Who gets up in the morning. Causes of an erection or why does a member get up? Why erection occurs in the morning

Why an early erection happens, how to deal with an erection in a child and when to worry - find out from our material.

An erection is the most obvious sign of sexual desire. It involves the process of hardening of the penis due to blood flow. As a result, the penis fills up, increases in size and “gets up”, as a result of which the fact of penetration becomes possible - that is, an excited penis opens up the possibility for.

Most parents are in a state of shock when they notice erections in little boys. This can happen or a diaper change, and according to experts, the phenomenon is quite common under normal conditions and is absolutely not a cause for concern.

Boy's first erection: causes

Even the youngest boys get erections. In addition, in the first days of a child's life, his penis may seem too big to you. This is my own fault. Within a few days, the organ usually shrinks.

Most often, an early erection happens for no reason. According to experts, these are most likely just uncontrollable reactions, like grasping, indicating that something is working correctly. An erection can also mean that bladder the boy's is full and "needs to urinate". A small one can also cause intermittent erections that are not painful and the problem is fixed immediately.

How to deal with a child's erection

We all know that children are curious, eager to learn more about themselves and the world. Baby erections are part of his attempts to get to know his own body. While they may make you feel embarrassed, these situations need to be handled with care and tact:

    You can not force a child to be ashamed of an erection, as if something bad. Remember that your behavior in these early stages will affect his sexual experience and behavior in later years.

    Try not to panic and don't let the boy get over excited. Offer your child a cold bath or distract him until everything is back to normal.

How will the child react to an erection?

Erections happen to most young children. They usually begin in early childhood. Some children find them pleasant, but many feel uncomfortable when the erection is strong and lasts for a while. In such cases, because they are not used to this feeling, they feel abnormal, so they complain or cry.

Reasons for concern: if your child's erection lasts more than a few hours or you notice other unusual symptoms such as fever or pale color skin, you need to immediately take the child to the doctor. The doctor will evaluate the child's erection and prescribe suitable treatment.

If you notice that your child enjoys touching himself and rubbing his penis in an attempt to get an erection, don't worry. This is absolutely normal, which boys sooner or later simply outgrow.

Painful erections in a boy

Painful erections that have nothing to do with sexual stimulation or desire are a sign of a condition called priapism. Priapism, however, usually only occurs in adult males or those suffering from sickle cell anemia, leukemia, the pelvis, or the perineum (usually due to child abuse). Such painful erections are a true urological emergency that can lead to permanent erectile or penile dysfunction if left untreated. If your son has long and painful erections, you should see a doctor to determine the problem and find the right treatment.

Sexual development in children under 10 years of age

For parents, the issue of erection seems far away, but begins in early age. All children, from infants to first graders, grow physically and sexually at their own individual pace.

1. Infants and children under 3 years old

The very first emotional experience of a child is associated with parental love, which is expressed in physical touch - hugs, kisses, rocking, tickling, etc. All these physical actions give the child the understanding that he is loved. It is a unique expression of physical intimacy and can form the basis of more mature forms of physical intimacy and love that are part of sexual maturation later in life.

How to respond to parents: many parents worry when they see that children touch their genitals or that boys often get erections. Experts assure that this behavior is completely normal - kids just explore their bodies. In addition, many children, especially small ones, like to be naked. The reaction of parents to these early manifestations sexual behavior very important. In fact, these are the first. If you don't express surprise, anger, or disapproval, you are showing your child that wanting to know their own body is a normal part of their life.

2. Preschoolers (3 to 5 years old)

By the age of 3, the child begins to understand the difference between the sexes. This is known as gender identity, since at this age the child can distinguish between boys and girls and can identify himself with one or the other. Children also begin to associate both the behavior of a man or a woman. Children in the kindergarten already know perfectly well whether they are boys or girls and continue to purposefully explore their bodies.

How to respond to parents: parents are advised not to scold their children for exploring their own bodies, because this can provoke feelings of guilt and shame. On the other hand, it is necessary to explain that, although it is pleasant to touch yourself, this should not be done in front of everyone. In addition, children must remember once and for all that no one else, not even family members or people they trust, in any way, if it makes them feel uncomfortable.

