Why do you want to eat a lot before menstruation and during menstruation? Why I want to eat a lot before menstruation: PMS and appetite Why do I want to eat during PMS

Premenstrual syndrome manifests itself differently in every woman. Someone suffers from, feels tired and drowsy. Some become irritable and whiny. There are women (and there are a considerable number of them!), Who have an increased appetite before menstruation. They literally and figuratively attack the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets in search of food and cannot stop themselves in bouts of zhora. Even the most ardent dieters lose control and indulge in eating. Then, a few days later, the fair sex in every possible way scold themselves for their weakness, make promises not to do this again and ... again, a month later, they rush to the refrigerator. Therefore, many women are interested in what is happening to their body on the eve of "critical" days. Let's see why zhor attacks before menstruation.

It's all about physiology

It is known that hormones control the state of the body and well-being in women. Throughout all the level of some hormones decreases, while others increase and vice versa. So, for example, in the first phase, when estrogen production increases, a woman feels great, her skin shines. With the onset of the second phase, the level of estrogen decreases, which is expressed in a deterioration in mood, poor health and increased appetite before menstruation. This is due to several factors.

First, an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood provokes an increase in the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine. They, in turn, increase the secretion of gastric juice. Food that enters the digestive tract is digested in a shorter period. And so women feel incredible zhor before menstruation.

Secondly, due to the lack of female sex hormones, the substance that regulates blood sugar levels - insulin - is produced in smaller quantities. Feeling the need for sugar, our body compensates for its lack of chocolate, sweets, buns and cakes, that is, products containing carbohydrates. This is why you crave sweets before your period.

Thirdly, the explanation for the appearance of zhora before menstruation, why there is a desire to eat all the sweets that are in sight, are preparatory "events" for a possible pregnancy. The level of progesterone in the blood in the second phase of the cycle increases, which signals the body to accumulate nutrients, resulting in increased appetite before menstruation.

Painful zhor before menstruation: how to fight?

Of course, knowing why you want to eat before your period does not weaken the desire to eat something tasty. But in order not to torment yourself with pangs of conscience for aimlessly absorbed calories during the premenstrual period, try to follow a few rules:

1. Have fun activities. As women's moods drop due to hormonal changes, they seek solace in food. In how to reduce appetite before menstruation, positive emotions are important, which will increase the production of joy hormones - endorphins - and distract from food.

Every person is unique. Sometimes brain signals make it clear that certain actions need to be taken to improve the condition of its systems. Women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) differently. Why some of the fair sex want sweets during this period should be considered in more detail. This will allow you to understand how to properly deal with this phenomenon before and during menstruation.


To understand why some girls want sweets before menstruation, one should turn to the natural physiology of a woman. The menstrual cycle has two parts. In the first phase, the ovum matures in the follicle. As it develops, the content of the hormone estrogen in the blood increases. Its peak is observed during ovulation.

When the egg matures, the reproductive system will allow it to exit the follicle and enter the fallopian tube. This is where conception can take place. The body begins to prepare for the acceptance of a fertilized egg. Therefore, after ovulation, the concentration of the hormone progesterone begins to increase. He is responsible for the proper development of the embryo and adjusts the body of the expectant mother to the normal course of the pregnancy process.

If conception does not occur, progesterone levels begin to decline. By the end of the menstrual cycle, the content of estrogen in the blood also drops to its minimum value. All of these changes affect how you feel.

Since each body is unique, the manifestations of PMS in each girl may be different or not be noticed at all. The answer to the question why you want to eat something sweet before the next period can be caused by a number of reasons.

Reasons for cravings for sweets

If during the next menstruation you want sweets, you should pay attention to the signals of your body. They are so individual that each case requires individual consideration. They can be both completely natural and caused by some deviations in the body.

Normal processes in the body

In the first half of the cycle, the woman feels good. During the period of ovulation, she is satisfied with everything, happy and feels great. This mood is influenced by the hormone estrogen.

But after ovulation, its concentration in the blood falls. And a week before menstruation or during them, irritability, fatigue, and a bad mood may appear. Therefore, I want to cheer up the sweet. The main natural causes of this condition are as follows:

  1. Endorphin deficiency.
  2. lack of insulin.
  3. Change in the rhythm of metabolic processes.
  4. Preparing the body for pregnancy.

