The left eye sees worse than the right reason. Causes of sudden blindness. Causes of deterioration in the quality of vision

Occasionally, even people with excellent vision experience clouding in one or both eyes. This condition can be short-term (passes in a few hours, days) or long-term, dragging on for months and years. Faced with this problem, many get lost and do the wrong things, which only exacerbate it. What causes this phenomenon and how to deal with it?

What is blurred vision

The human eye is a complex and at the same time vulnerable system, consisting of two main parts - eyeball and optic nerve designed to carry visual information to the brain. The clarity and sharpness of the perception of the surrounding world directly depend on the state of these centers. To understand why the eyes began to see blurry, you need to know what the visual apparatus consists of.

The structure of the eyeball






Peripheral department visual analyzer with photoreceptors, provides capture and conversion of electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum into pulses

Vascular mesh

Soft pigmented shell vascularized. Responsible for the nutrition of the organs of vision


Covers the eye from the outside, performs optical and protective function

covers inner part similar to boiled egg white

vitreous body

A gel-like substance that fills almost the entire eye cavity


A transparent biconvex lens is a conductor of light and creates accommodation (the ability to focus on objects at different distances)

watery substance

Serves as a light-refracting medium, promotes the removal pathogenic microflora, provides intraocular pressure


mucous tissue

Produces tear fluid that wets and lubricates the eye

Special musculature

Contracts and dilates pupils, regulates the amount of light stimuli

Blurred vision is the loss of the ability to clearly and clearly distinguish visual objects. In this condition, there is a blurry and hazy perception of the image. Turbidity in the eyes is not related to certain diseases, but it indicates a violation in the work visual apparatus. Ophthalmologists associate this manifestation with defects optical parts eyeball. To eliminate turbidity, it is necessary to establish the sources of its occurrence by going through medical examination.

The reasons

If a we are talking about bilateral blurred vision, then the nature of its origin in most cases is general character. Diseases that negatively affect the eyeball include:

Unilateral processes of visual impairment, when only the left or right eye began to see dimly, are triggered by the development of eye ailments. The activity of the visual organ is inhibited various factors. The most common of them are:

  1. eye strain associated with long work at the computer, reading, watching TV or visual use mobile phone.
  2. Atony or weakening of the musculature of the lens.
  3. Drying of the conjunctiva, provoked by a high load on the optical system.
  4. Glaucoma is a condition characterized by defective functioning of the optic nerve.
  5. Cataract, in which turbidity in the eyes appears gradually, increasing as the disease progresses.
  6. Clouding of the cornea due to inflammatory processes or damage.
  7. Loss of transparency vitreous body.
  8. Refractive errors causing haze in the eyes. These include astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness.
  9. Retinal detachment caused by a violation of the state of the general blood supply of the body.
  10. Age-related macular degeneration is the destruction of light-sensitive pigments, leading to the suppression of the function of reproducing visual images.
  11. Infections, the most dangerous of which is blennorrhea in a child of the first years of life.
  12. Injuries and burns of the eyes, contributing to significant loss of vision.
  13. Mechanical impact, such as constant squeezing of a sleep dressing.
  14. Headache or a migraine may cause the right or left eye to become blurry. Usually, this manifestation passes after the disappearance of the attack.
  15. Misuse of soft contact lenses resulting in biomaterial deposits visual system.
  16. Oncological lesion of the eye structure or areas nervous system responsible for the functioning of the body.
  17. Temporary blurred vision occurs in pregnant women, even those with perfect vision. It is connected with hormonal changes.
  18. Reaction to eye drops arising from individual intolerance to the components of drugs.

Why did my left eye become blurry

There were no isolated causes of blurry vision on the left side. mechanical action, infectious diseases can cause clouding of only one eye. Often, turbidity in the eye appears due to contact with foreign body. With a strong scratching of the eye, irritation of the membrane occurs with a corresponding deterioration in visibility. Doctors identify indirect factors contributing to the violation visual perception. They include chronic diseases, alcoholism, stress, physical and mental fatigue.

You can not leave the problem unattended, counting on its imminent disappearance, but you should not engage in self-treatment. Wrong actions lead to complete loss of vision. If the eye becomes cloudy, it is recommended to immediately contact an ophthalmologist and undergo the examination prescribed by him. Treatment of the disease depends on the underlying causes that caused this condition.

Sharp clouding

Unexpected bouts of blurred vision in one or both eyes occur when the optical organ is overworked. You will have to give up working at the computer, watching TV and reading for a while. As a means of emergency, Vizin drops or other artificial tear preparations are prescribed - Artelak, Hypromellose-P, Oftolik. After recovery, you need to reduce the load on the eyes, regularly conduct relaxing exercises, drink vitamins with selenium, lutein.

