Loperamide capsule composition. Antidiarrheal drug for adults and children loperamide. Side effects and special instructions

Akrikhin HFC (Russia)

pharmachologic effect


Interacts with opiate receptors of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the intestinal wall and inhibits the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandin.

Slows down peristalsis and increases the time of passage of intestinal contents.

Increases the tone of the anal sphincter, helps to retain feces and reduce the urge to defecate.

Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolized in the liver.

The time to reach the maximum concentration is about 8.5 hours after taking the solution and 5 hours after taking the capsules; binds to plasma proteins by 97%.

The half-life is 9-14 hours (mean 11 hours), it is excreted mainly in the form of conjugates with bile and feces.

Adverse reactions

Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation or bloating (rare).

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​​​various genesis (allergic, emotional, medicinal, radiation; with a change in diet and qualitative composition of food, with metabolic and absorption disorders; as an adjuvant for diarrhea of ​​​​infectious genesis).

Stool regulation in patients with ileostomy.

Contraindications Loperamide

Hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, acute ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, diarrhea against the background of acute pseudomembranous enterocolitis, dysentery and other infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy (1 trimester), lactation, children under 2 years of age (The drug is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age).


Liver failure.

Method of application and dosage

For acute diarrhea:

  • adults - 4 mg, then 2 mg;
  • children (over 6 years) - 2 mg, then 2 mg after each liquid stool.

For chronic diarrhea:

  • adults - 4 mg, then at a dose that provides stool frequency 1-2 times a day (2-12 mg per day); the maximum daily dose is 16 mg;
  • children - 2 mg, then similarly select the dose, but not exceeding the maximum daily dose (6 mg per 20 kg of body weight).



  • CNS depression (stupo,
  • lack of coordination
  • drowsiness,
  • muscle hypertension,
  • respiratory depression,
  • intestinal obstruction.


  • Naloxone is used as an antidote.

Given that the duration of action of loperamide is longer than that of naloxone, repeated administration of the antagonist is possible.

Immediately after an overdose, activated charcoal is administered and the stomach is washed; if necessary, support the function of breathing.


No information.

special instructions

During the treatment of diarrhea (especially in children), it is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes.

If within 48 hours of acute diarrhea there is no clinical improvement or constipation, bloating, partial intestinal obstruction develops, loperamide should be discontinued.

Patients with hepatic dysfunction should be closely monitored for signs of CNS toxicity.

In case of occurrence, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness or dizziness, it is not recommended to drive a car or work with machinery.

Which appeared so inopportunely before a wedding, important exams, during an urgent trip or a long-awaited vacation, it is difficult to find something more convenient to use than this inexpensive and effective drug. However, in its use there are important nuances that must be taken into account.

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal agent.

When taking, you need to be guided by the instructions for use. It is recommended to start with a double dose of 4 mg, moving from the next dose of the drug to a dose of 2 mg. However, if the diarrhea is not pronounced, do not double the dose, it is better to start with 2 mg, and continue to be guided by your well-being. For a day, you can not take more than 16 mg of the drug. Features of the use of various dosage forms of loperamide:

  • capsules are taken with water in an amount of at least 250 ml;
  • chewable tablets should not be swallowed without chewing them thoroughly;
  • shake the suspension well before use, measuring it with a measuring spoon

Take the drug on an empty stomach or with meals, trying to drink as much liquid as possible. There is no exact scheme for its use, unless loperamide is prescribed by a doctor as part of a comprehensive treatment.

If an overdose occurs, first of all, you need to seek qualified medical advice, at least call an ambulance. This can be understood by the following symptoms: confusion, pain and swelling in the intestines, extremely rare urination.

If they are joined by swelling of the face, throat, skin itching with red spots, it is possible that this is how side effects from taking the drug manifest themselves in the form of Side effects can also be manifested by increased diarrhea, the appearance of blood in the stool. In such cases, delay is unacceptable, urgent medical consultation is needed. Such phenomena are extremely rare, the most that can threaten when taking the drug is constipation for 1-3 days, slight lethargy, rarely dizziness

Loperamide: indications for use

Loperamide: release form - tablets

Indications for the use of loperamide is diarrhea or The name of the drug itself and the name of the main active substance, its active base are identical. They are similar in their effect and contain loperamide in their composition, such drugs as Enterobene, Laremid, Lopedium. Loperamide reduces the intensity of intestinal contractions, which consistently move the food bolus along it. Due to this, food does not rush through the digestive tract at an unusual speed, both liquid and nutrients have time to be absorbed through the intestinal walls, and dehydration of the body does not occur.

