Cause teeth crumble. The main reasons leading to the destruction of permanent and milk teeth. What to do if a piece remains after removal

Teeth crumble both in the elderly and in young children, and even in young people. Nobody is immune from this problem. because of similar pathology people have difficulty eating, their smile deteriorates, pain, and in the most extreme cases leads to loss of teeth.

Tooth decay is irreversible and grows exponentially. Therefore, for example, if you delay the restoration of a tooth for only 1-2 weeks, you will significantly increase your expenses for a dentist.

Why teeth crumble

Main reasons:

  • mechanical damage(consequences of opening bottles and cans with the mouth, cracking the shell of nuts, the habit of biting nails, pencils, pens, etc.);
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals (lack of vitamins D and E, as well as calcium weakens the enamel, this may be the result of malnutrition or chronic diseases, causing deficiency calcium);
  • wrong dental treatment(incompletely cured teeth become brittle);
  • bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth at night);
  • hormonal changes (if there is a malfunction endocrine system, pregnancy and menopause are violated protective functions enamel);
  • genetic predisposition (if parents had similar problems are likely to occur in children as well.

Residents of the north are especially prone to tooth decay. Quantity sunny days in the northern regions there is little, and without solar heat, people do not produce enough vitamin D and calcium absorption.

What diagnostics should be done

A standard dental examination is suitable for making a diagnosis - no special methods no diagnostics required. The only exceptions are situations when the root of the tooth has crumbled and the damage is not visible visually. In such cases, an X-ray examination is performed.

What to do?

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the tooth has crumbled, immediately make an appointment with the dentist. If you managed to collect the broken pieces, you need to take them to the dentist and show them.

In case of severe damage, it is desirable to exclude very hot and very cold food and drinks, which can provoke a painful reaction when the neurovascular tissue is exposed.

Restoration of teeth

Methods for restoring broken teeth:
  1. Sealing. This method is optimal if the damage is insignificant and its consequences can be eliminated by artistic restoration.
  2. Prosthetics. If the teeth are crumbling heavily, the doctor may recommend installing artificial crown or an inlay, veneers (composite or ceramic onlays) are suitable for the front teeth.

Crushed wisdom teeth are usually not restored. They account for only 2% of the total chewing load, so there is no point in saving them. The best solution in such cases is tooth extraction.

  1. Complete healthy eating. Constant consumption of foods rich in vitamins D and E, calcium and fluorine is a must. Dairy products, fish, nuts and liver should be on the menu.
  2. Vitamin therapy. In winter and spring period It is recommended to fill the lack of vitamins in the body.
  3. Fluorination. It is recommended to use fluoride-containing toothpastes, alternating them with toothpastes containing calcium. Periodically, you need to do professional fluoridation at the dentist (a special strengthening gel is applied to the enamel).
  4. Rejection of bad habits. Do not bite nails, pens, pencils, etc. Prevention of mechanical damage. Protective mouth guards must be worn during traumatic sports. Mouth guards are also needed for patients suffering from bruxism (they should be worn at night).
  5. Complete oral hygiene. By effectively preventing caries, we also prevent damage.

If the causes of the pathology are associated with diseases of the endocrine system, local strengthening will not be enough. It is necessary to cure the disease that provoked the fragility of the enamel.

Crumble teeth during pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied not only hormonal changes in the body, but also changes in metabolic processes. Child takes from mother nutrients, among which calcium is so necessary for teeth. Therefore it is very important that future mom with food she received a double dose of vitamins and minerals, which would be enough for both her and the baby.

Broken tooth in a child

Children often have loose teeth. Most common causes- lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as injuries. In order for a child's milk teeth to be healthy, it is necessary to provide him with good nutrition and strong immunity. You can choose dental treatment for children in private and public clinics.

The price of delay is the loss of a tooth

Without timely treatment the loss of a crumbled tooth cannot be avoided. At first, chips appear on them, then fractures occur, and over time they fall out, falling apart in pieces. The sooner the patient turns to the dentist, the more chances he will have to save his teeth.

The result of the treatment will also depend on the qualifications and experience of the dentist. Find good clinics in which they carry out effective recovery crumbled teeth, you can on our website.

It's a shame one day, habitually cracking another pistachio, suddenly find that a piece of the tooth has broken off. What is connected with this sudden loss strength? Why do teeth crumble? How to deal with it?

