Pain in the middle of the chest. What does chest pain mean in the middle

Pain in the middle of the chest can be caused by many ailments respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Therefore, when diagnosing, doctors use several methods to examine the patient and identify the disease.

Other symptoms are added to discomfort and aching pain sensations: burning, tachycardia, coughing, etc. Dull pain is most often a sign of problems with the respiratory system, stomach and intestines, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and thyroid diseases. Such unpleasant symptoms may recur periodically or be present constantly.

You should not self-medicate without knowing what caused the pain, you must undergo a complete examination to determine the causes of chest pain.

The reasons

The cause of pulling or burning pain in the middle of the chest can be diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, trauma and many other factors.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO "Moscow polyclinic".

Heart pathologies

Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

Description of the disease
Angina pectoris is characterized by severe, short-lived chest pain. The cause of the pathology is the obstruction of the arteries, in which the heart muscle receives less blood.

It is caused by atherosclerosis, functional disorders in the body, constant high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Myocardial infarction is a pathology of the heart muscle, in which its blood supply is disturbed due to atherosclerosis. The heart does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, the result is the death of a part of the heart. This phenomenon can provoke a complete blockage of the artery or blood clots. The probability of a lethal outcome in the first 2 hours after an attack is very high.
The nature of the pain
Angina pectoris is a pathology characterized by short, dull pain that recurs in short episodes. It most often manifests itself when the patient moves, loads. Discomfort disappears after the person has rested.

When a heart attack occurs sharp paroxysmal pain similar to angina pectoris, but the sensations are more intense and prolonged. The patient has an attack even when he lies at rest. The patient is disturbed by a strong inexplicable feeling of fear. The patient's breathing becomes faster, his limbs throb, loss of consciousness is possible.

The skin turns pale, nausea occurs, the person sweats, he is sick. Speech is broken.


With angina pectoris and heart attack, the pain seems to squeeze the chest, irrigating to the left region of the sternum. She often gives in the shoulder blade and arm.

Physician Intervention

For consultation, diagnosis and treatment, the help of a cardiologist is needed.


The disease is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • ECG. With narrowing of the arteries, such a cardiogram will show deviations from the norm.
  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Exercise echocardiogram
  • radioisotope scanning.


To cure angina pectoris, the number of attacks should be reduced. To do this, the doctor lowers cholesterol in the blood, the patient needs to reduce weight, give up bad habits, and reduce blood sugar levels. The patient needs to monitor his pressure and not be nervous.

All these measures will help reduce the number of relapses.

  • Medication treatment. As medications, the patient is prescribed beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers. They will not allow the arteries to narrow, and products containing nitroglycerin will increase local blood circulation, expanding the vessels.
  • Surgical intervention. In complex and advanced cases, doctors offer coronary bypass surgery. The operation allows you to continue the path of blood entering the heart past the affected vessel. Doctors offer another option for surgical intervention - angioplasty. The surgeon places a special catheter that inflates mechanically, expanding a narrow vessel, facilitating the passage of blood through it.

Acute pericarditis

Description of the disease
Inflammation of the pericardial sac, which is characterized by pain behind the sternum, aggravated by breathing. It can be caused by bacteria, often occurs with rheumatism, kidney disease, pneumonia, heart attack and tuberculosis.

The nature of the pain

Pain can be dull or sharp, intense, aggravated by inhalation, a sharp change in posture. They can last for several days, there are heart murmurs. The patient's pulse and pressure does not change, but shortness of breath appears.


Pain on the left side of the chest, irrigating in the region of the shoulder blades.

Physician Intervention

The disease is treated by a therapist and a cardiologist.


You can diagnose the disease on the basis of an ECG, blood tests for the level of aspartic aminotransferase. With the help of an x-ray, the doctor will see changes in the pericardium.

In some cases, to identify the disease, the doctor takes a puncture.


Methods of treatment depend on the type of pathology and their nature. In the acute form of pericarditis, hospitalization should be carried out, and the chronic course of the disease can be treated on an outpatient basis.

  • Diet. Rational nutrition with restriction of fats of animal origin. The patient should not drink alcohol, should reduce the amount of salt and water consumed.
  • Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Pain relief therapy is also used.
  • The use of diuretics to remove fluid, antibiotics, antifungal agents.
  • Stimulation of immunity.
  • The operation is used when the patient has severe consequences and the inflammatory process threatens the patient's heart, for example, purulent phenomena, "shell heart".

Atrial fibrillation

Description of the disease

Atrial fibrillation characterized by a disturbed heart attack, periods of excitations and contractions of the patient's atria and individual muscle fibers. Heart contractions increase to 600 per minute. If the attack lasts more than 2 days, then the patient develops coronary disease. Thrombus formation is possible. In a chronic course, there is a violation of the blood supply to the heart.

The nature of the pain

In some cases, the pathology runs without any symptoms, but most often a person begins to have chest pains, the heartbeat becomes more frequent. Possible interruptions in the work of the heart and stop.

The patient becomes weak, dizzy, sweating increases, shortness of breath occurs, the patient begins to choke. With constant heart disease, the muscle is depleted, congestion occurs in the internal organs, shortness of breath when climbing stairs. At night, the patient may have pulmonary edema, asthma attacks with wheezing.

The patient may lose consciousness, there are paralysis of the limbs, the pressure drops sharply, there are respiratory and cardiac arrests.


The pain is localized in the region of the heart, gives into the hands, less often in the jaw or peritoneum.

Physician Intervention

Treatment requires treatment prescribed by a cardiologist.


The doctor recognizes atrial fibrillation visually by examining the patient, counting the pulse, hearing wheezing in the patient's lungs. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply during an attack.

If the doctor finds it difficult to diagnose, then prescribes:

  • Holter monitoring
  • Ultrasound of the heart with dopplerography.
  • X-ray of the sternum
  • CT scan


  1. Drug treatment occurs through the appointment of thrombolytic enzymes, diuretics, beta-blockers, anticoagulants, and other medications. The course of treatment lasts several years.
  2. Surgical intervention. Patients are recommended breathing exercises to equalize the heart rhythm.
  3. Specially designed exercise therapy complex
  4. Operation. This method is used in cases where all other methods are ineffective. Catheter ablation is aimed at cauterization of the damaged area. Ablation with a pacemaker is characterized by transferring the work of the heart to an artificial pacemaker. The implantation of a defibrillator is used to eliminate an arrhythmia attack. Labyrinth-type surgery redirects current impulses to normalize the work of the heart.
  5. Folk recipes. These are compositions from natural ingredients: viburnum, yarrow, dill seeds, walnuts, honey, etc.

mitral valve prolapse syndrome

Description of the disease

Pathology characterized by dysfunction of the left ventricular valve of the heart(growth of valve tissues, myxomatous degeneration). There are no violations in other organs. The posterior or anterior cusp of the left valve is involved in the process. Sometimes accompanied by deformation of the bone tissue of the sternum.

