Natural life saver - sage oil. Properties of sage oil and options for its use Sage essential oil instructions for use

The healing properties of essential oils have long been known. They are used in various fields, but they have received great popularity in cosmetology and medicine. Many people are interested in the properties and uses of sage oil, because it was so actively used by the Egyptian pharaohs.

The benefits and harms of natural sage oil

The benefits of essential oils have been known since ancient times. Herbs help to cure many diseases, make the skin and hair well-groomed and beautiful.

Sage oil is very popular among traditional healers. Leaves and flowers of the plant have valuable qualities. To achieve a positive effect on the body, they are collected in early September. Then the raw material is processed and distilled. After all the manipulations, a liquid is obtained, which is distinguished by transparency and nutmeg aroma.

Sage oil has a relaxing effect on the body

A clear liquid with a pleasant aroma eliminates spasms, improves the process of sputum discharge. The tool has an antiseptic effect, fights alopecia, improves regenerative processes and improves immunity.

Sage essential oil has practically no harm if used correctly. The liquid is applied only topically, while being combined with some kind of base before use.

Composition of sage essential oil

During growth from spring to September, there is a change in the chemical composition. The concentration of active ingredients may also differ depending on the region of growth and the time of collection.

Sage essential oil contains:

  1. Borneol. This component prevents the growth of microbes. It has an antifungal effect, stops inflammatory and purulent processes. Helps to get rid of pigmentation on the skin.
  2. Thujon. Such a substance is considered a toxin, but the use in a small amount shows a tonic effect. Thanks to these properties, blood flow is activated, puffiness is eliminated, and complexion is improved. Its use in reasonable amounts prevents early skin aging.
  3. Camphor. Responsible for the softness and elasticity of the skin, eliminates dead skin cells, cleanses the sebaceous ducts and tightens pores. The face has a smooth relief.
  4. Cineol. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The component helps to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes matte.
  5. Salvin. Improves cell tone, strengthens capillaries, prevents the development of sensitivity and irritation of the skin.
  6. Ascorbic acid, retinol and B vitamins. Normalize regenerative processes, tone and refresh the skin.
  7. Minerals. Contribute to the normalization of facial tone, prevent premature aging.

Thanks to this combination of components, sage oil is suitable for use in cosmetology and gynecology.

How to make sage oil

You can buy sage oil at the pharmacy or make your own at home.

To do this, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The plant is harvested in September. Finely cut.
  2. Put in a 1 liter jar. Fill the container with any vegetable oil halfway.
  3. The container is tightly closed, and then placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. After the time has elapsed, the jar is opened, gauze is taken and the liquid is filtered through it.

It is better to store the finished product in a dark glass container.

How to use sage oil

Sage essential oil is used for various purposes. The remedy has received great use in cosmetology, but it also has a positive effect in the treatment of various diseases.

Important! Before the first use, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions. To do this, you need to apply a couple of drops on the inside of the elbow and wait a day. If no reactions appear, then the liquid can be used.

Medicinal properties of sage oil

The oily liquid is often used in medicine

The tool helps to quickly get rid of pain in the head. To do this, the ether should be mixed with 1-2 drops of olive or grape oil. The resulting composition is rubbed into the temporal region.

The tool effectively helps with spasms and colic in the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, mix 3 drops of sage with 1 tbsp. l. warm bases. The prepared liquid is applied to the abdomen and rubbed with massage movements for 3-5 minutes.

Sage oil is useful for colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis and viral infections in the oral cavity. In this case, it is used in the form of steam inhalation. The ether is mixed with boiled water. Vapors are inhaled for 7-10 minutes. But this method is forbidden to be used at a body temperature above 37.5 degrees.

Sage oil has found application in gynecology. The tool helps to normalize the hormonal background, as well as alleviate the symptoms that occur with premenstrual syndrome. With the development of such problems, tampons are used, which are moistened in a solution of sage.

Sage essential oil is used by lactating women to stop lactation or in the treatment of mastitis. It is necessary to mix 5 drops of ether with 1 tbsp. l. avocado oils. In the resulting composition, a piece of gauze is moistened and applied to the chest for 15-20 minutes.

Sage oil in cosmetology

Ether has gained great popularity for cosmetic purposes.

Essential oil of sage is intended for hair treatment. The tool relieves dandruff, eliminates irritation and strengthens the hair follicles.

