The secret and meaning of the name Vladimir. Character and fate, defined by the name Vladimir

The beautiful Russian name Vladimir comes from the phrase "to own (volody) the world." In the church version, it has a slightly different spelling - Volodymyr, closer to the original. This name is one of the few that adapted after the baptism of Russia and were included in the Orthodox calendars. There is also a version that it came to the Russian language from the Old Norse peoples and means “glorious ruler” (Valdimár). Moreover, this version of the origin of the name has a good reason: it was usually called the future rulers in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Libra
  • Ruler Planet: Venus
  • Talisman Stone: Green Jasper
  • Green color
  • Wood: maple
  • plant: heather
  • Animal: owl, deer
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

A man proudly bearing the name Vladimir fully justifies its significance. He is extremely inquisitive, has an innate craving for new knowledge. He usually has an excellent memory by nature, which allows him to study well.

The secret of the name Vladimir hides a person with a guaranteed full set of main leadership qualities, who is able to lead other people. Socially active, enterprising. From the outside, it may seem that he is quite risky and an adventurer by nature. But it is worth remembering that each, even his impetuous act, is thought out, calculated and brings one step closer to the goal.

Friendly and always hospitable. Like any leader, he is sociable and has the ability from birth to convince others that he is right. Able to please at first sight and become the soul of any company. The character of Vladimir is flexible and at first glance very soft. However, it only seems so - he will be so as long as he sees the meaning in it.

The owner of the name Vladimir loves comfortable living conditions and appreciates beautiful things. Usually well versed in art and has a sense of beauty from birth. At the same time, which is quite natural, he is selfish, sometimes even too much. Awareness of his own leadership qualities, combined with a good education, can assure him that he is really born to command, if not the whole world, then the people from his environment for sure. In this regard, difficulties may arise in raising a child with that name.

Despite seeming openness, more often than not, Vladimir is somewhat reserved and prefers to keep his secrets and thoughts within the confines of his mind. Rare cases when he goes to revelations are a demonstration of ultimate trust for loved ones.

It is difficult to piss him off, but if someone succeeds, then it is better to stay away from him, because a calm and docile character becomes unexpectedly raging and uncontrollable.

Interests and hobbies

You should not even try to load Vladimir with several tasks at once. It is better to entrust one thing, but to give the opportunity to bring the matter to the end without interference. Only then everything, whatever he does, will be done perfectly. Vova is simply in love with beauty and comfort. He likes the occupation of creating unique author's collections of furniture or decor items.

Profession and business

Vladimir can become an excellent artist or designer. In addition to creative professions, he can overcome many specialties of various profiles. Whatever he is fond of, he succeeds with his accuracy and charm. With his desire for cleanliness, order and accuracy in everything, he is able to become an excellent doctor and reach considerable heights in his medical career. And, of course, he turns out to be just a wonderful diplomat, politician or lawyer, since from childhood he has the qualities of a good speaker and increased attention to detail.


Vulnerable organs are the intestines and lungs. In addition, he usually gets tired very quickly and needs rest appropriate for his work. Asthmatic Vladimirs should be given special attention.

Sex and love

The bearer of the name is gentle and unreasonably affectionate. Sometimes it's too feminine. He is characterized by the development of male inferiority complexes, his nature needs regular proof of his abilities. He does not openly talk about his exploits in bed even with his best friends.

Family and marriage

In marriage, Vladimir is able to become an almost ideal father and husband, which more than compensates for his possible shortcomings as a lover. Moderately strict and demanding of the people with whom he lives. True, if we allow his absolute power in the family, he can "go too far."

Diligence and responsibility make Vladimir a real hero from the dream of any adult woman. An innate sense of beauty gives him the necessary share of romanticism and tenderness both in relation to his wife and his descendants. Children are treated with special awe and attention, as full-fledged heirs of their fortune and a proud family.

The meaning of the name Vladimir is often of interest to future mothers and fathers, because it is common and popular. Vladimir sounds beautiful and proud, and people with that name are distinguished by energy and inner strength.