It can be caused by coronary heart disease or chronic rheumatism of the heart.

The nature of the pain

It is characterized by periodic pain in the middle of the chest. In the early stages, it is often asymptomatic, and is detected during a medical examination. The patient is unwell, his temperature rises to 37.5 degrees for a long period of time. Sweating increases, migraine attacks begin in the morning and evening. At night, the patient may suffocate, taking convulsive deep breaths. Pain that begins in the region of the heart is not relieved by drugs, arrhythmia begins. Doctors detect the presence of a heart murmur.


Pain is manifested in the region of the heart, giving to the middle of the chest.

Physician Intervention

To prescribe treatment, a consultation with a cardiologist and a therapist is necessary.


Ultrasound, echocardiography, electrocardiography are used for diagnosing.


  • It is necessary to normalize the daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours, do not overload the body with physical activity
  • A course of psychotherapy, auto-training, acupuncture, electrophoresis helps well.
  • Massage of the spine
  • Doctors prescribe beta-blockers, cardiotrophics, sedatives
  • Possibly a course of antibiotics

Pathologies of large vessels

Aortic dissection

Description of the disease

Dissection of the aorta dangerous pathology which can result in death for the patient. It is characterized by damage to the walls of the aorta, creates an extra channel.

A complication may be bulging of the walls of the vessels in places where they become less durable.

The nature of the pain

The pain is sharp, intense, occurs suddenly, the patient's legs may go numb (usually the left one). Pain is described by patients as tearing. If with angina pectoris the pain tends to subside, then these unpleasant sensations continue both at rest and when changing positions.

The patient's blood pressure rises sharply, and then the pressure decreases, sweating becomes stronger. The pulse is asymmetrical, the person feels tired and weak. The skin becomes bluish and pale. Shortness of breath appears, the person wheezes and breathes noisily. Sometimes the bundle leads to loss of consciousness and coma.


It starts to hurt in front of the sternum (proximal bundle), pain behind the chest or behind the shoulder blade most often manifests itself with the distal nature of the pathology.

As the aorta dissects, the pain begins in the neck, jaw, between the shoulder blades, irrigates in the back and groin.

Physician Intervention

Urgent treatment by a vascular surgeon is needed, the pathology is mainly corrected only by surgery.


To diagnose the disease, doctors use the following methods:

  • X-ray of the sternum
  • Transesophageal echocardiography
  • CT angiography
  • magnetic resonance angiography
  • Blood tests


The main treatment for aortic dissection is urgent hospitalization in intensive care and surgery. Doctors stop pain and bring a person out of a state of shock with analgesics or narcotic substances.

The patient's condition is stabilizing. In rare uncomplicated cases, medical treatment is possible. If other types of treatment are ineffective, then the patient is operated on by plastic surgery of the aortic valve, prosthesis, transplantation of the coronary arteries.

Pulmonary embolism

Description of the disease

This blockage of the arteries of the lungs by a thrombus is often the result of labor activity, begins after operations, lung injuries, etc. Pathology is in second place in terms of deaths after cardiovascular diseases and oncology. The disease is difficult to diagnose, which is associated with such a high mortality rate. At the autopsy of the body of patients, statistics show that in half of them the disease was not diagnosed.

With timely treatment of the disease, the number of deaths is reduced to 10%.

The nature of the pain

The symptoms of this pathology are very diverse, which complicates the diagnosis. It all depends on the rate of development of negative processes in the lungs, the stage of the disease and the prerequisites that caused pulmonary embolism.

Pain sensations depend on the location of the thrombus, for example, if it is in a large artery, then the patient may experience only shortness of breath and nothing more, and when small vessels overlap, the pain is sharp, burning, intense.

A person develops shortness of breath. A strong heartbeat begins, the patient's skin turns pale, becomes gray, the intestines are disturbed, tension arises in the abdominal region. The aorta pulsates, heart murmurs begin, pressure drops.

The veins of the neck and abdominal region fill with blood, begin to swell.


Pain is localized in the middle of the chest, resembling signs of pleurisy.

Physician Intervention

Treatment requires the intervention of a vascular surgeon.


The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • x-ray
  • CT scan
  • echocardiography
  • Ultrasound examination of veins
  • Scintigraphy


  1. Drug treatment: intravenous fraxiparin, sodium heparin; oral warfarin;
  2. Use of drugs to dissolve blood clots, eg streptokinase, urokinase, alteplase.
  3. Doctors can apply the following measures: indirect heart massage, oxygen therapy, artificial ventilation of the lungs, the introduction of saline solutions with droppers.
  4. Operation. This may be the elimination of an embolus or an artery wall with a plaque. Often, plastic surgery of the heart is necessary, due to stretching of the right ventricle.
  5. Installing a cava filter, which allows you to prevent the disease.

Respiratory diseases

Laryngotracheitis, bronchitis

Description of the disease

it inflammatory diseases developing as a result of infection, accompanied by cough, chills, respiratory complications.

The nature of the pain

Pain can be sharp or dull, but will certainly increase with coughing. The patient complains of a sore throat, he has a soreness behind the sternum, there is an excruciating cough, in which pain is felt.

There may be an increase in lymph nodes in the neck.


The pain starts behind the chest.

Physician Intervention

This disease is treated by a pediatrician, pulpologist, otolaryngologist.


The doctor detects the disease on the basis of a visual examination of the patient, with complaints of the patient, while listening. If necessary, X-rays, computed tomography, MRI are done.

Blood tests, sputum smears are carried out. Sometimes a biopsy of the mucous membrane of the larynx is done.


  • Gentle mode for the vocal cords
  • Diet with no pickles, hot or cold foods, hot spices. Supplemented with abundant alkaline drink.
  • Drug treatment with antiviral drugs (cyclofen, Ingavirin); antibiotics (Flemoklav, Azithromycin); antihistamines (Zirtek, Suprastin); drugs that relieve inflammation ().
  • Be sure to use cough medicines (Sinekod, Codelac) and expectorants, mulokilitiki (Mukaltin, Dr. Mom).
  • The use of homeopathic remedies.


Description of the disease

Inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that protects the lungs) due to bacteria (streptococci, fungi, pneumococci, etc.), trauma, tuberculosis, allergic reactions.

The nature of the pain

Pain is often can be confused, doctors rule out the possibility of a heart attack ECG. When a person lies on the affected area, the discomfort decreases. The nature of the pain is intense, the patient has a fever, it is difficult for him to breathe, coughing also occurs with pain.

The patient's pulse becomes frequent.


Usually pains are localized behind a breastbone, become stronger at an inhalation-exhalation. With atypical forms, irrigation into the abdomen is possible, so sometimes pleurisy can be confused with an attack of appendicitis.

Physician Intervention

The disease is treated by a pulpologist.