Why do teeth crumble

Only a dentist can accurately determine the cause of the fragility of dental tissues. But as a rule, one of the following factors has an influence:

  1. Disruptions in metabolism. At healthy person saliva cleanses the oral cavity and saturates the enamel with calcium. Pathologies such as intestinal inflammation, fermentopathy, hyperacidity provoke change acid-base balance saliva: it becomes acidic and begins to erode the teeth.
  2. Poor care oral cavity. Almost everyone has a tooth hidden in their mouth, which the brush practically does not reach: usually these are the second molars. It is in them that foci of caries gradually form. As a result, the decayed tooth slowly crumbles.
  3. Sharp temperature changes. Enamel is the strongest tissue in the body, but even it cannot withstand the constant game of "cold-hot": drinking ice cream with freshly boiled tea is a bad idea.
  4. Mechanical trauma to the teeth. Many in childhood acquire the habit of melancholy chewing on a pen, watching the teacher. The situation is aggravated by the desire to literally get food for oneself with teeth: open bottles with them, crack nuts, untie “dead knots” on bags of cookies ... Gradually, imperceptible microcracks form on the enamel, which weakens the tooth.
  5. Eating disorders. Incorrectly distributed chewing load leads to premature grinding of teeth and increase their fragility. On a par with bite problems, you can put the habit of grinding your teeth in a dream or clenching your jaw tightly in moments of anger: the result is the same.
  6. Lack of vitamins. The most acute teeth experience a lack of vitamin D, which is found in large quantities in fish, and also formed in the body under the influence of sunlight. Without vitamin D, calcium is less well absorbed, which leads to crumbling of the teeth.
  7. Change hormonal background. This is especially true for pregnant women: rarely any woman, bearing a child, does not face increased fragility of her teeth. This can also be observed during menopause and in adolescence.
  8. Some diseases. Among the "leaders" are arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes. Crumbling teeth should be the reason for a serious medical examination.

In fact, one can guess for a long time what exactly caused the “crumbled” teeth, but one cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Why do teeth crumble in a small child

It happens that the baby’s newly appeared teeth immediately begin to crumble. This could be the culprit:

1. Violation prenatal development. It is very important for the fetus to receive all the necessary trace elements. In particular, for future healthy teeth, he needs iodine, calcium and fluorine. Their deficiency occurs for the following reasons:

  • unbalanced diet pregnant, the lack of dairy products in her diet;
  • severe toxicosis in the first trimester: due to nausea, the body cannot fully absorb food;
  • a woman taking certain medications during pregnancy (for example, tetracycline).

2. Wrong diet. During sleep, saliva is secreted less actively and cannot clean the oral cavity. Therefore, the habit of feeding the baby at night or letting him fall asleep by sucking on a bottle leads to the development of bottle caries. Damaged teeth become weak.
3. Lack of oral care. Your baby's teeth should be brushed immediately after teething. Otherwise, they will spoil very quickly.
4. genetic predisposition. Heredity affects all aspects of a child's health. In cases where parents themselves suffer from dental problems, it is naive to hope that the enamel of the born baby will be strong.

Finding crumbling teeth small child, you need to urgently show it to the doctor. It is a mistake to believe that damaged teeth will fall out, and healthy and beautiful ones will grow in their place. Bad milk teeth give an almost 100% guarantee that the permanent ones will be just as problematic.

What to do

It will not work to get rid of the problem of crumbling on your own: if the tooth is already so weakened and destroyed that it has begun to crumble, it needs the help of a doctor. Treatment directly depends on the cause that provoked the pathology:

  • with a lack of vitamins, the doctor prescribes multivitamin complexes and also restores damaged areas of teeth;
  • when the teeth are affected by caries, the damaged tissues are drilled out and the tooth is filled;
  • with a broken bite is shown orthodontic treatment- the position of the teeth is corrected with mouthguards or braces;
  • Chronic diseases need to be treated.

It is also important to clarify with the dentist the most suitable means for dental care: toothbrush with bristles what stiffness is better to prefer, is it possible to use electric brush whether it makes sense to avoid fluoride toothpastes, etc.

