Essential oil orange. Recipes with orange essential oil. For nail health

Essential oil orange has the most favorable effect on emotional state thanks to its pronounced fruity aroma with a touch of sweetness and summer. Such a smell causes only positive emotions, improves mood. But this is far from the main advantage. In cosmetology, oil is widely used for skin care. damaged hair and skin. This tool helps with brittle hair, thanks to high content vitamin C. It simply has a revitalizing effect on the hair, helps fight brittleness, dryness and fading of curls, and also protects them from damage. The doctors recognized him a good remedy in the fight against seborrhea, so this component can often be found in dandruff shampoos. Many use it in the fight against extra pounds, as it is able to fight cellulite. In addition, it is the most affordable among other oils.

This substance has a yellow-orange color. Get it from orange peel. Due to the fact that the method of hydrodistillation, with which oil is extracted, is quite simple, its price is low, which makes it even more popular among consumers. It can also be obtained by cold pressing. To get one liter of the substance, you need the peel of more than two thousand fruits.

Some manufacturers produce this product along with juice, but the quality of such a product is not very high. But the oil from Guinean and Spanish fruits is the highest quality. That is recognized by many experts. In addition to the zest, the flowers of the tree are also used to obtain oils, they are used to make neroli oil. To prevent oxidation of the product, manufacturers add various antioxidants to it. The substance is obtained from both sweet and bitter fruits. Pomeranian produces a product with the most delicate aroma. It's believed that best quality will have an ether from fruits grown on trees in China and India.

The product goes well with all essential and cosmetic oils. It is also added to vegetable oil. The aromas of orange and pine are perfectly combined. Juniper, geranium, and cinnamon will also complement this smell. And chamomile and lavender oils will enhance the calming effect of orange, cheer up.

The composition of the substance

  1. Limonene, which contains vitamin C, tones, heals wounds, has antiseptic properties. Promotes the restoration of tissues and cells of the body, and also improves the process of microcirculation in tissues.
  2. Linalool - gently and naturally fights depression.
  3. Farnesenes and geraniol - slow down aging and accelerate cell renewal.
  4. Citral and cadinene - kills harmful bacteria.
  5. Citronellal - thanks to him, the orange has such a pleasant smell that has a good effect on emotions.

Medicinal properties of orange oil

Orange essential oil is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine. It is also indispensable in aromatherapy. This substance soothes, relieves inflammation well, stimulates the immune system, helps to relax, promotes regeneration. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect, can relieve headache and joint pain, muscle spasms. With its help, they fight neuralgia, and women reduce pain during menstruation.

  1. After past illness The product is used to strengthen the immune system. Due to the antiseptic effect, it is indispensable for stomatitis, periodontal disease and bleeding gums, colds, SARS. With overwork of the eyes, as well as with a lack of vitamins, it helps to relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes. In addition, vision improves.
  2. It cannot be said about positive influence product for the work of the digestive system. It improves appetite, and also helps the body to remove toxins, prevents the absorption of harmful substances.
  3. This product is used for constipation and poisoning. Due to its choleretic and diuretic effect, it is used in preventive purposes, preventing the formation of kidney stones and gallstones.
  4. For those who care about cholesterol levels and overweight, it will be useful to know that orange oil can slow down the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the metabolism in the body is normalized. This is a good help in the fight against obesity.
  5. Due to the fact that it is able to normalize blood pressure, improve blood composition, and improve blood circulation, it is often used for heart disease and blood vessels, as well as for the prevention of diseases of these organs.
  6. The substance has a very positive effect on the state of the nervous system. It calms, relieves insomnia, promotes relaxation, Due to the fact that it helps to relieve fatigue and discomfort, I use it in the treatment nervous disorders, stress and out of the consequences. When exposed to this product, a person's concentration increases, he becomes alert and focused, ready to work with renewed vigor.

What effect does the oil have on the skin and hair?

Due to the fact that orange oil is able to protect the skin from adverse effects, as well as restore the structure, cosmetologists very often use it for facial skin care. It is suitable for the care of the skin of any type, it has a versatile and extremely positive effect on it. Here are a number of reasons why it is simply necessary to use it for every woman who wants to preserve her beauty and youth.

  1. Helps maintain a healthy complexion, brightens and removes freckles and pigmentation.
  2. Regulates work sebaceous glands which is very important for people with problematic oily skin.
  3. Purifies the skin, helping to narrow the pores. The skin breathes and looks healthier.
  4. Cells actively produce collagen fibers, which is responsible for the youthfulness of the skin, and hence for its elasticity.
  5. Toxins are removed from the skin, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  6. If the skin is dry, prone to peeling, then orange oil will have a very good effect on its condition. The tool will not only moisturize, but also help maintain the proper level of moisture in the skin of the face.
  7. The ability to stimulate regeneration helps the growth of new cells.
  8. This essential oil is a wonderful remedy for purulent inflammations skin, various dermatitis. Raw materials obtained from bitter fruit varieties are indispensable in the prevention acne, black dots on the face, which is very important for owners of problem oily skin.
  9. The substance stimulates blood flow to the skin of the face, and also helps in the fight against swelling. This problem often occurs with kidney disease.
  10. If a woman has scars and spots on her face after teenage acne, this miracle cure will also come to the rescue with this problem.

