Mandarin fruit useful properties and harm. The benefits of fruits for the nervous system. "Younger brothers" of oranges and diabetes

Mandarin is an evergreen heat-loving tree. It is grown mainly in Spain, in the south of France, in Greece, Morocco and Argentina. The pulp of citrus fruits contains organic acids, pectin, fiber and mineral salts. Chemical composition fruits determines their benefits for human health, especially during the cold season, when the body is susceptible to viral diseases. The medicinal properties of tangerines are used in medicine and cosmetology. They can be used as fresh, and as part of cocktails, compotes and jams.

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    Calorie content and BJU

    Mandarin - low calorie fruit, the use of which strengthens the immune system and helps to get rid of excess weight.

    Citrus fruits speed up metabolic processes and promote the breakdown of fats.

    The table shows the energy value and BJU per 100 grams of the product.

    Calorie content: 38 kilocalories per 100 grams.

    Rice porridge - calories and BJU, health benefits and harms

    Chemical composition

    The beneficial properties of tangerines are due to chemicals, which are part of the fruit.

    Substance Role in the human body Content in 100 grams of product
    Vitamin PPRegulates the activity of lipoprotein sedative effect improves blood microcirculation0.2 mg
    Vitamin ARegulates chemical processes in the cells of the body, fights against free radicals, prevents vascular diseases, stimulates cell renewal processes, accelerates the healing of cuts, restores epithelial cells10 mcg
    Vitamin CParticipates in the processes of hematopoiesis, promotes the production of collagen, enhances protective functions organism, promotes excretion bad cholesterol, increases the elasticity of blood vessels38 mg
    CalciumPrevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing diabetes and colon cancer, in combination with phosphorus, strengthens teeth and bones35 mg
    MagnesiumNormalizes blood sugar levels, protects the kidneys from the formation of stones, improves brain function, relieves vasospasm11 mg
    SodiumNormalizes water-salt metabolism, activates salivary gland enzymes12 mg
    PotassiumRegulates heartbeat supplies the brain with oxygen155 mg
    PhosphorusSupports acid-base balance in the body, improves the absorption of glucose, activates enzymatic reactions17 mg
    IronStimulates the production of hemoglobin normal operation brain, support immunity0.1 mg
    Mono- and disaccharidesThey are sources of energy, remove toxins, restore strength after physical exertion, increase brain performance7.5 g

    Useful properties of tangerines

    Regular consumption of fruits in food is a good prevention of atherosclerosis, and cholit in the composition of tangerines prevents the deposition of fat in the liver. For people who often experience stress, doctors recommend drinking tangerine juice. It uplifts the mood and increases vitality.

    Vitamins and nutrients are contained not only in the pulp, but also in the peel, which is traditionally not eaten. Proponents of traditional medicine use powdered dried tangerine peels to prepare healing decoctions.

    To improve performance digestive system and strengthen immunity, you need 1 tsp. add powder to breakfast cereal, smoothies or freshly squeezed juice.

    The health benefits and harms of tangerines are discussed in detail below.

    For women

    The benefits of fruits for women:

    • Reduce pain during menstruation and normalize menopausal bleeding.
    • During pregnancy, they help fight the symptoms of toxicosis. To get rid of the feeling of nausea, it is enough to eat a couple of slices of fresh fruit.
    • For pregnant girls, the benefits of tangerines lie in their rich composition. Valuable substances strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother and reduce the risk of infection infectious diseases which may harm the child. The number of fruits that are allowed to be consumed during the day should be discussed with your doctor.
    • The fruit contains few calories, which contributes to safe weight loss. A glass of citrus juice in combination with physical activity activates the metabolism and prevents the deposition of extra pounds.

    For men

    Regular consumption of tangerines increases blood flow to the genitals. Due to this, potency improves and there are no problems during intercourse.

    Men who play sports should include fruit in their diet, as it speeds up the body's recovery processes.

    For kids

    Useful properties of mandarin for children's health:

    • Strengthens bones and joints.
    • Improves appetite.
    • Prevents the development of rickets, which affects children at a younger age.
    • Increases immunity, promotes resistance to viral infections.

