Wax orthodontic protective for brackets. Wax is an indispensable assistant for braces. What is orthodontic wax for braces?

The removal of braces is usually expected as a long-awaited premiere - and with your loved one in the lead role! In general, it is: after all, you will finally see your perfect bite in all its glory, without additional “decoration” in the form of arcs and locks

This exciting event will take place in several stages. Here's what an orthodontist will do:

    Unstick the locks
    You have been wearing an orthodontic system for a long time, at least half a year, and maybe you have already forgotten how the doctor attached the braces themselves (that is, small metal or ceramic locks) to your teeth. Recall that this was done with the help of a special composite photo-cured material - dental "glue" resembling a filling. Now you need to get rid of it, which the orthodontist will do. First, he will take out the arc, and then very carefully, using special tweezers, he will remove the braces one by one. The composite that held them is usually removed along with them. Since all of this is done with little mechanical effort, you may experience mild discomfort (as if you were being "pulled by a tooth"), but nothing more.

    Grinds tooth enamel
    This step will be required if some of the dental adhesive still remains on the teeth. It is removed using a drill and a special grinding nozzle.

    Carry out professional cleaning
    The bracket system made it very difficult to brush your teeth on your own, and now, after removing it, many corners and nooks and crannies have opened up that your brush has not reached for a long time. Professional oral hygiene will correct the matter, besides, it will contribute to the speedy alignment of the color of the teeth. This is essential if, after removing the braces, there are light or dark spots that upset you on the enamel.

    Will do fluorination and/or calcination
    The aforementioned stains can result from weakening of the enamel, and procedures such as fluoridation and calcination can be very helpful in strengthening it.

    Discuss with you the type of retainer you will be wearing
    Perhaps this is the most serious moment. After all, you say goodbye to the bracket system, but not to your orthodontist! Now you have to keep the result and prevent your teeth from returning to their “starting position”. This is done using retainers (orthodontic appliances attached to the inside of the teeth) or special removable caps. Which option will be optimal in your particular case, only the attending physician can decide.

How many braces are removed

Removing braces will take quite a bit of time. You don't have to spend half a day in the dentist's chair. Locks are removed, one might say, with lightning speed - the doctor will need no more than 5-10 minutes (depending on their number). Grinding will take another 4-6 minutes. The result is about 15-20 minutes. Add another 30 minutes for any additional treatments you may need. Well, another 20-30 minutes will take a discussion with the doctor of a further plan of action. In general, according to optimistic forecasts, meet within 1 hour, according to pessimistic forecasts - in 1.5 hours.

Does it hurt to remove braces?

No, it doesn't hurt at all. First, nothing in itself hurts you. Secondly, no serious medical intervention occurs when removing braces. After completion of the procedure, you also do not expect any pain. On the contrary, only a feeling of freedom and relief, as well as a new quality of life await you.

Expert opinion

The removal of braces is an important stage in the life of every patient, and it is necessary to properly prepare psychologically for it. On the one hand, it really means freedom: you will remove the complex orthodontic system, which was worn for at least six months, and which imposed certain restrictions on your lifestyle. On the other hand, freedom will still not be complete: you will still need to visit the orthodontist regularly (albeit much less often than before) and wear a certain orthodontic appliance (albeit more comfortable than braces, and almost invisible). If this is not done and you refuse to continue the treatment, that is, to consolidate the result obtained with the help of retainers, then it will surely turn out very quickly that you have wasted your time, effort and money. Teeth, not restrained by any orthodontic system, will begin to "bloom" and bend, gaps will appear between them. By the way, it is these patients who hoped for a chance that they love to talk about the fact that braces are “useless”, “meaningless” and even “harmful”! Those who responsibly approach the advice and recommendations of their doctor, as a rule, do not have problems. But the right bite and a beautiful smile remain forever!

