Numbness of hands at night. Why do my hands go numb at night? Treatment of numbness of the hands with an uncomfortable body position

In all his life, any person at least once, but had to experience a feeling when numbness of hands was felt in a dream.

Such symptoms indicate a violation in the circulatory system in the limbs of a person and has a scientific name - paresthesia.

Causes of numbness of the hands in a dream

The hands and phalanges of the hands can also “numb” in a completely healthy person, but if such symptoms appear quite often, you should think about seeking advice and diagnosis from a neuropathologist.

The most common causes of hand numbness during sleep are:

  • Uncomfortable posture in a dream, as a result of which the nerve endings are squeezed by spasmodic tissues: tendons or muscles surrounding the nerve processes. In the people, such symptoms are called - "lay down the hand." This is due to the fact that with an “uncomfortable posture”, blood vessels are pinched, partially or completely blocking the flow of plasma fluid to the extremities - this provokes the symptoms of leakage. In this case, it is only necessary to change the position, and the symptoms gradually begin to pass. In this situation, there is nothing dangerous, and you should not worry about temporary discomfort.
  • The second, most common cause of hand numbness in sleep, doctors call osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. This diagnosis, due to a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, can be found in 70% of the world's population, especially this percentage is high in the most developed industrial countries. This disease provokes pinching of the radicular endings of the spinal nerves. Pressure on the nerve leads to swelling of the surrounding tissues, and hence to the appearance of pain symptoms, which are observed in the head, neck, shoulders and hands. The pain causes the muscles to contract - a spasm of muscle tissue occurs, which compresses not only the nerve processes, but also the blood vessels.
  • Doctors know the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome, which can occur for several reasons.
    • The professional activity of a person, associated with monotonous movements of the same type of the upper limbs and, in particular, the hands and phalanges of the hands.
    • Prolonged work on a computer keyboard.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system:
    • Myxedema is a pathology expressed in the complete or partial insufficiency of the secretions of the thyroid gland.
    • Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by a deficiency of insulin in the patient's blood.
  • The syndrome of the anterior scalene muscle can also be provoked by cervical osteochondrosis when the corresponding part of the spine is affected. This creates pressure on the sensory nerves of the limbs.
  • Physiologically substantiated changes in the human hormonal background:
    • Pregnancy period.
    • Breastfeeding time.
    • Climax (onset of menopause).
  • Overweight.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a pathology of connective tissues with a primary lesion of small joints.
  • Injuries received in the area of ​​the shoulder, forearm and arm.
  • Tenosynovitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the synovial lining of the tendon.
  • iron deficiency.
  • Lack of vitamin B12 in the body.
  • Raynaud's disease - the disease is expressed by angiotrophoneurosis with a predominant lesion of small terminal arteries and arterioles. The upper limbs are affected (as a rule, the lesion is symmetrical, both hands).
  • Polyneuropathy is a disease caused by multiple lesions of the peripheral nerves.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Smoking and alcohol.

Drawing a conclusion from the foregoing, the causes of numbness of the hands in a dream can be quite serious diseases, so you should not ignore such symptoms, especially if there are accompanying manifestations (dizziness, nausea, weakness of muscle activity, and others). To determine the diagnosis, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist.

Sleep numbness symptoms

Paresthesia is one of the most common complaints with which patients go to the doctor, and the most important thing is to correctly diagnose, because any tactile change in sensory receptors may indicate a fairly serious disease.

What are the symptoms of hand numbness during sleep:

  • Complete or partial loss of sensation in the tips of the phalanges or the entire limb as a whole.
  • Feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin.
  • Seizures.
  • Burning and tingling.
  • Throbbing pain.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Tremor of the upper limbs.
  • Hands start to get cold.
  • The skin becomes abnormally pale.
  • Severe numbness with pain.

If such symptoms are observed regularly, then you should not postpone going to the doctor, because this can manifest one of the life-suppressing diseases, which is desirable to recognize as early as possible.

Finger numbness in sleep

The main reason for the flow that occurs in the hands during sleep is a malfunction in the circulatory system. If there are no pathological changes in a person's health, then it will be enough for him to purchase an orthopedic mattress and a pillow - the problem will be solved. After all, these bed attributes are designed in such a way as to maximally repeat the outlines of the lying body, maintaining the spine in a relaxed state, avoiding pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels. Finger numbness during sleep can also occur due to uncomfortable clothing with tight cuffs. The solution to the problem is quite simple - buy new pajamas. At night, you should remove yourself and all jewelry. Do not throw your hands behind your head in a dream. Indeed, during rest, the human heart works less intensively. Therefore, blood simply can not flow well into the vessels of the hands.

But numbness of the fingers in a dream can also speak of more serious diseases that affect the body. If paresthesia is accompanied by constant pulling pain symptoms and a crunch in the region of the cervical vertebrae, we can safely assume that the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. A decrease in the sensitivity of the fingers can also indicate the initial form of atherosclerosis, or pathology of the elbow joint.

It is better to be examined by such doctors as a neurologist, a cardiologist, an orthopedist, in order to unequivocally establish the cause of the pathology and, if possible, correct your lifestyle or undergo a course of treatment.

Numbness of the hands during sleep

Quite often, doctors associate the appearance of a feeling of leakage with the progression of a disease such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The main impetus for its development, experts call long-term work in the same position, with increased stress that falls on the hands.

Numbness of the hands during sleep can also occur due to infringement of the median nerve, localized in the carpal tunnel. With prolonged stress on the wrist (carrying heavy loads, monotonous work on a computer, and so on), swelling may occur in the tendon area, which compresses the nerve, blocking the sensitivity of the hand. Especially this discomfort is manifested at night, when the biophysical processes of the body are slowed down.

