What is under the breast on the left side. Rib pain: six possible causes. The rib on the left side hurts when pressed

If it hurts under the left breast, such a symptom may indicate a serious illness. Pain under the left breast is not a clear symptom of any one disease. It is a symptom of many pathological diseases. As a rule, pain under the left breast is associated with heart problems, but this is not always the case.

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    What pathologies can the manifestation of a symptom indicate?

    Many women have a question why there is pain on the left under the breast. This is a really serious question, because pain can indicate diseases such as heart disease, respiratory pathology and problems with the vascular system.

    These diseases are diagnosed according to the symptoms under consideration very often. There are other diseases, which makes you aware of the pain sensation on the left under the breast in a woman. Sometimes colic in the sternum is a direct witness to diseases of the digestive system, but, as a rule, with this disease, this symptom is not one of many possible ones.

    It cannot be ruled out that a woman's tingling under the left sternum indicates that there are problems with the left mammary gland. They can occur during hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also indicate various injuries and even oncology.

    Causes of pain

    Most often, tingling on the left under the breast occurs due to problems with the cardiovascular system and mainly in women after 50 years. This type of tingling can indicate a variety of diseases, for example:

    1. 1. Myocardial infarction. With this disease, the risk of death is very high, so early diagnosis is simply necessary.
    2. 2. Angina.
    3. 3. Pericarditis.

    As mentioned earlier, these discomforts may indicate the appearance of the following diseases in the organs of the respiratory system:

    • pneumonia;
    • severe cough due to bronchitis;
    • left pleurisy.

    In addition, such a symptom may be due to diseases such as:

    • a heart attack that develops against the background of embolism or thrombosis of the splenic artery;
    • rupture and various injuries of the spleen;
    • cyst on the spleen;
    • significant enlargement of the spleen;
    • torsion of the peduncle of the spleen.

    Tingling under the left breast can be one of the signs of disruption of the nervous system, for example, VCD, etc. Pain directly in the left mammary gland can be a sign of a wide variety of pathological changes of an endocrine, gynecological and even oncological nature, so a trip to the doctor should not be postponed.

    General symptoms

    Based on one such symptom, it is difficult to understand what kind of disease can cause this symptom. Doctors have a hard time diagnosing the disease, because pain can be located in various areas and have a different character.

    To determine the disease, it is required to take into account the totality of all symptoms and identify the nature of the pain. Doctors distinguish the following types of pain:

    1. 1. Peritoneal, somatic. As a rule, the pains are very sharp, sharp, become stronger with movement, and the patient can clearly point to the place where he experiences discomfort.
    2. 2. Visceral. They are aching, dull or spasmodic, radiating to the left side.
    3. 3. Superficial occur when the nerves are pinched or chilled.
    4. 4. Reflected, or radiating. They indicate pneumonia or osteochondrosis. These sensations are aching and represent a shooting character.

    If there is severe pain under the left breast, various disorders of the nerve endings due to pleurisy, left-sided pneumonia and angina pectoris can be the cause of its appearance.

    The most dangerous condition is the one in which the left sternum and arm begin to hurt, along with this, the sensations begin to spread throughout the body and are given to the back, under the shoulder blade. This is one of the most important symptoms of myocardial infarction, which requires immediate hospitalization. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to avoid death.

    But there may be aching pain under the left breast. The most varied localization of aching sensations often indicates the presence of some kind of slowly developing inflammation in the body. If it begins to be accompanied by vomiting and constant nausea, the appearance of a stomach ulcer cannot be ruled out.

    If such discomfort occurs during sports, physical activity, and stress, they are a symptom of diseases associated with the heart. If pain occurs under the left breast, you should immediately contact a specialist for medical assistance and ascertainment of the disease.

    If there is a tingling pain in the left chest, then more often this is not associated with dangerous diseases, and is a frequent symptom of the manifestation of ordinary neuralgia, which a knowledgeable specialist will help get rid of. Sometimes patients complain that they have colitis in the left breast and confuse neuralgia with injuries in the chest, so you should consult a doctor to determine the exact cause.

    The problem with women and girls

    The mammary glands can start signals about diseases for a variety of reasons, regardless of the age of the fair sex. At a young age, this kind of discomfort is often encountered on the eve of menstruation, during pregnancy in girls of reproductive age, and also before the onset of menopause in old age due to hormonal imbalance.

    You should know that if you experience such sensations, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    This will allow you to find out in a timely manner that diseases such as mastitis and breast cancer are not the cause.

    You should not worry about the appearance of this pain in girls who are expecting the birth of a child, because this symptom is typical for pregnant women, because the mammary glands react in this way to the production of colostrum. Nursing mothers should not worry either, because the rush of milk can cause tingling in the chest. But if the girl does not stop pain for a long time, and they continue to be felt exclusively in one direction, then it is worth sounding the alarm, because this is a clear sign of the development of some kind of pathology.

When a person has chest pain on the left, he usually takes this symptom more seriously than right-sided pain. This is due to the fact that it is generally accepted that the heart is located on the left side. This encourages people to worry about their lives and see a doctor sooner.

The left-sided location of the heart is a delusion. In fact, this vital organ is located almost in the center between the lungs and exits to the left with only one ventricle. However, pain on the left is indeed most often triggered by heart problems.

Causes depending on the nature of the pain

Sharp stabbing pain


The pericardium performs the functions of fixing the size and position of the heart, stable filling it with blood. The disease is characterized by inflammation in the pericardial sac - the pericardium. It occurs due to the presence in the body of infection, autoimmune processes. The symptoms of this pathology are similar to a heart attack. However, there is a distinctive feature: when a person lies down, the pain intensifies, and when he gets up, on the contrary, it weakens.


