs with an antidepressant effect, as well as those that help get rid of excitement, anxiety or stress, will be useful.

Melissa has a pronounced effect in vegetovascular dystonia. In addition to a sedative effect, it has an antispasmodic and antidepressant effect. In the process of taking lemon balm tincture, the work of the heart improves, stress is relieved, and the perception of the world improves. You can use lemon balm both in the form of tea and in the form of an infusion (decoction).

St. John's wort with vegetovascular disease improves the internal state, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and increases tone. Use herbs in the form of decoctions or teas. For ease of use and busy patients, tablets containing an extract or dry extract of St. John's wort are suitable.

Hops will help relieve heart pain in case of vegetovascular dystonia, and will calm you after a working day. Hawthorn will relieve the heartbeat, normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves.

With the help of mint, you will be able to relieve spasm from blood vessels, improve sleep, calm down and get rid of the tension that occurs with vegetative-vascular syndrome. Valerian is used to normalize sleep and restore a normal psycho-emotional state.

All of these herbs are used for dystonia both in pure form (infusions, tinctures, balms, tea, decoction), and in the form of tablet preparations sold in the pharmacy chain.

Some herbs are used depending on the level of blood pressure. In the hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to use such plants as wild rose, dioscorea, motherwort, hawthorn, cudweed, sophora. In parallel with this, in the presence of vegetovascular syndrome, it is necessary to diversify the diet with apples, pears, grapefruits, garlic, chocolate, and vegetables.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, salt and fatty foods. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air and pick up for yourself simple fitness classes.

With a hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to use ginseng, propolis, eleutherococcus and other herbs that increase tone, and also cause receptors to respond correctly to environmental factors.

Complications and prevention of VVD

In order to prevent deterioration of the state of internal organs with vegetovascular dystonia, in addition to normalizing the daily regimen, follow all the recommendations of doctors. Pay close attention to VVD in children. They often develop diseases that negatively affect the general condition of the baby.

Prevention of VVD should begin in childhood. It is especially important to avoid stress and nervous overexcitation. In case of illness, it is necessary to ensure the correct balance of work and rest. A child with vegetovascular dystonia should sleep at least eight hours a day. Sports sections, dancing, running, swimming, skiing or cycling will bring benefits. Yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises are suitable.

In the diet of patients with vegetovascular dystonia, you need to include foods such as potatoes, cabbage, apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, beans, tomatoes, peas, dill. If you notice that when measuring the pulse at the wrist joint, the vessels are tense, make a bias towards buckwheat, carrots, nuts, soybeans, rose hips.

If our information has helped you in the treatment of vascular dystonia, or you have your own proven methods and recipes for eliminating this disease, share your feedback in the comments.

Everyone heard. Even children know that there is such a terrible disease that is diagnosed in almost every third inhabitant. However, questions about how dangerous it is and what its consequences are, and an adult will not always give an answer. Let's understand what we are talking about. What is a VSD? Is this disease curable or not?

VSD - what kind of disease?

The disease is a variety of disorders of the autonomic nervous system. In patients, as a rule, VVD syndrome causes a lot of unpleasant sensations associated with the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems. There are problems of a nervous nature: irritability, decreased performance, sleep disturbances.

Any ailment always raises many questions. Including about how dangerous the disease is. As a rule, this worries every patient who is faced with pathology. So let's find out: VSD is treated or not? Why is the disease dangerous? Despite the large number of symptoms, their severity, VVD does not lead to very serious consequences. That is, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not considered a dangerous disease.

However, there are some features of the disease. Without carrying a threat to human life, VVD syndrome can greatly reduce performance, and even the quality of life. In addition, it can provoke an acceleration in the development of certain diseases, more serious ones.

Causes of VSD

In babies, the appearance of the disease is provoked by pathologies. As a rule, the occurrence of VVD is associated with:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • ailments of infancy.

Such factors negatively affect the body as a whole, can lead to violations of the functions of the systems. VVD in children is manifested by digestive disorders, emotional disharmony. Infants have flatulence, frequent regurgitation. Significantly reduced appetite. Capriciousness, tendency to colds are characteristic.

During puberty, the development and growth of internal organs significantly outpace neuroendocrine regulation. This leads to an aggravation of VVD in children. From 12 to 29% of adolescents suffer from the disease. At this age, children experience pain with VVD in the region of the heart, problems with blood pressure, neuropsychiatric disorders.

In adults, an illness occurs or is aggravated as a result of:

  • chronic diseases;
  • stress, depression, neuroses;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The risk of developing the disease in people with a hereditary predisposition is quite high.

Symptoms and types of VVD

The autonomic system regulates the functionality of almost all systems of the human body. Based on this, any failures in its work can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms. To date, doctors have classified several types of ailment. Each of them is characterized by the presence of constant symptoms affecting a certain system of the body.

  1. VSD by cardialgic type. The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in the heart. They may feel dull, long-lasting, and aching. Or vice versa - sharp, stabbing. As a rule, such pain in VVD is accompanied by the patient's fear of death, increased heart rate, anxiety, difficulty breathing. Blood pressure may rise. Their occurrence is not associated with physical activity.
  2. VSD of tachycardial type. The patient periodically has an increase in heart rate. If a patient has an attack of VVD, then the symptoms can be easily confused with tachycardia. Patients report a strong and rapid heartbeat. The beat of the pulse is heard in the temples. A rush of blood to the face is characteristic. Patients feel great anxiety, there is a fear of death.
  3. This type is characterized by short-term pressure surges. Often, the symptoms are accompanied by signs inherent in the types described above. In most cases, this is pain in the heart and increased heart rate. As a rule, the pressure during surges never exceeds the threshold of 170/95.
  4. VSD of the visceral type. In this type of disease, the digestive system suffers. Characterized by symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome.
  5. VSD of the hypotonic type. The pressure abruptly decreases to the border of 90/60. Accompany this sign and other symptoms: darkening in the eyes, dizziness, weakness, pain, increased sweating, cold hands.
  6. Respiratory VSD. The most common type. Complaints of patients are the inability to take a deep breath. This leads to frequent yawning. Patients feel a lump in the throat. Characterized by dry cough, squeezing and pain in the chest, aggravated during inhalation, sore throat.
  7. VSD on asthenic type. There is a significant decrease in work capacity. Patients complain of severe fatigue. This type is characterized by a decrease in endurance, stress resistance. Often there is an increase in temperature to 37.5. Along with weakness and fatigue, trembling in the hands appears.
  8. Mixed VSD. A form of the disease that combines the symptoms of all previously described types.

Vegetative crisis

The disease is characterized by the occurrence of sharp attacks. Sometimes their appearance does not depend on any reasons. Patients, as a rule, are afraid of such crises. An attack of VVD is accompanied by a sharp restriction of free breathing. The patient has a fear of suffocating, dying from heart problems. A person often feels a rush of blood to the face, intense heat, pulsation in the vessels in the neck.

Attacks can occur, as previously noted, spontaneously. However, sometimes they become a response to a certain stimulus: stress, fear. Quite often, the occurrence of crises in people who are in a confined space is recorded: in transport, in an elevator.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before talking about whether vegetative-vascular dystonia is being treated, one should consider how the disease is defined. The process is indeed quite difficult. Indeed, as can be seen from the list of symptoms, the signs of the development of the disease are very diverse. In most cases, they are similar to other diseases, more serious. VSD can be confused with hypertension, arrhythmia, ischemia, hyperthyroidism.

In connection with such a versatility of symptoms, it is imperative to undergo an examination in the clinic. An experienced therapist will make a diagnosis after excluding all ailments with similar symptoms. In some cases, the patient may be assigned additional examinations. For example, EEG of the brain, ECG.