  1. To diagnose the disease, an x-ray is needed to detect blackouts, accumulations of fluid.
  2. Puncture of fluid in the pleura
  3. Biochemistry of blood
  4. Pleura biopsy
  5. Patient examination
  6. Listening to the lungs
  7. Palpation of the chest


  • The patient must comply with bed rest with wiping with a damp cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Removal of inflammation with the help of hormonal, antibacterial, decongestant drugs.
  • Symptomatic treatment: lowering the temperature with antipyretics, pain relief with analgesics, increasing the body's defenses with immunostimulants.
  • Physiotherapy with heating of the sternum
  • Pumping out the contents of the pleura, which does not eliminate the compression of internal organs
  • Local treatment: rubbing rubs, applying compresses and bandages.
  • Recovery with the help of exercise therapy, yoga, taking vitamins and minerals, good nutrition.

Cancer (lung, bronchi, pleura, lymph node metastases)

Description of the disease

A malignant neoplasm of the lung caused by inhalation of carcinogens, smoking, harmful production.

The nature of the pain

In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic, it just looks like bronchitis in the chronic stage or ARVI disease. Therefore, cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease. With the central form of oncology, the pathology manifests itself faster due to respiratory disorders.

First, there is a dull pain in the chest, which occurs periodically; then the pain becomes so strong that the person cannot sleep, only narcotic substances alleviate the condition. Cough is often accompanied by sputum with blood, visually similar to pink or red jelly. Shortness of breath begins.

The patient is dizzy, the temperature rises, weight loss occurs.


Pain is localized in the chest at the site of the focus of the disease, but when the tumor grows, it can begin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs, in the region of nearby internal organs.

Physician Intervention

The disease is treated by an oncologist.


Cancer is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • X-ray in two projections
  • Fluorography
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Mediascopy
  • Biopsy of lymph nodes, internal organs


  1. Surgical intervention
  2. Chemotherapy aimed at suppressing the growth of tumor cells. It is done with the help of Vincristine, Carboplatin, Irinotecan, Etoposide.
  3. course of radiation therapy. Basic methods: technology (IGRT) (irradiates the affected cells, corrects, transfers the load to another part of the tissue); brachytherapy (moving to the cells of means that enhance their action); "smart knife" (the exact impact of the cyber-knife on the affected cells).
  4. Hormonal correction
  5. Immunotherapy

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Description of the disease

Chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract that occurs due to periodic reflux of food into the esophagus with subsequent damage to the mucous membranes, nearby organs (bronchi, pharynx, trachea).

The nature of the pain

The patient complains of heartburn, sour belching. Often pain burning sensations begin when swallowing and after eating, in rare cases vomiting occurs, followed by hiccups. The patient may complain of pain in the chest, resembling a heart attack or angina pectoris.

At night, due to throwing into the esophagus, the patient begins to cough, his throat tickles, hoarseness occurs, bronchitis or asthma may develop.

Symptoms are aggravated by physical exertion, after eating.


Burning pain, accompanied by heartburn, is localized in the epigastric region, irrigates in the cervical region, shoulders. Starts 1-2 hours after eating. Can become stronger after drinking soda, when moving.

Physician Intervention

For diagnosis and treatment, consultation with a general practitioner and a gastroenterologist is necessary.


  1. Proton pump inhibitor test.
  2. Intra-food pH monitoring
  3. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy
  4. Chromoendoscopy of the esophagus.
  5. Ultrasound of internal organs
  6. X-ray.
  7. Blood and stool tests


  • Surgery is needed only in extreme cases.
  • Compliance with diet and special recommendations. Hot dishes are excluded from the diet, you can not eat a lot of food for dinner, eat citrus fruits, chocolate and fat. You can not make sharp bends forward after eating, it is not recommended to wear tight clothes and corsets so as not to raise intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Weight loss is recommended in the presence of obesity.
  • You can not drink antispasmodics, prostaglandins.
  • A course of medications: antacids (Almagel), prokinetics (Motilium).


Description of the disease

This is a pathology characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes. If the disease is not treated, then the complications will be a peptic ulcer, the occurrence of perforation of the esophagus. There are different types of pathology: the disease is both acute and chronic. It affects the superficial layers of the mucosa or deep.

The lesion of the esophagus can be complete, in some cases, the inflammation extends only to the upper or lower section.

The nature of the pain

Manifestations of pain depend on the inflammatory process. For example, in the catarrhal form, the esophagus is sensitive only to cold and hot dishes. In severe forms, intense burning pains appear. Swallowing also causes pain. The patient complains of increased salivation, heartburn, vomiting with blood is possible. Then the symptoms disappear, but within 3 months, scars appear on the walls of the esophagus.


Soreness is felt behind the sternum, can be irrigated in the cervical region and in the back.

Physician Intervention

For the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to consult a surgeon and a gastroenterologist.


  • x-ray
  • esophagoscopy,
  • endoscopic mucosal biopsy
  • Histological examination
  • Esophagomanometry


  1. Medications: antacids and drugs from the famotidine group.
  2. Diet with the exception of alcoholic beverages, food that increases the secretion of gastric juice
  3. Course of antibiotics
  4. Refusal of tranquilizers and sedatives
  5. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, mud therapy).
  6. Operation. It is done in extremely severe cases with scarring of the tissues of the esophagus.

Foreign bodies of the esophagus

Description of the disease

Foreign bodies in the esophagus don't happen that often, but getting coins, bones, prostheses, food, small parts of toys into it requires quick help. Objects can get stuck in it due to the large volume of the object in comparison with the lumen of the esophagus, tumors, etc.

The nature of the pain

If toys do not have sharp edges, then parents often do not suspect that the lost object is stuck in the esophagus. When a body with sharp edges enters the esophagus, strong salivation is noticed. Such children refuse food, do not want to turn their heads once again. When hit by bodies with a smooth surface, the patient may cough, drink, but do not eat thick food.

Respiratory disturbances are observed.

The patient feels thirsty, loses weight from lack of water. When an object is in the upper part of the esophagus, the larynx moves forward and becomes wider. If palpation is carried out in front of the larynx, then aching pain occurs, which disappears as soon as the doctor removes the fingers. The patient is shivering, there may be a temperature


Pain develops below the place where the foreign body is

Physician Intervention

For consultation and diagnosis, the help of a surgeon and a therapist may be needed.


  • Visual examination of the patient
  • Esophagoscopy
  • x-ray
  • Fistulography


The main action that the doctor can take is to remove the object. This can be done in a gentle way with the help of enveloping substances, a special diet, washing with furacillin.

If the foreign body is not removed, then an endoscopy with extraction under general or local anesthesia should be performed.

Stomach ulcer

Description of the disease

This is a chronic disease with frequent relapses. With it, defects are formed in the stomach with penetration under the mucous membranes. During the disease, periods of remission and exacerbation alternate.

The nature of the pain

The clinical picture of the pathology can be different, it depends on the pain threshold of the patient, the stage of the disease, the location of the focus, and the individual characteristics of the person. The nature of the pain is constant and periodic (at night, after eating). The soreness observed in the patient is pulling, dull, acute, etc. Its intensity also varies: from severe to slightly noticeable soreness.