If you need to remove dandruff, then clary sage oil for hair will need 5 drops. They are mixed with cream, sugar and salt. The finished composition is applied to the strands and distributed along the entire length. Put on a plastic cap on top. The procedure takes at least an hour. Repeat manipulations 3 times a week.

To strengthen the hair follicles, you will need 1 egg yolk, 20 ml of burdock oil, 1 drop of lemon balm ether and a drop of sage. The mask is applied for 1 hour.

Attention! In order for the masks to please with a positive result faster, it is impossible to dry your hair with a hairdryer after the procedure.

Sage oil is good for the skin. The use of compresses will help to cope with the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema. Eliminates irritation quickly. It is recommended to apply a drop of oil on insect bites. This will alleviate the condition and relieve severe itching.

Essential oil of sage is intended for the face with fading, flabby, oily and dry skin.

There are recipes that smooth wrinkles in a short time:

  1. It will take 1 tsp. yogurt and honey, 50 g fresh or frozen strawberries, 1 tsp. oatmeal and 3 drops of ether. All ingredients are mixed together. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure is advised 2 times a week.
  2. In order for the mask to have a lifting effect, you need to take 1 protein, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 3 drops of oily liquid. The mixture is distributed on clean skin of the face. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
  3. Sage helps with severe oily skin. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you should take 1 apple, bake it in the oven. Then mash to a mushy state. Add a little lemon juice and 5 drops of rosemary with sage. The mask is applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes.

You can prepare cosmetic ice - this tool strengthens blood vessels, relieves swelling, improves skin tone, this is an excellent prevention of wilting

For preparation, you will need 2 drops of ether, 200 ml of chamomile broth. The resulting infusion is filtered, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. It is recommended to wipe the face with ice in the morning after sleep before applying decorative cosmetics.

The magical properties of sage essential oil

Sage is considered to be the sacred fragrance of wisdom - in fact, the secret lies in its composition, which can activate mental activity. After applying the ether, thoughts and thoughts become pure. Sage protects the house from negative energy, can be used to flavor the room. Promotes rapid recovery after illness.

Ether has a calming effect, a person manages to quickly relieve tension, overcome weakness, it is recommended to use it at high loads

A simple option is the use of aromatic lamps. It is enough to add 4 to 6 drops to the bowl. You can add ether to the bath.

Contraindications to sage oil

Sage oil may not be suitable for everyone. One of the main contraindications is an increased susceptibility to the active components of the ether. It is forbidden to use by pregnant women, as the product helps to increase the tone of the uterus. This can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Lactating women are also banned - the remedy reduces milk production.

Contraindications are also hypertension, endometriosis and breast cancer.

Terms and conditions of storage

An oily liquid is sold in pharmacies. But you can prepare the remedy at home. Store the product in dark-colored vials. Placed in a dark place away from sunlight.


The properties and use of sage oil in ancient times gained great popularity in medicine and cosmetology. But many people still do not know what esters are and how useful they are for the body. The oily liquid is often added to a warm bath to relax. But the product will benefit hair, face and nails. Before use, make sure that there is no allergy. It is forbidden to apply on the skin in its pure form, otherwise it will lead to burns.

The healing properties of sage were experienced by the first dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs, with its help they treated infertility, and in the Middle Ages they were saved from the plague. Currently, the plant is used in traditional and folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. For the treatment of various diseases, leaves, flowers and essential oil of sage are used.

Sage oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties and is used to heal wounds and treat inflammation in the body.

The composition of sage oil contains about 20 useful substances that are essential for the human body, namely: cedren, D-a-pinene, D-camphor, cineole, terpenoids, alkaloids, glycerides, linoleic acid, as well as the natural antibiotic salvin, which successfully fights against many pathogenic microorganisms.

Many women who take care of their appearance resort to aromatherapy widely used in cosmetology and to relaxing procedures using clary sage essential oil.

Sage Oil - 14 Health Benefits

  1. Has an antifungal effect

    The presence of camphor and camphene in sage essential oil endows it with the ability to resist fungus. This oil prevents the growth of fungal infections and protects against many diseases caused by fungus. Thanks to these medicinal properties, sage oil is often used in many skin and nail care products.

  2. Is an antioxidant

    Sage oil is a powerful antioxidant, which is why it is widely used in the manufacture of anti-aging skin care products. This product successfully fights free radicals, which are the main cause of body aging. Thus, sage oil slows down the aging process and prevents the appearance of its signs such as wrinkles, sagging skin, muscle weakness, hearing and vision impairment, brain instability, etc.