One of effective ways getting rid of haze in the eyes offered folk medicine, homemade blueberry juice drops are considered. To prepare the mixture, you need a squeeze of 5-6 fresh berries and distilled water. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting solution is instilled in the affected eye 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

A sharp blurred vision, accompanied by dizziness, pain in the temporal part, vomiting, speech impairment, loss of muscle control on the left side of the body, indicates the development the following pathologies:

Depending on the cause that provoked blurred vision, therapy is prescribed. Absorbable drugs such as Chymotrypsin, Fibrinolysin showed a high result in the treatment of clouding of the optical medium. They are prescribed in combination with physiotherapy and medications aimed at restoring the activity of the vascular and nervous systems, thyroid gland. In addition, the doctor will recommend a corrective diet, if necessary, select contact lenses or glasses.

After alcohol

The abuse of alcohol leads to a malfunction of the whole organism. Blurred vision in the eye after alcohol is associated with sharp rise blood pressure, vasodilatation and spasms, toxic damage nerve cells. At the initial stage, this state lasts up to 20-30 minutes, with repetitions, irreversible violations occur with partial or complete loss of the ability to see.

Treatment pathological process should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. The patient is taking a course of drips, medications intended for blood purification, removal of ethanol decay products. These include solutions of Glucose and Ringer, Chlosol, Hemodez, Diazepam. Full restoration of vision is possible only with the rejection of alcohol. If one eye has become cloudy to see after a single case of drinking alcohol, then this recipe will help:

  • During the day you need to drink in small portions 3 liters of liquid to remove toxic substances. You can use not only water, but also herbal decoctions, rosehip tea.
  • Juice from fresh citrus fruits or apples, divided into 5-6 doses, is able to neutralize alcohol. Recommended daily dose- up to 1 liter. Treatment is carried out for 3-4 days.
  • Negative consequences consumption of strong drinks eliminates honey, a tablespoon of which is added to a glass warm water and drink in small sips.

In the morning

Occasionally, one eye may have blurry vision immediately upon waking due to an obstruction. central vein retina associated with increased blood clotting, hypotension, suppression of cardiac function. This pathology more common in the elderly, patients diabetes, atherosclerosis and women during menopause. Among young people, blurred vision in the morning appears as a result of infectious diseases or is a complication of influenza, pneumonia, sepsis.

The morning veil before the eyes is characteristic of xerophthalmia - drying up of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eyeball, which develops against the background of a violation of lacrimation. Symptoms indicative of the disease, in addition to blurry vision, include photophobia, turbidity of the membrane, loss of corneal luster. To prevent the progression of the disease, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist.

As natural remedy, contributing to the restoration of visual activity, in alternative medicine use a mixture of honey, parsley and lemon juice in equal amount. The greens are finely chopped and combined with the remaining components. Within a month, you need to use 1 tablespoon of the mass on an empty stomach. Fresh medicine should be prepared every 3 days.

Bacterial agents in the eyes (conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis and others) are eliminated by antimicrobial and antiviral drugs - Albucid, Tobrex, Poludan, Oftalmoferon. More serious lesions visual apparatus and nerve are treated under the supervision of doctors. The patient is shown complex diagnostics followed by symptomatic therapy, taking into account general state health. In some cases, direct anticoagulants and indirect action- Heparin, iodine preparations.


Hello dear readers! We all know that the eyes are one of the the most important organs whose health must be carefully monitored, protecting him from negative impact.

We are talking about regular visits to the ophthalmologist, carrying out therapeutic gymnastics, as well as compliance with the optimal mode of work and rest. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in serious problems.

To date, one of the worst eye diseases is astigmatism, in which one eye is nearsighted and the other is farsighted, which is not very good!

With age, significant changes in the visual apparatus occur, which lead to deterioration of vision and the risk of simultaneous occurrence of myopia and hypermetropia.

because of complex structure human eye, there are many deviations, often intertwined with each other. To understand the causes that lead to the simultaneous occurrence of these diseases, it is first necessary to define them.

When the image is transmitted to the brain, light rays are refracted. When a person is healthy, light rays are refracted in the retina.

If the patient suffers from myopia (myopia), the eye is stretched and the rays are refracted outside the retina (in front). As a result, a person sees well at close range.

If the patient suffers from farsightedness (hypermetropia), the reverse situation emerges: due to the flattening of the eye, the light rays are focused behind the retina. In this state, a clear picture emerges on far distance.