Sometimes the patients themselves “diagnose” terrible ailments in themselves. Therefore, we fundamentally disagree with the conclusion of the doctor. As a rule, many visits to other doctors, various examinations confirm the previously announced diagnosis. Therefore, noting the presence of unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor. Only he can correctly interpret all the signs that have arisen.

Fundamentals of treatment

Only after a diagnosis is made can the fight against the disease begin. Each patient has a question: "Vegetative-vascular dystonia is treated or not?" This is not surprising. Since there is no universal treatment regimen for this ailment.

VVD is characterized by a variety of symptoms that disturb the patient. Therefore, initially, all measures are aimed at removing uncomfortable signs. No less attention is paid to the sources of VVD. Is the disease curable or not? Of course yes! After elimination of symptoms, maintenance therapy is prescribed.

Let us consider in more detail the main directions of the fight against pathology.

Elimination of causes and psychotherapy

The most difficult stage is the fight against the sources that caused the VVD. Is the disease curable or not? The answer to the question lies in the effectiveness of eliminating the causes that caused the disease. Sometimes the patients themselves are well aware of what conditions provoked the VSD. It can be overwork, and stress, and failures in life. But how rarely serious steps are taken to eliminate such factors!

Another important point is the patient's awareness of the groundlessness of fears. After all, the symptoms are benign. The disease does not lead to serious consequences or complications. Patients who begin to relate to their well-being without fear quickly learn to control VVD attacks. Surprisingly, such patients recover completely. For those who cannot cope with their problems on their own, the doctor will recommend psychotherapy sessions.


It is noticed that most often attacks of VVD occur after a working day. Especially if the person is in a permanent sitting position. It is mandatory to periodically interrupt for a short workout. It is enough to walk around the office, stretch your lower back, arms. It is recommended to do such breaks every 40-45 minutes. In the question of whether VVD is being treated, the attitude of the person himself is important. It is especially important to engage in non-traumatic sports to minimize seizures. As a rule, patients are recommended swimming, jogging, yoga classes.

Medical treatment

Quite often, patients who are faced with VVD ask: "Is the disease treated or not with medication?" Only a doctor can answer. Often, in the course of eliminating the cause of the disease, drug therapy is also connected to maintaining a proper lifestyle. It helps the patient to restore the balance of the nervous system.

The following drugs are used to treat VSD:

  • "Persen". An excellent herbal sedative.
  • Elenium, Diazepam, Phenazepam, Tofisopam. Preparations of synthetic origin. Tranquilizers. Treatment with this group of drugs is carried out exclusively on the prescription of a doctor and under his strict control.
  • Belloid, Bellaspon. Combined funds. The expediency of their appointment can only be concluded by a doctor. Physician supervision is required.
  • Amitriptyline, Imipramine. Antidepressants. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed for increased anxiety, insomnia. They effectively help with reduced performance, severe fatigue, asthenia. Take them only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Ginseng tincture, Aralia, Adaptogens. It is recommended to take such drugs in the autumn or spring.

It should not be forgotten that the type of medication needed, as well as the dosage, is determined by the doctor. The duration of taking each of the drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor. Any self-treatment will not bring long-awaited relief. And properly selected medicines, combined with psycho-training and a full-fledged lifestyle, guarantee the most favorable prognosis.

Patients diagnosed with mixed VVD may be given additional drugs or special recommendations. For example, patients whose digestive system suffers will be advised to follow a special diet.

Medical treatment is usually required in advanced cases. If seizures prevent a person from living normally, the only way out is to take appropriate drugs that can fight VVD. How much is the disease treated? The main course of therapy depends on the stage of the disease. For each patient, it is purely individual. On average, the duration of therapy varies from 2 to 6 months.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy

Treatment of VVD requires an integrated approach. Physiotherapy is prescribed as an effective supplement. It can be acupuncture, electrophoresis, massage, water treatments. The choice of type directly depends on the type of VVD diagnosed in the patient. Let's consider some.

  • Hypertensive. Electrophoresis occurs with a solution of magnesium sulfate (5%).
  • Hypotonic. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the collar area. Added caffeine.
  • Cardialgic. Electrophoresis is applied between the shoulder blades. The main component is novocaine (10% solution).


This procedure is beneficial for all patients. Massage is prescribed for all types of VVD. Sessions can be held every day.

Water procedures

Just like massage, this method is useful for all types of ailment. However, for each type there are certain recommendations.

  • Hypotonic and asthenic types. Patients are prescribed cool baths. The water temperature is 32-33 degrees. The duration of the procedure is from 7 to 15 minutes. Physiotherapy sessions take place every other day. The full course of treatment varies from 4 to 5 weeks. Patients with the above types of VVD benefit from carbonic and iodine-bromine baths.
  • Hypertonic, cardialgic and arrhythmic types. In this case, patients are prescribed baths at a water temperature of 35-36 degrees. It is useful to carry out sanatorium treatment. Patients are recommended hydrogen sulfide, radon, iodine-bromine baths.

The term "vegetovascular dystonia (VVD)" means that a person has a complex of symptoms. This is not a disease, but a syndrome that speaks of disorders in the autonomic nervous system. It should be noted that this name of the symptom complex is absent in the USA, Germany and other European countries, and psychosomatics deals with such disorders. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in Russia is aimed at eliminating or mitigating its causes and restoring the functional activity of all organ systems.

The main methods of treating VVD

The approach to the treatment of VVD should be comprehensive

Before you start fighting VVD, you need to understand that in this case you can’t do just pills. There is no medicine, drinking which, it would be possible to eliminate all manifestations of the disease. A reliable result can be achieved only with an integrated approach and after identifying and eliminating the cause.

To get rid of the pathology, which, by the way, leads to severe disorders in the body over time, it is imperative to use the main methods of treating VVD. It:

  • drug therapy (it is important at the initial stage of treatment, especially with advanced pathology);
  • a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet;
  • physical activity;
  • psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy.

Many are wondering how to cure VVD, not suspecting that there are a large number of different methods aimed at making the body immune to the action of external and internal factors, strengthening immunity, and increasing stress resistance. Among them: meditative techniques, apitherapy, sound and color treatment, and so on.

The role of the attending physician in this situation is limited to issuing directions for diagnosis and deciphering the results. Also, the specialist will prescribe a medicine if necessary, suggest which methods of treatment can give the best result, and assess the dynamics of changes. However, all the main responsibility and work to combat vegetative-vascular dystonia lies entirely on the shoulders of the patient. The key to success will be the desire to recover.

Medical treatment of VSD

Drug treatment of VVD has a multidisciplinary nature.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is aimed at relieving existing symptoms, supporting the nervous and immune systems, and restoring normal mental and physical activity. For this, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antidepressants;
  • nootropics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • adaptogens;
  • normalizing the activity of the CCC (cardiovascular system).

Treatment of VVD with the help of drugs is carried out according to the testimony of a doctor, since the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia can proceed in different ways.

VSD type Features of therapy
Hypertensive There is a high risk of developing arterial hypertension, since the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by jumps in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, headache and other symptoms. Shown: beta-blockers, sedatives, antiarrhythmic drugs, vitamins, antioxidants.
hypotonic It is less common than the first. Among the appointments, one can single out: m-anticholinergics, methylxanines, vitamin and mineral compositions, antioxidant agents. Drinks containing caffeine (in adequate doses) are welcome.

Mode of work and rest, features of the diet

Before treating VVD with different methods, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle. You may need to make some changes to it. You can forget about the syndrome forever if:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • increase physical activity;
  • adhere to a certain routine (this is important for the normalization of sleep and the digestive process);
  • be more outdoors.