  3. Relieves inflammation

    Sage oil reduces inflammatory processes in the body, including reducing redness on the skin, stomach inflammation, and inflammation caused by fever. Due to its properties, it also reduces the negative impact on the human body of many inflammatory factors: alcohol and drugs, excessively salty or spicy food Is it bad for the stomach and intestines to eat a lot of spicy food? All about the benefits for the body, side effects and contraindications from the results of scientific research and the opinions of doctors., heat, etc.

  4. Has an antispasmodic effect

    Sage essential oil effectively relieves spasms, so it is successfully used to treat muscle pain, as well as coughs and cramps.

  5. As an antibacterial agent

    The components contained in the essential oil of sage effectively protect the body from bacterial infections. Due to this, sage oil is used in the treatment of ENT infections, as well as to protect small wounds or cuts from exposure to potentially dangerous infections.

  6. Has a choleretic effect

    Sage oil stimulates the release of bile. It improves digestion, soothes the stomach and improves the functionality of the entire digestive system by reducing inflammation caused by excessive acidity. It also neutralizes acids in the stomach and bloodstream, thus providing protection against gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as boils, rashes and skin diseases that occur when blood acid levels rise.

  7. Against wounds and scars

    Sage heals wounds and accelerates the healing of tissues, which is why it is often used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries in the manufacture of preparations for scars and wounds. Sage essential oil helps to eliminate scars, cracks, postpartum scars and spots, marks after boils, smallpox and sores. It also helps in the rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

  8. Purifies the blood

    Sage essential oil accelerates the elimination of toxins from the blood through excretion or perspiration and thus it is an excellent blood cleanser.

  9. Improves digestion

    Sage oil relieves indigestion by facilitating the decomposition of food, promoting the secretion of bile and gastric juices and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms in the digestive system that hinder the digestive process.

  10. Benefits of sage oil for women

    This essential oil regularizes the menstrual cycle and relieves its unpleasant symptoms. Sage oil activates certain female hormones, in particular estrogen, which helps bring about regular menstruation and relieve problems such as headache, nausea, weakness, mood swings, and other associated symptoms of menstruation. In addition, estrogen naturally reduces the amount of prolactin, so sage oil is successfully used to stop lactation.

  11. Has an expectorant effect

    Sage essential oil relieves coughs by counteracting colds and respiratory infections.

  12. Is an antipyretic

    Sage essential oil reduces fever, fights infections, and reduces inflammation from fever.

  13. Has a laxative effect

    Sage oil facilitates bowel movements by stimulating efficient bowel function.

  14. Stimulates the whole body

    Sage essential oil tones and stimulates the brain, nervous system, liver, spleen, circulatory and excretory systems, thereby helping to optimize their work, maintaining the overall health of the body.

8 Healing Uses for Sage Essential Oil

A lot of positive feedback has gained the use of sage essential oil in folk medicine. This product helps the body fight many diseases.

The bactericidal and astringent properties of sage are used in dentistry, they treat gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, and herbal tinctures containing oil in their composition refresh the oral cavity well.

There are many useful recipes using sage oil, below are some of them.

  1. For inflammation of the gums

    Half a teaspoon of honey combined with a few drops of sage is applied to the inflamed gums. The procedure is repeated several times with a break of ten minutes. In order to prevent problem areas can be treated with this composition at least once a week.

  2. When vocal cords are tense

    Sage oil has long been used by speakers, lecturers and singers to relieve tension in the vocal cords, as well as to reduce a scratchy throat and hoarseness in the voice. Two or three drops of oil and one teaspoon of honey added to warm tea should be drunk little by little, in small sips. But tea should never be hot.

  3. In case of indigestion

    With colic and excessive gas formation in the intestines, as well as pain in the abdomen, they again take medicinal tea with the addition of clary sage oil.

  4. With a cold

    In case of SARS or other types of viral infections, the throat is rinsed with a medicinal solution with the addition of sage oil, thus the mucous membrane is disinfected and pain is relieved. A teaspoon of soda and honey, a pinch of salt and five drops of sage oil are added to a glass of warm water. The throat should be gargled every two hours.

  5. With increased gas production

    Increased gas formation in the intestines is eliminated with one spoon of honey, combined with two drops of sage oil, which are washed down with tea.