Few people want to go to the doctors because of "trifles", but you don't have to be so careless, numbness of the hands in a dream can be an indicator of more severe pathologies, for example, Raynaud's disease. As a rule, this disease is manifested by the flow of both hands at once, especially the phalanges. The reason for the appearance of such symptoms is a violation of blood microcirculation in this area. Associated manifestations of this pathology can be called emerging pain, especially in cold weather, the hands begin to freeze unreasonably, and the skin becomes unnatural, bluish-pale. All these are clear signs of the initial stage of Raynaud's disease.

Reluctance to go to the doctor can lead to the progression of such a disease as polyneuropathy. This pathology mainly affects the nerve endings of the hands and phalanges of the fingers. The impetus for the development of this disease can be diabetes mellitus (in this case, even a slight increase in blood sugar is enough). Polyneuropathy can also be provoked by a deficiency of vitamins (especially vitamin B12), anemia, professional activity, infectious lesions of the body.

Paresthesia can be a consequence of changes in the hormonal status of the body (pregnancy, lactation, menopause), as well as malfunctions of the endocrine system, the result of injury.

Numbness of the left hand in a dream

Quite often, patients complain of numbness of the left hand during sleep. The appearance of such symptoms can be a harbinger of deeper and more serious diseases in the human body. Cause of directed pathology:

  • Stress, panic, overstrain of the nervous system.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Uncomfortable position during the rest of the left hand.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Hypothyroidism is a persistent lack of thyroid hormones.
  • If, in addition to loss of sensitivity, a person feels pain in the chest, nausea rolling in, breathing becomes shallow and frequent - such symptoms may indicate a heart attack.
  • Any injury or injury in the area of ​​the shoulder and forearm.
  • climacteric condition.
  • Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease characterized by pain and weakness in the muscles and joints.
  • A stroke, especially if the numbness of the left arm in a dream is indicated by discomfort in the lower extremity of the hand, while accompanied by malfunctions of the speech apparatus, vision problems.
  • Diabetes mellitus, the physiological manifestations of which affect the growth of nerve cells.
  • Migraine - headaches, accompanied by spasms of blood vessels.
  • Avitaminosis, in particular the lack of vitamins belonging to the B group. Although this deviation is not so significant, it still does not hurt to undergo the study.
  • Intervertebral hernia capable of replacing a nerve. In this case, the person additionally feels light tingling in the left hand.
  • Raynaud's syndrome, a characteristic of which is spasm and a pathological decrease in the cross section of the blood vessels of the left hand. This disease is most often a consequence of hypothermia, contact with toxins, after experienced stress. Stimulate the development of this syndrome in the state and angina pectoris, the presence of a tumor in the area of ​​​​the wrist, smoking, malnutrition, as well as chronic alcoholism.
  • Damage to the nerve endings that function in the wrist area can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, which in turn provokes loss of sensation in the left limb. Accompanying manifestations can be quite severe pain, muscle weakness, burning, tingling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forearm and shoulder, as well as the entire arm.
  • Transient ischemic attacks. Numbness of the little finger on the left hand can indicate heart problems.

Hand numbness after sleep

The night has passed, it's time to start the morning exercise, and the hands do not obey their master? If sensitivity in such a situation is restored quickly enough, then you should not panic. But in the case when the numbness of the hands after sleep has become more frequent, it is not worth waiting for “weather from the sea”. It is urgent to seek the advice of a specialist and establish the cause of these symptoms. In case of delay, the latent pathology remains untreated and the degree of the disease worsens.

It is worth analyzing your clothes, maybe the reason is a tight cuff or an elastic band that compresses the blood vessels. The position of the upper limbs when performing one or another action is also important, if the hands are above the head for a sufficiently long time or function in an uncomfortable position - this can also provoke numbness of the hands after sleep.

But not only external factors can cause functional discomfort. In the presence of many diseases of internal organs, anatomical defects and systemic pathology, such deviations from the norm are possible. Therefore, if discomfort occurs in the hands, it is worth seeking the advice of a specialist.

Finger numbness after sleep

As unfortunate as it sounds, practically all pathology has become significantly “younger” in recent years. A few years ago, numbness of the fingers after sleep was the prerogative of the elderly, and today, thanks to computerization, such a pathology is observed in a fairly large number of young people, especially those who spend a long time near the mouse and computer keyboard. This order of things leads to a mismatch in the work of the network of blood vessels in the wrist and phalanges, which leads to unpleasant signals that the body sends.

Waking up in the morning with numb fingers and reduced sensitivity, it is first necessary to analyze the situation in order to figure out what can provoke numbness of the fingers after sleep.

  • If this is an uncomfortable posture, leading to numbness of the upper limbs, you should try to change the posture.
  • The problem is uncomfortable pajamas - change your night wardrobe.
  • Uncomfortable bed - you may need to change it or purchase an orthopedic mattress with a pillow.
  • If this is not the problem, and the patient's professional activity is associated with a monotonous load on the hands, try taking short breaks in work, conducting a preventive workout.
  • It will not be superfluous to undergo instrumental diagnostics and clinical studies, since low blood glucose levels and glandular anemia can also provoke leakage.

You should not let everything take its course, because, at first glance, such minor discomfort may be the first "swallow" of a more serious illness.

Right arm numbness while sleeping

The first thing to evaluate when waking up, feeling the numbness of the right hand in a dream, is the quality of the bed on which the respondent slept. If you have an old mattress and a high feather pillow in front of your eyes, then it is likely that they provoke discomfort in the upper limbs. After all, if, lying in such a bed, the neck and shoulder area become numb, there is stagnation of blood, disrupting normal blood circulation in the head - neck - shoulders - arms. At the same time, the spinal nerves of the cervical spine do not receive sufficient nutrition, and it is they who are responsible for the tactile sensitivity of the skin of the upper limbs, including the right hand. Therefore, after a night spent on such a bed, for some time a person does not feel his hands. If this is the reason, it is worth replacing the old headrest with an orthopedic pillow.

