Spirits of myths. Truth and myths about spirits. The stronger the smell, the more pleasant it is.

Perfumery is an amazing and mysterious world. And a significant part of it is based only on personal feelings - ambiguous and rather subjective. It is not surprising that so many conflicting opinions have been born in this area, which we sometimes take at face value and unconditionally believe them. Consider the most common myths in the fragrant world of perfumery.

If you think that any perfume with a very impressive price tag will definitely “taste” you, you are mistaken. It's not about the price at all, but about how much you like this or that aroma. Believe me, even the most expensive eau de toilette you may not like at all - not the notes, not the “sound”, not the stamina.

Perfumery is an area where it is better not to chase fashion. Yes, you can "try" the new fragrance of the eminent perfumer. But if you don't like it, don't buy it. Take what the soul lies to - regardless of the price!

Myth 2: Quality perfumes must last

How long a perfume stays on the skin says nothing about its quality. The fact is that when creating any perfume, substances with varying degrees of volatility are used. Yes, the task of a perfumer is to select the base notes in perfumes so that their fragrance “sounds” for as long as possible. Optionally, super-resistant components will be used in a particular toilet water - perhaps the perfumer considered these notes to be superfluous in a particular perfume line.

Please note that “light” and fresh aromas evaporate much faster than “heavy” ones (for example, spicy and oriental) - this is the case in the aromatic substances used. And this rule applies even to the most expensive perfumes of famous brands.

This is a delusion of many of our compatriots. Do you think that in order to buy original branded perfumes, you will have to go to the homeland of a particular perfumer? Be sure that in large retail stores that have been present on the Russian market for decades, you will get the original! Federal retail chains will not "flirt" with this - they value their reputation, they have strict quality control for incoming products and official contracts with the manufacturer.

The cosmetic and perfume market today is full of counterfeit products. Counterfeits of perfumes are traded on the Internet (and not only) quite openly - and many, without hesitation, claim that they are selling original perfumes. Want quality and "real" flavor? Then look at the price - a famous brand perfume cannot be cheap! Discounts, promotions - all this for "gray" merchants is nothing more than cunning tricks to attract gullible customers.

Myth 4: The aroma of testers in stores is always more intense.

This myth is most likely propagated by sellers of confiscated or simply stolen perfume bottles that are meant to be introduced to fragrances in the store. And gullible buyers are forced to believe that the perfume composition in the testers is more concentrated and persistent. In fact, not a single production practices this! The "saturation" of the perfume - what is in the package, what is in the tester - is the same!

Did the perfume from the test bottle seem more "fragrant" to you than those that are sealed in the original box? Believe me, the manufacturer does not want to deceive you! The reason may lie in external factors - the susceptibility of the perfume to light, the date of release of the perfume. Maybe the tester is more "fresh" by release date?

Every cosmetic product has its own expiration date. It is believed that a sealed perfume bottle can stand for 3 years, and an open one should be used within a year. Therefore, do not take care of your favorite perfume for a "rainy day" - use it!

But this does not mean that exactly in a year your perfume will sharply become cloudy and begin to exude an unthinkable amber! Many use eau de toilette and longer than the prescribed period. But it is highly likely that the aroma, so familiar earlier, will now be revealed by a completely “wrong” bouquet.

In order for perfumes to “hold” their original aroma for as long as possible, store them in the right conditions - at room temperature, away from direct light. The ideal place for a bottle of toilet water is a closed cabinet. Many people practice storing perfume in the refrigerator. This will not save the perfume composition - the cold is just as destructive for it as direct sunlight.

Myth 6: The fragrance will last longer if you apply it in a large amount.

But many people do just that - they “pour” half of the bottle on themselves in the hope that they will be fragrant for several days. Not! The only thing you will achieve in this way is a sharp, “suffocating” smell. Just imagine what it will be like for people who, due to bad luck, will ride with you in an elevator or sit in a stuffy office at work. Is it worth it to arrange such a "torture chamber"?

In order for others to feel the trail of your spirits, 2-4 “puffs” are enough.

If you realize that you obviously went too far with the amount of perfume, take a shower. Stand for a while under streams of warm water - the aroma, by the way, will not disappear anywhere, it will simply become less concentrated. But do not use shower gels - only water!

Long gone are the days when fragrances were created only from natural ingredients. Forget! All global brands use artificial substances in the production of perfumes - the fragrances presented on store shelves are synthesized in the laboratory. And there is nothing wrong with that - products are significantly cheaper, their shelf life increases, perfumers have the opportunity to create entire “palettes” of multifaceted aromas.

Some niche brands position their perfumes as natural products. Also, private perfumers offer the development of natural compositions. But even such a perfume cannot be called 100% natural - the composition will still include a small amount of "synthetics" (to maintain durability, to "balance" the composition).