There is no special diet for VSD. It is enough that the diet is dominated by natural, nutrient-rich foods. It will be necessary to limit the salt content in food, which is especially important for patients with hypertensive-type vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Physical activity in vegetovascular dystonia

How to deal with VVD with the help of physical education? There are a lot of options here. You can sign up for a pool, go skiing every weekend in the winter, or ride a bike in the summer. You can sign up for a gym or fitness group.

When choosing one or another direction, one should not forget about the type of course of the vegetative-vascular syndrome. In hypertensive course, fast physical activity (running, jumping) is not recommended, it is better to give preference to swimming, walking. The hypotonic type involves mobile and power sports. These are: volleyball, exercise equipment, running.

Daily exercise has the following effects on the body:

  • promote muscle relaxation;
  • bring out the accumulated emotions and mental stress;
  • restore and strengthen connections between neurons;
  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • provide positive emotions, cheer up, charge with positive for the whole day.

Psychotherapy for VVD

Before treating VVD with medications, you should visit a psychotherapist. Unfortunately, we rarely turn to this specialist, since psychology and psychotherapy are associated with psychiatry, which is fundamentally wrong. Sometimes one session is enough for the patient to realize what is the reason for his poor health. In some cases, treatment with hypnosis or other techniques may be possible. It is especially important to overcome fear and come to a psychologist for an appointment with people who, by all means, are trying to find a specific disease in themselves.

Physiotherapy procedures

Treatment of VVD involves the use of a wide arsenal of physiotherapy methods. The doctor may prescribe:

  • electrophoresis (with lidocaine, caffeine, potassium chloride);
  • darsonvalization;
  • electrosleep;
  • baths (contrast, iodine-bromine, sodium chloride);
  • sharko shower;
  • paraffin therapy on the collar zone;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage and so on.

One of the methods of complex treatment of VVD is massage.

The task of physiotherapy is to normalize the condition of the heart and blood vessels, restore the conduction of nerve impulses, and restore the functioning of the central nervous system.

An excellent option would be a trip to a sanatorium. A large selection of physical therapy methods, a change of scenery, rest from the usual environment and problems will help overcome vegetative-vascular dystonia in a short period of time.

Water procedures

Daily water procedures will help to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia forever. There are also several options here:

  • shower (can be cold, hot, warm, contrast);
  • water massage (carried out in specialized institutions or at home using special nozzles);
  • bath (useful addition of essential oils).

Essential oil is not added directly to a filled bath. First, it should be mixed with a small amount of milk (this contributes to its dissolution).

Water procedures in case of VSD quickly help to restore the tone of the body, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, have a relaxing and calming effect on the psyche, help harden and strengthen the immune system.

Alternative methods of treatment of vegetovascular syndrome

Herbs have a milder effect on the body than drugs

Traditional medicine can also suggest methods and ways to get rid of VVD. Since medicinal plants have a multidirectional effect, they will help not only relieve the existing symptoms, but also cure concomitant diseases.

Doctors also advise treating vegetovascular dystonia with the help of folk recipes. Most often, the use of such medicines as herbal infusions and decoctions, tinctures (pharmacy or home-made), ointments and applications based on plant materials is indicated.

Among the plants used in hypertensive VVD, the following are popular:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • peony;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint.

Mint has a calming effect

In the case of a hypotonic type, herbs will help cure the syndrome:

  • rhodiola;
  • lemongrass;
  • immortelle;
  • ginseng;
  • lure.

The use of medicinal herbs can be combined with medications only after the permission of the doctor!

Other treatments for VVD

There are other methods of treating VVD in adults and children.

  • Meditation. Among the practices that help get rid of disorders in the nervous system, meditative techniques have no equal. Regular use will strengthen mental and physical health, eliminate the symptoms of not only vegetative-vascular dystonia, but also other pathologies, increase resistance to stress, and give a good mood.
  • Sound therapy. Getting positive emotions while listening to pleasant music contributes to the energy recharge of the whole organism. Sound is a source of energy that penetrates into every cell and has a healing effect. Even more positive emotions can be obtained if you take up singing. It is no coincidence that karaoke is in such great demand - singing your favorite songs improves mood, helps relieve stress, and eliminates health problems.

Singing has a positive therapeutic effect in VVD

  • Color therapy. Although this direction is considered young, the healing effect of color was noticed in antiquity. At the same time, each has its own properties and helps fight VVD: green promotes relaxation and tranquility, blue strengthens the body's defenses, blue normalizes sleep, and so on.

Features of treatment in children

Recently, vegetovascular dystonia is often diagnosed in childhood. The difference between therapeutic measures for VVD in children and those carried out by adults is in the rare use of medications. To completely defeat the symptoms and restore the body, experts recommend vitamin and mineral complexes, amino acids, and agents that stimulate the immune system. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe sedative and / or antiarrhythmic drugs, nootropics, antidepressants. Giving these medicines to a child alone is contraindicated!

Do I need to go to the hospital with VSD?

The question of inpatient treatment for VVD is decided by the attending physician.

In some cases, the doctor may write a referral for treatment in a hospital. The need to go to the hospital arises in the absence of a therapeutic effect from drugs and other therapies within 2-3 weeks. First of all, this applies to patients in whom vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeds according to the hypertensive type or lasts a long time. Frequent crises require constant supervision of medical personnel. In addition, hospitalization significantly expands the list of possible therapeutic measures, for example, allows you to carry out daily intravenous procedures, regardless of how you feel.

Complications and prognosis

Lack of treatment for vegetovascular dystonia, ignoring pathology, independent attempts to normalize well-being at home can lead to the development of complications. Hypertension, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, strokes - not all Possible consequences of disorders of the nervous system in VVD:

  • hypertension, hypertensive crisis;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • depression;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • strokes;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • asthenia;
  • arrhythmias and others.

VVD, flowing according to the hypertensive type, is of particular danger, as it can lead to disability.

VSD of hypertensive type is a risk factor for the development of GB in the future

In this regard, you should not hesitate to be treated for vegetovascular dystonia or not, even if the local doctor considers it safe and not worthy of attention. Timely eliminated violations in the body allow us to give a favorable prognosis. In this case, the patient will have to periodically visit a doctor for a long period of time and undergo a preventive examination.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a violation of the activity of the autonomic nervous system and the human psyche. How to treat VVD depends on the individual characteristics of the development of the disease. The priority is not drugs, but non-drug methods of therapy. Consider the features of each treatment in more detail.

What treatment is needed

Medicines for vegetovascular dystonia play a supporting role.

It is non-drug methods of therapy that come to the fore, namely, psychotherapeutic sessions, the regime of work and rest that must be observed, limiting the impact of factors provoking seizures, and carrying out activities that harden the body.

Since autonomic dysfunction develops primarily in the main systems of the body, for example, in the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, the first symptoms occur in these areas. In the event that panic attacks during VVD interfere with a person’s habitual lifestyle and worsen its quality, reduce their ability to work, prescribe medications that help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


In the treatment of VVD, drugs are used that help eliminate common pathology disorders and those that act symptomatically. As a rule, an appointment is prescribed:

  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • nootropics;
  • adaptogens;
  • vitamin complexes.

Sedative drugs

Sedative (or sedative) drugs help normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, correct the emotional background of a person. At the same time, the general condition improves, the ability to work increases. Other benefits of these medications include:

  • increased irritability and aggression disappears;
  • insomnia and daytime dizziness disappear;
  • drugs allow the vessels of the heart to relax, relieving their spasm;
  • normalization of blood pressure occurs;
  • funds have a rapid therapeutic effect, reducing the risk of severe attacks.

Most of these drugs contain only herbal ingredients, which only increases their safety and effectiveness. The only negative is the lesser severity of the calming effect than in those products that are based on synthetic substances.

