What fruit is better to eat in the evening. What can you eat at night so as not to get fat? low calorie fruits for weight loss

Many of the dieters believe that eating fruits does not go against the desire to lose weight, because they contain only healthy fiber that does not bring overweight. Does this mean that losing weight, you do not need to deny yourself the desire to eat some fruit?

This is partly true, but with some nuances. For example, you need to know exactly what fruits you can eat at night and what you should not. Even late at night will not harm the figure:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits);
  • mango;
  • kiwi;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • pineapples.

The above fruits can be safely consumed without fear of gaining weight even after six in the evening. Exception - see below.

What fruits can you eat at night?

Each of these options is worth exploring in more detail.


If the time is already late, and sleep does not come because of the unceasing feeling of hunger, an apple is a good option. It is best if it is green, as such fruits contain less sugar than red or yellow.

To facilitate the digestion of the fruit, it is necessary to peel it.

Important! Nutritionists say that for some people, apples are just appetite stimulants. Should be studied individual characteristics own body, and if you really want to, bake one apple in the oven - in this form, it will definitely satisfy the feeling of hunger.


Not a single nutritionist has any doubts about them: if you want to know what fruits you can eat at night and whether it is allowed to eat a tangerine, orange or grapefruit in the evening, the answer will be a definite yes. Citrus fruits are not as high-calorie as all other fruits (one hundred grams of one tangerine contains about 40 kcal), but at the same time they are sweet and very tasty.

Orange or grapefruit will speed up the digestive system and provoke the release of gastric juice. The most suitable evening dessert for dieters is citrus.

Citrus fruits have a wonderful effect on all systems. human body, for example:

  • eliminate weakness, fatigue, normalize sleep;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Of the contraindications to the use of these fruits, it should be noted the presence of a stomach or intestinal ulcer, as well as gastritis.


One hundred grams of this fruit contains only 67 kcal. A few centuries ago, secular ladies actively used mangoes for weight loss. They say that eating one fruit a day, you can lose about 1.5 kg in a week. If you follow this diet for a month, the result will be a loss of approximately 6-7 kg.
The main benefits of mango:

  • laxative effect;
  • decrease in blood cholesterol levels;
  • saturation of the body with useful trace elements.

To diversify the diet when losing weight, you can cook delicious desserts, for example, mousses and puddings.


The use of such a fruit as kiwi for weight loss was first announced by the French nutritionist Montignac. In his works, it was stated that if you eat one kiwi before breakfast, you can lose weight without physical activity.

This fruit is rich in vitamins and other trace elements, and one hundred grams contains 60 kcal. The main secret of losing weight with kiwi is the soluble plant fibers that make it up. They satisfy the appetite, while freeing the intestines from toxins. Also, the pulp of kiwi contains carnitine, which eliminates subcutaneous body fat.

What fruits can not be eaten at night

It is better to forget about these fruits when thinking about an evening dessert.


They are really high in calories, although they differ in such useful properties like relieving fatigue and weakness. An evening snack for a losing weight person should do without a banana.
For those who just want to enjoy this delicious fruit and do not want to lose weight, you can make a cocktail with the following ingredients:

  • half a banana;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml of carrot juice;
  • a drop of honey.

Mix the ingredients in a blender and drink a cocktail no later than two hours before going to bed.


Many people love it, but is it possible to eat these berries in the evening while on a diet? The answer is no. You can eat a few grapes only during the day, and preferably before noon, so as not to get better, because one hundred grams of this product contains more than 70 kcal.

Grape - excellent remedy to raise the tone of the body, it contains a large amount of glucose, which eliminates fatigue and makes a person cheerful and energetic.

So, when choosing the fruit that you want to eat at night, you need to be more careful and remember the consequences of the choice.

Very often we are faced with the fact that we can’t fall asleep in any way if we don’t have a good dinner before going to bed. And almost always, unable to withstand the "hunger pangs", we get out of bed, go to the kitchen and be sure to eat something tasty and completely unhealthy. A new one is coming bad moment- now the stomach is full of food and the heaviness in the stomach is already beginning to interfere. What to do, how to be? What is so useful to have a snack at night to strong feeling Hunger did not haunt before going to bed, there was no heaviness in the stomach, and of course, insomnia did not bother you? About this - in this article.