With a decrease in the amount of estrogen, the concentration of hormones such as endorphin, serotonin, and norepinephrine also decreases. These are natural pain relievers and sources of good mood. When their levels are greatly reduced before the next menstruation, the body may try to improve its well-being with the help of products that increase the level of such hormones.

Most often it is chocolate. Simple carbohydrates are easier to digest. The body loves simple solutions. But this leads to weight gain and a constant need to eat sweets at this time. That is why cravings for such products are on the rise.

With a decrease in estrogen, insulin production also decreases. This hormone affects blood sugar levels. The body begins to feel a lack of glucose and tries to make up for it.

Another important reason why you want sweets or chocolate before the next critical days is to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. The reproductive system is preparing for the fact that it needs to ensure the proper development of the fetus. This requires a lot of substances and trace elements. This increases the feeling of hunger. Exchange processes can proceed differently.

For some ladies, during such a period, metabolic processes slow down, the body accumulates water and useful trace elements. But in others, gastric juice is intensively produced, which makes you eat more often. Sweet quickly breaks down and restores energy. Therefore, often the body requires just such products. This is why some girls crave sweets before or during their period.

What is missing in the body?

There are a number of factors that can affect your cravings for sweets during and before your period. They cannot be called natural, as they are caused by some deviations in the work of body systems. There are several main factors that cause sugar cravings:

  1. Stress, depression, nervousness.
  2. Increased physical activity.
  3. Wrong nutrition.

Scientists have noticed that increased cravings for sweets are observed in people who are nervous and under stress. Mental exercise also requires large amounts of glucose. If the diet is unbalanced, there are no cereals, fruits, vegetables and other elements necessary for normal functioning in the diet, the body may require an increased amount of glucose.

Diets, of course, help to keep the figure, but they cause a number of deviations in the functioning of some body systems. Therefore, losing weight should also be correct.

How to solve this problem?

To further reduce strong cravings for various sweets during menstruation, you should review your diet. If it is varied, and the number of calories is sufficient, the desire to eat chocolates and cakes will decrease.

If, during the second phase of the menstrual cycle, you want sweets, you should not deny yourself this. Just use these foods in moderation. This will help maintain a good mood and keep the figure. Chocolate can be replaced with fruits, honey.

You should also rest more during this period of the cycle. Loads need to be reduced. Even if a few extra pounds are gained, they will go away in a new cycle. After all, menstruation itself also requires quite a lot of body strength.

The need for sweets is caused at the end of the menstrual cycle by natural causes. But in order to reduce such cravings, you need to eat right, rest more and be as nervous as possible.

Zhor before menstruation - how many days before menstruation does appetite increase? What is the desire to eat? Such questions concern the fair sex from young to old. Since the problem on the eve of menstruation appears massively.

To date, the problem of increased appetite in women a few days before menstruation has been well studied. There are reliable answers why this happens, recommendations on how to avoid it.

The so-called zhor occurs immediately after ovulation, but appetites grow gradually. A woman or girl notices an increased desire to eat something 7-10 days before the onset of critical days. The condition is associated with physiological processes, it is impossible to resist them, and it is dangerous for health. You need to learn how to manage zhorom.

Causes of increased appetite before menstruation

After ovulation, the hormonal balance changes, significant changes occur.

If you really want something, it means that the body needs something that it has. The exception is the craving for coffee, alcoholic beverages. This is already called an unhealthy addiction.

How to deal with zhor?

Increased appetite and desire to treat yourself to a cream cake, sweets, buns, does not go unnoticed. Extra pounds appear, which are then difficult to cope with. Usually appetite
returns to normal with the onset of menstruation, the previous appearance and weight is restored within a week. However, with a significant excess of the permissible norm in food, it will take considerable effort to return to its previous form.

  1. Completely refuse what the body asks incorrectly. You just need to adjust his desire a little.
  2. Divide the meal into 7 times instead of the usual 3-4. Eating in small portions will reduce appetite, satisfy hunger.
  3. Instead of a box of chocolates, eat a couple of pieces. Replenish the rest of the sweet norm with dried apricots, dates, raisins, honey.
  4. Salted fish, cucumber, definitely will not hurt. But, on chips, crackers it is better to put a taboo. Salted seeds are a great option. There is little salt in them, and it will constantly be on the tongue in the process of prolonged clicking. Moreover, seeds bring menstruation closer. Useful for delay.
  5. It is recommended to replenish the amount of necessary components with fruits and vegetables. Bananas can be eaten in unlimited quantities if there is no allergy to them. They replenish the level of sugar in the body, increase the rate of the hormone of joy.