Cosmetic manufacturers add orange ether to many products. It is also often an ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos and many other dry-prone hair products and beauty products designed to combat " orange peel". Thanks to pleasant smell the substance is also added to perfumes, shower gels, soaps.

For hair, this oil also brings irreplaceable benefits:

  1. Helps with dryness and brittleness.
  2. Thanks to the acid contained in the orange, products based on it reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also remove residual fat from the surface of the skin.
  3. Such products fight microorganisms that cause seborrhea and other bacterial and fungal diseases skin heads.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. If you plan to go outside where it shines bright sun, then before this you should not apply orange oil products to the skin. It can burn the skin as it is phototoxic and will attract a lot of solar energy.
  2. If the skin is too sensitive, you should not use the product often, as this can not only lead to irritation, but also increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.
  3. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, you will have to give up this miraculous substance. Check it this way: put on inner surface cubit a drop of ether. If after half an hour there is no reaction, then you can apply it.
  4. When storing the product, it must be kept away from sunlight. Better in a glass container with dark glass, while the lid should be very tightly closed.
  5. Since the substance acts on the skin quite aggressively, in pure form it is better not to apply it. This is especially true of the mucous membranes.
  6. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding will be harmed by any dose of this substance.
  7. When applied cosmetics with orange ether on skin or hair, use gloves. Otherwise, the skin will stain.

How to identify quality oil

To choose high-quality raw materials, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. At good oil the color is always yellow-orange, very rich and bright. But the substance itself is almost transparent.
  2. To determine if the manufacturing technology is followed correctly, look at how the substance is poured. It should flow evenly and easily.
  3. Consult with cosmetologists or independently familiarize yourself with the information about which companies produce the highest quality products.
  4. If the ether leaves a non-evaporating trail yellow color, this will indicate that it is not diluted with any impurities. In the process of extraction, a lot of the pigment contained in the peel inevitably gets into it.

How orange oil is used for various purposes

  1. With angina, rinsing is done with water, with a drop of a substance dissolved in it.
  2. If the gums are inflamed, then applications will help. To do this, mix it in a ratio of one to one with any vegetable. You can also lubricate the gums with a few drops of orange and a teaspoon of St. John's wort ether.
  3. At viral diseases upper respiratory tract very useful inhalation. For this on a glass hot water add three drops of the substance. You need to breathe for about 5 minutes. If you suffer from sore throats, simply apply a few drops to a cloth and inhale. Close your eyes to avoid irritation.
  4. To make the baby sleep better, put an aroma lamp in the room. Every day, light it for half an hour, adding one drop of the product for every 5 square meters of the room.
  5. Also, the baby can be massaged by adding 2 drops of orange to the vegetable oil.
  6. To calm the baby, add a drop of ether diluted in milk to the bath while bathing.
  7. To improve the properties of a cream, mask or shampoo, add five drops of oil for every 10 g of cosmetic product.
  8. Ether from bitter orange is well suited for a bath. Pour a little on the stones aqueous solution. But be careful not to stay indoors for more than 5 minutes after that.
  9. For pain in PMS time Recommend lower abdomen massage. To do this, add 4 drops of orange, lavender, and juniper ether to 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  10. For diseases of the joints, 15 drops of orange are taken per teaspoon of the main one. It must be rubbed into the skin in the area of ​​​​the source of pain.
  11. For compresses for joint pain, dissolve five drops of the substance in half a glass of water. Cotton cloth is moistened and tied to the site of the diseased organ. Duration of action - half an hour.
  12. It is also recommended to add this ester to any tea, two drops per cup, but you should not get carried away, drink this drink once a day. This will help not only cleanse the blood, but also improve appetite, speed up metabolic processes, lower blood pressure, forget about insomnia.

Face masks

Masks with the addition of this bitter fruit ester make the skin softer and increase its elasticity. Before using masks, the face must first be thoroughly cleansed.

  1. To help tired skin, grate a small cucumber. Mix a spoonful of cucumber pulp, a spoonful of cream and the same amount of orange ether. The effect of this mask is 20 minutes. After that, wash it off and moisturize the skin with a cream. Instead of cucumber, you can take strawberries.
  2. If you have dry skin, take the yolk of one egg, beat it with a drop of orange ether and neroli. Wait for the mixture to dry.
  3. Can help with oily skin blue clay. 15 g mixed with 30 g grapefruit juice, also add the protein of one egg and orange ether from bitter varieties in the amount of three drops. This mask is washed off after 10 minutes.
  4. Add a drop of orange and sandalwood oil to ready-made face creams for one serving.

Recipes to improve hair condition

If you have dry or normal hair then these recipes are for you. Remedies will help get rid of dandruff. Masks are kept for about half an hour. Then wash off with shampoo.