In addition, under the action of the drug, the amount of mucous secretion produced by the intestinal walls decreases, and the density of feces approaches normal. At the same time, the drug increases the tone of the anal sphincter, which almost completely eliminates the endless urge to defecate, these unpleasant symptoms of intestinal upset.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it only relieves the unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea, but cannot cope with its cause.

Before you start using loperamide, you need to be sure that diarrhea does not appear as a result of food poisoning. It is in such cases that it is extremely undesirable to fight diarrhea, because with the help of loose stools, the body gets rid of it and does not allow the products of bacteria and toxins to be absorbed into the blood. Indications for the use of loperamide may be such conditions as:

  • diarrhea caused by nervous system overload, stress (“bear disease”);
  • "traveler's diarrhea", caused by a change in climate, habitual diet;
  • chronic bowel disease,
  • condition after chemotherapy;
  • when the contents of the intestine in severe diseases are excreted through an opening in the abdominal wall.

Without consulting a doctor, loperamide can be used only in the first and second cases, and even then, if, in addition to diarrhea, there are no such symptoms: fever, headaches, blood in the stool, fever, abdominal pain.

Prohibitions and restrictions in taking loperamide

If the drug is taken for a short time, only as a symptomatic agent, then as soon as the stool returns to normal, it should be stopped. Since loperamide can depress the nervous system in large doses, it is forbidden to use it in children under 6 years of age and with extreme caution in adolescents under 12 years of age. The effect of the drug on the central nervous system is due to a ban on during treatment, as well as on driving a car. It should be taken into account that the period of excretion of the drug from the body is quite long, that is, long-term consequences are possible.

As for taking loperamide during pregnancy, it is better to refrain from it, especially the first 3 months. If it is absolutely necessary to use the drug, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor and minimize the dosage. The drug taken during breastfeeding enters in the amount of 0.03%, however, even such a meager dose can cause slow breathing and drowsiness in the infant. Medical contraindications to the use of loperamide will be erosions, intestinal ulcers and diverticulosis in order to avoid perforation of the intestinal walls and occurrence. It cannot be used for bacterial intestinal infections and, as well as for reduced liver function.

Inexpensive and effective, loperamide is used as a symptomatic treatment for non-infectious diarrhea. At the same time, careful consideration of contraindications and compliance with the required dosage is necessary.

Can children be given a medicine such as loperamide, you can find out from the video:

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Update: October 2018

Loperamide is a fast-acting antidiarrheal drug that is taken orally immediately after the onset of loose stools. It does not affect the etiological cause of diarrhea, it is a symptomatic remedy that slows down intestinal motility, therefore it cannot be considered as the main treatment (see).

Pharmacological group: Symptomatic remedy for diarrhea.

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

The drug is available in 2 dosage forms for oral administration: Loperamide capsules and tablets.



Base substance Loperamide hydrochloride - 2 mg
Excipients Potato starch, granulac-70, calcium stearate Pregelatinized starch, pressed sucrose, magnesium stearate
Physiochemical properties Tablets, flat, beveled, white White capsules with white-cream powder inside
Package Tablets of 10 units in a contour pack. In a carton box - 1 or 2 packs Gelatin capsules of 10 pieces in cell packs, 1 or 2 packs in a carton box
Price From 20 rubles for 10 tablets
From 30 rubles for 10 tablets

pharmachologic effect

Loperamide hydrochloride after oral administration quickly binds to intestinal wall receptors, reduces motility and tone of smooth muscle fibers and slows down the movement of feces by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins and acetylcholine. At the same time, the loss of fluid and electrolytes with feces decreases. Increasing the tone of the sphincter of the anus contributes to a more effective retention of feces and a decrease in the number of urges to empty the intestines. The duration of the drug is 4-6 hours.


It is absorbed by 40% of the initial amount, combining with blood plasma proteins by 97%. It takes 2.5 hours to reach the maximum concentration in the blood. The half-life of the metabolites of the drug from the body is 9-14 hours.

Almost completely metabolized by the liver (conjugation method). It is excreted mainly through the intestines, and only a small part is excreted by the kidneys in the form of conjugates.

Instructions for use Loperamide

The instructions for use of Loperamide indicate that the drug is not an etiological drug, i.e. unable to suppress the growth of pathogenic intestinal flora.