    Pediatricians recommend introducing tangerines into the diet of a child from one year old. The first feeding should start with a couple of drops of diluted juice. Gradually, the portion must be increased if the body positively perceives New Product.


    Tangerines, oranges and lemon are allergens. Therefore, before including them in your diet, you should get acquainted with contraindications:

    • stomach ulcer and duodenum.
    • Hepatitis.
    • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.
    • Cholelithiasis.
    • Increased acidity of the stomach.
    • Tendency to allergic reactions.

    Essential oil

    Mandarin essential oil is used in medicine and in cosmetology. It has a light sweet aroma and has a greenish-orange color.

    Oil application:

    1. 1. To improve appetite and speed up metabolism, you need to drop a drop of oil on a handkerchief. Breathe in its fragrance throughout the day.
    2. 2. To cope with nausea and indigestion, you can use a warm bath with the addition of 3 drops of oil.
    3. 3. Combined with sesame oil, mandarin ether improves blood circulation in the veins and relieves back pain. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms light massage should be done.
    4. 4. To prevent the formation of stretch marks on the skin and increase its elasticity, a combination of two drops of mandarin ether with a teaspoon of natural olive oil. The mixture is applied with massage movements.
    5. 5. For diseases of the oral cavity, doctors recommend rinsing: in a glass warm water add two drops of mandarin essential oil. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, do not swallow the mixture.


Useful properties of tangerines and contraindications:

What are tangerines, the benefits and harms of tangerines for human health, what medicinal properties these fruits have, are of great interest to people who lead healthy lifestyle life, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of fruits and berries. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Mandarin is one of the most loved citrus fruits for many people. There was a time when tangerines were in short supply, and children could enjoy the taste of this fruit only once a year, having received 1-2 things as part of a New Year's gift. Perhaps that is why tangerines are associated with childhood and Christmas holidays. Now this fruit is present on the shelves of food markets and shops all year round. The taste of tangerines is now known to everyone, and the enchanting citrus smell is uplifting.

Southeast Asia, namely China, is considered the birthplace of tangerines. This rather ancient fruit in ancient times was eaten only by wealthy Chinese. Today, tangerines are available to absolutely everyone, and the main suppliers are Morocco, Spain, Argentina and Sicily.

Mandarin - beautiful dietary product. Good tangerines should be heavy for their size, rich dark orange or almost red.

The chemical composition of the fruits depends on their location in the crown and the growing conditions of the tree. The fruits contain (%): sugar - 3 - 12, organic acids - 0.6 - 1.1, proteins and fats - 0.4 each, fiber - 0.6, glycosides, systosterol, phytoncides; vitamins (mg%): C - 35 - 165, B1 - 0.06, B2 - 0.03, B3 - 0.2, PP - 0.2, carotene, essential oil; mineral salts (mg%): potassium - 155, calcium - 35, phosphorus - 17, magnesium - 11, iron - 0.1. The peel contains sugars, citric acid, essential oil - 5%, alcohols and anthranilic acid methyl ester, which gives a peculiar smell and taste to tangerine oil, vitamins C, P, carotene, flavonoid, hesperedin, phytoncides.

A wide variety of biological active substances in mandarin with its low calorie content (35 kcal per 100 g of product) makes it indispensable for the diet of sick people.

Tangerines cause a different effect:

  • antiseptic,
  • anti-sclerotic,
  • antitoxic,
  • antiscorbutic,
  • appetizing,
  • bactericidal,
  • antipyretic,
  • choleretic,
  • diuretic,
  • restorative.

FROM therapeutic purpose use raw fresh pulp, whole freshly prepared juice, peel.

Tangerine juice or tangerines improve bowel activity, stimulate appetite, are useful for obesity and the need for fasting according to the doctor's indications. pectin substances and a large number of fiber in the fruits of tangerines helps to optimize the intestinal microflora and does not cause flatulence. Tangerines are especially useful for elderly people suffering from chronic constipation.