In addition to direct treatment, you should follow some recommendations to strengthen your teeth:

  1. Include dairy products, fish, cereals, nuts, citrus fruits, fresh herbs, cabbage, bananas, apples, tomatoes in your menu. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for teeth and gums.
  2. Go for walks daily. The body needs the sun's rays: the light of an electric lamp is categorically insufficient.
  3. Rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions. Chamomile is best suited for this purpose, oak bark, sage.
  4. Give up the habit of chewing on hard objects: there are things that are really “too tough” for a person.
  5. Do not injure the enamel with sudden changes in temperature. Do not drink excessively hot or cold drinks.
  6. Rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after every meal.
  7. Quit smoking. The harm from a cigarette far outweighs the pleasure derived from it. Nicotine not only “decorates” the enamel with a yellow-brown coating, but also makes it very vulnerable to external influences.

The above tips are relevant both during the treatment period and after it: following simple recommendations will prevent crumbling teeth.

In general, it can be said that in healthy body healthy teeth. Proper nutrition, active image life and the rejection of bad habits will provide a fairly high chance of saving all the teeth up to old age. And if you also visit the dentist at least once a year, then nothing will threaten your smile at all.

The quality of the teeth in the human oral cavity affects the processes of digestion. From the performance of the chewing function will depend on the processing of food in following departments gastrointestinal tract. Problems with teeth are reflected not only in the aesthetic appearance, but also in the quality of chewing food. So, you notice that the tooth is crumbling. What to do in such a situation? Let's figure it out together, and also find possible ways problem solving.

general information

The top of the tooth is covered with a layer of enamel, which gives it not only smoothness, but also hardness. Beneath it lies dentin, the hardest substance in the human body. The peculiarity of these two components is the inability to recover after the defeat. If the tooth began to crumble, then it is almost impossible to stop the process. You have to visit the dentist.

Each person has enamel and dentin individual characteristics. Therefore, it happens that the destruction process leads to chipping off entire pieces. The uneven edges of the teeth can lead to injury to the tongue and mucous membranes. Often develop inflammatory processes.

Teeth crumble: causes

Similar problems occur not only in adults, but also in children. However, the causes of pathologies may differ. Before asking a question about when a tooth crumbles, what to do, you need to understand the reason. The following factors can provoke this process in adults:

  1. Hormonal disorders in the body. The risk group includes women in position, elderly patients. Increasing the acidity of saliva leads to the destruction of enamel.
  2. If teeth crumble, the reason may lie in malnutrition. A large number of semi-finished products in the diet, frozen fruits and vegetables disrupt the intestines. And this negatively affects the condition of the teeth. The love of coffee with ice cream is generally detrimental to enamel. After all, in this case there is a simultaneous effect of cold and hot temperature.
  3. Mechanical damage to teeth. It can occur while opening bottles with your teeth. The same "result" is obtained when cracking nuts. Grinding teeth at night can also lead to the destruction of enamel. It's important to know about this.
  4. Cracked teeth can be the result the following pathologies: diabetes mellitus, work disturbances thyroid gland, arthritis.
  5. Improper oral care or no oral care at all .
  6. Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin D.
  7. Caries. It is very important to treat pathology with a competent dentist. A poorly cleaned tooth with a filling applied will lead to destruction after a while.
  8. Having a bad bite.
  9. Use tap water containing harmful trace elements.

The presence of several provoking factors accelerates the destruction of teeth.

How to help children

Why do teeth crumble in an adult? The causes of pathology in children may differ slightly. These include:

  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Diet with a lack of calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements and vitamins during the bearing of the baby. This affects the quality of the implanted teeth in the fetus.
  • Heredity. Poor enamel quality can be inherited. If the parents' teeth began to decay early, then it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the child's oral cavity.
  • Bad habits: thumb sucking, nail biting, eating unwashed vegetables and fruits.
  • An excess of sweets, muffins, foods with preservatives deplete the diet of vitamins and minerals, which leads to tooth decay.

  • Inappropriate oral care. Parents should teach their child how to properly brush their teeth and make sure that the procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  • Violated bite. Violation of the dentition in childhood good for correction. Don't let the problem run its course.

Risk of tooth decay in children

If a child's teeth begin to collapse, then this should not be left unattended. You need to visit a dentist. In childhood, crumbling of enamel is doubly dangerous, since a violation of the process of chewing food will end in a disorder of metabolic processes. In a child's body, everything can lead to beriberi.

A visit to the dentist will help to find out the cause of this condition. This will save the child from the problem in the future.

