egg diet. The egg diet is an easy way to lose weight

egg diet - one of fast methods weight loss that Hollywood stars use. We share with you the secret of the magnificent form of celebrities.

Feeling as if you are already losing kilograms from this fact alone. You turn into a thin fit beauty from the movie. The diet is actually used by the stars. It was used by many celebrities: Christina Aguilera, Adele, Kelly Osbourne. We lose weight like a star in 7 days.

Correctly composed the egg diet menu helps for a very fast time lose 3 to 5 unnecessary kilograms. In addition to the fact that you will begin to lose excess weight, you will feel better. You often get so used to the egg diet that you will no longer want to return to the old diet with an abundance of sweets and fast food.

The Egg Diet Is Not Just a Loss Technique excess weight It is also used to improve the body and treat various diseases. After all, often a small calorie restriction is exactly what is missing. modern man to improve well-being and improve digestion. Focus on your favorite foods when deciding on a specific way to lose weight. For example, if you can’t tolerate kefir, then you don’t need to start kefir diet. It is useful only when it brings pleasure.

What is the egg diet

Each diet is based on following certain rules. First you need to reduce the number of calories consumed per day. In the diet we leave only natural and healthy food.

The basis of the egg diet is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fats and reduce the total caloric content of the diet. There are a lot of forbidden dishes.

You need to give up salt, thanks to this it will quickly leave excess water. Avoid all types of sugar, including those found in many processed foods. Cross out alcoholic drinks, they provoke appetite and contain a large number of calories. Basis - products with great content protein: eggs, meat, fish. The menu also includes vegetables and fruits with a low content of sucrose. You need to drink a lot, at least one and a half liters of water a day, this helps to cleanse the body.

  • to start fat burning processes, you need to abandon vegetable and animal fats;
  • the basic version of hard boiled eggs. However, you can make an omelette in the oven without oil. This approach helps not to suffer from hunger during the day;
  • give up snacks, do not swap meals and their composition;
  • Serving sizes of vegetables are unlimited. Prepare your regular portion fresh vegetables. All vegetables allowed by the diet can be stewed and stewed. Oil is not added.

Thus, you will consume 600-800 calories per day. This is very small even for seated image life. secured fast loss weight. Therefore, nutritionists categorically forbid adhering to the egg diet for more than 7 days and do not recommend sitting on it again if less than a year has passed.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any diet, there are pros and cons. Let's take a look at them.


If you follow the egg diet, the weight will quickly melt. Meanwhile, the main positive impact on the body - getting rid of toxins, excess fluid and bowel cleansing. This makes it understandable that many people are interested in the egg diet, because it helps to correct body weight and improve well-being.

The body begins to more easily perform its basic tasks. He used to spend a lot of energy digesting the heavy food that a person eats every day. Egg diet helps to normalize the diet.


  • the methodology of the nutrition system is extremely rigid, such a small amount of calories is bad for well-being;
  • losing a huge amount of excess weight will not work;
  • try to minimize physical effort as much as possible - there will be little energy;
  • known issues with the prohibition of salty and sweet: insipid, the diet is monotonous;
  • separately you need to take care of vitamins.


Not everyone can stick to an egg diet without harm to health.

Skip the diet if you have at least one of these diseases:

Always make sure that there are no contraindications before embarking on a power restriction system.

Egg diet for a week

The egg diet menu is different every day and includes a variety of dishes. Following this diet for 7 days, it is possible to lose up to 5 extra pounds and gently cleanse the body.

Actually, the egg diet was invented as an unbalanced, time-limited diet, but delicious diet. The original diet included delicacies such as oysters and pineapples. Such a diet, of course, will not be a problem for wealthy beauties from stages and screens. Russian girls would gladly give up sweets in favor of delicious shellfish and tropical fruits. After all, it's just a fairy tale - to lose weight with taste.

But then fortune bypassed our country - you will not find oysters in the afternoon with fire. This is the reason for small changes in the composition of the egg diet, taking into account local gastronomic opportunities. The missing dishes were replaced with similar ones in terms of the combination of nutrients and calories, but the picture turned out to be not so stellar.

egg diet menu for every day



Dinner: 2 eggs, tomato, herbal tea;

Dinner: 2 eggs, oil-free vinaigrette (carrots, beets, some potatoes), grapefruit or orange, herbal tea.


Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit or orange, coffee without sugar and milk;

Dinner: 2 eggs, grapefruit;

Dinner: 2 eggs, lean meat (boiled or grilled), salad (tomato, cucumber, celery, lettuce).


Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit or orange, coffee without sugar and milk;

Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, tea without milk and sugar;

Dinner: 2 eggs, vinaigrette without oil, tea or coffee without additives.




Dinner: 2 eggs or stewed sea fish, vinaigrette without oil, herbal tea.


Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit, plain coffee;

Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, plain coffee;

Dinner: stewed sea fish, vinaigrette without oil, coffee without additives.


Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit, plain coffee;

Dinner: a salad of any fruit except bananas and grapes;

Dinner: 2 eggs or lean meat, tomato, cucumber and celery salad, herbal tea.


Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit, plain coffee;

Dinner: 2 eggs or boiled chilled chicken, tomato, grapefruit;

Dinner: 2 eggs or boiled chilled chicken, carrot, cabbage and tomato salad, plain coffee.

How to keep the result after a diet

It is allowed to repeat the diet only after a year has passed, if it had a result. It is better to keep the resulting shape with balanced nutrition. Start it slowly and get used to a varied set of healthy dishes, gradually removing foods that spoil your shape. Otherwise, a feeling of weakness, malaise, a feeling of hunger is possible.

For better results, use it in workout mode. Thus, you will lose unnecessary kilograms and the body will gain beauty and strength. Avoid constant snacking. Eat three times a day at the same time.

Set yourself up for success and serious work on yourself. You will have to restructure the meal schedule, and you will have to learn how to follow it. The principles are demanding, and we advise against breaking them. To speed up weight loss, set up a sleep schedule and walk outside.

The main rule is to finish the diet slowly to avoid a rollback in weight loss.

Remember to define suitable type weight loss system, comply with its conditions and reach the goal is not yet a complete finale. The hardest thing is to keep the achieved shape! To get it start following the principles of a balanced diet- Give up baking, soda and convenience foods.

Do not forget that only active image life and principles healthy diet help keep the body in the desired balance, and this will not help no diet.

  1. Lack of feeling of hunger. The saturation of eggs with microelements and easily digestible protein contributes to the feeling of satiety.
  2. Hair and nails. The content of vitamins A and E in the composition of eggs plus citrus fruits can strengthen and improve the structure of hair and nails.
  3. Leather. As in the case of other protein diets, there is no sagging of the skin in the process of losing weight.
  4. Easily tolerated psychologically. Enough varied menu diet allows you to minimize possible disruptions.
  5. Gets rid of excess fluid in the body.
  6. Consolidation of the result obtained for a long time.
  7. The ability to lose more than a kilogram of weight per day.


The main disadvantages of the egg diet include the following:

  1. Weakness and dizziness are possible.
  2. Eating just three meals a day can make you feel hungry.
  3. Sometimes provokes disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


Before you go on an egg diet, you need to consider that it has a number of contraindications for use:

  • period of gestation;
  • period breastfeeding babies;
  • egg allergy;
  • citrus intolerance;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • disorders in the liver.

Basic rules and principles

In order for the egg diet to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Water. You must drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day. This will help avoid problems with the digestive system.
  2. Cellulose. try to eat a lot raw vegetables or drink pharmacy fiber or bran on an empty stomach. This is basically important point for all protein diets.
  3. Vitamins. This is one of the few diets when you do not need to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Moreover, it is highly undesirable, because it can lead to allergic reactions due to the large number of eggs and citrus fruits.
  4. If you don’t really like chicken eggs, then you can safely replace them with quail eggs (the ratio should be 3/1).
  5. Dinner. Try to have your last meal no later than 7-8 pm.
  6. Dream. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep. At the same time, it is desirable to go to bed at ten or eleven o'clock in the evening.
  7. Cooking. Eggs must be soft-boiled or hard-boiled. AT last resort beating and baking without fat is allowed. All other foods must be raw or steamed, grilled or oven baked. They can also be boiled. Frying is allowed only in a dry frying pan.
  8. Spices. You can safely use your favorite spices or season products lemon juice to improve them taste qualities. However, it is better for you to refuse them if you are still not full.
  9. Raw eggs should not be eaten.
  10. The diet is not recommended to be repeated more than once or twice a year.
  11. In extreme cases, the eggs can be replaced lean meat or low-fat cottage cheese to avoid breakdowns.
  12. For getting tangible effect weight loss in a shorter period of time, regular physical exercise. You can use our sections with or and draw up the most suitable training plan for yourself, or choose a ready-made one.

Varieties of the egg diet

There are several varieties of the egg diet. All of them are quite effective, although they are designed for different result. Therefore, the choice depends solely on how many kilograms you need to lose and how quickly.

The egg-orange diet, unlike other varieties, is a mono-diet and its entire menu comes down to hard-boiled eggs and fresh oranges or. This nutrition system is ideal if you urgently need to lose a few pounds before any event. The main rule is to drink plenty of water. Eggs and oranges are eaten alternately every hour during the day. The last meal is made no later than eight to nine in the evening. To maintain this diet for more than 5-7 days is contraindicated. 3-4 days is considered ideal. During this period, you can easily lose 2-5 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.

Seven Day Diet

The 7 Day Egg Diet is designed to eat four to six eggs a day. They are a must for breakfast. At the same time, one of the meals at lunch or dinner a couple of times during the week can be replaced with fish or lean meat. Weight loss can be up to 10 kilograms during this period. In some cases, it may be extended for another seven days. Then the menu of the first week is repeated during the second.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

This type of egg diet is the most effective and allows you to lose up to 25 kilograms of weight. An additional advantage is the consolidation of the result for a fairly long time. Despite its longevity, it is fairly easy to carry due to the high amount of fruits and vegetables. During the third week, food intake is generally limited only by how much you can eat.