  1. To 15 ml of jojoba oil add 2 drops of orange and eucalyptus. Mix well and apply to hair. Apply especially carefully to ends that are damaged.
  2. A mixture of 10 ml will help get rid of dandruff burdock oil with orange and eucalyptus, a few drops of each.
  3. The yolk of one egg is rubbed with honey, then 3 ml of olive oil are added, as well as 3 drops of cedar and orange oils.
  4. To accelerate hair growth, a mixture of oil is rubbed into the scalp grape seeds as well as orange and lemon. The procedure must be repeated every 3 days.
  5. If the hair is depleted and the scalp is very dry, then 3 drops of ylang-ylang and orange oil are added to 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  6. To make hair stronger and get rid of hair loss, such a mask will be useful. Several times a week, a mixture of orange, chamomile and pine oils is rubbed into the scalp.
  7. To make a ready-made shampoo more effective, add 5 drops of ether for every 10 ml.

As we can judge from the above, this remedy at a low price has huge amount as medicinal and cosmetic properties and does little to no harm. However, be careful to consult a specialist before using it.

Video: properties and uses of orange oil

The orange tree, with its incredibly fragrant fruits, was seen as early as the 4th century BC. It was brought to Europe at the end of the 16th century. For a long time Europeans kept an eye on under what conditions it is possible to get more ripe fruit and what factors negatively affect yields. The process of cultivation has begun. Now the cultivation of trees takes place on a large scale: they are planted in whole plantations.

Varieties of the orange tree

Currently, several varieties are known. The most popular among them are sweet and bitter oranges. Gorky has another name - orange. citrus fruits bitter wood are unsuitable for food, but more fragrant oil orange. The color of the resulting product may have different shades, ranging from dark yellow to dark brown.

Unlike bitter orange fruits, sweet citrus fruits are eaten fresh, juice is obtained from them, and canned. However, sweet orange oil also found wide application. Moreover, its content in the peel is much greater. For reference: to get 1 kg of orange oil, you need to take 50 kg of fresh peel of these fruits. The smell of sweet orange essential oil is less intense, but in both sweet and bitter fruits it is very close to the natural smell of the fruit. The color of the oil is mostly dark yellow.

Essential oil production process

Orange oil in production is obtained during a process called " cold pressed". No less popular is the process in which there is a simultaneous receipt orange juice and essential oil. In this case, fruits pre-crushed in special machines are placed in centrifuges. During processing, the separation of solid substances (peel) and liquid substance (juice, pulp) takes place. After that, they get it from the peel. Its properties are incredibly wide. However, the quality of the oil obtained in this way is somewhat worse, but the quantity significantly exceeds the volume of the product obtained by cold pressing.

Teaching oil at home

Despite the fact that at first glance, obtaining ethereal substance- a rather complicated and time-consuming process, in fact, you can cook it even at home. The end result is an excellent orange oil. It can be used for various purposes. How to get it yourself?

For manufacturing you need:

  • fresh, soft, thick orange peel;
  • odorless vegetable oil (optionally sunflower, it can be olive, corn, cottonseed).

So, first you need to rinse the peel under running hot water. Then cut it into small pieces and put in a glass bowl or jar. Pour the zest vegetable oil layer of about 1 cm, cover with a lid and put in a dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet. After three days, the resulting mass must be heated in a water bath for half an hour. Allow to cool and then squeeze the peel dry to obtain more orange oils.

Not a single chemical ingredient is added during the manufacturing process, only natural products are used, which means that you don’t have to worry about the quality of the resulting essential oil. It is worth knowing that the product can be stored for no more than 10 days, so you should not cook it for future use.

Application area

Regardless of how orange essential oil is obtained, it can be used for various purposes. It has found wide application in cosmetic procedures: in the manufacture of masks, creams, scrubs, etc. For improvement palatability in cooking, orange oil is added to dishes. Its properties are very diverse, which is why it is also used for recreational purposes.

Properties of orange essential oil

  1. Removes toxins from the body, helps with poisoning.
  2. Promotes appetite and at the same time fights excess weight.
  3. In dentistry, it is used as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation of the gums.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.
  5. Relieves eye fatigue, helps restore visual acuity.
  6. Relieves feelings of anxiety and fear, helps fight depression and relieves tension.
  7. Helps to focus and focus on the really important things.
  8. An ideal assistant in the fight against cellulite.
  9. Evens out the tone of the face, gives it healthy look and helps get rid of age spots.
  10. Increases immunity.
  11. Raises the mood.

This is just a small list medicinal properties possessed by orange essential oil. Its properties and application are still being studied, so the list is supplemented every year.

In cosmetology

As mentioned earlier, orange oil is indispensable assistant in the arsenal of a woman in the struggle for beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and the general condition of the female body.

Find finished products with the content of orange oil - shampoos, masks, creams - is quite difficult, since the shelf life of the essential substance is not more than 6 months. That is why in order to get healing product just add a few drops to your favorite cosmetic composition or prepare the product yourself.

