10 foods that cause cancer. Products on guard of oncology: useful and harmful. Products with anti-cancer effects

Can lead to the development of malignant tumors various reasons and factors. Terrible statistics testify: in Russia, more than 2 million people are registered with cancer. The threat of cancer hangs over every 5th Russian. Oncology experts say that 75-80 percent of the factors and causes of tumors can be eliminated, which means that in 80 cases (theoretically) the disease can be prevented.

But, let's move from words to deeds. Many oncologists agree that nutrition is one of the important factors contributing to the development of malignant tumors. Approximately 34-37 percent is assigned to the share of this factor. The risk group most often includes those who exhaust themselves with diets, of course, not all types are included here. diet food but only those who are poor anti-cancer products, but abound in various dishes containing carcinogens. But it is precisely these products that are a significant factor in the formation of malignant tumors. Once in the human body, such products cause a malfunction of the chromosomal apparatus, affecting it, they activate oncogenes, which in turn contribute to the formation of oncocells, the process of cell fusion and tumor formation can last 10-12 years.

What foods should be paid attention to in order to reduce the consumption of substances that provoke the formation of oncogenes.

Foods that cause cancer

  • Sausages and sausages, as well as other products, including vegetables treated with pesticides, which abound in nitrites, nitrosamines and a number of food additives: E 102 (tartrazine), E284 (boric acid), E123 (amarzant), E 285 (sodium tetracarbonate), E574 (gluconic acid), E512 (tin chloride), E1200 (polydextrose), E999 (Quillaja extract), E127 ( erythrosin).
  • Reduce the consumption of margarine and butter, the consumption of such fats should not exceed 1/5 of the total diet. Remember, you can fry in oil only once, otherwise you risk getting a "nuclear" mixture of carcinogen - benzpyrene. By the way, this "horror" contributes not only to the formation and growth of cancerous tumors, but can also lead to fetal deformity in pregnant women.
  • Coffee. 2 cups (50 g) of this drink act as a prophylaxis against liver cancer, but when consumed 5-6 cups of this drink, it can provoke growth cancer cells in the area of ​​the pancreas and Bladder.
  • Fatty meat and animal liver - no more than 3 times a week, only your body can handle this amount.
  • Alcohol. We can talk about relative safety when drinking no more than 20 g of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to: 200 g of dry red wine, a glass of vodka or a half-liter bottle of light beer.
  • Moldy bread is the poison aflatoxin, in its purest form. It primarily affects the liver.
  • Boiled water of course we are talking only about the water that has already boiled 5 times in your kettle. Remember, there is no longer water at all, but dioxin - the strongest carcinogen.
  • So, what, it turns out that we can neither eat nor drink? No, of course it is possible and necessary, but only what is safe for our body.

List of anti-cancer products

  • Tomatoes contain the substance lycoptin. This powerful antioxidant is able to neutralize free oxygen radicals that promote the formation of cancer cells. You need to know that only bright red tomatoes contain lycoptin, which you need to eat at least 2-3 pieces a day.
  • Pumpkin and carrots are rich in beta-carotene. 200 grams of these vegetables, subject to daily consumption, prevent malignant tumors of the breast, lungs, prostate, pancreas, cervix and large intestine.
  • Garlic - the selenium contained in it, will protect the oropharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, mammary glands and skin from the action of carcinogens. As a preventive measure, 1-2 cloves of garlic per day are enough.
  • Radishes, horseradish, celery and radish contain indoles and isothiocyanates in abundance, which successfully neutralize the action of carcinogens. Prophylactic dose - 50-60 grams per day.
  • Onion, or rather the content of the substance quercetin in it, which, by the way, remains in it even after heat treatment, prevents cell mutation. Effective in malignant neoplasms of the breast, in the ovaries and prostate. Every day you need to eat at least 40-50 grams.
  • No less rich in quercetin and red wine. True, the principle of action of this substance applies mainly to kidney oncogenes. As a preventive dose, about 150-200 grams per day is recommended.
  • Bran (corn, wheat, oatmeal, rice) is rich in so-called ballast substances, which reliably stop carcinogens, preventing the occurrence of bowel cancer. Daily dose - 350 grams.
  • Salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel - these fish are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 acids, which help strengthen the "anti-cancer" immunity. 150 grams of seafood daily is the recommended dose.
  • Prunes - able to provide active resistance to cancerous tumors on early stages. 5-6 dried fruits per day.
  • Nuts and vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E, another active cancer fighter. Nuts - 150 grams per day, vegetable oil - 50 grams.
  • Green tea and rose hips are rich in epigallocatechinin gallate, they “program” apoposis (death) of cancer cells. Drink 5-7 cups of green tea or 4-5 cups of rosehip tea.

Health to you!

Tasha Tashireva
for women's magazine website

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You have heard about such statistics: every second person of the modern developed society suffers from cancer.

This is scary!

Indeed, there is some good news. Recent studies show that up to 90% of cancers are related to our lifestyle.

That is, it is safe to say that by changing some habits, you can at least protect yourself from cancer.