What can and cannot be eaten?

The egg diet is rightly considered one of the varieties protein diets. Therefore, the list of allowed / prohibited products will not differ much. The only exception is the high content of eggs and citrus fruits.

Approved Products

The list of approved products for the egg diet is quite extensive, which makes it easier to tolerate:

  • chicken eggs;
  • meat: skinless chicken fillet, lean pork, veal, rabbit;
  • white and red fish;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, leaf salad, lettuce, greens, root, radish, White cabbage, carrots, asparagus, green beans, eggplant, zucchini;
  • fruits: lemons (lemon juice), oranges, grapefruits, apples, tangerines, plums.
  • dairy products: unsalted sheep's cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, low-fat kefir and / or yogurt;
  • coffee;
  • spices.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods, in principle, is not very different from most diets:

  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • flour products;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • confectionery and chocolate;
  • fatty meats;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • nuts;
  • soft cheeses;
  • vegetable oils;
  • any fats;
  • fruits: bananas, grapes,.

And, as always, it is advisable to reduce salt intake as much as possible in order to get rid of excess fluid in the body, since salt is known to retain water in the body.

Menu tables on the egg diet

The egg diet is essentially not a mono-diet, as is commonly believed. But nevertheless, it is very strict and does not allow for a serious replacement of these products. But the results will not be long in coming. Below you can see the full menu for both the short seven-day egg diet and the four-week one.

Diet menu for the week

The egg diet for a week is more like a mono diet due to the large number of eggs consumed. However, you can add greens and lettuce and lettuce to diversify the menu. Their calorie content is too small to affect the final result.

1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
breakfast two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffee
dinner two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + tomato + favorite unsweetened teatwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a serving of spinach + your favorite unsweetened teatwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a serving of spinach + unsweetened coffeeundressed salad of your favorite fruits200 grams of boiled chicken breast + two unsweetened tomatoes + orange
dinner two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + orange + salad from boiled vegetables without oilveal steak + raw vegetable salad without oiltwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a salad of boiled vegetables without oil + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheesetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a salad of boiled vegetables without oil + 100 grams of any unsalted fishtwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + raw vegetable salad + a piece of boiled chickentwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + raw vegetable salad + unsweetened coffee

Menu for the egg diet for 4 weeks

The four-week version of the detailed egg diet can be roughly divided into two periods. The first of which is the diet itself, and the purpose of the second is to consolidate the result. It is very important to observe the sequence and quantity of these products. In order to diversify the menu somewhat, it is allowed to replace chicken with other types of meat or fish. The same goes for vegetables. You can safely change them based on the list of allowed ones. Grapefruit and orange are interchangeable.

Menu table of the first period.

breakfast dinner dinner
1st day
2nd day raw vegetable salad + orange + two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a slice of whole grain or rye bread
3rd day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitany unsalted sheep's cheese as much as you can eat + a medium-sized tomato + a slice of whole grain or rye bread200 grams grilled chicken fillet seasoned with lemon juice + herbs
4th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeapples as much as you can eat200 grams of veal baked in foil with spices + lettuce
5th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruittwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + boiled asparagus as much as you can eatgrapefruit + 200 grams of grilled fish with lettuce
6th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeapples as much as you can eat
7th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitboiled veal + medium-sized tomato + grapefruit + steamed green beans
8th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangebeef steak with lettuce
9th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitbeef steak with lettucetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + medium-sized tomato + lettuce
10th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeraw vegetable salad + 200 grams of chicken baked in foiltwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + orange
11th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruittwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + favorite vegetable
12th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangesalmon steak + a few unsweetened tomatoestwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs
13th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitsalmon steak + some unsweetened tomatoes + orangefavorite fruit salad
14th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orange200g lean pork + orange + favorite vegetable

Menu table of the second period.

breakfast dinner dinner
1st day favorite fruits, how much you can eatfavorite fruits, how much you can eat
2nd day grilled vegetables as much as you can eat
3rd day favorite fruits, how much you can eatgrilled vegetables as much as you can eatraw vegetable salad as much as you can eat
4th day salmon steak + salad raw cabbage how much can you eatsalmon steak + raw cabbage salad, as much as you can eat
5th day veal baked in foil with spices + any grilled vegetables, as much as you can eatveal baked in foil with spices + any grilled vegetables, as much as you can eat
6 th day apples as much as you can eatapples as much as you can eatapples as much as you can eat
7th day as many oranges as you can eatas many oranges as you can eat
8th day beef steak + cucumber + grapefruit200 grams of canned tuna + salad of two cucumbers and three tomatoesbeef steak + cucumber + slice of whole grain bread
9th day small piece of boiled veal + orange + lettucesalad of three cucumbers and three tomatoes + a slice of whole grain breadsmall piece of boiled veal + apple + cucumber
10th day a small plate of boiled asparagus + a slice of whole grain breadsalad of tomatoes, two cucumbers and 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheesesmall plate of boiled green beans + grapefruit
11th day grilled chicken breast+ grapefruitsalad of one cucumber and three tomatoes + a slice of whole grain breadgrilled chicken breast with lettuce
12th day one hard boiled egg + grapefruittwo large tomatoes + lettuce leavesone hard boiled egg + one tomato
13th day baked veal + grapefruitsalad of two tomatoes and two cucumbers + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheesea glass of low-fat yogurt + baked veal
14th day 100 grams canned tuna + 100 grams grilled vegetables + orangesalad of two tomatoes and two cucumbers + 40 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + a slice of whole grain bread100 grams canned tuna + 100 grams grilled vegetables