Toothache from braces is perhaps the most important factor forcing people to refuse to correct their bite. This is a very common fear: almost every inhabitant of the planet is at least a little afraid of treating their teeth. Therefore, answers to questions about whether it is painful to put braces on your teeth, and how long these discomforts can last, are extremely important. We invite you to find out how a person feels at each stage of the installation of the system, and also find out if it really hurts to install braces.

Pain when installing the system

Science has long confirmed the hypothesis that any pain lasts much less than we think. As little as possible, remember the stories of experienced people about how teeth hurt from braces, and do not set yourself up in advance for the fact that it will be especially painful for you personally to put or wear them - each organism is individual! Better think about how much joy your perfect smile after braces will bring to you and those around you. We will help you understand the technology of installing braces and answer the question of how badly your teeth hurt and why this happens.

  1. The installation process begins with preparatory work. The doctor cleans your teeth from plaque and caries so that you do not have to worry about dental diseases during the correction period. You will have to wear a bracket system for quite a long time.
  2. After that, the specialist glues small brackets to the enamel in order to subsequently connect them with a thin metal arc. It will push the teeth in the right direction and form the correct bite. Therefore, gluing parts of the braces is the most important and lengthy step: the orthodontist must install them very carefully so that the system brings only benefits.

However, the teeth at this stage do not hurt at all - there is no reason for this. The installation procedure does not affect the nerves and does not change the position of the teeth, so all the stories about how painful it is to put orthodontic braces are embellished.

If your doctor is qualified and experienced, and you follow all his instructions, then the answer to the question of whether it will hurt to put braces will be negative for you. However, tense jaw muscles can ache quite a bit, since it will take 1.5-2 hours to insert the bracket system. You can ask the doctor to tell you in advance how long the procedure will take in your case in order to mentally prepare.

Pain while wearing braces

After the installation process is completed, you will leave the doctor's office and begin a new life in which braces play a significant role. In addition to the fact that you will need to get used to new procedures and diet (as a rule, everyone who decides to put an orthodontic system knows about this), you will also have to feel how your teeth hurt after installing braces. But we hasten to reassure you: everything is not so scary!

  1. In the first few days, the teeth begin to actively shift to the desired places, and this really causes some pain. In addition, the elements of the system put pressure on the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which is also quite painful. During meals and after meals, discomfort may increase due to the active work of the jaw. At the initial stage of wearing braces, such phenomena are quite normal, but it all depends on how long the pain lasts.
  2. If the doctor correctly calculated the pressure force with which the braces act on the teeth, then by the end of the first two weeks after the installation of the system, the pain should decrease. There will be only a slight discomfort from the presence of a foreign body. However, at the reception at the orthodontist, do not hesitate to describe all your feelings. And to the question of whether it hurts to wear braces, answer honestly, because your teeth should not suffer.
  3. While wearing braces, you will need to periodically place a new metal archwire, as the teeth gradually change their position and the pressure on them decreases. After replacing this part of the bracket system, pain may appear again, but on a much smaller scale. As painful as at the initial stage, you definitely won’t be.

Pain when removing braces

After you understand how painful it feels when braces are installed, it is logical to say a few words about what unpleasant sensations can overtake you on the day of their removal. We answer honestly: removing braces is absolutely not painful. Firstly, you will already get used to visiting the dental office, and secondly, the desire to see straight teeth and a dazzling smile in the mirror will overshadow all worries.

As in the case of installation, when removing the system, the doctor does not affect the nerve endings of the teeth and does not affect the gum tissue intensively. Therefore, unpleasant sensations have nowhere to come from. Have a good rest before this significant day, and let the question of whether it hurts to remove braces does not even appear in your head. Everything will be great!

Pain relief methods

From the foregoing, it follows that at first wearing fixed braces will really hurt a little. Fortunately, there are ways to help ease the discomfort. It is better to familiarize yourself with them before you decide to put a bracket system. In an emergency, you can quickly take the necessary measures. So, what to do if your teeth hurt badly from braces?