First of all, it should be noted important fact: no matter what food you take before going to bed, this food will remain in your stomach, being undigested, since the body is already receiving the command to “sleep” and there is no time for work at all. That's why evening meal it’s better to do it about a couple of hours before bedtime: so as not to have time to feel hungry and so that the food is completely processed. In 2 hours, our body, as a rule, completely digests food and, thus, empties the stomach, sending processed foods to the intestines.

And yet - what can you eat at night?

Are you sure you want to eat before bed? Perhaps your body just needs fluid at this time. Therefore, in some cases, you can just drink a glass of water or green tea (you can brew chamomile tea). There is Great chance that hunger will recede from you. And the best option can be called a rosehip infusion - it certainly suppresses the appetite! As for food at night, here it is worth mentioning following products and foods that saturate the body:

Is it possible to eat fruit at night or is it harmful?

Fruits we all love are allowed to eat before bed. However, there are some recommendations on how best to do this so as not to get better and not feel heaviness in the stomach:

  • You can completely replace a late dinner or a night snack with fruit, preferably fresh. Orange is best cut into small slices, it is also recommended to divide an apple, pear or banana. At the same time, you need to eat slowly, chew each fruit well and only then absorb the fruit “porridge”.
  • Dried fruits are a good substitute for fruit. Like the latter, a handful of dried fruit must be chewed thoroughly before being eaten.

By the way, bananas are very soothing. nervous system.

Essential oil as an appetite suppressant

Try inhaling the aromas of aromatherapy products to reduce your hunger. Among the most effective are usually noted essential oils scented with apple, strawberry, cherry, banana, orange, mint, cinnamon, patchouli or vanilla. It is recommended to inhale, bringing the bottle to each nostril, 2-3 times.

Do not overeat at night, eat only the most useful foods before bedtime and let your health and figure be in perfect condition.

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Is it possible to lose weight if you eat in the evenings

Eating in the evening is bad for your health and figure. But this view is not entirely correct. Eating in the evening is not always bad. For example, if a person went in for sports in the afternoon, then a hearty dinner will not harm him. And if you know what you can eat at night while losing weight, you can not be afraid to get better. In everything you need to know the measure. Evening portions should be small, and if the girl "got drunk" in in large numbers even the most dietary products, it won't do any good.

What foods can be eaten at night

It is absolutely easy to cook a dinner that will not affect the figure. To do this, you need to know what you can eat at night losing weight.

What you can eat at night when losing weight list:

  • Protein food. What to do if you want to eat in the evening? Protein satisfies hunger, is good for muscles and helps burn calories. boiled chicken fillet, steam fish, boiled egg or a protein omelet are suitable for an evening snack.
  • Cottage cheese. If you do not know what to eat at night to lose weight, then opt for cottage cheese. Instead of sugar, use cinnamon, berries, fruits or peanuts in small amounts. Cottage cheese and dried apricots are also perfectly combined.
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk. Is it possible to drink ryazhenka at night? Dairy products with low fat content will not harm the figure. Ryazhenka is recommended at night, as it normalizes bowel function and satisfies appetite. Ryazhenka contains calcium , phosphorus , potassium , fluorine , magnesium. As well as vitamins PP , , .
  • Fruits and berries. For those who are losing weight, green apples, plums, cherries, currants, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries are suitable. These fruits are low in calories and rich in vitamins and fiber. If a woman ate strawberries in the evening, then she would not get better from this. Among those who lose weight, the strawberry diet is popular, in which you can quickly lose a few kilograms.
  • citruses. Some doubt whether it is possible to eat tangerines at night or other citrus fruits? If the stomach is healthy, there is no ulcer or gastritis, then citruses will not harm in the evening. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins. Grapefruit burns fats, pineapple removes toxins and toxins, and figs quickly satisfy hunger. Pomegranate is also useful for weight loss, as it breaks down fat cells. Tangerines for weight loss will benefit if a person regularly plays sports. If you do not abuse and do not overeat, then tangerines will not harm the figure.
  • Vegetables. Many vegetables can be consumed in the evening. These are cucumbers, greens, carrots, radishes, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin.
  • Peanut. If you know the measure, then any nuts will benefit a person. Peanut rich vitamins E, , PP, group B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc , iron. Peanuts are quite nutritious. 100 g contains 550 kcal. Therefore, in the evening it is useful to satisfy your hunger with a handful of fresh nuts, no more than 40 g.
  • Dried apricots. O valuable properties Dried apricots are known to many. Dried apricots contain phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese. And also magnesium sodium , copper , chlorine , sulfur , nickel, zinc. Dried apricots will help to lose weight if you replace it with the usual sweets.
  • Ice cream. This dessert can be enjoyed in the evening. You need to choose ice cream with lowest calorie. You can add fruits or berries to ice cream. Banned chocolate topping (decoration of desserts). Diet ice cream can be made from grated berries or frozen juice. Then you get a refreshing ice cream, no worse than your favorite ice cream.