3. Junior school (from 6 to 10 years old)

Strongly interested in childbirth and - boys and girls begin to play separately. This is also the age when peers or media resources begin to provide big influence on the formation of a sexual worldview. If yours, he will discuss sexual issues not with you, but with his friends.

How to respond to parents: you, as a parent, are best able to tell your child all about sexual organs and reproduction. Therefore, it is very important for you and your child to have strong relationship based on trust. If at this age the child does not ask about sex, try to initiate appropriate conversations. And be honest. Be aware that the child will turn to other sources of information or come to their own conclusions if you dismiss their questions or don't explain what they would like to know.

2 Types of male arousal

Libido strong half humanity manifests itself in several forms. Erections can be spontaneous or adequate. The first option is an involuntary arousal that occurs with little to no reason. Similar situation arises even in an atmosphere far from erotic. Spontaneous erection can appear at a time when a man is sleeping or has just woken up. Some representatives of the stronger sex note a state of excitement in daytime even in crowded conditions.

Libido manifests itself in sleep, usually during adolescence. The cause of an erection in guys during this period can be an erotic fantasy embodied in a dream. Arousal can occur when prolonged abstinence or be a consequence of an excessive amount of hormones. Experts assure that in adolescence, a spontaneous male reaction is quite normal. Do not worry about this, since such a reaction is not considered a malfunction in the work of the human body.

Every man knows what the morning manifestation of libido is. it normal phenomenon, which indicates that everything is normal in the human body. Wherein we are talking not only about physical, but also about psychological male health.

The duration of a morning or night erection can vary from a few minutes to half an hour. Excitation subsides spontaneously, usually for no specific reason. Experts recommend that you carefully monitor the condition of your body. If a morning erection absent, this may indicate the development of a disease.

3 Reasons for the lack of spontaneous manifestation of libido

If a man has young age there was a failure and there is no spontaneous erection. this may be a consequence of psychological ailments. In this case, it is worth stocking up on the support of a partner and going to see a psychologist. If you really find a good specialist, you can quickly solve a complex issue. Often the cause of a weak or completely absent libido in men is severe stress or depression. In the modern world, such problems are not uncommon. Hard work, lack of understanding in the family and much more lead to the fact that a man has problems in bed.

An erection may also disappear due to a number of serious illnesses including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, as well as a violation hormonal background.

Those young people who abuse alcohol and take drugs are also at risk. By the way, some medications can negatively affect male libido. Doctors are required to warn patients of possible side effects when prescribing medicines. As for the hormonal imbalance, the amount of testosterone in the body of a man plays an important role here.

4 Adequate erection

When a specific object appears in the field of view of a man that can cause arousal in him, an adequate erection may occur. This is normal for a healthy representative of the strong half of humanity.

This type of manifestation of male libido, as well as spontaneous, may be absent, which is a consequence of some problems in the body. First of all, it is worth noting psychological condition human, stress and depression. All this may be the reason not only total absence erection, but also its sudden subsidence during intercourse. By the way, an erection that is too long can lead to penis strain, which also contributes to the sudden disappearance of arousal.

5 Painful sensations

At the time when the sexual organ is aroused, a man may experience discomfort and even pain. In the case when marked similar symptoms you need to contact a specialist. The cause of the problem may be the onset of a serious illness. Doctors recommend first of all to pay attention to the discharge, which can signal a significant problem.

Pain during arousal can be triggered by trauma to the penis, frequent masturbation, phimosis, Peyronie's disease, priapism and various sexually transmitted diseases. For this reason, such symptoms should not be ignored, as they can be a clear signal of a serious illness.

If a man encounters such a problem as a painful erection too often, this can negatively affect his future sexual life, since arousal will be associated with pain. Such a situation can disrupt the psychological state of a person.

Experts recommend that men be attentive to their sexual organ and in no case self-medicate. Turning to experienced specialist, you can not only successfully cure the disease, but also understand the cause of its occurrence in order to prevent this in the future. It is especially important to consult a doctor in time if uncharacteristic discharge appears.

6 Treatment activities

To increase male libido, you should first consult a doctor. After all the tests have been carried out, it will be possible to establish the cause of the erectile dysfunction. Based on the examination data, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It could be hormone therapy, medications or psychotherapy sessions.