The presence of potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and phosphorus in mandarin fruits makes them a useful cardiological agent. The high content of potassium favorably affects the work of the heart, prevents the accumulation of water in vascular system(high arterial pressure) and tissues (edema).

Possibility of use large quantities tangerine juice or tangerine fruits containing easily digestible organic iron allows us to recommend this fruit for various kinds anemia, during pregnancy, during lactation, in conditions associated with a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

The content of alkaline compounds regulates acid-base balance, as a result of which tangerines are useful for acidosis of various origins. Tangerines include in medical menu with urate, calcium oxalate and cystine urolithiasis with precipitation of salts in acidic urine. An increase in the alkalinity of urine under the influence of substances contained in tangerines converts salts into a more soluble state, and the diuresis forced by them contributes to the removal of salts. Concentration of urine occurs mainly at night, so it is useful to prescribe a water load with the help of tangerines evenly throughout the day, including at night, despite the inconvenience associated with sleep disturbance.

With phosphate urolithiasis with stone formation in alkaline urine, tangerines are not used.

Tangerines are useful for cystitis, nephritis and pyelonephritis, occurring without fluid retention in the body, for the prevention of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. They don't irritate the check and urinary tract, the diuretic effect is physiological.

Tangerines are useful for infections, disorders of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of diseases of the blood and the musculoskeletal system, as well as hypo- and beriberi.

Repeated rubbing of mandarin pulp juice heals areas of the skin affected by microsporia or trichophytosis.

Alcoholic tincture of the peel of the fruit increases appetite, improves digestion, alleviates cough and promotes better sputum separation.


Despite their excellent taste and undeniable beneficial features, tangerines can harm a person.

Tangerines are contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the intestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis, in which there is hyperacidity gastric juice;
  • hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • cholecystitis.

This citrus is contraindicated in people with inflammatory intestinal diseases, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, as well as those suffering from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. Tangerines strongly increase acidity and irritate the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. In addition, tangerines can harm the kidneys. With hepatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis, the use of tangerines should be completely abandoned.

There is another point at which the harm of tangerines affects - this is the tendency of the body to allergic reactions. Any citrus fruit, in particular mandarin, is one of the strongest allergens, so if you do not want to harm yourself, try to comply with the measure. In addition to the mandarin itself, its juice is also capable of causing various negative reactions. Keep a close eye on how many tangerines your child eats at a time. Children's body reacts especially hard to various allergens and is much more difficult to recover from the consequences that have manifested themselves than the body of an adult.

If you are not worried about the above diseases and disorders, then still do not rush to eat all the purchased tangerines at once, do not forget about such a thing as hypervitaminosis - acute disorder caused by the use of an overdose of vitamins. Do not think that having enjoyed five kilograms of tangerines, you will stock up on vitamins for five months in advance. Rather, on the contrary, instead of benefit, you will only harm your body, the consequences may be as follows: diarrhea, the appearance of a rash on the skin, the destruction of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin from them.

Calorie tangerine:

An additional advantage of tangerines is their low calorie content:

Calorie table mandarin, depending on the method of preparation, per 100 grams of product:

Table of nutritional value of mandarin (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

What are useful tangerines for:


  • During the cold season, women's health needs enhanced protection and strengthening, and tangerines can perfectly cope with this task. Their regular use will not only help the body resist various diseases but also to prevent their development in the future.
  • Tangerines help pregnant women get rid of negative manifestations toxicosis. Eating a little of this fruit in the morning or drinking a decoction from its peel, the expectant mother will not feel nausea during the day.
  • With vitamins and useful elements as part of the fruit, it is recommended to eat nursing mothers and pregnant women.
  • Tangerines are related to products diet food and help to get rid of obesity. The juice of this fruit prevents the formation of body fat and improves metabolism.
  • Doctors recommend using tangerines for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis. In addition, they help restore the microflora in the intestines during the diet.
  • Fruit is effective prophylactic against the flu and viral diseases. It also contributes speedy recovery and strengthening the immune system after an illness.
  • Mandarin is used not only for food, the oil from it is used in cosmetology for massage from stretch marks.
  • The juice of this fruit, when applied externally, helps a woman get rid of thrush and other similar diseases of the external genital organs.