A good choice of what to eat at night would be buckwheat, rice, soy or lean cheese, hummus.

Overeating is bad for your figure and health. But what if you overeat in the evening? First of all, after eating a hearty dinner, you need to take Mezim. This will help the stomach to digest the food. To cleanse the body, it is useful to drink a glass of water with the juice of one lemon on an empty stomach. Also, if you overeat the day before, it is recommended to do exercises, and cook oatmeal with bran for breakfast. Drink more liquid throughout the day

List of prohibited products

Those who want to lose weight do not eat certain foods in the evening, as they contribute to the accumulation of fat.

What foods can not be eaten in the evening:

  • fatty meat, lard (if we eat lard in the evening, it will be difficult for the body to digest food);
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • sweets;
  • dried fruits;
  • avocado;
  • sweet yoghurts;
  • carbonated water and alcohol.

Beer, at correct use, may be beneficial. There is a beer diet in which you can lose 5 kg in two weeks

It is also forbidden to eat the following foods at night:

  • mayonnaise, sour cream, red meat;
  • coffee, beans, peanut butter;
  • potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onions;
  • zucchini, eggplant, spices, spices, salt;
  • melon, watermelon, grapes;
  • fried food.

Without knowing the measure and eating such products in the evening, a person runs the risk of gaining weight very quickly.

Healthy drinks before bed

What is better to drink at night to lose weight? The list of drinks is small, as it is not advisable to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed. This can cause insomnia and swelling. What we drink can also affect the figure. Apart from fermented milk drinks, such as fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt, in the evening you can drink something warm to help you fall asleep.

What to drink before bed to lose weight:

  • cup warm water with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey;
  • hot milk with a teaspoon of honey;
  • green tea sugarless;
  • tomato and pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate helps to improve metabolism and cleanse toxins and toxins. AT pomegranate juice contained vitamins B6 , AT 12, C, , fruit acid, fiber, minerals, phytoncides, so the juice is useful for weight loss

What else to drink in the evening with health benefits is described below!

  • Promotes weight loss hot chocolate and cocoa at night. They contain flavonoids that increase metabolism.
  • It is useful to satisfy evening hunger with pear juice. Pear is one of the healthiest fruits. It contains fiber organic acids, vitamins E, A, C, group B and minerals.
  • Among athletes and people who want to lose weight, casein shakes are popular. Casein protein is made from milk and is a complex protein that has beneficial properties. It contributes to the set muscle mass, is not deposited in the fat layer and suppresses appetite. Therefore, drink casein at night when losing weight, this will help get rid of hunger and excess weight.

What products can be combined

It is important to know what to eat and what foods to combine. For example, a person who eats a salad of healthy diet foods still gains weight. What is the reason? This is because the products in this salad were incompatible.

Compatible Products:

  • Lemon, combining with animal proteins, burns body fat. Therefore, if we sprinkle fish or meat with lemon juice, we can not be afraid to get better.
  • Cheese can only be eaten with vegetables or foods containing animal protein.
  • Ryazhenka and kefir go well with dry cottage cheese. You can also add unsweetened fruits or chopped peanuts to the cottage cheese.
  • It is useful to combine cereals with vegetables.

Incompatible products:

  • You can not combine starchy foods with sour ones. Starchy foods include potatoes, corn, carrots, pumpkins, and radishes. To sour - oranges, lemons, tomatoes, apples.
  • Combinations of any products with melon and watermelon are not allowed.
  • You can not eat at night at the same time protein and carbohydrate foods. This combination is hard to digest and causes bloating in the intestines.
  • It is not recommended to mix proteins with fermented milk products.

How to overcome the desire to eat before bed

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome the desire to eat before bedtime. What to do so that in the evening there is no desire to overeat?

It is important for the body what and how much a person drank during the day. Gotta drink enough liquids. The amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters per day. Lack of fluid can cause false feeling hunger. A cup of hot tea, milk or water with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey will satisfy your appetite and set you up for sleep.