Some men with potency problems try to use more folk remedies. Among the most effective solutions we can distinguish proper nutrition, that is, the use of a large amount of nuts, eggs, milk, as well as other products that are considered helpers in restoring "male strength".

Doctors do not deny the beneficial effects of some folk remedies on male organ rev. For example, you can combine medicines prescribed by a doctor with various decoctions and tinctures.

For erection problems, ginseng root will be useful. Many people think that he has miraculous power, but in fact, ginseng only stimulates blood flow to the penis, which improves erection.

Nettle in traditional medicine considered an excellent substitute for Viagra. A decoction of this plant is recommended in emergency cases, as its effect becomes noticeable very quickly. Thyme also helps to increase libido. A decoction of this herb must be taken systematically twice a day. Each of these plants in dried and crushed form must be poured with boiling water and infused from several hours to 3 days. Nettle can be used after half an hour of brewing. She is taken for 2 tbsp. l. before intimacy.

Men who want to increase their libido should pay attention to cranberries, which are best consumed in combination with sour cream, pumpkin seeds, ginger root, also for dried fruits, namely dried apricots, raisins and prunes.

A good addition to proper nutrition become and physical exercises. These include running in place with your knees high, simultaneously bending your knees and lifting your body on your toes. Well, the largest positive effect give squats. This exercise is recommended to be done every morning 100 times. To those who lead healthy lifestyle life, you can not worry about your libido.

And some secrets.

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Impaired urination
  • erection problems

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can problems be tolerated? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a commentary by the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy from PROSTATITIS. Read article…

Why does the dick get up

With sexual arousal, the cavernous bodies of the penis are filled with blood, the penis becomes elastic, which facilitates its introduction into the vagina.

Why does the penis get up in the morning

There are two main phases of sleep: non-REM sleep and REM sleep. Phase slow sleep lasts approximately 70 minutes, then goes on for 20 minutes REM sleep, then slow again, and so they alternate all night. During REM sleep, people see dreams, their breathing becomes uneven, their body temperature rises, eye movements occur (with closed eyelids) and erection.

Twenty-minute REM sleep is repeated 4-5 times a night - therefore, an erection occurs the same number of times. If a man wakes up during the stage of REM sleep (or immediately after it - just at this time the dream is the most shallow) - then he will wake up with a standing penis. (A man - in the sense of a male; night and morning erections are already present in infants.)

Why does a member get up for no reason

The cause of an erection, in addition to sexual arousal and REM sleep, may be:

  • strong excitement;
  • mechanical excitation of the penis and scrotum;
  • mechanical excitation of the rectum and the area around the anus;
  • distension of the bladder (it is considered the second most important cause of morning erection).

Also, have you heard that we only use 5% of our brains? - So, this is a lie: the brain works at 100%, but here is realized of these hundred, only a few are really. Our body is a huge complex biological machine, and our brain - and who else? - continuously manages it, resolves issues, gives instructions to the liver, kidneys, heart, yes to everyone. The consciousness (declaring that the penis gets up “for no reason”) is like a 12-year-old king, for whom, naturally, his ministers rule - and now the boy is sincerely surprised why, without his knowledge, say, a mill was built in the city of Bobruisk-on- Obi. - Yes, almost everything in the state so far is happening without his knowledge! Let him grow up first.

Why does a dick get on a cat (man, child, cooking show, woolen sock)

1) Perhaps the penis does not stand on the cat, but because of mechanical excitation, bladder distension or excitement (that God forbid he will get up now).

2) Perhaps the reason is in the subconscious. Some childhood memory, long forgotten, is lazily tossing and turning in the dark depths of the brain ... For such cases, there are psychoanalysts who, having taken a lot of money from you, will reveal the true reason for what is happening and save you from this horror.

3) ... Stop, from what horror? - Member rises? - And you on this is complain? - Oh, does not get up on that? - Well, then I have a counter question:

  • Does a member stand on a woman?
  • Do you enjoy sex with a woman?

If your answers are "yes/yes9raquo;, then I strongly advise you to relax: fetishism is, in fact, quite widespread and in most cases is socially and medically acceptable.

If “no9raquo;, then try to read here first (“Why the penis does not get up”).

Why do guys have “stands” in the morning and what is it connected with?