  6. With bruises

    With bruises and damage to the skin and its swelling, the main rescuer is a compress with sage oil. It will significantly anesthetize and relieve inflammation from the damaged area and contribute to early healing. To olive What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 amazing health benefits of olive oil as well as contraindications to its use. or sunflower oil (10 ml), five drops of sage oil are added, the resulting oil mixture should be applied as a compress to the affected area for 20-30 minutes.

  7. Using sage oil for hair

    A very good helper in caring for your hair is sage essential oil. This is just a universal remedy that, in combination with various formulations, is well suited to different types of hair. With increased oiliness of the hair, the oil will relieve oily sheen by normalizing the release of fat from the skin, and dry and brittle hair, on the contrary, will acquire natural beauty, vitality and shine. A large number of useful substances will reduce hair loss, accelerate their growth and permanently relieve dandruff and irritation on the scalp.

    Hair loss mask:

    We combine 100 g of fatty sour cream and 100 g of grape seed oil with 20 g of sage oil, apply the resulting mixture to wet hair and hold for one to two hours, then rinse with any herbal shampoo. This mask will strengthen the hair follicles and enhance the growth of your stronger curls.

    Mask for damaged and dry hair:

    A mixture of oils (100 g olive, 10 g lavender, 10 ml sage) is heated and applied evenly over the entire length of the hair, wrapped in a towel and kept for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

    Mask for oily hair:

    Combine 125 g of bergamot essential oil and 10 g of cypress oil with 8 drops of sage oil, apply the heated mixture on the hair and keep for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo. The secretion of the sebaceous glands will decrease, and the hair will acquire a healthy appearance.

  8. Essential oil of sage for the face (for wrinkles)

    Due to its many healing properties, sage is often used in cosmetology. The acids contained in the oil rejuvenate and regenerate the skin, help cleanse and heal wounds, and protect against ultraviolet rays.

    Mask for dry skin:

    Two teaspoons of honey mixed with two teaspoons of avocado and five drops avocado oil The benefits of avocado oil for our body - the benefits of using oil in food and as a cosmetic product for hair, face and body skin. How to take avocado oil correctly., are combined into a viscous mixture, which is applied to the face and held for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm and then cold water. The mask relieves flaking and dryness of the skin of the face in winter.

    Mask for oily skin:

    A tablespoon of white cosmetic clay should be combined with one teaspoon of banana pulp, then add sage oil and a few drops of lemon juice, apply the composition on the face and keep for half an hour, after the time has passed, wash off the mask. The procedure performed within a week will completely degrease the skin of the face, make it velvety and tender.

    Mask for dull skin:

    We prepare a dry mixture of chamomile, lavender and sage, add boiling water and get a thick gruel, into which, after cooling, add 6 drops of sage oil. A mask is applied to the cleansed face and washed off only after 20 minutes. The components contained in the mask reduce age-related changes in the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Sage oil - contraindications

Salvia officinalis oil is certainly useful, but still it must be taken strictly in dosage and as directed by a doctor.

Avoid using sage oil:

    pregnant women;

    hypertensive patients;



The beneficial properties of a plant such as sage are known to many. Translated from Latin, sage means "salvation." And this is not surprising, because the plant fully justifies its name.

Currently, many women and girls are very concerned about caring for their appearance. In solving beauty issues, they resort to the help of aromatherapy.

Among similar fragrant oils, sage essential oil stands out, the properties of which are effectively used in cosmetology, medicine and relaxing procedures.

Sage oil has gained worldwide recognition and popularity due to its special healing properties. Among them are the following:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. expectorant;
  4. antispasmodic;
  5. cancer-protective;
  6. relaxing;
  7. tonic;
  8. soothing.

In addition to the healing properties, sage essential oil has the following effects on the body:

  • improves brain function;
  • stops bleeding;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • eliminates muscle and rheumatic pains;
  • removes some harmful substances from the body;
  • relieves drug addiction;
  • aligns the hormonal background;
  • positively affects the immune system;
  • eliminates bacterial infections;
  • reduces sweating;
  • effectively removes puffiness;
  • removes emotional stress;
  • prevents hair loss.

Thanks to the presence of such components, the properties and use of sage oil have spread so widely among the female.

Essential oil composition

Scientists have not yet identified all the components that make up this fragrant remedy. At the moment, there are about 20 substances in the composition of the oil. Their combination allows the essential oil to be a universal remedy that can have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

The main components are as follows:

  • salven;
  • peeled;
  • terpenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • D-a-pinene;
  • D-camphor;
  • a- and b-toyon
  • borneol and others.