Many are concerned about the question of what to drink and how to lose weight by overeating at night. Dinner can be helpful if you remember the list of foods you can eat in the evening and know what not to eat before bed. If the diet does not exceed daily allowance calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then soon you will notice how your thin figure will change.

The video below shows how to overcome the feeling of hunger.

It is impossible to eat late in the evenings, so as not to harm the figure and health. Everyone has heard about this principle of nutrition, even those who have never thought about diets. Is it worth taking this rule literally and tormenting yourself with hunger in the evenings? Agree, it is very difficult to refuse a late dinner after a busy day at work or an intense workout in gym. Of course, you don’t need to limit yourself too much, you just need to choose the right products for the evening meal. Since the body tries to convert the food eaten at night into fat, it is better to choose for dinner. Such a dinner will help satisfy hunger without harm to the figure and digestion.

Is it possible to have dinner after six?

The established opinion that it is impossible to eat after 6 hours is erroneous. Modern nutritionists do not believe that such a diet will really benefit the body. If you need to slightly correct the figure by dropping a few kilograms, we are not talking about giving up dinner. This method can give results in severe obesity, but only on early stages diets. And then, most often, the plateau effect occurs, when the weight stubbornly holds on to one mark. Therefore, you need to approach your own metabolism more thoughtfully.

If you start skipping evening meals, the body will go without food for 13 hours or more. Such long periods of fasting will not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, can greatly disrupt metabolism. Being left without nutrients for a long time, the body begins to intensively store them for later. Already after 10 hours of fasting, a special enzyme begins to work - lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for the accumulation of fats. It remains active for about a day, directing amino acids to adipose tissue. Therefore, people who are starving in the evenings often do not get the effect they expected at all.

That is why modern nutritionists do not recommend giving up dinner altogether. In their opinion, perfect time for the last meal - about 4 hours before bedtime. And at the same time, of course, you need to carefully select products, giving preference to healthy low-calorie dishes.

What foods are suitable for dinner?

As you know, our digestive system digest food with different speed. Some foods are absorbed very quickly, while others take a long time to process. This is what will determine the choice of food for dinner. And in order to completely clarify the situation, we will answer the most common questions of people who follow the figure:

Is cottage cheese suitable for a late dinner?

Yes, this product, rich in amino acids and casein, can be eaten regularly for dinner, but in small portions and no later than two hours before a night's rest. However, it should not be greasy - try to buy skim cheese or a product with a low fat content (less than 8%).

Is it possible to snack on fruits and berries late in the evening?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because different types fruits have different calorie content. Some fruits are so high in calories that it is generally better to exclude them from the diet.

  • Apple. This tasty and healthy product has a low energy value- less than 50 calories. Therefore, it will not harm the figure. Note that for an evening snack it is better to choose non-acidic varieties. And one more important point- Apples contain a lot of pectin, which helps to improve complexion.
  • citruses. They are one of the most popular snacks for weight loss. And this is not surprising, because. grapefruits and oranges have mass useful qualities. They are low-calorie (less than 40 calories), accelerate the process of assimilation of food, and contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue. But citrus fruits, unfortunately, can not be eaten by everyone. Due to the ability to increase the acidity of the stomach, they are not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer or gastritis. This is especially true for lemons. If you eat it in the evening, your stomach acidity will rise and, in addition, a strong appetite may break out.
  • Mango. Does not irritate mucous membranes digestive organs and therefore ideal for a light evening snack.
  • A pineapple. It removes unnecessary substances from the body, promotes the burning of fats. But it is desirable to eat it in small quantities, as it increases acidity and appetite.
  • Banana. Dieters try to avoid it because of the rather high calorie. But if you feel like eating, it will be an excellent snack, as it satisfies hunger for a long time.
  • Figs. Contains a lot useful substances, reduces appetite and provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It is better to use it fresh, because dried fruits are high in calories.

Snack on fruit slowly. Cut them into pieces and chew each slice thoroughly. Such light dinners are allowed to be arranged about an hour before a night's rest.

In addition, before going to bed, you can safely use different kinds berries. Eat strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries in the evenings. They have a low calorie content and cope well with the feeling of hunger.

  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Carrot.
  • Salad.
  • Avocado.
  • Spinach.
  • pumpkin ( better juice or seeds).

Try to eat vegetables whenever possible. fresh- after cooking, the calorie content of vegetables increases. It is better to refuse fried vegetables completely.