  1. If braces irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, use a special orthodontic wax. Stick it on the part of the system that causes you discomfort, and the discomfort will soon disappear.
  2. When you feel pain from the pressure exerted on the teeth by the elements of the system, you can rinse your mouth with warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. regular salt.
  3. Before getting braces, ask your doctor for advice on a disinfectant in case of sores in the mouth. Such drugs quickly restore damaged tissues and prevent infections from developing.
  4. If your teeth are very painful, and folk remedies do not help, take any over-the-counter pain medication. Do this after meals and strictly follow the dosage. If the pain does not subside within a whole day, see a doctor as soon as possible..

For regular care, you can use rinsing from a decoction of chamomile or calendula. These herbs will have a soothing effect and speed up the healing of sores - you will not be unbearably hurt. Remember that braces are the way to an irresistible smile, under the charm of which all the people around you will fall. If you want to know the opinion of the happy owner of braces on the account of pain, watch the final video.

Features of bite are inherent in nature, but a person is able to change something. Orthodontics is evolving and offering improved ways to address bite and misalignment problems. Questions: does it hurt to put braces on your teeth, will there be discomfort when wearing them, are one of the decisive factors in making a decision, along with the price and choice of model.

To correct the bite set. The design is fixed, designed for a long period of wearing, an average of 2 years. To understand whether it hurts to put braces on your teeth, you need to clearly understand their structure. The design consists of three elements:

  1. The adhesive material is a special cement that can be light or double cured.
  2. Bracket is a special device, selected individually. It looks like a plate glued to the tooth with a special groove. At the same time, one bracket is not able to correct the position of the tooth without neighboring elements.
  3. Arc - a metal wire for connecting braces to each other, inserted into a special groove.

Sometimes ligatures are used - a special fastening between the arc and the bracket.

The arch contains "shape memory", when installed on uneven teeth, it tends to return to its original form, specially selected by the doctor for bite correction. It is believed that braces are painful because the teeth move under the influence of the natural temperature of the oral cavity. First, a thin archwire is used, then it is rearranged more densely, at the final stage, the steel archwire should strengthen the position of the teeth in the bone.

For the manufacture, a computer program is used to process the scan of the impressions that the orthodontist removes from the patient's teeth in preparation for the operation. The result is sent to the doctor for approval. After confirmation, the devices are prepared.

When should you consider wearing braces?

Braces treatment, whether it hurts or not, is used to correct serious oral anomalies. Effective in the following cases:

  • elimination of wide interdental spaces (trem, diastema);
  • movement of improperly growing teeth;
  • difficulties in teething (you can stretch your teeth with the help of a bracket system).

Oksana Shiyka


Important! Children do not get braces until they are 11 or 12 years old.

There is no upper age limit for correcting an overbite, but the process becomes more difficult with age. You can use devices to eliminate cosmetic defects.

Preparing for installation

Manipulations should take place in an absolutely healthy and prepared oral cavity. After the diagnostic stage, at which the doctor takes casts, it is necessary to fully sanitize the mouth. For this:

  • current problems are eliminated (to heal all carious lesions and solve problems with the gums in the presence of other diseases);
  • professional cleaning is carried out to remove the resulting;
  • coating with a mineral composition (not in every case).

Treatment of all carious teeth is necessary due to the severe deterioration in oral hygiene after the installation of braces. A few days before the installation, professional teeth cleaning is carried out. Many patients are concerned about the question - is it painful to carry out this procedure before the installation of braces. The sensation of discomfort depends on the pain threshold. Most often they say that it was unpleasant, but tolerable. Cleaning is carried out to remove hard and soft deposits to improve the adhesion of the device to the tooth surface using ultrasound or fluoride preparations.

Does the installation process hurt?

Directly during installation, the nerve endings are not affected. The problem is not that braces are painful to put on, but the duration of the procedure.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! The fastest way is the installation of vestibular braces - from 40 to 60 minutes, fixing lingual braces takes from an hour to an hour and a half.