How to help at home with crumbling teeth

If a piece of enamel has broken off from the tooth, then you should rush to the dentist before the infection gets inside. It will provoke the development of the inflammatory process, everything can end with the loss of a tooth.

With a large injury, the nerve can be exposed, which will provoke the appearance of pain. If it is not possible to immediately visit a doctor, then you can take the following measures that will make things easier:

  • With a strong pain syndrome you can take "Nurofen" or "Ketanov".
  • To avoid infection, it is often necessary to rinse your mouth with a salt solution: a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.

  • To prevent food from getting inside the tooth, you can close the hole with chewing gum.

All of the above measures do not replace a visit to the dentist. These are only temporary measures to alleviate the condition.


Wisdom tooth crumbles or any other? Then we go to the doctor. He may suggest the following:

  1. Mineralization. Applications are made to the damaged areas, saturating the tooth tissue with fluorine and calcium. The duration of treatment is determined taking into account the severity of the pathology.
  2. Enamel coating with a special varnish. It increases strength, due to the formation of a protective film on top.
  3. Extensive damage can be repaired with a filling.
  4. Artificial crowns and veneers can be used when the tooth is destroyed by 80%.

In each case, the dentist chooses an individual treatment program.

Restoring a broken tooth

Consider another method, which is the most gentle. It's about about restorative therapy. It consists of several stages:

  1. A course of fluoride preparations. The doctor may prescribe, as an alternative, the use of natural products containing this element: fish, liver, nuts, dairy products.
  2. Vitamins for strengthening teeth. The complex must contain vitamins of groups E and D.
  3. Rinse the mouth with firming infusions and herbal preparations.
  4. Fluoridation through the use of medicinal pastes.

An integrated approach to treatment will help to cope with the problem of crumbling teeth.

Helping a child

When such a problem overtakes a baby, the first step is to establish the cause. The child has a broken tooth. What to do? First of all, visit a dentist, who is likely to offer the following therapy program:

  • Strengthening enamel with therapeutic and prophylactic pastes.
  • On the initial stage destruction effectively use fluorine varnish. The film will help maintain the integrity of the tooth.
  • Limit the use of sweets, it is better to replace them with fruits.
  • Make sure that the child does not put objects in his mouth that can injure his teeth.
  • Add foods rich in minerals and vitamins to the diet if the child's teeth crumble.
  • Teach your child how to properly care for the oral cavity.
  • Visit your dentist regularly to identify problems and fix them.

The task of parents is to monitor the condition of the baby's teeth. This will avoid more serious problems in future.

Foods good for teeth

We have been told all the time since childhood that the sweet in large quantities harmful not only for the figure, but also for the condition of the enamel. Then a reasonable question arises: "What foods are good for teeth?". Below is a list of them:

  1. Water. It turns out that this liquid is a source of fluoride intake into the body. Drinking water cleans the teeth, washing away food debris and plaque from them.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are not only a source of vitamins and minerals, but the process of chewing them strengthens the gums, improves blood circulation in the oral cavity.
  3. Nuts and seeds contain essential for healthy teeth fatty acid, phosphorus and calcium.
  4. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the gums.
  5. Seaweeds such as seaweed. They contain iodine, necessary for normal functioning thyroid gland. The state of the whole organism depends on its work.
  6. Chicory may well replace harmful coffee.
  7. Herbal tea is not only a source useful substances but also prevents and reduces inflammation in the oral cavity.

By adding as many healthy foods as possible to your diet, you can be sure of the beauty of your smile.


If the tooth crumbles, what should I do? This issue is becoming relevant. But it may be better to prevent destruction, so as not to carry out long-term treatment. Tooth decay prevention measures include:

  • Choosing the right toothbrush. It should not be too hard so as not to injure the enamel and mucous membrane of the gums. Adults after eating, it is important not only to rinse their mouth, but also to use dental floss.