The second most common cause of discomfort can be called osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. For advice, you should contact the experts. But even before consulting a doctor, you need to analyze your lifestyle in detail. If professional activity refers to sedentary work or the patient simply leads a sedentary life, or, conversely, the body experiences excessive stress, everything can adversely affect the health of the spine. Hence, osteochondrosis, which, by pinching the vessels and injuring the radicular nerves, provokes the occurrence of numbness of the right hand in a dream. In this scenario, it is worth making it a rule to do a health-improving and preventive set of exercises aimed at returning flexibility and greater stability to the spine. Long walks and swimming in the pool are excellent in this situation.

It is worth paying special attention to weight. In the case of its obvious redundancy, it is necessary to take measures to lose weight, because extra pounds are an additional burden on the spine, which, unable to withstand it, responds with constant back pain. The pressure on the joints also increases. Obesity provokes the development of arthrosis and osteoarthritis, one of the signs of which is the loss of sensitivity in the affected hand. Weight loss will relieve many medical problems, including those discussed in this article.

Diagnosis of numbness of hands in a dream

To find out the cause that led to the loss of sensitivity in the upper limbs of a person, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. After all, there may be more than one motivating reason, therefore, having decided, for example, on osteochondrosis, it will not be superfluous to check the heart and the endocrine system.

Diagnosis of hand numbness during sleep includes a consultation with such specialists as an orthopedist, cardiologist, vertebrologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, neurologist. In most cases, to make a correct diagnosis, the patient will have to undergo:

  • X-ray of the spine.
  • X-ray of the joints.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the joints and spine.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of blood vessels.
  • Electroencephalography.
  • Laboratory research:
    • General analysis of urine and feces.
    • Blood for hormones.
    • An extended blood test.
    • Blood for sugar.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Blood pressure control.

Only after receiving the results of all studies can we talk about the reason that prompts the hands to endure and lose sensitivity.

Treatment of numbness of hands in a dream

As already mentioned above, the spectrum of diseases and external influences is wide enough to unambiguously describe the treatment of hand numbness in a dream, because after establishing a diagnosis, in order to remove unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate its root cause. If the impetus for wicking is an uncomfortable bed or nightwear, you just need to purchase an orthopedic pillow, and preferably a mattress, or buy soft comfortable pajamas.

When diagnosing one of the internal diseases, the doctor prescribes a treatment protocol aimed at stopping the pathology of this particular organ or system. In most cases, this is a complex treatment, consisting of drug therapy, if necessary, and surgical intervention, as well as various physiotherapy procedures, specialized gymnastics and massages.

For example, if the cause of leakage is osteochondrosis or interdiscal hernia (other orthopedic problems), the disease can be stopped both by conservative methods and by surgery (if decompression of the nerve root is necessary).

It is not superfluous to take vitamins. This is especially true for vitamin B12. The route of administration of the drug is assigned directly by the doctor, since the drug can be administered into the body both subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, and intralumbally (directly into the spinal cord). The method of administration depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. With different pathologies, the dosage is also different. For example, in the case of severe iron deficiency or post-hemorrhagic anemia, the amount of vitamin administered is from 30 to 100 micrograms. The medicine is taken two to three times during the week. If the disorders are associated with diseases of the nervous system, the dosage changes somewhat and is determined by a figure of 200 - 400 mcg. Injections are given two to four times a month.

People who promote vegetarianism and do not consume fish and meat should be treated with ordinary brewer's yeast, which is sold in a large assortment in any pharmacy.

If the problem is related to the spine or frequent hypothermia of the body, one of the methods of complex treatment of numbness of the hands in a dream can be massage, which has a beneficial effect on the human capillary system, if the nerve is pinched, an experienced massage therapist can easily cope with this problem. There are several acupuncture techniques that a person can do on their own.

  • It is necessary to put a ball the size of a tennis ball in the palm of your hand. Knead it in each palm, massaging the surface.
  • Hold the same ball between your palms and roll it for a while.
  • Massage each phalanx and palm of the right hand with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. Then change hands.
  • It will not be superfluous to carry out massage procedures using aromatic oils, for example, lilac, 10 g of camphor alcohol, diluted in one liter of water at room temperature.
  • Carry out a general hand massage: stroking, kneading, patting, rubbing.

The doctor can also attribute such a procedure as an amplipulse using ampoule analgin. This is a physiotherapeutic technique based on the impact on the biological body of simulated sinusoidal currents. The frequency of such currents is 2–5 kHz, and their amplitude characteristic is 10–15 Hz.

In case of detection of congestion and circulatory disorders, when diagnosing Raynaud's syndrome, the vessels must be supported with ascorbic acid.

It is taken orally at the rate of 50-100 mg per day. In this case, a single dosage should not exceed 0.2 g, the maximum daily dosage is 0.5 g.

But you should not use this vitamin if the patient has a history of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, or the patient is hypersensitive to this substance.

It is also worth adjusting the diet: introduce more citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) into the diet, a decoction of rose hips will help in this situation from drinks.

If the problem of leakage is in carpal tunnel syndrome, the attending physician will usually prescribe injections of glucocorticoids (hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands). For example:

  • Esperon. The drug is used for the purpose of muscle relaxant effects on the patient's body. The drug is administered with a starting dosage of 0.6 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight. When using Esperon as diluents, special water for injections is usually used, or a solution of sodium chloride 0.9%, as well as a solution of dextrose 5%.
  • Triacort. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the disturbing area one to three times a day. The course of treatment is indicated by a doctor and usually ranges from five to ten days, in more severe cases up to 25 days. They start with a concentration of the active substance in the ointment of 0.1% and subsequently, if there is a positive effect, they switch to a dosage of 0.025% with further gradual withdrawal.