What are the benefits of tangerines for men? They render beneficial effect for potency. Substances included in their composition suppress sexual dysfunction. Beta-cryptoxanthin, found in high concentrations, has a positive effect on the respiratory organs, joints and ligaments.

Citrus fruits - including tangerines - are excellent suppliers of vitamin C, which speeds up metabolism, nourishes body tissues, improves the fullness of sensations during sexual contact.

Thanks to the lemon ascorbic acids, as well as zinc and phosphorus, tangerines affect the work prostate in men. Eating several tangerines throughout the day will increase blood flow to the genitals.


Tangerines - a storehouse beneficial vitamins. Therefore, caring parents try to feed their children, especially in winter time when domestic fruits do not contain the right amount useful substances.

Tangerines should be given to children carefully so as not to cause allergies, look at the reaction of the body.

Are tangerines good for children? Of course, because they contain potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D. They strengthen bones, vascular walls, and prevent the development of rickets. You can give, but know when to stop.

At what age can tangerines be given to children without harm to health? It is better not to give citrus fruits to children under one year old. Start introducing them as complementary foods, starting with a few drops, then slice by slice, gradually increasing the dose. Juice is best given at 1.5 - 2 years. At 3 years old, children are recommended 1-2 fruits a day, from 12 years old - up to 5, but again - so as not to cause allergies. All children are different, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Are tangerines good for diabetes?

It is quite possible for diabetics to eat 2-3 tangerines per day. Them glycemic index is less than 50. Therefore, they increase sugar a little. But tangerine juice is not recommended to drink. It does not contain fiber, which reduces harmful action fructose in liquid.

It is best to eat them fresh. Or just as a meal, second breakfast. Either during fruit salads or as a decoration or filler in curd masses.

Foreign scientists have proven that tangerines contain flavonol nobelitin, a substance that successfully reduces the level of insulin and cholesterol in the blood. It is this fact that confirms the information that tangerines in type 1 and type 2 diabetes can and should be eaten, they improve appetite, increase the speed of digestion and nourish the body with various vitamins.

These citrus fruits contain alimentary fiber and fructose, which in no way affect the level of glucose in human blood and have beneficial properties.

In type 2 diabetes, the use of fruit can be called therapeutic. With its help, the body receives the necessary dose of nutrients. At the same time, the pulp and peel of the fruit can increase immunity, simplifies the fight against infections, and prevents obesity and atherosclerosis.

Eating tangerine with diabetes will increase the body's resistance various infections and lower blood cholesterol levels.

In general, fruits are considered a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals, and tangerines in particular contain soluble fiber, which increases the time for the processing of carbohydrates during digestion. These fruits with their properties will help sick people, and reduce cholesterol levels, and control weight, and all thanks to their beneficial fibers (100 grams of the fruit contains 3 grams of fiber).

How to treat a cold with tangerines?

It is believed that the best citrus for colds and for its prevention is lemon. But vitamin C is not a panacea at all, but only an auxiliary element - it will not cure a cold, although it will alleviate the course of the disease, having a beneficial effect on its duration. Lemon, traditional for colds, is a good remedy, but not the only one. Tangerines are a great alternative, more tasty and more practical. Only 2-3 tangerines a day will provide the body 100% daily rate vitamin C.

Tangerines are useful for colds, flu and other ailments accompanied by a feverish state. Tangerine juice perfectly quenches thirst and relieves fever. This effect is explained by the content of phytoncides in this fruit, which are natural antiseptics that fight all known infections.

In this case, "tangerine" substances with strong decongestant and decongestant properties are very useful. Mandarins are very useful for patients with bronchitis and especially asthma - in some cases this is just a salvation for patients. To cleanse the bronchi and lungs from sputum, it is enough to drink one glass of tangerine juice in the morning for several days.

Mandarin and its juice are used:

With a cold, ARVI with high temperature: give the patient tangerine juice but 0.5-2/3 tbsp. May be thinned slightly with water.

At severe bronchitis, as well as bronchial asthma: take 1 tbsp. tangerine juice in the morning.