A great many types of different diets have been invented today. One of them is the egg diet - quite interesting option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but do not want to constantly experience the feeling of hunger inherent in most diets.

Basic principles of the egg diet

* The effectiveness of the egg diet is based on chemical processes occurring in the body, and not the amount of food consumed;

* age restrictions when following a diet, it does not exist (of course, within reason);

* while complying with the regime to achieve best results need to play sports;

* you should be weighed daily in the morning, so you will have reliable data on weight loss;

* if the menu does not indicate the exact amount of the product, you can use it as much as you want;

* when cooking, if desired, you can use salt and pepper, seasonings;

* the strictest observance of the products specified in the menu is necessary; in case of deviations from the menu, you should start the diet again;

* you can not change dinner with lunch, lunch with breakfast, etc. - it is important to strictly observe the regimen;

* during the entire regime you need to drink plenty of water (up to 2 liters) at any time of the day;

* do not use oil when cooking;

* alcohol during the diet is prohibited;

* if you feel hungry between meals, you can quench it with cucumbers or salad;

* everything is allowed from boiled vegetables, with the exception of potatoes;

* fruit exceptions: grapes, banana, dates, figs and mangoes;

* if for some reason you have lost your way or made a mistake in the mode, you must start the diet from the beginning.

Egg diet contraindications

The diet is contraindicated for people with allergic reaction on the egg white Simply put, with an allergy to eggs.

In the presence of chronic diseases, especially the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels, consultation with a specialist is required before starting the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the egg diet for weight loss

First, about the pros of the egg diet:

  • eggs are dietary product, in which easily digestible proteins are found in in large numbers, which means that a pleasant feeling of satiety will accompany you throughout the diet;
  • eggs also have a low carbohydrate content, that is, the product is not high-calorie (about 100 kcal in one egg);
  • the body absorbs this product by almost 100%, which means that there will be no toxins harmful to the body;
  • eggs contain a lot of useful trace elements, such as calcium, sulfur, iron, iodine, phosphorus and vitamin K, vitamins of group A (responsible for the condition of the skin and nails, immune system and vision), D (retain strong teeth and bone tissue), E (a very strong antioxidant, which also improves nutrition at the cellular level,), B1 and B2 (due to them, the metabolism in the body will improve, and the skin and nails will shine with beauty);
  • sports activities during adherence to the regimen will help strengthen and build muscle mass - again thanks to the high protein content in eggs.

The disadvantages of the egg diet for weight loss include:

  • High content in eggs advanced level so-called "bad" cholesterol;
  • long digestibility of boiled eggs by the body can lead to digestive problems, constipation, bloating;
  • lack of carbohydrate intake can cause feeling unwell- lethargy will appear, mood may worsen.

Products for the egg diet, their preparation

The main product on the menu of the egg diet is, of course, eggs. In order for eggs to be easily digested when eaten and all vitamins and trace elements remain in them, they need to be boiled soft-boiled. Approximately 5 minutes in boiling water, and the desired state will be reached. You can only slightly cool the finished eggs and they are ready to eat.

In order for the egg diet to bring you the maximum effect, it is important to consider the following point: when purchasing eggs in a store, it is very great attention you need to pay for the production time, as it is better to use the product fresh. To do this, it is worth studying the existing labeling, because it is quite difficult to determine freshness by eye.

So, the letter "D" means that the product is dietary and the freshest, so to speak, it got into the store right "from under the chicken."

The letter "C" indicates that these eggs are table eggs, not the first freshness. In this case, you need to look at the date of manufacture and shelf life. Table eggs are still sorted depending on size, but this has nothing to do with freshness.

When buying, you should carefully inspect the packaging for mechanical damage. Damaged packaging, most likely, contains damaged eggs, since their shells are very fragile. Raw eggs must be quite heavy, a light weight means that the product is far from the first freshness, because over time the egg dries out inside.

At home, you can also determine the freshness of the egg. Need a raw egg lower it into the water, if it does not float, then it is fresh, otherwise you have purchased an already spoiled product. Also, after cooking, you should pay attention to the yolk - in an egg cooked fresh, it should be in the center.