Before naming a child Vladimir, you should find out everything about this name in more detail. Its meaning determines the character and even the fate of a man. The meaning of the name Vladimir for a boy will affect his entire fate.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Vladimir is an active and inquisitive man who is ready to take risks or embark on adventures. The characteristic of this name includes many different nuances, the significance of which is difficult to underestimate. Having studied them all, you can understand what the name Vladimir means, and what kind of life this person will have.

The nature and fate of the name

Internal energy, self-confidence and strength affect the success in Vladimir's life, usually this man achieves everything he wants. The exact sciences are easily given to him, and subsequently he also simply comprehends the basics of financial issues.

A quick and inquisitive mind allows you to accumulate a lot of useful information that Vladimir constantly uses. His entrepreneurial spirit and practicality play an important role in making correct and effective decisions.

Vladimir is sincere and open, honest, therefore he reacts sharply to any deceit or injustice and rarely forgives betrayal. Especially from close people. In women, Volodya is attracted not only by her bright appearance, but also by the depth of her inner content.


For a strong and energetic man, green jasper is a talisman stone. It is believed that this stone helps everyone who strives to be successful in the professional field, especially people of science and travelers.

The color of the name Vladimir

It is believed that the auspicious color for all men with the name Vladimir is green. It conveys calm energy and confidence for action. Also of great importance for them is red and purple.


The treasured figure of the representatives of the stronger sex with the name Vladimir is the number two.


The patron planet, which has a beneficial effect on all Vladimirs, is considered Venus. However, the influence of the Sun, which gives strength and energy, is no less important.


The element of all Vladimirs is Air, endowing them with such qualities as lightness, quickness, activity and optimism. The impact of Air in men with this name provokes the manifestation of such traits as adaptability to life and contact with people.


Favorable time of the year for Vladimir is autumn. It bestows tranquility, inner peace and harmony, affects the accumulation of energy for action and new achievements.


The patrons of the Vladimirs among animals are the hawk and the deer. The bird of prey is a symbol of freedom, strength and determination. It is these character traits that are most often manifested in Vladimirov. The deer represents nobility, purity, spirituality and abundance.


Heather is the strongest influence on all Vladimirs - a symbol of sincerity, joy, openness and endless energy. In addition, maple and birch are considered treasured plants. Since ancient times, maple represents a strong, young, active and slender man who is successful and popular. Birch is a symbol of purity and light.


A favorable sign of the zodiac for the name Vladimir is Libra.


Silver is considered a protective metal for all Vladimirs, as a symbol of purity and nobility.

Name Description

Vladimir noticeably stands out among others, he is always the first, active, enthusiastic. These men rarely sit on the bench, passively contemplating the course of life. Vladimir loves to act, try himself, take risks and enjoy the results of his own actions.


From early childhood, Vladimir is distinguished by curiosity and quick receptivity to any new knowledge.

He enjoys doing what he did not know before, trying new things.

However, if two tasks are set before him, he will think for a long time about the importance and priority of each of them, and in the end he may not do either. At the same time, Vladimir is distinguished by a sharp mind and quick wits.


The norms of morality and morality accepted in society create a feeling of stability and security for Vladimir. Therefore, he easily complies with such rules, but at the same time he calmly treats situations when he sees that others are acting immorally. He himself can sometimes take risks and do what is forbidden, but at the same time he worries about possible measures of punishment or public censure.


Most Vladimirs are distinguished by sensitivity and increased vulnerability. They are open and honest with others, but often withdraw into themselves when they do not receive the same treatment in return. Lies or betrayal can drive Vladimir out of himself for a long time and make him doubt his own usefulness and importance.


For most of his life, Vladimir's health is stable and does not cause problems. Especially if a man devotes time to his physical condition and does not aggravate the impact of harmful factors. With age, there may be disturbances in the work of the intestines and deterioration of vision.