Braces are not painful to put on, but is it easy to sit with your mouth open for so long in the dentist's chair? Vestibular braces can be installed in an hour or even earlier, regardless of the material - metal, ceramic, sapphire - due to their fastening. They are in front, in plain sight, look less aesthetically pleasing, but easier to fix. not visible, they are attached behind the teeth, but can lead to lisping in the first days after installation.

When deciding whether to install lingual braces, you need to keep in mind: they cost 2-3 times more than vestibular braces, they do not hurt to fix, their main difference is their aesthetic appearance.

Is there pain when wearing and why?

Unpleasant sensations after installation are inevitable - a foreign body in the mouth. The first days you will have to get used to the presence of the system, lingual braces can cause lisping, because they resemble the second dentition. To cope with speech defects will help tongue twisters. But is it possible to fix something if it hurts to wear braces after installation? Discomfort arises for two reasons:

  1. The pressure of the archwire on the teeth. This is how the bite is corrected, but when the tooth begins to push through the ligaments and change its position in the bone, the sensations can hardly be called pleasant.
  2. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

As a rule, after the installation of braces, the teeth do not hurt for a long time, in the sense that they are not worn all the time (a year or two). Severe discomfort disappears after 1-2 weeks, but after the correction of the archwire it will return, because the teeth will again receive an unusual load. It happens that everything goes away after a couple of hours, and discomfort is felt only in some teeth.

Care and hygiene

Will it be less painful to wear braces if you follow all the recommendations for wearing them? Compliance with the instructions will help keep the oral mucosa, teeth and bracket system intact, and, therefore, avoid unnecessary problems, including discomfort.

Maintaining oral hygiene, especially important during the period of orthodontic treatment, is complicated by the ingress of pieces of food between the tooth and the prosthesis. It is necessary to prevent the development of caries, for this, after each meal, thoroughly clean the teeth and the structure using a toothbrush, special brushes and dental floss.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! It takes 10 minutes to clean teeth and brects after eating, avoid strong pressure with a brush or brush.

Toothpaste is selected by the dentist, but there are general recommendations. Regardless of whether it hurts to wear braces, you need to select a paste with the following characteristics:

  • low abrasive (does not damage enamel);
  • increased fluoride content to strengthen enamel;
  • mild taste (not causing sharp sensations).

After the cleaning procedure, you can use an irrigator - a device that supplies water under pressure to hard-to-reach places on fixed dentures. In addition to removing food debris, the patient will have to follow the diet:

  • exclude hard, crunchy foods that stick to the teeth (they can damage braces);
  • avoid too hot/cold food/drinks (may affect tooth sensitivity);
  • limit the use of sweets and foods containing sugar (so as not to provoke tooth decay).

It is worth eating more vegetables and fruits.

How to relieve pain?

In the first days after the installation / adjustment of the system, the pain is the strongest, painkillers will help relieve it. The attending dentist will immediately advise what medicines to take. The most common are Ketorol, Nise, Ibuprofen. Drink after meals so as not to provoke an upset stomach.

From rubbing the mucous membrane of the mouth, cheeks or lips - orthodontic wax will help. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! In the first days after the installation of the bracket system, take an anesthetic for severe pain, and when rubbing the inner surface of the cheek or lips, seal the interfering element with orthodontic wax.