When following a diet, it is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits. Only potatoes, bananas, grapes, dates, figs, mangoes are excluded from the menu. Vegetables should be consumed fresh or boil, when cooking it is allowed to use salt, pepper, seasonings, but always without oil.

You can eat cheese with a fat content of 17% or less, cottage cheese (also low-fat). It is also allowed to drink tea (green, herbal) and coffee at any time of the day, of course, without the addition of sugar and milk.

You need to constantly alternate foods: for example, today they ate apples, tomorrow - pears. In this case, compliance with the regimen will not seem tedious and boring.

The duration of the egg diet for weight loss

There are egg diets that vary in duration. The most popular are: 4-week, 2-week, week and 3-day diet. You should choose the diet duration option depending on how many kilograms you want to lose. Also, with an increase in the timing of the diet, it is necessary to pay attention to your well-being.

It is important to know that no matter what day of the week you start following the regimen, it is preferable to start the menu from Monday.

Sample egg diet menu for a day-week


Lunch: any fresh fruit in any quantity (you can use apricots, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, etc., except for bananas)
Dinner: dietary meat in boiled or fried form, you can mince without fat (except lamb)


Lunch: boiled chicken or turkey meat (be sure to remove the skin before cooking), 1 grilled tomato
Dinner: vegetable salad(cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes), 2 boiled eggs


Breakfast: 1 (can be 2) soft-boiled eggs, after an hour 1/2 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: low-fat cheese, 1 tomato, 1 toast
Dinner: dietary meat in boiled or fried form, you can mince without fat (except lamb), cucumbers


Breakfast: 1/2 toast and orange or grapefruit
Lunch: any fresh fruit in any quantity (except prohibited)
Dinner: vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes), boiled fish


Breakfast: 1 (can be 2) soft-boiled eggs, after an hour 1/2 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: boiled vegetables (for example, carrots or zucchini, except legumes), 1 toast
Dinner: dietary meat in boiled or fried form, you can mince without fat (except lamb), cucumbers, celery


Breakfast: 1/2 toast and orange or grapefruit
Lunch: 2 poached eggs, tomatoes
Dinner: dietary meat in boiled or fried form, you can mince without fat (except lamb), cabbage


Breakfast: 1 (can be 2) soft-boiled eggs, after an hour 1/2 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: boiled chicken or turkey meat (be sure to remove the skin before cooking), 1 grilled tomato, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled vegetables (for example, you can either carrots or zucchini, except for legumes)

With more long-term diet the menu is repeated, but with the replacement of vegetables with fruits to your liking, except for those prohibited by the diet.

Forecast of weight loss on an egg diet

Subject to strict adherence to the menu, refusal to use prohibited foods and drinks, with the inclusion of physical activity, the authors of the egg diet promise up to minus 5 kilograms per week.

Among the egg diets, the most popular is the 4-week. The authors claim that at the end of the term you will lose from 17 to 25 kilograms (provided that your weight was 100 kilograms or more). Diet allows you to get rid of extra pounds and, so to speak, to fix achieved result- excess weight will not return to you for a long time. It is important to remember to weigh yourself before starting and weigh yourself daily in the morning during the diet.

Many women who have tried the egg diet on themselves note that it is not at all difficult to follow it, since there is no terrible feeling of hunger inherent in most types of diets. They also talk about really good results at the end of the diet. So, if you decide to correct your weight, then the egg diet can be a great option for you!

If you have experience of losing weight on the egg diet, leave your feedback in the comments: is it difficult to follow this diet or not, how much have you lost, have you gained weight again?

The modern life of any woman passes at a fast pace, which contributes to various "snacks" in fast food establishments. This lifestyle often leads to a set of several extra pounds. Therefore, to correct this negative trend, there is a variety of diets, the most common of which is the 1-week egg diet.

"Pros and cons"

For a long time, nutritionists argued about the usefulness or harm of eating eggs for humans.

Opponents of this diet were based on high content cholesterol in eggs. However, recent studies have shown the opposite. So, for 1 week it can even be useful for the body thanks to great content in eggs useful properties. And the cholesterol contained in them is not as harmful to humans as it was previously stated. It should be noted such useful material, as vitamins of groups K, A, E, D, B1 and B2. In addition to them, eggs also contain calcium and iron, which help improve brain function and stimulate memory.

The 5-day egg diet is popular due to its simplicity and low calorie content. So, one egg contains only one hundred calories. Recent studies have shown that eating eggs in the morning significantly reduces appetite throughout the day.

There are many diet options based on the consumption of the mentioned product. Let us dwell in this article on those varieties from which the so-called "ABC of diets" is formed. The egg diet in it takes one of the first places.

The simplest option

The simplest of all diets of this type is eating eggs in unlimited quantities for three days. Optionally, you can add some vegetable salads and fruits. flour products, fats and various sweets are completely excluded at this time, and tea and coffee are replaced with water.

Such a diet is very easily tolerated, but you should not stay on it for a long time, as this can lead to muscle weakness and bad mood. Maximum duration her - 4 days, during which you can lose about 4 kilograms.

