How to give a baby a bitter pill. A few words about the procedure for giving the medicine. Big size tablet

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Unfortunately, there are situations when breastfeeding babies have to be given medication. And every mother immediately faces a problem - how to make her child swallow this medicine? Especially if the pills are prescribed. Understanding the "tricks" methods "how to feed a baby a pill" and remember the rules...

How to give a syrup or suspension to a newborn baby - instructions on how to pour medicine into a child correctly

To give a sick baby a suspension prescribed by a doctor, no special skill is needed. Don't worry and follow the simple path already beaten by moms :

  • Clarify medication dosage. In no case do we give a suspension "by eye".
  • Thoroughly shake the vial(bottle).
  • We measure the right dosage a measuring spoon (5 ml) specially designed for this case, a graduated pipette or a syringe (after sterilization).
  • If the child stubbornly resists, then swaddle him or ask dad to hold the baby(not to spin).
  • We put a bib on the child and prepare a napkin.

  • We hold the child as in feeding position, but slightly raise the head. When if the baby is already sitting - we put it on our knees and hold the baby so that he does not twitch and knock over the "dishes" with the suspension.
  • Measuring spoon. Carefully place the spoon on lower lip baby and wait for all the medicine to be gradually poured and swallowed. You can pour the dose in two doses if you are afraid that the child will choke.

  • pipette. We collect half the required dose in a pipette and carefully drip the crumbs into the mouth. We repeat the procedure with the 2nd part of the dose. The method will not work (dangerous) if the teeth of the crumbs have already erupted.
  • Syringe (without a needle, of course). We collect the desired dose in the syringe, put its end on lower part children's lips closer to the corner of the mouth, carefully pour the suspension into the mouth, with a slow pressure - so that the baby has time to swallow. The most convenient way, given the ability to adjust the rate of infusion of the drug. Make sure that the suspension does not flow directly into the throat, but along inside cheeks.

  • From empty. We collect the suspension in a measuring spoon, dip a dummy into it and let the baby lick it. We continue until all the medicine from the spoon is drunk.
  • From a filled pacifier. Some mothers use this method too. The pacifier is filled with suspension and given to the baby (as usual).

A few rules for taking the suspension:

  • If the syrup gives off bitterness, and the baby resists, pour the suspension closer to the root of the tongue. Taste buds are located in front of the tongue, and it will be easier to swallow the medicine.
  • Do not mix suspension with milk or water. If the baby does not finish drinking, then the required dose of medicine will not enter the body.
  • Does your little one already have teeth? Do not forget to clean them after taking the medicine.

How to give pills to a baby - instructions on how to give a pill or capsule to a baby

For babies today there are many medicinal suspensions, but some drugs still have to be given in tablets. How to do it?

  • We clarify the compatibility of the drug with other drugs and food that the baby receives.
  • We strictly follow the instructions of the doctor - we calculate the dosage with maximum scrupulousness, according to the recipe. If you need a quarter, break the tablet into 4 parts and take 1/4th. If you can’t break it evenly, you should crush the entire tablet and, dividing the powder into 4 parts, take as much as the doctor indicated.
  • The easiest way to crush a tablet is between two metal spoons.(we simply open the capsules and dissolve the granules in the liquid, in a clean spoon): we lower the tablet (or the desired part of the tablet) into the 1st spoon, put the 2nd spoon into it from above. Press firmly, crush to powder.

  • Dilute powder in liquid (a small amount of, about 5 ml) - in water, milk (if possible) or other liquid from the baby's diet.
  • We give the baby medicine in one of the above ways.. The most optimal - from a syringe.
  • Giving a pill from a bottle does not make sense. Firstly, the baby, feeling bitterness, can simply refuse the bottle. Secondly, for a hole in the bottle, the tablet will have to be ground almost into dust. And thirdly, giving from a syringe is much easier and more effective.
  • If it is possible to replace the tablets with a suspension or suppositories, replace them. Efficiency is not lower, but the baby (and mom) suffers less.
  • If the baby refuses to open his mouth, in no case scream or swear- this will discourage the child from drinking medicine for a very long time. for a long time. It is strongly not recommended to pinch the baby's nose so that his mouth opens - the child may choke! Gently squeeze the cheeks of the child with your fingers, and the mouth will open.
  • Be persistent, but without harshness and raising the voice.
  • Try to give the medicine during the game, to distract the baby.
  • Don't forget to praise your little one- what a strong and brave, and well done he is.
  • Do not pour a crushed tablet into a spoonful of puree. If the baby is bitter, then he will refuse mashed potatoes.

