Women's diseases. Gynecology. Causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention. Women's diseases Persistent problems for women


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Gynecology is a field of clinical medicine that studies anatomical features, physiological processes occurring in a woman's body at different periods of life, as well as diseases of the female genital area, methods for their recognition, prevention and treatment. Therapy and prevention of gynecological diseases is a concern not only for women's health, but also for motherhood, the health of future generations. In this regard, the undeniable social importance of gynecology as a science and as a clinical discipline.

Gynecology is a branch of clinical medicine. She deals with diseases of the female genital area.

Important! In girls, cystitis occurs due to urine entering the vagina, as well as vulvovaginitis, in which the bladder becomes infected.

Attention! Painful periods can be caused by the use of intrauterine contraceptives.

Important! During the treatment of algomenorrhea, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, spicy foods. It is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle, avoid physical overload and emotional stress.

Female genital organs (Anatomy) - video


This disease is characterized by painful menstruation. Algomenorrhea is functional and organic. In addition, algomenorrhea can be primary (with infantilism or malformations of the genital organs) and secondary (with endometriosis and inflammatory processes of the genital organs).

The reasons

Diseases of the nervous system lead to functional algomenorrhea. In addition, the disease can develop against the background of infantilism.

Organic algomenorrhea occurs with malformations of the genital organs, endometriosis, inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages.


Algomenorrhea is accompanied by severe pain, which, in the functional form of the disease, appears on the eve or on the first day of menstruation, and in the organic form, they are present throughout the entire menstruation and are stronger.

Treatment of diseases of the female genital organs

In the treatment of algomenorrhea, juice from viburnum berries helps very well. For its preparation, the berries are squeezed through a thick linen cloth and mixed with sugar. For 1 liter of juice take 2 kg of sugar. Juice should be taken in 2-3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day with a little water.

In addition, it is useful to drink peppermint tea with rowan juice several times a day. In this case, it is recommended to lie more, and lubricate the lower abdomen with ichthyol ointment in half with petroleum jelly. In the evening it is recommended to drink a cup of strong hot decoction of ginger with sugar.

With very heavy menstruation, it is recommended to take an infusion of wild strawberry berries and leaves: 1 tbsp. l. berries and leaves, taken in equal proportions, pour 2 cups of cold boiled water and infuse for 6-8 hours, then filter.

Take an infusion of 0.5 tbsp. l. daily.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory gynecological diseases in women occur more often than other diseases of the genital organs. The causative agents, as a rule, are bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal escherichia, gonococcus, tubercle bacillus, Trichomonas, fungi, anaerobic bacteria, etc. The nature and course of the disease depend on the pathogen and the body's defenses. If immunity is undermined, sepsis may develop.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs can lead to menstrual disorders, infertility, spontaneous miscarriage, etc.

There are the following inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs:

· vulvitis(inflammation of the external genital organs and the entrance to the vagina);

· vulvovaginitis(inflammation of the vulva and vagina);

· vaginitis or colpitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina);

· genital warts(multiple benign growths on the surface of the external genital organs and the entrance to the vagina);

· trichomoniasis(inflammation of the vagina);

· endocervicitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal);

· cervical erosion;

· endometritis(inflammation of the mucous and muscular membranes of the uterus);

· metritis(inflammation of all membranes of the uterus);

· parametritis(inflammation of periuterine tissue);

· pelvioperitonitis(inflammation of the peritoneum of the small pelvis);

· saulpingoophoritis, or adnexi m (inflammation of the uterine appendages).

The reasons

Primary vulvitis is the result of uncleanliness or trauma to the genital organs.

Bartholin's gland abscess (Bartholin's cyst abscess) is a purulent inflammation of the large vaginal gland, which is a complication of primary inflammation. A tumor grows in the vaginal area, which, in the process of suppuration, can open. This pathology occurs only in women.

Adenosis of the mammary gland is a benign tumor, which refers to the form of fibrocystic mastopathy and is associated with the growth of glandular breast tissue. This disease is characterized by the formation of dense nodules inside the chest and discharge from the nipple, pain is often present.

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus is an oncological process that leads to the development of malignant neoplasms in the area of ​​the female reproductive system. A characteristic feature of this disease is the defeat of the upper layer of the uterus - the endometrium. A tumor formed from abnormal cellular structures of glandular tissue is asymptomatic in the first stages. There are no age restrictions. However, at risk are women aged 40–60 years.

Breast adenoma is a formation that often has a benign course and consists of tissues of glandular or fibrous epithelium. It is noteworthy that the main risk group is young women, and after 45 years, the pathology is practically not diagnosed.

Adenomyosis (or internal endometriosis) is a disease of the uterus, during which the endometrium, acting as its internal mucous membrane, begins to grow into other layers of this organ. By its specificity, adenomyosis, the symptoms of which are the reproduction of endometrial cells outside the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterine mucosa, is a benign systemic disease.