Symptomatic treatment of diarrhea (chronic and acute) of various origins:

  • infectious (as an adjuvant)
  • allergic
  • emotional
  • radiation (after radiation therapy)
  • medicinal (against the background of taking medical treatment, for example, antibiotic therapy)
  • functional, associated with a change in diet, type and composition of food
  • against the background of metabolic and absorption disorders.

It is also prescribed for the correction of stool in patients with ileostomy (surgical intervention, when a loop of the ileum is brought to the abdominal wall to form a fistula) - to reduce the frequency and amount of stool, as well as a denser consistency of stool.

Can Loperamide be given to children?

It is possible, starting from 4 years (tablets) and 6 years (capsules), but as directed by a doctor who must determine the cause of diarrhea. In the case of poisoning and intestinal infections, the retention of feces leads to greater intoxication and a deterioration in the general condition.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Hypersensitivity to any components of the drug;
  • Lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Acute ulcerative colitis;
  • Diarrhea associated with acute pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • Constipation;
  • Children's age up to 6 years (capsules) and up to 4 years (tablets);
  • Use as monotherapy for dysentery and other gastrointestinal infections;
  • Conditions in which the development of inhibition of intestinal peristalsis is unacceptable.


  • In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, it is possible to prescribe only in cases where the benefit of therapy for a pregnant woman outweighs the risk to the fetus.
  • Use with caution in liver failure - if necessary, this treatment is carefully monitored for possible signs of toxic liver damage.
  • If there is no clinical improvement within 2 days of using Loperamide, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • If constipation and bloating are noted during treatment, the drug is canceled.
  • Care should be taken if it is necessary to control mechanisms and a car - it is possible to slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions.
  • During the treatment period, the loss of water and electrolytes is necessarily replenished.

Dosage and administration

Loperamide capsules and tablets are prescribed for oral administration. Accept without chewing, washing down with water.

  • Adult patients: two capsules / tablets at the first dose (4 mg), and then one capsule / tablet (2 mg) after each act of defecation until diarrhea stops, observing the maximum daily dose.
  • Children : one capsule/tablet after each bowel movement until diarrhea stops, observing the maximum daily dose.
  • Maximum daily dose: adults - 8 capsules (16 mg), children - 3 capsules (6 mg).

After normalization of the stool or with more than 12 hours of absence of stool, Loperamide is canceled.

Side effects

More often can be observed with prolonged or uncontrolled use.

  • Skin allergic reactions like urticaria, less often - bullous rash;
  • Lethargy or insomnia;
  • Hypovolemia and electrolyte disturbances;
  • intestinal colic;
  • gastralgia (stomach pain);
  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Nausea, flatulence, vomiting;
  • Rarely - urinary retention, extremely rarely - intestinal obstruction.


CNS depression develops in the form of stupor, muscle hypotonia, impaired coordination, miosis, respiratory depression, drowsiness, intestinal obstruction. There is a specific antidote - naloxone, in addition to which symptomatic treatment is also carried out.

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in the online pharmacy site: from 14

Pharmacological properties

Composition and form of release

The drug Loperamide is intended for oral internal administration and is produced in the form of drops, capsules and tablets. All types of the drug have one purpose and are used to treat diarrhea of ​​any origin. Tablets and capsules can be prescribed to children who have reached the age of six, as well as to adult patients. Drops can be given to infants who are not yet one year old. In Russia, drops are not freely available due to the fact that women often give the drug to babies on their own without consulting a doctor, which leads to serious consequences for babies: from complications to death. The constituent components of the drug are the following substances:

  • loperamide (the main active ingredient);
  • lactobiosis;
  • corn starch;
  • polysorb;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate or calcium.
  • Indications for use

  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • use of other medicines;
  • exposure to stress, strong emotions and experiences;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • change in diet;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • lack of minerals;
  • transferred ileostomy.
  • The effectiveness of Loperamide against diarrhea of ​​any origin has been proven by numerous positive reviews and the popularity of the drug.