What can not drink / seize medicines?

  • Antibiotics should not be taken with milk(violated chemical structure pills, and the body simply does not absorb them).
  • Any tablets are not recommended to drink tea. It contains tannin, which reduces the effectiveness of many drugs, and caffeine, which leads to overexcitation when combined with sedatives.
  • Aspirin should not be taken with milk. The acid, mixing with the alkali of milk, forms a mixture of water and salt without aspirin. This medication will be useless.
  • Juices contain citrates, which reduce acidity gastric juice and partially neutralize the effect antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-ulcer and acid-reducing drugs. Citrus juice is forbidden to be taken with aspirin, cranberry and grapefruit - to be taken with most drugs.

The site site warns: all the information provided is for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Before using the medicine, be sure to consult your doctor!

There are several ways to give pills to babies or other forms of medicine:

  • tablet crushing;
  • medicine in a syringe;
  • pacifier and medicine;
  • suspensions and syrups;
  • candles;
  • tight swaddling when taking medication.

A few words about education

Doctor Komarovsky says:“From the moment of birth, try to build the right pedagogy. You will especially need it when the child gets sick, because if the parents decided to do something, and as a result of the mother’s cries, “no” turned into “yes”, then this does not mean that the mother is raising the child, but vice versa.

  • if the child at least once deviates from your decision, he will understand that it could be otherwise;
  • if you establish contact with the child from the cradle, then it will be easy for mom or dad to negotiate with him. He will easily open your mouth for acceptance. medicinal product.

Method number 1: tablet crushing

Read the instructions before crushing the tablet. Some drugs, such as the antibiotic Flemoxin, reduce their effectiveness when crushed.

A small child perceives better the world during the game. Set up a hospital at home. Seating Stuffed Toys, dolls and play as if they are all sick and need a magic pill, after taking which they will all be healed and run to play on.

Method number 2: medicine in a syringe

Nowadays, most children's syrups come with special syringes without a needle. In this form, the medicine for infants without sudden movements must be injected side surface cheeks.

It is better to give the medicine in small portions of 1 - 2 ml. Possible within 20 minutes. There is nothing wrong if you can not give everything at once.

If you give the whole volume at once, the child can just spit it out. And if a little bit - he will not be able to spit.

Method number 3: a pacifier with a secret

Most easy way to give medicine to an infant is to dip his favorite pacifier in liquid form drug and offer him a pacifier with a secret.

There are some nuances here. The baby can spit out the pacifier and no longer take it. Therefore, there is another option: dip first in medicine, and then in something sweet. For example, in honey (if there is no allergy).

Method number 4: tight swaddling and medication

Mom of 2 kids says: “The youngest daughter, being in infancy refused to take the medicine. We couldn't give it. Therefore, I took a diaper and swaddled it tightly so that it would not break out. Dad held it, and I poured a magic drug into my cheek from a syringe.

Of course, the method is not the best. It will come in handy in case nothing else helps.

The most delicious and pleasant dosage forms for children. Sweet taste gives its benefits. The child easily swallows the drug. But if the baby had allergic reactions, then it is better to refuse syrups. Replace with solutions or powders. They are usually sugar free.

Method number 6: candles

This formulation avoids oral intake. It is important to remember that if a child liquid stool, candles lose their effectiveness.

It is better to put candles on a child under 1.5 years old, since at an older age, children can specially strain and run to the potty. Or they take it out themselves.

Taking medication

Things to keep in mind while taking medication:

  • some tablets should not be mixed with food or drinks;
  • do not add medicine to fruit puree, soups. Feeling the bitter taste, the child will simply refuse to eat them in the future;
  • antibiotics should not be mixed with milk. This reduces their effectiveness;
  • It is better to buy antibiotics in liquid forms. When crushing their tablet forms, the effectiveness of the drug decreases;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs should not be given with juice, which neutralizes their effect.

newborn and medicine

In the first month of a baby's life, it is necessary to use medicines very carefully. It is better to drip them with a pipette, slightly moving the lower lip.

When a child is sick in a family, it is always an experience for parents. Consult your pediatrician before giving medicine. Read the instructions carefully. And to the question of how to give the medicine, you may have already found the answer in our article.