Is a hearty dinner allowed?

fruits and fresh vegetables they can not always provide a feeling of fullness, and you don’t feel like walking with an empty stomach in the evening. For such cases, you need to choose hearty foods with a low calorie content, for example:

  • Lungs lean varieties meat (turkey, chicken).
  • Rice or buckwheat porridge.
  • Fish (pollock, tuna and other low-fat species).
  • Soy cheese.
  • Yogurt (only natural unsweetened, no additives).
  • Ryazhenka, kefir, milk (fat-free).
  • Walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds (these are higher in calories than the rest of the products on the list, so you need to eat them a little).

Interesting fact! Oddly enough, it's better to have a snack before going to bed. carbohydrate products because such food is digested faster. If you want protein foods, choose light meals (which take no more than an hour and a half to digest).

What can you drink in the evenings?

In the evening before going to bed, it is better to give preference to warm drinks. They suppress appetite and calm the nervous system. Most suitable for this purpose are:

  • Milk boiled with a small amount honey.
  • Heated water with lemon.
  • Green tea (no sugar)

Also in the evening it is allowed to drink a glass of tomato juice.

Food pairing rules for dinner

In order for the diet to bring the expected effect, it is important not only to give up high-calorie foods in the evenings, but also to be able to properly combine allowed foods. This will help regulate metabolism and greatly speed up the process of losing weight. Here are some useful combinations as an example:

  • Lean meat (or fish) with lemon. Nutritionists have found that this combination increases the synthesis of hormones responsible for the breakdown of fats. Therefore, the chicken lemon juice- This is a hearty, tasty and very healthy dinner for the body. But lemon should be added in moderation so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with kefir. it light dish provides long saturation and does not harm the figure at all.
  • Vegetables with cereals. Perfectly satisfy hunger and saturate the body nutrients. Yes, you will receive good dinner if you cook buckwheat and garnish it with lettuce.

Useful advice! if you love hard cheeses try pairing them with vegetables. One of the best options there will be cheese with broccoli.

Unfavorable combinations include:

  • Acidic foods and foods rich in starch. By acidic foods, we mean some fruits and vegetables (citruses, tomatoes, pineapples).
  • Milk with any other products (it is better to drink it separately). The same rule applies to fruits. It is advisable to use them as an independent dish half an hour before taking another meal or half an hour later. But fruit juices can be combined with other products.
  • Protein plus carbohydrates. Such combinations of products are difficult to digest, provoke bloating and increased gas formation.
  • Protein food and dairy products. It is not recommended to combine these foods at the same time.

What foods should be avoided in the evening?

We answered the question of what you can eat in the evenings for weight loss. It's non-greasy protein food, fruits and vegetables. Now let's say a few words about food, which is highly undesirable for dinner. The fact is that some types of food are difficult to digest and remain in the body all night. As a result, a person wakes up sluggish and not rested. It worsens, and extra pounds gradually accumulate. Therefore, in the evening, in no case should you eat such foods:

  1. Pizza, hot dogs, burgers and other fast food, as well as all kinds of snacks (crackers, chips, etc.). Such dishes are high in calories, but they do not saturate the body with nutrients. Therefore, they should not be eaten for dinner. And it is even better to refuse such food at all.
  2. Fat meat. Dishes prepared from it are digested for a very long time, which prevents healthy sleep and promotes weight gain.
  3. Baking, pasta. They give good charge energy, so they are best consumed for breakfast or lunch. In the evening, they will not bring any benefit, but they can lead to the formation of body fat.
  4. Desserts including chocolate. simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and converted into fats. Sweet treats for dinner are the most short cut to obesity.
  5. Dried fruits. Nutritionists refer to them as useful products, they contain many valuable substances, give a feeling of satiety and energize the body. But it is better to use them in the morning or at lunchtime, because they are high in calories.
  6. Yogurt with additives. Store-bought yoghurts with sugar and fruit flavors are loved by many. But such products will not bring any health benefits. It is better to take ordinary kefir and add a little to the glass fresh berries or fruit.
  7. Sweet soda. Everyone knows about the dangers of such drinks. It is desirable to refuse them completely, and not only in the evenings.
  8. Alcohol. Alcohol increases appetite. And if you decide not to overeat at night, you should not drink even low-alcohol drinks. In addition, alcohol can cause problems with sleep and swelling on the face after waking up.

So in the fight for beautiful figure It is not necessary to starve yourself in the evenings. As you have already seen, the list of allowed products is quite diverse. Learn to combine them correctly, enjoy delicious dinners and lose weight without discomfort.

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