Valerian is an excellent budget tool that can be used for VVD

It is possible to cure vegetovascular dystonia, which is accompanied by symptoms of a mental disorder, with such means as Valerian (drops, tablets), Passionflower, Passionflower, St. John's wort tincture, motherwort herb.


Perfectly cure the symptoms of VVD tranquilizers, which have a more powerful therapeutic effect than sedatives. It should be noted right away that only a specialist doctor should prescribe them, because tranquilizers can cause side effects and have contraindications for taking. For this reason, it is not recommended to take them on their own.

Tranquilizer drugs help to regulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system, normalizing the psychopathic state, eliminating neurosis, panic syndrome, anxiety syndrome, anxiety, irritability, emotional instability. They are prescribed if it is necessary to restore the body after a strong emotional shock, stress or depression.

Improvement in the general condition occurs within 5-10 minutes after taking the drug, but the total duration of the effect is low - up to 2-3 hours. It is possible to cure VVD forever in this way by treating with courses of 2-3 weeks. If this rule is ignored, unpleasant symptoms may reappear over time.

So, how to treat VSD? Such tranquilizer drugs as Phenazepam, Madazepam, Lorazepam, Gidazepam will come to the rescue. Means of a new generation can be called Atarax and Afobazol. It is not recommended to stop taking any drug abruptly, but you need to do it gradually. Otherwise, you can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.


It is also possible to treat VVD at home with antidepressants, the active substances of which ensure the normalization of metabolic processes in the autonomic nervous system. These are necessary for the presence of bright attacks of VVD and the symptoms accompanying it.

The first positive results are visible only after 2-3 weeks after the start of taking the pills and only in the case of their systematic use. To enhance the effectiveness of antidepressants, it is recommended to take tranquilizers in the complex.

The total duration of treatment with any antidepressant is no more than 6 months

Given the fact that all antidepressant drugs have not yet been fully studied by researchers, the exact mechanism of their effect on autonomic dysfunction has not yet been established. This can be explained by the complex symptom complex that occurs during the development of dystonia. Despite this, drugs have been used and continue to be used in the treatment of VVD, because as such, an alternative to them has not yet been found.

VSD can be cured once and for all with tricyclic antidepressants such as Teperine and Amitriptyline. The tetracyclic type of drugs include Lerivon, Ludiomil, Pyrazidol. Also, the group of antidepressants includes such drugs: Zolofort, Paroxetine, Cipralex, Prozac, Remeron, Venlafaxine, etc.

You can take antidepressants at home, but only after they have been prescribed by your doctor. In the selection process, the severity of the disturbed mental state, the general condition of the patient and other important factors are taken into account.

Nootropic drugs

Vegetovascular dystonia of the brain can be treated with drugs such as nootropics, the active substances of which affect the higher integrative functions of its cortex. With the help of such tools, you can improve concentration and memory. General malaise and depression disappear in the same way as headaches and dizziness. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Glycine (provides an improvement in brain metabolism, but there is a ban on its simultaneous use with other drugs used in the treatment of dystonia);
  • Piracetam (treats many neurological and psychological diseases, but in the case of vegetovascular dystonia, it has many conflicting reviews; it is prescribed for mixed VVD);
  • Noofen (has antihypoxic and anti-amnesic effects; the drug is used for hypotonic dystonia).

It is also possible to treat neurocirculatory dystonia with a drug such as Actovegin, released in the form of a solution for injection.

Adaptogens and vitamin preparations

Adaptogen preparations are purely of plant origin, have a tonic and tonic effect, help to improve the state of the immune system and improve mood. Often such drugs are prescribed in combination with vitamin preparations. It should be noted right away that adaptogens should not be taken with high blood pressure. Examples of remedies include Doppelhertz with ginseng, Pantocrine, Antistress formula, which are prescribed for any type of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The complex of vitamins based on magnesium Complivit helps to reduce the amount of symptoms in VVD

Vitamin preparations are important for every person, regardless of the presence of such a pathology in the body. On the pharmacy counters you can find a lot of drugs for this purpose, which act both therapeutically and prophylactically. Replenishing the required amount of potassium and magnesium in the body, you can reduce irritability, anxiety, increase working capacity. Preparations containing in their composition such microelements: Magne B6, Magnelis, Magnerot, Asparkam.

You can take vitamin complexes, which contain other useful substances. In addition to normalizing the activity of the nervous system, vitamins will help strengthen the immune system and increase its resistance to infectious diseases. It can be Complivit, Supradin, Neuromultivit, etc.


Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to cure VVD with psychotherapeutic sessions. This technique is quite effective, but only if a person turned to a specialist at an early stage in the development of vegetovascular dystonia.

The main goal of therapy is to restore the balance of a person’s mental strength, normalize mental balance. The task of the doctor is to find the main cause of the disturbance in the emotional state, which caused unpleasant symptoms, and teach the person to manage it.

A psychotherapist or psychologist can help get rid of the symptoms of VVD.

Actively use breathing exercises, contrast showers, relaxing massage and some techniques of psychological impact. The latter include:

  • psychoanalysis (a specialist finds out the cause of psychological disorders and tries to eliminate it by suggestion);
  • behavioral analysis (the cause of dystonia is sought in the present life of a person, and not in the past and eliminated by changing attitudes towards it);
  • gestalt treatment (the doctor explains and inspires the person that there is the main and the secondary in his life, and the causal situation that caused the psychological disorder is precisely the second option);
  • hypnosis (in the process of therapy, a person is introduced into a light trance).

The psychotherapist also explains to the person how to cope with the attack that has arisen. In any case, do not panic, because the pathology is not life threatening. If possible, it is necessary to go out into the fresh air, remove and unfasten the restrictive elements of clothing (tie, buttons, etc.). You can lie down, but only so that the head is below the level of the legs. This will help ensure blood flow to the brain. It is possible to carry out treatment with folk remedies, for example, a solution of components such as Valocordin, tincture of peony, valerian, hawthorn, taken in 0.5 tsp.

It is difficult to say how long the disease passes. It all depends on the mood of the patient. In any case, although vegetovascular dystonia is not dangerous to health, home treatment should not be abused. Who, if not a specialist, will be able to correctly prescribe the most effective treatment.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), like dysbacteriosis, has recently been actively criticized (and some experts continue to do so now) as "fictitious" diagnoses. Indeed, in the main official document - International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 operating now, it is precisely such diagnoses that cannot be found. However, most scientists and doctors already admit that, based on modern scientific data, problems with the microflora are not at all far-fetched and, as a rule, lead to various health disorders, up to depression and diabetes. The same thing happens with VVD - there is no escape from the bouquet of symptoms characteristic of it, these are the most common complaints found in modern people (see below). At the same time, depending on the causes and predominant symptoms, diagnoses can be made that are rightfully included in the ICD-10, in particular:

- "disorder of the autonomic nervous system" (G90.9),

- "encephalopathy" (G93.4),

- "somatoform autonomic dysfunction" (F45.3).

“In fact, all these are the official names of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of a bouquet of VVD symptoms,” explains Victor Koss, a well-known neurologist, Ph.D., corresponding member of the American Academy of Neurology. - The main problem is that in our country, practicing doctors often dismiss it: they say, you just have an VSD, nothing serious - as they say, "go to sleep and everything will pass." It is for this reason that a complex of symptoms called "vegetative-vascular dystonia" has been discredited. If the attending physician only states that you have VVD and does not prescribe further studies and tests to get to the bottom of the cause, then urgently look for another doctor, Dr. Koss advises.