With angina, chronic tonsillitis: drink tangerine juice in small sips, little by little, every hour.

When coughing, bronchitis: 2 tbsp. l. chopped mandarin peel pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Take 2 tbsp. l. heated decoction 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

With bronchitis, as well as a decrease in appetite, tincture is effective: 2 tbsp. l. chopped dry tangerine peel pour 1 tbsp. vodka, leave for a week in a dark place, strain. Take 15-20 drops of tincture in 1 tbsp. l. water 3 times a day for 15 minutes. before meals.

To prevent colds and flu, prepare this tincture: 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh mandarin peel pour 1 tbsp. vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 20 drops of tincture in the morning and evening for 20 minutes. before meals.

What is useful tangerine peel?

Many still doubt that tangerine peel can be useful. And in vain!

Mandarin peel contains organic acids, pectins, antioxidants, essential oils, carotenoids. This is what gives the tangerine zest useful properties. Due to the content of beta-carotene, tangerine peel is useful for treatment, prevention cardiovascular disease. The important flavonoid esperidin, which is part of the zest from tangerines, has many useful properties: it protects the body from viruses, inflammation, and has anti-allergic properties.

The composition of the peel of tangerines contains nobiletin and tangeritin, which reduce cholesterol levels, fight obesity, and are useful in cancer.

Mandarin peel contains potassium, which is necessary for the regulation blood pressure and the conversion of sugar to glycogen. And just 6 grams of dried tangerine peel satisfies 14% daily requirement human in vitamin C.

Mandarin zest is beneficial for strengthening, restoring immunity. Especially in winter period, when defensive forces the human body is running out. You can make an infusion by pouring 2 tablespoons of mandarin zest (chopped) with 1 glass of vodka. The remedy should be infused for 6-7 days in a dark, cool place. Then strain it, take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

The health benefits of tangerine peels are indispensable during times of stress, nerve strain, depression. Brew the zest with tea if you have sleep disorders, neuroses.

The benefits of tangerine zest don't stop there. It helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, normalizes water-salt balance which reduces swelling.

You can use the tangerine peel for use in various diseases:

  • The peel of tangerines brings more benefit than harm with colds and even bronchitis. After crushing the zest and pouring boiling water over it, you can breathe over the resulting steam. Such inhalation can relieve the symptoms of a cold;
  • If you have a fungus on your nails, you can rub your nails with zest of tangerines 2 times a day;
  • At increased gas formation, dysbacteriosis, add 1 small spoonful of crushed tangerine zest to each finished dish.

Please note that tangerine zest, the benefits of which are described above, can only be eaten as food if you are sure of the origin of the tangerine. Since many producers rub fruit special wax to keep the presentation. In addition, during cultivation, all fruits are treated with chemicals and nitrates, which accumulate in the peel of tangerines. The benefit in this case is questionable.

Are tangerines good for weight loss?

So is it possible to lose weight on tangerines? Naturally, if you replace sweets and pastries with any fruit, then the result will not be long in coming. However, you need to understand that you can’t eat tangerines alone for a long time. Yes, it is very useful for the body to make one or two unloading days, or sit down on a short weekly diet, however, in addition to tangerines, other products should be present on the menu.

The fact is that the fruit acids contained in tangerines can increase appetite. more in the stomach of hydrochloric acid, and if nothing but tangerines gets into it, then very quickly increased acidity will lead to symptoms of gastritis, esophagitis. And in people suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers, an exacerbation will definitely begin.

Therefore, purely tangerine diets, as such, do not exist. We must make a meal plan in such a way that in our daily diet There were other products as well. But of course, dietary. So, we take low-fat dairy products, vegetables, our favorite tangerines, eggs, cereals and lean meat or fish. Tea, water and juice (preferably tangerine).

The most simple diet on tangerines - these are repetitive fasting days, 3-4 is enough. In each of them you can eat up to 1 kg fragrant fruits drinking water, unsweetened tea. Rapid weight loss - up to 1 kg per day - will please, but it is important to remember that such a diet should never be extended without consulting a doctor. And in order to save the result, it is recommended not to return to the previous plentiful diet, but to limit yourself to sweet and starchy foods.

