Tangerine oil - the best beauty recipes. Uses of mandarin essential oil

The tree, decorated with fragrant orange fruits, in China personifies the unquenchable vitality. Citrus peel is rich in valuable liquid widely used in cosmetology and perfumery. It is recommended to use mandarin oil for hair to quickly restore dry and brittle strands.

Benefits of mandarin essential oil for hair

Rich in active ingredients, the oil helps to radically solve the problem of hair loss. Thanks to regular use, it allows you to make curls crumbly and silky. Bactericidal properties are effective against fungal formations.

Useful composition of the oil:

  • limonene;
  • terpinene;
  • terpineol;
  • cymene;
  • decanal;
  • thymol;
  • nerol;
  • anthranilic acid methyl ester.

Healing properties for hair:

  1. Strengthens along the entire length;
  2. Prevents falling out;
  3. Effective against dandruff and seborrhea;
  4. Restores the cuticle.

Contraindications for use:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • individual intolerance;
  • episyndrome.

A large amount of oil, more than fifteen drops per ten ml of base, can cause harm, causing slight dizziness.

It is not difficult to buy a healing natural product, a huge assortment is presented as individual essential oils, as well as whole compositions. Prices in the pharmacy are affordable, you can buy in different volumes - 5 and 10 ml. It is also easy to find mandarin essential oil in cosmetic stores, it costs from 100 to 350 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, domestic or foreign.

Ways to use tangerine oil for hair

The use of essential oil in cosmetology began to give shine and elasticity to curls. Due to its antiseptic properties, the product is widely used for the treatment of dandruff and standard shampooing. If added to balms, you can quickly cope with brittleness and porosity. To accelerate growth, it is useful to do self-massages by introducing up to 7 drops of ether in 10 ml of vegetable oil. It is recommended to rinse your hair with this essential oil, great for dry hair.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with mandarin oil

Using natural hair products can easily replace professional care. By creating natural recipes, it will not be difficult to restore strength and elasticity, and prevent hair loss. The active components of tangerine ether have a beneficial effect on the scalp, normalizing the processes in the follicles.

growth mask

Result: home procedure is effective for accelerating growth.


  • 6 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 5 fish oil capsules;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 st. nettle spoon.

Preparation and method of application: turn dry grass into powder, dilute with tea, dissolve fish oil in warm water, combining the components with spice and aroma liquid. Apply to hair after washing, rubbing the mass at the roots, leave for twenty minutes, then rinse.

Anti-fall mask

Result: The beneficial properties of ether help stop the fallout, increasing the life of each unit.


  • 6 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 50 ml of kvass;

Preparation and method of application: stir the fungi with a warm drink and citrus liquid. Distribute the finished composition at the roots, wrap tightly with cellophane and insulate. The effect of the mask is designed for two hours, after finishing in the usual way. For treatment, repeat the procedure every evening for nine days.

Mask for strengthening hair

Result: to restore the trunks to the very tips, to prevent cuticle porosity, it is worth using folk recipes.


  • 7 drops of mandarin ether;
  • 20 gr. rye flour;

Preparation and method of application: mix homemade whey with flour, add tangerine oil. Distribute the product on wet strands along the entire length. After forty-five minutes, thoroughly wash the residue.


Mask for weakened hair

Result: it is possible to strengthen and reanimate curls after dyeing, building up and exposure to high temperatures thanks to natural components.


  • 6 drops of tangerine oil;
  • 3 ampoules of pyridoxine;
  • 2 yolks;

Preparation and method of application: add yolks, vitamin and aroma product to the intoxicating drink, beat everything with a whisk for uniformity. Process clean, damp strands, wrap with a film and a towel. After waiting about an hour and a half, complete hair care.

Mask for dry hair

Result: Damaged hair lacking shine and elasticity can benefit from a natural treatment. To compensate for the deficiency of moisture and organic acids, restore the protective cuticle, use a therapeutic composition up to three times a week.


  • 7 drops of mandarin ether;
  • 15 gr. coconut oil;
  • 20 gr. sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing the nourishing oil with sour cream with a cosmetic spatula, add citrus ether. Distribute the finished product on wet curls, stepping back from the roots to four centimeters. Do not wash off the composition for at least an hour, then leave the strands to dry naturally.

Oily hair mask

Result: creating recipes against oily hair with your own hands, you can give the necessary volume and density. Due to the cleansing properties of the product, the balance of lipids is normalized, oxygen respiration improves.