Means for rubbing the interfering parts of the bracket system is non-toxic. If a piece accidentally breaks off and the patient swallows it, there will be no problems. When worn, the wax is erased, so when the discomfort returns, it will be necessary to glue the interfering area again. The following techniques will help relieve pain symptoms:

  • the use of soft and liquid foods (yogurts, mousses, ground soups) in the first days after installation / adjustment;
  • apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the cheek opposite the disturbing place;
  • drink liquid through a straw;
  • use anesthetic gel for teeth;
  • rinse the role with a weakly diluted solution of salt or soda (half a teaspoon per glass of water at room temperature), decoction of mint, lemon balm, oak bark or chamomile;

If the unbearable pain does not go away for more than 1 week, there are headaches, a rash in the mouth or on the lips, a stuffy nose, you should contact the orthopedic dentist who put the braces. The last two symptoms may indicate the body's rejection of a foreign metal and the development of an allergic reaction. Braces, like beauty, require sacrifice. It is necessary to set yourself up for a successful outcome - in a few months the mirror will reflect the first results.

Malocclusion is by no means an exclusively aesthetic problem. Elimination of defects in the structure of the dentition has long ceased to be a luxury. From an incomprehensible and scary concept, braces are turning into a necessity that more and more young people resort to in order to maintain their health and attractiveness.

Wearing braces is the most effective way to correct an overbite and become the owner of an even row of teeth. But many continue to be wary of braces. What it's like to wear foreign "pieces of iron" in your mouth for a long time. Surely, they interfere, cause discomfort. De still, most likely, it hurts - to install, and then remove. This is the opinion of many patients who do not have sufficient information about what braces are, what they are, how they work and how they are installed.

Bracket system - what is it

To understand how the procedure for installing this orthodontic system to align the bite, you need to understand its "mechanism" and find out what it is.

The system or design of braces consists of the following components:

  • lock rings;
  • braces;
  • two frame arcs;
  • fastening-ligatures;
  • traction device (according to indications).

This is a non-removable design, as are non-removable prostheses. Why can't the braces be removed before the alignment procedure is completed? Because they are attached with a special adhesive. The elements are fastened to each other, then attached to the arcs, which are tied to the ligatures. Rings with locks are installed on the sixth and seventh teeth.

By the way. There are systems equipped with hooks to which an elastic band is fixed, if this element is necessary to improve the alignment result.

The bite is corrected by an orthodontist. It is he who needs to be contacted to resolve this issue.

How to choose braces

All modern braces can be divided into two large groups, which are best characterized by concepts: visible, invisible. This is a simplified classification, but the difficulty and duration of the installation process depends on it.

Table. Classification of braces according to the place of attachment


Visible structures are called vestibular. Their difference is that they are attached outside the dentition. Their installation does not take much time and is quite simple, completely painless and without even causing the slightest discomfort to the patient.

These are the so-called "invisible" systems that are fixed from the inside of the dentition. They are completely hidden from strangers, since they are located on the back of the teeth. They can only be seen if the patient opens his mouth wide. Installing invisible braces takes time, effort and skill. Therefore, in the process, especially if the specialist does not have enough experience with lingual constructions, the patient may experience inconvenience and even pain.

Table. Classification of braces by appearance


This type includes all vestibular structures, the elements of which are made of medical steel, titanium, gold (gilded metal). They are quite noticeable on the teeth, although gold ones look “smart”.

Plastic, plastic transparent, ceramic, sapphire. Less noticeable, especially transparent, in the design of which only a metal arc is visible.

Table. Classification of braces according to the method of fixing the arcs

Who gets braces

The procedure is considered difficult not because of the pain or other sensations that the patient may experience, but because the installation takes up to two hours, depending on the structure of the patient's jaw, the professionalism of the orthodontist and the chosen design. Yes, all this time the patient will have to sit with his mouth wide open. But this is the only inconvenience. There can be no pain when installing braces if everything is done according to the rules.

There is an erroneous opinion that correcting the bite makes sense only for children and young people, and braces cannot help citizens over thirty.

Important! Children are allowed to put bite correction systems only after a complete change of teeth. As for adults, there are no age limits for correcting an overbite. Only at a more mature age, the installation will be more difficult and more time will be required to eliminate the defect.

The optimal age for the most effective bite correction is 12-18 years. At this time, the body is already almost formed, but mobile and continues to grow.