There are no nerve endings in the lungs themselves, so the body reacts with pain to pathological inflammation that affects their membrane - the pleura. When you inhale, the pain sensations increase, and when you hold your breath, they, on the contrary, weaken.

Pneumothorax is characterized by damage to the integrity of the pleura and branches of the bronchus due to penetrating or closed trauma to the chest. Air enters the lining of the lung. In this case, a person experiences severe pain, respiratory failure, weakness and dizziness.

cutting pain


The esophagus becomes inflamed when there is an outflow of stomach acid into its cavity. Often this process is characterized by pain on the left side of the chest, which has a cutting character. The patient has a sour taste in the mouth and it is difficult for him to swallow. Gastrointestinal reflux can provoke diseases such as diabetes, hyperacidity, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, overeating often contributes to this - at a time when the holidays are massively celebrated with plentiful feasts, doctors record an increase in cases of inflammation of the esophagus.

Pulmonary embolism

This diagnosis is said if a blood clot has formed in the pulmonary artery. Patients complain of pain on the left side of the chest, increased respiration, and a sharp lack of oxygen. The chest pain gets worse if the person takes a deep breath. At risk are smokers, fans of frequent air travel and long car trips.


It is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs in the lungs due to various infections. Pain occurs when the lining of the lung, where the nerve endings are located, is damaged. Due to the fact that the interlacing of nerve fibers is concentrated in the sternum, the pain radiates to one of its two halves, while being localized above and below the nipple. The pain is exacerbated when the person coughs and breathes heavily.

acute pain

aortic aneurysm

A symptom of this disease is a feeling of severe pain. Patients characterize it as tearing. Localized pain in the left side of the chest. Symptoms of an aortic aneurysm are shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, and numbness of the extremities. The tongue seems to become cottony. A person can lose consciousness, he is threatened with partial paralysis.

There is a risk of death due to rupture of the aorta and subsequent internal hemorrhage, so if characteristic pain appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

stomach ulcer

An ulcer occurs as a complication of chronic gastritis. It can also be provoked by certain medications if the scheme of their administration is incorrectly prescribed. In this case, peptic ulcer attacks a person very rapidly. An ulcer is manifested by the release of blood with saliva, severe pain in the chest, often its symptoms are confused with cholecystitis. Therefore, the diagnosis in this case is often difficult and there is a need for fibrogastroscopy.


The pleura (the lining of the lungs) becomes inflamed during other infectious processes occurring in the body. In this disease, a special substance is released that irritates the nerve endings. The pain gets worse with every breath.

Mitral valve prolapse

In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic. Then the person notes the manifestation of sudden pain attacks, not related to physical activity. He has frequent bouts of dizziness, difficulty breathing, lethargy and weakness appear. Prolapse can provoke complications that bring down the heart rhythm. This condition is extremely life-threatening.

It's a dull pain


Inflammation of the myocardium manifests itself as aching, squeezing pain. With this disease, the rhythm of its contraction is disturbed, breathing becomes difficult, the patient feels weak. If the disease is not treated, it can be aggravated by the appearance of pathological changes in the myocardial muscle - cardiomyopathy.

Giving into the hand

Ischemic heart disease, heart attack

If for a long time there are chest pains that radiate to the left arm, one should be wary of myocardial infarction. This is a very common occurrence these days. This is facilitated by bad habits, constant stress, poor ecology, and poor-quality nutrition. This is a test even for a young organism, not to mention older patients.

Ischemic disease is a precursor to a heart attack. It manifests itself when cholesterol is deposited in excess on the walls of the arteries. This interferes with normal blood flow and atherosclerosis occurs. Over time, this can lead to atrophy of the heart muscle.

The state of blood flow also worsens in the case of thrombosis and vasospasm.

angina pectoris

In this case, the symptoms that occur with myocardial infarction are characteristic. Angina pectoris appears after strong nervous experiences or overwork. Her attacks are short, often no longer than 5-7 minutes. It occurs due to a decrease in cardiac blood supply, due to which the heart experiences a lack of oxygen. If an angina attack lasts more than five minutes, it may be a harbinger of a heart attack. You should definitely call an ambulance.

The body can also react to the transferred stress with a manifestation of cardioneurosis. In this case, there is hypertension, redness in the face, irritability, weakness and severe incessant pain under the left breast.

Rib pain is commonly referred to as discomfort that occurs in the chest wall rather than inside it. In this case, the source of discomfort is bone or cartilage tissue, adjacent muscles or nerves. Pain in the ribs can be of a different nature: it can be constant or periodic, sudden or increasing, acute or dull. Doctors explain this diversity with a large number of root causes.

Pain in the ribs when pressed

Sometimes in the cartilage that is attached to the sternum, an inflammatory process can occur - Tietze's syndrome. Pain in the ribs when pressed in this case can be quite intense and resemble the symptoms of angina pectoris. In addition, seizures can occur spontaneously, without external influence. Localization of pain sensations can be very diverse.

Tietze's disease is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • swelling in the area of ​​​​inflamed costal cartilage;
  • when pressing or squeezing the sternum, the discomfort becomes stronger;
  • the first attack may develop against the background of an injury.

In any case, if discomfort in the ribs bothers you for more than three days, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. But before you go to the appointment, you can go through self-diagnosis on our website. It contains a simple test, by answering the questions of which you can get a preliminary diagnosis and understand which specialist you need to make an appointment with.