It happens that on the eve of menstruation I really want kefir, yogurt. These products can be consumed without restriction, without fear for your figure. It is necessary to start adhering to the rules after ovulation. From this moment, the slowdown of metabolic processes begins.

Zhor before menstruation or pregnancy

If you want not certain products, but a lot of everything, you need think about your position. Perhaps there will be no monthly. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone rises, the body tries to stock up more with everything it needs. In general, it is difficult to distinguish the presence of pregnancy by taste preferences. But if you want something that previously caused disgust, you should pay attention to this fact.

During pregnancy, zhor usually begins after fertilization of the egg. But on the days when menstruation should begin, appetite decreases. Because there is nausea, aversion to food, intolerance to odors.

How to fight with pills

  • Reduksin (Russia);
  • Slimiya (India);
  • Meridia (Germany);
  • Goldline (India);
  • Lindaksa (Czech Republic).

The active ingredient is subutramine. The substance enhances the feeling of fullness. Used in complex therapy for obesity, overweight. Must be taken in the morning. The daily dose is 5-15 mg. You can take it without interruption for 3 months. During this time, you can get rid of 10% of the weight. Next you should do break, because the pills are addictive, there is a violation of the digestive system. To get rid of zhora before menstruation, it is enough to drink the drug for 2 weeks. Repeat next month if necessary.

Do not rush to pills if the cause of a noticeable weight gain is not established. The contraindication is:

  1. Obesity on the background of nervous disorders,
  2. Bulimia, anorexia;
  3. Diseases of the heart, circulatory system;
  4. Renal, liver failure;
  5. Thyroid diseases;
  6. Alcoholic, drug addiction.

Weight gain may be associated with the development of serious diseases. Normally, weight increases before menstruation by 1-2 kg, and disappears after them. Naturally, you need to understand that overeating leads to weight gain, regardless of the day of the monthly cycle.

Interesting video:

From puberty to menopause, the female body is subject to cyclical changes. With their help, he is prepared for possible fertilization and bearing a child. These changes occur at the cellular, hormonal and psychological levels and are called the menstrual cycle. It normally lasts from 25 to 32 days (in the absence of symptoms of pathology and the regularity of the cycle, its duration is 21-35 days).

One of its most noticeable manifestations is menstrual bleeding, which indicates the beginning of a new cycle. But there are other symptoms as well. For example, swelling, increased appetite, mood swings, and even anxiety. Their causes lie in the body of a woman, in her behavior and nutrition. Consider why you want to eat a lot before menstruation, in more detail.

want to eat before menstruation - doctor's answer

There are two scientifically proven reasons for an increase in appetite in the period before menstruation and during the first couple of days of a new cycle.

That is why before menstruation I want to eat a lot:

  1. A sharp jump in progesterone levels. Progesterone, together with estrogen, regulates the "women's clock". It is also considered a pregnancy hormone. It helps to keep the embryo in the period until the placenta has formed. The fact that you want to eat a lot in the first trimester of pregnancy is a well-known fact that does not bother anyone. But a high level of progesterone leads to the same effect at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  2. An increase in the concentration of stress hormones in the blood (adrenaline, cortisone), which are strong fat burners. And since during this period the body is preparing for the onset of pregnancy, the amygdala of the brain begins to actively send impulses to the center of hunger. A woman is "programmed" to accumulate calories. That is why before menstruation and during the period of discharge, appetite increases, pulls on more high-calorie and fatty foods.

But it is fatty foods and fast-digesting carbohydrates that should not be in large quantities in a woman's diet before menstruation. Their presence potentiates the accumulation of excess fluid in the body (edema), bloating, headaches and even discontent.

Studies show that only 30% of women have premenstrual syndrome (PMS), one of the manifestations of which is increased appetite. But it has also been proven that a special diet before menstruation helps to significantly reduce the pain of critical days and even completely eliminate the mood swings characteristic of PMS. Next, let's talk more about proper nutrition before and during menstruation.

Hello Victoria, 26 years old. I have menstruation for 5 days after 26 days, I don’t feel any special discomfort at this time. But before the critical days, I really want to eat. Tell me why appetite increases before menstruation, and is this normal?