An erection (colloquially “riser”9raquo;) is a common phenomenon, and its causes are also clear to everyone. True, everything is not so clear when it comes to morning erection immediately after waking up. Some are sure that such a phenomenon is a reaction to erotic dreams seen at night. In fact, morning erections most often have nothing to do with dreams.

The most common explanation

The answer to the question why guys have a penis in the morning is much more prosaic. The main version reads as follows. At night, the bladder fills up, its walls send impulses to the spinal center of urination. The state of excitation soon passes to the center of erection, which is located "next door". As a result, there is tension in the penis. In any case, if an overflow of the bladder caused an erection, then it will never be as strong and long-lasting as with sexual arousal.

Night prophylaxis

There is another explanation that tells why the guys in the morning have a "boner"9raquo;. It does not cancel at all, but rather complements the first.

Erection in men and boys occurs not only in the morning, but also at night. AT calm state the penis receives very little arterial blood. If he had been in this state all night, then hypoxia (ie, lack of oxygen) would have begun in the tissues of the penis. Spontaneous erections do not allow such a state and retain sexual health. They appear even in those who do not lead a sexual life, sometimes they occur in infancy and in old age.

There are an average of 4 - 7 erections per night. Each of them lasts for 15 - 20 minutes and always occurs during fast phase sleep. By the way, during the fast sleep period, not only the penis is activated: the body temperature rises, they move under the eyelids eyeballs, the pulse quickens.

testosterone flare

Some scientists and doctors explain the morning "riser9raquo; a surge of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Its content in the blood varies depending on the time of day. Dramatically increases the amount of testosterone in the period from 5 to 9 am. Hence the activity of the penis.

Morning erection in boys

Spontaneous erection in children occurs even before adolescence and does not indicate sexual arousal. It is necessary to take this phenomenon calmly. The only exception will be the case if the child has not begun to artificially delay urination in order to prolong sexual arousal, conscious or not completely. Need from the very early years to teach the child to go to the toilet immediately after he woke up. The excitation of the center of urination will pass, and with it the erection will disappear.

Teenagers sometimes get erections from being squeezed by tight pants, while riding a bike, climbing a rope, or even for no reason at all. This is a normal stage in the development of the male body. Spontaneous erection speaks only of good health.

But what if there is no morning erection?

Many are interested not only in the fact why there is an erection in the morning, but also for what reason it sometimes does not happen. If there is no erection on some days, then this condition is usually caused by overwork. The reason lies in fatigue, stress, lean, malnutrition. It is unlikely that an erection will appear after work at night or during illness. The recipe is simple - calm down, sleep, wait.

If there is no erection in the morning for a long time, then this can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of a violation. If it is present during sexual arousal, then, most likely, the morning erection simply goes unnoticed. When in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor, and not "cheat" yourself because of a problem that may be completely far-fetched.

Causes of an erection or why does a member get up?

In simple words and from a scientific point of view

Today, sex is important and even key points harmonious relationship between men and women. Before each intimate intercourse, both partners need a full-fledged arousal, while for men, a strong and stable erection is important. If suddenly something went wrong, problems with erection require a search for the causes of violations. And for this, you already need to understand why an erection occurs, what factors affect it.

Another no less exciting question is as follows - why does a member get up in the morning, since every man feels the morning "riser" throughout his life. In fact, erectile function involves a number of anatomical features, due to which it works in right time. And the stronger both men's health and physical strength, the longer he will have a strong erectile function.

A little bit of anatomy

Despite the importance of the genital organs for a man and his partner, the main organ still remains the brain. It is he who controls most of the processes in the body, including erection. And if all the exciting questions do not disturb brain activity, the brain purposefully focuses on the object of desire of a man. At the core erectile function lies the process of irritation of the sense organs, sometimes several at once.

Irritation signals enter the brain, from there comes the urge to produce testosterone to the testicles, adrenal glands and prostate of the male body. A single transport system is responsible for the shipment of this testosterone, we are talking about blood. And only after the hormone enters the bloodstream, all erection processes begin. Hormones and the brain contribute to a rush of blood to the genitals, under the influence of which the penis increases in size.

Why a member gets up: in simple words and from a scientific point of view

In general, it is difficult to answer unequivocally what causes a member to get up, since this process involves the involvement various functions and systems. This and hormonal system, and circulatory systems, metabolic processes and much more. Careful attitude to the genitals and erection will help a man prevent the development of disorders, namely:

  • rejection of overwork;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bad habits;
  • excess weight.