Often, discomfort is provoked by injuries or pathologies in the thoracic spine. The most common causes of rib pain include:

Pain in the ribs, as one of the signs of neuralgia, can change its character: increase when air is inhaled and when it is exhaled, change from body position or movements. Malignant bone tissue is also accompanied by discomfort in the chest area. There are several types of osteosarcoma. This oncological disease is characterized by rapid progression and a tendency to metastasize early. It affects people of different age groups equally. Rib pain is also a typical symptom of pleurisy. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects the membrane in which the lungs are located. Pain in the ribs in this case is dull in nature. In addition, this disease is accompanied by a pronounced limitation of the mobility of the sternum.

Bone injury

Fractures and cracks occur as a result of falls and impacts. In 15% of all cases of such injuries, it is the ribs that are affected. Usually they grow together without serious intervention and do not require immobilization.

  • conditionally the most "harmless" - a crack or a break;
  • violation of the integrity of the rib with an intact periosteum;
  • a complete fracture - in itself does not pose a serious threat, but the debris can injure nearby internal organs.

Specialist interventions require particularly complex fractures, which are called comminuted - the most severe type of injury. They are accompanied by quite severe pain in the ribs when pressed or deep breath. Against this background, a state of shock and various complications can occur. In addition, you should immediately contact a specialist so that he confirms or refutes the absence of lung damage.


Pain in the ribs is just one of the symptoms of pathology. In order to get rid of it, you need to seek help from a traumatologist, neurologist or therapist. Next, you will need to undergo an examination and eliminate the disease itself. You may be prescribed one or more of the following diagnostic tests:

Basic methods for diagnosing pain in the ribs
Diagnostic technique Time Accuracy
ECG 30 minutes 50-80%
General blood analysis 10 minutes 80-95%
echocardiography 30 minutes 40-60%
Chest x-ray 10 minutes 50-60%

The cost of the examination is in the range from 500 to 4000 rubles. After the examination, a course of therapy is prescribed.

Which specialist to contact?

If you are experiencing pain in the ribs, then you should consult a doctor in the next specialty.

Pain under the left breast should never be ignored. Because, regardless of its nature, it can be the first and serious sign that warns of the appearance of cardiological, pulmonary or gastrointestinal problems. As well as an alarming symptom of oncological neoplasms in the chest or in other vital internal organs. Therefore, if you find yourself experiencing painful symptoms or discomfort under the breast on the left side, you need to hurry for a consultation with your doctor or a qualified medical specialist.

Cause and effect

Pain under the left breast disturbs women for a number of reasons. Only an experienced diagnostician can deal with them, which should be contacted when they appear. Pain in this area is caused by the following ailments:

Pain under the left breast may appear in the fair sex in late pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus with a developing embryo begins to compress the internal female organs and they are displaced. In any case, dealing with the causes of pain, as well as doing everything to eliminate it, without an experienced diagnostician will not work.

Signs and symptoms

The intensity of pain that occurs in this area can be very different - from intolerant, shooting to aching and pressing.

Pain under the left breast is usually divided into the following types:

  • somatic peritoneal - characterized by periodic increasing pain, may signal a rupture or perforation of internal organs;
  • visceral - spastic or aching, speaks of problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • superficial - appearing when the skin, muscles or intercostal nerve endings of the patient are damaged;
  • irradiating - most often shooting, less often - aching pain, characteristic of pneumonia or osteochondrosis.

Unbearable, long-lasting pain, not relieved by analgesic and antispasmodic medications, may indicate a rupture of the spleen or kidney pelvis, perforation of the stomach wall, or perforation of the loops of the small intestine. The same applies to acute, aggravated with a sigh, soreness - it also indicates that the internal organs are affected and need urgent medical attention.

Constant, pressing pain in the left side indicates the presence of cardiac problems, dull - about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and if it is not relieved by heart drugs, it may indicate the development of a heart attack.

The appearance of any discomfort on the left side of the chest requires a consultation and examination by a doctor.

Types of pain

Modern diagnosticians distinguish the following types of pain in the area under the left breast, which indicate completely different causes:

  • aching;
  • sharp;
  • strong;
  • dull;
  • stabbing;
  • burning.

Aching pains in the chest on the left side, in most cases, indicate an inflammatory process in the internal organs located in this area. Vomiting that has joined may indicate gastritis or stomach ulcers. If the pain is shingles, then pancreatic pathology can be suspected. And if it appears after physical exertion, this may indicate cardiac diseases. An examination in this case is necessary, because you need to figure out the cause.

Sharp pains are a dangerous signal that indicates the development of dangerous diseases - spasm of the coronary arteries, acute myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm, perforated ulcer, and so on. Therefore, their appearance requires an immediate call to the ambulance.

Severe pain radiating to the rib indicates that the nerve endings on the left are irritated. This happens with exacerbation of angina pectoris, intercostal neuralgia or pulmonary diseases - pneumonia or pleurisy.

Dull pain is caused by oncological processes in women in the mammary gland. And, worst of all, this speaks of their second or third stage, since the first has no clinical manifestations. But you should not be afraid, dull aching pains appear under the chest after exorbitant physical exertion, nervous strain or banal fatigue. But you will definitely need to visit a doctor.

Stitching pain speaks of neuralgia and other ailments associated with osteochondrosis. A burning pain on the left indicates the development of myocardial infarction or malignant neoplasms in the lungs. Such pain also requires immediate hospitalization.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Since pain in the area under the left breast indicates a variety of ailments, an extensive diagnosis of the body is required, including:

  • Collection of anamnesis.
  • Palpation examination.
  • Chest x-ray.
  • Electrocardiography and Echocardiography.
  • Computed tomography and Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Laboratory tests.