The most popular masks are those that do not require a lot of ingredients. For example, a fairly simple mask from fresh cucumbers and sour cream:

  • for cooking, you need to mix the pulp fresh cucumber with one tablespoon of fat sour cream, add 2-3 drops of orange oil. The mask is ready, apply on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Another "summer" mask based on strawberries:

  • take 4-5 ripe berries strawberries, grind them into a pulp. Add one teaspoon of cream and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil. We put on the face. We leave for 15-20 minutes.

There are a lot of recipes that add not only orange oil, but also other essential substances. For example, geranium, sandalwood, tea tree etc. The basis of the mask can be therapeutic mud, blue or black cosmetic clay, egg yolk and much more.

Important! When compiling the product, it is necessary to check whether its components cause allergies.

Hand and hair masks

In order to tidy up the skin of the hands, give it tenderness and smoothness, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists or use expensive creams. Daily care at home will help maintain the excellent condition of the skin of the hands on long years. Perhaps the simplest mask is made on the basis of sour cream, into which you can drop geranium, chamomile, myrrh and orange oil.

For hair, it is enough to add orange oil to the shampoo. It is not recommended to pour it into the entire bottle at once, it is better to add a couple of drops immediately before use. Enriched product will give hair smoothness and shine, and also help get rid of dandruff and brittle hair. All this is due to the fact that the composition contains oil accumulate, and with each application the condition of the hair improves. This is just the smallest list of beauty recipes that use orange essential oil. Its use in cosmetics is very wide.

In aromatherapy

Thanks to a large number useful and medicinal properties that orange oil possesses, its use for various kinds inhalation has become a salvation for many people. Just 15 minutes of being in a room filled with citrus aroma helps to increase efficiency, invigorate, relieve fatigue, a person has a feeling of happiness and joy.

Aromatic lamps with the addition of orange essential oil are very popular. To similar procedures brought only positive emotions, you need to choose the right dosage. So, for a room measuring 16 square meters. m enough four drops of essential oil. It can be used not only with the help of aroma lamps, it is enough to apply it on a clean cotton cloth and put it, for example, on a heater. In this case, the room will also be filled with a stunning citrus aroma.

It is very useful to take baths with the addition of the essential oil of this fruit. It is important to know that it cannot be used undiluted. As an emulsifier, milk, honey or sea ​​salt. Bath time should not exceed 15 minutes.

Fans are also advised to periodically use orange oil. Reviews after visiting such a bath are only the most pleasant! You should know and remember about the dosage: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 drops of an essential product. The time of visiting the steam room should not exceed 4-5 minutes.

In cooking

Orange oil can be used not only for various masks, aromatherapy, but also for the preparation of various dishes and drinks. So, daily use tea with the addition of one drop of oil helps to remove harmful toxins from the body, improve digestion, increase appetite.

AT new year's eve try adding 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil to a champagne glass. The taste of the drink will instantly change, become more saturated, and the color more golden!

Orange essential oil, the properties and application of which have not been fully studied even at the present time, is very popular due to its beneficial qualities.


Like all products, the essential oil of these fruits also has its own contraindications for use. The main one is an allergy to citrus fruits. It is also strictly forbidden to take oil to people suffering from cholelithiasis. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Do not apply to exposed skin before going outside. Do not expose areas of the body to which it is applied to direct sunlight.


And finally, we offer you to take a small test that will help determine what you really need at the moment.

Imagine two bright smells - the smell of lemon and the smell of orange. What flavor do you prefer in this moment? Both aromas are citrusy, pleasant, but you need to choose only one.

Stopped for lemon flavor? So, you are attracted by things that do not wait for delay. Perhaps this is due to work or study, or maybe they are associated with new hobbies or hobbies. There is not always enough strength for new things, but the aroma of lemon will help restore and continue the initiated activities!

For those who liked the smell of orange, there is another explanation. Your body says that it is both physically and psychologically exhausted. He is in dire need of rest. It doesn't have to be a trip, just take some time for yourself. Stay alone in a room with a lit aroma lamp. Add a few drops of orange essential oil to it. Just be alone with your thoughts, and then fatigue will disappear as if by hand. This method is also recommended for people who have experienced severe stress.

There is hardly a person who is unfamiliar with the ringing and cheerful aroma of the sunniest fruit - the sweet orange. Its teasing freshness can give a sense of celebration even on the gloomiest day. But the bright taste and rich aroma are far from all the advantages of a sweet orange.

These miraculous fruits, which came to us from ancient oriental tales, have truly miraculous properties, so they can be a real find for those who want to be healthy and look good.

All the beneficial qualities of orange citrus are contained in the essential oil extracted from its peel. Despite the fact that today oranges are grown in many countries, the most valuable is the oil of the Spanish and Hawaiian varieties.