But with drugs of this orientation, you need to be quite careful. In combination with diuretics, they can cause arrhythmia. They suppress immune processes, block or slow down the work of heparin, insulin, and various vaccines. Glucocorticoids have a toxic effect on the patient's body, therefore, in combination with them, drugs that support liver function are usually prescribed.

  • Carbamazepine. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor purely individually. The starting amount of the drug is from 100 to 400 mg. Taking into account clinical effectiveness, and based on medical need, the dosage can be increased, but not more than 200 units at intervals of one week. The frequency of administration is from one to four times during the day.

The duration of the treatment course depends on the course of treatment and is adjusted by the attending physician.

  • Phenytoin. The medication is administered orally with a primary daily dosage of 3-4 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight. Gradually increase the dose until the desired therapeutic effect is obtained. On average, this is 200 - 500 mg daily, taken in one or more doses.

If medically necessary, the drug is administered intravenously in an amount of 15-20 mg per kilogram of the patient's body weight. Intramuscularly, a single dose is allowed to inject 100-300 mg of the drug.

Not the last place in the treatment of numbness of the hands in a dream is occupied by physiotherapy exercises. A small complex effectively restores muscle tone, improves blood circulation, develops joints, makes the spine more flexible, which cannot but affect the expected result.

For centuries, our ancestors fought this disease with their own methods.

  • You can try a mixture of celery and parsley. Grind them in a combine, blender or meat grinder, 1 kg of each product. Introduce a glass of honey into the gruel. To stir thoroughly. Take four tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Add about 100 g of ground black pepper per liter of sunflower oil. Put the mixture on a slow fire and keep for half an hour. Rub the resulting liquid into the skin of the brush.
  • Effective and tincture of red pepper and pickled cucumber. Chop cucumbers and peppers with a knife. Pour half a liter of vodka into the resulting mixture. Put for a week in a dark place to brew. With this tincture, rub, massaging, the hands.
  • Keep your kidneys under control. Edema can cause numbness in the limbs.
  • Morning exercises will give vigor and significantly reduce the risk of feeling bloated.
  • Comfortable place with orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  • Comfortable pajamas.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid mental and physical overload, which have a rather negative effect on the nervous system.
  • Walks in the fresh air before going to bed.
  • Compensate for a sedentary lifestyle with aerobics, fitness and other outdoor activities. Or at least make it a rule to walk to and from work, stop using the elevator.
  • Periodic preventive examinations by specialists should not be discounted, and if necessary, complete a full course of treatment for the detected pathology in a timely manner.
  • Massages.
  • Normalize the mode of work and rest.
  • Avoid hypothermia, especially frequent. Dress appropriately for the season, according to the weather.
  • Monitor your immunity, avoiding infectious and colds.

Forecast of numbness of hands in a dream

With the right lifestyle, adhering to simple preventive recommendations, the prognosis of hand numbness in sleep is very favorable.

Many people consider hand numbness during sleep to be an unpleasant phenomenon, but not fatal. But from the above it is clear that this is not the case. It is almost impossible for a person to determine the cause of the pathology on their own. Therefore, you will have to turn to a certified specialist for help. Only a doctor, having in his hands the results of biophysical and laboratory studies, will be able to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment. Do not neglect the signals in the form of symptoms that the body sends you. By taking adequate measures, you can permanently get rid of this symptomatology.

It's important to know!

Numbness in the little fingers usually occurs when the nerve endings located in the fingers are damaged. Numbness appears for various reasons, but most often this condition is associated with squeezing or intense stress on the hands, in some cases, numbness of the little fingers of the hands occurs with a burning or tingling sensation.

Everyone experiences hand numbness from time to time. It is important to note that such numbness is not a disease, but a symptom caused by more serious problems in the body. However, if numbness of the hands and fingers occurs in you in the morning, after sleeping in a “twisted” or uncomfortable position, or you have a habit of putting your hands under the pillow, then in this case your hands just numb periodically, and a little exercise for the hands will return their sensitivity back to normal. It is inappropriate to talk about illness here. But if your hands and fingers become numb arbitrarily, without any reason, then you must definitely find out what caused this and deal with the source of the disease.

Causes of hand numbness. Hand numbness can be caused by:

  • diseases of the endocrine system
  • joint injuries
  • inflammatory processes in the joints
  • polyneuropathy
  • cervical spine
  • carpal tunnel syndrome

Let's talk about the latter in more detail. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a person regularly performs repetitive work, in which the body is constantly in the same position. As a rule, such work is working at a computer. Sometimes numbness is accompanied by pain and burning in the fingers. Such symptoms are a consequence of the fact that, as a result of swelling of the arm, the median nerve located in the wrist is pinched by the tendons. With carpal tunnel syndrome, ailments begin to occur after waking up, but over time, the pain caused by pinching the median nerve begins to disturb at any time of the day, and at night it interferes with sleep.

What to do if hands go numb?

Treatment of hand numbness with traditional medicine. Improving blood circulation in the vessels will contribute to the disappearance of such a problem as numbness of the hands. Introduce moderate but regular exercise into your life to improve blood circulation. Regular morning exercises or long walks at an active pace can provide physical activity in the required amount.

You can also do therapeutic exercises for fingers and hands: in a prone position, put something under your head, raise your hands up and actively shake them for several minutes, you can also squeeze and unclench your hands into fists.

Contrast baths will also benefit from numbness of the hands. Fill two containers with hot and cold water. Starting with cold water, alternately lower your hands into cold and then into hot water. In general, in one approach, the hands should go 5 times in the container with and 5 times in the container with warm. After that, rub your hands with turpentine ointment and put warm mittens on them. Repeat the exercise twice a day.

With numbness of the hands, it is very important to strengthen the vessels. This can be done in a very simple way - drink a glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach.