As for treatment, first of all, all life-threatening ailments are excluded, then a mandatory examination, diagnosis is carried out, and based on the identified reasons, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, causing a similar unpleasant symptom.

In the treatment of pain and its acute manifestation, it may involve the following necessary actions:

  • Middle-aged people, and especially over forty years of age, with acute chest pain should be urgently admitted to the hospital to avoid the risk of complications in the future.
  • It is undesirable to self-medicate and, of course, it is contraindicated to take strong analgesics, especially if you suspect acute pain in the stomach and intestines in general, since such drugs stop the pain and can further distort the overall clinical symptoms.
  • Intensive medications are allowed for heart problems, injuries or lung disease. The first and necessary help in the treatment of pain under the left breast in cardiopathology is the need to take nitroglycerin or validol. Provide the patient with peace and quiet and monitor the subsequent nature of the pain.

To prevent the appearance of pain under the left breast can be attributed a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, diet, correct diagnosis and regular and timely preventive examination by the attending physician. It is these preventive measures that will reduce the likelihood of developing dangerous diseases that signal their methodical development with pain under the left breast.

Pain in this area can be caused not only by an “unfortunate turn”, “uncomfortable posture” or, as some like to say: “it blew ...”, but such a symptom can signal diseases, many of which are very dangerous and can be fatal . You can determine the cause of the discomfort by localizing the pain, so in this article we will consider in detail the question of why the rib can hurt on the right or on the left side, in the lower or upper part, when pressed, in motion and at rest.

Pain on the right or left when pressed

Tietze syndrome

A rare pathology, which is characterized by the development of an aseptic inflammatory process of the right or left costal cartilages (one or more) in the area of ​​​​their connection with the sternum. The main indicator is local pain, which increases with pressure on the affected area and with a deep breath. Patients note acute or increasing pain over time, felt most of all at the top of the chest. As a rule, localization is observed on one side, and there is a return to the shoulder and forearm. It happens that the pain is short-term, but, basically, it is permanent and long-lasting and can torment a person for many years. The disease is also characterized by alternating remission and acute stage.


This is a lesion of soft tissues outside the joints with characteristic pain in the muscles and bones of the skeleton. In addition to pain, local places (points) appear on the body, which are hypersensitive to pressure, probing.

The main symptom is pain in the bones and muscles, which spreads to different parts of the body on both sides, below and above the waist and in the spinal column.

Often there is stiffness of the body after waking up, swelling of the arms and legs, increased muscle fatigue, as well as numbness and tingling. Signs can progress during a period of change in weather conditions, fatigue, stress.

With this disease, the patient pays attention to various emotional disorders, which can manifest themselves both in a slight decrease in mood, and in anxious or even pronounced depressive states.

    Patients also experience conditions such as:
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irritable bowel and bladder syndrome;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • articular hypermobility syndrome;
  • functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint, etc.
  • Osteosarcoma of the ribs

    This is a malignant neoplasm originating from the bone tissue. The tumor is rapidly spreading, which leads to the formation of metastases even in the early stages of the disease.

      The main signs of the development of osteogenic sarcoma of the ribs are:
  • weak pain in the sternum, which is sometimes accompanied by fever;
  • slight pain during inhalation / exhalation;
  • some swelling in the chest area;
  • the appearance of fat on the skin in the chest area, the manifestation of subcutaneous vessels;
  • some restriction of costal mobility during breathing.
  • At the very beginning of the development of osteosarcoma, the symptoms are mild, however, in a short time, its progression is noted.


    This is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the surface and lines the inside of the chest. Pathology has two forms - acute and chronic. The disease spreads both to one part of the chest, and to both sides. The onset of pleurisy is sudden.

    The first thing the patient feels is a sharp pain at any point of the sternum, while deep breaths, coughing or sneezing contribute to increased soreness. As a rule, there is a sharp increase in temperature, fever.

    Due to the fact that the inflammatory process interferes with normal air circulation, and also causes severe pain, the patient complains of significant difficulty in breathing.

    In the process of the development of the disease, fluid collects between the layers of the pleura, which requires the intervention of a specialist. This fluid is pumped out, which brings relief in the form of a decrease in pain attacks and a decrease in pressure.

    Pain only on the left without pressing.


      This is an inflammation of the pancreas, the signs of which are:
  • soreness in the abdomen, which can radiate to the back, as well as be localized to the left under the ribs;
  • general indicators of intoxication of the body: loss of appetite, weakness, feeling of nausea, vomiting, fever, chills;
  • the acquisition by fecal masses of the consistency of slurry with the presence of undigested food particles in it.
  • Diseases of the duodenum

    Acute duodenitis

      This is an inflammation of the duodenum, the main symptoms of which are:
  • pain in the stomach, radiating to the lower rib on the left;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • general weakness.
  • Ulcer of the duodenal bulb

    The main complaints are about:

        • severe pain in the left side of the epigastrium, radiating to the left hypochondrium, which occurs a few hours after eating;
        • pain at night, with a feeling of hunger;
        • heartburn;
        • "sour" belching;
        • vomiting;
        • constipation;
        • pain in the right side of the epigastrium when pressed.

    stomach ulcer

    A common and rather dangerous condition in which the gastric mucosa is covered with ulcers, bringing the patient a lot of inconvenience and anguish. As a rule, pathology develops against the background of gastritis and erosion.

    Symptoms of peptic ulcer include:

        • pains of a different nature (acute, dull, burning, aching) in the abdomen from above, as well as arising from hunger, during a night's rest;
        • feeling of fullness in the stomach, heaviness;
        • nausea, vomiting;
        • decreased appetite;
        • heartburn;
        • sudden loss of body weight.