The properties and uses of sweet orange oil are quite extensive. It is used at home, adding to masks, using it for cellulite wraps and aromatherapy. Sweet orange oil is used in cosmetology, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries, it is often found in creams, ointments and medicines.

Orange oil pairs well with cinnamon, honey, vanilla, clove, jasmine, frankincense, nutmeg, eucalyptus, and many more. By mixing the ether with other oils, you can enhance the healing or cosmetic effect.

O useful qualities of this oil, you can write a whole treatise - it is so multifunctional. Here are just a few of its great features:

  • helps to increase immunity;
  • removes bile from the body;
  • protects against penetration into the body of infections;
  • helps to heal wounds and stop bleeding;
  • soothes and tones;
  • softens and moisturizes;
  • fights cellulite;
  • prevents inflammatory processes;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a rejuvenating effect; - is an antiseptic.

For the soul Orange is considered one of the best antidepressants created by nature. That is why sweet orange essential oil is often recommended for people suffering from depression, emotional stress and unreasonable fears.

Its warm and soft aroma contributes sharp increase the level of endorphins in the blood and, as a result, reduces mental arousal, relieves anxiety and sadness, calms, gives strength and energy, increases efficiency.

Relax and re-energize after have a hard day a bath with the addition of 5 drops of orange elixir will help a lot, and in order to good mood was always “at hand”, it is recommended to wear an aroma medallion.

In addition, orange oil is the strongest and can enhance sex drive. Therefore, an aromatic lamp with the addition of 3 drops of essence will be a great addition to a romantic evening for two.

For good health

The properties and applications of the oil are very diverse, it is actively used in medicinal purposes. Since ether has antiseptic and antipyretic properties, it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases.

For inhalation, add 2 drops of oil to a glass of water and inhale the resulting solution for several minutes.

Rinse with a solution with the addition of orange oil is effective for sore throat, as well as stomatitis and toothache. For spasms and pain in the joints, the extract is added to any vegetable oil and rubbed on the affected area. And lotions with the addition of essence can cope with skin diseases.

Sweet orange essential oil is also taken internally. It accelerates the metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, copes with constipation, and is also able to remove toxins and toxins from the body, therefore it is often used in the treatment of poisoning.

Also, the use of orange extract prevents the deposition of stones in the gastrointestinal tract.

From cellulite

Sweet orange essential oil for cellulite can definitely be called the main assistant in the fight against eternal women's problem- orange peel. It is an indispensable component of a variety of creams and gels for cellulite.

And all because it improves blood circulation, due to which it tones the skin, makes it taut and elastic. In addition, it promotes the breakdown of fats in cells and accelerates excretory processes. They are very popular.

Recipe: mass for wrapping is made at the rate of 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Apply a warm mixture to the problem area, wrap with cling film and leave for an hour. The result appears after the course of such wraps, which is usually 8-10 sessions.

Massage with the addition of orange oil (5 drops per 10 g base) is also a good help in the fight for beautiful body. It stimulates blood circulation, fights cellulite and enhances metabolic processes in tissues.

And have a healing effect on the skin. To receive you need to maximum effect, it is recommended to alternate procedures.

For face

The beneficial properties of orange oil for the face are not limited to the impact only on the fifth point. It is suitable for the care of all types of facial skin: it fights acne and enlarged pores, restores elasticity to aging sagging skin, improves color and restores healthy appearance.

Due to the high content of useful trace elements and antioxidants, collagen production is stimulated, due to which skin cells are renewed faster. It is good to add essential oil (3 drops per 10 grams of base) to homemade creams or masks.

The following composition will be universal for all skin types: 1 teaspoon of any base oil mix with 5 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the mixture on your face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

For hair

Sweet orange essential oil is used for hair care. Its regular use helps to strengthen the hair and get rid of dandruff, the hair becomes obedient and elastic, and the delicate citrus aroma will be a pleasant bonus to their healthy and blooming appearance.

Add 2-3 drops of orange oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair, and after a few such procedures you will notice the result.

Another way to use sweet orange oil for hair is homemade masks.

Recipe: Beat 1 yolk and combine with 2 tbsp. spoons and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 3-4 drops of orange extract to the resulting mixture. Apply the heated composition along the entire length of the hair and wrap your head with a towel. Wash your hair with shampoo after half an hour.

Also, aroma combing will be useful for all types of hair. Simply distribute a few drops of the product over a wooden comb and brush your hair in different directions for a few minutes.

When choosing an essential oil, you do not need to chase cheapness, because low price in this case is proof of the poor quality of the product. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers sell flavored vegetable oil under the guise of essential oil. In order not to run into a fake, buy oil only from trusted sellers.

If you have purchased oil, but doubt its authenticity, there is a simple test: drop the product onto a regular paper napkin. Pure ether will evaporate in a few minutes, leaving no greasy residue. If a yellow mark remains on the paper after drying, it means that you were sold diluted oil.

Chemistry will leave a colorless greasy stain. When choosing an essential oil, be careful and careful: a synthesized fake will not only not bring the expected effect, but can also cause severe damage to the skin.