The patient complains of heaviness in the abdomen after eating, belching, heartburn, decreased appetite and delayed defecation.


Pain is observed in the left side of the chest, radiates to the arm or dorsal region, ribs, lower back, pelvic region.

Physician Intervention

For treatment, it is necessary to consult a surgeon and a gastroenterologist.


Identification of the disease is carried out using a blood test, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, X-ray, pH-metry and daily monitoring of the pH of gastric juice.


  1. Course (Amoxicillin, Tetracycline).
  2. Treatment with antisecretory drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid (Maalox).
  3. Taking Ranitidine, Omeprazole, Sucralfate, De-nol, etc.
  4. It is recommended to take antidepressants and tranquilizers.
  5. For pain relief, use, for example,.
  6. Prescribe treatment with probiotics, for example, Lineks.

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In which case immediately see a doctor?

  • With a sharp attack of pain, especially if the patient suffocates, weakens, his eyes darken.
  • If Nitroglycerin Tablets Cannot Relieve Pain
  • With loss of consciousness.

First aid

First aid depends on the disease:

  1. With angina pectoris, they give a nitroglycerin tablet, if it does not help, they call an ambulance.
  2. In case of a heart attack, they provide the maximum flow of oxygen to the patient and call an ambulance.
  3. To relieve spasm in osteochondrosis, it is enough to take a pill that relieves pain or inflammation, make local rubbing with ointment.
  4. With an ulcer, medical attention is urgently needed.
  5. With pain from severe heartburn, Peptobismol is taken.
  6. In case of injury, the patient is placed on the affected side and the chest is fixed. Urgent transportation of the patient to the traumatologist is necessary.
  7. Neuralgia is relieved by warm or cold compresses.
  8. In case of a sharp pain attack with loss of consciousness, it is necessary to check whether the person is breathing, whether his heart is beating, to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is laid so that the legs are higher than the head. The patient must be tried to bring to himself and call a doctor.

Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, one can understand that pain in the sternum in the middle does not appear just like that - more often it is a symptom of a serious illness.

Therefore, you do not need to let everything take its course, doing self-treatment. It is necessary to consult a doctor for timely diagnosis of the disease and its treatment. This is a sure way to prevent an attack of angina pectoris, heart attack, get rid of stomach ulcers and other serious pathologies that poison existence.

When pain in the middle of the chest is disturbing, this may indicate the presence of both a simple overstrain of the body, or fatigue, and the presence of serious diseases. In any case, it is necessary to find out the cause of their appearance and eliminate it by visiting a doctor in a timely manner.

Causes and manifestations of chest pain

The sensations of pain that occur in the middle of the chest are familiar to the vast majority of mankind. The reasons for this can be very diverse. It is good when it is the cause of simple physical overexertion, but worse if chest pain indicates the presence of a serious illness.

Chest pain can be caused by a disease of the organs directly in the chest, or indicate diseases of the organs located in the abdominal cavity. In addition, diseases of the diaphragm, esophagus, lungs or heart can also cause pain in the middle of the chest.

But no matter what it is called, one way or another, chest pain in the middle always gives a reason to worry about your health. First of all, it is necessary to find out the causes of such pain, and to exclude the diseases by which it can be caused. Such work is only possible for qualified specialists in the field of medicine.

Turning to the doctor, you need to know the nature of the pain that accompanies you in the middle of the chest. Depending on it, the pain manifests itself in the following sensations:

    aching pain in the middle of the chest;

    dull chest pain;

    sharp pain;

    burning pain in the chest;

    pressing pain in middle of chest.

If you experience any of the above pain in the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Chest pain can be caused by both minor and dangerous causes.

Dangerous diseases that can cause pain in the middle of the chest

Since chest pain has a different character, it can be caused by one of the following dangerous and serious diseases.

    aortic dissection;

    ischemic disease of the organ - the heart;

    any kind of heart attack;

    thromboembology of the lung system;

    oncological diseases of the respiratory organs, heart, spine;

    rupture of an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;

    acute pancreatitis

At the first appearance of discomfort in the middle of the chest, you should not delay visiting a doctor. A quick visit will allow you to identify serious diseases in the early stages and eliminate them. If the chest pain is pressing or burning, it is necessary to call a doctor, as these may be manifestations of an angina attack.

Chest pain is a reason to visit a doctor

With a well-defined duration of chest pain, a heart attack often manifests itself. You should not refuse hospitalization even if, upon arrival of the doctors, the pain disappeared, and the electrocardiogram showed a negative result.

Often, diseases that are psychogenic in nature cause pain in the middle of the chest. Symptoms of such diseases can be sharp, stabbing, pressing and dull pain. Usually, pain in such diseases manifests itself in the left upper chest, but sometimes it is also felt in the middle of the chest.

You can distinguish a psychological illness that provoked chest pain by the following symptoms:

    The nature of the pain, its localization and intensity often change.

    The pain is quite long, after taking sedatives it subsides.

If chest pain is persistent

If chest pain is felt constantly, this may indicate that it is caused by less dangerous diseases, compared with pain that appears suddenly. Such pain can indicate injuries and diseases of the spine or neurological diseases.

In addition, the feeling of constant pain in the middle of the chest that does not subside can be caused by diseases such as:

    disorders of the pancreas;

    stomach diseases;

    diseases of the digestive tract.

If constant pain in the middle of the chest increases with time, this indicates that the disease that caused them is progressing and developing.

Pain in the middle of the chest, even the most insignificant, should not go unnoticed. When they appear, a visit to the doctor is essential. If the disease, even if not too serious, is just beginning, a timely visit to a specialist will allow you to get rid of it at an early stage, and will not allow the disease to develop into more serious and dangerous forms.

The sternum is an elongated oblong bone located in a person in the very center of the chest. It is movably connected by its upper part to the right and left clavicles, on the sides - to the first seven pairs of ribs.

Together with the ribs, the sternum forms the chest, inside which there are vital human organs - the heart, lungs, the main part of the esophagus, and the main blood vessels.

With pain in the sternum, we mean unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone itself or its joints - the junctions with the collarbone and ribs.

But the patients themselves, with this simple name, summarize, perhaps, all types of pain in the chest area and deep in the center.

Causes of chest pain

In most cases, discomfort behind the sternum is one of the signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the organs located in the chest. However, with some types of pathologies, radiating pain occurs in the sternum.

Basically they are related to failures:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • immune;
  • digestive;
  • musculoskeletal system.

The nature and localization of pain in the sternum

When visiting a clinic or calling an ambulance, you need to tell as accurately as possible about pain sensations and show exactly where they are present.

Left chest pain

The lung is located on the left side of the chest, the heart is located between the 2nd and 5th ribs, the aorta is located along the entire length on the left side of the chest closer to its middle.