A mixture of celery and parsley can also help you. In addition to these two ingredients, you will need honey and two lemons. Parsley and celery should be taken per kilogram, and honey - 250 milliliters. Mix all the products and pass them through a meat grinder or mash them with a blender. The resulting mixture should be eaten in the morning, on an empty stomach, in portions of 2-3 tablespoons.

Use pumpkin porridge to solve the problem with your ailment. Make pumpkin porridge and, while it is still warm, apply it all over your arm, right up to the shoulder joint. Then the hand with the mass applied to it should be wrapped with a scarf or scarf made of wool, and everything should be left for a while. The problematic hand will warm up well, and after several such procedures you will notice improvements.

Use pickled cucumbers for treatment. Their mixture with spicy is used for grinding. To prepare a rubbing agent, it is necessary to cut pickles, add three pods of hot red pepper to the resulting mass, which must also be pre-chopped. Pour a mixture of peppers and cucumbers with 500 milliliters of vodka, mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse in a dark place. The tincture will be ready for use in 7 days. But before rubbing fingers and hands, it should be filtered.

For rubbing, you can also use a tincture of wild rosemary. Pour rosemary in a ratio of one to three (there should be more vinegar) and let it brew for seven days. After this period, rub your fingers with the resulting drug three times a day. Such procedures should be repeated until the attacks of numbness of the upper limbs disappear.

Pretty easy way to get rid of the loss sensitivity of fingers and hands - tie a thread of wool on the wrist. It must be worn constantly, like a bracelet, without removing it. After a while, you will notice that this small piece of wool has improved the numbness situation.

And finally, another effective way to overcome hand numbness. Fill a container with hot water, dip your hands into it. Then alternately press each finger on the bottom of the container. Try to do it with maximum effort. This simple procedure will quickly bring your fingers back to life.

Hand numbness at night is a fairly common type of discomfort that can occur regardless of a person’s age. Accompanied by tingling and aching pain in the limbs. From the fact that at night the hands hurt and become numb, a person wakes up and then cannot fall asleep. If you try to move your fingers, the negative symptoms increase and only subside over time. After that, only, only manages to return to sleep. Most people understand that this problem is due to circulatory problems or a pinched nerve. But what to do if your hands become very numb at night? How to solve this problem?

What is limb numbness

Of course, sometimes hands go numb at night due to the fact that the body is in an uncomfortable position. For example, a limb may be under the body, which will cause natural circulatory problems due to compression and lead to a temporary loss of sensation. In this case, medical treatment of numbness of the hands does not make sense.

In the case when the hand goes numb at night in a dream constantly, which interferes with sleep and significantly interferes with rest, you need to deal with the treatment of the problem with the involvement of specialists. It is especially worth paying attention to such problems:

  • hands go numb during sleep and after it;
  • if the right hand or the left hand goes numb at night (so, if the left hand goes numb at night, this may indicate serious heart problems);
  • in parallel with this, vision problems are observed.

In addition, the situation is more dangerous when only the hands go numb at night or symptoms of paresthesia of the fingers appear at all.

The causes of hand numbness during sleep can be very different. So, it can be cervical osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies. When the hand becomes numb after the night, pay attention to whether it is left or right. So, numbness on the right side indicates cervical osteochondrosis, tunnel syndrome, arthrosis, narrowing of the lumen of the cervical vessels. As for the left hand, discomfort in it indicates the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, therefore, in this case, the therapist additionally prescribes an ECG and an examination by a cardiologist.

The main causes of hand numbness

So, let's dwell in more detail on why hands go numb at night, and also consider the main methods of treating this problem.

Incorrect hand position

The causes of numbness of the hands can be quite physiological. So, if a person sleeps in uncomfortable clothes or has chosen the wrong position, he may suffer from discomfort. Physiological numbness of the hands at night may be due to such reasons:

  1. Often physiological paresthesia is associated with the fact that a person uses an uncomfortable pillow that is not suitable for sleeping. For example, it may be too high, which creates an excessive load on the spine, forcing it to be in a disadvantageous position. This leads to an extra bend in the cervical region and a deterioration in blood circulation in this area. Ultimately, numbness of the hands or fingers and other symptoms of discomfort are observed. The solution to the problem is as simple as possible - you need to choose a flatter pillow. You can also buy, for the choice of which it is better to visit a specialized salon. By using the right pillow, the head will assume the correct sleeping position that will not cause a deterioration in the blood supply to important parts of the body.
  2. Hands go numb in a dream also due to the use of not very comfortable clothes. If it is smaller or not freely located on the body, it can cause nighttime hand numbness. In addition, clothing can be pulled up, which sometimes causes vascular occlusion.
  3. Strongly numb hands at night and in certain professions. These are specialists who often raise their hands high during the day, for example, installers, painters.

tunnel syndrome

Hand numbness at night can be an occupational disease. So, it can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a disease that occurs during the constant tension of the tendons of the hands. Seamstresses, musicians, PC operators, as well as other people who make the same type of hand movements all day can suffer from the disease.

If you look at the structure of the human hand, you can select a special channel through which the nerves that are responsible for the sensitivity of the palm, as well as tendons, pass. If the hands are strained, swelling occurs in this area, which leads to numbness. It usually happens at night or even in the morning.

It is very important to consult a doctor if there are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Otherwise, the muscles of some fingers may die, which will lead to a significant limitation of the mobility of the hands. It should be noted that not only musicians suffer from tunnel syndrome, but also many women after 40 years of age.

This syndrome is diagnosed by measuring the speed of passage of an electric current, a small force, through the nerve through the tunnel to the thumb. In medical practice, this procedure is called electroneuromyography (ENMG).