Among all these habits, your diet occupies a special place. The same study says that 1/3 of all diseases are related to your food.

It turns out that there are some foods that cause the growth of cancer cells.

Yes, and if you go back to the statistics, it turns out that by changing your diet, you can reduce the risk of cancer by 3 times. And maybe even more...

And on this blog, a lot has already been written about how.

However, there has never been any mention of which foods cause cancer. And today I want to point out to you the most dangerous foods that are in almost every kitchen.

cancer causing foods

However, before we get started, a little more information…

I just want to talk about our Food Industry which no one will ever change. This is the economy, this is big money. But just imagine, the World Health Organization warns that over the next twenty years, the number of deaths from cancer could increase by as much as 70% worldwide!

Among the most common forms of cancer in men are: cancer of the lung, prostate, colon and rectum, stomach and liver.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed with: cancer of the breast, colon and rectum, lung, cervix and stomach.

Among men and women, as you can see, there are very common frequent diseases cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Your body's function is to protect us and cleanse our bodies of toxins. He does his best.

At the same time, the food and drinks that you consume are not only fuel for your body. He also uses, and, often, it is critical to your prosperous life.

And some foods are clearly not good for you...

1. Avoid Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

Anytime you eat foods containing sugar and starch, your blood sugar immediately rises to obscene levels.

These meals may include: eating sugar, sucrose, fructose, and so on. You should stay away from these products as much as possible.

When you constantly eat foods with high content sugar and starch awakens the body's response, which is accompanied by an increase in insulin in the blood. And this constant increase and low levels, can lead to blood sugar instability.

As a result, the body begins inflammatory reactions such as headache, fatigue, general pain etc. And the most important thing is that you, not knowing what hurts you, begin to kill your body even more with medications that, removing pain, take away health from other organs.

Do you understand now why sugar is called white death?

In addition, scientists note that sugar is like a fuel for cancer cells.

2. Eat less fried red meat and processed meats

While grilled food seems delicious, scientists have proven that meat cooked this way is especially dangerous.

I am not going to prove here now that it cannot be eaten at all. Since there are many refutations, both in the direction of "for" and "against". Moreover, if you bought a piece of home-grown and dried it yourself, you may succeed.

But, non-home-grown meat and products containing it, such as hot dogs and all kinds of processed foods, are dangerous to your health.

Cooking meals with oils such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, sunflower is very dangerous. They contain ingredients that increase inflammatory responses in the body.

These oils are long triglycerides, which are quite difficult to overcome and drive out of the body. They also change the structure cell membranes which damages them.

Instead of these fats, it is better to use avocado oil or, in extreme cases, which is also great for a salad. You can also use unrefined sunflower oil for salads.

In general, try to cook more natural products that are not exposed to heat or frying.

4 Microwave Popcorn

popcorn filled perfluorooctanoic acid. These are compounds that cause cancer, including liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer.

5. Canned food and many homemade seamings and preparations

Canned food is overflowing with boiled high temperature oils, which is dangerous for your health, as we have already found out above.

In addition, metal cans release bisphenol, which, according to some studies, damages brain cells.

Many marinades that even you roll up also contain preservatives such as nitrates. They are designed to extend shelf life.

And the additives that are used in processed food products accumulate in your body and remain in the body for a long time.

Try to eat more fresh or frozen foods.

6. Farmed fish

Although fish is one of the most healthy foods on the ground and yet artificially grown is better for you to avoid.

It is not worth talking about all the farms for growing fish. But often the fish are fed contaminated foods, antibiotics, pesticides, chicken manure and other carcinogens.

Farmed salmon are fed chemicals to make their meat reddish in color. It is this color that occurs naturally in nature.

In addition, such fish have less healthy omega-3 fats. Avoid farm-raised salmon and other fish.

7. White flour

When you eat white flour, your body releases insulin, which causes it to spike again. This can lead to an excess of it in the body, which stimulates the growth of cancer cells. We have already talked about this.

9. Genetically modified and non-organic fruits and vegetables

The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified products does not pass us by. These products are literally seeping into our food market at an alarming rate.

Over 90% of corn and soybeans are now genetically modified. These products, as well as others, are the source of much discussion. Experts agree that adequate testing has not been done yet.

In other words, no one iseven manufacturers and researchers are not aware of the effect that such products will have on human health. But there is already fear among scientists about them.

My advice? … Look at the labels and try to buy non-GMO products every time. And also go to simple farmers' markets, where simple home-made products are sold: vegetables, fruits, cereals, and so on.

10. Potato chips and other "goodies"

Yes, you know potato chips are cheap, tasty and quick to snack on or have a beer with. However, Negative consequences, which they have on the body should stop you from consuming these "goodies".

Potato chips are known to be cooked in a lot of fat. They are very high in calories. and They make you gain weight very quickly.

We can say that you have a list of not 10, but even many more foods that cause cancer. You can even add some more of the ones that are labeled low fat or diet.

Just to remove fat or real calories, manufacturers often replace them with various chemicals that are hazardous to your health.

But what do you do, what is. What Foods Prevent Cancer Cell Growth?