    Everyone experiences back pain in their life. You can find out why it occurs and which doctor should be consulted here. And in this article we will talk about the causes of severe lower back pain.

    Pain only on the right without pressure.


    Occurs due to metabolic disorders. The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder itself, in its ducts, which can cause pain on the right under the rib.

    But often the pathology is almost asymptomatic. Even progressing, the disease may not manifest itself for a long time and is diagnosed by chance during x-rays.

        • But, it happens that gallstone disease manifests itself from the very beginning of development with the following symptoms:

      The movement of the formed stone along the bile ducts is indicated by subcostal pain on the right side, which often radiates to the shoulder blade or shoulder. In most cases, patients notice the onset of pain some time after eating. Nausea and profuse vomiting may occur.


          • Hepatitis is a common name for inflammatory liver diseases. There are several strains of hepatitis, which all, as one, destroy liver cells and have common symptoms in the early stages:
        • weakness and fatigue;
        • loss of appetite;
        • bouts of nausea;
        • heaviness, soreness in the abdomen in the right side under the ribs;
        • change in the color of urine (it becomes very dark) and its foam;
        • discoloration of feces;
        • yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin.

    Pain on both sides

    Crack in the rib

    It is determined by a violation of the integrity of the costal bone or its incomplete fracture, in which there is no displacement of bone fragments. A crack can form due to trauma or some abnormalities in the human body.

  • excruciating pain in the region of the damaged rib, which becomes much stronger when inhaling or coughing and weakens during exhalation, so the patient especially complains about the inability to breathe deeply;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased anxiety;
  • migraine;
  • severe fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness;
  • swelling and bluing of soft tissues, bruising, hemorrhage under the skin and severe swelling at the location of the affected bone.
  • rib fracture

    With such damage, not only damage to the bone occurs, but also to the internal organs located in the sternum region.

    The manifestation of a fracture is as follows:

    • sharp pain in the ribs from the side of the injury;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • pain when breathing;
    • aching chest pain;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • hemoptysis;
    • general weakness;
    • dyspnea;
    • cyanosis of the skin in the affected area;
    • increase in body temperature.

    Chest injury

    Injuries of various origins can be life-threatening, so when you receive one, you need to provide urgent medical care.

    With an open injury, the patient has a wound (for example, from a firearm, piercing objects, etc.).

  • concussions, in which changes in the sternum are not observed;
  • bruises, which include bruises of soft tissues, ribs, heart, blood vessels, lungs, fracture of the chest and vertebrae of the thoracic spine;
  • squeezing, the cases of which include, for example, traumatic suffocation, in which the human chest is subjected to pressure from two blunt objects from different sides.
  • Signs of a closed injury include:

        • acute chest pain;
        • swelling at the site of injury;
        • blue skin (in case of a fracture);
        • difficulty breathing;
        • palpitations;
        • increase in arterial hypotension;
        • shortness of breath
        • displacement of the trachea;
        • mediastinal displacement;
        • an increase in the volume of the abdomen.
        • You can distinguish the approach of a life-threatening disease by a combination of signs:
    • sharp pain when moving, breathing in any particular position;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • a feeling of squeezing the chest;
    • chest discomfort.


    This is a degenerative disease of the spine, which is caused by the development of inflammation, compression, irritation of the nerve roots. As a rule, the disease is manifested by pain in the back, but it is not uncommon for it to appear in the ribs and sternum.

        • aching pains or a feeling of discomfort in the chest and ribs, which the patients themselves often describe as a “stab in the chest”;
        • increased pain during movement, hypothermia, long stay in one position, physical exertion;
        • feeling of numbness of the upper limbs;
        • muscle weakness.


    Another cause of pain in the ribs is osteoporosis, characterized by a significant decrease in the level of calcium in the bones and their destruction. With this pathology, both the upper and lower, and the right and left ribs can hurt, which indicates a change in the structure of the bone, the presence of small cracks and irritation of the periosteum. Sharp pain may indicate a broken rib. Simultaneously with the process of destruction of the ribs, a complete violation of the skeletal system of the human body occurs.

    How to alleviate the condition?

    If there are sharp pain symptoms that may indicate fractures and cracks in the ribs or injuries of the sternum, before examining the patient by a specialist, it is recommended to observe bed rest. This is necessary to prevent possible negative consequences and complications, which, unfortunately, can result in the death of the patient.

        1. In order to alleviate the suffering of the patient, he needs to do breathing exercises.
      1. Take a deep breath. Of course, in some cases, the pain will begin to increase, but you should try, if possible, to take a very slow deep breath and the same deep exhalation. You need to do this exercise every 2-3 minutes.
      2. If the injury is severe enough that it brings unbearable pain, you should try to take a deep breath / exhale at least 1 time per hour.
      3. If you can’t breathe regularly, you need to do the following exercise: take a slow breath, hold your breath and exhale. Important: each action must be performed at the expense of “one ... two ... three ... (about 3 seconds each).

    If you experience pain in the ribs, regardless of location and possible cause, you should consult a doctor! The therapist will help determine the choice of a narrow specialist who can diagnose the disease-cause, prescribe the necessary treatment and save the patient from suffering. As a rule, the patient is advised to consult:

    Editor and expert of the site zdorovya-spine.ru. Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years experience. City polyclinic, Smolensk. She graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I love my profession very much.

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    Pain under left breast? We are looking for a reason

    When something hurts, it is a manifestation of the fact that there are some disturbances and malfunctions in the body. Discomfort in different places symbolizes various diseases. Knowing what hurts on the left under the chest, you can quickly navigate and seek help.