Before deciding on which option to opt for, you need to review the entire list, which includes the ABC of Diets. The egg diet, as mentioned above, occupies one of the leading positions here, and all thanks to its simplicity and availability of products.

Diet Osama Hamdy

it protein diet- egg - which is based on the low calorie content of food consumed. Despite the fact that this diet is very strict, losing weight still does not starve. Just under the influence of the products used in the human body, the corresponding chemical reactions occur.

This diet is also known as (egg). Its menu is very strict, so products should never be interchanged, much less replaced.

This method of nutrition provides for the observance of certain rules: it is not allowed to eat fats and oils, and coffee and tea must be drunk without sugar (it is allowed to drink one jar diet drink in a day). The interval between meals should be about two hours. If you are tormented by the feeling of hunger, then you can have a snack with vegetables (cucumber or carrot). All vegetables eaten are boiled only in vegetable broth. In addition, you need to follow water balance organism. To do this, you need to drink more than 2.5 liters of water daily. It is allowed to eat various fruits, except bananas, dates, figs, grapes and mangoes.

This diet is designed for four weeks. In combination with exercise you can get the best results.

In the first two weeks, the Maggi (egg) diet is used, the menu of which consists of a combination of chicken fillet, citrus fruits and allowed fruits in any quantity. The third week is a mono-diet consisting of fruit or vegetable day. The fourth week implies a menu, which includes the same products as in the first two weeks, but also toasts are added from

Egg diet for 1 week

Adhering to this way of eating, you can easily part with ten kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, all essential vitamins and minerals, which are often washed out simultaneously with the removal of toxins. It is boiled eggs that contribute to the improvement metabolic processes in the human body and create a feeling of satiety. An egg diet for 1 week, combined with citrus fruits, prolongs the absence of hunger for a long time, which will allow you to eat much less.

Menu of the egg seven-day diet

Consider the diet for every day:

1. On Monday, it is allowed to prepare a breakfast of two boiled eggs, one grapefruit and green tea; for lunch, you can eat a small piece of salted chicken fillet (150 g), boiled egg and orange; dinner is offered boiled chicken fillet(200 g) and a glass of kefir.

2. Food on Tuesday is similar to the previous day, but only for dinner you can eat two boiled eggs, grapefruit and drink a glass of milk.

3. On Wednesday, boiled veal or beef is allowed for lunch, the rest of the products are the same as on the previous two days.

4. Meals on Thursday are marked by some variety and consist of a three-egg omelet with greens for breakfast, stewed salted chicken legs (150 g) and lettuce for lunch, and a glass of plain clean water, boiled egg and two grapefruits for dinner.

5. On Friday, you can eat a salad from boiled carrots and boiled eggs (2 pcs.) With the addition of greens in unlimited quantities and low-fat sour cream (you can add a little salt); lunch - two fresh carrots and a glass orange juice; dinner consists of boiled sea ​​fish with lemon juice (100 g), a glass of mineral water and a boiled egg.

6. On Saturday, it is allowed to add low-fat cottage cheese and a glass to the menu citrus juice for breakfast; for lunch, as usual, it is allowed to eat two eggs and a grapefruit, but dinner is rather meager - only mineral water, however, in unlimited quantities.

7. The Sunday menu is very similar to the Saturday diet (dinner also consists of only water).

If you follow the seven-day egg diet, you need to drink only which neutralizes hyperacidity in the stomach caused large quantity citrus fruits. It is also recommended to supplement this diet with physical activity.

You need to get out of it gradually, while maintaining the use of oranges, cottage cheese and grapefruit, but in smaller quantities.

Combining egg and orange diet

The so-called (4 weeks - full course) is recommended primarily for people with metabolic disorders in the body. The diet is based on oranges, rich in vitamin C and other useful minerals, as well as eggs, which are low-calorie and easily digestible products. Orange also contains pectin, which contributes to efficient digestion and reduces the processes of decay in the body.

But what do people say? How effective is the egg-orange diet? Reviews confirm the fact that reset overweight quite realistic, however, a greater effect can be achieved if you combine correct mode nutrition and sports. In general, as always: noticeably lose weight just like that, lying on the couch, unfortunately, is unlikely to succeed.

But let's get back to nutrition. During this diet, food should be taken five times a day, using one and a half oranges and two boiled eggs each time. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, but clean and non-carbonated. From the second week, be sure to add vegetables and fresh fruits rich in fiber. At the same time, oranges eaten per day should be no more than a kilogram.

For longer than four weeks, it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet, as not only body fat, but also muscle mass, which will adversely affect the state of the body as a whole.

Egg-curd diet

On the menu this mode food includes honey, so this diet great for sweet tooth. However, this is a rather strict regime, so you need to stick to it for no more than three days. Efficiency - minus a kilogram per day.

The first day of the egg-curd diet

Breakfast consists of a cup of tea or coffee, as well as a cocktail prepared with a mixer from chicken eggs (2 pcs.) And a small spoon of honey.

At lunch, it is allowed to eat a small piece of low-fat cheese and drink tea with honey.