  1. Eat organic, natural, or homemade foods whenever possible.
  2. Choose from raw or frozen foods and cook them yourself. Do not expect to buy a good snack in the store.
  3. Fill half your plate starchy vegetables(potatoes, beets, carrots).
  4. If you eat animal products, make sure they are home grown and outdoors. If it is milk, then the cow that gives it must walk in the meadow, and also the eggs.
  5. Use only high quality oils such as Coconut oil, olive oil, ghee or homemade butter.
  6. Especially cut down on grains, sugar, and white flour.


Most likely, after reading this article and learning about the products that cause cancer cells, you will most likely sit down and think about what I should eat.

So right? …

Yes, the transition to the correct or healthy eating is always difficult. However, once you start and learn how to eat tasty and healthy, you will never return to your current diet. And I give you a 100% guarantee!

P.S. Write in the comment form below what else you could add to this list or about how you switched to a healthy diet and what results you have. It is very interesting for me to read about any success stories.

If the article was helpful to you, please share it!

Cancer is a serious and severe disease that is difficult to treat even with the use of all modern technologies and drugs. At the same time, everyone is at risk without exception. If you want to reduce the likelihood of this disease in your own medical card, pay attention to products against cancer, it is advisable to include them in the diet throughout life in order to remain healthy and active into old age.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

The ancients said that “you are what you eat”. Unfortunately food modern man rarely perfect. It often contains semi-finished products, literally filled with artificial dyes and carcinogens, as well as an abundance of sugar, flour products, sausages and sausages - all this affects the state of health in general. Add to this the bad ecology of megacities and constant stress in the workplace. It is not surprising that more and more doctors around the world are diagnosing cancer with their patients. In general, food against tumors is an appropriate menu that does not contain any expensive and exotic ingredients. On the contrary, all dishes and their ingredients are simple and healthy, mainly vegetables and herbs, citrus fruits, berries and some fruits, legumes, nuts and certain types spices. The details of anti-cancer products will be listed below in the form of a list. It is highly recommended to include them in your daily diet.

What are antioxidant foods?

First, let's understand what antioxidants are. These are special substances that can slow down the oxidation processes in the body, they can be of natural and synthetic origin. It is best if such cell protectors enter our body with food. Scientists, after studying many food products (berries, fruits, cereals and others), came to the conclusion that a large number of useful anti-oxidants are contained in the following items, these are antioxidant products against cancer:

  • beans, including red;
  • wild and garden currants, black and red;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberries, strawberries and other red berries;
  • apples;
  • cherry, plum;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • cereal sprouts;
  • apple varieties "Gala", "Smith", "Delicacy";
  • tomatoes;
  • green tea.

Considering that well-known antioxidants include vitamins C and E, provitamin A, lycopene, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins (the same substance that is found in large quantities in red berries), you can include anti-cancer products in your diet that contain the specified elements. For example, we all know that lemon, orange, acai berries contain a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin E is present in the already mentioned sprouts, and provitamin A is found in carrots.

What anti-cancer foods can you include in your daily diet?

Of course, the average Russian simply cannot afford all year round serve fresh strawberries, raspberries, acai berries and other rather expensive products to the table. But the list of useful components of the diet is not limited to the named items, because ordinary cabbage also contains useful material that block the activity of genes that cause cancer. Other useful and very affordable anti-cancer products can be found all year round in any supermarket:

  • garlic and onions - contain antitumor substances in large quantities and increase immunity;
  • tomatoes, red pepper - contain lycopene; by the way, tomatoes can also be eaten cooked, processing has practically no effect on their beneficial properties;
  • lemons and any available berries - vitamin C;
  • ginger (fresh, dried, in powder) and turmeric - these spices, which many of us undeservedly ignore, significantly reduce inflammation in the body and slow down the growth of tumors;
  • any legumes - just essential products for the prevention of breast cancer, contain a lot of useful protein.

By including these ingredients in your meals, you will diversify your diet and also have an effective

What foods protect against breast cancer?

Unfortunately, malignant tumor affecting the mammary glands occurs in one in thirteen women. This indicator varies depending on the region of residence, but the average value and sad statistics are relevant for Russia, America, and South Asian countries. At the same time, women over 65 years of age, as well as those whose close relatives suffered from this disease, are at a special risk group. The importance of prevention in this case is invaluable, you should also review your diet, including certain products against breast cancer. What exactly? Here is the list:

  • love turmeric - this spice, “yellow ginger”, is a recognized remedy for the prevention of cancer, including breast cancer;
  • useful and blueberries - it contains a large amount of flavonoids, which reduce the likelihood of disease;
  • tomatoes and already ceased to be exotic avocados are rich in substances, in particular, lycopene and oleic acid, useful for the body;
  • Brussels and cauliflower, broccoli - contain substances that prevent the occurrence of cancer;
  • other breast health foods include spinach, garlic, green tea, grapefruit, cherries, kelp, and artichokes.