By itself, sage essential oil has a light yellow color and a transparent texture with a rich, pungent, but pleasant smell. Due to this feature, sage oil is part of many.

Of all the components of the oil, the most powerful substance is released - salven, which is an effective natural antibiotic. He is able to cope with many different harmful microorganisms in the human body. Therefore, the natural elixir has such a wide application in various fields.

Sage has a special bright aroma that contains nutty, amber, smoky and balsamic notes. It pairs well with other scents. By mixing with lime oil, the medicinal smell of sage disappears, and its freshness, on the contrary, is emphasized.

Aromas of other citrus fruits also perfectly reveal the smell of the "sacred herb". Aromas of lavender, geranium, cinnamon, jasmine, cypress, and juniper can also do this. On the basis of sage, you can create any aromatic compositions. The main thing in this matter is to observe proportions.

It is believed that sage essential oil, the use of which is included in the daily to-do list, acts as an excellent antidepressant. Useful properties are revealed in the use of sage essential oil in such ways:

  • aromatic baths with the addition of a few drops of oil;
  • relaxing massages with rubbing a small amount of oil into the skin;
  • special aroma lamps for impregnation of the room;
  • fragrant inhalations with sage oil.

Any of the options will help relieve nervous tension, physical fatigue, relieve stress and relax muscles. Therefore, sage oil is usually recommended for athletes, hot-tempered individuals and ordinary workaholics.

In addition to the calming effect, the aroma of "magic grass" can improve memory, brain activity, improve mood, give positive emotions and stimulate intuition.

Use for medicinal purposes

Sage oil has found a rich distribution in medicine:

- Sage is excellent for helping with malfunctions of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract. Especially with constipation, spasms or colic.

- It is good to use it for the prevention of seasonal colds, as it has an excellent effect on immunity, increasing it, and increases the body's resistance to microbes. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to perform gargling with the addition of a few drops of oil, this will destroy harmful microorganisms.

If you suffer from a sore throat, asthma or bronchitis, sage oil will not only relieve the symptoms, but also restore your strength during the recovery phase.

– Sage oil will become an indispensable assistant in the elimination of bad breath and gum disease. To do this, rinse your mouth daily in the morning and evening.

– Since sage is one of the strongest antiseptics, it is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis). Lubricating wounds or burns with sage oil, you will achieve speedy healing.

- However, the most useful use of oil will be for the fair sex. Since it favorably affects the hormonal background of the female body, and during menstruation it relieves cramps and reduces bleeding. Sage oil is used to stop lactation.

It must be remembered that sage oil is of two types: medicinal and nutmeg.

The properties of one and the other differ, therefore, when choosing a healing oil, pay attention to:

  1. In the treatment of blood vessels and the heart, keep in mind that clary sage lowers blood pressure, and medicinal - increases.
  2. Clary sage is safer, and when using a medicinal one, it is worth carefully monitoring the dosage (it can be toxic).
  3. Medicinal oil tones and heals, and nutmeg is an aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

Clary sage oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is best suited for oily or aged skin.

Acting as an antiseptic, sage treats acne, shrinks pores, relieves inflammation, eliminates redness and oily sheen on the skin. By stimulating skin cells to actively renew themselves, the oil awakens skin regeneration processes. Due to this, it has been recognized as a highly effective anti-aging agent.

The oil has also found its use in the fight against excessive sweating. As nature's natural deodorant, sage can also combat excessive sweating and odor on the feet. The main thing is that this does not require a lot of time and money. Regular baths several times a week can get rid of an unpleasant problem.

Sage essential oil has properties that help fight hair loss and get rid of dandruff. In combination with other oils, sage is able to strengthen hair follicles, making hair strong and healthy. There are combinations for every hair type.

If the hair is oily, then sage is mixed, or cypress, if the hair is dry, then preference is given to olive oil. For normal hair, a combination of sage with or is suitable. Hair will stay clean longer and sparkle with freshness.

Dosing when using medicated oil

Before using sage oil, make sure you have there are no contraindications to it. If it does not have any, then you should also not use the product when drinking alcohol or before driving. The oil relaxes quite strongly, due to which the concentration of attention will be reduced.