Therefore, if there is a complaint of pain on the left side of the chest, the doctor will identify and carry out diagnostic measures for diseases such as:

  • pericarditis;
  • angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pleurisy and left-sided pneumonia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • aortic aneurysms;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • ulcer of the esophagus-stomach areas, etc.

Right chest pain

In this part of the body, pain sensations arise in pathologies such as:

  • right-sided pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • pathologies of the liver and gallbladder;
  • injuries and inflammation of the diaphragm;
  • pancreatitis.

Also, pain can appear with various injuries directly to the sternum or ribs, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intercostal neuralgia.

Pain above the sternum

Pain in the upper part of the sternum can occur due to injuries of the sternum and collarbone, bronchitis, damage to the esophagus, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, osteochondrosis, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Acute chest pain

Such sensations, as a rule, are a sign of cardiac pathology - myocardial infarction, acute heart failure. If accompanied by shortness of breath or cough - a symptom of pneumonia, bronchitis.

With a sharp and sudden pain associated with a rapid deterioration in well-being, the cause may be:

  • aortic rupture;
  • pinched or perforated ulcer of the upper part of the stomach;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

A sharp pain during a sigh may indicate a bruise or fracture of the ribs, sternum.
With the above disturbing sensations, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, if the state of health deteriorates sharply, emergency hospitalization is mandatory, since many of the symptoms listed are signs of conditions that threaten human life.

Aching, pressing pain behind the sternum

With aching pain, a sluggish pathological process is characteristic - an infectious inflammation, a chronic disease.

Most often, pressing pain is a sign of heart disease, with concomitant changes in blood pressure, weakness and shortness of breath.

Other diseases

Pain inside the chest, as a rule, is a sign of pathologies of the digestive system, heart and blood vessels, lungs and bronchi, trauma.

Pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels

Pain under the sternum, caused by cardiovascular diseases, occur much more often than others. They can be of a different nature: sharp, aching, pressing.

Often concentrated in the upper left side or center of the chest, can spread to the entire chest area.

  • myocardial infarction

Occurs when the heart artery is completely blocked, as a result of which the incoming blood flow stops, and due to lack of nutrition, the heart muscle dies.

In this case, there are very sharp and severe pains that last for some time. Additionally, there is increased sweating, an attack of nausea and vomiting, severe weakness.

  • angina pectoris

It develops with partial blockage of the heart artery. With this disease, the nutrition of the heart muscle does not stop completely, but decreases, as a result of which oxygen starvation affects the muscle.

The causes of angina pectoris are stress, excitement, overwork, excessive physical activity and "shoot" in, in the shoulder, arm or jaw. The pain is sharp, but tolerable, lasts about 15-25 minutes and recedes.

  • Myocarditis

Occurs when the heart muscle is infected. Pain is accompanied by fatigue, fever. With severe pain, this condition is similar to a heart attack.

  • Pericarditis

Pericarditis is a disease of the pericardium (the outer shell of the heart), in which its thickening is observed, after which fluid accumulates in the pericardial cavity, and then adhesions (scars) appear on the pericardium itself or its cavity. The heart is compressed and its function is disturbed. The pain is similar to a sign of angina pectoris.

  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries

It occurs when cholesterol plaques accumulate, as a result of which the lumen of the coronary artery narrows and its wall may rupture or completely blockage of the lumen.
A person feels a sharp, severe pain, as if something had burst inside the sternum, which radiates to the back, neck or stomach.

Lung pathologies

With pulmonary diseases, there is a sharp severe pain in the chest area, and aching.

  • Lung abscess or pneumonia

The lungs covered by the infection make themselves felt both aching and sharp one- or two-sided pain in the depths of the sternum. This condition is often accompanied by fever, a wet cough, and weakness.

  • Pleurisy

This is an infectious lesion or irritation of the surface of the lungs or pleura - the inner lining of the chest cavity. There is a sharp pain in the sternum when coughing and sneezing, inhaling and exhaling.

  • Pneumothorax

As a rule, this disease develops with a chest injury and is associated with the ingress of air from the lungs into the cavity. The symptom is a sharp pain in the sternum during a deep breath.

There is internal bleeding, blood pressure drops, a feeling of weakness, loss of consciousness and pain shock.

Diseases of the digestive system

In the thoracic region is the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach, bordering the diaphragmatic opening. On the left under the diaphragm is the pancreas, on the right is the liver. Any pathological conditions of these organs entail both acute and pulling pains in this area.
  • GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a consequence of the ingress of food from the stomach back into the esophagus, thereby irritating its walls with gastric juice.

Accompanied by burning pain, often of a strong spasmodic nature, with a bitter taste in the mouth.

  • Contraction disorders, esophageal rupture, hypersensitivity

All of the above causes pain in the middle of the chest. After a rupture of the esophagus, acute pain occurs that cannot be tolerated, a rapid deterioration in well-being and vomiting.

  • stomach ulcer

With an ulcer, the pain is concentrated at the top and center of the abdomen, sometimes it is given to the chest. Most often, it is aching in nature, acute occurs during an exacerbation of the disease. May subside after eating without irritants (spices).

  • Diaphragmatic hernia, gastric obstruction

It happens when the hole in the diaphragm that serves as a passage for the esophagus and blood vessels weakens. After eating, the upper part of the stomach can enter the chest cavity, and the contracting diaphragm pinches it.

There is severe pain in the sternum and upper abdomen. Emergency hospitalization required.

  • pancreatitis

When the pain spreads to the left lower or central part of the chest, and also worsens when the body is vertical and decreases when bending forward.

What to do if the sternum hurts?

Any pain can report a variety of pathologies, often posing a threat to human life.
In this regard, if you experience any disturbing sensations, you should contact a medical institution for examination. In case of severe pain, an ambulance is required.
As a rule, with discomfort in the chest, they initially turn to a therapist who can give a referral to a gastroenterologist, cardiologist and other specialists.
Having made a preliminary diagnosis, treatment begins, which depends on the disease or pathology, due to which the symptoms listed above appeared.

Chest pain with osteochondrosis signals problems in the thoracic spine. The nature of the pains is squeezing, stabbing, cutting, a burning sensation is felt. Pain can radiate to the heart, masquerading as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Chest pain can be manifested by taking a deep breath, staying in one position for a long time, raising your hands, as well as coughing, sneezing. Often the syndrome can worsen at night, cause shortness of breath, and cause a person to panic.

Many people do not know that pain is due to and turn to a therapist or cardiologist. An experienced specialist is able to recognize the true cause of the disease and refer the patient to a neurologist for diagnosis and further treatment of the spine.

The chest hurts due to osteochondrosis: how can this be?

Pain in the chest is often a clear sign of thoracic osteochondrosis. This section is the most durable part of the spine, but it is not worth excluding the presence of pathology in it. Lack of physical activity, weight lifting are the factors that provoke the development of thoracic osteochondrosis. Their constant impact negatively affects the state of the cartilage and bone tissue of the spine: intervertebral discs are destroyed, osteophytes appear.