    International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

  • A.04.9. Intestinal infectious diseases caused by bacteria;
  • A.09. Loose stools and catarrh of the stomach and intestines, caused by infections and bacteria;
  • K.52.2. Allergic reactions that develop in the gastrointestinal tract in response to food;
  • K.59.1. Continuous or intermittent bowel dysfunction, manifested by increased bowel movements;
  • Z.93.2. Presence of an ileostomy.
  • Side effects

    Taking the medication can cause a number of adverse reactions of the body, which disappear after the end of the medication and are expressed in the following symptomatic signs:

  • allergy;
  • skin rashes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vertigo;
  • decrease in the volume of circulating blood;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • dry mouth;
  • spasms of the intestines;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • bloating;
  • ischuria;
  • intestinal obstruction.
  • Contraindications

  • increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance to the elements of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • immune inflammation of the colon mucosa;
  • diverticulosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by infections;
  • the period of bearing a child in the first three months;
  • the period of natural feeding of the baby;
  • children under two years of age;
  • the presence of blood in the feces;
  • difficult defecation;
  • flatulence;
  • violation of one or more liver functions.
  • Application during pregnancy

    During the period of bearing a child, as well as during the period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to take the medication only as prescribed by the attending physician, following his instructions. It is strictly forbidden to use the medication in the first three months of pregnancy. Then the medication is taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, in case of emergency. In any case, it is necessary to take the medication in the most minimal dosages so as not to have a strong effect on the fetus developing in the womb. The drug passes into breast milk, so during the period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to stop natural feeding.

    Method and features of application

    The drug is intended for oral internal administration. The drug is used to treat diarrhea of ​​any origin. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and drops. Drops are forbidden to be sold on the territory of the Russian Federation, since the drug is used to treat infants up to a year old, and mothers often give it to children without a prescription from the attending physician, which provokes the risk of complications and mortality in infancy. Tablets and capsules are allowed to be given to children whose age has reached the age of six. It is necessary to take the drug as a whole, you can not cut, break, crumble or chew the medicine. The capsules are swallowed whole with a small amount of drinking water. The tablets are placed under the tongue, sucked, and then the remains are swallowed with saliva. The recommended dosage and duration of therapy are prescribed in the current instructions for use. The recommended initial dosage for adult patients and children from 12 years of age is 2 pieces at a time. Then you need to take one tablet after each trip to the toilet. The maximum amount of the drug per day is 8 pieces. In the chronic form of diarrhea, it is recommended to take 2 pieces of the drug per day. It is necessary to take the medication until the stool normalizes. Children, whose age ranges from six to eight years, are prescribed one capsule or tablet per day. Then the dosage is reduced to half a tablet. The maximum allowable dosage is 4 pieces per day. Children whose age varies from two to five years are prescribed half a tablet three times a day. Children under six years of age should not be given capsules, they are allowed to take the drug only in tablet form. The dosage for elderly patients is determined individually by the attending physician after the examination and identification of the cause of the disease. After the restoration of the defecation process, it is necessary to stop taking the medication. The maximum duration of therapy is five days. In the absence of a visible effect after two days of admission, you should stop taking the medication and contact your doctor who will prescribe another drug. With the manifestation of adverse reactions of the body, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the medication. During drug therapy, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of water in the body in order to avoid dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to comply with dietary nutrition. The drug should be taken with extreme caution in liver diseases, in order to avoid excessive stress on the organ. During the period of drug therapy, it is recommended to refuse to drive vehicles, as well as to perform work that requires concentration.

    Alcohol compatibility

    The drug Loperamide is not recommended to be taken in combination with the use of alcoholic beverages, as this can put an increased burden on the liver and nervous system. It is necessary to refuse the use of alcoholic beverages for the entire period of treatment with Loperamide.

    Interaction with other drugs

  • hypocholesterolemic drug Colestyramine;
  • antibacterial drug Co-trimoxazole;
  • the antiretroviral drug Ritonavir;
  • Quinidine.
  • Overdose

    Excessive use of the drug can cause cork reactions of the body, which are expressed in the following symptoms indicating an overdose of the drug:

  • movement disorder;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • drowsiness;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • respiratory failure;
  • intestinal obstruction.
  • In case of signs of overdose, it is recommended to contact your doctor for appropriate symptomatic assistance. Also, the attending physician will decide to reduce the dosage or completely cancel the drug and prescribe another drug that will help cope with the problem. First aid in case of overdose: gastric lavage, taking an antidote, taking an adsorbent.


    The drug Loperamide has several analogues, which are characterized by a similar pharmacological effect:

  • Imodium plus;
  • usara;
  • loflatil;
  • Diaremiks.
  • Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

    The drug is sold in pharmacies in the public domain. The buyer does not need to show the pharmacist a special prescription from the attending physician or a prescription sheet from a medical institution.

    Storage conditions

    The medication is recommended to be stored in a place isolated from the reach of children and penetration of any light sources at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is two years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the medication cannot be used and it is recommended to dispose of it in accordance with sanitary standards. Information on storage periods and rules of use is contained in the instructions.

