Whether to be stye upper eyelid. Barley on the eye: how to cure it quickly, without consequences and without leaving home. Therapy with folk remedies

Barley is one of the most common infectious eye diseases, which most often affect upper eyelid. It not only has an unpleasant appearance, but also very dangerous for health - without proper treatment, inflammation of the eyelid can turn into serious complications. Therefore, it is so important to understand why this problem occurs, and what to do if barley jumped on upper eyelid.

The sickness strikes hair follicles eyelashes and develops when the infection, having penetrated from the external environment, triggers the active reproduction of bacteria. There are external and internal barley. In the first case, inflammation affects the sebaceous gland, causing severe swelling and redness of the eyelid. In the second, pus accumulates in the depths of the tissues, close to the conjunctiva. But both forms of the disease require mandatory treatment, otherwise the problem runs the risk of becoming chronic, and any weakening of the immune system will provoke re-inflammation of the eyelid.


The first sign of barley is itching - the eyelid begins to itch unbearably, and touching it and blinking cause discomfort and pain. In the future, other symptoms appear: the inflamed area turns red, swells, the eye waters, and after a few days a yellow vesicle filled with pus forms on the eyelid, which bursts on its own by the 5-7th day of illness.

The reasons

To figure out what to do when barley jumped up, it is important to understand what is the cause of the problem. To provoke inflammation of the eyelid can:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • hypothermia;
  • a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • prolonged stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Often, barley appears as a result of a transferred protracted cold, infection or severe chronic illness.


To make a diagnosis, a specialist usually suffices with a simple examination of the patient. But to clarify the causes and degree of neglect of the disease, a blood test (general and for sugar), an immunogram assessing the state of immunity, and an analysis for staphylococcus aureus are sometimes prescribed to find out if barley can be provoked by this pathogen.

How contagious is the disease

Those who are faced with a similar problem are concerned not only with what to do if barley jumped up, but also how this disease is transmitted. How dangerous is a person with eye inflammation to others, and how can his loved ones protect themselves? Unfortunately, physicians still do not give a definite answer to these questions. On the one hand, there is no way to isolate such patients objective reasons, but on the other hand, we must not forget that the development of barley is a purulent process, which means that there is always a risk of getting an infection. Particular care should be taken with children, people with reduced immunity and others. eye diseases- it is important not to allow them to come into contact with sources of pus and not to forget about personal hygiene.


If barley suddenly jumped up, what should I do and what means should I use? First, you need to consult a doctor who will assess the severity of the disease and select the most effective option treatment. Before a visit to a specialist, barley on the upper eyelid should never be squeezed out - this can lead to extensive infection of the tissues. As emergency assistance the affected area should be treated essential oil tea tree or fir, but a strong inflammatory process is unlikely to stop on its own, without the use of antibacterial drugs.


How to treat barley on the upper eyelid ready pharmaceutical products? Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops, which must be used 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the degree of neglect of the disease. Before instillation, the eyelids must be cleaned using soft remedy for washing, and make sure that the drug gets directly into. The most effective in the fight against barley are the drops "Tobrex", "Levomycetin", "Gentamicin", "Floxal", etc. In the most severe cases the attending physician may prescribe hormonal drug"Dexamethosone". If it is not possible to cope with the infection without it, the patient may be prescribed drops of "Cefixime" or "Amoxicillin" for 5-7 days.


How to treat inflammation in the upper eyelid, in addition to drops? Various are considered no less effective in this regard, for example, "Tetracycline", "Erythromycin", "Hydrocortisone", as well as "Blefarogel", "Tobradex", etc. The only negative is that inevitably getting on the eyeball, these drugs cloud vision Therefore, it is recommended to lay them under the eyelid only at night.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers its own answer to the question: how to quickly remove barley on the upper eyelid. You can cope with the symptoms of the disease, for example, with the help of therapeutic lotions - impregnated chamomile decoction or infusion of aloe cotton pads, which are applied to the inflamed eye during the day. So that after barley does not remain on the upper eyelid, it can be warmed up with warm salt, chicken egg or a compress from drunk tea leaves.