Good afternoon Victoria. Increased appetite is one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. It occurs in a third of women, and there is still no consensus among doctors whether this condition is normal or a pathology. In those periods when you want to eat a lot, control your appetite and do not allow yourself to eat sweet, fatty, salty. Your diet at this time should include a lot of plant and protein foods. And if you give in to the desire to eat a lot, this can lead to a set of extra pounds.

Do you want to eat a lot of sweets during your period?

The desire to eat a lot of sweets, as well as salty foods - these are all manifestations of a high level of progesterone. It is not necessary to completely deny yourself the use of such products. But at the same time, it is important to be able to replace them with less high-calorie and harmful counterparts. For example, if you're craving chocolate, dark dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is better than its milk counterpart. And it is better to replace fast-digesting carbohydrates and bakery products with plant foods, slow carbohydrates and protein-rich foods.

If you do not eat sweets during critical days, then you can not only improve your well-being, but also lose an extra kilogram, or maybe two. It is better to control your appetite at this time with the help of a diary, as well as a clear planning of the day's schedule (without empty windows for extra snacks). And if at first before menstruation you want to eat a lot, then as a result of such control, your appetite will normalize, and the desire to eat a lot will go away.

Good afternoon, I always want to eat before my period. In addition, a couple of days before the start of the discharge, I feel overwhelmed, anxious, unwilling to do anything, and even have a headache. Tell me how you can improve your well-being? Lilia, 27 years old.

Good afternoon, Lily. The condition you experience before your period is called PMS, or premenstrual syndrome. And if at this time you have a real depression, then you can even talk about premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). To improve your well-being, you can consult a doctor to prescribe mild antidepressants, and modify your diet for these days.

Everything you can not eat during menstruation

There are no categorical prohibitions for healthy women on the use of certain products before and during menstruation. But there are recommendations on nutrition, the observance of which will make it much easier to endure critical days.

Good afternoon, is it possible to eat strawberries during menstruation, if usually there is no allergy to it? Thank you, Larisa, 24 years old.

Good afternoon. The fact that it is absolutely impossible for women to eat any foods during menstruation is nothing more than a myth. If you are not allergic to strawberries, then during critical days this berry will not bring you any problems.

It has been proven that to reduce menstrual pain and mood swings, a woman during this period should limit her fat intake to 10% (30% on normal days is required) of the total diet. Drinks high in caffeine and alcohol should also be avoided. Spicy spices and foods high in irritants (onion, garlic, red pepper) should also be removed from the diet at this time.

To reduce swelling and prevent excessive bloating, you need to give up products that increase gas formation in the intestines during menstruation. These are cabbage, legumes, fast food.

Hello, what can not be eaten during menstruation girls? Anya, 14 years old, menstruation since the age of 12.

Hello Anya, thanks for your question. For girls of your age, there are no significant prohibitions on eating foods in the diet.

Products that need to eat during menstruation

Ideally, if a woman refuses sweet, salty and fatty in favor of a diet rich in plant foods and lean meat. Of course, if you really want to eat a cake, refusing it will lead to an even worse mood. But this does not mean that appetite control is not necessary.

Hello, before my period I want to eat a lot of sweet and salty. During this time, I gain a few kilograms of excess weight. Why does this happen, and how to reduce appetite? Oksana, 36 years old.

Good afternoon, Oksana, normalization of the daily routine will help you reduce your appetite. Avoid stress these days, and take care of proper nutrition. Your diet should contain a reduced amount of table salt so that you do not gain extra pounds.

Before menstruation and during critical days, it is important to include the following foods in your diet:

  • containing a high amount of iron (pork and beef liver, eggs, lentils, tomato juice, dried fruits, nuts);
  • food rich in B vitamins (mainly cereals, especially buckwheat, vegetables);
  • foods high in magnesium (it helps transport a number of B vitamins);
  • saffron (this spice is the best natural remedy for menstrual cramps).

It also happens that there is no appetite at all during critical days. But even in this case, you should diversify your diet with the above products. And do not forget about the correct mode of drinking. A person should drink 100 ml of water per day for every kilogram of his weight. And women during menstruation or breastfeeding should increase this dose by 500-1000 ml.

Hello, I have absolutely no appetite during my period. As I do not force myself to eat, nothing climbs. In addition, the lower abdomen hurts a lot. After menstruation, the aversion to food disappears. Susanna, 19 years old.