When moving, they compress the spinal roots and blood vessels: blood circulation in the chest organs worsens, their innervation is disturbed. If osteochondrosis progresses, the pressure on the paravertebral structures increases - pain appears.

The figure shows the pressure of the vertebra on the nerve endings of the spinal cord.

Localization of pain may be different. It all depends on in which area of ​​the thoracic region the intervertebral discs are destroyed. If the roots located in the zone of 2-3 vertebrae are pinched, pain manifests itself in the chest.

Pain in the chest can also appear with pathology in the cervical spine. However, in most cases, pain in the sternum indicates thoracic osteochondrosis.

Characteristics of pain in the chest with osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is the most "insidious" form of the disease, since in the first stages of its development it may not manifest itself at all. The pain syndrome occurs much later: when a protrusion or intervertebral hernia has formed. In this case, the pain:

  • appears when moving, tilting and turning the body, sneezing and coughing;
  • intensifies when trying to take a deep breath and exhale;
  • gives to the stomach, liver or heart;
  • accompanied by discomfort in the right or left hypochondrium;
  • has a one- or two-sided character (with lateral and median hernia, respectively);
  • disturbs constantly or occurs periodically.

All pain in the chest with thoracic osteochondrosis is divided into two categories (see table).

Criterion Type of pain
Dorsago Dorsalgia
The nature of the pain Cutting, sharp, sudden onset (may appear at night) Moderate, but gradually increasing
Duration Short-lived (subsides within 30 minutes of attack) Pain is chronic (lasting 2 to 3 weeks)
Factor causing pain Change in body position after monotonous work in one position (for example, getting up from a chair) Deep breathing, sharp turns and tilts of the body, getting out of bed after sleep
Intensity of pain on movement Increases (with torso tilts, rotation of arms) Passes after a short walk
Effect on physical activity There is stiffness in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, severe limitation of movement, shortness of breath There is a feeling of stiffness in the neck and shoulder. The pain is tolerable, so it does not greatly restrict movement and does not affect the physical activity of a person.

The most severe manifestation of thoracic osteochondrosis is acute pain in the ribs (intercostal neuralgia). In intensity, they are second only to renal colic.

In addition to pain in the chest with osteochondrosis, the patient may experience other symptoms of radicular syndrome:

  • violation of skin sensitivity ("crawling") in the area of ​​the affected vertebrae;
  • deterioration of reflexes, decreased muscle tone, which are located below the chest;
  • cold snap, pallor of the skin of the lower extremities;
  • heart pain;
  • cough, shortness of breath.

The clinical manifestation of thoracic osteochondrosis resembles the symptoms of pneumonia, pathology of the cardiovascular system (see table).

Cause of chest pain Features of pain Difference from pain in thoracic osteochondrosis
heart attack, angina pectoris Lasts 20 to 40 minutes. Pain is localized on the left, but can also occur in the right side of the chest. Sometimes they radiate to the shoulder and left arm, the area of ​​the scapula, lower jaw and abdomen. The pain is more pronounced and is combined with such symptoms: excessive sweating, low blood pressure, shallow breathing, dizziness.

With angina pectoris, chest pain subsides after taking nitroglycerin.

Pneumonia Disturbs constantly, amplifies at breath. Not clearly localized, accompanied by cough, mucus, fever, headaches.
Thrombus in the pulmonary artery Occurs suddenly. The clinical manifestation of pain (its localization, intensity) resembles a myocardial infarction. Increased pain is observed when breathing, coughing. The patient has: a drop in blood pressure, severe shortness of breath, hemoptysis, tachycardia, blueness of the upper half of the body.

It is impossible to determine why the chest hurts without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

Osteochondrosis or organ diseases: how to find out why it hurts in the chest?

It is possible to identify the exact cause of chest pain only after a comprehensive examination. In order to exclude diseases of the heart and lungs, the patient undergoes an ECG, echocardiography, and fluorography. If pathologies of the chest organs are not detected, the following methods of examination of the spine are prescribed:

  1. Contrast discography - is performed to assess the condition of the intervertebral discs (the formation of cracks, protrusions).
  2. Myelography is the diagnosis of the spinal cord using a contrast medium.
  3. Computed, magnetic resonance imaging - help to determine the stage of osteochondrosis, the type of pinched root, to identify the place of destruction of the intervertebral disc.

The use of CT and MRI is relevant for suspected osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, tumor of the spine and surrounding tissues, preparation for surgery. Such diagnostic methods help to make a diagnosis, determine the nature of complications, the amount of necessary therapy. In severe cases, the results of the examination are transmitted to specialists around the world via the Internet.

If osteochondrosis is a “provoker” of pain in the chest, the pictures show the following:

  • reduction in the height of the intervertebral discs;
  • compression of the spinal cord, its roots and blood vessels (in the chest form of osteochondrosis, compression myelopathy is rare);
  • the presence of osteophytes on the vertebrae, protrusion or intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the roots and tissues surrounding the spine;
  • severe scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis.

In patients with thoracic osteochondrosis, the risk of developing bronchial asthma and inflammation of the heart muscle is significantly increased. Therefore, after confirming the relationship between chest pain and spinal pathology, treatment should be started immediately.

What to do if osteochondrosis is the “culprit” of chest pain?

If chest pain occurs due to compression of the spinal roots, which are responsible for the nerve supply of the chest organs, the spine should be treated. Therapy of osteochondrosis involves the use of medications, auxiliary methods of treatment. Its main goals are to reduce pressure on the roots, improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the spine, and restore the functions of damaged neurons.

Drug treatment is indicated in the acute period of the disease. It includes the following medications:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • relieve inflammation at the site of compression of the roots, vessels of the spinal cord;
  • reduce tissue swelling;
  • reduce the severity of pain.

Chondroprotectors. Operating principle:

  • restore the elasticity of the intervertebral discs;
  • saturate damaged tissues with nutrients;
  • prevent further destruction of cartilage.

Painkillers and warming drugs. Result after applying them:

  • normalizes blood circulation in the affected area;
  • muscle stiffness disappears;
  • the metabolism in bone and cartilaginous tissues is activated.

Vasodilators and improving exchange processes:

  • relieve spasms of blood vessels;
  • stimulate blood flow to the chest organs and damaged tissues;
  • speed up metabolism.

With severe pain in the chest, glucocorticoids or novocaine blockades are sometimes used.

Additional methods of treating osteochondrosis are used in combination with drug therapy. As a rule, appoint:

Physiotherapy procedures- help relieve pressure from the roots, eliminate muscle spasms. A positive effect in osteochondrosis is exerted by:

  • mud treatment;
  • exposure to laser, ultraviolet;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • acupuncture.

Massage, manual therapy(do not use in the acute period of the course of the disease). Therapeutic action:

  • muscle functions are restored (pathological reflexes disappear);
  • improves blood circulation in the tissues of the spine, chest;
  • metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

Manual therapy is not used for severe pain in the back and chest, pregnancy, fresh spinal injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases and high blood pressure.