In what cases can braces be installed. In the presence of defects that belong to one of the two groups.

Correction of malocclusion may be indicated for aesthetic reasons to improve the patient's appearance. This is the case when the installation of braces is performed ad libitum, at the request of the client and in agreement with the doctor.

Functional defects of the teeth, their incorrect location in the jaw, is a much more serious reason. If the bite is not corrected in time, physical complications may follow. The destruction of individual teeth or a whole row, inflammation of the gums, jaw misalignment, temporomandibular anomalies that only a surgeon can handle - this is just a small list of complications that an uncorrected bite can lead to.

Thus, if you are recommended to put braces for physical reasons, there is not much to think about. If this is done for the sake of aesthetics, patients begin to doubt, fearing that the procedure will be painful, unpleasant, difficult.

How braces are placed

First, you have to prepare for a long time and carefully. The preparation steps are as follows.

  1. Dental examination. Complete diagnosis of the condition of the teeth and jaw apparatus.
  2. Therapeutic treatment of all teeth that show even minimal evidence of damage or disease.
  3. Removal of decayed teeth.
  4. Panoramic x-ray of the oral cavity.

  5. Preparation by the orthodontist of the plan of the installation process.
  6. Choice of braces.
  7. Complete examination of the patient (tests, health indicators, hormonal levels).
  8. By the way. If tooth extraction is indicated, it is performed before the start of attachment, and after surgical intervention, sufficient time should elapse for the healing of the oral cavity.

    Does it hurt to put braces on?

    This question is one of the first ones asked by people who come to the orthodontist to correct an anomaly of bite. There is no pain in the process of fastening - orthodontists assure. And where does it come from if all the fasteners of the system are first glued to the teeth, and then parts are attached to them. That is, direct contact with the tooth occurs only during the installation of the ring with the lock.

    In the process of installing any non-removable foreign structure, its mounting on an organ of the human body takes place with different sensations. In the case of braces - the most painless option.

    1. After the preparation, the surface of the enamel is processed.

    2. Locks are attached to it with special glue.

    3. Each lock is attached to an arc, which will create an effort to gradually move the teeth in a given direction.

    The work of attaching elements and assembling the system is painstaking and lengthy, but it does not cause pain.

    By the way. The patient may feel a certain discomfort and unpleasant pressure when, during the installation process, arcs are inserted into the grooves of the elements attached to the teeth.

    Video - Teeth Alignment

    Does it hurt to wear braces?

    But after the systems are safely installed, teeth can start to hurt. And this is normal, doctors say. A few days after the braces installation procedure is completed, a pain sensation may occur, the strength of which depends on the height of the patient's pain threshold. The pain is not intense, weak, occurring periodically and aggravated by the load on the jaw. The patient may continue to experience painful and unpleasant sensations for several weeks. Then everything will calm down, the mouth will get used to foreign elements, and the bite treatment process will proceed as expected.

    By the way. With a low pain threshold for the adaptation period, which is painful according to the patient's feelings, the orthodontist can prescribe a weak painkiller, but you should not use analgesics without medical prescription.

    The hardest is the first week. A foreign body is constantly present in the mouth. And it does not help to chew food, as is the case with dentures, but rather interferes. Except physical, if also moral, and psychological aspect. No matter how much a person persuades himself that it is necessary to correct the bite in order to get a “Hollywood smile”, the pieces of iron, especially those attached to the front side of the teeth, do not decorate the appearance.

    In addition, the metal or other material from which the elements of the system are made can rub the mucous membrane and damage the soft tissue in some places. The lingual fastening system often interferes with the tongue until it gets used to it.

    Advice. Orthodontic wax will help you get used to the innovation faster and minimize chafing. It is applied to problem areas until the discomfort disappears.