Adnexitis is a unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the appendages, including the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Inflammation of this type is formed due to the action of various microorganisms, which can be tolerated in an acute or chronic form. It should be noted that adnexitis, the symptoms of which are quite common among women, defining the disease itself as one of the most common gynecological diseases in the field, is also characterized by the occurrence of frequent relapses. Moreover, this inflammation, as a rule, captures both organs at once, and its danger lies in the formation of subsequent infertility for every fifth woman who is ill.

Algodismenorrhea is an unpleasant pulling pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region before the onset of critical days, which can last until the end of menstruation. According to ICD-10, the code for this pathological condition is recorded on the sick leave as 94.4 in the event that the violation manifested itself for the first time. The secondary manifestation of the pathology is recorded as 94.5. If this violation has an unspecified etiology, then its ICD-10 code will be written as 94.6.

Amenorrhea implies such a disorder that is relevant for the female body, in which there is no menstruation for a period of 6 months or longer. Amenorrhea, the symptoms of which are primarily in this disorder, is a syndrome, not a separate disease, and various diseases can accompany this syndrome, including those not directly related to gynecology.

Anovulation is a failure in the body of a woman, due to which the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted - they stop the monthly release of a mature egg, which leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and infertility. There are many reasons that can cause a failure in a woman's body. The risk group includes women of reproductive age - from 14 to 35 years.

Ovarian apoplexy is a sudden rupture (that is, a violation of the integrity) that forms in the tissue of the ovary. Ovarian apoplexy, the symptoms of which are bleeding passing into the abdominal cavity, is also accompanied by an intense pain syndrome.

Atrophic colpitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic change in the tissues of the vaginal membrane. Most often, such deformities are associated with the physiological onset of menopause, but the disease can also be diagnosed in females of childbearing age.

Atrophic vaginitis is a disease of the female reproductive system, which is characterized by the occurrence of dryness in the vagina, due to thinning of tissues, decreased lubrication, a decrease in estrogen levels and the preparation of the female body for aging. Such changes can be natural, caused by the cessation of menstruation, or formed against the background of artificial factors - for example, during treatment with chemotherapy.

Bacterial vaginitis (syn. bacterial colpitis) is an inflammatory disease that affects the organs of the female reproductive system, which occupies one of the leading places in gynecology. It is worth noting that often the pathology develops during the period of bearing a child.

Bacterial vaginosis is a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina caused by infectious diseases. In other words, a woman has vaginal dysbacteriosis. If you follow the statistics, then this disease is observed most often in young girls (18–27 years old) and in women during menopause.

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process in the Bartholin gland of the vestibule of the vagina, caused by non-specific microorganisms from the category of pyogenic flora. Most often, these microorganisms are represented by staphylococci and gonococci, less often by streptococci, Trichomonas and Escherichia coli. Most cases of the disease are found in women aged 20 to 40 years.

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease that most women face. This is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of fungal flora in the vagina. Normally, in a woman's vagina, the fungal flora is in a meager amount, but under certain conditions, the fungi begin to actively multiply and displace the normal microflora, causing vivid symptoms.

Vaginismus is a pathological condition in which there is a spasm of the muscles of the vagina, which does not allow a man to enter the penis for coitus. In some cases, spasm occurs immediately during the introduction of the penis, and the muscles of the vagina are so strongly compressed that it is infringed, with the gradual development of edema and the need for emergency care. In addition, sometimes vaginismus in women is manifested even from thoughts of sexual contact or touching the genitals. Also, with this violation, it is impossible to perform a gynecological examination, since this requires the introduction of a special instrument into the vulva of women, which causes a painful spasm.

An ectopic pregnancy implies such a pathology of the course of pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg is attached to an area outside the uterine cavity, where it normally occurs. An ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms of which are similar to the usual course of pregnancy, is a condition in which medical care should be provided to the patient as a matter of urgency due to the relevance of the risk of death due to complications associated with this pathology.

Women's diseases are divided into 3 types: inflammatory, hormonal and hyperplastic. Inflammatory diseases are caused by various microorganisms. Hormonal diseases occur as a result of violations of the endocrine glands. Hyperplastic - these are all kinds of neoplasms, cysts, tumors.

Cervical dysplasia of the 2nd degree is a pathological process characterized by a violation of the structure of the cells of the cervical integumentary epithelium, as well as their architectonics. In this case, the defeat of the cervical epithelium is limited to two-thirds of its thickness.

Herpes on the labia is a recurrent infectious lesion of the female genital tract, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the first and / or second type. The disease is better known as "genital herpes".

Adenomyosis and pregnancy are in most cases incompatible conditions. After all, endometriosis of the uterus in more than 50% of cases is the cause of infertility. And in some women with this disease, various pathologies of pregnancy occur, in particular, miscarriage.

Endometriosis (and adenomyosis of the uterus, in particular) is one of the most diverse and mysterious gynecological diseases. Despite the fact that the main symptoms of this disease were described many centuries ago, the causes of its occurrence and the mechanisms of development of the pathological process still remain unclear.