Therapeutic gymnastics. The effect of training:

  • the muscular corset is strengthened;
  • the functions of the joints, ligaments and muscles are restored;
  • the static tension of a backbone decreases.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises is much higher if you perform exercises in warm water. Swimming is no less useful for chest osteochondrosis.

The recovery of the patient largely depends on how well he eats. A balanced diet helps to quickly cope with the disease, restore the functions of all organs and body systems. Therefore, with osteochondrosis, accompanied by pain in the chest, it is recommended:

  1. Include in the menu dishes that contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue (jelly, jellied fish, jelly).
  2. Eat foods rich in fiber and calcium (fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, cottage cheese).
  3. Eat 4-5 times a day: in small portions. Overeating is one of the causes of weight gain, and it is known to increase the load on the spine.
  4. Minimize the consumption of salty foods, sweets, smoked meats.
  5. Drink as much water as possible (lack of fluid in the body negatively affects the condition of cartilage tissue).
  6. Refuse strong coffee and tea (caffeine leaches calcium).

It is possible to prevent exacerbation of thoracic osteochondrosis if preventive measures are observed. What do we have to do:

  1. Perform a light warm-up every two hours of sedentary work.
  2. Try to take a horizontal position of the body during the day for 30-50 minutes (so that the spine “rests” a little).
  3. Give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  4. Engage in active sports.
  5. Monitor your posture, evenly distribute the load on your back when carrying heavy objects.
  6. Get enough sleep (optimum sleep duration is 8 hours a day).
  7. Avoid stress, go out into the fresh air as often as possible.

Pain in the chest can be a symptom of the pathology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems or a sign of a complicated course of thoracic osteochondrosis. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor in time: he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the sternum is an unpleasant phenomenon that can occur due to many reasons. To get rid of pains of such localization, you need to know what caused them. Some conditions may require emergency care. When exactly to “sound the alarm”, and when can you cope with the problem yourself? We'll talk about this and more later.

General concepts

Chest pain is a common symptom that anyone can experience. It is an unpleasant painful sensation in the area of ​​​​attachment of the ribs to the chest. Most often, pain in this part of the body occurs during movements - when walking, breathing, turning and bending, coughing, etc. More rarely - at rest.

Most patients are sure that pain in the sternum is a sign of heart disease. Official statistics show that only in 40-50% of cases, heart disease is the culprit of pain in the sternum.

In 90% of cases, pain occurs due to problems with organs that are located directly in the chest. Only in 10% of cases they are an echo of disorders in the functioning of the organs located in the abdominal cavity.

Such a disease can cause:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung pathology;
  • diseases of bone and cartilage structures;
  • diseases of the digestive tract or diaphragm;
  • trauma;
  • psychogenic factors.

The reasons

Most often, the pain of this localization occurs due to injuries and various diseases. Which ones? Let's consider in more detail.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The most common culprits for pain in the sternum are heart disease. We are talking about diseases such as:

  • . Pathology in which there are blockages in the vessels supplying blood to the heart. This leads to oxygen starvation of the organ, as well as a decrease in blood flow, which causes pain in the sternum. Unpleasant symptoms appear not only in the chest, but also give to the arm, back area and even the jaw. It seems to a person that the entire chest is compressed. As a rule, such sensations occur during times of severe stress or emotional tension.
  • . Pathology in which blood through the artery ceases to flow to the heart is no longer partially, but completely. Blockage of the vessel leads to such a dangerous condition, which is fraught with the death of heart muscle cells. In this case, the patient experiences more severe pain in the left side of the sternum (than with angina pectoris), which radiates throughout the chest and also gives into the arm, persists for a long time (from 30 minutes or more). Pain sensations are of a pronounced burning character.
  • . A disease characterized not only by pressing pains in the center of the sternum, but also by violations of the respiratory function and an increase in body temperature. Blockage of the arteries with myocarditis does not occur. Despite this, the general symptoms of the pathology are very similar to those of a heart attack.
  • . With inflammation of the pericardium (one of the membranes of the heart), this disease is diagnosed. Pain in pathology is very similar to those that disturb patients with angina pectoris. We are talking about acute pain in the entire sternum of a compressive nature, which is given to the shoulder and arm. With pericarditis, pain can spread not only to the sternum, but also to the neck muscles. Most often, the pain syndrome increases with deep breathing, eating, or lying on your back.
  • . Thickening of the heart muscle causing heart failure. This condition interferes with the normal functioning of the heart. As a result, the patient develops left-sided sternal pain of a burning nature, as well as concomitant symptoms of pathology - fatigue, respiratory failure, insomnia, dizziness.
  • Mitral heart disease. A disorder in which the heart valve does not close completely. With this diagnosis, a person is tormented by aching pains in the central and left side of the sternum, heart palpitations, and dizziness.
  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. A dangerous condition associated with blockage of the coronary artery by cholesterol plaques. If the blood through the vessel ceases to pass completely, a rupture of the coronary artery may occur. Against the background of pathology, the patient experiences unbearable pain in the sternum or a feeling of a rupture in the chest. Pain can be given to the abdomen, back and neck.

It is not uncommon for lung diseases to cause chest pain. Most often, pain is provoked by banal viral infections, as well as bacterial lesions. More rarely, more serious diseases, such as cancer, become the cause of discomfort in the chest area.

Consider the most common:

  • Pleurisy. Inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the lungs, which is characterized by acute pain in the sternum during inhalation and exhalation. In addition to the pain syndrome, a person is disturbed by an intense cough, as well as frequent sneezing.
  • Pneumonia. A common cause of sudden pain in the entire sternum that occurs against the background of an infectious process in the lungs. Pathology is accompanied not only by pain, but also by other symptoms - intense cough, fever, profuse sputum discharge.
  • Pneumothorax. Damage to the lungs, in which the integrity of the organ is violated and air enters the chest cavity. This process is accompanied by severe pain in the left and right side of the sternum, which intensifies with deep breaths.
  • . A disease in which the patient is determined by increased blood pressure in the lungs and nearby large vessels. In this regard, the right side of the heart muscle begins to work more intensively, which causes pain in a characteristic localization - on the right side of the sternum. With pulmonary hypertension, the pain syndrome is very similar to the pain that appears during an angina attack.
  • Asthma. An inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. The patient is tormented by a strong cough, shortness of breath, breathing "with a whistle", sometimes - pressing pains in the central part of the sternum, the trachea region.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

When pain occurs in the sternum, patients rarely attribute them to problems and malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. As practice shows, in vain. They often lead to pain. The most frequent diseases:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is manifested by heartburn and pain in the central upper part of the sternum. It occurs due to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. Very often, this disease can be confused with heart disease, as it seems to the patient that the heart hurts, which is located in close proximity to the esophagus and is connected to it by nerve endings. At the same time, a person complains of burning and pressing pains that occur after eating or intense physical exertion.