Sweet orange oil contraindications

As you know, citrus fruits are strong allergen Therefore, allergy sufferers should use oil with great care. In any case, before the first application on the skin, it is recommended to undergo an individual tolerance test.

Just put the product on a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, the bend of the elbow, and wait a couple of hours. If everything is in order - use it without fear.

It is important to know that sweet orange oil, however, like other essential oils, is not recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure. In addition, in order to avoid burns, you should not apply oil to your face before going out into the sun.

A holiday for body and soul - this is how this wonderful essential oil can be described in a nutshell. Orange sweet application will find in many situations, so a bottle of this miracle essence will be appropriate in any home first aid kit.


What is orange and orange oil?

What is orange essential oil, the properties and uses of this oil, and how is orange oil useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment, in particular to treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Orange - evergreen fruit tree genus citrus of the rue family. It does not occur in the wild. On vigorous rootstocks it reaches a height of 12 m, on dwarf rootstocks 4-6 m. The leaves are leathery, oval, with a pointed apex. Flowers are bisexual, white, fragrant, solitary or in inflorescences. The fruits are a multi-celled berry; depending on the variety, they vary greatly in size, shape and color of the peel (from light yellow to reddish-orange). The pulp is juicy, sweet or sweet and sour. During the growing season, the orange, depending on climatic conditions there may be 2-3 periods of growth, each of which is replaced by a period of rest. At favorable conditions can live and bear fruit for more than 75 years.

Orange trees are native to the East - China and India. In European countries, orange essential oil for medicinal purposes began to be used only at the end of the 17th century. In those days, it was quite a rare and expensive product. The bitter orange was the first to reach Europe. It was spread by the Arabs from Persia through North Africa. The juice of its fruits was described by Avicenna, who used it as a medicine. In the 16th century, the Portuguese for the first time began to import fruits and seedlings of orange trees from China by sea.

Today, orange trees are grown in many countries of the world: America (California), the Mediterranean, Mexico, India, Egypt, etc.

The peel of the fruit contains up to 2% of the essential oil used in the perfumery and confectionery industry.


Externally, orange essential oil appears as a yellow-orange liquid with a sweet, fruity aroma. This oil is one of the most inexpensive and affordable essential oils today.

The essential oil is obtained from fresh orange peel by cold pressing and steam distillation from the peel.

In many countries, especially in America and Brazil, the production of essential oil is combined with the production of orange juice. However, the essential oil of orange is not of very high quality.

The best in terms of quality is considered to be oil from Spanish and Guinean oranges.

Orange tree leaves are used to produce petitgrain oil, flowers - neroli oil.

You need to know that orange oil is subject to very rapid oxidation. For this reason, antioxidant substances are usually added to it.

The essential oil can be obtained from both sweet and bitter oranges. This oil is found in the fruits, flowers, and leaves, but the highest amount is found in the peel of the sweet orange. These two varieties differ in their composition and proportions. active substances contained in the oil. Bitter orange oil (orange) has a more subtle aroma.

Orange oil is one of the most sought after essential oils. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. In addition, in the process of processing the components of the orange tree, almost everything goes into business. So, from the leaves of the orange tree, a special composition is produced, which is called neroli essential oil, and from the petals of orange flowers - fragrant petitgrain oil.

If the peel of a sweet or bitter orange is used, then the composition, color and ratio of active substances immediately change. Bitter orange oil has a more subtle aroma than sweet orange oil.

What components does orange essential oil retain after being pressed? An analysis of its constituents showed that it contains approximately 95% of a substance called limonene, 0.2% linalool, 0.2% a-terpineol, 0.1% decylaldehyde are also present. The part of orange essential oil that does not evaporate contains a special substance - auroptene.


Orange essential oil has a wide range of uses. Most often it is used for the purpose of skin care.

It is suitable for all skin types. It normalizes its fat content, makes the skin more elastic and smooth, helps in the fight against wrinkles, relieves muscle tension. It also has a whitening property, helps to lighten age spots. Removes toxins from the skin, softens rough skin, so it helps with corns.

This oil removes headache relieves muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, menstrual pain.

In addition, it improves immunity and is a good antiseptic, which can be used for colds, flu and upper respiratory tract infections.

Orange essential oil has a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract: normalizes the work of the stomach, promotes the removal of toxins, increases appetite. Has diuretic and choleretic property. Helpful in preventing stone formation gallbladder. Helps with poisoning and constipation.

This oil is also used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. of cardio-vascular system. It enhances blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure. Helps cleanse the blood and lower cholesterol levels. The oil is also useful for obesity and edema.

Essential oil of orange improves mood, can not only soothe, but also tone up. Removes fatigue. Helps to get rid of insomnia and feelings of anxiety.

It has a beneficial effect on human bioenergetics. Orange oil helps to relax, relieves stress and depression. It also helps in the treatment of diseases that were caused by stress.