Of course, the latter can not be found in every store, but cabbage, tomatoes, garlic and turmeric are quite cheap, and blueberries are in season in large quantities grows in the forest. The main thing is not to be lazy and instead of semi-finished products, cook healthy and tasty dishes.

Popular Works and Books on Cancer Prevention Foods

Richard Beliveau, "Products Against Cancer" is a book that has become a bestseller in many countries of the world in a short time. So, the author, a doctor by training, conducted a number of studies that proved that certain products, mainly of plant origin, can significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer, as well as slow down tumor growth. So, the doctor talks about the benefits that are found in large quantities in the already mentioned raspberries, strawberries, nuts, and especially walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans. The list includes cherries, blueberries: and blackberries, as well as cranberries, cinnamon and chocolate with a high cocoa content, dark. Of course, anyone who really cares about their health would do well to read this work, although please note that the anti-cancer products listed in the book have already been mentioned more than once by other doctors. The common thing is that in order to prevent the occurrence of tumors, you should diversify your diet with predominantly plant foods, rich in vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, flavonoids and other substances that we have already listed in the paragraphs above.

Selenium against cancer

Selenium is a valuable microelement vital for our body. Without it, iodine and vitamin E are poorly absorbed by cells, its deficiency can cause diseases. thyroid gland, decreased immunity, liver disease, anemia and several others. That is why it is very important to make up for its deficiency. As for cancer, selenium plays a big role in their prevention. So, it is a powerful antioxidant, helps to strengthen the immune system, and its role is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Unfortunately, in Russia, almost every resident experiences a lack of this substance, which is why it is very important to replenish it by taking vitamin complexes or eating. Against cancer and other tumors, this element is in the top ten of the most important and necessary.

Where is selenium found?

Here is the list available products rich in selenium:

  • these are liver, eggs, rock salt;
  • seafood, especially herring;
  • you can also include quite exotic seafood in the list: crabs, shrimps, lobsters and lobsters;
  • contains a lot of selenium wheat bran, corn, seeds, nuts and brewer's yeast;
  • as well as tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic.

Include any product or several in your diet, so you will provide yourself with effective prevention of many types of cancerous tumors.

The best foods for cancer prevention

All the names listed in this article, one way or another, prevent the emergence of many types of cancerous tumors. But there are also leaders among the products. Of course, their constant consumption of food does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against cancer, but it significantly reduces the likelihood of this diagnosis appearing in your medical record. Here is their list:

  • cabbage - any, but especially broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Its use in food significantly reduces the occurrence;
  • soy - very effective for the prevention of prostate cancer;
  • nuts, with walnuts being the leaders;
  • fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lack of which leads to a violation of fat metabolism, which, in turn, causes increased risk the formation of tumors;
  • tomatoes - the product is high in lycopene, which fights many types of cancer;
  • mushrooms, especially exotic for us, Japanese: shiitake, maitake, reishi and others. They contain substances that can suppress the activity of even those already formed;
  • seaweed - contain useful iodine, selenium and many others necessary for the body substances;
  • ginger - protects the pancreas and improves overall immunity;
  • onions have the same properties.

closes this list tea, especially green tea. The only thing is that you need to drink it without sugar, but brew it correctly and clearly according to the instructions. That is, not boiling water, insisting at the same time for at least 5 minutes.

Conclusions and conclusion

After analyzing this article, you can conclude that foods against cancer have mainly vegetable origin. This is not surprising, because it is in them that you can find the necessary vitamins, acids and minerals. In second place in popularity are fish and seafood, all due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Agree, proper nutrition, including anti-cancer, will cost the family no more than a table on which semi-finished products, sausages and sausages, white bread and flour pasta are presented in abundance. premium. The main thing is to understand that your diet directly affects the state of the body. Proper Diet will give you the opportunity to live long and not get sick not only with cancer, but also with other diseases.

They say, "You are what you eat." Hence a simple conclusion - your health and your illnesses are derived from what you eat. In the fight against cancer, in addition to complex pharmacology, they help regular products nutrition, which is the essence of the life of the human body.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of products that contribute to general strengthening immune system, have an antidepressant effect on the psyche, increase the overall tone of the body. But the most remarkable property of these useful products is that they are able to stop the growth of cancer cells.


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, watercress and other vegetables that have already earned a reputation as fighters against cancer.

These vegetables contain indoles, which stimulate the production of a powerful antioxidant, the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Scientists believe that indoles inactivate excess estrogens that can cause cancer, especially breast tumors. These vegetables are also high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. For maximum preservation of indoles, these vegetables should preferably be consumed raw, or after a short steaming.

Soy and soy products

Soybeans and any products made from soy (tofu, tempeh, miso and soy sauce) prevent reproduction malignant cells. In addition, they contain isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which have antitumor activity. In addition, soy products reduce the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Various types of onions and garlic

Garlic has chelating properties, that is, the ability to bind toxins, including, for example, the potentially carcinogenic cadmium from cigarette smoke and remove them from the body. It also activates white blood cells, which engulf and destroy cancer cells. One of the most common types of cancer is stomach cancer, but eating garlic and onions regularly reduces the chance of this disease. In addition, garlic serves as a source of sulfur, which is necessary for the liver to perform a detoxifying function.