Sunny, juicy, fragrant, tasty - all these definitions perfectly characterize the mandarin. Undoubtedly, this fruit is excellent. And it's really good that it is often included in the diet of many people. However, the beneficial properties of mandarin are also noteworthy. Let's consider them in more detail.

First of all, we note that mandarin is an excellent antidepressant. It improves mood and reduces nervous tension.

It is worth remembering that tangerine - strong allergen, people with vitamin C intolerance should avoid them. Anyone suffering from neurodermatitis, the beneficial properties of tangerines will also not benefit!

Mandarin (like many other citruses) is useful for the treatment of colds.

It helps to eliminate sputum, has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect, and also facilitates the course of the disease. Another use of tangerine is an excellent prevention of many colds and seasonal diseases, including avitaminosis.

Useful properties of tangerines

For many people, this citrus fruit helps in the treatment of diseases. respiratory tract such as asthma. Also, with regular use, the beneficial properties of mandarin will be a good prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

At no other time do tangerines have such magical property, how in New Year. This is the taste of childhood and the aroma of the holiday!

It is worth noting the benefits of mandarin for the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the fetus, metabolism improves, digestion normalizes. In addition, performance is improved
organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Finally, with regular use, tangerines have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines

Most citrus fruits, along with great benefit for the body, can cause irreparable harm - especially for allergy sufferers! Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who suffer from vitamin C intolerance. There are also a number of diagnoses that are incompatible with the use of citrus fruits (including tangerines). Read more about contraindications!

Tangerines should not be consumed:

The use of mandarin is an excellent prevention of many colds and seasonal diseases, including beriberi.

  • with peptic ulcer;
  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • jade;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis.

It is also worth remembering that tangerines are a very strong allergen, people with vitamin C intolerance should refuse them.

When studying the beneficial properties of citrus fruits, remember that these are allergens!

For people suffering from neurodermatitis (diathesis, if we are talking about children), tangerines are also not indicated. However, it is worth remembering that the measure is above all, and therefore 2-3 fruits (no more) on New Year's Eve will not only not hurt, but will also cheer you up. When used in excess, even healthy people who do not suffer from allergies and skin rashes, various negative reactions- For example, diarrhea.

Undoubtedly, pregnant women and people suffering from insidious diabetes should be very careful with tangerines.

In our latitudes you will not find this - you need a subtropical climate, but there are places.

As you can see, the beneficial properties of mandarin are very important and interesting topic. The main thing is to use this fruit wisely and carefully, observing the measure. And what are useful tangerines, we hope you remember. Be healthy and beautiful!

This "sunny" fruit came to us from China, where it was available exclusively to the local nobility - tangerines. Getting to useful natural properties and amazing taste of the "aristocratic" name, the mandarin began its triumphal march around the world. And the number of his admirers is growing every day.

What are the benefits of tangerines for the body?

Tangerines may well claim to be the most useful citrus. The bright orange fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. At the same time, 100 g of the product contains only 38 kcal, which makes it possible to classify it as a low-calorie fruit. But first things first…

In the health box

The pulp of tangerines is rich organic acids. For example, citric and malic acids have an antimicrobial effect, and also effectively cope with fungal diseases of various etiologies.

Mandarin slices are recommended to be eaten along with white films, in which glycosides and P-active compounds are present. This helps to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and, and is also a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Availability folic acid especially useful for pregnant women. It is she who takes care of strengthening nervous system future baby. However, tangerines can cause an increase in uterine tone, so they should be taken with caution during pregnancy.

For people suffering from, tangerines help get rid of excess fluid and optimize activities physiological systems organism. This is due to potassium, which actively fights edema in the heart and kidneys.

Taste and color

Along with useful properties, tangerines have excellent palatability, for which they received well-deserved recognition from culinary specialists. It's about not only about dessert fruits, compotes or juices.