  • If there is a hereditary predisposition to tooth decay from childhood, it is advisable for a child to use special tooth elixirs and pastes to strengthen the enamel.
  • Get rid of bad habits: gnaw nuts with your teeth, seeds. Visit the dentist regularly, even if nothing bothers you. Timely cleaning of crowns will relieve the appearance of tartar.
  • Try to get rid of gnashing of teeth. If the problem cannot be solved, then you can use mouth guards at night, they will protect the enamel from destruction.
  • Drink twice a year vitamin complex, including calcium, fluorine, vitamin D. It will not only improve the condition of dental tissue, but also make hair, nails stronger, and skin will change.
  • Dairy products, vegetables and fruits, seafood, nuts and liver should be regularly present in the diet.
  • The use of herbal decoctions for rinsing the mouth will strengthen the gums and have a positive effect on the teeth.
  • Quit smoking, nicotine has pernicious influence and the condition of tooth enamel.
  • During physical activities avoid injury to gums and teeth.
  • AT daily care behind the teeth, turn on and massage the gums.

It is much easier to prevent tooth decay than to restore them later. Many people forget about this.

Summing up

According to the reviews of patients who have encountered such a problem, we can say that the lack of treatment for crumbling teeth is almost a 100% guarantee of their complete destruction. The sooner the recovery process is started, the more successful it will be. Regular visits to the dentist will save you from expensive treatment of any dental problems.

If we compare the value of any organ in the human body with the value of teeth, then they lose, but this is only at first glance. After all, now dentistry is developed so much that any fallen tooth can be replaced with an implant or a crown. Relying on prosthetics, many do not pay due attention to oral care. Why are people horrified when they notice that their teeth are crumbling.

Why is it dangerous when teeth crumble

In no case should such a phenomenon be ignored, especially if it occurs in young children. It depends on how well he will chew food. Even in adults, such foods can lead to metabolic problems and indigestion. And in children, this can cause problems such as beriberi.

But before taking any action, you should figure out what preceded the fact that the teeth crumble. For example, if a person opened a bottle with his teeth before, then you should not be surprised at such a process. It is quite another matter if the crumbling is constant. In this case, it is necessary to contact a dentist who will help to find out the reasons.

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Why is this happening

When patients who have crumbling teeth turn to the doctor, the doctor may consider this phenomenon as a separate dental disease or as a sign general illness. Reasons for brittle teeth include:


Problems that are related to metabolism, such as intestinal inflammation, high acidity, or fermentopathy. Such conditions lead to a change in the acid-base balance. If it is normal, then saliva disinfects and washes the teeth, and also nourishes them with calcium. When imbalance occurs, it becomes acidic. Such saliva begins to corrode the enamel, as a result of which it becomes brittle and porous.

Disturbed hormonal background

This phenomenon is most often observed in women during menopause or pregnancy, in children during puberty, as well as in people with thyroid diseases.

Lack of oral hygiene

People with cracks and fissures at the base of the teeth need to be careful, as this is the most favorite place for caries. There, carious foci begin to form, which destroy bone tissue. If this is not dealt with, that a person will simply remove pieces of the tooth from his mouth.


Teeth crumble when there is not enough calcium in the saliva. This deficiency may be due to improper diet, which lacks carrots, cottage cheese, milk.

Lack of vitamin D in the body

This vitamin is present in sunlight. Therefore, mothers with small children should walk on fresh air, and in winter give children a few drops of this vitamin.


crumbling - frequent sign indicating diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis.


Tooth fragility can be inherited. It is impossible to cope with genes, but to carry out high-quality cleaning is a solvable problem.

Why do children's teeth crumble?

Milk teeth may begin to decay at an age when permanent teeth are far away. This should be a signal to go to the dentist.

Violation of intrauterine development

They arise due to the fact that the fetus receives little calcium, iodine and fluorine, as this is very important elements involved in the formation of teeth.

What to do in this situation

Dental tissue is unable to regenerate, so the problem cannot be dealt with on its own. Of course, you can leave everything as it is if the part has broken off due to injury. But if fragility is caused by others, do not mechanical causes, it is necessary to deal with this problem.

The dentist will prescribe some tests to help find out the cause of the crumbling, as it is possible that this symptom nothing to do with dentistry. If the cause is caries or other dental disease, then it must be eliminated, and then the loss should be restored with prosthetics or a simple aesthetic filling.

If the fragility of the teeth is observed in children, then they are recommended to do fissure sealing, enamel varnishing and silvering.

But the most important thing in treatment is good nutrition, as well as careful oral care, otherwise you will not cope with the problem, your teeth will still break. Therefore, do not forget about oral hygiene.