The site "I am Your Baby" warns: the information is given for information only, and is not a medical recommendation. Before using the medicine, be sure to consult your doctor!

When young children are sick, one of the major problems in their care is medication. Toddlers still do not know how to swallow pills, in addition, the medicines themselves can be bitter or simply unpleasant for the child to taste. What if you need to give medicine to a child who is not yet able to understand why he should drink "this muck"? There are special ways and "tricks", knowing which, parents can easily give the child a syrup or pill.

How to give your baby medicine in the form of a syrup or suspension

A syrup or suspension is one of the most “gentle” medicine options for a child. Very often, children's preparations in such a dosage form have flavoring additives and most babies are tolerated calmly. When prescribing a medicine in the form of a syrup or suspension, the following rules should be used:

  • Find out what dosage is needed. Since the medicine is in liquid form, we will talk about milliliters. For many drugs of this kind, there are measuring spoons or syringes in the kit, but if they are not there, you need to use a regular syringe without a needle. It is not worth measuring the volume of the medicine “by eye”: this is fraught with the fact that you can “underdose” or exceed the dosage;
  • Shake the vial before giving the medicine. This mainly applies to suspensions, because they are not homogeneous in structure and at rest “separate” into medicinal powder (falls into sediment) and water. Thereafter right amount we collect medicines in a syringe or spoon;
  • It is better to fix the child: the baby can be swaddled and held, as when feeding, slightly raising his head, and the older baby can be seated on the lap of one of the adults and asked to be held by an adult. So that the baby does not get dirty, you can tie a napkin for him.
  • The case is small - the baby must drink the medicine:
    • From a spoon: with a spoon, you need to slightly bend the bottom lip of the baby and, after waiting for the child to open his mouth, pour the contents into it. This can happen all at once or in multiple steps. It is impossible to completely put a spoonful of medicine into the baby’s mouth: this can injure the oral mucosa and cause a violent protest in the child;
    • From a pipette: this is a "baby" way for children up to six months. The medicine is drawn into a pipette and dripped into the baby's mouth in several visits. Children who already have teeth can accidentally chew on a glass pipette (for example, if their jaws are closed in a fit of resistance), so this method is not suitable for them;
    • From a syringe: either a medical syringe without a needle or a syringe that came with the medicine will do. The syringe should be inserted closer to the corner of the mouth, with emphasis on the lower lip. Inject the medicine slowly so that the baby has time to swallow. You can not pour syrup or suspension directly into the throat: the medicine should, as it were, flow down the inside of the cheek;
    • With a pacifier: either the pacifier is dipped in medicine and given to the baby, or it is filled with medicine (you can make a hole in the nipple and insert a pipette with medicine there. See picture below). In the first case, dip the pacifier and let the child lick it until all the required amount of medicine has been taken.

Clickable pictures:

What else do parents need to know?

  1. A bitter medicine (for example, an antibiotic in the form of a suspension) is best poured closer to the root of the tongue. Firstly, there are fewer taste buds and the child will feel bitterness to a lesser extent, and secondly, irritation of the root of the tongue causes swallowing reflex, and even if the baby rebels, he will swallow the drug reflexively.
  2. It is better not to dilute the medicine with water, milk, juice or fruit drink to improve its taste. It is much more difficult for a child to drink a large volume of liquid, especially if the taste of the drink is added bad taste medicines. As a result, the body will not receive the desired dose of the drug.
  3. Some medicines can affect tooth enamel and leave bad taste in the mouth , so after taking the syrup or suspension, you need to brush your baby's teeth or wipe the gums with a napkin ().

How to give your child tablets or capsules

Most medicines given to children have a convenient dosage form syrup or suspension, but sometimes you have to treat the child with tablets or capsules. It is more difficult, but if everything is done according to the rules, it is quite doable.

  1. Specify that the medicine is really allowed for the child by age, and is also compatible with his diet and other medicines.
  2. Calculate how much of the tablet you will need to give your child. The instructions always indicate how many mg active substance contains one tablet or capsule, so follow your doctor's instructions to determine whether you need to divide the tablet into 2 or 4 parts, or give the whole. In case you need to divide, you can cut the tablet with a knife and take the desired part, or grind it into powder and divide it into parts already. By the way, it is most convenient to grind tablets into powder between two spoons: we put a tablet in one, and put the other spoon into the first directly on the tablet and rub it gently. With pills, everything is simpler: you need to open it and pour out the contents.
  3. We dilute the required volume of powder with liquid and give it in any of the ways that a suspension can be given. To dilute the powder, you need to use the liquid that is indicated in the instructions. Most often it is water or milk (if possible).