  • 7 drops of mandarin ether;
  • 20 gr. henna;
  • 50 ml rosehip broth.

Preparation and method of application: after boiling and straining the healing liquid, steam the henna. After an hour, add healing oil to the green gruel. Distribute at the roots, having processed the entire head, fill the curls under a plastic cap. After resting for about sixty minutes, you can complete the caring manipulations in the usual way.

From dandruff

Result: to treat hair against dandruff, seborrhea, you should regularly use cleansing and toning home masks. The beneficial properties of the active ingredients, removing fungal formations, normalize all metabolic processes in the follicles and scalp.


  • 6 drops of mandarin ether;
  • 20 gr. soda;
  • 5 gr. salt;

Preparation and method of application: after boiling the inflorescences, strain and cool, then mix with salt crystals, citrus oil and sodium bicarbonate. Distribute with rubbing movements, leave the mass for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure for a week until the condition of the scalp returns to normal.

Video: Useful properties and how to use tangerine at home

In the article we talk about mandarin oil. You will get acquainted with its useful properties, scope and learn recipes for homemade masks. By regularly applying the oil, you will not only solve a number of problems, but also get rid of bad mood and anxiety.

Mandarin is an evergreen bush plant. Belongs to the genus Citrus and the Rutov family. Fruiting from October to December. The plant is native to China.

It is also grown in Japan, Azerbaijan and the Caucasus.

Since ancient times, healers have used alcoholic tincture of mandarin peel for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and to relieve fever.

The pulp of mandarin is considered useful. It contains organic acids, vitamins A, C, group B, fiber, phytoncides and mineral salts.

Mandarin is a useful product, it is used for weight loss and for medicinal purposes. Fruit juice helps to cure asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, cough, boost immunity and improve digestion.

Mandarin and its zest are also used in cooking for preparing various dishes, the fruit gives a piquant taste and improves appetite.

The chemical composition of mandarin oil

Mandarin oil is obtained from the peel of ripened fruits by steam treatment, after which cold pressing takes place.

The composition of the product includes aldehydes, tenenoids, methyl anthranilates, thymol.

The oil has a bright orange color and a sweet aroma.

Essential oil has a beneficial effect on the psyche and uplifts the mood.

Mandarin oil properties and uses

Mandarin oil has found application in cosmetology, medicine, cooking and aromatherapy. The tool has qualities that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is a powerful antiseptic and prevents the occurrence of many diseases, including cancer.

The oil has a positive effect on the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. It is often used in the beauty industry for wraps, cleansing peels and toning masks. The tool starts the regeneration processes in skin cells and improves the condition of the epidermis.

Possessing a tonic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, mandarin oil is used in medicine. It helps to get rid of pain in the joints and muscles, stops bleeding gums, relieves spasms and cramps.

Tangerine oil is used in the winter - it compensates for the deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight. It has a beneficial effect on the psyche of adults and children - it calms, uplifts and energizes.

Combines with essential oils of marjoram, rose, coriander, lemon, petitgrain, palmarosa and lime.

Benefits of tangerine oil:

  • facilitates the care of porous, aging and irritated skin;
  • breaks down fats and helps to lose weight;
  • fights viruses;
  • energizes;
  • helps to recover after a serious illness;
  • relieves spasm of the esophagus;
  • relieves colic;
  • relieves symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism;
  • struggles with sadness, anxiety and worries.

There are many ways to use the oil: it is added to the bath, rubbing and compresses, massages and inhalations are done.

Can be used by young children and pregnant women.

You can take tangerine oil inside. To do this, dissolve 2-3 drops in 1 tsp. juice or herbal infusion and drink immediately. This will help you get rid of stomach pain, improve skin condition and relieve headaches.

Mandarin oil in cosmetology

Specialists in the field of cosmetology use oil for wraps - this helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, evens out the skin texture and eliminates cellulite.

Mandarin oil is part of anti-wrinkle products, as it helps restore skin elasticity and firmness.

Using the oil internally will help you achieve a beautiful tan.

Massage using the product helps to model the figure, as well as relieve sagging skin.

Note! Do not do cosmetic procedures for the face with tangerine oil before going out, this can cause a burn.

Mandarin oil for the face

Mandarin oil is an excellent remedy for wrinkles, it is very popular among women. The ether refreshes the skin of the face, tones and gives it a radiant look. Often included in peels, masks and creams.