    Unpleasant sensations can also be delivered by the process of pressure on the teeth, for which the system is placed. To move the teeth, the pressure will need to be noticeable, and the displacement of the dentition can cause severe inconvenience and even pain. Moreover, as soon as the patient gets used to the braces and stops noticing them, he needs to go for a correction, where the orthodontist tightens the arches, increasing the pressure, and everything starts all over again.

    Does it hurt to remove braces?

    When the treatment comes to an end, and the corrected bite pleases the patient's eye, it's time to part with the bracket system. Here, all patients unanimously say that it is not painful to remove the structure. The crunch of the forceps used to release the locks is a little unpleasant, but these are such trifles compared to the corrected bite.

    However, in most cases, the treatment does not end there. To fix the results of the correction after removing the braces, so that the teeth do not return to their previous position, a retention device is installed - a retainer.

    There are two options for fixing the effect of wearing braces. And the choice again belongs not to the doctor, but to the patient. There is a removable mouthguard made of plastic, which you can get rid of for a while if it completely interferes or gets bored. You can not just take it off for a long time, and you should definitely put it on at night. But this option is provided only for mild cases of bite correction.

    It will be necessary to fix the result after the elimination of complex defects with the help of a fixed retention apparatus. It is attached to the inside of the teeth and is worn throughout the retention period. But it is made only for cases when it is impossible to do without such a device.

    An important point that should be noted is the implementation of dental care with braces installed on them. In any orthodontic treatment, oral hygiene should be carried out with the utmost care. If even the slightest infection enters the wound, rubbed on the mucous membrane with a brace, you can get intractable inflammation. In any case, the braces will have to be removed before the end of the inflammatory process, and then put on again, as for the first time. The same will happen if there is a need to treat caries, inflammation of the periodontium, any dental disease.

    By the way. Brushing teeth on which braces are installed should be as long as possible, scrupulous and frequent, it is advisable to do this after each meal, at least four times a day.

    On the other hand, the bracket system, whether it is vestibular or lingual, complicates dental care. Therefore, a special paste with a cleansing, anti-carious, antibacterial effect is required. Your doctor will recommend you a toothpaste with braces. Be sure to purchase a mouthwash and other care products recommended by the orthodontist.

    Video - Caring for braces, using brushes

The bracket system is installed as follows: you are comfortably located in the dental chair, and the orthodontist carefully glues a small rectangular bracket to the surface of each of your teeth. They are usually made of plastic, metal or ceramic. Having glued all the elements, the orthodontist will connect them using a metal arc made of a special alloy, which will push the teeth to the desired position, correcting them. Installing is an uncomfortable but not painful process.

The only discomfort that can be felt from the installation of braces is aching and stiff jaw muscles, since for some time you will have to sit with your mouth open.

After leaving the orthodontist with a mouth, within 3-5 days you will experience certain discomfort. This is due to the appearance of a foreign body in the oral cavity, which can injure or rub its delicate mucous membrane. Sensitive patients with high pain will have dull mild pain, which will slowly begin to move in the gum. By the end of the first week of wearing braces, the discomfort will almost disappear, and you will get used to braces as if they were your own.

What to do for pain from braces

If your teeth with braces still cause quite noticeable discomfort, you can take some measures. So, with severe or constant pain, you can take traditional painkillers - but only after eating, so as not to harm the stomach. In the case of an irritated oral mucosa with braces, orthodontic wax, which is glued to the rubbing part of the braces, will perfectly help. When the mucosa gets used to the foreign body, the need to use wax will disappear.

Well proven and rinsing the mouth with warm salted water, which reduces the intensity of pain.

If the braces have scratched the mucous membrane, you need to purchase a special remedy at the pharmacy that will relieve pain, prevent infection and speed up the healing of minor scratches. If you do not know which remedy is more effective, consult your orthodontist, who will tell you a specific remedy, taking into account the characteristics of your oral cavity. In addition, when wearing braces, you need to clean your teeth after each meal so that bacteria does not begin to multiply in your defenseless mouth, causing more severe toothache.

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