How to give a baby a bitter pill? Here is what moms write on the forums:

Julius Mamius: I dilute it on a spoon with some water and deep into the neck and immediately tity in a different way.

KiraPlastinina: we injected with a syringe from nurofen, it's disgusting, the poor thing frowns ... but what to do.

Elena Eliseeva: Yes, I agree, it is very convenient to inject any medicine with a syringe. Bitter is better to pour not on the tongue, but on the cheek. So less bitterness remains in the mouth, I tried it on myself.

Chamomile: we swaddled tightly, drew the medicine into the nurofen syringe, held our cheeks so that the child could not snort, spit, pour. The syringe was wound up behind the cheek, away - not into the throat, but between the cheek and the gum. There was no gag reflex - I had to swallow.

FrosinaMom: I give the baby this way: I dilute any medicine in a tablespoon with my milk (it’s important to suck it into a syringe from panadol, etc.), if there are no helpers, swaddle it, unclench your jaws (press on your cheekbones), pour it in, hold your nose and! immediately! chest or bottle (what do you have there?). Fails to wake up

Maria 0808: We were prescribed diacarb, I crushed it into powder, the necessary part on the nipple / finger and in the child's mouth, as if smearing it on the cheeks with the tongue, frowned but licked it off.

How to drink medicine correctly

To “knock down” the unpleasant aftertaste from the medicine, the parents give the child a drink immediately after it. This must be done taking into account the compatibility of drugs with certain drinks.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Antibiotics should not be taken with milk: milk disrupts the structure medicinal substance and it is almost not absorbed by the body;
  • It is impossible to drink medicines with tea because of the tannin and caffeine contained in it. tannin reduces the effectiveness of many drugs, and caffeine is not compatible with sedatives, since it gives the opposite, stimulating effect;
  • Aspirin is not washed down with milk, since milk, like alkali, completely neutralizes it;
  • Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and sedatives you can not drink juices, because the citrates contained in them neutralize the effect of these drugs. In particular, aspirin should not be taken with citrus juices, and grapefruit and cranberry juice almost incompatible with any drugs.

The health of the baby is the most precious thing, although the children themselves do not like to be treated. Correct Reception medicines in the form of tablets or suspensions will relieve the whole family of stress and help keep the child calm attitude for various medical procedures. Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Without exception, all parents of children of the first year of life sooner or later face the need to give their child medicine. It could be vitamin complex, antipyretic mixture, antibiotic and much more. This requires a certain ingenuity - after all, the baby will not swallow a bitter pill with understanding, washing it down with water from a glass. But even more than ingenuity, parents will need attention and caution: it is extremely important to give medicine in right time and in correct dose, taking into account possible interactions with other drugs and side effects. Failure to follow the simplest rules, which we will try to formulate below, can lead to the fact that the medicine will not have the desired effect or even be harmful.

Larisa Chapelnikova
Pediatrician the highest category, children's City Polyclinic No. 13 at the hospital. N. F. Filatova

So the first rule is:

Medicine to an infant must be prescribed by a doctor.

This is a simple, obvious, but, alas, not always fulfilled condition. It is useful to remember that there are no "harmless" medicines. For example, vitamin preparations if used incorrectly, can cause serious problems(for example, an overdose of vitamin D, used to prevent rickets, is worse than rickets itself). And antipyretics are not used at any temperature rise, and not all antipyretics (even those that are available in children's forms) are recommended to be given to children today. And so on. Many drugs can cause allergic reactions, often the benefits of their use are less than the harm from a variety of side effects. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe a medicine for your baby, taking into account his individual features and contemporary ideas about the advisability of prescribing a particular drug.

Rule Two

Always read the text on the label.

No matter how many times you give your child the same medicine, a careful look at the etiquette remains a must. Having bought a medicine at a pharmacy, do not be lazy, check the integrity of the package, the expiration date, read what it should be appearance medicine, and if you have the slightest doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for clarification.

In general, before giving medicine to your child, it is useful to clarify a few questions for yourself:

  • What is this medicine and what is it used for?
  • Does it work with other medications the child is taking?
  • How often and for how long should the medicine be given to the child?
  • What happens if the drug is dosed incorrectly?
  • What do they consist of side effects And how soon do they develop?