In addition, orange essential oil:

  • It improves intestinal peristalsis, helps to reduce putrefactive processes in it, reduces the absorption of harmful substances, and soothes the stomach. Recommended for chronic constipation, hypacid gastritis, lack of appetite.
  • Has a choleretic effect.
  • Purifies the blood, lowers blood pressure.
  • Is different high content provitamin A
  • It has an antiseptic and hemostatic effect in case of stomatitis, gum disease.
  • Reduces or completely eliminates spasms smooth muscle internal organs, so it is used for chronic bronchitis, muscle cramps, convulsions.
  • It activates the processes of excretion of toxins from the body.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Increases visual acuity.
  • It is used for insomnia, depression, stress, nervous tension, states of fear, as it has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Helps create a good mood.
  • Recommended for dry, chapped and chapped skin. Raises the skin tutor, stimulates local blood circulation. Used for cellulite.


  • For massage: 7-10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil.
  • For internal use: 2-3 drops per glass of vegetable or fruit juice one hour before meals.
  • For baths: 5 drops.
  • For applications: 1:1.
  • For rinsing: 1 drop in 1 glass of water.
  • For cold compresses: 7-8 drops.
  • To enrich cosmetics: 5-6 drops per 10 ml base.

Precautionary measures:

Do not apply orange oil to the skin in sunny weather. This is because orange oil is phototoxic - it accumulates sunlight and may cause burns.

It is important to remember that the owners sensitive skin essential oil of orange long-term use in large dosage can lead to irritation and increase its photosensitivity.

You need to know that when taken orally, orange essential oil can increase the feeling of hunger. Caution should be used by those who are allergic to citrus.

Before using this oil, a simple sensitivity test should be carried out. A drop of oil must be applied to the inner surface of the forearm, rubbed a little and observe the application area for 15 minutes. If there is itching, burning, severe redness or swelling, this means an allergy. It should not be used in this case.

Essential oil of orange in cosmetology:

Orange oil has positive impact on dry skin, has a tonic effect. It stimulates the regeneration of dry skin, moisturizes it and enhances blood circulation, indicated for aging skin. Great for problematic skin, because it cleanses and tightens pores, helps to get rid of scars that remain after acne. Orange essential oil also stimulates lymph flow, reduces swelling and swelling.

This oil is useful for getting rid of cellulite. Orange essential oil is also used to care for the oral cavity. The oil fights inflammation and bleeding of the gums, treats stomatitis, and helps with periodontal disease.

In addition, it alleviates the condition with eczema, psoriasis and other types of dermatitis. Gets rid of herpes on the lips.

In the cosmetics industry, orange essential oil is found in lotions, creams, bath additives, and deodorants. In perfumery, it is the basis for perfumes and colognes.

For face:

Orange oil is used for the face with almost any type of skin - from oily and problematic to dry and fading. This oil helps to significantly improve the quality and appearance of the skin, get rid of wrinkles, dead cells, formations and other imperfections.

It is an excellent natural cleanser that effectively tones the skin, brightens it and helps to remove freckles and various age spots. In addition, this oil has the property of stimulating blood circulation, thereby stimulating blood flow to the facial skin and improving the complexion. The regenerating properties of this wonderful natural product help to quickly remove old dead cells and significantly rejuvenate the skin, which makes the use of orange oil for the face especially useful for those women who have fading and aging skin.

For hair:

Orange oil has a beneficial effect on lifeless and weakened hair, restores their elasticity and natural shine. It has proven itself well as effective remedy to moisturize hair and eliminate dandruff. Moreover, it helps fight excessive hair loss.

The simplest thing you can do using this hair oil at home is to enrich any factory-made cosmetics (shampoos, conditioners, rinses, masks) with it. For 10 grams of base you will need 3-4 drops of orange oil - apply your common remedy, drip oil into it, then mix and you can apply to your hair.

Another option for using essential oil is fragrant combing. You just need to put a couple of drops of orange oil on the comb and comb your hair. This procedure will gradually make your hair more elastic and they will stop breaking, plus your hair will exude the sweet aroma of orange.

Good health!

Today we continue to study the properties of essential oils. We have already studied the effect of monster essential oils: tea tree, lavender and lemon. In this article, we will get acquainted with orange essential oil, its properties and methods of application. I will clarify we will talk About Vivasan orange essential oil .

Sweet orange essential oil(Citrus sinesis L. Osbeck), as well as a little lemon, cold pressed from fresh orange peels. This is one of the most popular and affordable oils. It has wide application in cosmetics, cooking and medicine.

Orange essential oil is a yellow-orange oily liquid. And it smells warm and soothing, like a warm breeze. The oil is quite volatile, its smell quickly disappears. Therefore, if orange oil is present in the compositions, it is one of the first to be heard.

Vivasan orange oil properties and uses

As with all citrus oils, orange oil has an antiseptic effect. But this oil has main feature which makes this oil simply indispensable.

This is his ability to have a calming effect on the nervous system. If your child is overexcited, make an aroma lamp with orange essential oil in the room, or drop 1 k on the sleeves of a shirt - this will quickly relieve excitement and help calm down.