Hello Suzanne, thanks for asking, poor appetite during menstruation is probably due to the presence of severe pain. I would recommend you to use an anesthetic, for example, Ketanov (Ketolong), to normalize sleep and wakefulness for this time. This will help relieve pain in the lower abdomen and improve appetite.

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From the moment of puberty to the end of reproductive age, every woman regularly faces problems associated with the monthly maturation of the egg. This is a cyclic process that is regulated at the hormonal level. That is, every month the level of different hormones changes, with which the peculiarities of the premenstrual period are associated. The response to hormonal surges in each woman is individual. Therefore, PMS can manifest itself in different ways, and in some cases proceed almost imperceptibly to others and to herself. Therefore, I want to understand its causes.

There are general trends that most ladies note. Irritability, fatigue, nervousness are noticeable to everyone, but only zhor before menstruation remains a personal observation of every woman. Someone wants to cope with it, some simply ignore it, considering it a natural need for the body to occasionally treat itself to something tasty or sweet.

Is this need becoming a problem? Much also depends on individual characteristics. Women with accelerated metabolisms, who easily get rid of extra pounds, are more relaxed about such monthly differences. And for those who constantly monitor their weight, the question of why you want to eat a lot before menstruation becomes more relevant. Especially if they easily gain “excess”, and when you want to lose a couple of kilograms, you have to make serious efforts.

In order to eat right at the time of PMS and not regret the next "failure", you should understand how a woman's body works at different periods of the menstrual cycle. Why do you want to eat something all the time, what taste preferences are most often observed a few days before menstruation? And most importantly, how to deal with these sometimes poorly controlled desires? To find out the answers to these questions, let's take a closer look at how hormone levels change and how they affect appetite.

Causes of increased appetite

Before answering the question of why there is an increased appetite before menstruation, let's consider the process of egg maturation in dynamics. The average cycle is 24 - 30 days, 28 days are considered ideal, menstruation itself can last from 3 to 5 days. The whole process is controlled by hormones, therefore, at different periods of the cycle, there is a sharp hormonal surge of some, and a significant decrease in other hormones. The relationship of all processes can be traced:

  • The first days of menstruation: the unfertilized egg is destroyed and excreted from the body. At this point, the inner layer of the endometrium is torn off, the process is accompanied by bleeding. In the same period, the mechanism of maturation of a new egg is launched, an increase in the amount of estrogen produced is observed;
  • Mid-cycle (ovulation): The egg is released from the ovary and travels to the uterus. It is at this moment that the female body is preparing for pregnancy, therefore, the level of estrogen will increase to a maximum;
  • End of cycle: no fertilization, estrogen declines and progesterone levels rise. Somewhere a week before menstruation, it reaches a high concentration, PMS begins, all “accompanying reactions” occur, including an increased feeling of hunger. The body prepares to reject the unfertilized egg along with the endometrium.

This is a rather simplified scheme, since the level of hormones is controlled by the hypothalamus, and an increase in the concentration of one hormone affects the amount of others, and the body as a whole.

The reasons for weight gain before menstruation are quite simple: the metabolism slows down, the body is ready for fertilization. In addition, the fluid is retained, there are slight problems with the stool (constipation) and the appetite increases, as the woman prepares to feed herself and the unborn child. Normally, 1 - 2 kilograms gained quickly leave after the onset of menstruation.

With a normal metabolism, a slight overeating at the end of the cycle does not spoil the figure. All extra pounds disappear after the removal of excess fluid and small weaknesses a week before menstruation are compensated by a decrease in the daily diet in the first days of menstruation, when you don’t feel like eating a lot.

Since each woman's body is individual, taste preferences can also differ significantly. Some want salty, someone prefers sweets and bakery products, and someone is ready to eat everything, if only more and constantly. The last option is the most difficult, and women themselves may not experience hunger as such. They just want something to eat all the time. Such a difference in taste preferences is also the result of hormonal activity, if you want to eat salty before menstruation, more than one hormones work, and if a woman reaches for sweets, others. Consider how the activity of the hormonal system affects the desire to eat during PMS.

Why before menstruation I want sweet and starchy foods

So, let's figure out which hormone is responsible for bad emotions, and an increased desire to eat sweets. Almost everyone knows what endorphins are. Normally, they are produced by the body itself, and at the time of ovulation, when the concentration of estrogen is highest, the amount of endorphins in women also increases. The result of an overabundance of the “hormone of pleasure” during the period of ovulation is high spirits and good general well-being.