The most significant hobby of Vladimir is sports. In childhood and adolescence, he tries himself in many types of sports competitions, sometimes attending several sections at once. But in the end, Volodya decides on the most favorite activities and continues to do them until adulthood.

Another hobby of Vladimir is the creation of coziness and atmosphere of comfort in his own home. He likes to select furniture and accessories himself, coming up with original solutions and embodying his own vision in the interior.


Perseverance, willingness to take risks, and strong internal energy contribute to the fact that Vladimir can be successful in almost any business. However, most often men with this name are interested in science, politics or business.


Doing what he loves, Vladimir can devote himself to work, sparing no time and effort. Sometimes this provokes problems in the family, but the career is constantly growing up.

Reaching new goals, Vladimir feels a surge of self-confidence and energy for new achievements. Such assertiveness is the reason that everything works out for him.


Only a special and extraordinary woman can become the chosen one of Vladimir. A man is constantly popular with women, but he himself can only fall in love with a sincere, open and enthusiastic person who will support him and share his hobbies.

For Vladimir, it is important that the girl appreciates not only his mind and perseverance, but also tenderness and care. Then he is ready to give them in unlimited quantities. When Volodya finds such a woman, he will be ready to connect his life with her forever, because most of the Vladimirs are monogamous.


Vladimir is sexy and passionate, loves variety in intimate relationships. He is ready to take the initiative, he can offer innovations himself, without requiring this from a partner. But it is important for him to agree and support his ideas. If Vladimir's woman is not ready for experiments, he will get bored. This feature is often the reason that Vladimir's partner is a woman more experienced than himself.

Marriage / Family

Before proposing to his chosen one, Vladimir can think for a long time and weigh his decision. He takes family relationships seriously, and chooses a spouse for life. In marriage, Volodya is attentive, although in his life there are many other interests besides the family, so time is distributed unevenly. In family relations, Vladimir is compliant, but he always tries to maintain his inner independence. A favorable alliance with women named Alla, Angela, Valentina, Elena, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalya, Svetlana and Sophia.

Name origin

In order to fully understand the meaning and features, it is important to understand the origin of the name Vladimir. His secret and history largely determine the character of the man who is called Volodya. Each owner of this name would be interested to know a little from the past.

What does the name mean (translation and interpretation)

The name Vladimir comes from the Old Slavonic language and literally means "own the world."

Name history

Today, the meaning of the name Vladimir has acquired a slightly different meaning than it was in Ancient Russia. In those days, "peace" was interpreted as a treaty or agreement. Therefore, it was believed that Vladimir is a person who can reconcile others, make an objective decision and, to some extent, be a judge in disputes and disagreements.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Vladimir can be called Vladya, Ladya, Vadya, Volodya, Vova, Vovan. Diminutive variations of the name Volodyun, Volodyusha, Vovchik, Volya, Volka, Vovochka, Vovulya, Vovunya.

Name in English

The literal translation of the name Vladimir into English is Worldowner - owning the world. However, this form is not used. Most often, this name is written and pronounced as Vladimir, and has no English analogues, since it is native Russian.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

In different languages, the name Vladimir practically does not change in the form of spelling or sound. The most common variations are:

  • in Ukrainian - Volodymyr;
  • in Belarusian - Uladzimir;
  • in German - Waldemar;
  • in Polish - Włodzimierz;
  • in Spanish - Vladimir.

The secret of the name Vladimir

Vladimir is a strong and active, but often controversial man. His name carries so many characteristics that this person cannot be one-sided or weak. It has been so since ancient times, and so it remains to this day.

name patrons

It is believed that men with the name Vladimir have three main patrons: Prince Vladimir, who introduced Christianity in Russia, Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Vladimir of Kyiv and Galitsky, and Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir Novgorodsky.