The bow works in a similar way, although to a lesser degree. Both garlic and onions contain allicin, a sulfur-containing substance with powerful detoxifying effects. Considering that the liver is a universal organ that cleanses our body of any carcinogens and pathogenic microbes, the importance of onions and garlic cannot be overestimated.

Brown algae

AT brown algae contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, which regulates the metabolism of sugar (energy) in the blood. It is known that, starting from the age of 25, thyroid gradually decreases in size, and many people with age find the insufficiency of its function (decrease in hormone production). If energy production is reduced, then blood sugar metabolism changes accordingly, which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of cancer. Brown algae contain a lot of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Nuts and fruit seeds

Almonds have Leatrile in them natural substance, which contains a cyanide-like substance that is deadly to malignant cells. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Chinese ate the seeds and pits of fruits such as apricots, believing that they suppressed the development of cancer.

Linen and sesame seed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain in their solid outer shell lignans. These are the so-called phytoestrogens (substances that imitate the hormone estrogen in their action), which help to remove excess estrogen from the body. Excess estrogen is known to stimulate the occurrence of hormone-dependent cancers, in particular breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.

Soybeans, tofu, miso, and tempeh are also rich in lignans, which may be one reason why hormone-dependent cancers are less common in Asian countries.

Japanese and Chinese mushrooms

Maitake, shiitake and rei-si mushrooms contain powerful immunostimulants polysaccharides called beta-glucans.

Ordinary mushrooms do not have them, so it makes sense to look for these natural oriental drugs, even in dried form, in supermarkets and shops selling Chinese food. Use them in any dish where mushrooms are added.


AT last years turned to tomatoes Special attention in connection with their discovery antitumor properties. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

Fish and eggs

They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that inhibit the formation of cancer cells. On the this moment Preference is given to flounder from fish species.

Citruses and berries

Citrus fruits and cranberries contain bioflavonoids that support and enhance the antioxidant activity of vitamin C, which these fruits and berries are especially rich in. Strawberries, raspberries and pomegranates contain ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that prevents gene damage and slows down the growth of cancer cells. With blueberries, we also get substances that prevent oxidative processes and slow down the aging process.

Useful seasonings

Turmeric (turmeric) is a bright yellow powder from the tubers of a plant from the ginger family, widely used as a seasoning. Turmeric has good anti-cancer properties, especially in the treatment of bowel and bladder cancer. It is able to reduce the body's production of specific enzymes associated with inflammatory processes, which are abnormally high in patients with certain types of inflammatory diseases and cancer.


Both green and black contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins), which have the ability to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Green tea is the most effective in this regard, black tea is a little less effective, and herbal teas, unfortunately, have not shown this ability.

According to a report published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (USA) in July 2001, these polyphenols, which are abundant in green and black tea, red wine and olive oil, can protect against various kinds cancer. Dry green tea leaves contain approximately 40% polyphenols by weight, so green tea consumption can significantly reduce the risk of stomach, colon, lung, liver, and pancreatic cancers.

Are there foods that, on the contrary, increase the risk of cancer or worsen the course of the disease? Such products exist, and this is primarily:


Alcohol abuse has been found to increase the risk of cancer oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver and chest. Women at high risk of developing breast cancer should avoid alcohol altogether, as drinking even a few drinks a week increases the likelihood of developing the disease.


Meat consumption in the presence of cancer or an increased risk of its occurrence should be limited. According to several studies, a higher risk of colon and stomach cancer is found among people whose diet consists mainly of meat food prepared in the culinary industry. Perhaps this is due to the addition of nitrites, widely used in cooking as food additives. In addition, meat contains cholesterol, and the consumption of fatty, high-calorie and high-cholesterol foods leads to the development of obesity, which is associated with more high risk development oncological diseases(breast cancer in postmenopausal women, endometrium, colon, gallbladder, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys).

The data of scientists from Stockholm have recently been published. Swedish doctors summarized the statistics scientific research attended by nearly 5,000 people. It turned out that with an increase in the consumption of processed meat products for every 30 grams per day, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases by 1538%. According to scientists, the increased risk of cancer may be due to the addition of nitrates and preservatives to these products. In large quantities, these substances are carcinogens. The second important factor is the impact of toxic substances formed during the smoking of meat.

Salt and sugar

It has been found that people who consume large amounts of foods prepared with salting are more prone to developing cancer of the stomach, nasopharynx and larynx. There is no data on the dangers of salt used as a seasoning, but moderation is also needed here. Consumption a large number sugar is dangerous in terms of development overweight, which, as already indicated, increases the risk of developing cancer. It is better to replace it with honey.

Most of the inhabitants are of the opinion that there is no disease worse than cancer. Any doctor is ready to challenge this idea, but public opinion a conservative thing.

And despite the fact that oncopathology occupies an honorable third place among the causes of disability and death, people will still believe that there is no worse disease and look for ways to avoid oncology for a very long time.