    When a doctor prescribes a particular drug to a patient, very few consumers wonder what it helps. There are also drugs that are necessary for emergency use. These include antipyretic compounds, painkillers, and the latter include Loperamide tablets. From what they help - you will learn from the article. It is also worth mentioning what information the instruction carries to the consumer.

    What it is? Medication cost

    Medication "Loperamide" - capsules. They include the active substance of the same name in the amount of 2 mg per pill. The capsules also contain cornstarch, talc, and milk sugar. The medicine can also be found in the form of conventional tablets. In this case, among the additional components you will find potato starch, calcium stearate and granulac.

    The price of "Loperamide" directly depends on its form of release and the manufacturer. Capsules in the amount of 10 pieces will cost you from 20 rubles. Tablets cost about 17 rubles. The drug is also produced in larger quantities - 20 pills each. The cost also doubles.

    Tablets "Loperamide": what do they help from?

    The medicine acts on the human body with the help of the described main component. Indications for its use will be the following situations:

    • acute and chronic diarrhea;
    • viral or bacterial damage to the intestines with liquefaction of feces;
    • diarrhea associated with taking antibiotics or radiation therapy;
    • increased frequency of bowel movements due to a change in climate or diet;
    • the need to regulate the stool during an ileostomy.

    The medicine is sometimes used prophylactically. However, such a condition is not specified in the annotation. To get this appointment, you should consult a doctor. So, tablets "Loperamide" from what else help? The medicine is used for prophylactic purposes when changing the climate and diet, eating exotic foods that are unusual for your stomach. The composition can be used in the transition to vegetarianism and other directions in nutrition.


    The drug "Loperamide" is forbidden to use in case of hypersensitivity to its components. In this case, it is worth paying attention also to additional components. The composition can not be used for constipation and intestinal obstruction. Some diseases of the digestive tract may be a contraindication to the use of tablets. It is strictly forbidden to drink pills during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and subsequent lactation.

    The drug is not prescribed to young children without first consulting a doctor. Capsules are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. The composition is recommended with extreme caution in patients with hepatic insufficiency.

    Instructions for use

    Tablets "Loperamide" from what they help - you already know. In each case, an individual dosage of the drug is selected. This always takes into account the age of the patient and his complaints.

    • In acute diarrhea, the composition is prescribed 2 tablets (4 mg) at the first dose. With each subsequent act of defecation, one capsule (2 mg).
    • Chronic diarrhea involves the use of the drug 2 mg (one capsule) up to 6 times a day.
    • Use in children under 5 years is possible only in liquid form. In this case, a portion of 5 ml (cap) is calculated for every 10 kilograms of body weight.

    The drug is always used as needed. As soon as the stool has become formed and remains so for 12 hours, the use of the drug is canceled. Remember that long-term treatment and the use of large doses can lead to the development of adverse reactions.

    "Loperamide": the effect of the drug

    The main component of the drug binds to the intestinal walls in a short time after application. The medicine acts on the walls of the digestive tract, contributing to their relaxation. As a result, the perylstatic force is reduced. Also, the drug causes the production of prostaglandins. This increases the time it takes for digested food to pass through the intestines.

    The composition is rapidly absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract and concentrated in the liver. Only a small amount of the drug enters the systemic circulation. Tablets act after a minute and retain their effect for several hours (6-8). Despite such a long action, the medicine must be taken after each liquid stool, following the instructions for use.

    Negative influence

    The effect of the described remedy is not always exclusively positive. Sometimes the medication also causes side effects. The most common are skin rash, itching and urticaria. Less common is drowsiness, dizziness, impaired consciousness. It is for this reason that the manufacturer does not recommend combining treatment with hazardous activities.

    The drug may cause abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation or nausea. If such signs appear, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor. If within a few days of regular use you do not feel better, you should seek medical help. You may be experiencing infectious diarrhea that requires the use of additional medications.

    Instead of a conclusion

    You have learned about a drug that helps to cope with diarrhea of ​​various origins. The price of "Loperamide" is quite attractive. This drug has a popular but expensive counterpart. Its trade name is "Imodium". This medicine will cost you almost 10 times more than the drug described. It is for this reason that the described tool has such a high popularity among consumers of all ages.

    It must be remembered that sometimes diarrhea is caused by infectious causes. In this situation, in addition to the described medicine, additional preparations are also needed (antibiotics, sorbents, a complex of beneficial bacteria). Treatment of such a pathology should be carried out only in conjunction with a specialist. Good health to you, do not get sick!

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