With VVD, no matter how the main diagnosis is called (see above), there is a violation of control over vascular tone - this is the root of the problem, the expert enlightens. Because of such a violation, on the one hand, there are all those unpleasant symptoms that we often complain about, and on the other hand, even worse, there is a real danger of serious consequences. “If the cause of the VVD is not established and not eliminated, then eventually in adulthood, after 50 years, cerebrovascular accident may develop, fraught with stroke and death,” warns neurologist Viktor Koss.

According to modern data, the most common symptoms of VVD look like this:

- sweating, feeling hot or, conversely, chills;

- increased heartbeat;

- headaches, dizziness;

- pain in the neck;

- violation of memory, concentration of attention;

- weakness, fatigue;

- irritability;

- numbness of hands, feet;

- reddening of the skin at the slightest mechanical impact (touch);

- superficial sleep.


As already mentioned, vegetative-vascular dystonia can signal a variety of problems in the body - sometimes those that most people without a medical education would not even think of associating with vascular tone. In particular, as Dr. Koss said, unexpected - at first glance - the causes of the complex of VVD symptoms can be:

- pathologies of the liver, including a congenital abnormality called "Gilbert's syndrome";

- biliary dyskinesia (that is, malfunctions of the gallbladder and bile ducts);

- violation of the intestinal microflora;

- gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.

With such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, toxic products can be produced that affect the autonomic nervous system, leading to failures in the control of vascular tone and, as a result, the familiar unpleasant signs of VVD, the expert explains.

Also, the most common causes of VSD can be:

- allergic diseases;

- endocrine pathologies (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus);

- diseases of the nervous system;

- cardiovascular diseases;

- hormonal changes in the body - for example, during pregnancy, menopause.

It is also possible that your autonomic nervous system malfunctioned due to elementary non-compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition against the background of bad habits, the expert says. This option is more common in older people or those whose body is severely weakened by stress, chronic diseases and other troubles.


Obviously, the main difficulty lies in getting to the bottom of the true cause of VVD, that is, a disease or disorder due to which the autonomic nervous system ceases to adequately control vascular tone. But it's worth starting with the simplest - to find out what kind of lifestyle the patient leads, says Dr. Koss:

- In addition to the diseases that we have listed, it is possible that a temporary malfunction occurred in the work of your autonomic nervous system due to elementary non-compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition against the background of the abuse of bad habits. This option is more common in older people or those whose body is severely weakened by stress, chronic diseases, etc.

That is, if it turns out that the patient sleeps less than 7 hours a day, moves little (walks less than 40 minutes a day), smokes like a locomotive and lacks nutrients (abuses fast food, ignoring vegetables and fruits), then the first thing to do is to correct these violations. If you switch to a more or less correct lifestyle and at the same time, after a month and a half, the symptoms of VVD do not go away, then you need to start detailed proceedings, going through all the organs and systems of the body with an intelligent and attentive doctor.


“In any case, to improve vascular tone, reasonable physical activity, regular exercise, as well as hardening, at least rubbing with a cold towel, always help,” advises Dr. Koss.

Can VSD be cured without medication?

VVD is not a disease, but a complex of symptoms. They can be of varying severity, but the answer to the question of whether VVD can be cured is positive. This is not only possible, but necessary. The sooner the patient begins to apply measures to improve his well-being, the easier it will be to achieve a positive result. Moreover, at the initial stages, this is achieved without the use of antidepressants, with the help of psychotherapy or hypnosis. Do not wait until your condition worsens, seek help from a doctor and follow his recommendations. This will help you not only improve your well-being, but also maintain your health. IRR, left unattended, can cause the development of diseases.

Treatment of VVD at home is a set of measures aimed at improving the patient's condition, relaxing him and balancing the work of the autonomic nervous system. They consist in observing the regime of the day, physical education, long walks in the fresh air, playing sports, preparing baths, aromatherapy and herbal medicine. At home, you can create conditions favorable for recovery. A lot depends on the emotional atmosphere, on how comfortable the patient feels where he lives, whether he can relax at home. If you are interested in whether it is possible to cure VVD at home, then the answer will be yes.

Herbal treatment of VVD:

  • Herbal teas that soothe and normalize blood pressure will be useful if you choose the right collection for you. Depending on what pressure you have with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to take various decoctions and infusions.
  • With normal pressure, valerian tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is suitable. You can also use its dry extract. A decoction of nine strength and tincture of immortelle sandy or hawthorn will be useful.

There is no universal collection for the treatment of VVD, since it must be selected individually, based on the severity of the pathologies that cause symptoms.

Can VVD be cured by adjusting the patient's lifestyle? Yes, this is a necessary measure on the way to full recovery. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is very difficult to cure without correcting the patient's lifestyle. It is necessary to take care of the mode in which there will be enough time for the patient to have a good rest. No less important is the psychological atmosphere, in which there should be no negativity and stress. It is also important to organize proper nutrition and avoid excessive drinking and smoking.

Physiotherapy procedures will be very useful for people with any type of VVD. Procedures such as laser puncture, acupuncture, vacuum therapy and therapeutic massage are indicated for disorders of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Performing a massage can improve blood flow, tone blood vessels and relieve nervous tension. With the predominance of disorders of the parasympathetic nervous system, it should have a deep character and intensity. If there are problems with the sympathetic system, then the massage effect should be soothing and relaxing.

Is it possible to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia forever

To understand whether it is possible to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia, you need to know that this is a violation of the parasympathetic nervous system. It has extensive symptoms, which depend on its type. There are methods that help regulate the work of nerve fibers that control the work of important organs and systems. This allows not only to improve the patient's well-being, but also is a prevention of the development of serious diseases.

On sites and forums dedicated to VVD, you can find out many ways to deal with the problem with folk methods, but before using them, consult a doctor, specifying which methods are shown to you depending on the complexity of the diagnosis.

What traditional medicine can be used for VVD:

  • Clay treatment. This tool allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. Within a week, once a day, you need to drink a glass of clay solution. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy so that it does not contain harmful impurities. To prepare the solution, you need to take a tablespoon of clay and mix it in a glass of warm water. Every day, its amount must be reduced and by the end of the week it will already be a teaspoon.
  • Mustard bath. It is enough to take 5 tablespoons of the powder and dilute with warm water to a concentration of sour cream. Then you need to pour it into the bath, the water temperature in which is 39-40 degrees. It should be taken for 7 minutes, then wipe dry and go to bed. It is great to drink hot herbal tea after this procedure.

Many patients want to know if it is possible to cure vascular dystonia in folk ways. This question can be fully answered by the doctor, having studied the condition of the patient's body and the severity of the symptoms.

If the methods of treating VVD without the use of drugs turned out to be ineffective, the doctor prescribes drugs that will help get rid of the psychovegetative syndrome. The choice of medicines must be approached very responsibly and in no case self-medicate. For the treatment of VVD, psychotropic and neurotropic drugs are prescribed, which should not lead to addiction and dependence on them. Homeopathic remedies are occasionally prescribed, but are not the main ones.

Starting taking medications, you need to be attentive to your condition. Their effect should be felt fairly quickly. Deterioration of well-being, lack of results and the appearance of side effects after a certain period (the timing will be determined by the doctor) from the start of taking medication may indicate that the therapy was not chosen correctly. You need to contact your doctor to review the prescribed treatment regimen.

More about the disease

There are 4 syndromes:

  1. Cardialgic. Acute tingling in the heart, almost all people who have been diagnosed with VVD suffer from it.
  2. Tachycardic. Tachycardia, observed in the elderly.
  3. Bradycardic. A significant decrease in heart rate, dizziness, fainting, is observed in the younger generation.
  4. Arrhythmic. Heart arythmy.



Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that manifests itself in the form of panic attacks. The vast majority of cases of this disease occur as a result of a nervous shock or breakdown. And, therefore, the only doctor who can treat this disease is a psychotherapist. Turning to an intelligent psychotherapist in a timely manner is the key to success.