You can also take care of your skin at home.

Below are recipes for masks that will help you keep your skin young and healthy without leaving home.

Mask for oily skin


  1. White clay (can be blue) - 1 tbsp.
  2. Tangerine oil - 4 drops.
  3. Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  4. Lemon juice (can be orange) - 1 tsp
  5. Rosemary essential oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until a creamy consistency is obtained.

How to use: Apply the mask on cleansed face with massage movements. Leave until the clay is completely dry. Remove the product with cotton pads soaked in warm water. After the procedure, wipe your face with tonic.

Result: The product tightens pores and removes impurities. After several applications of the mask, you will notice that the oily sheen has become less noticeable, and the skin condition has improved.

Nourishing mask


  1. Pomegranate juice - 1 tbsp.
  2. Crushed oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp.
  3. Cream - 1 tsp
  4. Rose essential oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients and beat lightly with a whisk. You should get a thick mass, easy to apply.

How to use: Spread the mask over the entire surface of the face and neck. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Result: You will notice the effect after a week of using the product - the skin will become radiant. This mask helps fight early wrinkles.

Wrinkle mask


  1. Tangerine oil - 5 drops.
  2. Lavender essential oil - 2 drops.
  3. Peach oil - 1 tsp
  4. Olive oil - ½ tsp
  5. Oatmeal - 2 tbsp

How to cook: Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask to cleansed face before going to bed. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube. The course of procedures is from 1 to 2 months.

Result: The mask helps to effectively fight age-related changes - it increases skin turgor, moisturizes and saturates with vitamins.

Mask for problem skin


  1. Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.
  2. Yogurt - 1 tbsp
  3. Tangerine oil - 4 drops.
  4. Rose essential oil - 2 drops.
  5. Lime essential oil - 2 drops.
  6. Strawberries - 3 pcs.

How to cook: Mash the berries and add the rest of the ingredients to them, beat.

How to use: Spread the resulting mass over the entire surface of the face and neck. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Result: Active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, moisturize and nourish it. The number of acne and inflammation will be reduced after each treatment.

Purifying mask


  1. Coffee grounds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Lavender essential oil - 1 drop.
  3. Chamomile essential oil - 1 drop.
  4. Sea salt - ½ tsp
  5. Peach oil - ½ tsp

How to cook: Mix the ingredients. You should get a thick mass.

How to use: Apply the product with massage movements on the skin of the face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The tool can be used as a scrub.

Result: The mask deeply cleanses the skin and removes dead skin cells. Improves complexion and eliminates post-acne.

Homemade face masks will help you keep your skin toned and prevent wrinkles.

Tangerine hair oil

The product has an antibacterial effect and cleanses the scalp, preventing dandruff and itching. Mandarin oil moisturizes hair, accelerates its growth and prevents hair loss. Strengthens and cleanses them from the inside.

The oil not only has beneficial effects, but also gives a wonderful aroma to curls after application.

You can prepare firming masks at home without resorting to the services of beauty salons. Below are the mask recipes.

Anti-fall mask


  1. Sandalwood essential oil - 3 drops.
  2. Tangerine oil - 6 drops.
  3. Castor oil - 2 tbsp
  4. Avocado pulp - 2 tbsp

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.

How to use: Apply the mass to the hair roots and massage. Leave under a cap for 1 hour. Rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with nettle decoction.

Result: The mask helps to strengthen the hair follicles. Hair loss will decrease, they will gain shine.

Oily hair mask


  1. Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.
  2. Bay essential oil - 2 drops.
  3. Coconut oil - 2 tbsp
  4. Essential oil of orange - 1 drop.
  5. Tangerine oil - 6 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the oil mixture to the scalp and hair roots. You can distribute the mass along the entire length - this will help in the fight against split ends. Leave the mask under the cap for 1-2 hours.

Rinse with water using shampoo and conditioner.

Result: The effect will delight you - your hair will become silky and smooth. The intervals between washing your hair will increase.

Nourishing mask


  1. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  2. Bay essential oil - 3 drops.
  3. Mandarin oil - 6 drops.
  4. Castor oil (can be burdock) - 2 drops.
  5. Low-fat yogurt (you can cream) - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How to use: Apply the mask to the hair leaving 1 cm from the roots. Comb your hair, gather it up and leave it under a cap for 1 hour. Wash off with water.