Another answer to the question: how to quickly cure inflammation in the upper eyelid - folk recipe based garlic tincture. Half a clove of garlic must be ground into a pulp, pour ½ tbsp. spoons of alcohol, covered with a lid, insist 7-8 hours and strain. The finished product should be rubbed on the eyelid for 3-4 days in the morning and evening.


Dealing with inflammation conservative methods failed, the patient may form a bump on the upper eyelid after barley, filled with purulent masses. The only one possible variant in this case - solve the problem surgically by removing pus with special instruments under local anesthesia.

After the procedure, which lasts about half an hour, a protective bandage is applied to the patient's eye.

Treatment of pregnant women

During the time, immunity is noticeably reduced, so expectant mothers often ask themselves: if barley has jumped up, what should I do to quickly deal with the problem and not harm the baby? Local antibiotics are prescribed to pregnant women only in the most extreme cases and with the permission of the gynecologist. Therefore, they are recommended to treat barley of the upper eyelid in the first place, and even better - do not forget about the prevention of this disease, preventing the development of the inflammatory process.

Funds for children

What to do if barley jumped in a child? Symptoms that have appeared recently can be eliminated with brilliant green, alcohol, or by applying dry heat. In more severe cases, an age-appropriate antibacterial drug is prescribed, for example, Tobrex drops or ointment for newborns and Nettavisk ointment for children over 3 years old.


It is always easier to prevent the appearance of any disease than to get rid of it later. Therefore, do not neglect the precautionary measures, especially for those who at least once encountered the problem of barley in the upper eyelid. Helps avoid reoccurrence extra care behind the eyes. Experts recommend:

  • wash your face more often warm water, baby shampoo and a clean towel;
  • do not touch your face, especially your eyes, dirty hands;
  • to keep clean contact lenses using a special hypoallergenic solution;
  • limit the amount of cosmetics applied to the eyes, buy only high-quality shadows, mascara and eyeliner.

Far from the last role in the prevention of barley is played by healthy lifestyle life, balanced diet, providing the body with vitamins A, C and group B, and regular visits to a doctor who can recognize in time infectious process and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When internal barley appears on the upper eyelid, it is urgently necessary to treat it, since in addition to unpleasant symptoms, it can call enough severe complications. How to properly treat the disease? First of all, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance, as well as know the main symptoms of such an eye formation.

Features of the development of pathology

What is internal barley? This pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the meimobian glands - sebaceous glands, which are located in the thickness of the cartilage of the eyelids. They perform for the eye important work, because they produce a special fatty secret. It is needed for:

  • moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye in order to prevent its drying;
  • facilitating the sliding of the eyelids on the cornea of ​​​​the eye during the process of blinking.

Often, internal barley is equated with a disease such as acute meibomitis. This is because internal stye has the same symptoms as meibomitis. The difference in the localization of these formations on the eye:

Internal stye can occur on both the upper and lower eyelids. Such an abscess is accompanied by a purulent process. How does barley develop inner surface upper eyelid? For its manifestation, a combination of such factors is necessary:

  1. The presence of an infection in the body. Most often, barley develops due to ingestion pathogenic bacteria. In 90% of cases, it is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It can be in the body without any manifestation. But under certain conditions, the infection can become more active and manifest itself in the form of abscesses in front of the eyes.
  2. Reducing the protective properties of the body (weakened immunity).

With a weakened immune system, a small push is enough to activate the infection. Bacteria begin to multiply actively, the inflammatory process begins. The body reacts to the aggression of bacteria by secreting special white bodies that fight against pathogenic flora(this is how pus appears). After the barley breaks through, purulent masses, along with bacteria, flow out, and healing occurs.

What is the danger of internal barley? If left untreated, in some cases it can lead to backfire. Among them:

  • phlegmon of the orbit (diffuse purulent inflammation);
  • sepsis (spread of infection in the eye);
  • meningitis (inflammation of the brain structures);
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus of the brain.

Also possible complication internal barley becomes meibomite, which can transform into a persistent seal in the area of ​​​​the inner eyelid (chalazion). In the absence of proper treatment, it can transform into a tumor.