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Teeth crumble

Teeth crumble

Teeth crumble - this, you see, is not a very pleasant phrase. The problem itself becomes much more unpleasant if you had to face it personally. This sign indicates first of all the catastrophic condition of the teeth. There is no need to hope for a chance, and that this phenomenon will stop by itself. On the contrary, every day this condition of the teeth will only progress, so visit the dentist as soon as possible.

AT modern world Unfortunately, almost all people are faced with various problems with teeth. One of the most unpleasant is that teeth begin to crumble sharply. A small or large piece can break off from them, and not even one, so this is serious reason immediate medical attention.

Teeth may crumble for many reasons. Let's start the enumeration with a decrease in immunity and exacerbation of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disease. This includes a lot of stress.

Certainly the most main reason is considered a lack of calcium in the body. Its deficiency causes the destruction of bones, including teeth. Nicotine and the use of products that contain a large number of carbohydrates and sugar (also too hot or cold food), contribute to the destruction of the protective layer of the teeth.

Moreover, another factor that makes teeth crumble , is pregnancy: the baby needs calcium for development and growth, and he gets it from maternal organism. And, of course, this includes the usual mechanical damage. The reasons may be different: a blow or bad habit crack the shell of nuts, open a bottle with your teeth, bite the thread.

If a specific tooth is destroyed, there is a possibility that the reason lies precisely in it (for example, incipient caries). If there are several teeth, this is already clear sign that something is wrong in the body.

If such a nuisance happened to you, the most important advice here would be to go to the dentist as soon as possible! Do not leave the crumbling process to chance, otherwise it will only get worse. In our clinic you will be provided with all needed help. In such situations, the affected teeth are usually treated and some recommendations and contraindications are prescribed, which must be observed in order to fully recover. Remember that only a doctor can find the source of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

We will share with you universal recommendations for strengthening teeth:

  • ♦ don't forget to drink more often natural milk;
  • ♦ Eat more foods that contain calcium and fluoride (liver, fish, nuts);
  • ♦ take vitamins that strengthen teeth (vitamin D);
  • ♦ after eating and not only rinse your mouth herbal infusions;
  • ♦ take good care of your teeth and oral cavity;

Many people constantly use fluoride toothpastes, thinking that you are helping their teeth. It turns out that a large amount of this element harms the teeth. It comes to us inside with water and food. And in the case of its direct application to the teeth, the enamel begins to break down and fluorosis occurs (a chronic disease skeletal system). If you want to use a fluoride paste, use it for one week and normally the rest of the time.

Teeth begin to crumble for several reasons. The main reasons include the following. First, it is unqualified medical assistance. Unfortunately, a person faces this at every step, which is why it is important to choose a clinic responsibly. Unprofessional or incompletely treated teeth continue their further decay.

Teeth are also destroyed due to some violations of metabolic processes occurring in the body. For example, due to chronic diseases: diabetes, arthritis and others. These diseases cause thinning of tooth enamel, thereby exposing it to attack by microbes.

Sometimes any mechanical influences lead to the destruction of teeth: trauma to the jaw or blow. In this case, it is necessary to restore the lost part of the teeth.

Quite harmful is the use of too hard food, as well as clicking bones, nuts, biting threads and opening corks with your teeth.

Stress, nervous tension, unbalanced nutrition and poor environmental conditions lead to problems associated with tooth decay. As a result, they become very fragile. An important factor is heredity. If your next of kin have experienced the problem of crumbling teeth, there are quite a few high probability that you will develop this disease.

If the teeth crumble in children

The phenomenon of crumbling teeth in children is becoming extremely common. The reason is that the teeth of young patients are extremely fragile and have not yet fully formed. In view of yet weak immunity Children are more prone to dental problems than adults. One of the most important causes is caries of milk teeth. Children's body may also be deficient in important minerals, and calcium.

If teeth crumble during pregnancy

Often expectant mothers face unpleasant tooth decay. The reason is here hormonal changes that occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. Mineral metabolism changes, the fetus actively receives nutrients, therefore, naturally, a woman experiences a lack of calcium during this period, leading to the destruction of enamel.

In more adulthood Many people face the problem of tooth decay. The reason is that over the years, the gums lose strength and weaken, the teeth begin to weaken and atrophy. This inevitably leads to their destruction.

Teeth crumble - dentist's advice

Everyone knows that healthy teeth and a beautiful smile play a big role in our modern life. We are driven by the desire to live better, which is why we need dentists who can quality treatment with excellent aesthetic results. How not to make a mistake in choosing a clinic and find a good specialist? What is the reason for the appearance of dental diseases in people living in the northern regions? These and other questions will be answered by the dentist Svetlana Tikhonova from Yekaterinburg.