Result: The tool will help strengthen the hair and prevent dandruff.

Oil masks will help solve hair problems and prevent their appearance. Hair will become well combed, and you will forget about split ends.

Allergy to tangerine oil

Experts believe that tangerine oil is hypoallergenic. But it is recommended that before the first use of the product, conduct an allergy test - apply the oil on the skin and wait 10-20 minutes.

If redness and irritation do not appear, use the oil.

Mandarin oil during pregnancy

The oil can be used during pregnancy.

With it, you can do massage from cellulite and stretch marks. Aromatherapy with mandarin oil improves the mood of the expectant mother, relieves her of anxious thoughts and energizes her. It also boosts immunity and helps protect the body from the effects of viruses and bacteria.

You can take the oil inside - this will help improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve the symptoms of toxicosis.

Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

Aromatherapy with mandarin oil

Tangerine oil helps to get rid of negative thoughts, depression. Often it is used to combat nervous disorders, as it improves mood.

Oil increases efficiency, perseverance and concentration.

Contraindications and restrictions

Mandarin oil is a safe and hypoallergenic product. But do not forget about the individual intolerance of the remedy.

If you have acute gastrointestinal diseases, consult your doctor before using the oil inside.

What exactly do you associate tangerines with? Surely everyone will remember the magnificent festive fruit, which is always present on the table during the New Year holidays. However, medicine and cosmetology have long paid attention to the excellent properties that mandarin essential oil has. Especially often you can find folk recipes that allow you to effectively cope with various ailments and diseases. This article will list the main properties of mandarin essential oil, and also talk a little about the features of its use.

The full list of recipes is huge, for sure you will be able to come up with something of your own. First of all, what is any essential oil? This is a substance obtained by extracting useful components from a plant, and in our case from a fruit.

There are many methods and technologies, some people even prefer to get such a substance at home. But it is much easier to go to the nearest pharmacy or to a specialized essential oil store. They are also sold online.

Side effects of using mandarin essential oil

Their list is minimal, but we should not forget that everything is good only in moderation. If specific dosages are indicated in the recipes, it is not recommended to exceed them. If the effect is weak, you can experiment, but this should obviously not be done during the first dose.

Also, do not take essential extracts if you are in the third trimester of pregnancy, as it is difficult to predict the effect of these substances on the body of an unborn child.

Mandarin essential oil, properties and uses

Essential oil of mandarin

See Mandarin Essential Oil,100% Natural - Mandarin Face Oil

Also, sometimes there are sharp allergic reactions, which are expressed in itching, inflammation, and other troubles. You can take a handkerchief, put a few drops of tangerine oil on it, and then walk around with such a handkerchief all day, periodically inhaling the aroma. Or you can put drops on your hand to check if redness appears there. It is redness that best indicates an allergic reaction.

If the smell ends up being harsh and unpleasant, you might want to look for other scents.

Mandarin essential oil: main characteristics

  1. Aroma. The specific smell is immediately recognizable, this parameter is typical for any citrus oils. It is due to the aroma that the popularity of this ether is so high. Many perfumers prefer to produce specialized perfumes, hand and face creams, moisturizing and nourishing tonics, made on the basis of mandarin extract.
  2. Low price. Since this fruit has become widespread in Russia, the cost of oil from it will not be high. It is much lower than that of flower oils. Therefore, you can purchase a significant amount of the extract, feel free to add it to various cosmetic products, without fear of wasting a lot of the substance.
  3. specific consistency. If you look at the properties of an oil made from the fruits of an unripe green mandarin, its effectiveness will be somewhat different. A softer effect allows you to get an excellent flavored range, and the percentage of useful substances there will be fundamentally different.
  4. Long shelf life. But it should be borne in mind that mandarin oil is gradually depleted when it comes into contact with oxygen. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends storing it in a dark place, only in sealed packaging. Take it out as needed, and then immediately put it back. The shelf life in this case will be about two years.
  5. Helps to deal with psychological problems. This is a reliable remedy for impending depression, negative thoughts, a pessimistic outlook on life. The calming effect is achieved due to the aroma familiar to us from childhood. A slight calming effect will be very useful before important situations, for example, before an important meeting at work.
  6. As mentioned above, it is better not to use essential oils in the last trimester of pregnancy. But on the first two, mandarin extract has a sedative effect. As you know, the psyche of pregnant people is very changeable, unpredictable, rapidly changing. Sometimes there are strange sensations and disorders, such a possibility should be taken into account in advance.
  7. Tangerine oil extract helps in the treatment of disorders of the intestines, stomach, pancreas, duodenum. Appetite is significantly improved, blood circulation is stimulated, and the overall metabolism inside the body is normalized.
  8. Since it has a positive effect on the nervous system, it is useful to use this oil in the treatment of insomnia.
  9. If oral diseases are observed, for example, gums bleed, then this oil helps to effectively deal with such problems. It is recommended to rinse, add other nutrients.
  10. In France, tangerine oil has been used for centuries to treat hiccups. Especially during illnesses in children who are contraindicated in other chemicals and medicines.