So, how much oil is required for various procedures:

  1. for bathing, inhalation or when wearing an aromatic pendant, 1-2 drops will be enough.
  2. when washing your face or to create any warm compress, you will need 10 drops per half a glass of liquid.
  3. in cosmetics for every 15 gr. the main substance is added 3 drops of sage.
  4. in the event of a cold or for prevention purposes, it is recommended to rinse, in which 3-4 drops of the product are added to a glass of water.
  5. when aromatizing a room, 2-3 drops of sage oil fall on 10 square meters.

"Salvation", "rescuer" and simply "Be healthy!" - all this in Latin means sálvia, or sage. The genus of sage includes about 900 species that are used in everyday life, in cooking, in medicine, and in gardening. And some varieties of sage combine many miraculous properties at once - you can read about the beneficial properties of sage in one of. Sage essential oil was no exception - it can be used almost everywhere: in aromatherapy, in medicine, to preserve beauty, and in the kitchen - you just need to know how to use it correctly.

Sage was known in ancient Egypt: the priests prepared tea from the miraculous herb for young women to increase the birth rate. Mentions of sage were found among the ancient Romans and in the early Middle Ages: the monks used medicinal sage both as a common spice and as a cure for all diseases. The sage drink enjoyed universal love even before India and China revealed the secrets of real tea to the whole world. And later, in the era of ornamental gardening, a real “sage boom” swept over Europe, other types of this plant became popular. Today, sage is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, extracts and all kinds of tinctures, essential oils. The most useful species are clary sage and officinalis, and clary sage essential oil is a real lifesaver from all troubles.

Sage oil in aromatherapy

Sage oil is obtained by steam distillation from the upper parts of the plant - flowers and leaves. The result is an almost colorless transparent liquid with an amazing musky smell. The aroma of sage is fresh and very complex, with smoky, nutty and amber notes and a slight balsamic touch.

The smell of sage itself is very bright, but it also looks great in combination with other oils. Very often, a drop of limetta (sweet lime) oil is added to sage oil, it allows you to remove the medical shade and emphasize the cool freshness of sage. Sage also reveals itself beautifully in combination with other citrus fragrances, geranium, delicate and passionate cinnamon, as well as woody and cypress.

Clary sage oil is one of the best antidepressants. It is no coincidence that one of the rare varieties of sage - "sage of predictors" - today is on the verge of the law, because a strong hallucinogen is obtained from this plant. Even ancient shamans, under the influence of this mysterious herb, went into a trance and allegedly communicated with the dead. Harmless clary sage oil, of course, will not cause any hallucinations, but it can help relieve any stress: nervous, emotional and even muscular.

Sage has a unique ability to perfectly relax muscles after nervous or physical overwork, so workaholics, excitable natures and athletes should definitely take sage oil baths into service.

Sage oil works great for depression, relieves fatigue, anxiety and improves mood. Inhalation with clary sage oil will allow you to look at the world from a different angle, find the good in any controversial situation, push you to new solutions and self-development. The smell of sage activates mental activity, improves memory and awakens intuition.

Sage oil in medicine

The use of sage essential oil in medicine is simply amazing. This is an antiseptic, and an immunomodulator, and an anesthetic, and much, much more.

For women, sage oil is especially useful: it regulates bleeding during menstruation, relieves muscle spasms during this period, and normalizes hormonal levels.

Sage also has a good effect on the immune system, increases the body's resistance during periods of illness and helps to quickly recover from a severe cold or. With bronchitis, it removes spasms, improves the condition with asthma and tonsillitis. During the period of colds and bacterial sore throats, rinsing with sage oil is especially recommended, they perfectly kill microbes. Sage rinses are also useful for diseases of the oral cavity, they also remove bad breath.

With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stomach cramps, colic and constipation, sage will also help.

Sage works well as an antiseptic: with psoriasis, various dermatitis and eczema, it significantly relieves skin inflammation, clary sage heals problematic wounds and burns.

Salvia officinalis and clary sage oils have many properties in common, but there are some differences:

- when choosing a healing oil, remember: if clary sage is absolutely safe, then medicinal sage is toxic, and it is important to strictly observe the dosage;

- sage is good for the heart and blood vessels, but if sage officinalis increases blood pressure, then clary - lowers;

- an antidepressant, and even - it's all clary sage, medicinal sage oil primarily heals and tones well.

Sage oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, clary sage essential oil is used - its use is especially useful for oily and mature skin.

Antiseptic sage relieves inflammation in acne, tightens pores, removes oily sheen of the skin. Stimulates skin regeneration, works great as an anti-aging agent.