The quality of erection can be judged not only on the physiological, but also mental state the whole organism. Certain impulses are sent from the brain to the spinal cord as a result of a reaction to stimuli. Spongy and cavernous bodies of the penis become softer, at rest they remain empty. But when excited, it rushes to them a large number of blood, resulting in an erection.

After a rush of blood, another process comes into play - the contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscles, which in a man are located at the base of the penis. These muscles do not allow blood to flow back from the penis for some time, thereby maintaining its strength and size.

Scientifically male erection is divided into three types:

  • spontaneous, which manifests itself more often in the morning or at night without good reason;
  • psychogenic due to the effect on the senses;
  • reflex due to exposure to erogenous areas of the body, as well as normal testosterone production.

When asked why a member gets up in the morning, doctors talk about natural process in men of all ages, which can be repeated up to 6 times a day. This phenomenon is considered natural, preventing the development of hypoxia. For a normal erection, the following conditions must be met:

  • uninterrupted work of the cardiovascular system;
  • absence of brain and peripheral disorders nervous system;
  • timely contraction of the sciatic-cavernous muscles;
  • the ability of the smooth muscles of the penis to relax and pass blood flow.

If at least one detail of the mechanism of erectile function fails and gets upset by different reasons the man is suffering from erectile dysfunction and potency problems.

What causes erection problems?

In addition to questions about why a man has an erection, an important burning topic is the question of why guys and older men experience erectile dysfunction.

Erectile function can be adversely affected by numerous irritants and factors:

  • bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction;
  • malfunction of the spinal cord;
  • traumatization of peripheral nerves after surgery;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland and nervous system (diabetes, impaired blood pressure, sclerotic changes);
  • reception medications(sleeping pills, antidepressants, cardiac drugs, etc.);
  • anxiety and stress;
  • lack of testosterone;
  • psychological disorders.

The most common problems of erectile function are fast erections, unstable and interrupted, and weak erections.

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What to do if the penis is not worth it or is badly worth it?

Why is not worth a member? What reasons? These questions are asked by many men. After all, almost every representative of the strong half of humanity at least once in his life faced a similar problem. It threatens even young guys, let alone older gentlemen. A man wants to have sexual intercourse with a partner, but he doesn’t get up at all or his penis is very bad. You can forget about enchanting sex. When such a problem arises, some conclusions can be drawn about the state of men's health.

The mechanism of erection and what leads to its weakness?

Erectile dysfunction occurs in modern men often enough. This violation manifests itself in the form of a lack of erection (the male member absolutely does not respond to stimulation), weak erection (the penis is flaccid, not tense enough, poorly filled with blood), poor-quality erectile response (an erection occurs, but the penis is “active” not very long, it relaxes until end of intercourse).

An erection occurs as arterial blood fills the cavernous bodies of the penis. In this case, the venous outflow is blocked by muscle contraction. What is the reason for this process?

The appropriate signal enters the brain with proper intimate stimulation, starts complex mechanism transmission nerve impulses. The penis fills with blood, increases in size, hardens - an erectile reaction occurs.

If a man does not get up in response to stimulation of his sexual organ, the problem is associated with one of the violations:

  1. vascular pathology.
  2. Defect in the musculature of the penis.
  3. Anomalies in the conduction of nerve signals.

In all men, the causes of erectile dysfunction (the penis does not stand well) are different. The problem may be due to various psychological pathologies, physiological (vascular, neurological, endocrine) disorders, the influence of medications or other negative factors. The reasons are also very banal, such as stuffiness in the room, haste, etc.

Endocrine pathologies that reduce potency

Health matters a lot endocrine system. If there are violations of the glands, the man will experience a sexual disorder.

For sexual activity (potency) of a man, the hormone testosterone is responsible, the deficiency of which manifests itself:

  • poor erection;
  • change in voice tone;
  • unexpressed hairiness or its absence;
  • fat deposits according to the "female" type (on the buttocks, thighs, chest).

Deficiency of this hormone is observed more often after the age of forty years and older. However, young guys also have problems with the production of testosterone, because of which they suffer from sexual weakness, their penis does not fit well.