Diseases of the spine

Very often, the cause of hand numbness is a deterioration in blood supply caused by a number of diseases of the spine. In parallel, the patient has symptoms of headache, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and occasionally even loss of consciousness. Tellingly, all symptoms can manifest themselves simultaneously, and if so, it is better to contact a neurologist for diagnosis as soon as possible. As a rule, problematic symptoms are caused by an intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a whole complex of pathological changes in the metabolism of the bone and cartilage tissue of this organ, which leads to the destruction of the vertebrae. As a result, compression of the roots of the spinal nerves begins, leading to pain in the extremities. Contributing to the problem is the hypodynamic lifestyle of those sitting at the office desk, drivers and other persons with sedentary professions. If there is an irrational load on the muscles of the neck for a long time, their overstrain and spasm will begin, which will lead to numbness of the limbs, in particular, at night.

Vascular pathologies

This is the most dangerous reason that can cause nighttime hand numbness. So, if in one of the parts of the brain there is a deterioration in blood circulation, this can lead to numbness of the limb. In parallel, blood pressure indicators increase, confusion, dizziness and other symptoms of a microstroke are observed. The disease can appear as a result of prolonged overexertion, a persistent increase in blood pressure, and also as a result of experienced stress.

Numbness of the extremities can also occur due to ischemic stroke of the vertebral or inferior cerebellar artery. In this case, the blood circulation of some parts of the brain is disturbed, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and dizziness.

In addition, numbness in the sleep of the hands can also occur due to smoking at night or just before bedtime. It is known that when smoking, blood vessels constrict sharply, which can lead to a feeling of numbness. Alcohol has a similar effect. He can first expand the vessels for a short time, and then sharply narrow them.


Pregnant women often complain of numbness of individual fingers or even all limbs. This phenomenon can occur for several reasons:

  • pathological change in water-salt balance;
  • decrease in mobile activity;
  • insufficient amount of calcium and magnesium;
  • weight gain;
  • inability to take a comfortable position in a dream;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • the occurrence of a number of pathologies of the vascular wall due to hormonal disruptions.

In addition, during pregnancy, numbness of the hands can occur against the background of anemia, as well as due to an increase in the load on the spine.

Other diseases that cause numbness

A temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the hands can also cause other diseases, namely:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • hypertension;
  • hypovitaminosis B, micronutrient deficiencies;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Before you start treating hand numbness, you need to find out its causes. So, sometimes it can be associated with the presence of blood clots in the vessels. They block the blood flow, which causes similar symptoms. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor until irreversible consequences occur.

Finger paresthesia

Separately, it is worth mentioning the digital paresthesia. If sensitivity is lost only in the fingers, it is better to consult a therapist for an examination. Then he can appoint an examination by a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist or traumatologist. The next steps might be:

  1. If the neurological nature of the disease is detected, doctors will prescribe drug therapy, as well as physiotherapy procedures. Additionally, vitamins may be indicated.
  2. In case of injury or muscle strain, the traumatologist will give a number of recommendations.
  3. If elbow neuropathy is causing the problem, an electroneuromyogram will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
  4. To exclude endocrine pathologies, it will be necessary to pass blood and urine tests.

Ways to get rid of nighttime numbness

Therapy involves the treatment of hand numbness with folk remedies, as well as official drugs. First of all, normalize sleep hygiene. To do this, do the following:

  • check the quality of the mattress and pillow - they should provide the most comfortable position of the body during sleep;
  • analyze how comfortable the pajamas are - it should not pinch the limbs at night;
  • control the position of the body during sleep.

If the numbness of the hands is not associated with everyday problems, they visit a neurologist and a therapist. This does not mean that you can not continue the treatment of numbness at home. Just doctors can examine the body, prescribe additional diagnostic procedures and treatment of identified diseases.

Hand numbness therapy is usually localized. It is aimed at improving the nutrition of tissues and the resumption of the previous work of the vascular system in them. The most commonly used methods are:

  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound.

The purpose of all these procedures is the same - to increase the effectiveness of drugs. In addition, it is possible to prescribe manual therapy, which is necessary to relieve inflammation and reduce the effects of hypoxia. Carrying out therapeutic exercises also helps to strengthen muscle and joint tissue. It is necessary to give the body regular exercise to improve blood circulation. This is especially important to do right before bed.

  • raise and lower your arms while lying on your back;
  • shake with relaxed palms;
  • squeeze and unclench fingers;
  • use a massage ball or a spiked ball - roll it over the palm of your hand.

Doctors can expand the list of procedures, as well as prescribe vasodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins.

These remedies may not always be effective. In this case, it is better to find a good chiropractor. It will allow you to identify pathological changes in the spine and eliminate them, as well as relieve muscle tension. As a rule, to achieve the desired result, you need to visit it 3-5 times.

Elena Dorokhina

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Why hands go numb at night - get rid of this problem

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A good long night's sleep indicates that the human nervous system is working properly and knows when it should rest. It's good if it stays that way forever. But there are people who wake up in the middle of the night from an unpleasant sensation when their arms and legs go numb during sleep. A similar disorder of sensitivity in medicine is called paresthesia. It is manifested by aching pain and tingling. It is worth moving a limb - and the discomfort only intensifies. After a short time, the symptoms disappear and the paresthesia goes away. But what is the reason for this state of affairs?

Paresthesia is a phenomenon of frequent numbness of the arms and legs in a person during sleep. Neurological failure occurs against the background of previous injuries of the spinal column or diseases associated with the immune or endocrine system: diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy.

The main manifestations of the syndrome are numbness, tingling, pallor of the skin, and a sharp drop in temperature. But there are other symptoms that a person may not even be aware of.

The manifestation of the phenomenon

Paresthesia manifests itself not only in the form of numbness of the limbs at night, but also in the form of symptoms observed throughout the day:

Sometimes, along with numbness of the arms and legs, a rash appears in the knees and thighs. Such symptoms greatly complicate the delivery of the correct diagnosis.