These citrus fruits are used as the main ingredients for sauces for meat and game, to fish dishes, as a spice for confectionery, as well as in the preparation of various sweets. In addition, tangerines can be added to salads - their taste gives a touch of piquancy and makes dishes more vibrant.

Since citrus fruits are a real storehouse of vitamin C, called the elixir of youth, tangerines are actively used in the field of cosmetology. Cold-pressed tangerine oil is used in the production of essential oils, massage creams and tonic shower gels, which give vitality and energy.

French doctors advise young mothers to get rid of stretch marks on the skin with tangerine oil. And if you gently rub it into the skin of the child, massaging the tummy, the baby will get rid of colic and will sleep peacefully.

Baths with mandarin oil not only increase the tone of the body and improve mood, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it soft and velvety. However, do not be zealous with the dosage - a large amount of oil can cause dizziness and even. Everything is good in moderation.

Nutritional value and calories

The low calorie content (38 kcal per 100 g of product) allows us to call mandarin a low-calorie and nitrate-free fruit. Lemon acid, located in the peel, prevents the penetration of harmful components, so the citrus pulp is protected from negative impact from the outside.

O nutritional value can be judged by the degree of ripening of the fruit. Ripe tangerine contains:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.9 g;
  • organic acids - 1 g;
  • saccharides - 7.5 g;
  • L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 38 mg;
  • retinol (A) - 10 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.06 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.07 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.03 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.06 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.2 mg
  • potassium - 155 mg;
  • calcium - 35 mg;
  • magnesium - 11 mg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • phosphorus - 17 mg;
  • iron - 0.1 mg

However high content vitamins, micro and macro elements can provoke reverse effect . Instead of the desired recovery and supply of the body with a supply of nutrients, you may encounter hypervitaminosis - an oversaturation with vitamins, which will lead to diarrhea, skin rashes and even a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

In addition to hypervitaminosis, mandarin can cause severe allergic reactions. This should be remembered by people prone to allergies, and use tangerines with caution in pure form or cosmetics containing citrus ingredients.

The children's body reacts especially sharply to various allergens. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor how much fruit the baby eats at one time. Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, the number of citrus fruits should not exceed 2 pieces of medium size.

Exclude tangerines from the diet should be people with inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as those suffering from hepatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis. Diabetics can eat citrus fruits, but it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

How to use milk thistle oil for weight loss? Find out by reading the article.

Folk remedies from flatulence in adults -

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine knows a lot medicines created on the basis of tangerines. For example, fresh or dried citrus peel is suitable for making tea.

This drink not only has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but also helps to remove sputum from the lungs, eliminates cough, and helps get rid of colds and bronchitis.

And if you drink a glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice in the morning on an empty stomach, it facilitates lung diseases and is effective means in the fight against asthma.

Japanese healers recommend using water infusion from mandarin peel to activate metabolism, with blood diseases and blockage of blood vessels. And the external use of tangerine juice allows women to successfully fight thrush.

In general, for women's health and beauty tangerine is indispensable product. Back in the Middle Ages, representatives of the aristocracy whitened the skin of the face and body juicy mandarin slices. Modern techniques weight loss is recommended to consume an average of 500 g of citrus fruits in combination with appropriate physical activity.

Fight against cellulite will be more active if a few drops of tangerine oil are added to the composition of the massage agent. This will not only allow you to get rid of the manifestations of " orange peel”, but will also be an excellent prevention of stretch marks. And if you drop oil into the aroma lamp, good mood will be provided for the whole day!

Not less than effective tool tangerine will become with heavy periods. Eating fresh fruit normalizes menopausal bleeding and eliminates discomfort lower abdomen.

A decoction of the zest can be used as an antipyretic and antiemetic . With diarrhea, such a drink will have an astringent effect. However, we must not forget about individual intolerance - with the manifestation allergic reactions decoction should be discontinued.

Weighing all the pros and cons, each person will be able to determine for himself the optimal portion of tangerines. If nature itself gives such tasty and useful tool for body and soul, why not use it?

The list of contraindications is not so long, but they should definitely be taken into account in order to enjoy "sunny" citrus fruits without any harm. Draw conclusions and be healthy!