Also, another hormone, prolactin, which is the opposite of testosterone, affects erectile viability. If its production is excessively increased (due to various anomalies in the body), the erection is disturbed. The male organ does not rise in response to stimulation if there are problems with the pituitary gland. Weakened potency in severe form diabetes because the body does not receive the necessary portions of insulin.

On the male power adenoma is negatively reflected ( benign hyperplasia) prostate, prostatitis. A tumor or inflammation leads to dysfunction of the glandular organ - the prostate. She does not cope with her work, there is a hormonal imbalance.

Problems of a psychological nature

Often, poor erection is not associated with organic lesions of the body.

Psychogenic factors occur in a fifth of all cases of erectile weakness:

  • mental trauma (often from childhood), an unsuccessful first sexual experience;
  • improper sexual education of the boy;
  • self-doubt, complexes;
  • incompatibility with a partner, conflicts;
  • phobias - for example, the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted infection;
  • increased anxiety.

Nervous overload depletes the body. Under stress, a man may justifiably experience a fear of intimacy. If a child has been taught from childhood that sex is a sin, a shameful thing, then it is quite possible that when the boy grows up, he will be ashamed of his sexual desire, clamp down.

Libido in this case is very reduced, as a result of which the erection worsens, the member of a young, physically healthy man does not get up when it comes to bed comforts.

A man, as a rule, retains a night and morning erection, however, during intercourse with a partner, the penis is tense, the erection may be intermittent. It directly depends on fluctuations in the emotional background of a person. Typically, violations of this etiology are periodic.

Allocate a specific kind of erectile inability - "selective". The problem occurs only with one of the women. If a man enters into intimate contact with other partners, there is no dysfunction.

Other factors that weaken erection

Long term alcohol abuse narcotic substances, smoking can be the reasons that the penis does not respond to intimate stimulation.

What other causes cause sexual weakness:

  • Chronic systemic diseases. The accumulation of concomitant ailments, especially in older men, has a negative effect on sexual strength. Atherosclerosis, varicose veins, aneurysm, hypertension, hemorrhoids, heart disease - common causes sexual weakness. Impaired blood flow to the penis due to vascular pathologies, an erection is either not stable or completely absent.
  • Physical inactivity is a sedentary (sedentary) lifestyle. Physical inactivity provokes congestion in the pelvis, creates favorable conditions for the development of inflammation in the genitourinary system.
  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system (tumors, brain cysts), accompanied by impaired conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Obesity. Overweight leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Injuries of the spine and pelvis. Damage to the lumbar spine has a particularly negative effect on potency;
  • Syndrome chronic fatigue, permanent lack of sleep.

Sometimes the male member gets up badly due to the effects of medications, such as antiandrogens. The appointment of these drugs is required in a number of pathological conditions of the body. Antihistamines (diphenhydramine), drugs that depress certain brain functions that reduce the conduction of nerve impulses.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do if there is an erectile dysfunction? It is best to seek help from a specialist. Treat sexual dysfunction depending on its true causes, sexologists, endocrinologists, psychotherapists, neurologists, andrologists, urologists.

In addition to eliminating (if possible) the direct reasons why the male member does not rise (and therefore there is no possibility of quality sexual intercourse), in addition to treatment comorbidities, such methods of correction of deviations, elimination of sexual dysfunction are used:

  1. Drug therapy is the use of pharmacological preparations, thanks to which the sexual power of a man is restored during sexual contact, hormone therapy. Making an appointment for yourself is prohibited. Specialist consultation required.
  2. Non-traditional methods - time-tested secrets folk wisdom. Well increase potency such medicinal plants: clover and St. John's wort, immortelle and wild rose, calamus and celery, lemongrass. From herbs you can make teas, decoctions, infusions. Apply them according to the scheme, usually the course is long.
  3. Special diet food to improve the erectile ability of the penis. The penis costs a long time at night, if the wife adds seafood to the husband's dinner, different types nuts, parsley, cilantro, ginger, lean meat or fish.
  4. Physiotherapy. It is recommended to regularly do exercises that train muscles pelvic floor. To get rid of congestion, you need to do daily simple gymnastics. You can do exercises in a standing position, sitting, lying down. It is necessary to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the perineum, gradually increasing the number of approaches. You can do such exercises even while driving a car, while watching TV, etc.
  5. Psychotherapy.