But as soon as the level of estrogen (and, consequently, endorphin) falls, ladies begin to experience a sharp lack of it. They want sweets (chocolate is the best source), the decline of the “pleasure hormone” provokes irritability and nervousness. That is, all the signs of approaching menstruation appear, PMS begins.

Insulin activity is also associated with the concentration of estrogen. In response to the activity of endorphin, the amount of glucose in the blood changes, and its regulation is an insulin-dependent process. The female body is trying to compensate for the decrease in glucose levels with "external sources": you want to eat, while the emphasis may be on flour products. Since they are a source of quickly digestible starch, the subconscious desire is manifested in the fact that to eat bakery products. It is also quite understandable. For example, a bun with a filling, a cake or a cake will be perceived as both floury and sweet at the same time.

But sometimes potatoes can become a source of starch, and if the level of potassium has dropped, then you want salty. That is, a woman not only wants to eat a lot, but is drawn to fried potatoes with herring. And until the level of potassium normalizes, taste preferences will not change. Usually, the hormonal decline in estrogen and the increased content of progesterone ends with menstruation. After that, a new cycle begins, and these hormones in their number in the female body again change places. This is a natural change in metabolism, the extra 1 - 2 kilograms go away without problems, and at the beginning of the cycle, the ladies do not want to eat something specific or just everything in large quantities.

Why is the weight gaining

Excess weight is an eternal concern for many of the fair sex. Even 1 kilogram gained can lead to the fact that you want to immediately get rid of it. But consider all the reasons that can lead to an increase in mass before menstruation. And most importantly, we will learn how to respond to this process correctly.

There are two main reasons for weight gain:

  • Natural: fluid retention even with a normal, unaltered diet, and a slowdown in metabolism at the time of ovulation
  • Pathological: significant overeating due to hormonal imbalance and a decrease in estrogen levels in the female body.

In the first case, during menstruation (that is, after increased estrogen production) and until the moment of ovulation, extra pounds go away by themselves and without any effort. In the second, everything that was eaten during PMS accumulates in the form of excess body weight. That is, overeating in excess of the norm and feeding on rapidly digestible carbohydrates can gradually lead to obesity. What to do for those whose period before menstruation is associated with a constant desire to eat, and the diet on such days becomes especially unbearable? First of all, to understand the mechanism of accumulation of extra pounds (we have already considered it). And then act in such a way as not to cause additional inconvenience to your own body during PMS.

How to deal with zhor

A strict diet is a bad option to deal with natural processes in the female body. But the basic principles of nutrition can be fully used to reduce appetite and not gain kilograms "in excess of the natural norm" when you want to eat all the time. Regardless of how the desire to eat manifests itself (I want something specific or just everything and a lot), simple control and following the main rules of a healthy diet will help to avoid problems with being overweight. This is within the power of any woman and does not require serious efforts, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

What to do during PMS:

  • Eating should be regular and frequent. Instead of the usual 3 meals a day, divide the daily ration into 5-7 servings, without increasing its volume;
  • To tame your appetite, use the usual "tricks": replace the chocolate with fruit (choose dark chocolate, not milk, without any additives). Reduce the amount of sweets, if you want 10 sweets - eat 5, but slowly, chewing them thoroughly.
  • Constant fluid intake will help to cope with zhorom (nutritionists recommend not to reduce the water balance, you should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water daily). But at the same time, you can not replace water with sweet juices or coffee. Remember, before menstruation, fluid is retained in the body, so weight gain can be caused precisely by this fact. Draw conclusions about the effectiveness of your own efforts after the end of menstruation, by that time the “excess” fluid will simply leave the body and the weight will return to normal;
  • When choosing food, give preference to vegetables and fruits, lean meat (preferably steamed, stewed or boiled). Remember, an excess of fast-digesting carbohydrates is also harmful, so you can’t eat a lot of potatoes and flour products. You can always find an alternative and focus on vegetables containing hard-to-digest carbohydrates;
  • To maintain potassium balance, eat bananas, dried apricots, sea fish, use sea salt, add complex multivitamins to the diet in winter.

These simple tips will help keep the body in good shape at any time. And before you worry about the gained kilograms, check the dynamics. Perhaps you are worrying in vain, and a small increase is just the result of natural processes that will disappear in the first period of the menstrual cycle.

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