There are the following main causes of the disease:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Tobacco smoking, alcohol.
  3. Stress.
  4. Abrupt climate change.
  5. Overstrain (nervous and physical).

How to overcome the disease completely?

Contrary to the assurances of doctors about the impossibility of getting rid of this disease forever, you should remember the following: it is very beneficial for doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical factories, private clinics to treat you for VVD. There is no other similar disease that affects so many human organs. And this leads to huge lists of prescribed drugs designed to treat every symptom. As a result, you needlessly ruin your body with drugs, helping certain people to return their capital to you.

Remember, you can get rid of vegetovascular dystonia forever. First you need to see a doctor in order to exclude other possible diseases. Do a complete physical examination. Get your urine and blood tested. Get an electrocardiogram. You can do an MRI. You need to get a complete picture of the state of your body before you begin to treat a non-existent disease.

Drug treatment

The main rule for treating VVD with drugs at home is the reasonable planning of work and rest and the elimination of the main cause that led the human body to this condition. It can take months to seek to cure the disease by using expensive drugs, and then in 1 day to nullify the result, overworking at work. People who once had vegetovascular dystonia remain forever at risk.

Treatment of VVD is aimed at normalizing the brain centers that control the work of the cardiovascular system of the human body.

It is possible to treat VVD with medication, but it is advisable to postpone this method in case all other treatment options do not lead to positive results. If, nevertheless, there is a need for such treatment, then the technique is as follows: drugs are started to be taken in small doses and eventually brought to normal, in parallel, strictly observing the reaction of the body. A patient under the influence of such drugs must undergo mandatory examination in the hospital at least once every 3-4 months.

Treatment of VVD with medications is aimed at studying the state of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland. In case of manifestation of this disease, the patient is prescribed sedatives, antidepressants. Assign psychotropic drugs, means to normalize blood circulation and blood supply to the brain. In mild stages, you can assign valerian, hawthorn.

Also very effective is the parallel appointment of a course of vitamins and microelements to the patient. A progressive method to cure this disease is hypnosis, which allows you to put a person into a relaxing trance state, which has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Neurologists and psychotherapists often recommend the use of auto-training methods, that is, self-hypnosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is impossible not to pay tribute to the experience of healers who are trained to treat a huge number of diseases with herbs. Due to the fact that VVD is not such a separate disease as a syndrome, it is possible to bring the body to balance and balance and get rid of serious consequences with the help of medicinal herbs.

The influence of herbs, roots, fruits of flora on the human nervous system is a long-proven fact. The main thing is to choose the right complex that suits you. Only then can progress be expected.

Recall that the imbalance of your body can occur according to several criteria:

  1. Violation of the general circulation and blood supply to the brain.
  2. Violation of body heat exchange.
  3. Improper nutrition, in connection with which the supply of useful substances that can regulate and restore the affected organs, is depleted.

The following combinations of herbs at home are successful:

Freshly squeezed juice with honey and wine works great. You will need carrots, beets, radishes, lemons, honey and sweet red wine.

A very effective way to deal with a panic attack is to use a regular bag.

A person who feels the onset of an attack must inhale and exhale into this bag until carbon dioxide normalizes the nervous system.

There are methods of treating this disease with the help of breathing exercises. Its essence is that the patient needs to take a deep breath (lasting about 7 seconds), then exhale the same way (as you exhale, say: i, e, o, y, a, w).

The doctor Brols, who invented this gymnastics, promises that with the help of the correct use of his technique, you can forever get rid of this ailment. He claims that the pronunciation of each of the above sounds affects different organs of your body. Thus, you, inhaling and exhaling, massage from the inside.

A good way to heal is a herbal bath. Aromatic oils, herbs, salts have a relaxing effect on the body. Don't forget the sauna and steam bath. Drink herbal teas.

If you decide to try the treatment of this disease with the help of herbs, then you must first consult with your doctor. The fact is that a lot of features and trends of this disease regulate a different approach with the help of herbs. What type of VSD you have, low or high blood pressure, age, degree of disease - all these are important factors when choosing a complex of herbs.


Physiotherapy is widely used for the prevention and treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. Why Physiotherapy? Everything is simple. It has long been proven that this disease affects mainly the population leading a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a violation of the cardiovascular system. Specialists prescribe exercise therapy, relaxing massage courses, a variety of water treatments, and sometimes even acupuncture.

The advantage is given to physiotherapy, primarily due to the fact that physical activity is the key to free, natural treatment, which not only does not harm the body, but brings tremendous benefits to every organ of the human body.

A proven tool with almost 100% success is a change of scenery. It has been proven that monotony depresses any person. So the ideal option for a sick person who wants to cure this disease would be a trip to a sanatorium located in a picturesque place. After all, the contemplation of forests, parks and lakes has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Physiotherapy is often used together with drug treatment, because if the human body is constantly in a light tone, receives a general strengthening physical activity, then the effect of medications will come much faster. Also, physical activity should become a constant companion of a person who has overcome vegetovascular dystonia.

No sedative is more beneficial than running, cycling, swimming in the pool, long walks in the fresh air.

However, along with the possibility of overdose in the medical method of treatment, physiotherapy also needs to be done wisely.

Overexertion and excessive physical activity can not only not improve your condition, but also lead to a significant regression of your health.


What should be done in order not to be subjected to this most unpleasant disease? You need to take care of your health. Don't overwork. Vacation is just relaxing. Get out of the house more often for walks in the park or the shore of a reservoir. Get checked regularly by a doctor.

Go in for sports (it is best to sign up for a pool), read books, get a cat and monitor your sleep pattern very carefully. After all, sleep is the time when the body replenishes resources, heals wounds, puts the nervous system in order. It is necessary to put in order and the diet. Natural, balanced food, rich in vitamins and trace elements, works wonders.

A person who sounded the alarm in time and turned to specialists can safely count on a favorable outcome of treatment. After the patient was able to get rid of dystonia, it is necessary to undergo an examination for relapse at least once a year.

At the present stage, scientists involved in the study of this problem offer the term autonomic dysfunction(VD), which most accurately reflects the essence of the emerging pathological changes in the work of the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a department of the nervous system that controls and regulates the work of all internal organs, helping to maintain homeostasis - the relative balance of the internal environment of the body. Another name for the ANS is the autonomic nervous system, since its activity is not subject to the will and control of human consciousness. The ANS is involved in the regulation of many biochemical and physiological processes, for example, it maintains normal body temperature, the optimal level of blood pressure, is responsible for the processes of digestion, urination, the activity of the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune systems, etc. The main divisions of the ANS include: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The activity of these departments most often has an oppositely directed effect: the sympathetic department of the ANS is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, bladder, bronchi, increased heart rate and increased heart contractions, narrowing most of the arteries and veins of the body; the parasympathetic division of the ANS is responsible for the contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract, which leads to an increase in its motility, an increase in the secretion of the digestive glands. Also, the activity of other glands of the body (salivary, lacrimal) is activated, the contraction of the heart slows down and weakens, arteries and veins expand. In addition, a number of organs (intestines, bladder) have their own system of nervous regulation (usually represented by nerve plexuses), which is referred to as the metasympathetic division of the ANS. Normally, there should be a “relative balance” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, i.e. with the predominance of the effects of the work of one of the departments, the effects of the work of the other are reduced. Violation of the "balance" between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS leads to the development of autonomic dysfunction.

In many medical publications, you can find synonyms for autonomic dysfunction: neurocirculatory dystonia, heart neurosis, functional cardiopathy, psychovegetative syndrome, panic attack, angioedema, psychovegetative neurosis, vasomotor dystonia, etc. Currently autonomic dysfunction It is considered not an independent disease, but a syndrome - a set of signs - symptoms that can occur in any pathology.