Prerequisites for the development of loss of sensitivity

Why are limbs numb all night? The reason is often banal: a person chose the wrong position, which provoked a loss of sensitivity. A similar condition is observed during the day in cases of disruption of normal blood circulation:

  1. When you sit with your legs crossed. This pose is loved by many, but not useful because it causes blood flow obstruction and, as a result, numbness of the hands and feet at night or during the day.
  2. Sitting posture with head thrown back. In this case, a person pinches the arteries, due to which the blood flow is also disturbed.
  3. Sitting with a bent back. If the lumbar deflection does not return to its natural state for a long time, then a pain syndrome appears in the region of the vertebrae, tingling in the arms and legs.
  4. Prolonged sitting when the feet do not touch the floor. This is how many people like to relax, choosing a specially elevated chair, but the edge of the chair squeezes the main muscle groups on the back of the thigh, which leads to impaired blood circulation.

In all these situations, the person provokes the symptoms of paresthesia on his own, it is enough to choose a comfortable position and the numbness will go away.

When not to worry

Hands and feet can become numb not only during sleep, but also after it several times or all day. Most often, when you start to figure out what the reason is, it turns out that the position was uncomfortable. How to independently determine that numbness is not a symptom of a serious pathology?

There are a number of factors that provoke a violation of blood flow, and the result is tingling and numbness:

  1. Uncomfortable posture. Hands and feet can go numb due to the fact that a person has taken the wrong shape of the body during sleep. There are many examples: clenched hands between the legs, limbs hanging from the bed, hands under the head. The "fetal" position causes a particular problem, it is chosen by most people, it is optimal, but numbness can occur if the legs are too tucked in. It is enough to change the posture, and the discomfort will disappear.
  2. Uncomfortable clothing. Tight t-shirts and pajamas lead to problems with blood circulation, so it is better to choose spacious models.
  3. Sleep in jewelry and jewelry. Rings, bracelets, and other trinkets can slow blood flow and cause numbness in your hands and feet. Before going to bed, it is better to remove all jewelry.
  4. Uncomfortable place to sleep, poor bedding and wrong pillows. This mainly applies to those people who like to sleep on a hard bed. In this case, there is a strong bend of the spine, especially in the cervical region, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow in the upper limbs, so the hands become numb. It is enough to replace the mattress or pillow, and all problems will go away.
  5. Wrong way of life. Taking stimulants before bed, such as nicotine and alcohol, can cause circulatory problems. Often such consequences occur from ordinary water. Abuse of fluid leads to numbness of the hands and feet. Disruptions in the blood flow are provoked by spicy and salty foods. It is enough to switch to the right way of life and all problems will disappear.

Advice! If the symptoms coincide, and the listed reasons take place, then it is enough to eliminate them, and everything will return to normal. You do not need to go to the doctor, it will not be difficult to solve the problem on your own.

Numbness as a pathology

If bedding has been changed on the bed, the diet has changed dramatically, the correct sleeping position has been chosen, and the numbness does not go away, then this may indicate the development of pathology.

In order to make a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to determine whether one arm or two is numb, discomfort in the right leg or both at once. Sensitivity may be lost in one part of the limb: only in the fingers or the leg above the knee.

Two factors provoke numbness in the limbs:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the spine associated with problems in the transmission of nerve impulses.

But there are a number of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of paresthesia during sleep, only a specialist can establish their development. Numb hands and feet can be due to such pathological conditions:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia, which struck the nerve plexus in the shoulder area;
  • injuries affecting the shoulder blades, neck, hands, finger and knees;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • a stroke or a condition that preceded it;
  • hypertension;
  • vascular diseases;
  • migraine;
  • systemic collagenoses;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • oncology.

To effectively fight the disease, you need to seek help from a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination and begin therapy. The sooner all this is done, the better.

Numb hands and feet during pregnancy

Often, women who are carrying a baby complain that their arms and legs go numb at night, there may be several reasons for this condition. A similar symptom manifests itself most often in the last months of pregnancy in the following cases:

  • The mass of the fetus is large and amniotic fluid increases pressure on the spine and lower limbs. In such a situation, the blood flow in the legs is overloaded, which leads to numbness.
  • The motor activity of a woman is reduced, which leads to stagnation. This symptom is observed in all people leading a passive lifestyle.
  • Metabolic and hormonal processes are disturbed during the bearing of the baby, which provokes an excess of fluid in the body, leads to swelling and numbness.
  • Anemia and beriberi in pregnant women cause a lack of hemoglobin and vitamin B, which provokes disruptions in the nervous system and blood circulation.

It's important to know! The described symptoms are observed in almost all pregnant women in the third trimester, so numbness during this period can be called a normal condition.

But expectant mothers have reasons that are much more serious than it seems at first glance. These include kidney failure, diabetes, and joint problems. If other symptoms are observed, then a specialist consultation will not be superfluous.

Contacting a doctor

If the symptom of numbness and tingling is observed for a long time, then you need to seek help from a doctor. A neurologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.

Initial appointment and consultation of narrow specialists

To determine the exact cause of the condition in which hands and feet go numb after and during sleep, you need to choose the right direction of diagnosis. The doctor examines the patient, finds out in which places and when more often the limbs can become numb, whether there is heaviness, the presence of additional neurological symptoms, concomitant pathologies, how the patient’s morning begins, what symptoms he has after waking up.

Based on the results of the examination, the neurologist may refer you to a consultation with other specialists:

  • if there is a suspicion of vasculitis and Raynaud's disease - to a rheumatologist;
  • in case of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, when the heartbeat is slow or rapid - to a cardiologist;
  • in diabetes - to the endocrinologist;
  • in case of injuries and neoplasms - to a neurosurgeon;
  • infections - this is the specialization of the infectious disease specialist;
  • occupational therapist deals with poisoning with harmful substances.

After the specialists examine the patient, instrumental studies will be assigned.