Causes and symptoms

Most often, the appearance of internal barley on the upper eyelid is provoked by the aggressive action of a bacterial infection. These bacteria include:

  • staphylococci (especially Staphylococcus aureus);
  • streptococcal infection;
  • coli and other bacteria.

Ways of infection

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of barley. It enters the body in several ways:

An abscess on the eye may also occur due to a viral or fungal infection, the toxic effects of helminths.

Risk factors

Internal barley does not appear on its own. Its occurrence causes bacterial infection(sometimes viral, fungal or helminthic invasion). But just having an infection in the body is not enough. There are other factors that affect the ability pathogenic flora become more active. Among them are:

Main features

How to recognize the internal barley on the upper eyelid? It has a number of characteristic symptoms:

Sometimes barley (especially at the peak of its growth) is accompanied by headaches, general weakness and high temperature body. There is an increase lymph nodes. With such symptoms, you need to urgently seek qualified help.

Treatment Methods

With the appearance of internal barley on the upper eyelid, many people do not know how to treat such a pathology. There are several methods:

The essence of drug therapy is the use of medicines in order to alleviate the symptoms, as well as to destroy the cause that provoked the appearance of an abscess. To do this, use the following tools:

For local processing, be sure to use antiseptics to disinfect the infected area. Cauterization with alcohol or brilliant green abscess is not recommended (as with external barley). It is also undesirable to do wet compresses, as they can spread the infection around the eye and aggravate the patient's condition.

Hardware methods of treatment are aimed at activating cell metabolism, restoring blood microcirculation, which affects the functional activity of the eye. The use of such methods has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and analgesic effects. The following methods are used:

If there is no result or if an abscess appears, apply surgical removal purulent masses from an abscess.

This procedure is carried out in a hospital under local anesthesia. Traditional medicine also offers its own methods in the treatment of barley on inner century. In this case, use warm dry compresses. For their preparation, salt, flax seed, bread crumb, leaves are used. bay leaf and plantain. Also effective way treatment of barley is to warm the diseased area with a boiled egg.

The main reason for the appearance of barley on the upper inner eyelid is the presence of an infection in the body. For its treatment, conservative (drug) and folk methods, and with timely access to a specialist, such therapy is effective. It is worth saying that even more complex cases requiring surgical treatment, in most cases today are also successfully treated without having time to provoke complications.

Internal barley on the eye is acute inflammation meibomian gland, which secretes a fatty secretion to lubricate the surface eyeball and age. The inflammatory process is localized in the places where the duct of this gland exits, on the inside of the lower and upper eyelids, closer to the cartilage.

The process is more complicated and more painful than the usual superficial barley. Most often, it is the lower eyelid that suffers, since it is physiologically more convenient for pathogenic microorganisms to accumulate there.

Barley inside the eye is formed due to infection or blockage of the duct of the gland. The accumulated secret becomes inflamed, infected, forming purulent sac. Scales from the skin of the eyelids, dust, dirt, cosmetics, as well as getting into the duct of the gland lead to blocking of the duct. Staphylococcus aureus or subcutaneous tick demodex.

The provoking factor is a decrease in immunity after hypothermia, colds or chronic systemic. As a rule, patients associate the appearance of barley with a cold, prolonged exposure to the cold, or chapping of the face the day before.

The meibomitis of the lower eyelid is easier than the meibomitis of the upper eyelid, it is more convenient for treatment and causes less discomfort to the patient. In a child, the development of meibomite, in addition to the above reasons, often provokes an underdevelopment of immunity. This must be taken into account and try to avoid long walks or crowds of people.

The meibomitis of the eye does not affect vision in any way, except for the affected eyelid, which swells, physically preventing the eye from opening. But other complications infectious nature can cause irreparable harm to the body, even death. These include blepharitis, sinusitis, meningitis. Since the inflammatory process takes place in the immediate vicinity of the brain, it is necessary to be wary of generalization of infection and damage to neighboring areas.