Often as a result similar ailments one or both eyes are affected by one pathology, but sometimes it happens that a person suffers from both hyperopia and myopia at once.

The cause of such a complication may be another pathology - astigmatism (due to the unnatural shape of the cornea, the refractive power of the rays in some parts does not match). The focusing of light rays is not carried out at the 1st point, as in healthy eye, and immediately in 2.

Why do pathologies develop?

Signs indicating the development of myopia and hypermetropia

Sometimes a person develops both hypermetropia and myopia overnight, or one eye is nearsighted and the other is farsighted. Why is this happening?

According to its results, the ophthalmologist will prescribe special lenses for you, in which you will see equally with both eyes.

Be healthy! See you soon! Sincerely, Olga Morozova.

What is a disability? Rather, it is a set set of symptoms, illnesses, and norms under which state benefits are provided, as well as exemptions from various works. Or labor activity in special conditions. Given the severity and capacity of a person, disability is divided into three groups. Let's consider each in the key of the state of the eyes, because very often it is by vision that a certain group is given.

First group

Let's start with the heaviest group. Bilateral narrowing of the boundaries of the field of view from ten degrees from the point of fixation.

The first group of vision is given in cases where a person does not see at 99% or at all. The reasons for this can be very diverse. Starting from congenital degradation of the lens or retina, ending with acquired, previous diseases and physical influences. Very often the problem arises due to careless handling of various objects or chemicals. For example, during welding, construction, work in chemical laboratories. That is why safety precautions are very important, without which an ambulance, partial or total loss vision is perfectly acceptable.

Sometimes blindness is not associated with local problems (specifically in the eyes), but in general defeat CNS or certain centers of the brain responsible for visual perception. Or problems in the very connections of the brain with the eyes. For example, with cysts or tumors in the brain, it can strong pressure centers responsible for vision. It begins to fall as the tumor grows. Sometimes it happens that the tumor is removed, but vision is no longer restored. In this case, there will also be a first disability group.

It also includes visual acuity of not more than 0.04 with correction for the best eye.

Second group

This group is a little "lighter". It can be given at certain diseases eye. For example, glaucoma or cataracts in complex forms may be indications for registration in a group.

In this case, visual acuity better eye- from 0.05 to 0.1, and the narrowing of the boundaries - from 10 to 20 degrees. Operation is possible only under certain conditions.

Third group

In this case, the main indicators will be visual acuity from 0.1 to 0.3 and narrowing of the boundaries of more than 20 degrees, but less than 40. The 3rd group also includes people who have one eye that does not see at all, and the other sees with a slight deviation . But there is also a number additional conditions, among which: loss of legal capacity, self-service opportunities or the need for rehabilitation, social protection.

From this it can be concluded that important question, if one eye does not see, while the second has 100%, as well as normal physical state and the functioning of other body systems, a disability group is not allowed. In this case, the person is not considered incompetent.

Therefore, if in your case one eye does not see (by the way, this may also be the most different reasons), it is best to consult an ophthalmologist. Because only a specialist can give a qualitative assessment of the state, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain a group.

I must say that there are a number of vision problems in which a person does not fall under the group. Moreover, it is able to work in almost any conditions. Of course have certain types activities that will simply be impossible for him to do, or worsening of his condition is possible. In this case, a person will not be allowed to work after passing the commission. One of simple examples- high-altitude work. Due to changes in pressure, people suffering chronic diseases eyes are not always allowed to them. Therefore, in order to obtain a permit for industrial climbing and high-altitude work, it is necessary to pass medical commission. And Special attention given to vision.

It is also important when driving a car. With the 3rd group of disability, you can get the right, but at the same time a person must prove his full legal capacity in driving a car. Therefore, if you are registered, you must definitely tell about this when passing the medical examination. Because rights can be issued even to a person with a non-functioning one eye. But again, here you need to prove the full functionality of the other eye.

Don't wait until your eyesight is completely gone!
Urgently address to the ophthalmologist!
The sooner you visit a specialist, the higher the chance to save your eye from blindness!
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Imagine your panic when you wake up in the morning and realize that one eye is not seeing. No pain, discomfort, fall, just the eye stops seeing in an instant. He may not be blind yet, but his fate depends on how quickly you get a qualified medical care. clinics of laser eye microsurgery at Maerchak tell what to do if one eye cannot see.

First, let's look at the cause of the disaster.

Sometimes vision is temporarily lost due to a spasm of the vessel. It is much worse if an arterial thrombosis has occurred.