Orange oil relieves nervous tension after labor day, relieves feelings of fear and anxiety, is indicated for depression and stress.

As a result, it reduces arterial pressure, normalizes heart palpitations, especially if these causes are caused by psycho-emotional factors.

The oil is very useful to take at night for a calm and deep sleep. In this regard, it can be combined with baths or an aroma lamp, or drink tea with the addition of 1 to. Orange oil per 1 tsp. honey or sugar. For the sweetheart there is very tasty way- drop 1 k. orange oil on marshmallows.

Oil inside should be applied in courses for 3 weeks, then a break for 7-10 days. Courses can be 3-6.

Inside, orange essential oil is very good to take, alternating with. Lemon in the morning, because it has a tonic effect, and orange in the evening, because it calms.

Vivasan lemon and orange essential oil

Orange oil is widely used in cosmetology. It improves skin elasticity, stimulates its regeneration, nourishes with vitamins (A, B, C), softens and moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

Suitable for all skin types, both for dry, rough, prone to peeling, and for oily and prone to inflammation and acne, as it regulates fat metabolism.

Another one from unique properties orange oil - its anti-cellulite property. Orange, as it were, tells us this, because the peel of an orange looks like skin with cellulite. How can one not remember the principle of homeopathy - treat like with like.

To combat cellulite, internal use in juice or tea is also used.

A valuable property of the oil is its ability to remove slags and harmful substances from the body, cleanse the blood and lymph, regulate fat metabolism. The oil helps to eliminate swelling and swelling. With regular intake of orange oil inside , lowers cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, stimulates metabolism.

It is also good to add orange oil to rinse water - it gives shine and silkiness to hair.

Orange oil is indispensable for bleeding gums and periodontal disease, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can be dripped on a brush with toothpaste and brushed teeth, or it can be applied in the form of applications to the gums after brushing.

Butter has a light choleretic action therefore prevents the formation of gallstones. It also normalizes bowel function. All these properties will not fail to affect the skin, it will become fresher and healthier.

Orange essential oil is used in cooking to flavor desserts, pastries, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Drop 1 cup of oil into a glass of champagne - it will give the drink a unique piquancy, and orange and cloves are used to flavor mulled wine.

And among other things, the essential oil is a light aphrodisiac and is used to compose aphrodisiac perfumes and romantic compositions.

Thus, we see that the essential oil of orange is universal, because. it has normalizing properties. Therefore, almost everyone likes it.

Complementary oils for orange oil are essential oils of ylang-ylang, frankincense, sage, cloves.

And now a little test.

Imagine scent of orange and lemon. What scent would you choose right now?

If you chose the smell of lemon, this indicates that your body wants to do something actively, move forward, maybe you have some kind of desire to study, to create something, but he needs help, he needs support. Perhaps you do not have enough strength, but you need to move on. In this case, lemon oil will support. It has a tonic effect.

If you have chosen the smell of orange, you are most likely in need of rest, you want to relax, unwind. Or maybe sit down by the fireplace with a glass of hot mulled wine and dream? Or maybe you have recently experienced a strong emotional shock, or are just in a state of stress, maybe you want to be listened to, supported? Make yourself an aroma lamp with orange oil, turn it on pleasant music, if possible, make a relaxing massage - and life will play bright colors for you again.

Orange essential oil, uses and dosages.

  • For massage: 5-6 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil (helps with cellulite).
  • For internal use: 1 drop per 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey in tea, juice, milk drink, 2 times a day.
  • For baths: 4-5 drops per emulsifier (salt, milk) per bath. Duration 15-20 minutes. Useful such baths for weight loss, cellulite, insomnia.
  • To enrich cosmetics: 1-2 drops per 10 g of oil - base or cream
  • Applications on the gums - With periodontal disease, bleeding gums mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1/1, apply non-cotton wool and apply to sore spots or rub into the gums after each cleaning.
  • For scenting rooms – aroma lamp 5-6 drops per lamp elimination unpleasant odors, in. including tobacco, to create a romantic atmosphere, to sleep peacefully).

Recipes with orange essential oil.

Below are a few recipes with orange oil that will come in handy when caring for your face and hands.

  • Facial massage oil.

This oil can also be used as an evening cream.

Take 10 ml. jojoba oil, 10 ml. avocado, add 3 drops of orange essential oil, 2 k. roses, 2 k. Apply the oil on a cleansed face along the massage lines, lightly drive into the skin. Wipe off the rest with a tissue.

  • Mask for dry skin.

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fatty sour cream, add 2 drops of orange oil, 1 cup of geranium oil, 1 cup, hold for 20-30 minutes.

  • Lotion for oily skin.

For 100 ml. add 10 ml of water. alcohol or good vodka, 3 drops of orange oil. 3 k. lavender, 3 k. geranium. Store the prepared lotion in the refrigerator. Perfectly cleans oily skin and regulates the sebaceous glands.

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