Causes of the appearance of internal barley on the eye

Barley inside the upper eyelid is much less common than inside the lower one, but the reasons for the formation of barley in both forms are the same:

  • pathogenic bacterial microflora;
  • reduced immunity;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • using someone else's cosmetics or towels;
  • infection through contact lenses;
  • hit foreign bodies into the eye;
  • work with harmful conditions in dusty rooms;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes with smoke, chemicals, irradiation;
  • diabetes;
  • dermatitis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • an allergic reaction to an external irritant;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the appearance and development of internal barley (meibomitis) in the upper eyelid are pronounced and differ little from the symptoms of the development of internal barley in the opposite lower eyelid, only by the localization of the process.

Acute meibomite characterizes:

  1. On the initial stage redness, thickening, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation is formed.
  2. Next, edema joins, a feeling of a mote in the eye, which is accompanied by itching.
  3. An abscess is formed, which can break inside the eye, which is accompanied by purulent discharge.
  4. If a breakthrough does not occur, the process degenerates into a chronic course.
  5. The eyelid and the contents of barley are compacted.
  6. Edema disappears, but itching and burning remain.
  7. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged.
  8. May keep subfebrile temperature.
  9. Discharges from sebaceous gland become thick, yellow, with an unpleasant odor.

How to cure internal stye on the eye

It is possible to cure internal barley on the eye in 4-6 days. To do this, it is necessary to approach the issue conservatively, use both, and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy procedures.

Only an ophthalmologist can prescribe effective treatment, do not experiment on your own health, go to an appointment. The doctor will conduct an examination, take smears, prescribe the necessary drugs.

With often recurrent barley (meibomite), a course of antibiotics in tablet form is added to the standard treatment complex to destroy the bacterial flora in the body. This allows you to cure meibomitis much faster and for a long time.

Internal and external barley on the eye is treated according to the standard scheme:

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, dry heat can be used, it is effective until a capsule with pus forms.
  2. Rinse the eye with a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine for disinfection.
  3. With pronounced pain syndrome you can instill an anesthetic in the eye.
  4. It is necessary to bury the affected eye antibacterial drops 3-6 times a day: Sulfacil, Levomycetin, Sofradex, Floxal, Tobrex.
  5. At night, lay behind the lower eyelid special ointments: tetracycline, gentamicin, hydrocortisone.
  6. If drug treatment does not give the desired effect, barley is removed surgically.

Folk methods of treatment

More effective treatment of internal barley on the eye will help folk methods in combination with traditional medicine. As an eye wash solution, brew chamomile or birch leaves. It is necessary to wipe the eyelid instead of washing with aloe juice, for this, cut off one leaf, finely chop and squeeze the juice with gauze. Wipe the eye with aloe juice three to four times a day.

As warm compresses use:

  • warmed up sea ​​salt- it is wrapped in a gauze bag and applied to the site of inflammation;
  • flax seed - fried in a pan, and then also applied through a cloth;
  • black tea bags - brew tea, take out a bag, wring it out and let it cool a little;
  • boiled egg;
  • boiled potatoes.

Remember to get permission from your ophthalmologist before using any method.

look interesting video how to get rid of meibomite folk remedies:

There are no specific prevention or restrictions in the development of this pathology. Listen to your body, the sooner you start treatment, the faster and easier the process will be. Do not start the pathology, complications will not keep you waiting.

With the development of meibomite (barley) of the eye, it is necessary:

  • observe hygiene when instilled eye drops or use of ointments;
  • you can not scratch, rub, squeeze barley;
  • temporarily refuse to wear contact lenses;
  • do not go outside without a protective gauze bandage;
  • discard cosmetics.

For disease prevention:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • go regularly preventive examination at an ophthalmologist;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • do not overwork the body;
  • avoid heavy physical or mental stress;
  • do not overcool, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • wash your hands before contact with the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • treat inflammatory processes in time.

Share your experience in the comments, tell subscribers about the article in in social networks so that everyone knows how to deal with internal barley. And be healthy!

Barley is an ophthalmic infection, which is accompanied by the development of an acute inflammatory process. Outwardly, barley resembles a small bump that has grown on the upper or lower eyelid. According to statistics, the lower eyelid is affected much less frequently than the upper. Since, without proper therapy, barley can lead to serious complications, at the first symptoms, all patients begin to wonder how to treat barley in the upper eyelid. More about this and will be discussed in this article.