The quality of a perfume does not even depend on the components used (“chemistry” or natural), but on how well the perfumer owns his craft and how well he can combine certain ingredients in the formula.

Myth 8: If you stop smelling perfume, then this is the “right” scent.

This myth gives rise to many mistakes when choosing perfumes. And even sales assistants in stores often "practice" this statement.

Yes, the aroma fades over time, but at least you should feel the “aftertaste” of the perfume anyway! And the fact that you don’t “hear” the aroma does not mean that it suits you perfectly. There may be several options - either specific perfumes are already very boring to you due to the fact that you use them literally every day, or the work of the nose receptors gives "failures".

You can often hear that a real woman should "wear" only one fragrance, which will be associated only with her. But following such a rule is very boring, isn't it?

This myth is a relic of the old days. Then the shoes were worn to holes, and the coat was passed on as a relic from generation to generation. Now it is becoming a tradition to choose a fragrance “on occasion” - these perfumes for the evening, these for the summer, these for a morning run. Why not create your own "perfume wardrobe" - for all occasions?

Myth 10: Natural perfumes are completely safe and will never cause allergies.

There is no equal sign between the words "natural" and "safe"! Both synthetic and natural ingredients that are used by perfumers can cause allergic reactions - it depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular person. Among the ingredients in the composition of the perfume composition of perfumes, there may well be an allergen.

If you are familiar with perfume for the first time (whether natural or “synthetic”), it is better to test for allergic reactions. If a couple of hours after the "puff" on the skin there are no negative reactions in the form of itching or irritation, the perfume is completely safe for you!


Do you know what exactly does not belong to the category of myths? This is the passionate awe of many women for perfume! Yes, and men do not stand aside - at least they are very positive about the aroma of the perfume of their chosen one, because this is part of her image. And the more the world of perfumery generates conflicting opinions, the more it surprises and fascinates.

Many of us have completely erroneous stereotypes about perfume products fixed in our minds. Even the name confuses people, because most people think that cologne is for men and perfume for women.

However, in fact, the difference between them lies only in the concentration of the essential oil. In this article, perfume expert Marlene Harrison debunks nine of the most common myths.

The best place to store perfume is the bathroom

On the contrary, a warm, humid atmosphere will cause the essential oils to break down and the perfume will lose its original scent more quickly.

On the skin, the fragrance will smell the same as on a paper strip.

In practice, it is impossible to predict how the fragrance will open up on your skin. Moreover, on the skin of different people, it will manifest itself in different ways.

Perfume should be applied by splashing in front of you and stepping into a fragrant cloud

The expert suggests that it is best to spritz lightly on dry skin. Apply to warm areas of the body such as neck and chest. This will allow the fragrance to dissipate evenly throughout the day. The main rule is not to overdo it.

Cologne for men and perfume for women

In fact, the terms cologne and perfume only refer to the amount of essential oil in the composition. Cologne has the weakest aroma, it has a concentration of oils of about 3%. In toilet water about 10%, perfumed toilet water from 15% to 20%, in perfume about 25%.

Perfume should be rubbed into the skin

Do not do that! Rubbing will only break the combination of oils and reduce the duration of the fragrance. Let the perfume soak in on its own.

All perfumes smell the same

The expert claims that the intensity of the smell directly depends on the amount of essential oil in the composition. The more it is, the more powerful the fragrance will be, and the less perfume is needed when applied.

The stronger the smell, the more pleasant it is.

According to the expert, a more powerful smell will not necessarily be perceived as more pleasant. Depending on your personality, a stronger or weaker scent may suit you. In addition, the same fragrance in different concentrations can feel completely different.

The smell remains the same from the moment of application until the end of the day

In fact, many fragrances are "non-linear" and develop new notes over time. Generally, non-linear flavors are considered to be of higher quality.

The more expensive the perfume, the better it is.

Sometimes a less expensive perfume will suit you better than one where you overpay for a brand. When choosing a perfume, it is important to find your own scent.

Katerina Mukhina

09.03.2015 | 868

When choosing perfumes, we often follow established stereotypes that have nothing to do with the truth. Let's see what myths about perfumery exist.

You can often hear that you need to buy perfume only in the morning. And then there are smells that are suitable only for people with a certain hair color ... Is there any truth in such theories?

1. Testers in stores smell much more intense than original perfumes with the same scent.

Definitely a myth. A tester is the same product as a perfume in its original packaging. Its smell cannot be stronger or weaker. There can be only one difference: if, for example, the tester is eau de parfum, and the product in a closed package is eau de toilette. Then the intensity of the flavor in the tester will be higher.

This myth was invented by people who are looking for a catch in everything and think that perfume stores are trying to deceive them. But it doesn't make any sense.