Angel Day (name day)

Thanks to the three main patrons named after Vladimir, the days of the angel are celebrated on February 7, July 28 and October 17. However, there are other dates for Volodya's name day: January 31, February 10 and 16, March 6 and 25, April 3 and 6, June 4, July 10, August 13, September 7.13 and 16, October 4, 5, 16 and 25 November, 10, 22 and 26 December.

Famous people

Many famous people, politicians, actors and writers were born under the name Vladimir. It would take a long time to list them all, but the main ones include:

  1. Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh;
  2. Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin;
  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin;
  4. Politician and activist - Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  5. Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  6. Writer Vladimir Nabokov;
  7. Poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky;
  8. Artist Vladimir Basov;
  9. Directed by Vladimir Menshov;
  10. Artist Vladimir Vinokur;
  11. Scientist naturalist Vladimir Vernadsky;
  12. Neurologist and psychotherapist Vladimir Bekhterev;
  13. Famous composers Vladimir Shainsky and Vladimir Matetsky;
  14. Famous singers Vladimir Kuzmin and Vladimir Presnyakov;
  15. Football player Vladimir Bessonov.

Such traits of Vladimir's character as perseverance, perseverance and the ability not to give up even in difficult times allow them to reach high peaks and achieve goals.

The famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote about one of the great Vladimirs: “So who was he after all - Vladimir Vysotsky? Who was he most of all? An actor? A poet? A singer? I don't know. I only know that he was a person. Phenomenon. The best songs of Vladimir Vysotsky - for life. They are people's friends. In these songs there is something that can support you in difficult times - there is inexhaustible strength, inexpressible tenderness and scope of the human soul. And they also have memory. The memory of the roads traveled and the years that have flown by. Our memory is with you."

Vladimir name compatibility

The name Vladimir carries a set of qualities and determines the character of a man, just like female names keep the secrets and characteristics of the female soul. Therefore, compatibility with some representatives of the weaker sex is conducive to close relationships and possible marriage, while with others it is unlikely to be successful.

Vladimir and Vladimir

Vladimir is a female variation of the name Vladimir, so such a woman is endowed with similar character traits. This coincidence can negatively affect the relationship in a couple, since both partners are strong, energetic, active. A favorable union will be if a man and a woman clearly stipulate the rules and boundaries of their relationship.

Vladimir and Alice

The activity and strength of Vladimir resonates in Alice's fantasy and stormy activity, so the relationship in a couple will be made up of common events, deeds and the joint achievement of goals. A similar attitude to norms and values ​​leads to cohesion and harmony in a couple.

Vladimir and Valeria

Valeria is active, cheerful and cheerful, which, of course, attracts Vladimir. He is charged with her positive and sees his own reflection in her, because her versatile interests attract and delight. To create a harmonious union and a strong family, a couple needs to work on trust, reliability and openness to each other. After all, fun and carelessness are good only at the first stage of a relationship.

Vladimir and Anna

Anna's sincerity immediately captivates Vladimir, relations are built on honesty and mutual trust. Therefore, such an alliance is strong and long. However, vulnerability and a sharp reaction to any injustice of both partners can lead to quarrels.

Vladimir and Daria

Daria, like Vladimir, is careful in choosing partners, makes decisions slowly and carefully, so the relationship will take a long time. The connection will be built on mutual trust and respect, and may last for many years.

Vladimir and Rosa

The rose is stable and constant in its preferences, views and interests. Such predictability may interest Vladimir, but sooner or later he will get bored. A girl must have an extraordinary mind and non-standard thinking in order to chain Vladimir to herself for a long time.

Vladimir and Polina

Polina is naive and open, which immediately disarms Vladimir. She is trusting and feminine, causes a desire to protect and protect, so the qualities of Vladimir in such an alliance will manifest themselves to the fullest. Marriage is like a father-daughter relationship and can be long-term and stable.

Vladimir and Maria

Relationships based on love and trust are the basis of the union of Vladimir and Mary. The woman is talented and modest, which cannot but arouse the admiration of Vladimir. At the same time, she is an excellent companion and support for any undertakings of her partner.