Barley can occur due to not only physiological state but also mental. As a rule, the following factors influence the development of pathology:

  • severe stress;
  • bites of various insects;
  • regular or constant experience;
  • severe depression;
  • general weakness body, physical or emotional overwork;
  • weak immunity;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight;
  • development of infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia of the body.

Weakened the immune system a person, unfortunately, cannot resist infections, therefore prolonged exposure low temperature on the body can provoke the development of barley. Because of this, doctors recommend using goggles or a face mask to protect your eyes in cold weather.

On a note! If nevertheless it appeared, then the first and most important thing that doctors forbid to do is to comb the tumor that has arisen. Otherwise, the barley will become even more inflamed, and the symptoms will become more pronounced.

Characteristic symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate the development of barley on the eye:

  • the appearance of a small tumor on the surface of the eyelid;
  • palpation of the affected area causes pain;
  • the skin around the formed tumor becomes inflamed and swells;
  • redness of the patient's eye;
  • there are signs of intoxication of the body (fever, general weakness of the body, chills, nausea, headache etc.);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • a purulent area may form on the tumor.

In the process of development, the resulting abscess can dissolve on its own or open up. Some people suggest that opening the barley will speed up the healing process. But in fact, everything is not so - squeezing or opening the formation can only aggravate the situation, provoking an increase in the focus of inflammation. Similar actions only spread the infection throughout the body of the patient. As a result, the duration of therapy may increase.

Possible Complications

Wrong and untimely treatment, as well as his complete absence can lead to serious complications. To possible problems, provoked by an incompletely cured disease, include:

  • chalazion - pathological condition requiring surgery)
  • relapses inflammatory processes and chronic infection;
  • the development of meningitis (a disease accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the brain);
  • the appearance of multiple abscesses of the eyelid;

Doctors, as a rule, resort to surgical opening of the papule in rare cases. For example, when increasing purulent abscess, fever, or if you experience a severe headache. As noted earlier, it is not recommended to squeeze barley or pierce it yourself. Doctors must use special surgical equipment or instruments to make the incision, but most often the operation is done with a scalpel. There are no stitches after the operation.

Methods of treatment

Depending on the severity of the disease or the condition of the patient, the doctor may prescribe a specific remedy. Can be used in treatment different methods, among which are traditional medicine, pharmaceutical preparations or surgery. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Pharmacy preparations

At inflammatory diseases eye bacterial nature, including barley, doctors recommend starting treatment at the first symptoms. Typically, the first antibacterial drugs in the form of drops and ointments for the eyes. For example, it worked well antimicrobial agent a wide range the action of ofloxacin from the group of fluoroquinolones of the II generation, which is built into the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to multiply and die. Ofloxacin - active substance the drug Floksal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. With barley antibacterial ointment applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not less than 5 days, even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. At bacterial conjunctivitis(red eye with purulent discharge) drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Usually, eye drops you need to instill about two times a day, but in rare cases, the doctor may change the dosage of the drug or the duration of the therapeutic course. As an adjunct to these remedies are often used various ointments. When treating barley, hydrocortisone, erythromycin, tetracycline and other types of ointments are used. Such funds are laid under the eyelid several times a day.

On a note! The duration may depend on various factors, but in most cases it is carried out until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated, that is, until the barley disappears. Medical therapy can also be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, UHF.

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional methods treatments for barley are also used traditional medicine. With their help, you can not only alleviate the symptoms of pathology, but also completely cure barley on the upper eyelid. All recipes consist of natural ingredients, therefore, they have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to a particular product. Despite its effectiveness, folk remedies should be used in conjunction with drug treatment, but not in its place.

Table. Recipes of folk remedies for barley.

Product name, photoApplication

It is enough to brew one bag of black tea, and then apply it to the affected area. Make sure the compress is warm. In order to save money, you can brew one bag several times. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For cooking herbal collection you need to mix in one bowl 10 g of wild rosemary, bird cherry leaves, birch buds and chamomile flowers. Then pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. cooked collection and cook on steam bath 10 minutes. The finished broth should be infused for 30 minutes, after which the agent is taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Grind one small leaf of the plant and pour 200 ml cold water. Infuse the product in a dark place for a day, then use it as a lotion for the eyes.