It is known that any disease is cheaper and easier to prevent than to treat, and cancer is no exception. And the treatment itself, begun in early stage diseases are many times more effective than in advanced cases.

The main postulates that will allow you not to die from cancer:

  • Reducing the impact on the body of carcinogens. Any person, having removed at least a part of oncogenic factors from his life, is able to reduce the risk of cancer pathology by at least 3 times.
  • The catchphrase - "all diseases are from the nerves" for oncology is no exception. Stress is a trigger active growth cancer cells. Therefore, avoid nervous shocks, learn to deal with stress - meditation, yoga, a positive attitude to what is happening, the "Key" method and other psychological trainings and attitudes.
  • Early diagnosis and early treatment. believes that cancer detected on initial stage curable in more than 90% of cases.

Mechanism of tumor development

Cancer progresses through three stages:

Origin of cell mutation - initiation

In the process of life, the cells of our tissues are constantly dividing, replacing the dead or used ones. During division, genetic errors (mutations), “cell marriage” can occur. Mutation leads to a permanent change in the genes of the cell, affecting its DNA. Such cells do not turn into normal ones, but begin to divide uncontrollably (in the presence of predisposing factors), forming a cancerous tumor. The causes of mutations are as follows:

  • Internal: genetic abnormalities, hormonal disruptions, etc.
  • External: radiation, smoking, heavy metals, etc.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 90% of cancers are caused by external causes. Factors external or internal environment, the impact of which can cause cancer and promote tumor growth are called - CARCINOGENES.

The entire stage of the origin of such cells can take several minutes - this is the time of absorption of the carcinogen into the blood, its delivery to the cells, attachment to DNA and the transition to the state of an active substance. The process ends when new daughter cells with an altered genetic structure - that's it!

And this is already irreversible (with rare exceptions), see. But, at this point, the process may stop until favorable conditions are created for the further growth of a colony of cancer cells, since the immune system does not doze off and fights with such mutated cells. That is, when immunity is weakened - powerful stress (most often this is the loss of loved ones), severe infection, as well as at hormonal failure, after an injury (see), etc. - the body is unable to cope with their growth, then stage 2 begins.

The presence of favorable conditions for the growth of mutating cells - promotion

This is a much longer period (years, even decades) when newly emerged mutated cells predisposed to cancer are ready to multiply to a noticeable cancerous tumor. It is precisely this stage that can be reversible, since it all depends on whether the cancer cells are provided with necessary conditions for growth. There are enough various versions and theories of the causes of cancer development, among which is the relationship between the growth of mutated cells and human nutrition.

For example, the authors T. Campbell, K. Campbell in the book “ Chinese study, Findings from the Largest Diet-Health Evidence Study, cites the results of 35 years of research into the relationship between cancer and high protein diets. They argue that the presence in the daily diet of more than 20% of animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products) contributes to the intensive growth of cancer cells, and vice versa, the presence in daily diet anti-stimulants (vegetarian food without heat, cooking) slow down and even stop their growth.

According to this theory, one should be very careful with the various protein diets that are fashionable today. Nutrition should be complete, with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. If a person with stage 0-1 oncology (without knowing it) "sits" on protein diet(for example, in order to lose weight), it essentially feeds cancer cells.

Development and growth - progression

The third stage is the progressive growth of a group of formed cancer cells, the conquest of neighboring and distant tissues, that is, the development of metastases. This process is irreversible, but it is also possible to slow it down.

Causes of carcinogenesis

WHO divides carcinogens into 3 large groups:

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Biological

Science knows thousands of physical, chemical and biological factors that can cause cellular mutations. However, only those whose action is SIGNIFICANTLY associated with the occurrence of tumors can be considered carcinogens. This reliability should be ensured by clinical, epidemiological and other studies. Therefore, there is the concept of “potential carcinogen”, this is a certain factor, the action of which can theoretically increase the risk of developing an oncological disease, but its role in carcinogenesis has not been studied or proven.

Physical carcinogens

This group of carcinogens includes different kind radiation.

ionizing radiation

Scientists have known for a long time that radiation can cause genetic mutations (1946 Nobel Prize, Joseph Möller), but they obtained convincing evidence of the role of radiation in the development of tumors after studying the victims of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The main sources of ionizing radiation for modern man are as follows.

  • Natural radioactive background - 75%
  • Medical manipulations - 20%
  • Other - 5%. Among other things, radionuclides appear in the environment as a result of ground tests nuclear weapons in the middle of the 20th century, as well as those who got into it after man-made disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima.

It is useless to influence the natural radioactive background. modern science does not know whether a person can live without radiation at all. Therefore, you should not trust people who advise you to reduce the concentration of radon in the house (50% of the natural background) or protect yourself from cosmic rays.

X-ray studies conducted for medical purposes are another matter.

In the USSR, fluorography of the lungs (to detect tuberculosis) had to be performed once every 3 years. In most CIS countries this survey required to be completed annually. Such a measure reduced the spread of tuberculosis, but how did it affect the overall incidence of cancer? The answer is probably no, because no one has dealt with this issue.