    Causes and possible diseases

    Pain on the left side can be a sign of a number of diseases!

    In search of the causes of pain in the left side, one should not forget that the human body is a system, the work of all organs of which is closely interconnected. Therefore, pain on the left may occur due to a disruption in the work of other organs located on the other side.

    The nature of pain and possible diseases:

    • dull and aching pain for a long period of time may indicate the development of cardioneurosis. This is not a heart disease, so there is no point in taking Validol or Nitroglycerin. Such attacks most often occur against the background of stress or chronic fatigue. In this case, you need to take sedatives and treatment by a neuropathologist.
    • if there is a sharp pain, right under the left breast and does not allow you to take a breath - most likely it is intercostal neuralgia. It is caused by a pinched nerve. In order to make it easier, you need to carefully change the position - turn or straighten up.
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most common causes of pain on the left under the breast. It can be a heart disease, an attack, the occurrence of blood clots in the pulmonary artery, an aortic aneurysm and many other pathologies.
    • diseases of the stomach or spleen can give pain, both to the right and to the left side under the chest. Any inflammatory process localized in the body touches the nerve endings, which can cause pain

    These reasons are the most common, but besides them, there are many more abnormalities that provoke chest pain. To identify the disease and begin treatment, you need to seek help.

    Another cause that requires attention is appendicitis. There are people with organ transposition. That is, they have all the insides are mirrored in relation to the traditional body. Accordingly, they have appendicitis on the left, and not on the right, as in ordinary people. When the appendix becomes inflamed, it becomes very painful. The pain may be localized on the back, in the leg or up to the chest.

    Danger signs when help is needed

    Does the pain last long? Need to get tested

    A medical examination is necessary in any case if there are periodic pains on the left or permanent ones. Definitely - if there is a symptom, then there is a violation in the body, almost all diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages. Then, as a rule, everything passes without a trace and without complications.

    If the pain occurred once and quickly passed, it may be a nerve clamp, which does not pose any threat to the body. But if a strong compressive pain begins on the left, which makes it difficult to breathe and pulls the left arm and shoulder blade - in 99% this is a myocardial infarction. It most often occurs in men of any age and in older women. With such symptoms, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, take a Nitroglycerin tablet.

    Severe pain under the breast, spreading lower to the abdomen, may indicate the appearance of a neoplasm in the gastrointestinal tract or a hernia of the diaphragm. Treatment will consist of surgery, so you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

    Another disease that causes pain on the left is cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

    Problems with the gallbladder are directly related to the work of the pancreas, and its pathologies can be fatal. Therefore, at the first manifestations, you need to go for diagnosis and take treatment. If the pain comes on suddenly and is constantly growing, you need to call an ambulance, and not wait until it “passes by itself”. Inflammatory diseases do not go away on their own. They can be slightly reduced with various medicines, but recovery will require qualified medical care.

    Possible Complications

    It is impossible to ignore such pain, as it can be a sign of a serious pathology.

    Complications can occur in the presence of any disease, if timely action is not taken. In general, heart diseases cannot be neglected, since any pathology of the cardiovascular system develops very quickly. If you do not immediately pay attention to the signals of the body in the form of pain in the left chest, a number of complications may develop.

    If the cause lies in a heart disease, then its development leads to circulatory disorders, which provokes many diseases. The main factor is the insufficient circulation of oxygen in the body, on which the work of almost all organs depends. From oxygen deficiency, the functioning of the liver, stomach, and endocrine system is disrupted.

    When the pain on the left is provoked by the pancreas, bile or gastrointestinal tract, the metabolism is disturbed.

    Cholesterol is not excreted from the body and atherosclerosis begins. In addition, all organs and systems suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this is fraught with the formation of gallstones, inflammation of the pancreas, or internal bleeding in the intestines. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.


    We do an ultrasound and look for the cause of the pain

    When the state of health begins to disturb, you need to contact a specialist. Since pain on the left under the breast occurs as a result of many diseases, first of all, it is necessary to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination, and then write a referral to a narrower specialist, depending on the problem.

    So, the main diagnostic methods:

    1. a survey in which the doctor verbally specifies the time and intensity of pain, additional symptoms and the presence of chronic diseases, which are usually indicated in the patient card
    2. palpation is a manipulation in which the therapist probes the state of the organs, determines whether pain occurs when pressed and assesses the softness of the tissues
    3. hardware diagnostics are all types of examinations that are carried out on special devices. If necessary, the doctor directs the patient to take an electrocardiogram of the heart to track the rhythm. If you suspect a pathology of the intestines, stomach or pancreas - issues a referral for ultrasound or MRI

    In addition to these methods, the patient must take a blood test, urine and feces, since the analyzes can fully clarify the clinical picture.

    Methods of treatment

    First diagnosis, then treatment!

    After the patient passes the tests and passes all the necessary diagnostics, the doctor makes a conclusion and determines the diagnosis. In addition, he assesses the general condition of the patient and determines the method of treatment. In severe cases, it is recommended to take a course in a hospital under supervision. In addition, in critical situations, immediate surgical intervention is possible.

    Based on the general condition and test results, the doctor draws up a course of drug treatment. In the treatment of most diseases, an integrated approach is required. If the problem lies in neuralgia, then it is necessary to take sedative drugs and drugs that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, relaxing treatments are available. In case of heart diseases, it is necessary to stabilize the work of the heart muscle, to establish the vascular system by thinning the blood and strengthening blood vessels. In case of gastrointestinal pathologies, separate treatment and procedures are prescribed, depending on the nature of the problem.