Vladimir and Anastasia

Anastasia is smart and reasonable, this attracts Vladimir. Mutual interest in a couple can burn for many years if partners give each other the opportunity for independent and free development.

Vladimir and Victoria

Victoria, like Vladimir, looks after her partner for a long time, studies his features and character traits. Both partners carefully consider their decision and weigh it for a long time. Therefore, the development of the relationship will be slow, and sometimes completely imperceptible. But if in the end all the parameters match, the union will be strong.

Vladimir and Yana

Yana is calm, reasonable, reliable and stable. For Vladimir, she can become a safe haven and support if she agrees to the role of the guardian of the hearth. It is important for him to feel a reliable rear, and Yana can provide it. However, the woman is distinguished by stubbornness and perseverance, which can infuriate Vladimir when he is sure that he is right.

Vladimir and Alina

Alina gives preference to feelings, not reason, she dives into love with her head and completely gives herself to her partner. Such devotion captivates Vladimir. Together they will overcome any difficulties, even poverty and disorder, because for them emotions and impressions are much more important than material wealth.

Vladimir and Elena

Elena is the true keeper of the family hearth, while Vladimir strives to succeed in his career. Such a harmonious distribution of roles in a couple will provide an opportunity to build strong relationships based on trust and complement each other.

Vladimir and Evgeniya

Evgenia is a source of inspiration and fantasy. Her ideas impress Vladimir, because he has the strength and energy to implement them. Such a symbiosis will lead to many new discoveries, travel, spending time together and enjoying every day. The main thing is that the family routine does not weaken such a fountain of creativity.

Vladimir and Yesenia

Yesenia loves order and stability, but at the same time strives for success and material well-being. Vladimir supports such aspirations, but well-being in a couple will depend on the ability to combine their goals and plans. If everyone is busy with their own interests and careers, the union will quickly fall apart.

Vladimir and Ekaterina

Both partners are active, energetic, prefer to lead, so there may be disagreements in a couple. The wayward Catherine will not let Vladimir be himself and show masculine qualities, and he will not tolerate depression and her superiority.

Vladimir and Olga

Partners have absolutely opposite characters, which creates certain difficulties in communication. They look at the world differently, so disputes and disagreements can arise. Only a calm discussion of all issues and problems will help create rules for coexistence.

Vladimir and Veronica

An important feature of the relationship between Vladimir and Veronica is the desire and willingness to seek a compromise in any matters. This makes it possible to bypass conflicts and focus on joint projects, desires and aspirations. The commonality of views breeds mutual understanding.

Vladimir and Sofia

Sofia is a woman with whom you are never bored. She is cheerful, active, creates a lot of noise and action around herself. At first, this may attract Vladimir, but he will not be able to constantly be at this level of activity. Family, marriage and children must balance the situation so that Sofia directs her energy to maintaining the family hearth. Then the union will be long.

Vladimir and Kira

At the beginning of a relationship, passion will be the bonding element, but whether partners can maintain it for a long time is a moot point. Kira is free-spirited and capricious, which can greatly puzzle Vladimir.

Vladimir and Arina

The initial modesty and shyness of Arina over the years transforms into a passion for her partner. Having learned to trust him, a woman will show the most sexual and feminine traits of her character, and Vladimir will be able to surround her with care and attention.

Vladimir and Ksenia

Ksenia and Vladimir have the same views on discoveries and new horizons. Partners will find in each other excellent companions in travels and undertakings, so that they will never be bored together. Over time, this commonality of views will become the basis of strong trust and mutual understanding.

Vladimir and Tatiana

Tatyana is distinguished by romanticism and sincerity in love, which immediately captivates Vladimir. If he focuses on relationships and devotes the time Tatyana needs, the union will be strong and long. Alienation and coldness Tatyana will not tolerate.

Vladimir and Milan

Milana is open and sincere, deeply interested in new ideas and immersed in undertakings. If Vladimir can become part of her interest, the union will develop rapidly. He is attracted by her honesty and naivete, she gains support and confidence in the future.