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia (autonomic dysfunction)

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse. Depending on the violations of the activity of one or another organ system, they are divided into several groups, although these symptoms can appear both in isolation and together:

  • cardiac (cardiac) manifestations - pain in the region of the heart, palpitations (tachycardia), a feeling of sinking heart, interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • respiratory (respiratory) manifestations - rapid breathing (tachypnea), inability to take a deep breath or vice versa, unexpected deep breaths; a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of heaviness, congestion in the chest; sharp attacks of shortness of breath, similar to attacks of bronchial asthma, but provoked by other situations: excitement, fear, awakening, falling asleep;
  • dysdynamic manifestations - fluctuations in arterial and venous pressure; disorders of blood circulation in tissues;
  • thermoregulatory manifestations - unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature: it can rise to 37-38 degrees C or drop to 35 degrees C and below. Fluctuations can be permanent, long-term or short-term;
  • dyspeptic manifestations - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation or diarrhea);
  • sexual disorders, for example, anorgasmia - the absence of orgasm with continued sexual desire; various violations of the functions of the urinary system - frequent, painful urination in the absence of any real pathology, etc .;
  • psycho-neurological manifestations - weakness, lethargy, decreased performance and increased fatigue with a slight load, tearfulness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, increased sensitivity to weather changes, sleep-wake cycle disturbances, anxiety, startling during sleep, which most often occurs superficial and short lived.

The reasons VSD

The main factors causing the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia include:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. endocrine changes in the body. Often, VD is most pronounced during the period of active hormonal changes, for example, during puberty;
  3. diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads);
  4. stress, neurosis, psycho-emotional stress;
  5. organic lesions of the brain (trauma, tumors, cerebrovascular accidents - strokes);

Classification vegetative-vascular dystonia

unified classification vegetative-vascular dystonia still does not exist. Depending on changes in the cardiovascular system and changes in blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia subdivided into types:

  • normotensive or cardiac (cardiac) type, manifested by pain in the heart or associated with various cardiac arrhythmias;
  • hypertensive type, characterized by increased pressure in a state of tension or rest;
  • hypotensive type, characterized by low blood pressure, accompanied by weakness, fatigue, a tendency to faint.

Depending on the predominance of the activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished. By the nature of the flow vegetative-vascular dystonia it can be permanent (with constantly present signs of the disease; it develops more often with the hereditary nature of the disease), paroxysmal (occur in the form of so-called vegetative attacks) or latent (occur hidden). Vegetative attacks (vegetative-vascular crises, panic attacks) usually begin at the age of 20-40 years - this characteristic course of autonomic dysfunction in adults is more common in women. If the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system predominates in the work of the autonomic system, then a so-called sympathoadrenal attack (crisis) occurs. It usually begins with a headache or pain in the heart, palpitations, redness or pallor of the face. Blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, body temperature rises, chills appear. Sometimes there is an unreasonable fear. If the activity of the parasympathetic division predominates in the work of the autonomic nervous system, then the so-called vagoinsular attack (crisis) develops, characterized by general weakness, darkening in the eyes. Sweating, nausea, dizziness appear, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, pulse slows down. Overwork, excitement, psycho-emotional stress cause more frequent attacks. After a crisis, a feeling of weakness, general malaise, and weakness may remain for several days. Most often, the manifestations of seizures are mixed, so the indicated division into different types (sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular) is conditional, but the approach to treatment is the same.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child: where does it all begin?

Most often, the disease begins in childhood. According to various sources, from 12 to 29% of children and adolescents suffer from autonomic dysfunction. This is facilitated by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth, birth trauma, other pathology of the central nervous system, diseases of infancy. As a result, there is an inferiority in the work of the ANS, disturbances appear on the part of various organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract (frequent regurgitation, bloating, unstable stools, decreased appetite) and the central nervous system (shallow, intermittent and short sleep with frequent awakenings) . Such children are prone to frequent colds with "temperature tails" - the preservation of elevated temperature after recovery. They do not tolerate stuffiness, heat, weather changes, complain of headaches, difficulty breathing (most often, the so-called "unsatisfied breath"), feel a "lump in the throat." During puberty, autonomic dysfunction is exacerbated by a mismatch between the rapid development of internal organs, the growth of the whole organism, and the lag in the formation and maturation of nervous and endocrine regulation. At this time, there are usually complaints of pain in the region of the heart, interruptions in the work of the heart, palpitations, an increase or decrease in blood pressure is recorded. Psychoneurological disorders often occur: increased fatigue, memory loss, emotional instability (tearfulness, irritability, irascibility), high anxiety. In adults, symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia provoked and aggravated by the presence of various chronic diseases, stress, personality traits, hormonal changes associated, for example, with pregnancy.

Diagnostics vegetative-vascular dystonia

How to recognize vegetative-vascular dystonia? If you are easily pale or flushed, you often feel dizzy, your eyes darken, especially after moving around, standing up, having a paroxysmal headache, sweating a lot, a fast or slow heartbeat, a feeling of heart failure, feeling of difficulty in breathing, feeling cold, or your arms and legs go numb, you get tired quickly, your working capacity is reduced, you often feel weak, weak - most likely you have vegetative-vascular dystonia and you need to see a doctor.

Due to the variety of symptoms, the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is difficult and requires a specialist, it can be a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, to exclude or diagnose various diseases accompanied by similar symptoms. In this case, such diagnostic methods as electrocardiography (ECG), daily registration of an electrocardiogram, rheovasography are used - a method of graphic registration of pulse fluctuations in the blood filling of blood vessels in organs and tissues. The gastrointestinal tract is examined using gastroscopy, which allows you to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa using an endoscope (a tubular optical device with a lighting device). To study the nervous system, electroencephalography is carried out - a method of graphic recording of bioelectric impulses of the brain, computed tomography - a research method in which images of a certain layer (section) of the human body (for example, the head) are obtained using x-rays.

With the help of CT, it is possible to fix the smallest changes in the absorption of rays, which in turn allows you to see what is not visible on a conventional x-ray, the radiation exposure with CT is much lower than with a conventional x-ray. It is worth mentioning magnetic nuclear resonance (NMR) - a diagnostic method (not related to X-rays), which allows you to get a layer-by-layer image on a computer of organs in different planes, to build a three-dimensional reconstruction of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. For NMR, various pulse sequences have been developed for imaging the structures under study, which allow obtaining the optimal contrast between normal and altered tissues. Based on the examination data and on the totality of the external manifestations of the disease, the final diagnosis is made and the treatment tactics are chosen.

Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia

Prevention and treatment of autonomic dysfunction should begin in childhood and adolescence. It is an erroneous opinion that autonomic dysfunction is a condition that reflects the characteristics of a growing organism, which eventually resolves on its own. It has already been proven that arising in childhood or adolescence autonomic dysfunction, is an unfavorable background and a harbinger of many diseases. In adults, the presence of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires, first of all, the exclusion of various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by impaired ANS function. Among them are various diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sexual disorders); many mental disorders (starting with neurosis, neurasthenia and ending with diseases caused by significant changes in brain structures). In addition, almost all chronic diseases are accompanied by symptoms. vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is why it is so necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner. With the timely correction of vegetative disorders in 80-90% of women, sleep and appetite are normalized, many complaints disappear or are significantly reduced, and the adaptive capabilities of the body are restored. During treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia non-drug methods are widely used: normalization of lifestyle, physiotherapy exercises, country walks, tourism, spa treatment, tempering procedures, psychophysical training, outdoor recreation. The complex use of drugs, physiotherapy procedures is carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

  1. Daily regime. You definitely need to sleep. The duration of sleep can be varied individually, but on average it should be at least 8-9 hours a day. Chronic sleep deprivation itself causes various disorders in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, or can cause the appearance and aggravation of the symptoms of an existing VD. The bedroom should not be hot or stuffy. Do not rest on too soft or hard mattresses and pillows. It is better to sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows that contribute to the most physiological position of the body and head.
  2. Optimization of work and rest. It is necessary to alternate mental and physical loads, apply various methods of psychological unloading, auto-training. If possible, reduce the time of watching TV, working at the computer. In the absence of such an opportunity, preventive breaks are required when working with a computer, exercises for the eyes, etc. Smoking is mandatory.
  3. Physical education. Optimal for VD are swimming, water aerobics, walking, skiing, country walks, hiking. With these types of loads, the heart muscle and blood vessels are trained, blood pressure is stabilized. A woman becomes less dependent on weather changes, better tolerates physical activity, increases the body's adaptation to the environment, external stimuli. Team sports are good if they are held outdoors, not for the result, but for the sake of pleasure. They contribute to psycho-emotional discharge, have a general strengthening effect on the body. Among the simulators, it is best to use a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, a stepper, a rowing machine. Exercises on simulators are contraindicated, where the head is below the level of the chest and exercises are performed upside down due to the risk of developing fainting, worsening well-being. Martial arts, power gymnastics, bodybuilding, aerobics with high jumps, somersaults, have a significant load on the cardiovascular system. Exercises with a large amplitude of movement of the head and torso, sharp and fast movements, exercises with a long static effort should be avoided. If you still go in for these sports with vegetative disorders, reduce the intensity of the load as much as possible, give up sparring, control your breathing and heart rate when doing exercises. It is not recommended to participate in any serious competitions. In addition, during classes you should not experience discomfort, excessive fatigue, irritability. The main criterion for control is your well-being. Physical education should give you only positive emotions and pleasure from physical movement.
  4. Power correction. It is necessary to increase the intake of potassium and magnesium salts into the body. These substances are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses, improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, help restore the disturbed balance between the divisions of the ANS. Potassium and magnesium are found in buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, beans, peas, apricots, rose hips, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, eggplant, onions, lettuce, parsley, nuts. With a hypotonic type of VD, products that increase vascular tone are recommended: milk, kefir, tea, coffee. In the hypertensive type of VD, it is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt, tea, coffee, marinades and pickles and include in your diet foods that reduce vascular tone: barley porridge, beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cottage cheese. With a normotonic type of VD, the diet should include foods that improve blood flow and reduce vasospasm: vegetable oils, citrus fruits, a moderate amount of spices.
  5. Physiotherapy. The range of physiotherapeutic procedures is different: electrophoresis on the cervical spine with medicinal solutions; sinusoidal modulated currents, applications of paraffin and ozocerite on the cervical-occipital region. These procedures are also aimed at restoring balance in the activities of the main divisions of the ANS, normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and nerve conduction, and improving metabolism and blood circulation in organs and tissues. Recently, red and infrared laser radiation in combination with magnetotherapy (on the area of ​​the liver, paravertebral, subscapularis) has been used to treat patients with VD. This improves metabolism in cells, blood flow, reduces pain in the region of the heart, however, this type of effect is better not to use in hypotonic type of VD, as it can provoke the development of fainting, dizziness. Water procedures have a general strengthening effect on the body, therefore, for all types of VD, contrast baths, fan and circular showers, hydromassage, and swimming are recommended. In addition, with the parasympathicotonic type of VD, salt-coniferous and radon baths are used, and with the sympathicotonic type, carbonic, chloride and sulfide baths are used.
  6. Acupuncture and various types of massage: with parasympathicotonic type of VD - superficial massage at a fast pace, rubbing, vibration massage. With sympathicotonic type - a soothing massage at a slow pace, kneading the collar zone. With a mixed type of autonomic disorders - a combination of these massage techniques.
  7. Phytotherapy. For disorders of the parasympathicotonic type, plant stimulants are used: eleutherococcus, ginseng, zamaniha, aralia, leuzea, various diuretic herbs and fees (bearberry, juniper, cowberry). With disorders of sympathicotonic and mixed types - sedative (calming) herbs and fees: valerian, motherwort, sage, mint, lemon balm, hops, peony root. Treatment regimens with phytopreparations are prescribed by the attending physician.
  8. Psychological correction. The personal factor plays one of the main roles in the development and course of AD. The sanguine, for example, is the most resistant type to VD. He is less prone to stress, more easily endures the disease, recovers faster. Melancholic and choleric people are the most vulnerable to the development of autonomic disorders. Such patients should, if possible, avoid excessive emotional stress, respond correctly to stressful situations. Calming herbs, auto-training, relaxation methods, psycho-training, and the resolution of psychological problems will help them. Sometimes family psychotherapy is required, the purpose of which is the normalization of a person’s relations with others, the removal of psychological stress.
  9. Good results are given by sanatorium-resort treatment.
  10. Drug treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. It includes: potassium, calcium preparations, vitamin and mineral complexes, vascular preparations, nootropics (drugs that improve nutrition, metabolism and the functioning of brain cells), antidepressants, etc.

In order not to be helpless in a difficult situation, it is best to learn how to cope with vegetative-vascular attacks (crises) on your own.

  • Take 20 drops of Valocordin or CORVALOL.
  • With palpitations and increased pressure, take one tablet (40 mg) of PROPRANOLOL (another name for the drug ANAPRILIN, OBZIDAN).
  • To relieve nervous excitement, it is necessary to take 1-2 tablets of DIAZEPAM (RELANIUM) under the tongue (for quick and complete absorption).
  • With rapid breathing, it is best to take a paper bag where you will exhale and inhale air enriched with carbon dioxide from there, which will lead to normal breathing.

In a patient who has learned to cope with an attack on his own, the anxiety of waiting for new attacks decreases. One of the forms of vegetative attacks is fainting - a sudden short-term loss of consciousness, accompanied by a sharp pallor, a significant weakening of breathing and blood circulation. It is caused by a temporary violation of vascular tone, outflow of blood from the brain and a drop in blood pressure. Usually fainting occurs with strong emotional excitement, in a stuffy room, etc. The harbingers of fainting are pale skin, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, ringing and noise in the ears, nausea. Then there is a loss of consciousness and a fall (some women may anticipate the onset of fainting and manage to prevent a fall, that is, sit down in time with support on their backs, unbutton squeezing clothes, etc.). Cold sweat appears on the forehead, breathing becomes superficial, slow, the pulse is frequent, weak, hands and feet are cold. Most often, fainting is short-lived. After a few minutes, consciousness is restored.

First aid for fainting

First of all, it is necessary to unfasten the collar, the belt and loosen everything that restricts breathing, lay the patient so that the head is lower than the body, or you can raise the legs (this way blood flows better to the head). No need to pull the victim and try to lift her. It is necessary to open a window, a window leaf, if necessary - to take it out into the air. You should spray your face with cold water, and warm your legs, for example, if possible, apply a heating pad to your feet. It is impossible to get up quickly after a faint, because you can lose consciousness again. After the return of consciousness, it is useful to give a person strong sweet tea or coffee, valerian drops.

Forecast vegetative-vascular dystonia

The prognosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is favorable, often its manifestations remain forever in childhood. However, without prevention and treatment, vegetative-vascular dystonia can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure, which changes the structure and functions of various internal organs; to violations of the digestive processes, etc.. When vegetative-vascular dystonia it is necessary to conduct regular (usually seasonal) courses for the prevention of exacerbations, for which herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, spa treatment are prescribed.

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