A natural deodorant, sage is often used for the feet - it regulates the sweat glands, removes odor, reduces excessive sweating: with sage - a real salvation for such a delicate problem.

very effective in hair loss - by itself and in combination with other oils, it perfectly strengthens the roots and stimulates growth: for normal hair, sage +

Dosage of sage oil:

- in the aroma pendant and for hot procedures (baths, inhalations) - 2 drops are enough;

- in cosmetics - 3 drops of sage per 15 g of the base;

- for warming compresses and washing - 10 drops in half a glass of water;

- rinses for colds: a glass of warm water + half a teaspoon and honey + 4 drops of clary sage;

- for aromatization of the room (including the prevention of colds during a dangerous period) - for every 15 square meters of the room, 3 drops of clary sage oil.

The healing properties of sage or salvia have been known since ancient times and are still successfully used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. In addition, the herb is an excellent cosmetic product, which allows it to be used for skin and hair care. Sage oil, produced by evaporation from the plant, has the highest concentration of useful and healing substances.

Useful properties of sage oil

The natural medicine contains about 20 substances, the most active of which is salven, a plant antibiotic that can effectively fight various harmful bacteria. In addition, sage essential oil contains phytoestrogens - natural hormones, so salvia is rightfully considered one of the most effective remedies against female diseases.
The herb ether has many healing abilities.

Among which are the main medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • hemostatic;
  • soothing.
Sage ether contributes to:
  1. improvement of brain activity;
  2. normalization of the central nervous system;
  3. strengthening the immune forces of the body;
  4. removal of toxic substances, processed products, excess fluid;
  5. healing of skin lesions (wounds, cracks, rashes, irritation);
  6. normalization of hormonal levels;
  7. improving the condition of the skin and hair.

Contraindications to the use of ether

In addition to its medicinal properties, the product also has contraindications.

The use of ether is absolutely excluded in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to the remedy;
  • The period of bearing a baby at any time;
  • Breastfeeding (sage may lead to cessation of lactation);
  • Acute pathologies of the kidneys;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Children's age up to 6 years;
  • Tumor foci, fibrocystic mastopathy, endometritis;
  • Severe pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastric ulcer, gastritis in acute form;
  • High estrogen levels.

Even if you have not been diagnosed with diseases in which salvia essential oil cannot be used, the high concentration of nutrients in the product can lead to side effects. Inhalation of volatile ether compounds may cause nausea, pain in the stomach and head. If at least one of the side effects occurs, the use of the oil should be stopped.

The use of sage oil for medicinal purposes

Three types of plants are used for treatment: medicinal, clary and white sage.

In general, the healing properties of all varieties are similar, but there are differences:

  • Clary sage essential oil has a milder effect, it is safer. But the dosage of medicinal grade oil must be strictly observed, since this subspecies can be toxic if the dose is violated.
  • Carefully consider the choice of oil, in case of problems with pressure. If you have high rates, a nutmeg variety is suitable, oil can greatly reduce pressure. If, on the contrary, the indicators are too low, use a medicinal variety.
  • The most powerful natural antidepressant and sedative is white sage oil. The nutmeg subspecies is less effective, it is better to use salvia officinalis, in the absence of a white species, only with very strong stresses or neuroses.

The product is used to treat a number of diseases, is used for preventive purposes, to improve the general condition.
General rules for taking sage ether:

  1. Therapeutic baths. 2-3 drops will be enough to achieve a therapeutic effect from the first time. It is recommended to do 3 healing baths in a row, then take a bath with sage ether every 3-4 days.
  2. Massages. Ideal for relaxing and relieving pain. For massage, you need to dilute 1-3 drops of ether in the base oil. The procedure time is 5 minutes.
  3. Aromatherapy. Enough 1 drop in the aroma lamp for therapy.
  4. Inhalations. The procedure is not carried out using a nebulizer, a regular pot of water is used. 2-3 drops of ether are enough for 2 liters.

Important! You can not use sage oil for ingestion - you do not need to add it to tea, water and drink. A highly concentrated remedy, instead of being useful, can cause serious harm to the body.

Using ether to relieve nervous strain

The oil will help to get rid of stress, neurosis of any intensity, gently calm. Healing baths, aromatherapy are suitable here. With severe stress or acute neurosis, the bath should be done for 5 days in a row, then according to the usual scheme. The total duration of treatment is 1.5 months.