Vladimir and Marina

The relationship between Vladimir and Marina is based on friendship, mutual interest and passion. In this union there will be no passionate love or tenderness, rather a partnership agreement. If a man and a woman are satisfied with such an arrangement of feelings, the marriage will be long.

Vladimir and Maya

Maya is smart, loves life and is passionate about everything she does. Vladimir is attracted to her freedom of thought and waywardness of character. If he can tame her spiritual energy and understand the inner world, the union will be harmonious and lasting.


Thus, the name Vladimir endows its owner with many bright and strong features that subsequently determine his activities and position in life. Volodya is a strong leader who strives to learn and do more, inspires others and consistently succeeds. If he wants, he can build harmonious relationships with any woman, but there are girls with whom the union will be most successful.

The patron planet of Vladimir: Sun.

Colors favorable for the bearer of the name Vladimir: blue, brown.

Vladimir's favorite colors: orange, red.

Talismans of Vladimir: carnelian, ruby, metal - gold.

origin of the name Vladimir

Name of Old Slavic origin, meaning "owning the world." It is unlikely, however, that we are talking about world domination, since the very concept of “peace” was more commonly used in the meaning of “agreement”, “consent”. It was these concepts that were revered as sacred in Russia and were even deified in the era of the Indo-Aryan community in the form of the god Mithras. Violation of the Treaty or the Word was considered the greatest shame and was washed away with blood.

Characteristics of a person named Vladimir

The name Vladimir endows its owner with breadth of soul and nobility. The karma of the name is pure. By sound, the name Vladimir is completely devoid of aggression, a person with this name is prone to the manifestation of calm strength, self-confidence, sociability and kindness. Often all this makes Vladimir a very respected person in his circle, he will willingly support the conversation, help with advice, often he is asked to resolve some kind of conflict or dispute.

From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and seeks to test his knowledge in practice. He is prone to risk and to some extent even to adventures. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. Listens to the advice of parents. In studies, technical sciences are best given to him, but Vladimir primarily stakes in his career advancement on social activities. Does not enter into conflicts, avoids direct clashes when discussing controversial issues.

In everyday life, Vladimir especially appreciates comfort. He loves beautiful furniture, expensive china, carpets, paintings. It strives for perfect cleanliness and order, therefore it is opposed to keeping cats, dogs and any other living creatures in the house. The maximum that he can agree to is some small plant in a flower pot. In people, above all, he appreciates the mind and strength. He has a quick reaction to current events, is able to make an independent decision. He has a weakness for praise in his address. For Vladimir, the opinion of those around him is very important.

When communicating with Vladimir, one should always take into account, no matter what position he occupies in society, he is still a valuable person, ready to stand up for his rights. At the same time, since the pride of Vladimirov is rarely hurt, it is very difficult to accidentally offend him in a conversation. He is not touchy and is able to appreciate someone else's joke.

Vladimir is a hard worker. He loves his job and confidently does his job. He may work for a service company.

Vladimir is more interested in women with a predominance of romantic qualities, and to a lesser extent he is concerned about whether a woman is able to organize a festive dinner. Vladimir is faithful in marriage, but not because of personal affection for his wife, but rather because of his great employment and unwillingness to spoil his well-established life. He shifts to his wife the daily worries associated with raising children, but will willingly help to figure out homework.

Suitable for marriage for Vladimir: Alla, Angelina, Valentina, Zinaida, Varvara, Veronica, Evgenia, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalya, Raisa, Svetlana, Sophia. Less suitable for a serious relationship: Maya, Elizabeth, Lydia, Nadezhda, Nina.

Name day at Vladimir: February 7 (January 25) - Vladimir of Kyiv and Galitsky, Metropolitan, Hieromartyr.