The main prerequisite for such a situation is atrial fibrillation left without treatment. Usually, with such a diagnosis, anticoagulants are prescribed, which thin the blood. If a person does not take prescribed medications, blood clots form, which eventually break out into the bloodstream. The “favorite” vessel for blood clots is the ophthalmic artery. When a blood clot blocks the artery of the eye, vision disappears abruptly. The blood flow stops, the retina remains without food. The retina is very sensitive to oxygen deficiency. The resulting blood clot will affect the eye in parts. If the formed thrombus is small, one segment of the eye flies out. The area left without food ceases to function and soon dies. If you notice that some part of the image “falls out”, contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

The danger of this condition in the absence of symptoms, discomfort - everything happens instantly. You need to act just as quickly.

If vision disappears partially, patients still hope that it will return by itself. Or they simply do not pay attention, writing off sharp drop vision for fatigue. As a result, the changes become irreversible, and vision can no longer be restored without a retinal transplant. Therefore, the first thing to do if one eye does not see is to urgently contact a specialized clinic. Equally important are your actions on the way to the hospital.

First aid if one eye is blind

To "squeeze out" a blood clot from the eye, you need to expand the vessel. To do this, close the sore eye, rhythmically press on it and release. Another option to expand the vessels is to breathe into the bag. Carbon dioxide entering the blood, pushes the clot.

The clinic will provide you emergency assistance. To restore blood flow to central artery, apply vasoconstrictor drugs remove excess eye fluid.

Patients who have undergone acute obstruction retinal vessels should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist and therapist. They shouldn't do heavy work. physical activity, for a long time be in an inclined position. It is worth taking care of the nervous system: more rest, try not to worry about trifles. After all, stress also provokes vasospasm and exacerbates cardiovascular disease.

Warn vascular pathology- in your power, in ours - to prevent complications and preserve your vision.

Periodically, even people with normal vision notice that one eye has begun to see blurry. Episodes of visual impairment are short-term (from several hours to several days), as well as long-term (months and years). Many are afraid of this condition, but few know how to cope with it.

The most common causative visual impairment:

  • - overwork;
  • - age-related changes lens;
  • - mechanical impact from environment(uncomfortable posture during sleep, squeezing the eye with a bandage or mask);
  • - infection;
  • - traumatic injury;
  • - damage to the retina (detachment);
  • - oncological damage to the structure or parts of the nervous system responsible for the function of vision.

What should I do if I can't see right or left eye?

Before stopping an attack of blurred vision in the right or left eye, you should understand what caused given state. If the fault is the usual overwork or a short mechanical impact, you should temporarily stop working with a computer, tablet, phone, you should not watch TV and read books in the next 24 hours. You can drip drops of "Vezin" or other analogues of artificial tears.

If a person notes a persistent deterioration that the right eye sees worse than the left, you should consult a doctor. Most often, patients complain that the left eye sees worse than the right, or vice versa. Treatment depends on the mechanism of development of pathology. traumatic injury can also lead to the fact that the eye began to see blurry and treatment in such cases can be carried out both conservatively and surgically which depends on the severity of the injury. Retinal detachment is successfully treated with surgery.

If the doctor finds it difficult to establish the cause of visual impairment, the patient should be sent for a consultation with an oncologist and a neurologist. To exclude oncological damage to the structures of the eye or nervous system, a complete diagnostic examination, where in without fail Includes MRI of the brain. A qualified neurologist consultation is available in medical center Neuro-Med.

Child has trouble seeing in one eye

If a child has 1 eye began to see blurry, it is worth paying this occasion Special attention. Most often, the reason for the decrease in visual acuity of children is overwork, as a result of prolonged watching TV, playing at a computer or phone, as well as an injury received during the game.

For prevention traumatic injury during games, it is worth explaining to children that you should not allow sand to get into your eye, you should not poke sticks in your face, and also shoot a pistol with bullets at other people and this may cause blurry vision in the future. It is advisable that adults supervise the children's games.

Parents need to limit the amount of time their children spend at the computer. If the right eye sees blurry, then the reason may be in watching TV. It is necessary to enrich the child's diet with vitamin A, which is directly involved in the formation of the pigment rhodopsin, which is necessary for full vision. With a lack of rhodopsin, a person gradually goes blind.

Preferably daily gymnastic exercises for the eyes that give visible result. There are many methods. Before starting training, it is better to consult with an ophthalmologist. Gymnastics not only improves blood circulation, but also helps restore lost visual acuity.

Specialist of our center - Neuroophthalmologist

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