Tangerine oil has received especially wide application precisely for cosmetic needs. It is actively used as an additive to tonics and creams, and many cosmetics manufacturers initially make mandarin oil one of the main components in their products. It is important to use such an extract in the cold season, when the skin and the body experience a significant lack of vitamins, nutrients and substances.

The contours of the body are emphasized, fat folds are reduced, the metabolism inside the body is optimized. All women are familiar with the unpleasant effect of stretching the skin. Then you should add a little orange oil to your favorite cream, mixing the composition until a homogeneous substance. The skin needs additional nutrition with age-related changes, especially when wrinkles appear in middle age.

If scars, swelling, tissue damage occur, it will be possible to get rid of the problem by creating a special tangerine mask.

Not only oils can be used, but also real fruits, for example, tangerine peels, crushed in a blender. Sour cream is added there, some other fruits (kiwi, lemon). You can make a mask from citrus fruits alone. It is important to add a small amount of oil droplets, since it already contains many useful biological elements that our skin lacks.

Absolutely amazing perfumes are also produced, consisting of numerous flavored notes. Such aromas are perfect for creating cosmetic products at home. Bottles of various capacities are taken, oils are added to them, as well as a base. As a base, it is advised to use either jojoba oil or pure alcohol. The finished result is evaluated using paper testers, and the bottle with the finished product itself should be infused for about two weeks.

Culinary experiments

It's no secret that mandarin extract is a great addition to various drinks. And not only to add new taste notes. The unique aroma gives any cocktail originality, grace, individuality.

Deep flavored vapors will make the drink absolutely amazing, so having such an oil at home is also useful for creating signature cocktails.

Similarly, the palatability of various dishes and even desserts is improved. If you add such oil as a gravy, pouring it directly on a baking sheet with fried meat, then the taste and aroma will change dramatically! Try it yourself, each housewife will come up with her own recipes for unique dishes. An interesting combination is obtained when combined with cinnamon and mint, as well as with ylang-ylang.

The orange liquid with a pleasant and very tasty aroma that you see in the photo is called tangerine essential oil. The fruit, which came to us from the southern regions of Vietnam and China, began to be actively used as a component for cosmetic preparations, in particular essential oil. Already in ancient times, this fruit was also used for medicinal purposes, with its help they improved digestion processes, increased appetite, and also treated various inflammatory processes. Nowadays, it remains very popular due to its many useful qualities. Tangerine oil, its use in our time and the benefits for the body - this is the main topic for discussion more...

Useful properties of tangerine oil

The production process of tangerine oil is based on the technology of cold pressing and pressing its peel. The resulting oil contains terpene hydrocarbons, aldehydes, as well as esters and geraniol alcohol. The rich vitamin complex makes the oil indispensable in medical procedures and in cosmetology.

Mandarin essential oil is used to obtain antiseptic and antidepressant effects, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It has a therapeutic effect on the gums with increased bleeding, normalizes blood pressure and has a choleretic effect. The use of this oil contributes to the normalization of metabolism and the effective removal of harmful toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Baths with the addition of essential tangerine oil relax well at the end of a difficult and tiring day, set you up for a restful sleep, relieve stress and tension. Healers claim that this remedy is ideal for a person to calm and get rid of phobias. In addition, such water procedures are indicated for weight loss, for the normalization of metabolism and the fight against cellulite.

Surprisingly, a bath with tangerine oil can have a therapeutic effect on the liver, on the gallbladder with existing diseases. Well, lovers are advised to take a mandarin-scented bath for an unforgettable, exciting evening with their soulmate, as this is an effective way to increase sensuality and eroticism.
In total, there are several ways to use mandarin oil:

Aroma smokers and aroma lamps;
Compresses and lotions;
Massages and rubbing;
Aroma medallions;
Applicative application to the gums;
Application inside.