Famous owners of the name Vladimir

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (1938-1980) - an outstanding Russian Soviet poet, singer and actor, author of several prose works, laureate of the USSR State Prize. He has played about thirty roles in films (including the films "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "Little Tragedies"),

Vysotsky became especially famous for performing his own songs to acoustic music. During the years of strict censorship, he touched on a number of forbidden topics, which is why he himself was largely banned. Despite the prohibitions and restrictions that existed, Vysotsky's popularity was and remains phenomenal to this day. This is due to the human charm and scale of the personality, poetic gift, the uniqueness of performing skills, the utmost sincerity, love of freedom, the energy of the performance of songs and roles, the accuracy of the disclosure of song themes and the embodiment of images. The listed human qualities are inherent not only to Vysotsky, but also to many other men with the name Vladimir.

In the circle of your loved ones, there is probably a person named Vova. Often people do not understand what the full name of Volodya, Vovik, Vova is - this is "Vladimir". It has a certain meaning, history. We will tell you which heavenly patron Vladimir should be guided by in life and what this name means.

History of the name Vladimir

This name is Slavic, originally Russian. Therefore, this name does not have a special translation: every person who speaks Russian will understand that it means “owning the world.” That is, the name consists of two parts: “rule” and “peace”. At first, the name was pagan. However, when Prince Vladimir baptized Russia and changed his life, he was canonized, and children began to be baptized in his honor.

Prince Vladimir - Baptist of Russia

Only a single spiritual life could make Ancient Russia a state - after all, in pagan times, different tribes and regions recognized different gods as their patrons, which even caused armed conflicts. It was Prince Vladimir who, in fact, first united Russia, creating a strong country with the help of spiritual bonds.

The Baptism of Russia is only symbolically named by the same name as the Sacrament of Baptism, which is performed on a person. This process can be called active missionary work in Russia and the personal preaching of Prince Vladimir, who was baptized independently and baptized Russia. Also, as a result of Baptism, the Orthodox Church became the state institution of Kievan Rus.

History of Prince Vladimir

By the time of Vladimir's accession to the princely throne, paganism flourished on the territory of Kievan Rus. The prince began to rule as a pagan, having won the respect of the people of Kiev and the squad as a wise and honest person by pagan standards. It is known that he was brave and bold in battles, but many of his deeds before Baptism horrify Christian historians - he was just a bloodthirsty warrior. During his reign, great human sacrifices were made, including the killing of Christians.

At some point, Prince Vladimir realized that paganism was becoming obsolete and began to reform polytheism by creating a common pantheon of gods in 983. However, the tribes in the country continued to quarrel among themselves, arguing which of the gods is stronger and, accordingly, which of the tribes is more powerful under his patronage (there were, for example, the Veles tribe, the Svarog tribe, depending on the region).

Back in 983, Prince Vladimir himself made sacrifices and was a tormentor, and only five years later he became Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, the Baptist of Russia. We know many examples of people who became Christians only in words. Vladimir was not like that: he dropped the foundations of Christianity and decided that this religion would be useful not only for the state system, but also for the moral state of people. He was baptized himself and changed his life, trying to follow the ideals of Christ. It is known that the prince began to take care of the poor a lot, he ceased to be a polygamist (previously he had a large harem of concubines). It was thanks to his life and sincere activity that he was canonized as a saint, and not at all because the Church thanked him for the "new lands."

The soul of the prince himself underwent the main transformation and enlightenment, realizing the lack of spirituality and cruelty of paganism.

Vladimir - adoption of Christianity

In 988, Prince Vladimir converted to Christianity in Korsun (Chersonese, then a colony of Byzantium), married the Orthodox princess Anna and began the process of Christianization and missionary work in the state. In the rivers Dnieper and Pochaina, he baptized the squad, boyars and courtiers. Now, over the place of their Baptism on the Kyiv mountains, there is a monument to Prince Vladimir.

The prince did not force anyone to be baptized under pain of death, but it is possible that many were baptized out of fear of losing the prince's favor. Many historians believe that most of the population was baptized by force. However, in a number of chronicles there are testimonies of priests and bishops who became martyrs for their faith in different regions of the country, far from Kyiv. Many of them were canonized. This means that the priests were far from always under the protection of the squad, and even more so they could not punish those who refused to be baptized.