Adenomyosis of the uterus is a benign hormone-dependent disease characterized by the penetration of endometrial tissue into other uterine layers (muscular, serous). It is a type of endometriosis.

Cervical dysplasia is a reversible pathological condition in which there is a violation of the cell structure and, consequently, the protective function of the cervical epithelium. This condition is precancerous.

Cervical erosion is a collective term that characterizes the presence of a red defect on the integumentary epithelium of the vaginal surface of the cervix.

Uterine fibroids (fibromyoma, leiomyoma) is a hormone-dependent benign neoplasm of the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium). This pathology is often the cause of a violation of a woman's reproductive function, and sometimes the quality of life in general.

Cervicitis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of all structures of the cervix. The integumentary epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix and endocervix are simultaneously involved in the pathological process.

Endometritis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the surface layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium). Its course leads to the occurrence of purulent-septic complications, infertility or pathological course of pregnancy.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a non-physiological proliferation (thickening) of the uterine mucosa, which is accompanied by a structural reorganization of its glandular and, to a lesser extent, stromal component.

Hypokalemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of potassium ions in the blood plasma.

Vaginitis (colpitis) is an inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa of non-specific etiology, which develops as a result of the action of bacterial factors with mechanical, chemical or thermal damage and is accompanied by discomfort and discharge from the female genital organs. Treatment of vaginitis should be carried out immediately after the first signs of the disease are detected.

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for several cycles. The phenomenon is not differentiated as a separate disease, but stands out as a symptom or syndrome in various pathological conditions of the woman's body.

Vaginismus is an involuntary, painful contraction of the muscles of the vagina and perineum (pelvic floor). This condition prevents sexual intercourse or the introduction of a foreign object into the vagina (for example, during a gynecological examination).

Diseases of the reproductive system or so-called gynecological diseases are the most common among women. Depending on the type of pathogen, they can be inflammatory, venereal and tumor-like. Not all women immediately react to the appearance of minor symptoms of gynecological diseases, many delay the visit to the gynecologist for a long time and start the disease.

Meanwhile, the earlier the woman goes to the doctor, the more likely it is to completely get rid of the health problem. This is especially true in cases where the pathological process is malignant. For the timely detection of a gynecological disease, every woman under 30 years of age should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, and those who are older - once every 6 months. In addition, in order to prevent serious health problems, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the symptoms of gynecological diseases.

The most common symptoms of diseases of the genital area in women- this is pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, itching, burning and menstrual irregularities.

Let's look at each of them separately:
1. Lower abdominal pain. Pain in the lower abdomen caused by inflammatory diseases, as a rule, are aching, as during menstruation, and sharp and paroxysmal pains signal rupture of the fallopian tube, cyst torsion, ectopic pregnancy, and serious problems with the ovaries. Cramping pains most often occur during miscarriages or changes in the state of the fibromatous node in the uterine cavity. "Gnawing" pain during sleep can be a symptom of cervical cancer, endometriosis and progressive uterine fibroids. For most women, pain in the lower abdomen occurs during 1-3 days of menstruation, and in nature they can vary from moderate to severe. Severe menstrual pain is usually observed in girls during adolescence, when the cycles are just beginning. And in women over the age of 24, severe menstrual pain is usually a symptom of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

2. Vaginal discharge. In addition to the onset of menstruation, the cause of the appearance of women can be inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cysts and the onset of menopause. The color of vaginal discharge can be white, red, brown-yellow, dark brown and gray. Normally, women should not have any vaginal discharge between periods, except for slight transparent whites. And the allocation of whiter is a normal phenomenon, it is observed in every woman. Therefore, do not be upset if you find yellowish spots from discharge on your underwear. These are whites, they do not cause any discomfort and have no smell, and before ovulation their number usually increases. However, an unpleasant odor and spotting from the vagina between periods is an alarming symptom. If they are creamy white in color and cause itching, burning in the vulva, then these are signs of thrush - the most common gynecological disease. But these same symptoms can also be observed with vulvovaginitis - an inflammatory disease of the genital organs.

Cause monthly bleeding between periods, endometriosis and uterine fibroids are most common, but these diseases can also be asymptomatic. Abnormal vaginal spotting in women older than 40 may indicate the onset of perimenopause. For any changes in the color, quantity, consistency and smell of vaginal discharge, you should consult a gynecologist, only he can determine their nature and prescribe treatment.

3. Itching and burning of the external genitalia. These symptoms most often occur with infectious gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted. For example, with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and candidiasis (). But diseases of viral etiology, such as human papillomavirus, HIV and genital herpes, can also cause itching and burning of the vulva. Sometimes discomfort and discomfort in the genitals occur due to the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases, diabetes mellitus and the onset of menopause.

4. Menstrual irregularity. Menstrual disorders include amenorrhea or absence of menstruation, a decrease or increase in the duration of the cycle, scanty periods and heavy bleeding. They can be caused by hormonal and endocrine changes in the body. And most often, menstrual irregularities are observed in women in the period preceding menopause.

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