Ways to identify the cause of the condition

In order to choose the right treatment for numbness of the limbs, you need not only to diagnose the symptom, but also to determine why this happens. To find out the cause, you will need to do laboratory tests, as well as undergo hardware studies:

  • cervical x-ray;
  • dopplerography of vessels;
  • echo and electroencephalography.

Each technique will provide additional information about the patient's health status, which will greatly simplify the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. After determining the disease, the appropriate treatment is selected.

medical appointments

The treatment of numbness involves the elimination of the causes that caused paresthesia and the treatment of the disease that provoked discomfort. The main methods are aimed at removing annoying factors:

  • refusal to drink alcohol;
  • taking glucose-lowering drugs if the cause is diabetes;
  • detoxification in case of poisoning: drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins;
  • restoration of damaged nerve endings with the help of ointments with a warming effect.

If the compression of the nerve or damage is caused by the presence of a tumor, then operations are performed to remove it. But it is prescribed only if the neoplasm is too pressing, and other methods have not brought the desired result.

As practice shows, paresthesia in most patients is caused by damage to the nerve endings, which is why a complex treatment is selected to improve the nutrition of the nerves. For this purpose, the following means are recommended:

  • B vitamins;
  • physiotherapeutic methods: magnetotherapy, electrophoresis;
  • drugs that reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation.

Advice! You can use alternative methods of therapy, if it does not harm your health, which should be determined by the attending physician.

Prevention of paresthesia of hands and feet during night sleep

  1. Be sure to lead a healthy lifestyle, completely abandon bad habits, eat a balanced diet, and provide for moderate physical activity.
  2. Timely treat primary ailments, in chronic forms, carry out preventive therapy, wellness procedures.

Paresthesia of the arms and legs can be caused by impaired blood flow, pressure on the nerve endings, growing tumors. Therefore, if the symptoms are observed frequently and do not resolve on their own at home, you should definitely seek professional help and undergo a course of treatment.

Paresthesia or numbness of the hands is a problem that people often experience at night. The limbs become numb, there is a loss of their sensitivity, there is a slight tingling or even pain. These symptoms are aggravated if the brush is moved. Over time, they subside and completely disappear. If such a violation happened once, you should not panic, perhaps you just slept in an uncomfortable position, which negatively affected the blood supply to the limbs. However, if the condition is observed regularly, you need to find out why the hands go numb at night, and how to deal with it.

Reasons for violation

If you regularly experience numbness in your hands at night, this may be due to uncomfortable sleeping quarters or clothing. This problem is easy to solve. However, nighttime numbness may also indicate the presence of serious diseases that need to be urgently identified and treated. Let us consider in more detail what can cause a violation, and how to behave in different situations.

Other diseases

We have considered only a number of the most common causes that cause numbness of the limbs at night, but there are other disorders that lead to this condition.

If you regularly feel pain, tingling, numbness and decreased sensitivity of the hands, this may indicate such pathological processes:

  • chronic circulatory problems;
  • type 1 or type 2 diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • anemia in various forms;
  • ischemia and other pathologies of the heart muscle;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system, inherited;
  • deficiency of vitamins of groups B and A;
  • negative reaction of the body to alcohol abuse;
  • rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis;
  • disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • polyneuropathy.

Diagnosis of violation

With constant numbness of the right hand or left, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Patients may need the help of a general practitioner, cardiologist, or neurologist. The doctor will conduct a detailed examination and collect an anamnesis of the disease.

It is important to consider during the diagnosis:

  • numbness of both hands at night indicates problems with the work of the central or peripheral nervous system, the presence of intervertebral hernias, cervical osteochondrosis;
  • discomfort in the area of ​​the left hand may be a symptom of a violation in the work of the heart muscle;
  • if the left hand becomes numb not only at night, but also during the day, you need to urgently be examined by a cardiologist, as this may be a manifestation of a pre-infarction condition, stroke or microstroke;
  • numbness of only the right hand indicates problems with the cervical vertebrae, it can also be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome and an omen of a stroke.

To accurately identify problems in the spine and spinal cord, the patient may be recommended magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). You may also need to study the results of the ECG.

Additionally, a blood test and other laboratory tests are prescribed. A full range of diagnostic procedures will help to identify the true cause of numbness of the limbs and choose a method for its elimination.

Medical assistance

With numbness of the left and right hands, as well as both limbs at once, the patient can be prescribed local procedures. They are aimed at restoring the mobility of damaged tissues and stabilizing the position of blood vessels. With the help of therapy, you can relieve discomfort and prevent serious consequences.

The following treatment methods will help to do this:

  • Physiotherapy, which can be carried out using laser or ultrasound techniques. It stabilizes the blood supply and nutrition of damaged tissues. Electrophoresis can also be used, with its help, drugs can be delivered to the affected areas.
  • Manual therapy. This method of treatment helps to stop the inflammatory processes that lead to numbness of the hands at night, it is also aimed at eliminating vascular hypoxia.
  • Physiotherapy. One of the most effective methods of local treatment, which is aimed at strengthening muscle tissues, tendons and joints. With regular exercise, the blood supply to the upper limbs and lymph flow improve. After completing the course of therapy, patients are advised to lead an active lifestyle, this will help prevent recurrence of the disorder.

Traditional medicine against numbness

The piggy bank of folk wisdom also has tips for those who want to get rid of numbness in their hands. There are recipes for oral mixtures, medicinal baths and rubbing. Everyone can choose for themselves the most appropriate method to fix the problem.

Let's take a closer look at what will help improve the condition of the hands.

Summing up

Numbness in the upper extremities during sleep can be the result of improper selection of clothing, pillows, or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. However, there are more serious reasons for this condition.

Unpleasant sensations may indicate the development of complex diseases. If your hands go numb regularly, then you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. Timely medical assistance will prevent the development of complications.

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