Some varieties of fruits are unique composition, thanks to which they become a full-fledged medicine. Tangerines belong to this category of fruits. The vitamins contained in the pulp, zest and pits of citrus replenish not only the supply nutrients in the body, but also have the properties of antidepressants, help prevent certain diseases, give vigor and energy. Asking the question of how tangerines are useful, you won’t get a short answer. List positive qualities has an impressive set of features.

Health benefits and harms of tangerine

The beneficial effect of citrus fruits on the human body is due to the record content of vitamins in fruits. They can cause harm to health rare cases. For example, do not use them for recent months pregnancy, in the presence of individual intolerance. Fruits should not be introduced into the diet if diagnoses are established diabetes, gastritis, other diseases of the digestive system. Citrus fruits increase the acidity level of gastric juice and contain sugar.

Tangerines during pregnancy should be consumed in a limited way. Vitamins have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and fetus, but their excessive amount can cause deviations in the work of the digestive organs, allergies in the newborn, and other consequences. It is better to check with the doctor if tangerines can be pregnant. If contraindications are not identified, then citrus will have to be abandoned only closer to childbirth.

What are useful

Properties of tangerines:

  • regular consumption of citrus replenishes the supply of vitamins needed by the body;
  • the special composition of the fruit turns it into a means of preventing colds, flu;
  • citrus fruits are considered powerful antioxidants (prevent the aging process);
  • the content of vitamin A allows you to accelerate the process of melanin production by the body;
  • citruses improve the process of digestion of food, increase metabolism;
  • citrus juice has antimicrobial properties;
  • regular consumption of fruits prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • tincture of them is considered prophylactic and remedy, favorably affecting all systems of the human body;
  • citrus juice relieves helminths;
  • the benefits of tangerines lies in the special property to relieve depression, cheer up;
  • a child who regularly consumes citrus fruits is less likely to colds;
  • tangerine leaves can be used as an antibacterial agent.

What vitamins are in tangerines

Beneficial features

When studying how tangerines are useful to the body, it is important to take into account individual properties different parts fruit. Fresh citrus juice and fruit pulp prevent the occurrence of certain diseases, help reduce their symptoms, and have a healing effect. In the treatment of respiratory organs, tangerines are able to cleanse the lungs, have a beneficial effect on immune system body, improve the performance of the heart. You can eat the fruits fresh, make tinctures from the zest or make jam from the peels.

Is it possible to recover from tangerines, important question for women and men struggling with extra pounds. The fruits contain not only fruit sugar but also synephrine. This substance effectively burns fats. Thanks to this property, tangerine juice is considered a dietary low-calorie drink. It is recommended to use it regularly to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.

tangerine peels

The skin of citrus contains essential oil. By set nutritional components the peel is slightly different from the pulp. Its most common areas of application are ethnoscience and cosmetology. Dried mandarin peel is used to make decoctions. Their regular use helps to improve the body, improve appetite, and normalize the digestive process. special effect a drink based on a citrus peel excels in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases.


Some parts of the tangerine have been the subject of controversy for doctors and nutritionists over the years. There is an opinion that the seeds of these fruits are dangerous to health. The reason for this conclusion is hydrocyanic acid. To harm health, it is necessary to consume several hundred seeds of citrus fruits at the same time, because several seeds are unable to adversely affect the body. The use of this component is widespread in cosmetology.

Calorie content of mandarin

Citrus fruits are low in calories. 100 g of fruit contains 33-38 kcal. It is not difficult to calculate how many calories in a tangerine, on average it weighs 70-110 g. For 100 g of fruit, there are 0.2 g of fat, 7.5 g of carbohydrates, 0.8 g of protein. Fruits are included by nutritionists in weight loss complexes. Tangerine diets are contraindicated in gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and abnormalities in the liver.

Video: are tangerines useful

Bright citrus fruits became a traditional member New Year's table. The aroma of these fruits accompanies the winter holiday and gives joy. The video tells about how tangerines are useful to the body. The video provides the most complete information about medicinal properties, methods of use and features of the components that make up the peel, pulp and pits of fruits.

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