    Throughout treatment, additional drugs, such as diuretics, may be prescribed to remove excess water.

    During the entire course of treatment, the specialist intensively monitors the state of health in order to track the dynamics of changes.

    In stationary conditions, medical workers take tests and send them to procedures, while treating at home, the doctor appoints a day of admission to examine the patient.

    Traditional medicine treatment is very popular these days, but the main thing is not to replace medicines with them. Simply put, traditional medicine can be a great addition to traditional treatments.

    More information about pancreatitis can be found in the video:

    While taking medication, you can drink decoctions of chamomile, which relieves inflammation. Sage and peppermint (if there is no heart disease) balances the functioning of the nervous system and avoids problems that provoke neurosis. You can also use herbs that have a diuretic effect (thyme, linden, St. John's wort, calendula, juniper).

    In addition to beneficial effects, herbs can cause an allergic reaction or reverse effect. It is strictly forbidden to use unfamiliar plants on your own. It is better to consult with a specialist first. For example, not all herbs can be used for heart disease. Women should be especially careful during pregnancy, as some essential oils can cause uterine tone. What provokes a miscarriage in the initial period and premature birth in the third trimester.

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    Why can it hurt in the ribs? Causes of pain under the breast in the ribs

    So, pain under the chest in the ribs, characterized by the occurrence of pain in the chest area, can signal serious ailments in the body.

    Pain in the rib behind the breast, in which the bone or cartilaginous part of the rib, the muscles adjacent to the ribs or the intercostal nerve can act as a source of pain, can occur for various reasons.

    So, it is possible that pain is provoked by a traumatic lesion of the chest due to a fall, impact or exposure to external factors:

    Rib fracture. It is characterized by acute pain that spreads to the entire chest area, and occurs when inhaling, moving or changing posture;

    Rib injury. Acute, not intense pain sensations are localized at the site of damage to the muscle tissue surrounding the rib, which can be recognized by swelling and the presence of a hematoma.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast is one of the characteristic manifestations of Tietze's syndrome, in which there is inflammation of the costal cartilages attached to the sternum. Severe pain is noted in the chest area, thereby causing suspicion of angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease include a spindle-shaped swelling in the area of ​​the affected costal cartilage and increased pain when pressing on the sternum. Diagnosis of Tietze's syndrome is possible only after passing a chest x-ray.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast may be due to intercostal neuralgia, in which the nerves between the ribs are pinched or irritated. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is characterized by sudden onset, aggravated by sneezing, coughing, sudden movement.

    Pain under the breasts in the ribs can be triggered by fibromyalgia - muscle pain, the causes of which have not yet been fully understood. Most experts adhere to the hypothesis that pain in this disease may be the result of diseases accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process, mental disorders and nervous strain. Pain in the chest and ribs with fibromyalgia have their own distinctive features:

    Pain is noted both on the right and on the left side;

    With a sharp change in the weather, the symptoms worsen;

    In the morning the patient feels tightness in the chest;

    Sometimes there are headaches, sleep disturbances, the development of depression;

    In advanced cases, there may be problems with coordination of movement.

    Pain under the chest in the ribs is also provoked by diseases of the pleura - a thin film covering the inside of the chest cavity and outside - the lungs, which is quite closely adjacent to the ribs. The pleura is literally permeated with many nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to the development of pain. So, for acute dry pleurisy, the following main symptoms are characteristic:

    Violent, annoying dry cough;

    Pain in the ribs, as a rule, only on one side - left or right;

    An increase in pain with a deep breath and any sudden movements;

    Feverish state, weakness, apathy.

    Rarely, but nevertheless, tumors of the pleura are diagnosed - diseases whose characteristic symptom is constant, aching pain in the ribs, localized at the location of the tumor. With a significant size of the neoplasm, which can be both malignant and benign, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, a cyanotic or, conversely, a pale shade of the skin become additional manifestations of the disease.

    Pain in the rib under the breast can be triggered by another disease that is not often diagnosed in medicine - a herniated disc. Pain syndrome, localized in the region of the ribs, has the following characteristic features:

    At first, the pain may be almost imperceptible, but after a while it becomes unbearable, significantly worsening the patient's quality of life;

    Depending on the location of the hernia, pain can be noted only on the right or only on the left side, as well as simultaneously on both sides;

    The pain, which is sharp and stabbing in nature, is aggravated by physical activity, sneezing and coughing.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process, compression and irritation of the nerve roots. Many are used to the fact that this ailment makes the patient feel pain in the back, but often the pain captures the chest and ribs. At the same time, the pain syndrome often does not differ in increased intensity, and therefore some patients simply note a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. In other people suffering from this ailment, the pain, on the contrary, can be very annoying, and many note the feeling of “cola in the chest”.

    Pain in the ribs can also occur in women in position in late pregnancy. This condition, unlike all the others previously considered, is not pathological and does not pose any harm to both the mother and the baby in her womb. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant condition during the period of bearing a baby:

    Enlarged uterus. The uterus shifts upward, as a result of which there is strong pressure on the ribs from the inside, resulting in pain.

    Fetal growth. As the growth of the fetus increases, in the last trimester of pregnancy, the baby does not fit in the mother's belly.

    Fetal activity. The baby's legs, subject to its correct presentation, rest against the mother's ribs, thereby causing pain.

    Treatment of pain in the ribs, its primary task should be to identify and eliminate the causes that caused this uncomfortable condition. In case of injury to the ribs, in the absence of damage to the lungs and pleura, the patient is shown complete rest and undergoing a number of physiotherapeutic procedures.