To prepare decoction, it is necessary to pour 300 ml of boiling water over 15 g of the plant and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the decoction should be infused. To do this, wrap the pan with a warm towel and leave for 2 hours. Finished product strain through gauze and make lotions on the affected area 2-3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

The technology for preparing a decoction is no different from those indicated above: pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain it and take it inside, and also use it as a lotion. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks or until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

On a note! As a rule, folk remedies alone for the treatment of barley on the eye are not enough. Therefore, at the first suspicious symptoms or if folk therapy did not give the desired result, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely appeal help avoid serious complications.

Prevention measures

There are many preventive measures, the regular implementation of which will help prevent the development this disease. Observe step by step instructions, below, and you can avoid the appearance of barley.

Step 1. Wash your face frequently to wash your eyelids. If you periodically suffer from this pathology, the eyes can be very sensitive to the effects various kinds infections. Use only a clean towel. A special facial scrub may also be suitable to clean the eyelids daily. Rinse your face well with warm water.

Step 2 Avoid touching your face with dirty hands. One of the most common causes barley development is the transfer of bacteria from the hands to the eyes. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes with dirty hands. Remember to wash towels and try never to share a washcloth or other personal hygiene items with someone who already has stye.

Step 3 If you wear contact lenses, then pay sufficient attention to personal hygiene. The peculiarity of wearing lenses is that they must be removed and put on daily, and this requires touching the eyes, so make sure that your hands are clean every time you insert and remove contact lenses. Be sure to use a cleanser for daily washing.

Step 4 Apply eye makeup properly if you use makeup, of course. Frequent use cosmetics, and in particular - shadows and eyeliner, can lead to the development of stye. Try to limit the amount of cosmetics that you usually use. This will reduce the likelihood of barley on the eyelid.

Video - Treatment of barley at home

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Questions and answers for: Styes inside the upper eyelid

2010-12-28 21:39:56

Sasha asks:

I have a bfl inside the upper eyelid of my right eye, which was originally a simple internal barley, and now a purulent lump has formed in this place. I smear with "tetracycline" ointment and wash my eyes with chamomile, but the bump does not go away. What should I do? Please tell me soon New Year and I don't really want to meet him with such a bump

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Alexandra! It's time for you to stop self-medicating and seek help from an optometrist. Barley is not as safe as it seems. The development of a purulent process in the tissue of the eyelid and the absence of an effect on antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy indicate that the process is far-reaching and requires special attention doctor. If you do not want to spoil your appearance forever or get serious complications purulent process - try to visit an ophthalmologist as early as possible. Take care of your health!

2010-03-27 16:50:04

Light asks:

A bump popped up inside my upper eyelid, yellow, similar to an abscess. they tell me barley. The eye hurts for the second day, but not much and begins to swell. please help and tell me what it could be and how to get rid of it as soon as possible?

Responsible Kislitsyn Vasily Vladimirovich:

Most likely, it is. Treatment - dry heat, UHF, when it breaks, rinse with a solution of furacillin 1:5000. If a seal forms, you can inject Kenalog into it.

2016-05-07 12:10:24

Olga asks:

Two weeks ago, I suddenly got a cold, coughing. It's been 4 days since. Then I noticed that my right eye hurts, from the outer corner, it hurt to blink, and it swelled a little. On the lower eyelid, I saw a small hard bump inside. Since I had never had any problems with my eyes, I was very scared. I went to the clinic, they diagnosed me with chalazion, prescribed drops and ointment. I was treated for a week, everything went away, and the swelling, and redness, and the bump was gone. And a couple of days ago I saw something similar in the same right eye, with inside, only more on the upper eyelid. It doesn’t look like barley, it’s not hard, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t cause any discomfort. And I again have an attack of panic and fear: (I’ll go to the doctor in a few days. Maybe it’s a chalazion again, only in a different place? But before it wasn’t there, and it didn’t hurt ... I’m very afraid if they say to cut. ..