Ask questions until you understand all the information on the label.

Rule Three

Be especially careful when choosing the correct dose.

The safety of any drug is ensured correct dosage and temporary s m interval between doses. For young children, drugs are available in special forms that are convenient for dosage and use. Usually these are drops, syrups, suspensions. In order to give the baby a liquid medicine, you can use special measuring plastic stacks, a syringe without a needle, a drip dispenser, measuring spoons.

Please do not use cutlery - a tea (dessert, tablespoon) spoon is not designed to accurately measure the milliliters of the drug you need. And further. Always use the measuring device that comes with this drug, and not the one that is “lying around” in your first aid kit. Sometimes suppositories (they are inserted into the rectum) or mini-enemas are used to give the drug. This form is convenient, for example, if heat the infant is accompanied by vomiting, and the medicine given orally does not seem to work. This method also has its drawbacks: with diarrhea or, on the contrary, accumulation stool in the rectum, the absorption of the drug is impaired. Besides than older child, the more emotionally he relates to this procedure.

A few words about giving the medicine itself

2. Play with your baby before you give him medicine. In the game, you can take the position that seems most convenient to you.

3. Do not make any preparations in front of the child, do not tell him what you are going to do in advance.

4. When the baby has to take medicine, he may be unhappy and angry with you. Remain calm and friendly, try to occupy his attention with something else.

Drip dispenser. This safe and convenient device is especially suitable for children who are not yet able to drink from a cup. It is desirable that it be approximately at the level of your eyes, so that you can accurately count the number of drops.
Measuring spoons and cylindrical measuring spoons. They are good for giving medicine to children who already know how to drink from a cup, but can spill the medicine. Cylindrical spoons make it possible to accurately determine the amount of the drug, calculated based on the weight of the child
Measured feet. Suitable for children who can hold a cup in their hands and drink from it without spilling. Carefully check whether you measured the amount of the drug - put the stack on a flat surface and check the mark on its wall.
Candles. Candles are often recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. Before using the candle, take it out of the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature. Then open the package (hands must be clean), put the candle on a clean plate or napkin (do not take the child, and then frantically try to remove the candle from the package). The child should be put on the left side, with one hand press his knees to the tummy, and with the other gently part the buttocks and insert the candle into anus(It is more convenient to carry out this procedure with two adults - one holds the child, and the second is entirely occupied with the introduction of a candle). The candle should completely "hide" in anus, however, you do not need to push the candle as far as possible with your finger. The introduction of the drug using an enema is carried out in a similar way.
Tablets. Grind the dose prescribed by the doctor between two spoons, stir in breast milk or milk mixture (if not, then simply in boiled water) and offer the medicine to the child already in this form. At the same time, it is necessary to distract the baby by saying something soothing and, as if by chance, touching the forehead and back of the head, and then quickly squeeze the cheeks slightly with your fingers - the mouth will open and you can direct the medicine directly to its destination. The mistake of some young mothers and fathers is "rationalization": for example, the desire to pinch a child's nose - supposedly then he willy-nilly open his mouth, where you can put a spoonful of medicine. Never do this! With such a peculiar approach, the child can easily choke. By the way, it is better not to use a baby spoon to give medicine, with which you usually feed your child. The child can fix in his memory all the negative and negative emotions associated with forcibly stuffing it with the medicine into his mouth, and will begin to refuse to feed already "normal" cereals or mashed potatoes. If the doctor has prescribed a very small dose (for example, half a tablet), you can do the following: draw exactly 5 milliliters into the syringe boiled water, release into a cup, then crush the whole tablet and dissolve it there, and then draw only 1 milliliter of solution into the syringe from the cup. Now the dosage is exactly observed! All that remains is to pour 1 ml from the syringe into a spoon and give the medicine to the child.

Every parent faces one such huge problem: how to give a pill to a child so that he does not spit it out? Special attention should be given to how to properly give pills for infants and children under three years of age.

How to give a pill to a child correctly?

Every parent faces the challenge of giving a child between 0 months and 5 years of age a cough or vomiting pill, or an antibiotic.

Therefore, drugs such as ambroxol, ampicillin, paracetamol cause a lot of indignation when taken by the child, but you need to give the medicine. What to do? We will tell below.