And dinner will consist of bread toast, your favorite fruits and vegetable lean soup.

Second day

Breakfast is the same as the first day. For lunch, you can eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, drink tea without sugar and a cocktail of eggs and honey. Dinner consists of lean meat or fish, vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil, and a cup of tea.

The third day of the egg-curd diet

Breakfast: black coffee, green apple and a cocktail (eggs and honey).

Lunch: a piece of low-fat cheese, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil vegetable salad and toast bran bread. You can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the salad.

Dinner: stewed vegetables, boiled egg and a cup of tea.

Before switching to such a diet, you should definitely consult a nutritionist, as this diet has some contraindications (for example, gastrointestinal diseases). In this case, strong physical exertion should be excluded. It is better to replace visits to the gym with regular walks or light jogging.

Results and reviews of egg diets

Nutritionists agree that it is impossible to adhere to the diets described above for too long, since excessive protein intake is very huge pressure goes to the kidneys and liver. Also in the above diet, you can see the lack of fat. However, with strict observance of all deadlines, there is a possibility of obtaining good results. In addition, eggs contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for full-fledged work. human body. So, you can try, but without fanaticism. Be healthy and beautiful!

We continue the review of diets that promise fast and safe weight loss in as soon as possible. Today we will look at the egg diet: its principles, pros, cons, and also real results and reviews.

The egg diet is another extremely high protein diet. low content carbohydrates. Alternative options: the Dukan diet and the paleo diet.

A unique diet plan (many eggs + lean meat + fish + vegetables + fruits) was proposed by a professor of nutrition from the USA Osama Hamdiy. The author called his weight loss program “chemical”, but on the Web it was quickly renamed “egg”.

It was originally intended for diabetics. However, over time, the amazing results in weight loss interested and absolutely healthy people. By the way, the diet is especially effective for losing weight with high index body weight (more than 100 kg).

The most popular version of the egg weight loss program is the Maggi diet. According to legend, it was developed at the Mayo Clinic specifically for the legendary Margaret Thatcher. However, there are serious doubts about the reliability of this version. If only because in one of their articles, representatives of the clinic recommend limiting the consumption of eggs.

Why the diet works

The egg diet seriously (albeit temporarily) corrects metabolic processes. The lack of carbohydrates and the abundance of protein cause the body to intensively spend fat. energy reserve and spend calories digesting large portions protein.

The main weight loss occurs in the first two weeks. Therefore, it is extremely important to bring the diet to the end, get out of it correctly and consolidate the results. Otherwise, the dropped kilograms will return as quickly as they left. The task of the diet is to maximize the activation of chemical processes and force the body to burn its own fat reserves.

The classic egg diet

Maggi's diet must be maintained for four weeks. There is a menu for every seven days.

Publication from RECIPES PP DD HLS (@nataly_fooddiary) Jul 12 2016 at 8:53 PDT


Vegetables and greens. The diet allows almost any vegetables (broccoli, green beans, zucchini, carrots, Bell pepper, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage). You can do anything with vegetables: stew in a slow cooker, boil, bake in the oven, steam and eat fresh. Oil must not be used!

Fruits and berries. The basis of the "fruit" diet are oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, kiwi, apples, plums, cherries, pears, melons, strawberries and pomelo. There are a few fruit exceptions.

Meat, fish, seafood. Can eat lean varieties meat (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit) and fish ( haddock, pollock, shrimp, flounder, cod, crucian carp, pike perch). You can cook in any way (if you fry, then only in a dry frying pan without oil).

Bread. Whole grain or dried rye (no more than 30 g per day).

Posted by OTHER BREAD 🌳Bake&Brew Bakery🌳 (@bnb.bread) Jun 11, 2016 at 3:14 PDT

Dairy. Low-fat cottage cheese (up to 9%) and cheese (up to 20% fat). From the fourth week, yogurt and kefir can be introduced into the diet.

Seasonings. Salt, garlic, pepper, soy sauce (no sugar), lemon, balsamic vinegar, ginger, natural seasonings.

Publication from Food Delivery in Moscow (@sekta_food) Aug 20 2015 at 2:32 PDT

Beverages. Water, tea, coffee without sugar.


Some fruits and berries. Grapes, bananas, avocados, mangoes, figs, dates, sweet dried fruits.

Some vegetables and legumes. Potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, corn, rice. Any canned vegetables.

Fat meat. Pork, chicken legs, bacon, lamb.

Other: any oil and fats, alcohol, cereals, milk, sweets (not only sweets and confectionery are prohibited, but even jam and honey), mushrooms.

How to eat on an egg diet

The classic egg diet is designed for 4 weeks. And, fortunately, eggs will only have to be eaten during the first two.

In the first week, you prepare your body for dramatic changes in the diet. The menu consists of eggs, meat and fruits and vegetables (plus a little cottage cheese). In the second week, there are more eggs on the menu, and the weight is rapidly decreasing.