2015-07-26 08:11:40

Oleg asks:

Styes deep under the upper eyelid inside the corner of the eye. How to treat and how to anesthetize? Is it possible to use Livomycetin drops?

Responsible Molebnaya Oksana Vasilievna:

Tobradex ( eye ointment) - lay behind the eyelid 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. If it doesn't work, go to the optometrist. P.S. : Lay behind the lower eyelid, and then rotate the eye, it will fall under the upper eyelid.

2012-08-27 09:23:16

Tatyana asks:

Good afternoon!
4 days ago, after sleeping, my husband's left upper eyelid was swollen, they thought barley was starting. A day later, the tumor became smaller, but the same thing happened with the right eye. Inside the eyes did not turn red, did not itch. Drip Sulfacyl Sodium (the simplest, but without certain indications they did not experiment with serious drugs). Also, assuming an allergy, I drank Tsetrin, but the result was zero.
On the this moment both upper eyelids are swollen, during the day puffiness subsides somewhat, but does not go away completely. I didn’t drink liquid at night, I didn’t eat salty food.
I read advice about checking the kidneys and hormones. But he has no symptoms of diseases of these organs. Age 26 years.
Could it be something serious?


Hello, Tatyana. It is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist, after an osmotor, the doctor will refer you to a consultation with related specialists(if necessary).

2012-07-09 17:39:52

Irina asks:

Good afternoon. I have such a problem. To be honest, I'm panicking and don't know what to do. The doctors had it. They say Barley on the upper and lower eyelids. The problem is that this has been going on for a month. One passes, another begins. And on the lower eyelid, one does not pass just a nightmare. Ripens (a little pus goes out and that's it) Then it starts to ripen again. The eyelid is terribly swollen and hard, like a seal, but it doesn’t hurt the head and there is no temperature. But it’s not thickened next to the barley (barley is in the corner of the eye, and the seal is in the middle) The upper eyelid is generally terrible, everything is swollen (for a week) red, and inside the eyelid there is a lot of white coating with pustules. Constantly yellowish and not transparent pus comes out. A few will pass, but others will immediately. Doctors say multiple styes and severe swelling conjunctiva, but not a month? Help me What could it be? And why doesn't it take so long? They first prescribed Albucid and tetracycline ointment, and now Torbeks and floksal (for two weeks already), but there is no sense. From the ointment it seems already an allergy (when I put the ointment it reddens and swells even more) Can I try Tsypromed to drip? Help me please.
Sincerely, Irina.

Responsible Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello Irina. Recurrent barley occurs against a background of weakened immunity. Only local funds not enough, we need antibiotics inside (in tablets), drugs that affect the intestinal microflora (for example, Simbiter), vitamins gr. B, herbal preparations that improve immunity (for example, Imunsil-forte), autohemotherapy has proven itself well. However, the treatment should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist at an internal appointment. I wish you recovery!

2011-10-11 07:44:06

Alena asks:

Hello) I also had an internal beat in the summer. the barley that we moved into a small bun on the left upper eyelid, well, we went to the ophthalmologist, he said to vibrate, we vibrated, but nothing helped, it didn’t hurt me at all) And then the right upper eyelid began to hurt and pus should have come out inside because such a white one formed there small. little thing) And we were smeared with tetracycline ointment, it seems to help, and then barley began to appear on the right lower eyelid, as a slight swelling and redness appeared) And today I looked in the mirror and saw something on the upper eyelid of the left eye where the swelling and redness appeared I don’t know what to do already .... Tell me, is this voice where it turned red and swollen, vigrevatt or smeared with tetracycline ointment ?? please)) I will wait for the answer!!!

Responsible Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

2010-04-17 10:30:53

Alena asks:

Hello. Small watery blisters appeared on the mucous membrane of both eyes on the upper and lower eyelids, because of them sometimes there is a feeling of sand in the eyes or just not comfortable, before that there was inflammation on the right eye (in the upper eyelid): at first, as if there was something Something horrible, didn’t find anything, the next day the eyelid turned red and swollen, the head began to hurt from this. I applied tetracycline ointment - it passed, but a bubble appeared, there was also a small seal inside in the middle of the century, it doesn’t look like barley. What could it be?

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