Before, we will consider all the subtleties of how to give medicine to a child in different ages, we will tell first general instruction how to give medicine to babies.

Indeed, for example, mukaltin must be dissolved in 1/3 cup warm water and give to the baby. If desired, syrup can be added to the mixture.

Basic rules for giving a baby a pill

First rule is to study the instructions for compatibility with food products, since there is Great chance that the baby will need to be given the drug by force. Especially if the baby needs to drink a bitter pill or suspension.

Second rule - never mix "nasty" medicine with everyday food. This method can lead to the fact that the baby refuses one of his dishes. After all, he will remember that after eating, he left an aftertaste with a disgusting aftertaste.

Third rule - one dose at a time. Dosage has importance in the course of treatment. And when you give your baby medicine, it is imperative that you do everything in one go. After all, he will not drink the second portion, and even more so the third. This method is also used to ensure that he does not spit out the proposed medicine. So to speak, to apply the moment of surprise.

Fourth Rule - take care of the aftertaste. As soon as the baby has drunk the required dose of medicine, it should be washed down, or something tasty to eat.

By following these rules, you will not have problems with taking medications.

What to do if your child refuses to drink medicine and actively resists?

Fortunately, modern pharmacology is making progress in the manufacture and production of medicines for children, most of, which is made in the form of syrups and suspensions.

In these types of drugs for better reception children have added aromatic components that cover the bitter and unpleasant taste. There are also medicines only in the form of tablets, and we will tell you how to give a tablet to a child.

Big size tablet

In this case, the baby is unable to swallow it. And in order not to vomit, the tablet must be ground into powder and mixed with water or any other liquid. After that, with the help of a syringe, the medicine must be carefully given to the baby.

In order to minimize the bitterness of the drug, it is best to infuse it as close to the tongue root as possible. Firstly, it will reduce bitterness, and secondly, the swallowing reflex will work.

We agree

This method, of course, is not particularly clear to the monthly and one year old baby, but here little man under the age of 5, will be very helpful. Although, as psychologists note, the baby, who is only 1 year old, also needs to be told that he needs to eat a pill, since the tummy will stop hurting from it, etc.

What to do if he spits out a pill and does not want to take the medicine anymore? Then the baby needs to be stimulated.

Come up with a very funny game where there is a miracle pill or mixture that tastes very nasty, but has magical properties or something like that. In most cases, this option works with a bang.

Plan A and B didn't work

Don't despair, all bad things come to an end. And you just need to survive the whims of the child. And you can give a pill by resorting to tricks or deceit, buy special glaze capsules in pharmacies, into which a pill is inserted and then successfully swallowed by a child. But this method effective for older children.

But a year old or worse month old baby, the tablet can be mixed with something sweet in a spoon. For this, honey, jam and other delicacies that can be given to the baby are suitable.

As they say, the main thing is to approach everything responsibly and with creativity, there is no need to get upset and nervous. A little patience and skill, and your child will receive the necessary dose of even the most bitter medicine.

Dr. Komarovsky on how to give a pill

We also bring to your attention the opinion of a well-known pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky.

If the child cannot swallow the suspension because it is thick, it can be diluted with water. room temperature maybe even juices.
When to give little child something liquid, it is convenient to use syringes for these purposes. To make it convenient to pour, it is necessary to pour not directly, but on the side surface of the cheek, limit the volume, use special nipple dispensers.
Nature is so conceived that in critical situations, smart and experienced adults dictate and impose their will on unreasonable children. Therefore, intra-family democracy should begin with the fact that the words “no” and “should” should be spoken very rarely, but if they are pronounced, then they must be implemented. Children very quickly understand that no matter how they refuse, everything will still be, as their parents said, and it’s easier to endure.
Children really do not like being commanded. You need to be smart, play democracy, use words such as: “tell me what you would like to drink the medicine with”, “in what form would you like the medicine”, “with what taste would you like drops”. That is main question should not be discussed here.

And in this video, the doctor will tell you what to do if the baby categorically refuses to take the medicine.

A few more tips on how to give medicine:

  • measure the exact volume in milliliters, not a teaspoon, a tablespoon;
  • because maximum amount taste buds are located on the tongue,it is desirable that the tasteless medicine does not get on the tongue;
  • if the medicine bad smell- pinch your nose;
  • give frozen juice to suck - it will turn off the taste buds and it will be possible to give medicine.

Of course, it is best that the drugs are not needed in principle for your child.

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