On the third - the diet changes to "fruits and vegetables and some meat and fish." Hateful eggs from the menu go completely. Well, and finally, the fourth week consolidates the effect and prepares the body to exit the diet.

Other Diet Options

An equivalent alternative to the egg diet is its “curd” variety. Essentially, this is complete analogue Maggi diets, only eggs are replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.

Posted by Alexander (@homedecorspb) Jun 20, 2016 at 1:41 PDT

In addition, there are more “speedy” options for the egg diet: for 3 days, for 7 days and for 2 weeks. The three-day format is otherwise called the egg-grapefruit diet (you can only eat these two products).

Pros of the egg diet

This is one of the few truly "nutritious" diets for weight loss. You can not count calories and not go crazy with hunger.

Posted by @maggi__diet Jul 11, 2016 at 2:36 PDT

The Maggi diet really allows you to lose a lot and quickly. In some cases, people lost up to 25 kg in four weeks (with an initial weight of 100 kg).

The egg diet forms a food discipline. In a month, a person gets used to simple food without sauces, mayonnaise and other flavor enhancers. In addition, a habit is formed to eat at the same time, in small portions, without mixing “antagonist” foods with each other. Sweets are completely excluded from the diet.

Throughout the diet, you will have to drink plenty of clean water - this required condition. Good Habit remains even after returning to a normal diet.

Posted by Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Mar 17, 2016 at 2:00 PDT

Maggi is called the “lazy diet”: after all, eggs are cooked very quickly, and fresh fruits and vegetables only need to be washed and cut. Only meat and fish will have to be thermally processed in this diet.

The trace elements contained in eggs have a good effect on the skin, nails and hair. Egg contains vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, nicotine and folic acid, niacin (needed to nourish the brain), bioregulators and proteins.

Diet cons

Despite the fact that the egg diet is quite diverse, you will have to completely abandon fast carbohydrates(sweets), as well as grains and fat. Vegetable oils can not be used even for dressing salads. Strictly speaking, such a diet can not be called either healthy or balanced.

A lack of carbohydrates and an excess of proteins and citrus fruits can cause unpleasant side effects: migraine, heartburn, pain in the liver, bad smell from mouth.

The egg diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. As well as people with allergies to citrus fruits, gastritis, diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

The diet does not allow any initiative. You need to eat three times a day at the same time, without interchanging breakfast, lunch and dinner and without replacing one food with another. If it says "grapefruit for breakfast" - it means grapefruit and only for breakfast.

Diet Controversies

high cholesterol

20 years ago it was believed that an excess of eggs in the diet increases blood cholesterol levels. And this sooner or later leads to the formation of dangerous plaques on the walls of the arteries. However, the results of research by the Harvard School of Catering refute this opinion. In the course of research, it turned out that the abundance of eggs in the diet does not affect the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Other experiments have shown that after eating eggs, the level of cholesterol in the blood actually rises. But the "egg" particles of cholesterol (both "good" and "bad") are obtained a little bigger size, than usual. This makes them less hazardous to health.

Excess eggs in the diet

Many people who lose weight are embarrassed increased rate eggs in daily diet. But, judging by the results of recent studies, even 3-6 eggs per day do not pose any particular danger. The article cites the case of an 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs (!) a day and was completely healthy.

However, doctors play it safe and limit daily allowance 1-2 eggs. So, for example, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (USA) recommends eating no more than four yolks per week. And the American Heart Association does "allow" only one egg a day.

Perhaps the doctors are being overly cautious. But their recommendations should definitely be heeded by diabetics, people with high level cholesterol in the blood and people with cardiovascular disease.

Egg quality

Abroad, it is recommended to maintain an egg diet not on store-bought, but on farm (or home) eggs. Previously, they could be distinguished by a bright orange yolk. Today, however, many industrial manufacturers saturate eggs with dye, which they leave to egg yolks its bright color.

Dissatisfaction with the quality of industrial eggs has reached such intensity that since 2012 in the European Union (and in Germany - since 2007) poultry farms where birds are kept motionless in cages have been banned.

Veterinarians and animal rights advocates stood up for laying hens. Conditions for keeping chickens in poultry farms have been called "cruel and unhealthy for the birds". The transition to more comfortable cages in the EU took 12 years and cost $613 million. Now each European laying hen has her own, larger cage, raised perch and a separate nest. Birds are also legally allowed to roam freely.

However, 13 EU countries have violated this "chicken law", resulting in a large price difference between local eggs and cheaper imported ones. The fight for the "rights of chickens" in Europe continues.

Similar processes are underway in other countries. For example, in some US states you can still find for sale eggs from poultry farms similar to Russian ones. But basically, in America they sell only eggs from farm chickens. And individual states (say, California) are in full swing implementing European standards.

It is clear that in Russia “free range of birds” and “high comfort cages” are something from the realm of fantasy.

However, let's be objective: research results show that the difference between industrial and organic eggs not so big. For example, the amount of cholesterol in both eggs is absolutely identical. The results of the comparison of farm and industrial eggs for several indicators

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