Svetlana, please tell us what dental problems occur among residents of the northern region?

- Judging by my own experience, I would like to divide the problems of the northerners into two parts. First, these are only problems of dentistry: great amount damaged teeth, tooth enamel sensitivity to temperature changes, increased gum bleeding, tooth mobility, as well as illiterate oral care. Secondly, this and Organizing time- there is a problem getting dental care: first of all, the lack of choice and the very possibility of obtaining appropriate dental care, the poor quality of dental treatment.

As a result, the inhabitants of the region get the following picture:

  • ♦ caries develops intensively - new decayed teeth, microcracks appear, which cause fragility of teeth, in other words, their crumbling
  • ♦ periodontal disease (there is bleeding gums, tooth mobility, and bad breath).
  • hypersensitivity(reaction to thermal stimulus causing pain).
  • ♦ enamel color changes.

What factors contribute to the development of these diseases?

- There are several reasons that can be named at once:

1) This is primarily due to the geographical location of the region itself, which is characterized by a lack sunlight and, accordingly, the body is deficient in vitamin D. Everyone knows that this vitamin is synthesized only under the influence of sunlight. It is not enough and calcium begins to be absorbed incompletely, metabolic processes occur more slowly.

2) Basically, this is a carbohydrate food. Most people don't eat fresh fruit, impregnated sunlight, and already lost freshness, frozen. Foods are often eaten heat treatment, which are stored for a long time, etc. All this leads to an inadequate intake of trace elements necessary for tooth enamel. Drinking water is also of low quality, without iodine and fluorine, which again leads to malnutrition and disorders in the body mineral metabolism substances.

3) sharp drop temperature causes a certain destruction and affects the quality of tooth enamel and the possibility of dental diseases.

4) insufficient hygiene mouth, low level sanitary and hygienic application awareness various means hygiene.

- Let's summarize. Why do teeth “crumble” anyway?

- So, all these problems are caused by an imbalance of mineral metabolism, inadequate dental hygiene, the lack of an adequate volume of medical services, timely accounting monitoring, quality emergency care. Together, these reasons affect the appearance of multiple dental diseases and are fully developed.

Good. Let's imagine that a potential patient has decided on a problem and decided to be treated. What should you pay attention to when choosing a clinic?

- An important task is to find a modernly equipped clinic, where highly professional specialists work and all sanitary and epidemiological requirements are carefully observed. Disposable instruments and individual service items must be used. Pay attention to the variety of services offered. The more it is, the best opportunities has a clinic and even more qualified and quality care you will be provided. Ask about the availability of a license, various certificates, as well as the qualifications of the clinic and the doctor treating you. Then, how detailed the consultation is, depends on how accurately the diagnosis is made and the course of treatment is determined.

I would especially like to note the X-ray. If, before the treatment itself, a complete x-ray examination, which implies a detailed picture, it is impossible to talk about a qualified consultation. Without this picture, the doctor makes a conclusion, mainly on the basis of the patient's complaints and his own definite opinion, i.e. misdiagnosis is made. An important aspect for treatment is the choice of materials and its cost.

It should be noted that the cost of services in dental clinics the northern region is at the price level of VIP centers in Yekaterinburg or even higher. Accordingly, when coming to Yekaterinburg, the patient will be able to receive a more professional and qualified assistance, at no additional cost.

- Svetlana Nikolaevna, what is your advice for our readers?

- It is impossible to give everyone the same universal advice. I am more accustomed to leaning towards the fact that the very process of treatment, choice filling materials must be individual. Only based on the results comprehensive survey The doctor has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Well, if they recommend a brush and paste that will suit all members of your family only on the basis of advertising, feel free to leave this clinic. Today, a qualified dentist has a fairly wide range of dental information, prescribing means preventive care and personal hygiene. This includes rinsing, dental floss, pharmacy medical preparations, toothpaste and a brush, which are prescribed strictly individually.

Most the best option is to have a personal personal dentist who will lead dispensary observation. Only constant cooperation with your own dentist will allow you to forget about the problems associated with your teeth forever.

We hope that this article will have a positive effect on you, and you will become more attentive to your own health!

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