The patient is recommended to establish a daily regimen (normalize the ratio of sleep / wakefulness, rest / work), do morning exercises, get rid of bad habits. Reach positive result possible in case integrated approach to treatment.

Medical therapy

Most often, the effect of drugs to increase potency is based on an increase in blood flow to cavernous bodies member.

These are Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, as well as their generics. They have big list contraindications, which should never be ignored, and a number of side effects. Not all other drugs can be combined with such drugs. For example, it is strictly forbidden to combine with nitrates. It is possible to use such drugs to improve erectile ability only as directed by a doctor. Against the background of the use of such drugs, a persistent, prolonged erection is observed, emotional sensations from sex intensify. If the reason that the member does not get up on time are psychogenic factors, then medicinal products like Viagra will not have a full effect.

Modern pharmacies also offer an alternative to the above mentioned medicines - many food additives that improve potency, plant-based. They usually contain ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus, dwarf palm and others. High-quality dietary supplements not only improve potency, but also heal male body generally. Their use in every individual case must also be approved by a doctor.

In the elimination of a delicate male problem important role plays a sexual partner. If a woman morally supports her husband, his sexual dysfunction can be dealt with much faster. Timely treatment inflammation genitourinary system, regular sex life, healthy active image life helps to prevent the deterioration of potency.

Why is there no morning erection?

They are based on various processes that constantly occur in the body of a man both during sleep and in daytime hours. During a nocturnal erection, blood flow to the tissues of the penis increases, due to which they are enriched with oxygen and nutrients. Studies have shown that erections occur about 5 times during sleep.

It is believed that the body produces independent testing of the correct operation of all systems. If a man does not have an erection at night or in the morning, this may be an indicator of improper functioning of the body.

Previously, scientists believed that pressure from the bladder on the prostate gland could cause the penis to rise. The blood in the body is constantly renewed, flowing to all organs, but it flows to the penis only when it is in an erect state.

The amount of testosterone in the blood rises to its maximum early in the morning possible value. It is quite possible that this is also what can cause arbitrary excitation in .

Some scientists believe that an erection in the morning may be the result of brain activity during REM sleep. Only to prove this is very problematic, so this is just a guess.

Emotional reasons

Emotional reasons are based on the feelings and experiences experienced by a man. In the morning, the representative of the stronger sex can have an erotic dream, which very likely may cause erection of the penis. Men admit that they often have erotic dreams. It is their viewing and perception that causes tremendous excitement, which, in turn, results in an erection. They argue that in a dream the brain perceives everything completely differently, and what in life may not excite them will definitely do it in a dream.

Scientists who conducted laboratory observations and experiments, on the contrary, believe that the dreams that a man sees and their subject matter are not important. In simple words, dreams do not affect the manifestation of an erection in the morning and at night. Scientists also noticed that men who were absolutely healthy, slept well, were not psychologically depressed, did not experience stress - experienced arousal.

Unconscious desires and pleasures, sleeping with a beloved woman can also cause an erection. In a dream, bodies can touch, and the brain perceives this as something pleasant and exciting.

In the wee hours, men often experience erections. To explain why the penis gets up in the morning, most often even men, not to mention women, cannot. Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why do men get penis erect in the morning

There are several reasons for spontaneous morning erections in men:

  1. A person has two phases of sleep: fast and slow. These phases follow one another. In the phase of REM sleep, a person’s heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, the flow to the genitals increases, which causes an erection in a man. If a man wakes up during the fast phase, he sees his penis in a “combat” position. In this case, it does not matter whether you had an erotic dream or not.
  2. Bladder overflow. When a sufficient amount of urine accumulates in the bladder, it begins to put pressure on its walls. From them to neural pathways the impulse arrives at the nerve center located in spinal cord and responsible for urination. strong arousal this center leads to the excitation of the erection center located next to it, which is the cause of the morning erection.

Why do boys get erect penis in the morning

Not only in men and boys, but even in male infants, spontaneous erections are often observed in the morning. The causes of erection in boys are exactly the same as in adult men and are in no way related to sexual stimulation or erotic dreams(the latter are unlikely to be dreamed at all to an infant). As you can see, spontaneous erection in boys is a physiological phenomenon and therefore parents should not be afraid of its appearance. But parents of boys should pay attention to the fact that their sons do not delay the timely emptying of the bladder, in order to achieve sexual arousal (even if unconscious). Boys should be taught to empty their bladder as soon as they wake up. After urination, the erection quickly fades.