    To make a reliable diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary with a visit to a traumatologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, orthopedist. A clear picture of the state of affairs in the body will help to obtain a chest x-ray, which will certainly be prescribed by a doctor. Symptomatic therapy is based on taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the cause of pain in the ribs under the breast is associated with muscle spasms, then the medical specialist will prescribe antispasmodic medications in addition.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast in the vast majority of cases (with the exception of long pregnancy periods) signal serious health problems, expressed in the pathologies of the most important organs, and therefore you should not delay a visit to a specialist with this problem.

    Why does it hurt under the breast?

    Pain under the breast can occur with a variety of diseases.

    Our body is a single system connected, among other things, by nerves. The sensations of individual nerve endings are transmitted to the common trunk of the autonomic nervous system, and sometimes from it to another organ, so the feeling of pain under the chest on the left side is sometimes caused not by heart problems at all, but, for example, by gastric pathology.

    In addition, painful sensations may not be associated with individual organs at all, but may be the result of neurosis - a malfunction in the nervous system. But nevertheless we will try to describe the main reasons for this phenomenon.

    Disruption of the heart is the first thing that comes to our mind when we feel pain under the left breast, and this is a justified fear. Even the slightest spasm of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart makes the heart muscle suffer, and if it drags on for several minutes, a heart attack (death of myocardial cells) is inevitable. At the same time, a person feels such severe pain that it is difficult for him to even breathe. She gives to the left arm and part of the back. In this case, you must take a nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance.

    In particular, the feeling of pain under the mammary glands can be caused by inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, aortic aneurysm, pulmonary embolism. All of these diseases are dangerous and require emergency medical care.

    It should be noted that in men, a heart attack can occur at any age, while in women - only in the elderly. If the fair sex does not have congenital or acquired cardiac pathologies before puberty, then she may not be afraid of a heart attack, angina pectoris, ischemia and other heart problems before menopause, when the likelihood of their occurrence increases many times over. So nature took care of human offspring.

    The onset of early menopause (for example, due to the currently widespread weight loss disease - anorexia), brings the time of possible heart disease closer.

    If you have pain under your left breast, cardioneurosis may be the cause. These pains are usually dull and aching, but sometimes they are sharp and short-lived. Nitroglycerin, validol and other cardiac drugs in this case do not help, because the heart is healthy, the reason lies in stress, depression, overwork. The patient needs to eliminate psychotraumatic circumstances and treatment by a neuropathologist.

    Intercostal neuralgia - can also be a source of pain under the mammary gland on the left, which is caused by pinching of the nerve root in the thoracic spine or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

    Pain under the left breast can also cause problems with the diaphragm, stomach and spleen.

    The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. A hernia sometimes forms on it, the stomach moves into the chest cavity and causes severe pain.

    The spleen in some diseases becomes inflamed and even ruptured (for example, with infectious mononucleosis). In this case, cyanosis appears around the navel (blood accumulates there).

    Pain under the right breast, in addition to diaphragmatic hernia and intercostal neuralgia, can cause problems with the liver and gallbladder.

    Viral hepatitis is a common cause of this. Hepatitis A is easily contracted through food and water, hepatitis B is common among drug addicts and homosexuals, anyone can become infected by contact with any of them, and hepatitis C is transmitted mainly through contaminated blood.

    Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis are also manifested by pain on the right under the mammary gland.

    Pain under the breast during pregnancy is usually associated with the fact that the growing uterus presses on the woman's internal organs. So, if it hurts on the right (usually the process starts a week), then most likely the pressure is directed to the gallbladder or diaphragm, in this case, expectant mothers are advised not to sleep on their right side, everything will go away after childbirth.

    Acute or chronic disease of the pancreas pancreatitis is another possible reason why it hurts under the breast. This disease is often common among alcoholics, people who abuse drugs, who have undergone chemotherapy, who abuse fatty, spicy, smoked and other harmful foods.

    The pancreas is stretched across the abdomen from right to left, so it causes girdle pain. An attack of acute pancreatitis is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by aching pains under the mammary glands.

    Despite the fact that the kidneys are located at the back wall of the abdominal cavity, well below the chest area, the right kidney, for example, can cause pain on the right side under the breasts.

    A purulent-inflammatory infection or urolithiasis causes severe pain, which sometimes radiates under the right chest and in the back.

    Pain in the ribs under the breast may be the result of intercostal neuralgia due to compression of the nerves between the ribs or their deformation. They are caused by herniated intervertebral discs, curvature of the spine, overstrain of muscles and ligaments, and blows to the chest area.

    Another reason is broken ribs. They heal without much treatment within a few weeks, but are dangerous with the possibility of damage to the lungs, so at the slightest suspicion of such an injury, you should consult a doctor.

    It happens that the cartilaginous parts of the ribs become inflamed, this disease is called Tietze's syndrome. In this case, there is a sharp and severe pain, aggravated by pressing on the sternum.

    Aching pain under the breast often appears due to diseases of the respiratory system, for example, it is characteristic of pneumonia. Tracheitis causes pain in the left side of the chest, pleurisy and tuberculosis - on both sides. These diseases are usually fairly easy to diagnose. There are effective treatments for them.

    Severe pain under the breasts scare when their cause is not clear. Sometimes people, instead of undergoing a medical examination, begin to think that they suffer from cancer. Of course, for example, cancer of the stomach, liver, osteosarcoma or acute leukemia cause such sensations, but this is extremely rare. Most often, the cause is intercostal neuralgia, vegetovascular dystonia, panic attacks, hysteria. All of them are curable. So, if you are not pregnant, and after examinations by a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist and orthopedist, no diseases have been identified, you need to go to a neurologist.

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