In addition to gastroesophageal reflux disease, other pathologies of the esophagus, for example, its hypersensitivity, can also cause chest pain.

  • stomach ulcer. It can cause constant pain in the lower part of the sternum and throat. The main problem with this pathology lies in the presence of ulcers on the gastric mucosa. To help cope with the pain in this case, you can eat a light meal, regular baking soda, or tablets used in the treatment of the stomach.

In 90% of cases, ulcers and chest pains occur in people who often drink alcohol and smokers "with experience".

  • Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas, as a rule, causes pain in the lower part of the chest. In this case, the patient's condition worsens with sharp bends forward or in the supine position.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Pain in the sternum with pathologies of the gallbladder appears after eating fatty foods. A person complains of heaviness in the stomach area, as well as unpleasant pain in the lower right part of the chest.


The main reason for the appearance of pain in the middle of the sternum is trauma. They can be very diverse - from a banal fall from a height to a chest hit on the steering wheel in an accident. If after the incident there was pain in the sternum, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will determine whether the pain is the result of serious damage to the internal organs. If the injury is minor, then within a few days the pain syndrome will pass after a properly selected treatment.

A frequent "culprit" of pain in the sternum is a fracture of a rib or several ribs. In this case, the pain is concentrated at the fracture site and is aggravated by pressure on the problem area, deep inspiration and coughing.

Other causes and diseases

In addition to the above diseases, pain in the sternum can cause:

  • Stress. They cause pain in the chest, the so-called psychogenic nature. They appear with strong emotional stress and experiences against the background of spasm of the pectoral muscles.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. It leads to compression of the chest muscles, which, with reduced physical activity, are squeezed even more.
  • Any kind of cough. Cause irritation of tendons and intercostal muscles. Excessive muscle tension provokes pain in the sternum of characteristic localization.
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Congenital pathologies of the spinal column.

Without consulting a specialist, it is very problematic to establish the true causes of pain in the sternum. That is why when they appear, it is worth making an appointment with a doctor.

What to do?

When chest pains appear, one should act on the assumptions that they could cause them.

If the pain in the sternum occurred for the first time and is not too pronounced, you can try to drink any pain reliever. For example, paracetamol. The drug will help relieve muscle spasm and quickly alleviate the condition.

If spasmodic pain is suspected, doctors recommend taking a warm bath or applying heat to the chest (such as a warm but not hot heating pad). This technique will help the muscles to quickly relax, as a result, the pain will recede.

Patients suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, who are aware of their problem, should focus on fractional nutrition. If the pain appeared after eating, you can drink enzyme-containing preparations (for example, Festal or Creon) or a small amount of mineral water.

If you suspect a “cardiac” origin of pain, it is important to immediately call an ambulance team and provide the person with complete rest until the doctors arrive.

In most cases, in the presence of the above-described serious diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract or lungs, it is almost impossible to relieve pain in the sternum with lightning speed.

When should you call a doctor immediately?

With some types of pain in the sternum and associated symptoms, it is impossible to hesitate to call an ambulance. You should immediately call the "ambulance" in such situations:

  • pain in the sternum appeared after intense physical activity;
  • pain syndrome is accompanied by a strong cough (including with blood) or loss of consciousness;
  • the pain has a burning character and extends not only to the sternum, but also to the area of ​​​​the shoulders, arms, neck, lower jaw;
  • the attack does not go away within 10-15 minutes, including after rest and taking nitroglycerin;
  • pain sensations are accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, increased sweating, fainting;
  • soreness in the sternum feels like heartburn, but the usual pills for heartburn do not get rid of it.

Urgent care

The sudden appearance of severe pain in the sternum of any localization can pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient, as it is most often caused by a dangerous disease or pathology.

  • put the person in a comfortable position, ensure the flow of fresh air into the room;
  • give an age-appropriate dose of nitroglycerin to drink;
  • take an analgesic;
  • apply a pepper plaster or mustard plaster to the place of localization of pain for 5-7 minutes.


To cope with chest pain and forget about it for a long time, you should undergo a comprehensive examination.

The minimum diagnosis for patients with chest pain includes:

  • consultation with a doctor and taking an anamnesis (a specialist asks the patient about diseases of the heart, stomach, lungs, symptoms of pathology, medications taken, etc.);
  • ECG (if necessary, an additional load test is performed);
  • radiography;
  • gastroscopy (comprehensive study of the stomach);
  • angiography of the coronary vessels (a series of images of the vessels of the heart muscle).

Additionally, auxiliary research methods can be prescribed - a blood test for markers of myocardial damage, CT, MRI, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and blood vessels.

It is much easier to treat any diseases and pathologies at the initial stage than in an advanced form. Therefore, with the appearance of pain in the sternum, you should immediately start diagnosing and, after making a diagnosis, proceed to treatment.

Most often, with pain in the sternum, the patient is shown:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic methods of influence.

Any therapy is prescribed only in accordance with a pre-established diagnosis, depending on the reasons that caused them.

If during the examination it was not possible to establish the exact cause of the pain, the person is placed in a hospital for a more thorough comprehensive diagnosis. At the time of the examination, the patient can only be prescribed painkillers.

Possible Complications

Even infrequent and not too intense pain in the sternum can lead to very sad consequences and complications. The latter depend on the cause of chest pains.

The result of ignoring pain attacks in the sternum can be:

  • chronic pain syndrome in the chest area, feeling of stiffness between the ribs;
  • oxygen starvation of the body;
  • violation of the normal mobility of the arms and shoulders;
  • pneumonia;
  • neuralgia of various origins;
  • respiratory failure, up to respiratory arrest.

The most serious complications of chest pain are associated with heart disease. We are talking about heart attacks and which can be fatal.


It depends on the root causes of pain in the sternum, as well as the correctness and timeliness of providing assistance to the patient.

Are we talking about a short-term malfunction of the heart or gastrointestinal tract, not severe pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system? Adequate drug therapy can help solve the problem and get rid of it completely.

In 50% of cases, the prognosis for patients with chest pain is favorable.

With serious cardiac pathology, the prognosis is less favorable - the patient may face disability or even death.


  • give up bad habits that increase the load on the heart, increase blood pressure, and also negatively affect the condition of the lungs, digestive tract, other organs and body systems;
  • regularly engage in sports, observing an adequate level of physical fitness training regimen;
  • alternate any kind of physical and mental activity with proper rest;
  • timely seek medical help for any infectious diseases of the organs of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • when sitting at a computer, create comfortable working conditions, regularly perform special exercises to get rid of discomfort in the sternum and between the shoulder blades;
  • focus on proper nutrition - abandon harmful foods in favor of healthy food that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements.

As you can see, chest pain is a common phenomenon that can occur with various diseases and pathologies. The main thing is to start diagnosing in time, accurately determine the causes of the pain symptom and start treatment. In this case, the risk of encountering complications will be minimal.

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