Essential tangerine oil - application

Cosmetic use of tangerine oil

This tool perfectly fights acne, with herpes formations, as well as age spots. It is recommended to use any of your usual cosmetics, adding 4-5 drops of oil to it for every 15 grams. You can add, for example, to your favorite cream or lotion, applying to problem skin in the morning and evening.

For cellulite and excess weight massage, base oil is used, and 7-8 drops of tangerine essential oil are added to it per each tablespoon.

To treat scars and scars remaining on the skin, wipe it with tangerine oil combined with jojoba oil in equal proportions.

The use of mandarin oil in medical procedures

The scope of use of this product for medicinal purposes is quite wide. Depending on what you want to cure, you can resort to inhalation, rubbing, ingestion.

Inhalations are used for effective treatment of the respiratory system, for colds and acute respiratory infections, infections of the respiratory tract and oral mucosa. Add a few drops of such a product to the inhaler and carry out the procedure for no more than 10 minutes once a day for an adult.
For diseases of the oral cavity, use rinsing compositions: add 5 drops of mandarin oil to half a glass of warm water, stir and apply two to three times during the day.

To get rid of pain in the stomach (but not with peptic ulcer), as well as to facilitate swallowing and eliminate the “lump” in the throat, prepare the following mixture: in a teaspoon of natural honey, drip 3-4 drops of a tangerine product. You can also add it to tea, herbal tea is best. Such a remedy will improve the digestion process, improve bowel function and relieve constipation.

Treatment of sutures in the postpartum period is possible with tangerine oil applications, which can be done for two weeks every day. In addition, for pain during menstruation, women are advised to take a bath with the addition of 2-3 drops of this product. By increasing the concentration to 7-8 drops per bath, you can get rid of edema.

You need to apply oil for weight loss inside. This should be done on an empty stomach in the morning, using 2-3 drops of the product. This is a great way to improve metabolism, remove toxins and eliminate swelling, due to which extra centimeters are often formed.

Experts recommend using this tool to get a beautiful even tan. Not at all, you do not need to smear the whole body with oil. It is enough to take a glass of juice with 2 drops of this unique citrus composition before going out into the sun.

Using this most valuable gift of nature, do not forget about the possible individual intolerance to the product and allergic reactions.

I love citrus fruits, and most of all I love tangerines. I can eat them by the kilo. And of course, not a single New Year passes without tangerines. These citrus fruits are a must-have product on the New Year's table.

Therefore, today I will talk about my also favorite mandarin essential oil. This ester has a pleasant fresh smell that increases activity and vivacity. And it is obtained from the peel of a mandarin by cold pressing. This method of obtaining retains all the beneficial properties of citrus.

Tangerine oil is the sunniest among its relatives. Childishly delicious, fragrant, intriguing. It magically improves well-being, returns a good mood, and all thanks to the ether, which is rich in the peel of the fruit. The essential substance from mandarin is simply unique, because it can calm, relax, give bliss in a matter of minutes.

And now I will go directly to aroma oil.

There is an essential oil of green and red mandarin. They are similar in their properties. Only the first is obtained from the green peel of still unripe tangerines. This oil has a more pleasant sweetish aroma with a clear "unripe" shade. It has a less pronounced effect, so it is recommended for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

And the essential oil of red tangerine is obtained from the peel of already ripe fruits. It has a brighter, richer aroma and a pronounced effect.

Composition of mandarin essential oil.

It contains vitamins such as C, which returns shine and radiance to hair, vitamin A - it strengthens curls and prevents split ends, vitamin D - improves blood circulation throughout the body, including improves blood flow in the hair follicles, vitamin B1 strengthens hair, restores natural shine and smoothness, accelerates growth, and B2 helps keep strands healthy.

It also contains substances that are used in medicine, cosmetology and perfumery.

Mandarin essential oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It easily copes with hair problems such as dandruff (including seborrhea), loss of strands, split ends, lack of life and shine in curls.

  1. Add it to balms, shampoos and other hair care products. 5-8 drops of ether are enough to get great results. Mandarin oil will not only strengthen your hair and accelerate their growth, eliminate split ends, but also saturate the scalp with vitamins, which will also have a positive effect on your hair.
  2. Make hair masks with tangerine oil.
  3. Aroma combing.

Hair masks with mandarin essential oil

These procedures can be conditionally divided into several types.