Important! During the use of sage ether for calming, alcohol is contraindicated.

Removal of headaches, migraines

It is necessary to carry out healing rubbing of nutmeg ether into the temples. It is necessary to take st.l. base oil (preferably olive), add a drop of salvia nutmeg ether. Gently rub into temples 2-3 times a day.

gum treatment

Healing applications from a teaspoon of honey and a drop of sage ether will help relieve inflammation and swelling from the gums. It is necessary to apply the mixture to the damaged area, hold for 1 minute. Rinse your mouth with warm water.


Aromatherapy is required (1 drop of oil in an aroma lamp) and gargling twice a day (2 drops of ether per glass of warm water).

Any kind of cough, severe bronchitis

We make inhalations by adding 3 drops of oil to 2 liters of water. We breathe the first 2 days twice a day. In the next three days - 1 time per day, the dosage is reduced to 2 drops.

bruises, myalgia

We use a healing compress. On ch.l. base oil (you can take the usual vegetable), add 2 drops of ether. Lubricate the affected area and cover with gauze. We keep 20 minutes. It is not necessary to insulate the damaged area (with a scarf or towel)!

Application in gynecology

Sage is considered one of the most effective herbs in helping to cope with a number of "female" problems.

Let's take a closer look at how to use ether, depending on the situation:

  • Infertility. Douching is carried out (2 drops of oil per liter of boiled water). A massage of the lower abdomen is done (a drop of ether on a tablespoon of base oil).
  • Inflammatory diseases. Douching. In the first 3 days - 1 liter. water 3 drops of oil, in the next 4 days - dissolve in a liter of water 2 drops. With pulling pains, a massage of the lower abdomen is necessary (add a drop of ether to one tablespoon of base oil).
  • Mammalgia. We remove pain with the help of lotions. In 2 tbsp. olive oil add 2 drops of ether. Apply to the painful area 2 times a day.
  • Climax. We use aromatherapy, healing baths, relaxing massage according to the general scheme. Phytoestrogens in the composition of the oil will help relieve symptoms, normalize the nervous system.
  • Menstrual irregularities, painful periods. We use aromatherapy and healing rubbing into the lower abdomen. Therapeutic massage is carried out 2 times a day.
  • Cessation of lactation. For quick and painless "burning" of milk, you need to rub the product around the nipples (add a drop of ether to a teaspoon of olive oil). We make lotions (to prevent painful seals and mastitis). Dilute 3-4 drops of ether in a tablespoon of olive oil, moisten gauze and apply to the mammary gland for 10-15 minutes.

Use of the product in cosmetology

Salvia essential oil can be used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. The recipes are simple and effective.

The use of ether for the face

Best oil is suitable for aging or too oily skin.
For rejuvenation, you just need to wipe your face with warm boiled water with ether. Half a glass needs 2 drops of oil. After normal washing, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in the product. Avoid contact with eyes! The tool perfectly tones, improves turgor, reduces the number and severity of wrinkles.
Against comedones, oily skin, you should mix a regular moisturizer (15 g) with 3 drops of oil. Apply to cleansed skin, focusing on problem areas.

Sage oil for hair

Salvia ether will also bring great benefits to your curls. So, a special mask will help get rid of hair loss.

It includes:

  • sour cream (100g);
  • grape seed oil (100g);
  • sage ether (20g).

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the scalp. You need to keep the mask for at least one and a half hours. Then wash off with regular shampoo. The tool improves blood circulation, tones the scalp, strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, stimulates their growth.
Sage essential oil for damaged, dry hair allows you to restore their strength and health, shine and beauty.

To treat curls, you will need a mask, which includes:

  • olive oil (100g);
  • lavender ether (100g);
  • sage ether (20g).

All components must be thoroughly mixed and slightly heated (you can directly on the battery). The oil mixture is applied along the entire length of the curls. You need to wrap your head in a towel and keep the mask for half an hour. After that, the mixture is washed off with regular shampoo.
With increased oily hair, it is worth using a mask, which includes oils:

  • cypress (10g);
  • bergamot (130g);
  • sage (8 drops).

The components are mixed, slightly warmed up and applied to the scalp and hair. Keep for half an hour, wash off with regular shampoo.
Salvia essential oil is a real find for women, a remedy that helps restore health, preserve beauty, youthful skin and hair. Use herbal remedies, trust Nature, be healthy and beautiful!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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