As a rule, in order for a man to have a penis, it is necessary external stimulus, manifested in a visual, auditory or tactile form. However, there are times when arousal appears involuntarily. Such cases include the so-called morning boner which occurs regularly in men.

Many women are interested in the question - why do men get up in the morning. In general, such a phenomenon is the norm and suggests that the erectile function of a man is in perfect order. Is it worth worrying if a man has no involuntary arousal in the morning.

Why do men stand in the morning?

In general, a morning erection is rather a conventional name, since an involuntary erection in men can appear at night, and more than once. This phenomenon is absolutely normal for men, sometimes an erection can appear in boys. As a rule, such involuntary excitement passes after 20-30 minutes. In sexually mature men, an erection regularly appears both at night and in the morning. With age, or in the presence of diseases or other problems in the reproductive system, the morning erection begins to disappear periodically.

There are many reasons why in the morning men have:

Morning involuntary erection is a normal phenomenon for a healthy sexually mature man. Furthermore, this process very useful for reproductive system, since during arousal in a man there is a renewal of arterial blood in the vessels of the pelvic organs. The blood circulation of all organs of the genitourinary system during an erection increases. This process is a good prevention against congestion, prostate diseases and impotence.

Do men always have standing in the morning?

Since morning erections in men occur regularly, most representatives of the stronger half are accustomed to considering this process a mandatory phenomenon, which shows that everything is in order in the body. That is why many start to panic if they notice the absence of an erection within one or two days. You need to understand that an erection may not always occur.. To pay attention this violation should only be if there is no erection longer than one and a half to two weeks. If there is no erection for a week, do not worry.

The temporary absence of morning involuntary arousal can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Overwork of the body due to heavy physical exertion.
  • Overwork caused by increased brain activity.
  • Stress and constant tension.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Starvation.

If the reason for the lack of a morning erection is one of the listed factors, then you don’t have to worry. It is enough for a man to return his lifestyle to its usual course, restore sleep and nutrition, get rid of worries and leave hard work for a while, and the morning riser will not be long in coming.

You should be worried if a man does not have an erection, despite the fact that obvious reasons no violation. Then it is advisable to contact a urologist or andrologist and undergo an examination. Erectile function can be affected by many factors, including infections and inflammation in the body.

Sometimes a timely appeal to a specialist allows you to get rid of diseases, as well as prevent the development of prostatitis and other unpleasant disorders.

Many men are seriously concerned about the lack of erection in the morning. If the usual morning riser has not been observed for several days, you should pay attention to your lifestyle and nutrition. It is unlikely that an erection will appear if a man is not going through the best period in his life, he is nervous and worried a lot. In addition, the lack of excitation can also be caused by physical overwork, for example, in the presence of heavy loads. It could be competition or just physical labor associated with gravity.

Sometimes an erection disappears as a result of mental overstrain. As a rule, blockages at work or passing exams at the university become the cause. Also common reasons for the lack of morning excitement are illnesses, injuries, general serious condition organism. As a rule, in such cases, the erection returns as soon as the violations of the habitual way of life, which are unusual for the body, are eliminated.

If an erection does not appear for a long time, while objective reasons for the absence of no, it is necessary to determine whether this phenomenon really becomes a problem for a man. In the presence of sexual arousal and a normal erection before intercourse, in most cases it turns out that the morning erection simply goes unnoticed.

If, even in the presence of natural stimuli that should cause sexual arousal, there is no erection, the problem probably lies in the pathology of the genitourinary system. In this case, do not postpone the problem in long box. Sometimes men note that there is an erection and arousal, but there is no previous stamina, and the arousal lasts less in time. Such a phenomenon may be a signal for the beginning of the development male impotence. That is why it is important to contact a urologist when detecting the first signs of erectile dysfunction.

As a rule, in the absence of obvious causes of violations, the doctor prescribes a series of procedures that will help diagnose the disease. In general, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least once a year for a routine examination in order to diagnose pathologies in time and take measures to eliminate them.

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