1. The first type of masks are those that are made to get rid of dandruff. Since mandarin has a beneficial effect on the skin: it removes itching, irritation, rashes, excess sebum, that is, it solves two problems. The first task is the elimination of dandruff itself, dry or oily seborrhea. The second - restores normal skin on the head, removing irritation, itching, dryness or excessive oiliness.


tangerine ether - 5-7 drops

Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Mode of application. Add mandarin aroma oil to olive oil. Then apply it to your hair. Wrap cling film on top or put a bag on your head. Finally, wrap your head in a towel.

The mask is washed off the hair 20 minutes after application. If there is a strong tingling on the skin, then wash off earlier.

This procedure is carried out every 3 days for 1-2 months.

2. The second type is masks that are made for the fatty type of strands. These procedures restore normal metabolic processes in the scalp, as a result of which the hair does not get oily so quickly.

To make it, you need the following ethers: chamomile, cistus, sandalwood, and also tangerine. Mix these oils together. Rub the prepared mixture into the scalp. After 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo and water.

3. The third type is masks that are suitable for dry curls. The strands become softer and silky.

This procedure gives excellent results. The results will be noticeable in a week if it is carried out every day. It is necessary to mix two aroma oils: almond and tangerine. Then rub into the scalp. After 60 minutes, rinse the curls with water and shampoo.

4. The fourth type is masks that accelerate hair growth.

Essential oils of sage, mandarin, jasmine, rosemary, ylang-ylang must be mixed together. Each essential needs 5 drops.

The finished mixture is rubbed into the head. Wash your hair with shampoo after 60 minutes.

In order to have results from this procedure, it must be carried out 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

5. The fifth type is masks that strengthen hair, make it shiny and silky.

It is necessary to add 7 drops of mandarin ether to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. The finished mixture is applied to the hair. A bag is put on top and the head is wrapped with a towel.

On the head, this mixture lasts from 1 hour or more. Then it is washed off with shampoo.

Aroma Combing

This is another way to apply tangerine essential oil to your hair. Aroma combing is an excellent procedure for caring for strands.

It is carried out as follows: you need to apply 2-3 drops of mandarin ether to the comb. It can be a massage brush or comb, but it is desirable that they be made of natural material.

Then comb the strands for 5 minutes. This procedure strengthens the strands, accelerates their growth, improves the structure, saturates with vitamins, prevents dandruff or seborrhea. It also improves blood circulation in the scalp.

Since mandarin essential oil is used not only for hair, the aroma combing procedure will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm, improve sleep, and more activity and vigor will appear.

Adding mandarin aroma oil to shampoos, balms and other cosmetics

Despite the fact that this ester is not very friendly with alkalis, it can be added to cosmetic hair care products. Just keep in mind that some of the beneficial properties of tangerine ether will be lost. But it will still have an effect. It is enough to add 6-8 drops of ether to a tube with shampoo or balm.

In addition to applying to the hair, tangerine aroma oil can be used for the skin of the face and other parts of the body. It improves the appearance of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores firmness and elasticity. If necessary, it will remove acne, rashes, blackheads and other skin irritations.

How to use:

1. You will get good results for the skin of the face if you add 3-5 drops of mandarin essential oil to half a glass of water. And then with a cotton pad moistened with this water, every day you will wipe your face in the morning and evening. After a while, your skin will become more attractive and graceful.

2. Another way to take care of your skin with mandarin oil is to add a few drops to creams.

3. A combination of several base and essential oils also has a great effect on the skin. For example, mix jojoba oil, avocado, wheat germ (each take 25 ml) and esters of mandarin, neroli, frankincense (10 drops each). This mixture is excellent for removing wrinkles.

4. Another great property of mandarin essential oil is that it removes cellulite. To eliminate cellulite, you need to prepare the following combination of oils. In 100 ml of jojoba oil, add 10 drops of mandarin, rosemary, geranium esters and 5 drops of cypress. This mixture is rubbed into problem areas.

Differences between mandarin and orange essential oil

Both of these episodes deserve your attention. However, orange essential oil is widely known, and mandarin is less popular, despite the fact that in some aspects it is superior to its relative.

For example, tangerine essential oil is the sweetest among citrus fruits and it calms the nervous system more than others, its aroma is softer and more delicate. In addition, it can be used by pregnant women and children.

Video - properties and uses of mandarin essential oil.

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