Also, among the inhabitants is very popular CT scan. At the insistence of the patient, it is done to whom it is necessary and not necessary. However, most people forget that CT is also an x-ray, only more technologically advanced. The dose of radiation during CT exceeds the usual X-ray 5 - 10 times (see). We do not in any way call for the abandonment of X-ray studies. It is just necessary to approach their appointment very carefully.

However, there are other force majeure circumstances, such as:

  • life in rooms built from luminous materials or finished with them
  • life under high voltage lines
  • submarine service
  • work as a radiologist, etc.

Ultraviolet radiation

It is believed that Coco Chanel introduced the fashion for tanning in the middle of the twentieth century. However, as early as the 19th century, scientists knew that constant exposure sunlight ages the skin. It's not just that rural residents look older than their urban peers. They are more in the sun.

Ultraviolet causes skin cancer, this is a proven fact (WHO report for 1994). But artificial ultraviolet - a solarium - is especially dangerous. In 2003, WHO published a report on concerns about tanning beds and the irresponsibility of manufacturers of these devices. Solariums are prohibited to persons under 18 years of age in Germany, France, Great Britain, Belgium, the USA, and in Australia and Brazil they are completely prohibited. So a bronze tan is probably beautiful, but not at all useful.

local irritant effect

Chronic trauma to the skin and mucous membranes can cause tumor development. Poor-quality dentures can cause lip cancer, and the constant friction of clothes on birthmark- melanoma. Not every mole becomes cancer. But if it is in a zone of increased injury risk (collar friction on the neck, shaving injury on the face of men, etc.), you should think about removing it.

Irritation can also be thermal and chemical. Lovers are very hot food put themselves at risk of oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal cancers. Alcohol has an irritating effect, so people who prefer strong intoxicating drinks, as well as alcohol, are at risk of developing stomach cancer.

Household electromagnetic radiation

We are talking about the radiation of cell phones, microwave ovens and Wi-Fi routers.

WHO has officially classified cell phones as potential carcinogens. Information about the carcinogenicity of microwaves is only theoretical, and there is no information at all about the effect of Wi-Fi on tumor growth. On the contrary, there are more studies demonstrating the safety of these devices than fabrications about their harm.

Chemical carcinogens

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) divides substances used in everyday life and in production, according to their carcinogenicity, into the following groups (information is given as of 2004):

  • Significantly carcinogenic- 82 substances. Chemical agents whose carcinogenicity is beyond doubt.
  • Probably carcinogenic– 65 substances. Chemical agents whose carcinogenicity has a very high degree of evidence.
    Possibly carcinogenic- 255 substances. Chemical agents whose carcinogenicity is possible but questioned.
  • Probably non-carcinogenic- 475 substances. There is no evidence of carcinogenicity of these substances.
  • Significantly non-carcinogenic– chemical agents, not proven cancer-causing. So far, there is only one substance in this group - caprolactam.

Let's discuss the most significant chemicals causing tumors.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

This is a large group chemical substances formed during incomplete combustion organic products. Contained in tobacco smoke, exhaust gases of cars and thermal power plants, stove and other soot, formed during frying food and heat treatment oils.

Nitrates, nitrites, nitroso compounds

It is a by-product of modern agricultural chemistry. By themselves, nitrates are completely harmless, but on their own over time, as well as as a result of metabolism in the human body, they can turn into nitroso compounds, which in turn are very carcinogenic.


These are chlorine-containing compounds, which are waste products of chemical and oil refining industries. May be included in transformer oils, pesticides and herbicides. They can appear when burning household waste, in particular plastic bottles or plastic packaging. Dioxins are extremely resistant to destruction, therefore they can accumulate in the environment and the human body, especially "loves" dicosins adipose tissue. It is possible to minimize the ingestion of dioxidins in food if:

  • do not freeze food, water in plastic bottles- so toxins easily penetrate into water and food
  • do not heat food in plastic containers in the microwave, it is better to use tempered glass or ceramic containers
  • do not cover food with plastic wrap when heating in the microwave, it is better to cover with a paper towel.

Heavy metals

Metals with a density greater than that of iron. There are about 40 of them in the periodic table, but mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic are the most dangerous for humans. AT environment these substances come from the waste of mining, steel, and chemical industries, a certain amount heavy metals found in tobacco smoke and car exhaust fumes.


it common name groups of fine-fiber materials containing silicates in their basis. Asbestos itself is completely safe, but its smallest fibers that enter the air cause an inadequate reaction of the epithelium with which they come into contact, causing oncology of any organ, but most often causes the larynx.

An example from the practice of a local therapist: in a house built from asbestos exported from the territory of East Germany (rejected in this country), the statistics of oncological diseases is 3 times higher than in other houses. This peculiarity of the “radiant” building material was reported by the foreman who worked during the construction of this house (she died of breast cancer after an already operated sarcoma of the toe).


According to scientists, alcohol does not have a direct carcinogenic effect. However, it can act as a chronic chemical irritant for the epithelium of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach, contributing to the development of tumors in them. Especially dangerous are strong alcoholic drinks(over 40 degrees). Therefore, lovers of drinking alcohol are at risk not only.