2. The smell for blondes is not suitable for brunettes.

Hair color does not matter in the choice of perfume. Considering that modern women have seven Fridays a week and hair color can change almost every day, then there is no point in choosing perfumes for hair. The only thing you should pay attention to (of course, apart from personal addictions to a particular fragrance) is the pH of the skin.

3. Perfume should be selected according to age

This is perhaps the most common myth that has gained popularity thanks to the active actions of marketers. , cologne for a mature man... With such a description, the product is much easier to sell.

Theoretically, age does not matter in the choice of perfume. However, in practice, there are indeed statistics according to which young girls and boys prefer citrus and marine fragrances, while older people prefer woody and chypre fragrances.

But this fact should not be taken as an absolute truth. Choose perfumes that you simply like and remember that you are only as old as you feel.

4. Perfumes should be kept refrigerated

Many women keep perfume in the refrigerator because they have heard or read somewhere that perfumes deteriorate quickly in heat. But in fact, both high and low temperatures are equally destructive for spirits. Therefore, our perfume refrigerators are too cold.

5. Perfume should only be bought in the morning

Although the time of day does not affect the intensity of the fragrance and does not change it, but, by and large, this is true. In the morning, while we are alert and full of energy, the aroma is felt much better. And besides, the stores have more or less fresh air, so it is much easier to recognize all the notes of the aroma.

6. Perfume must be applied to the hair

Hair holds smell really well, but this does not mean that half a bottle should be poured on them. Alcohol, which is part of the perfume, dries the curls, so along with a pleasant aroma, you risk getting split ends.

7. Perfume must be bought only in specialized stores

This is true. It is better to pay more in a store that sells truly original perfumes than to buy an inexpensive product from a dubious company: it is not a fact that these products are really genuine. Always remember that the miser pays twice.

Do not fall for the tricks of deceivers and use high-quality perfumes!

Based on materials from the site www.moncredo.pl

A quality perfume is sure to last.

Longevity has nothing to do with the quality of the fragrance, it's just a physical property. Any composition consists of substances that evaporate at different rates. And if a perfumer created a wonderful fragrance of happiness, but used mainly volatile ingredients in it, then they will evaporate quickly and you can not expect special durability. However, this does not mean that the fragrance is of poor quality.

Also, there are no mythical "fixers". Relatively speaking, a volatile aroma can be "delayed" using persistent substances such as ambergris, musk, resins and wood. But at the same time, its lightness will be lost, the composition will become completely different.

So the concept of persistence is more about what the perfumer wanted to tell us: there are fragrances-stories, short and ingenious, there are fragrances-romances and fragrances-sagas in several volumes.

If you want persistent ones, choose oriental, pronounced woody, oud, musky compositions. And do not look in the direction of citrus, light floral and fruity fragrances, they do not know how to stay on the skin for days.

Rubbing perfume between your wrists will destroy the top notes.

Rub on health, nothing will happen to the aroma.

Cologne for men, perfume for women.

Cologne and perfume are just different concentrations, this information does not carry any gender load.

You can not store perfumes in the bathroom: the molecules are destroyed by the temperature difference.

Really can't. Perfume should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place. Then the probability that the smell will change tends to zero.

If you can't smell the scent, then it's for you.

Controversial assertion. If you no longer feel the aroma on yourself, it means that your receptors are “satiated” and simply exclude this smell from the general background so that it does not interfere.

The more expensive the fragrance, the better it is.

There is no connection. Perfume pricing depends on so many things, such as how much the packaging and advertising campaign cost. Of course, the price of the composition itself also affects the cost, but to a lesser extent. And how much they “wind up” in stores, we will never know.

It is best to spray the fragrance in front of you and “enter the cloud”.

This is just one way to apply fragrance and is just as good as any other. Do as you please.

Natural ingredients are better than chemicals.

Today, almost any fragrance is a mixture of natural and synthetic ingredients. 100% natural perfumery is a relatively recent invention. This is the so-called indie direction, and the smell of such compositions is quite specific. So you shouldn't read the composition, it's just a matter of how the perfumer knows how to use the "palette". Artists paint pictures with the same colors, but some create masterpieces, while others create daubs.

Light fragrances are more suitable for blondes, saturated ones are more suitable for brunettes.

Exterior, zodiac sign, height, weight and other physical characteristics do not affect the choice of fragrance. People love different tastes and smells. It's like saying blondes only eat ice cream and brunettes eat spicy curry.

Aromas-aphrodisiacs exist.

Aphrodisiacs are exclusively about food. And if we talk about pheromones, then their existence, in principle, has not yet been proven. So, alas, one cannot seduce anyone with one smell: if a person initially does not like you, the aroma is unlikely to fix it.

The fragrance will last longer if applied in large quantities.

No. The intensity of the aroma will increase, but this will not affect the rate of evaporation of its constituent substances. But you will stop feeling it much earlier: the receptors will not endure such a powerful olfactory blow.

The text was prepared by MARINA GRIBOVA

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