Let us note that the Russian Orthodox Church at first did not have a Patriarch and was a local church, which was ruled by bishops in local cathedras. When the Great Schism took place, the division of the Churches into Orthodox and Catholic, Russian remained in Orthodoxy. Prince Vladimir could initially be baptized in Rome and bring Western missionaries to Russia, but, according to historians, he considered the Pope too burdened with political ambitions, while Vladimir himself did not want to submit to any dictate.

Prince Vladimir - heavenly patron Volodya

Your name day will be the day of memory of the saint, in whose honor you are named in Baptism, your patron saint, named after you, to whom you can pray as your intercessor.

Every Christian has his own patron - the namesake saint. The patron saint is usually found by date of birth.

A patron saint is an ascetic or martyr who lived a holy life on earth and shone in the Kingdom of God for his exploits.

The patron saint by date of birth will be a saint or saint (for girls and women), whose memory is celebrated in the days after the birthday. So, the memory of Prince Vladimir falls on July 28, and only people born around this time will celebrate his honor.

In addition, you can choose your own patron saint if you have not yet been baptized or do not know who you are named after. Therefore, any person named Vladimir can pray to Prince Vladimir, considering him his heavenly patron.

World famous and famous Vladimirs

History knows a lot of famous Vladimirs: Monomakh and Putin, Lenin and Nabokov, Mayakovsky and Vysotsky…

They are all very different, although the life path of each of them is reflected in many books. Therefore, you should not dwell on the meaning of the name, consider that it determines fate - it is better to pray to your heavenly patron and strive to imitate him in life.

May Prince Vladimir and all the saints keep you with their prayers!

Career, business and money

Vladimir is inclined to give work most of his life, so he almost always achieves career heights. In doing business, he is guided by a cold mind, so his business always goes well.

It is easy for this man to find himself in any profession. Among the variety of opportunities, he usually chooses the field of medicine, politics or science. Creative potential allows Vladimir to become a successful director, composer, writer or actor.

Marriage and family

A man with this name is an amorous nature, but only until he marries. As a wife, she prefers to see a calm, practical and intelligent woman, in whose face one can find not only a sexual partner, but also a best friend. In his chosen one, Vladimir appreciates honesty, betrayal can hurt him greatly.

The owner of this name does not like to do everyday life, most often he prefers to spend his free time with friends, and not with his family.

Sex and love

Usually Vladimir has an attractive appearance that allows many women to like him. As a life partner, he chooses an extraordinary person for whom various masculine qualities are important, such as: strength, courage, the ability to adequately provide for the family, care, tenderness and romance.

Vladimir is a little selfish, so he prefers a woman who can give him all of herself, who knows how to compliment a man. An important requirement for a lady is an attractive appearance. But there is no place for stupid beauties in his heart - Vladimir prefers the company of intelligent and educated young ladies.

Sex for this man is a source of emotional satisfaction. He does not belong to the category of passionate machos, but he will not allow his lady to be bored in bed either. He loves variety, prefers intimate relationships with experienced partners who are able to translate his sexual fantasies into reality.


As a child, Vova does not cause much trouble to his parents in terms of health. In adulthood, he rarely visits doctors, as he feels great. Its weak points in the body are the lungs and intestines. Vladimir, whose activity is connected with working at a computer, may eventually develop vision problems.

The well-being of this man is influenced by his ability to self-control. He is often depressed. In this state, Vladimir is forbidden to take alcohol, drugs or stimulants. Long and continuous work can cause severe fatigue, which leads to various health problems.

Interests and hobbies

Men with the name Vladimir have a craving for collecting. They like beautiful dishes, paintings, carpets, they prefer to surround themselves with beautiful furniture.

Vova's main hobby is sports: hockey, football or boxing.

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