Some Ways to Avoid Exposure to Chemical Carcinogens

Oncogenic chemicals can affect our body in many ways:

Carcinogens in drinking water

According to Rospotrebnadzor data, up to 30% of natural water bodies contain exorbitant concentrations of substances hazardous to humans. Also, do not forget about intestinal infections: cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, etc. Therefore, it is better not to drink water from natural reservoirs, even boiled.

Old, worn-out water supply systems (of which up to 70% in the CIS) can cause carcinogens from the soil to enter drinking water, namely nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, etc. The best way to protect yourself from them is to use household water purification systems, and also monitor the timely replacement of filters in these devices.

Water from natural sources (wells, springs, etc.) cannot be considered safe, since the soil through which it passes can contain anything from pesticides and nitrates to radioactive isotopes and chemical warfare agents.

Carcinogens in the air

The main oncogenic factors in the inhaled air are tobacco smoke, car exhaust gases and asbestos fibers. To avoid breathing carcinogens, you need to:

  • Quit smoking and avoid passive smoking.
  • City dwellers should spend less time outdoors on a hot, windless day.
  • Avoid using building materials containing asbestos.

Carcinogens in food

Polycyclic hydrocarbons appear in meat and fish with significant overheating, that is, when frying, especially in fat. The reuse of cooking oils significantly increases their content of PAHs, so household and industrial deep fryers are an excellent source of carcinogens. Not only french fries, belyashi or fried pies bought in a stall on the street are dangerous, but also barbecue cooked with my own hands(cm. ).

Special mention should be made of the barbecue. Meat for this dish cooked on hot coals when there is no more smoke, so PAHs do not accumulate in it. The main thing is to make sure that the barbecue does not burn and do not use ignition agents in the grill, especially those containing diesel fuel.

  • Large amounts of PAHs appear in food during smoking.
  • It is estimated that 50 grams of smoked sausage can contain as many carcinogens as smoke from a pack of cigarettes.
  • A jar of sprats will reward your body with carcinogens from 60 packs.

Heterocyclic amines appear in meat and fish with prolonged overheating. The higher the temperature and the longer the cooking time, the more carcinogens appear in the meat. An excellent source of heterocyclic amines is grilled chicken. Also, meat cooked in a pressure cooker will contain more carcinogens than just boiled meat, since in a hermetically sealed container the liquid boils at a much higher temperature than in air - use a pressure cooker less often.

Nitroso compounds spontaneously formed in vegetables, fruits and meat from nitrates at room temperature. Smoking, roasting and canning greatly enhance this process. Against, low temperatures inhibit the formation of nitroso compounds. Therefore, store vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator, and also try to eat them as raw as possible.

Carcinogens in the home

The main component of cheap detergents (shampoos, soaps, shower gels, bath foams, etc.) is sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate -SLS or Sodium Laureth Sulfate - SLES). Some experts consider it oncogenically dangerous. Lauryl sulfate reacts with many components cosmetic preparations resulting in the formation of carcinogenic nitroso compounds (see).

The main source of mycotoxins is the “toad”, which “suffocates” the hostess when she sees slightly rotten cheese, bread or small spot molds on jam. Such products must be thrown away, since removing mold from products only saves you from eating the fungus itself, but not from the aflatoxins that it has already managed to secrete.

On the contrary, low temperatures slow down the release of mycotoxins, so refrigerators and cold cellars should be used more. Also, do not eat rotten vegetables and fruits, as well as products with expired expiration dates.


Viruses capable of transforming infected cells into cancer cells are called oncogenic. These include.

  • Epstein-Barr virus - causes lymphomas
  • Hepatitis B and C virus can cause liver cancer
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a source of cervical cancer

In fact, there are much more oncogenic viruses; only those whose influence on tumor growth has been proven are listed here.

Vaccines can protect against certain viruses, such as hepatitis B or HPV. Many oncogenic viruses are sexually transmitted (HPV, hepatitis "B"), therefore, in order not to "work up" cancer, you should avoid sexually risky behavior.

How to Avoid Exposure to Carcinogens

From what has been said, several simple recommendations, which will significantly reduce the impact of oncogenic factors on your body.

  • Quit smoking.
  • How women can avoid breast cancer: have children and breastfeed for a long time, refuse replacement therapy postmenopausal hormones.
  • Drink only high-quality alcohol, preferably not very strong.
  • Do not abuse beach holiday, refuse to visit the solarium.
  • Do not eat very hot food.
  • Eat less fried and grilled food, do not reuse fat from pans and deep fryers. Give preference to boiled and stewed foods.
  • Make more use of the refrigerator. Do not purchase products in dubious places and markets, follow their expiration dates.
  • Drink only clean water, use household water filters more widely (see).
  • Reduce the use of cheap cosmetics and personal care products and household chemicals (see).
  • When carrying out finishing work at home and in the office, give preference to natural building materials.

How not to get cancer? We repeat - if you remove at least some of the carcinogens from your life, you can reduce the risk of cancer by 3 times.

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